Machine for straightening cast wheels: purpose, use


Alloy wheels are one of the basic accessories in terms of the design of any car, but at the same time they also affect its functionality, namely, its handling. This factor is ensured through the use of lightweight materials that contribute to good acceleration and braking of the vehicle. Over time, any cast disc becomes deformed. Most often this is caused by falling into potholes at high speeds or minor emergency situations. At this stage, the question usually arises: is it possible to repair a deformed cast disk?

The result of deformation is not only a violation of the visual component of the disc rim, but also a loss of the required geometry. Therefore, the problem is quite serious, as it affects safety. Stamped discs are much easier to repair, since a material such as steel can be easily repaired due to its properties. As a rule, to do this, it is enough to roll the rim on a special machine. But this method will not work for a cast disk. Only editing is allowed here. Let us consider in more detail the feasibility of the approach.

powder coating of wheels

Powder coating can restore the attractiveness of the disc.
The cost of painting one R16 alloy wheel, depending on the complexity of the work, is approximately 2000–3000 rubles. For a 21-diameter disc they will ask for 4000–5500 rubles. Powder coating can restore the attractiveness of the disc. The cost of painting one R16 alloy wheel, depending on the complexity of the work, is approximately 2000–3000 rubles. For a 21-diameter disc they will ask for 4000–5500 rubles.

Manufacturing of balancing machine

To extend the life of the wheels, they must be periodically balanced on an appropriate machine. You can also make this device for improving the quality of disks with your own hands.

And to do this you need to follow these steps:

  • make racks. To do this you will need 2 steel strips 30*4 mm. At the top of the rack in a semicircle with a diameter of 32, you need to install a ball bearing;
  • the base is made of a steel sheet with a thickness of 0.5 cm and dimensions of 30 * 50 cm. The sheet is attached to a pair of 3 * 4 cm wooden beams. The entire knot is secured with two pieces of 3*3 cm, 13.5 cm long;
  • the second rack is done in the same way. The distance between a pair of posts should be 15 cm. And their verticality can be checked with a level.

The simplest wheel balancing machine

disc painting

You can not cover the entire disc with acrylic paint, but, for example, apply a design.
You can not cover the entire disc with acrylic paint, but, for example, apply a design.

Painting stamped wheels is almost no different from painting a body. The surface is cleaned of dirt, washed, degreased and dried. Then they prime, paint and apply varnish.


If the damage to the disk is minor, it can be sent for rolling, both cast and steel. The equipment for rolling discs is the same - only the prices will differ. A steel disc is more repairable and cheaper to restore. Steel is more pliable, so rolling can remove axial runout, dents on the rim and other deformations. By the way, if a dent has formed on the rim so large that the seal of the wheel has been compromised, then in the case of a steel disk the bent edge can be straightened with a sledgehammer even in the field. But with a cast disk, such a trick, alas, will not work.

The procedure is as follows: the disc is rolled and pulled out using a hydraulic press with roller profiles. The geometry of the disk surface is monitored using a laser meter.

When is rolling possible?

When using alloy wheels, you often encounter mechanical damage. The road surface remains of poor quality, so deformations appear while driving. Using professional services, you can return the desired shape, but only if you choose the right material.

Only steel wheels are available for such repairs. Nowadays, light alloy structures are especially popular, surprising with their originality and beauty, but their restoration is not carried out in this way. Yes, some small workshops continue to offer such services, but you should not use them. It is better to clarify how the form will be returned.

Rolling discs on modern equipment eliminates new damage

If the dents are minor, it is also better not to take any serious action. They can aggravate the situation, so some drivers prefer to refuse any steps. When the load on the tires remains constant, there is no point in urgently contacting a car service center. You can continue traveling without thinking about possible troubles.

stamped disc

A stamped disc is easier to restore than a cast one.
That is why the prices for repairing such wheels are lower. A stamped disc is easier to restore than a cast one. That is why the prices for repairing such wheels are lower.

Approximate prices for rolling rims in Moscow, rub.

Diameter, inches Stamped _ Cast
13 400 600
14 500 700
15 600 900
16 700 1100
17 800 1300
18 900 1500
19 1000 1700

If the cast disc is slightly bent and can be balanced with additional weights, rolling may help. It will give the disk its original perfectly round shape. Plus, there will be fewer weights on the wheel. Universal weights are glued to the inside of the disk. In winter, with frequent temperature changes or when washing wheels under high pressure, the adhesive tape may not hold up and the load will fall off. And this will affect the wheel balancing. Let's not forget that air can escape from the tire through a small dent on the sidewall of the rim. Rolling will remove small dents. The whole process will take no more than an hour.

