6Р83 horizontal cantilever milling machine with rotary table - universal diagrams, description, characteristics

Information about the manufacturer of the 6Р83 cantilever milling machine

Manufacturer of the 6P83 series of universal milling machines is the Gorky Milling Machine Plant , founded in 1931.

The plant specializes in the production of a wide range of universal milling machines, as well as milling machines with DRO and CNC, and is one of the most famous machine-tool enterprises in Russia.

The production of milling machines at the Gorky Machine Tool Plant began in 1932. In 1972, the plant began producing a series of horizontal cantilever milling machines 6Р82 and 6Р83, which are a further development of machines of similar models of the M series.

Today the 6P83 cantilever milling machine produces:

  • Stanochny Park LLC;
  • Machine tool association LLC SO "StanRos".

Products of the Gorky Milling Machine Plant GZFS

  • 6G605
    double-spindle longitudinal milling machine, 500 x 1600
  • 6M12P
    vertical cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6M13P
    vertical cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6M82
    universal horizontal milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6M82G
    horizontal cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6М82Ш
    universal cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6M83
    universal horizontal milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6M83G
    horizontal cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6М83Ш
    horizontal cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6N12
    vertical cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6N13P
    vertical cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6N82
    horizontal cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6N82G
    horizontal cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6Р12, 6Р12Б
    vertical cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6Р13, 6Р13Б
    vertical cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6Р13Ф3
    vertical cantilever milling machine with CNC, 400 x 1600
  • 6Р82
    universal horizontal milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6R82G
    horizontal cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6Р82Ш
    universal cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6Р83
    universal horizontal milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6R83G
    horizontal cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6Р83Ш
    universal cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6T12
    vertical console-milling machine, vertical, 320 x 1250
  • 6T12-1
    vertical cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6T12F20
    vertical cantilever milling machine with CNC, 320 x 1250
  • 6T13
    vertical cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6T13-1
    vertical cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6T13F20
    vertical cantilever milling machine with CNC, 400 x 1600
  • 6T13F3
    vertical cantilever milling machine with CNC, 400 x 1600
  • 6T82
    universal horizontal milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6T82-1
    universal horizontal milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6T82G
    horizontal cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6Т82Ш
    universal cantilever milling machine, 320 x 1250
  • 6T83
    universal horizontal milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6T83-1
    universal horizontal milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6T83G
    universal horizontal milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6Т83Ш
    universal cantilever milling machine, 400 x 1600
  • 6605
    double-spindle longitudinal milling machine, 500 x 1600
  • 6606
    three-spindle longitudinal milling machine, 630 x 2000
  • GF2171
    vertical milling machine with CNC and ASI, 400 x 1600

Manufacturers of milling machines 6t83(G):

Now our company produces 6T83(G) horizontal milling machines. The 6T83(G) machine is almost always available in stock. We invite our clients to visit the production facility, check the machine in operation, and review the documentation.

Since 1931, universal milling machines have been produced by the Gorky Milling Machine Plant; several years ago the plant ceased to exist. Serial production of the 6t82 and 6t83 machines began in 1985 and replaced the M series models. In the T series, specialists from the Gorky plant managed to achieve increased spindle speed, faster table feeds and movements. For the convenience of the milling operator, the flywheel for manually moving the table was moved from the front. Compared to analogues, machines of the 6T series have better rigidity and, accordingly, accuracy.

The 6T83 milling machine differs from the 6T83G in that its table can be rotated around a vertical axis at an angle of up to 45° in both directions, while the table of the 6T83G model is non-rotating.

6Р83 universal horizontal cantilever milling machine. Purpose and scope

6P83 milling machine has been produced since 1972 and replaced the outdated 6M83 model in production and was replaced by the more advanced 6T83 model.

6P83 model machines differ from the 6P82 machines by the increased size of the work table and a more powerful main movement motor.

The horizontal cantilever milling universal machine 6P83 is designed for milling all kinds of parts made of steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metals with cylindrical, disk, shaped, angular, face, end and other cutters in individual and mass production. The ability to configure the machine for various semi-automatic and automatic cycles allows you to successfully use the machines to perform operational work in production and automatic lines in large-scale production.

The machine can process vertical and horizontal planes, grooves, corners, frames, gears, etc.

The technological capabilities of the machine can be expanded with the use of a dividing head, a rotary round table, an overhead universal head and other devices.

