TOP—7. The best rolling jacks for 2t - 3t (for a passenger car, SUV, crossover, for a garage). Rating 2022

When it becomes necessary to climb a pole without a ladder or a tree without branches, you have to use various methods. Professionals use a set of devices for this.

There are several reliable ways to solve the problem: 1. Stairs. 2. “Ballerina” is a specialized basket lift on a boom. 3. Invite a professional.

If reliable methods are not possible, consider how to climb a tree yourself. Before climbing a tree or pole, take care of insurance. If belaying with a rope attached above is not possible, try to wear something made of rough fabric. You can put the jacket on with buttons on the back so as not to injure your chest, stomach or anything else important if you move incorrectly. The basis of climbing is to provide the necessary grip on the surface of the tree.

What are the assembly holes for?

Installer's manholes are designed for climbing onto reinforced concrete supports of rectangular cross-section of overhead lines, universal manholes are designed for climbing onto unified reinforced concrete cylindrical and conical supports of overhead lines. 185.

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How to climb a pole

Not often, but there is a need to climb a power line pole on or near your suburban area. And although such a rise to heights requires professional skills, many do it on their own. How to climb a power line or street light pole in this article.

About the task of climbing a pole

The task of climbing a pole is not everyday in country life. This problem arises when connecting a house to power supply and is often solved by professional electricians. It would be strange if everyone who was not too lazy climbed the poles of overhead lines and, even worse, power lines and solved their problems without the participation of the servicing electric company.

However, in theory and in life, a domestic situation may arise in which you will need to climb onto a VLI pole yourself. The simplest example is to change the lamp in a street lamp located on a pole near your house.

The task of climbing a pole is interesting in itself, like the task of quickly climbing to a height in a country house. You don't necessarily need to climb a pole. More common tasks are to climb to the base of the roof or the gables of the second floor.

Of course, climbing a pole is not exactly the same as climbing from the street side to a second-floor window, but some solutions may be similar.

VLI pole height 0.4 kV

The power line of a suburban area is designed from wooden or concrete supports, less often metal poles 9-9.5 meters high. (read about power line supports). When installing such a pole, it is buried 2-2.5 meters into the ground. (read about installing the support). It is not difficult to calculate that the end of the pillar remains about 7 meters above the ground. It is clear that no one needs to climb to the top. To work, it is enough to rise to a working height not exceeding 6 meters. How to climb a pole 6 meters high.

Fastening SIP using anchor clamp PA1500

How to climb a pole?

Professionally, the task of climbing onto a support is solved with the help of a special electrician’s device called claws or installer’s manholes. They are put on the legs and, when climbing up a pole, they cling to it, creating support for a person’s mobility.

For wooden supports, mounting claws marked KM are used. They only work on wooden supports and wooden supports with a concrete “stepchild”. (read what a stepson is)

For concrete supports of type SB 95, universal manholes LU or universal claws KLM are used. Their catching part is not round, but rectangular or trapezoidal.

The manholes are put on the feet on hard shoes. Fastened to the leg with straps. The safety of the person climbing depends on proper securing. Manholes cost, by today's standards, inexpensively, about 2500-3500 rubles.

Here is a description of the LU-1 manholes:

Universal manholes LU-1 are used to climb onto a reinforced concrete pillar of trapezoidal cross-section VLI type CBll0-la, CB95-1/2a, SV105. The hole opening is adjustable. Includes carbide studs and leather straps.

If there are no holes to climb onto the pole?

The absence of professional pole climbing does not eliminate the need to climb onto a support. The one-time problem of climbing to a height can be solved alternatively. It is enough to have a convenient transformable ladder in your household.

Transformable ladders allow you to rise to a working height from 2.7 to 6 meters. They are made of aluminum, so they weigh no more than 10-11 kg and can be easily carried by one person. Moreover, the design of transformable ladders allows them to be compactly folded and stored without taking up much space.

Transformation of stairs allows you to use them as:

  • Double-sided ladder; stepladder;
  • Working platform;
  • L-shaped ladder.

stepladder platform extension ladder ladder transformer assembled

The last option is suitable for climbing a pole.