Feasibility of editing

As mentioned above, straightening and restoration are more suitable for stamped products. But it is still not recommended to repair alloy wheels in case of severe damage and cracks. Therefore, it can be observed that some car services even require the signing of a separate consent to repair such products.

This means that the car owner who submits the disc for correction is potentially aware of the degree of danger. The procedure itself is not cheap. Taking into account both factors, it is worth making a choice in favor of specialized workshops with a set of good equipment.

wheel balancing

Disc damage affects wheel balancing.
According to technical regulations, the maximum deviation should not exceed 0.5 mm, both in the axial and radial directions. If the indicators are higher, you will feel a beat on the steering wheel while driving even on a perfectly flat road. Disc damage affects wheel balancing. According to technical regulations, the maximum deviation should not exceed 0.5 mm, both in the axial and radial directions. If the indicators are higher, you will feel a beat on the steering wheel while driving even on a perfectly flat road.

If the dent is large, the rolling procedure takes two or more hours. To speed up the process, would-be craftsmen heat the dent site with a blowtorch. This should not be done under any circumstances. The fact is that a cast disk has a solid metal structure, and local heating will destroy this structure much more than rolling a “cold” disk. In places of heating, strong metal stresses will arise. If in the future the stress point falls into a hole, especially with sharp edges, this will provoke the destruction of the disk, which, in turn, can lead to a serious accident.

Argon welding

If there is a strong impact, cracks may form on one or more arms of the disc. But let’s say the driver decided to stop in time and check for damage to the wheel. I noticed a crack and installed a spare tire. Now you need to decide what to do with the damaged disk: throw it away or try to repair it?

How to roll car wheels

Inexpensive stamped discs can be restored in two ways: rolling and straightening. For rolling, special equipment is used, on which the damaged disk is installed. Pressure rollers fix its sides, and when the disk begins to rotate, it is pressed to restore its previous shape.

The rental can be full (when the entire disc is restored) or fragmented (what was damaged is corrected).

Before editing a cast model, the main role is played not by automated equipment, but by a master. The return of the correct geometry to the rim is carried out by a hydraulic press, and the quality of the result depends on the person doing the repair.

Minor defects are corrected immediately, and if the damage is severe, the place that needs to be reconstructed is first heated, when the metal from which the disc is made allows it, to a certain temperature.

For a number of reasons (for example, the impact was strong), cracks appear on the wheel rim, and also during straightening of the rim, microcracks are detected or appear. To eliminate them, argon-arc welding is used.


argon welding of the disc

Modern argon-arc welding machines make it possible to weld broken disk beams, eliminate a rim crack, and even weld a broken rim fragment.
The filler material is selected according to the composition of the disk. Let's say, if a disk bursts, it means that silicon predominates in its composition, and then they take silicon wire. If the disc is bent, its composition is dominated by magnesium. Magnesium wire is used. Modern argon-arc welding machines make it possible to weld broken disk beams, eliminate a rim crack, and even weld a broken rim fragment. The filler material is selected according to the composition of the disk. Let's say, if a disk bursts, it means that silicon predominates in its composition, and then they take silicon wire. If the disc is bent, its composition is dominated by magnesium. Magnesium wire is used.


to bend the disk will be An automobile disk is called On the disk is located Stamped disks are installed There are forged disks Rolling disks Roll disks. Automobile disks are directed Rolling disks disk geometry in relation to rolling. This means rolling disks are engaged in rolling cast Repair repair them or are subject to repair. for suspension repair Repair and Repair of disks Repair cast correctly repair wheels can be repaired. repair process namely in case of violation in case of violation in case of violation in case of

dent on the disk

Theoretically, such a specimen can be restored using argon welding, but the responsible craftsman will not undertake such work - the risk is too great.
Theoretically, such a specimen can be restored using argon welding, but the responsible craftsman will not undertake such work - the risk is too great.

Argon welding can eliminate almost any damage to the disk, even if it has broken into several parts. The damaged area of ​​the disk is cleaned, heated to its full depth, and boiled on both sides. Thus, the crack is filled with metal. After welding, the seams are ground, polished, and then the disc itself is balanced.