Main parameters of the horizontal cantilever milling machine 6Р83 :

  • Largest dimensions of the processed workpiece: 1000 x 320 x 350 mm
  • Electric motor power: 11 kW
  • Machine weight: 3800 kg

The spindle 6р83 milling machine receives 19 stages of rotation from the gearbox, which provides free choice of cutting speeds in the range from 31.5 to 1600 rpm.

Spindle end - Morse taper KM50 (Ø128.570 mm) version 6 - according to GOST 24644 (Spindle ends and tool shanks for drilling, boring and milling machines). The tool or mandrel is inserted into the spindle and tightened with a cleaning rod. The protruding end of the cleaning rod is covered with a cap.

The feed box provides 18 stages of desktop feed in the longitudinal and transverse direction from 25 to 1250 mm/rev and in the vertical direction in the range of 8.3…416.6 mm/rev. The feed box of the 6р83 machine also provides rapid table movements at a speed of 3 m/min in the longitudinal and transverse directions and 1 m/min

Using cams installed in the table grooves, you can configure the machine to operate in an automatic cycle, which can significantly increase the productivity of the machine in mass production.

In order to maintain the 6р83 in ideal working condition, it is necessary to regulate several components that require special attention:

  • Gap in the earring bearing;
  • Gap in the front spindle bearing;
  • Speed ​​dial clamp spring;
  • Feed dial clamp spring;
  • Feedbox safety clutch;
  • High speed mechanism;
  • Table wedges, slides, consoles;
  • Gap in the longitudinal screw;
  • Engagement spring for longitudinal code claw clutch.

The rotary table, which can rotate ±45° around a vertical axis, allows workpieces to be milled at different angles without repositioning, which significantly improves productivity and machining accuracy.

Machine accuracy class N according to GOST 8-77.

The design features of the machine are wide ranges of table feed values; quick-change tool mount; presence of a feed slowdown mechanism; slowing down the working feed in the automatic cycle; ability to work in automatic cycles, including frame processing; automatic lubrication of components; the use of non-contact high-speed electromagnetic clutches in the feed drive; increased accuracy of the machine due to the location of the cross-feed screw along the axis of the cutter; the ability to move the table simultaneously in two and three coordinates; the possibility of using a DC electric motor in the feed drive; possible further automation of machines through the use of digital display and operational control devices.

The machines are designed to perform various milling operations in both individual and large-scale production. In conditions of large-scale production, machines can also be successfully used to perform operational work.

The technical characteristics and high rigidity of the machines allow full use of the capabilities of both high-speed and carbide tools.

To reduce auxiliary time and ease of control, the machines provide:

  • duplicated push-button-handle control (front and left side of the machine);
  • starting and stopping the spindle and turning on the high speeds of the machine using buttons;
  • control of table movements from handles, the direction of rotation of which coincides with the direction of movement of the table;
  • changing speeds and feeds using single-handle selective mechanisms, allowing you to obtain any speed or feed by turning the dial without going through intermediate steps;
  • DC braking.

The machines are automated and can be configured for various automatic settings, which increases labor productivity, eliminates the need to maintain the machines by highly qualified workers and facilitates the possibility of organizing multi-machine service.

History of production of machine tools by the Gorky plant, GZFS

In 1937
, the Gorky
Milling Machine Plant produced the first cantilever milling machines of the 6B series, models 6B12 and 6B82 , with a work table of 320 x 1250 mm (2nd standard size).
In 1951

6N of cantilever milling machines was launched into production 6N13PR machine received the “Grand Prix” at the world exhibition in Brussels in 1956.
In 1960

6M cantilever milling machines
was launched into production In 1972

6P of cantilever milling machines
was put into production In 1975

year, copying cantilever-milling machines were launched into production:
6Р13К .
In 1978

In 2009, copying cantilever-milling machines
6Р12К-1 , 6Р82К-1 .
In 1985

6T-1 of cantilever milling machines
was put into production In 1991

6T of cantilever milling machines was put into production

Application area

The horizontal type spindle provided on the machine can be used for operation in the process of processing planes with cylindrical and end mills. It is possible to work simultaneously with two spindles, or separately. When mounting the earrings that are supplied with the machine, the unit can be used as a horizontal milling machine. Also, in addition to the earrings, to increase the capabilities of the machine, the kit includes an additional rotating overhead head. It makes it possible to process large-sized parts, including performing simple boring work. Also, in the screw pair of the longitudinal feed of the table there is a mechanism for taking out the backlash, due to which downhill and upstream milling occurs in the mode with autocycles and in idle mode. Thanks to the use of an overhead round table or dividing head, reamers, gears, cam contours and other parts that require continuous or periodic rotation around their axis are milled.