You can climb the pole yourself, and in several ways. However, before you go to heights, think about your safety, both electrical and at height.

Connect electricity to the dacha


Related posts:

  • Types of supports for subscriber taps, Category Power lines
  • Devices for rolling out wires SIP VLI 0.38 kV, Category Power lines
  • How to choose the right wooden support for power lines up to 0.4 kV, Rubric Wooden house electrics
  • Installation of an incoming panel on a support, Rubric Wooden house electrics
  • Air power supply to a wooden house, Rubric Wooden house electrics
  • Underground power supply to a wooden house, Rubric Wooden house electrics


How to climb a concrete pillar without claws

During the operation of power lines, unexpected situations often arise, which is why they have to be repaired.

And in such cases it is very important that this work is carried out as soon as possible. To quickly solve problems that arise, you need special equipment.

First of all, you can’t do without such a device as cat’s claws or monter’s manholes.

The presence of such equipment for any organization that is responsible for the maintenance and installation of power lines is mandatory, since without it it is impossible to ensure long-term operation of power lines.

Recommendations for selection

Due to the special specificity of claws for climbing, choosing the appropriate option is not so easy for a person who has no idea what features need to be paid attention to. Therefore, in order not to be disappointed in your decision, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • Price. Keeping in mind that you have to choose installation equipment, you should not focus on price as the determining criterion for selection. Typically, inexpensive claws imply low quality metal used for this device. Therefore, by using such a tool, the worker will expose himself to the risk of injury. Therefore, the best claws to consider are those that represent the mid to high price range of these devices.
  • Manufacturer. This parameter can also affect how safe and convenient the maintenance of power lines will be. It is best to choose products from trusted manufacturers, since their products are of high quality, reliability and durability.
  • Quality. The purchased tool will be considered suitable for safe use in servicing power lines only if it complies with the standards of technical specifications and GOSTs. Everything must be confirmed by the presence of an appropriate quality certificate. It is mandatory for metal elements to have no defects, as well as the presence of straight seams. The minimum thickness of the belts used should be 0.3 mm. Particular attention should be paid to the stitches on the leather, which should run in a straight line and be carefully secured.
  • When choosing a climbing tool, you need to pay attention to the information indicated on the tool: date of manufacture, trademark, lot number.
  • A lot of useful information can be found from product labeling, which contains information about the results of regular wear checks. This information clearly demonstrates how reliable the device is.

Keep in mind that if you use installation manholes correctly, they will be able to provide conditions for the safe maintenance of power lines for 1 year .

Care, storage, service life

One of the significant advantages of manholes is their versatility of use, making them suitable for servicing supports in any area, regardless of the climate zone. These devices are designed for operation at temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees , which allows them to be used with equal efficiency on power lines in northern regions, as well as in regions where hot weather remains most of the time.

How to climb a pole - How to climb a tree (or a pole) -

The operation of power lines, like any other equipment, is impossible without damage or malfunctions that occur at the most inopportune moment. In order to eliminate them in a timely and efficient manner, it is necessary to have suitable tools and devices available.

To eliminate malfunctions in the operation of power lines, there are special tools, and even equipment that can be used to quickly get to the location of the breakdown. Such equipment is monter's claws (cat's claws, monter's manholes), which help you easily climb up the pole.

This type of equipment is an integral part of specialized equipment for performing work related to power lines, so they must be in the arsenal of any enterprise related to the repair of power lines.

Brief contents of the article:

The main purpose of the claws is considered to be quick and convenient climbing up the pole in order to perform planned or unforeseen work.

The design of the claws is simple: the main element of the device is two hooks with straps attached to them, with which they are directly attached to the legs (each separately).

How to climb a concrete pillar without claws?

During the operation of power lines, unexpected situations often arise, which is why they have to be repaired. And in such cases it is very important that this work is carried out as soon as possible. To quickly solve problems that arise, you need special equipment. First of all, you can’t do without such a device as cat’s claws or monter’s manholes.