Approximate cost of welding disks with argon:

  • cost of welding seam per 1 cm - 150 rubles
  • fusing the disk side from the inside - 300 rubles per 1 cm
  • fusing the side from the outside - 400 rubles per 1 cm.

Do-it-yourself editing - is it possible?

Despite recommendations from manufacturers, numerous car owners are wondering whether it is worth fixing alloy wheels with their own hands. Here it is worth saying right away that the presence of significant deformations and irregularities in the geometric shape can be correctly and efficiently eliminated only in auto repair shops using special equipment.

You can straighten a cast disk yourself only in a number of cases. You can fix it yourself on the rim:

  • scratches;
  • chips;
  • minor violations of the integrity of the product.

How to edit a cast disk in this case:

  • Before carrying out the main procedure, the cast disc, after removing the rubber, needs to be thoroughly washed and then dried.
  • Perform a thorough inspection to determine the appropriate straightening method.
  • If cracks are present, argon arc welding will be required. To do this you will need a welding machine and the ability to work with it.
  • If there are no cracks, the restoration process continues. Using sandpaper, the surface is leveled and dust is removed.
  • Next, a two-component epoxy paste is applied.
  • After complete drying, sanding is performed again using fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Apply several layers of primer and dry each layer for 20 minutes. Craftsmen sometimes recommend drying the coating for at least a day.
  • Then painting and subsequent varnishing are carried out.

It is recommended to choose varnish material and paint from the same manufacturer. This will ensure better adhesion of materials.

Often, when dressing alloy wheels, spray paint is used, which is economical and can be applied without any difficulty. It is sprayed at a distance of about 25 cm from the surface of the product and then dried. Painting is carried out in several layers, since one layer is not enough to cover the primer coating. Each layer dries for at least 30 minutes. As soon as the latter dries, the varnish is applied.

After the procedures performed, the alloy wheels should be at rest for 5-6 days. In case of poor and poor-quality drying, the likelihood of scratches on the paint increases significantly. A good coating will be enough for the next few years. And by choosing inexpensive materials, editing will be profitable.

Professional workshops use more expensive materials. As a rule, the choice is made in favor of powder paint, which is more durable and resistant to chemical and mechanical influences. Despite this, most car owners make decisions based on their available budget.

dent on the disk

You shouldn't skimp on your safety.
If you see a bent rim, replace the disc. You shouldn't skimp on your safety. If you see a bent rim, replace the disc.

Externally, a restored disk looks no worse than a new one. But how long will such a wheel last - after all, the loads on it are not small? The European Wheel Manufacturers' Association (EUWA) is against welding cracked alloy wheels. Experts believe that discs cannot be repaired by welding, since heating leads to a change in the molecular structure of the metal and the accumulation of residual deformations. In addition, no one can guarantee that the wheel will not break the next day. So it’s better to throw away a bent or cracked alloy wheel immediately and buy a new one. Yes, it is expensive, but life and health are more expensive.

  • Have you prepared material about whether it is possible to return the car to the seller?

Wheel rims: repair or replace?

Editing is the main method of repairing alloy wheels

A change in the geometry of a car rim occurs when it hits a curb, runs into an obstacle, or the wheel gets into a pothole, which is not uncommon on our roads. Sometimes not very noticeable, it ultimately leads to an increase in fuel consumption, increased wear of the vehicle's chassis, and a decrease in its controllability, which together increases the risk of an emergency on the road. To “treat” this kind of disease, editing is used on special repair stands.

At the first stage, the technician must diagnose the malfunction by checking the geometry on a balancing stand. Detected deformations and associated damage, such as chips or cracks, are recorded in the diagnostic card. Based on diagnostic data, primary work is carried out. Using welding in an argon environment, cracks are eliminated; if necessary, “patches” made of a material similar to the base material are welded to the chipped areas.

After this, the main stage of repair work begins -. This process is quite lengthy and complex, requiring attention and control. Currently, straightening stands are equipped with computers that control the work, carefully dosing the load. For this purpose, the hydraulic drive of the device has a distributor and a pressure regulator. A local impact occurs at the place where the deformation occurred, correcting the deformation, while neighboring areas are not affected. As a rule, such stands provide the possibility of intermediate control and diagnostics of geometry using a special drive. After eliminating the deformations, the auto disk goes to the milling and turning section, which is part of the repair stand, for the final removal of repair marks, burrs and surface finishing.