Overall dimensions of the working space of the 6Р83 milling machine

Overall dimensions of the working space of the 6р83 milling machine

Landing and connecting bases for milling machine 6р83

Placement of controls for the 6P83 cantilever milling machine

Placement of controls for milling machine 6р83

List of controls for the 6P83 milling machine

  1. Handle for turning on the transverse and vertical table feed (duplicate)
  2. On-off input switch
  3. Cooling pump on/off switch
  4. Spindle rotation direction switch “left-right”
  5. Handwheel for manual longitudinal movement of the table
  6. Spindle speed shift knob
  7. Stop button (duplicate)
  8. Spindle Start button (duplicate)
  9. Spindle speed indicator arrow
  10. Spindle speed indicator
  11. “Quick table” button (duplicate}
  12. Spindle pulse button
  13. Light switch
  14. Manual movement of the trunk
  15. Earring clips
  16. Automatic cycle sprocket
  17. Handle for turning on longitudinal table movements
  18. Table Clamps
  19. Switch for manual or automatic control of longitudinal table movement
  20. Handwheel for manual longitudinal movement of the table (duplicate)
  21. "Quick table" button
  22. Spindle start button
  23. Stop button
  24. Flywheel for manual lateral movements of the table
  25. Limb of the table transverse movement mechanism
  26. Vernier ring
  27. Handle for manual vertical movement of the table
  28. Clamping the rotary slide on the console guides
  29. Handle for turning on the transverse and vertical movements of the table
  30. Button for fixing the feed switch fungus
  31. Feed switch mushroom
  32. Table feed indicator
  33. Table feed indicator arrow
  34. Clamping handle for the rotary slide on the console guides
  35. Handle for turning on longitudinal movements of the table (duplicate)
  36. Switch for automatic or manual control and round table operation
  37. Console clamp handle on frame
  38. Trunk clamp on the frame

Composition and design of the 6T83G milling machine

Composition of horizontal cantilever milling machine 6р83г

List of components of the milling machine 6T83G-1

  1. bed - 6T83G-1.10
  2. switch box - 6P83.5
  3. side remote control - 6T82G-1.85
  4. gearbox - 6T83G-1.30
  5. electromechanical tool clamping devices - 6P13K.93-03
  6. control cabinet - 6T82G-1.81
  7. table and slide - 6T83G-1.70 (6T83-1.70)
  8. feed slowdown mechanism - 6T83G-1.41
  9. main remote control - 6T82G-1.84
  10. console - 6T83G-1.60
  11. feed box - 6T82G-1.40

Kinematic diagram of the horizontal milling machine 6Р83

Kinematic diagram of a horizontal milling machine 6р83

The main movement is driven by a flange electric motor through an elastic coupling.

The spindle speed is changed by moving three toothed blocks along spline shafts. The gearbox allows you to provide the spindle with 13 different speeds.

The feed drive is carried out from a flange electric motor mounted in the console. By means of two three-crown blocks and a movable gear wheel with a cam clutch, the feed box provides 18 different feeds, which are transmitted through a ball safety clutch to the console and then, when the corresponding cam clutch is turned on, to the screws of longitudinal, transverse and vertical movements.

Accelerated movements are obtained when the high-speed clutch is turned on, the rotation of which is carried out through intermediate gears directly from the feed electric motor.

The clutch is interlocked with the working feed clutch, which eliminates the possibility of their simultaneous activation.

A graph explaining the structure of the machine feed mechanism is shown in Fig. 5 (vertical feeds are three times less than longitudinal and transverse).

The frame is rigidly fixed to the base and secured with pins.

The trunk and earrings can be moved and secured, the trunk in the frame guides, the earrings on the trunk guides.

The boring of the earring hole for the bearing is made individually for each machine, therefore, REPLACEMENT OF EARRINGS FROM ONE MACHINE TO ANOTHER IS NOT ALLOWED.

The clearance in the earring bearings is adjusted using nut 4 or screw 1 (Fig. 6) by heating. If the surface quality of the mandrel support sleeve is good (1.25; 0.63) and there is sufficient lubrication after running for one hour at maximum speed, the excess temperature of the inner surface of the tool cone should not exceed 55°C. Oil enters the bearing from the earring niche through the window in sleeve 3 and the wick. The oil supply is regulated by wire 2.

The gearbox is mounted directly in the frame body. The connection of the box to the electric motor shaft is carried out by an elastic coupling, which allows misalignment in the motor installation of up to 500-700 microns.