The presence of such equipment for any organization that is responsible for the maintenance and installation of power lines is mandatory, since without it it is impossible to ensure long-term operation of power lines.

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(jin850 @ 10/12/2015 - 00:43)
About the fact that this should be done by an electrician, and he should have permission and claws - I know, I’m not going to climb the pole myself.

The supports (pillars) are really different.

Round wooden ones - you need claws and a mounting belt with a belt. You can try to climb onto a wooden one in your claws yourself, nothing special except the fear of heights and the trepidation of the side wind (if your soul does not accept heights and the wind, then it will be difficult for a block to go down without helpers).

Round concrete ones - we used them for lighting lanterns. It is strictly forbidden to climb them with claws, only a tower.

“Square” concrete ones - you need manholes and a mounting belt in a chain (so that the XBremen does not break in an emergency and the installer does not twist his feet while twisting on the manholes). “Square” concrete supports of 0.4 kV can be of two types (I don’t remember the sizes), but unlike those used, there were also the so-called “Khrushchev” ones - thin supports (from the period of economical economy). Of course, you can climb them in standard manholes. but the rise itself gives the feeling that a kamikaze experiences at the beginning of his formation on the high path of self-sacrifice for the good of the state. and this trembling feeling can continue even after going down if you dig out that support 20-30 centimeters and examine it to find out that it is supported only by wires (it is checked for ring cracks, and in some cases there is only one reinforcement left in the ground). Ultimately, in the late 90s it was strictly forbidden to climb them.

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It is also impossible to climb onto the concrete supports currently used without proper experience (and also for “experienced” ones, but in old manholes with blunt spikes), because at best you will get away with “driving” your face on the surface of the concrete. Although I saw how not very sober specialists installed a 10 kV line without any manholes at all (only a belt), but they were full-time professionals. a crane, a boom, and a lineman threw himself onto the overhead line. the crane was moving to another support with another fitter. and at this time the first installer, having secured the wires, descended down the concrete simply “on his feet.” like a circus. etc.

In general, don't worry. find a specialist with experience, sober, he will do what needs to be done without any unnecessary conversations. Many old normal electricians have claws/claws/belts or the ability to borrow them. (For reference, all this ammunition is tested for professional suitability during a strictly established period, plus it is inspected by an experienced specialist when starting work. A stretched belt on a manhole or a tenon that has come off from a crappy thread can be expensive. Yes, there are many more nuances.). That is, simply buying all this and immediately climbing onto the support is fraught.

When it becomes necessary to climb a pole without a ladder or a tree without branches, you have to use various methods. Professionals use a set of devices for this.

There are several reliable ways to solve the problem: 1. Stairs. 2. “Ballerina” is a specialized basket lift on a boom. 3. Invite a professional.

If reliable methods are not possible, consider how to climb a tree yourself. Before climbing a tree or pole, take care of insurance. If belaying with a rope attached above is not possible, try to wear something made of rough fabric. You can put the jacket on with buttons on the back so as not to injure your chest, stomach or anything else important if you move incorrectly. The basis of climbing is to provide the necessary grip on the surface of the tree.

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Areas of application of KLM2

The main purpose of this product is to quickly deliver a worker to the top of a power line support, for example, during installation and cable laying, as well as for urgent repairs. It is much easier and faster to deliver a repairman upstairs using claws, since it is not always possible to fit special transport, for example, in mountainous areas or in dense urban areas.

Tree climbers are often used on poles with a circular cross-section to replace lighting lamps on the streets, since there are a lot of lamps, and it is constantly too expensive to transport special vehicles, so it is easier for the worker to climb the climbers himself and make repairs.

Data sheet and instructions for using belts for claws and manholes

To lift electricians up, manholes are used on concrete supports. The work carries a risk of injury, so the equipment must not only be checked before starting electrical repairs, but also high-quality models designed for a specific type of support must be selected. Claws used for climbing wooden poles are not suitable for reinforced concrete power transmission line structures.

What it is?