The straightening technology makes it possible to eliminate quite serious deformations and changes in geometry, restoring the disk to operability. The last stage of work is balancing, both separately and with the tire on. Modern laser balancing stands allow you to achieve high results by determining not only the best option for installing a tire on a wheel, but also arranging the installation of a complete set of wheels on a car. By entering the installation data into the computer, you can obtain an optimal map of wheel alignment on the front and rear axles, which will compensate for residual balancing deviations.

At the end of the article, I would like to say once again that car wheels are a small but very important element of a car. It is necessary to promptly eliminate noticed deformations, conduct periodic diagnostics and choose the right repair technology.

Rolling out stamped and steel wheels

The following modifications can be rolled out at a tire shop:

  • cast;
  • forged;
  • stamped;
  • light alloy;
  • steel;
  • collapsible.

It is possible to restore the geometry offset:

  • radial;
  • axial;
  • combined.

For example, they repair damaged sides or “cure” “curb disease.”

Geometry measurement

Rolling out stamped options is as follows:

  • The surface is cleaned.
  • The rolling machine is adjustable for a specific model.
  • The element is installed in the machine.
  • The rollers of the machine roll the entire rim or the area that is subject to restoration.

To roll out a steel model, special equipment is not enough. The result of the work depends on the experience and skill of the worker. The master straightening the steel element must control the straightening process so that during operation of the equipment the rim does not bend or problems arise that could lead to complete damage.

Using different types of machines

Using a hydraulic stand, a technician can restore almost any dent or defect. There are times when it is necessary to use hydraulic and mechanical equipment .

For steel wheels

During the straightening process of steel disks, the damaged part is rolled through pressure rollers. The disc is placed on the shaft, and rollers act on the distorted areas at the required angle for alignment.

The universal flange is attached to the tip of the shaft, then the wheel is put on and secured with a nut. If the wheel has several holes, then each hole must be put on the flange. Deformed fastening holes are centered using conical nuts. The electric motor is located in the lower part of the frame, connected to a gearbox and V-belt drive. The tension of the V-belt drive is also controlled by a nut. On such a stand it is possible to roll deformed wheels with sizes from 10 to 15 inches.

For alloy wheels

Now alloy wheels are very popular both among young people and among S-class cars. These discs look very impressive, they are light and durable. They can be insidious and cast .

Cast ones are restored very simply: pressure is applied to the damaged area using a hydraulic booster. Forged rims have better characteristics than cast ones. There are a large number of methods for repairing forged rims using nozzles through which pressure is applied to the part.

The damaged rim is installed on the faceplate on its own. The working surface, in turn, is equipped with grooves designed for attaching any type of rim. The average force required to restore shape ranges from 3 to 3-5 tons. This pressure is created using a hydraulic drive , which, in turn, is controlled by a hydraulic distributor with a pressure adjustment function and a pressure reduction valve.

The working fluid (technical oil) pushes the cylinder out under pressure. The pressure is provided by a pump located near the engine at the bottom of the machine. The efficiency of rolling directly depends on the performance of the pump. The pump communicates with the electric motor through a coupling. On the reverse side there is a runout indicator - a metal guide with a pointed end. The runout indicator serves to directly select the straightening point and is an important factor at the final stage of restoration.

The casting straightening machine is equipped with working attachments and rods for smoother straightening. The machine design includes a drawer for storing tools and spare parts. Models of hydraulic devices with a hand pump are less common, however, they are less productive.

To edit figure eight

Hydraulic figure eight straightening equipment will help correct radial deformation of the rim. When using such equipment, the disc is placed on a horizontal bed and pressed with a leveling hydraulic press.

Universal disk drives

The universal repair stand is a combined approach to restoration using hydraulics and mechanics. Such devices work with diameters from 10 to 25 inches. They eliminate radial and axial runout, restore the rubber seat and correct ellipse. Repairs with such devices are carried out in two ways:

  1. Double-sided rolling of internal and external surfaces with stationary and mobile rollers.
  2. Straightening using a hydraulic cylinder. In this case, control is carried out by a hydraulic distributor.

The power of such machines is 380 volts, they are equipped with a three-phase electric motor. Universal machines are equipped with a cutter for cleaning solder after welding. There are varieties of machines with scissors for trimming edges .

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