The gearbox can be inspected through the window on the right side.

The machine spindle (Fig. 7) is a three-support shaft, the geometric accuracy of which is determined mainly by bearings 2 and 4. The bearing of the third support supports the spindle shank.

Axial play in the spindle is adjusted by grinding rings 9 and 10. Increased play in the front bearing is eliminated by grinding half rings 5 ​​and tightening nut 1.

Regulation is carried out in the following order:

  • with the trunk moved, remove cover 3 or the side cover on the right side of the machine and, unlocking it, loosen nut 1
  • remove flange 6, spring ring 7, ring 8 and take out the half rings;
  • By tightening nut 1, the backlash is selected. After checking the play in the bearing, the spindle is run in at maximum speed. When operating for an hour, the heating of the bearings should not exceed 60°C;
  • measure the size of the gap between the bearing and the spindle shoulder, after which the rings are ground to the required amount. To eliminate radial play of 0.01 mm, the half rings must be ground by approximately 120 microns;
  • the half rings are put in place. Check whether nut 1 is securely locked;
  • parts 8, 7, 6 and 3 are installed in place.

Main components and mechanisms of the 6Р83Ш milling machine

The trunk 5, in which the gearbox of the spindle drive of the rotary head 6 is mounted, moves along the guides of the frame 1 (Fig. 121) by rotating the flywheel 15 (Fig. 120) with the clamp 39 released.

Spindle 11 of the machine (Fig. 123) is mounted on bearings 4, 2, 12. The axial clearance in the spindle is adjusted by grinding rings 9,10. Increased clearance in bearing 4 is eliminated by grinding half rings 5 ​​and nut 1 as follows. Remove cover 3 (or side cover), flange 6, spring ring 7, rings 8 and take out half rings 5. Using nut 1, select the gap so that during operation the heating of the bearings does not exceed 60 ° C. Measure the size of the gap between the bearing and the spindle collar and Accordingly, the half rings 5 ​​are polished. Then the half rings are installed and parts 6, 8, 7, 3 are mounted.

The gearbox (Fig. 124) allows you to select the required speed without sequentially passing through intermediate stages. Rack 1 (Fig. 124, a), moving by means of a handle through gear sector 2 and fork 10 (Fig. 124, 6), moves the main roller 3 with shift disc 9 in the axial direction using gear 2 and bushing 4. On the disc There are several rows of holes located opposite pins 8 of racks 5 and 7, connected in pairs to wheel 6. A shift fork is attached to one of each pair of racks. The slats move when the disk is pressed on the pins. At the end of the disk stroke, the forks occupy a position corresponding to the engagement of certain pairs of gears. When selecting speeds, the dial is fixed by ball 1 (Fig. 124, b), which falls into the grooves of sprocket 11. Handle 5 (Fig. 124, a) is fixed when turned on by ball 3 and spring 4; in this case, the handle tenon fits into the groove of the flange.

The horizontal spindle gearbox is located in the frame and connected to the electric motor shaft by an elastic coupling.

The rotating head (Fig. 125) is mounted on the trunk through the intermediate plate using bolts inserted into the annular T-shaped groove and centered in the annular recess. The spindle 8, mounted in the sliding sleeve 9, receives rotation from the gearbox through the cam clutch 1 and conical wheels 4, 2 and 5, 4. Wheels 7 and 3 are used to adjust the axial clearance in the bearings and spindle, and half rings 2 and nut 6 - to eliminate the gap in the front bearing. The sleeve is advanced using a handwheel.

The overhead head (Fig. 126) is mounted on the rotary head with bolts entering the T-shaped groove and firmly fixed. Spindle 5 receives rotation from spindle 1 of the rotary head through bevel gears 3, 4. Nut 2 adjusts the clearance in the spindle bearings.

The feed box (Fig. 127, a) provides working feeds and installation movements of the table, slide and console by switching gear blocks and transmitting rotation to input shaft B through a ball safety clutch, cam clutch 4 and bushing 3, connected by a key to clutch 4 and shaft B. Stopper 1 rigidly fixes the position of nut 15. When the feed mechanism is overloaded, the balls in contact with the hole of clutch 2 compress the springs and come out of contact. In this case, wheel 14 slips relative to clutch 2, and the working feed stops.