Due to the specifics of manufacturing manholes, the equipment is used at ambient temperatures from -30 to +55˚С.

Claws or claws are special devices for lifting a worker onto a power line pole. They are fixed on a person’s legs and make it possible to gain a foothold on a support and stay in one position for the required amount of time. The structure of the manholes will be improved to increase the reliability of the equipment and the speed of climbing to the top. There are three groups of such devices:

It is convenient to climb the round pillars using universal equipment.

  • Lazy. Designed for lifting reinforced concrete structures of round and trapezoidal shape in section.
  • Universal hooks. The installation tools are suitable for round pillars made of concrete or wood. The latter have lost their relevance.
  • Claw-holes. They differ in structure. Equipped with a specific control solution, especially effective in relation to trapezoidal reinforced concrete supports.

The latter devices are used more often than other types, because their specificity allows this device to be used to work with all types of standard supports. The use of manholes is permitted if this possibility is confirmed by accompanying documents. Each company specializing in electrical installation has its own set of tools for servicing power lines.

Application area

Concrete hooks are designed to quickly lift a worker along a concrete or wooden power line pole to its upper section. Using personal equipment makes it possible to get the job done easier and faster than using a turret truck. It is not always possible to use special equipment. This depends on the terrain and urban density.

In manholes, an electrician is able to carry out installation and cable laying, carry out urgent repair work, and change lamp bulbs on wooden poles. Replacing lamps is often carried out through manholes, since due to the large number of lamp supports it is not financially profitable to use special equipment. It’s easier and faster for an electrician to climb up on his own.

Types and their features

The principle of operation of manholes is the moment of impulse. The hooks are fixed under the weight of a person due to the difference in the levels of the spikes on the equipment. The higher the worker’s body weight, the more reliable the clutch.

Depending on the type of support, the following options for electrical equipment are used:

Model KLM-2 is one of the options for such products.

  • Universal. Designed for trapezoid shaped concrete support. Allows you to rise to any height. The hook, made of a metal pipe, has fastening elements.
  • Claw-hole. Combines the functions of both types of devices. Its two types KLM-1 and KLM-2 differ in the solution (168 and 190 mm).
  • Laz KRPO. Used for rectangular reinforced concrete structures. Girth from 160 to 203 mm. Device weight up to 4.5 kg.
  • Claw-hole KCO. It is used if the reinforced concrete structure is round in cross-section. Allowed for use with centrifuged power line supports. Claw opening 315 mm. Weight of the manhole is up to 5 kg.
PSLimited Liability Company Progress 606100 Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod region, Pavlovo, st. Shutova, 2. Tel.: +7 (83171) 58-6-58



General information Fastening belts are intended for completing assembly claws KM No. 1, KM No. 2, KM No. 3 and KMM, assembly claws KLM-1 and KLM-2, universal manholes LU and assembly manholes LMC. The belts retain their strength and performance properties at temperature from minus 40 to plus 50? C. Product composition: The set consists of two large foot straps (1), two small back straps with a buckle and loop (2) and two rear heel straps (3) (see Fig. 1).


Sergey Dolya Sergey Dolya

In Poland, I completed a training that, according to good standards, every man should undergo. It taught how to survive and how to protect those around you. They also taught us how to survive in the forest - how to build a tent from branches, how to boil water without a pot, how to... yes there was a lot of things. I will write in more detail later, but for now I want to talk about how you can climb a tree using two small ropes.

We take two identical ropes, about two meters long. If you don't have ropes at hand, you can use several laces tied together. We make 2 self-tightening loops around the tree from them:

We tie the ends of the ropes together - we get two loops:

And then everything is simple. We get our feet into these loops. We stand on one leg and raise the other. Using your hands, drag the free loop up.

We transfer the center of gravity to the upper loop and climb as if on a step. After this, loosen the bottom loop and move it up:

And so on until you crawl to large branches or to the top of a palm tree:

Why climb trees? Well, for example, you got lost in the forest and didn’t take food. You can climb a tree and steal eggs from a nest.

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  • Location: Poland

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