Rapid rotation is transmitted from the electric motor (bypassing the gearbox) to gear C, which is installed on the shank of the friction clutch housing 9 and has a constant rotation speed. Nut 10 must be tightened. Housing 9 rotates freely. The friction disks are connected (one by one) to the housing 9 and the sleeve 12 connected to shaft B. When the clutch 4 is pressed onto the end of the sleeve 5 and then onto the nut 11, the disks 7 and 8 are connected and transmit rapid rotation to shaft B and gear A. Compression force disks 7 and 8 are adjusted using pin 6. Movement from shaft B to the driven shaft is carried out through a cam clutch 13.

The feed switching mechanism (Fig. 127, b) is included in the feed box assembly. The principle of operation of the mechanism is similar to the operation of a gearbox. When turned on, roller 1 is locked by balls 6 and bushing 2, which prevents disk 9 from moving in the axial direction. When you press button 4, the balls fall into the annular groove of roller 3 and roller 1 is released from fixation. Shift disk 9 is secured against rotation by ball 8 through bushing 5, connected by a key to ball 1. Screw 7 adjusts the spring tension.

The console (Fig. 128) combines the nodes of the machine feed chain. It contains shafts and gears that transmit movement from the feed box in three directions (to the longitudinal, transverse and vertical feed screws); mechanism for switching on transverse and vertical feeds. Gear 8 rotates from wheel A (Fig. 127, a) and transmits movement to gears 7, 4, 2, 1 (Fig. 128, a). Wheel 8 can transmit movement to the shaft only through cam coupling 6. Then, through cylindrical and bevel gears, the movement is transmitted to screw 16 (Fig. 128, b). The engagement of the pair 16 and 10 is adjusted by compensators 14, 15 and fixed with a screw inserted into pin 13. Bushing 11 is not dismantled; the vertical movement nut is fixed in the column. Wheel 2 rotates the shaft IX of the longitudinal chain through a key and splines. The cross feed screw X rotates from wheel 2 and wheel 1, which is freely seated on the shaft, when the cross feed clutch is engaged. Shafts XII and XIII are dismantled when removing the stoppers at wheels 8, 9.

The slide is dismantled after removing shaft IX, for which you need to remove the upper shield on the console guides, knock out pin 3 and remove shaft IX. The mechanism for activating the installation movements (Fig. 129) turns on the clutch and compresses the friction clutch discs. Lever 1 is pinned on axis 4. The latter is pressed in the direction of the frame mirror by spring 6. The right nuts 2 serve to adjust the spring force, the left nuts 3, resting against the end of the sleeve 5, regulate and limit the stroke of the axis. The shoulder of lever 1 rests on cam 7. Lever 1, when turning cam 7, moves, compressing spring 6. The second end of axis 8 has a fine tooth, which ensures the installation of lever 9, which connects axis 8 at a slight angle to the electromagnet rod. The latter is connected through a rod and a hinge to a fork, from which, through a nut and a spring, the force is transmitted to lever 9. Thus, regardless of the force of the electromagnet, the force on the lever is determined by the degree of compression of the spring.

The mechanism for switching on the transverse and vertical feeds (Fig. 130) controls the switching on and off of the cam clutches of the transverse and vertical feeds from the feed electric motor. Made in a separate building. When the handle 5 moves up, down, left, right, the drum 1 associated with it makes the corresponding movements and, with its bevels, through the lever system controls the activation of the cam clutches, and through the pins - the limit switches intended for reversing the feed motor. The drum is connected by rod 2 with a backup handle. When the transverse stroke is turned on and off, the rod moves translationally, and when the vertical stroke is turned on, it rotates. Screw 4 and nut 3 are used to eliminate gaps in the system.

The lead screw 1 (Fig. 131) of the table receives rotation through the sliding key of the sleeve 9, located in the bushings 5, 7. The sleeve 9 rotates from the cam coupling 6 through the splines when it engages with the cams of the sleeve 5, connected to the bevel gear 4. On the sleeve 5 there is a gear ring, which is in mesh with the gear wheel of the round table drive. Clutch 6 has a toothed ring for rotating the longitudinal feed screw from the handwheel. The slide is clamped to the guide console by faceplate 8. Wheel 9 (Fig. 132) is spring-loaded in case of tooth contact with tooth. Engagement of the wheels is only possible when coupling 6 and bushing 5 are disconnected. This blocks the flywheel during mechanical feeds. Nuts 2 and 3 of the lead screw (Fig. 131) are located on the left side of the slide. The gap in the console and slide guides is selected using wedges.

The mechanism for turning on the longitudinal feed (Fig. 132) turns on the longitudinal stroke clutch, turns on and reverses the feed motor. Handle 4 is fixedly connected to axis 2 by turning lever 1, along the curved surface of which roller 15 rolls when switching (Fig. 132). In the neutral position of the lever 10, the roller is located in the middle cavity; when it is turned on, it is in one of the side depressions. The movement of roller 15 through lever 16 is transmitted to rod 5 through wheel 7—rack 6 and fork 8 driving clutch 6 (Fig. 131). Spring 2 (Fig. 132) constantly presses on rod 5. Spring 4 ensures that the handle is turned on when a tooth hits the tooth of coupling 6. Spring 4 is adjusted by screw 3 through the hole in plug 1.

On the same axis with the lever 16 there is a lever 18, which serves to engage the clutch 6 with a cam 19 attached to the rod 20 connecting the main longitudinal stroke handle with the backup one. The limit switch 17 turns on and reverses the feed motor. It is turned off after clutch 6 is turned off. On the hub 5 (Fig. 133) of the longitudinal stroke handle there are protrusions that are acted upon by the longitudinal stroke limiting cams or (in automatic cycles) the longitudinal stroke control cams. The operation of the limit switches is checked with cover 14 removed (Fig. 132).

The automatic cycle mechanism is designed to control the table movements from the cams. On the axis of the longitudinal stroke handle, two sprockets are installed, directly connected to sprockets 6, 5 (Fig. 133) for turning on high speed when the machine is operating in an automatic cycle. Sprocket 6 rotates from a return spring cam located on the front side of the table in a T-shaped groove. Asterisk 3 has different depths of the depressions, which, when rotated by 45°, provides different amounts of stroke of rod 2 (Fig. 134), which, acting on the limit switch, turns on the high-speed electromagnet.

The clutch locking mechanism (Fig. 134) is designed to prepare the machine for operation in the automatic cycle. When you press pinion shaft 2, rack 3 disengages from gear 4 and engages with pinion shaft 2. When shaft 2 rotates, the cam clutch moves and engages with the cam gear. From this moment on, the longitudinal stroke handle cannot be turned on. The clutch can only be locked with the handle in the middle (neutral) position. This is ensured by a T-shaped groove in wheel 4 and pin 5 installed in the slide body. When you press the gear shaft 2 with cone 1 and finger 13 (Fig. 132), the contacts of the limit switch are opened, blocking the circuit for switching on the transverse and vertical feed. This eliminates the inclusion of two movements at the same time when the cam clutch is locked: the table and the slide or the table and the console.

Electrical equipment of the 6Р83 machine

Supply network: Voltage 380 V, alternating current, frequency 50 Hz

Control circuits: Voltage 110 V, alternating current

Control circuits: Voltage 65 V, DC current

Local lighting: voltage 24 V.

Rated current (sum of rated currents of simultaneously operating electric motors) 20 A.

The rated current of the protective device (fuses, circuit breaker) at the power supply point is 63 A.

Electrical equipment is made according to the following documents: circuit diagram 6Р13.8.000Э3. connection diagram of the product R13.8.000E4.

Limits of machine use in terms of power and power loads

When operating at spindle speeds above 63 rpm, the limits of use of the main movement drive of machine tools are limited by the rated power of the installed electric motor.

The greatest cutting force allowed by the feed mechanism for longitudinal, transverse and vertical feeds, respectively, is: for machines 6Р82 and 6Р82Г - 1500, 1200, 500 kgf; for machines 6Р83 and 6Р83Г - 2000, 1200, 800 kgf.

The largest permissible diameter of cutters during roughing is: for machines 6Р82, 6Р82Г - 160 mm; for machines 6Р83 - 200 mm.

If signs of vibration occur under certain cutting conditions, it is recommended to increase the feed per tooth or use cutters with an uneven pitch.

When working at low spindle speeds (n

Schedule and composition of repair and maintenance work

When the machine operates under normal operating conditions and compliance with all operating and maintenance rules specified in this manual, the overhaul cycle (service life before major repairs during two-shift operation) is (mainly) at least 9 years when processing steel (mainly), and at least 8 years for cast iron years.

Maintenance and repair work is recommended to be carried out according to the repair work schedule (Fig. 39).

Parameter name6Р826R82G6Р836R83G
Cutter diameter, mm100100100100
Number of teeth8888
Milling width, mm100100150150
Milling depth, mm12121010
Number of revolutions per minute, rpm50505050
Longitudinal feed along the dial, mm/min125125125125

In these modes, the clutch may periodically click.

The gap between the clutch discs is adjusted using nut 14, which is secured against spontaneous movement.

Schedule and composition of repair and maintenance work

When the machine operates under normal operating conditions and compliance with all operating and maintenance rules specified in this manual, the overhaul cycle (service life before major repairs during two-shift operation) is (mainly) at least 9 years when processing steel (mainly), and at least 8 years for cast iron years.
Maintenance and repair work is recommended to be carried out according to the repair work schedule (Fig. 39).

Machine inspection

  1. External inspection of the machine (without disassembling to identify defects) of the condition and operation of the machine as a whole and by components;
  2. Inspection and check of the condition of the main movement and feed drive mechanisms;
  3. Adjusting the table lead screw clearances;
  4. Spindle bearing adjustment;
  5. Checking the operation of speed and feed switching mechanisms;
  6. Regulation of the mechanisms for switching on cam clutches and feeds and the high-speed friction clutch;
  7. Adjustment of table wedges, slides, console and trunk;
  8. Inspection of guides, cleaning of nicks and burrs;
  9. Tightening loose fasteners;
  10. Checking the operation of the limiting cams;
  11. Checking the condition and minor repairs of cooling and lubrication systems;
  12. Checking the condition and repairing protective devices;
  13. Identification of parts that require replacement during the next repair (starting with the second minor repair);

Small machine repair

  1. Partial disassembly of components;
  2. Flushing all components;
  3. Adjustment or replacement of rolling bearings;
  4. Cleaning burrs and nicks on gear teeth, crackers and shift forks;
  5. Replacement and addition of friction discs of the high-speed clutch (starting from the second repair);
  6. Scraping and cleaning of wedges and strips;
  7. Cleaning the lead screws and replacing worn nuts;
  8. Cleaning nicks and burrs on the guides and working surface of the table;
  9. Replacing worn and broken fasteners
  10. Checking and adjusting the mechanisms for switching on speeds and feeds;
  11. Repair of lubrication and cooling systems;
  12. Testing the machine at idle speed, checking for noise, heating and accuracy of the workpiece.

Average machine repair

  1. Unit disassembly of the machine;
  2. Flushing all components;
  3. Inspection of parts of disassembled units;
  4. Drawing up a list of defects;
  5. Adjusting or replacing spindle bearings;
  6. Replacement or restoration of spline shafts;
  7. Replacement of worn bushings and bearings;
  8. Replacement of discs and fastener clutch parts;
  9. Replacement of worn gears;
  10. Restoring or replacing worn lead screws and nuts;
  11. Scraping or replacing adjusting wedges;
  12. Repair of pumps and fittings of lubrication and cooling systems;
  13. Correction by scraping or grinding the surfaces of the guides if their wear exceeds the permissible level;
  14. Painting the external surfaces of the machine;
  15. Running in the machine at idle (at all speeds and feeds) with checking for noise and heating;
  16. Checking the machine for accuracy and rigidity according to GOST 17734-72.

Overhaul of the machine

Major repairs are carried out with complete disassembly of all components of the machine, based on the results of which a defective estimate sheet must be drawn up. As a result of the repair, all worn components and parts of the machine must be restored or replaced, and its original accuracy, rigidity and power must be restored. The nature and scope of work for this type of repair are determined for specific operating conditions by a unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance.

Our advantages in the supply of spare parts and repair of the 6P83 machine

Repair of machine tools and production of parts for them is the core activity of the plant. When ordering 6P83 parts , the buyer can be sure of their high quality. If the required spare part is not in stock, we can manufacture it. Experienced specialists are engaged in restoring the characteristics of the equipment; a factory warranty is provided for all types of work and the range of parts and assemblies. Work is completed on time, and parts are manufactured as quickly as possible - each operation is regulated in terms of complexity and time. Equipment, spare parts and components for metalworking machines are delivered? transport and forwarding companies in the regions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. Cargo is delivered to the terminal free of charge. For questions regarding the purchase of parts and components for machines and issues of cooperation, please contact the numbers listed in the contacts section of our website.

Technical characteristics of machines models 6Р83

Parameter name6Р826R82G6Р836R83G
Accuracy class according to GOST 8-82NNNN
Maximum load on the table (center), kg250250300300
Dimensions of the working surface of the table (length x width), mm1250 x 3201250 x 3201600 x 4001600 x 400
Number of T-slots Dimensions of T-slots3333
Maximum table movement longitudinal mechanical/manual, mm800/ 800800/ 8001000/ 10001000/ 1000
Maximum table movement transverse mechanical/manual, mm240/ 250240/ 250300/ 320300/ 320
Maximum table movement vertical mechanical/manual, mm360/ 370410/ 420340/ 350410/ 420
The smallest and largest distance from the end of the spindle to the table during manual movement, mm * With manual movement and the lower limit cam removed30…400*30…450*30…380*30…450*
Distance from the spindle axis to the trunk, mm155155190190
Maximum table rotation angle, degrees±45No±45No
Price of one division of the table rotation scale, degrees1No1No
Movement of the table by one dial division (longitudinal, transverse, vertical), mm0,050,050,050,05
Table movement per one revolution of the dial, longitudinal and transverse, mm6666
Movement of the table per one revolution of the dial, vertical, mm2222
Spindle speed, rpm31,5 — 160031,5 — 160031,5 — 160031,5 — 1600
Number of spindle speeds18181818
Maximum torque, kgf.m107107143143
Spindle end sketchGOST 836-72GOST 836-72GOST 836-72GOST 836-72
Spindle taper50505050
Machine mechanics
Fast table travel longitudinal and transverse, mm/min3/ 3/ 13/ 3/ 13/ 3/ 13/ 3/ 1
Number of table feed stages18181818
Working feed limits. Longitudinal and transverse, mm/min 25…125025…125025…125025…1250
Working feed limits. Vertical, mm/min 8,3…416,68,3…416,68,3…416,68,3…416,6
Feed stops (longitudinal, transverse, vertical)There isThere isThere isThere is
Blocking manual and mechanical feed (longitudinal, transverse, vertical)There isThere isThere isThere is
Blocking separate feed switchingThere isThere isThere isThere is
Automatic intermittent feed LongitudinalThere isThere isThere isThere is
Automatic intermittent feed Cross and verticalNoNoNoNo
Spindle brakingThere isThere isThere isThere is
Overload protection (clutch)There isThere isThere isThere is
Drive unit
Main drive motor Type4A132M4UZ4A132M4UZ4A132M4UZ4A132M4UZ
Electric motor of the main movement drive Number of revolutions per minute, rpm1460146014601460
Main motion drive electric motor Power, kW7,57,51111
Feed drive motor Type4А90L4УЗ4А90L4УЗ4А90L4УЗ4А90L4УЗ
Feed drive electric motor Number of revolutions per minute, rpm1430143014301430
Feed drive electric motor Power, kW2.22,23.03.0
Electric coolant pump TypePA-22U2PA-22U2PA-22U2PA-22U2
Electric coolant pump Speed ​​per minute, rpm2800280028002800
Electric coolant pump Power, kW0,120,120,120,12
Coolant pump capacity, l/min22222222
Dimensions and weight of the machine
Machine dimensions (length x width x height), mm2305 x 1950 x 16702305 x 1950 x 16702560 x 2260 x 17702560 x 2260 x 1770
Machine weight, kg2900283038003700


  1. The full value of the moves indicated in the passport can be used only in the absence of parts and devices that limit the movement of the table, slide or console, for example:
  • when using a rotary round table with a drive, as well as a dividing head with a guitar, the longitudinal stroke is reduced;
  • when installing a mandrel with a cutter and an earring on the trunk in the spindle, the vertical stroke is reduced;
  • when installing a workpiece or device hanging between the table and the frame mirror, the transverse travel of the slide is reduced;
  • vertical movements in the rearmost position of the slide are limited by the spindle nuts if they are located vertically or when the spindle rotates. In this case, it is necessary to install limit stops taking into account the shutdown of the feed within the limits of the movement of the table, slide or console.
  • In all cases of using full nameplate moves with mechanical feed, it is necessary to check the ability to operate at idle speed and carefully observe the operation of the machine during processing.
  • Due to the presence of overtravels of the moving units due to inertia, the actual value of the mechanical strokes is reduced by 10-20 mm, according to which the limiting cams are screwed in.
  • Table rotation up to 45° on the 6P83 machine is ensured when the slide is moved to the extreme forward position, and on the 6P82 machine it is also possible when the rear lateral travel limiting cam is removed.
  • The given overall dimensions of the machines characterize the “packing” or their largest dimensions, provided that the moving units are installed in the middle position.
  • If the frequency of the current in the power supply network of the machine tools is 60 Hz, then the number of revolutions of the electric motors is equal to: main movement - 1750 feed drive - 1730 cooling pump - 3360.


  1. Cantilever milling machines 6Р82, 6Р82Г, 6Р83, 6Р83Г. Manual,
  2. Cantilever milling machines 6Р82, 6Р83, 6Р82Г, 6Р83Г, 6Р82Ш, 6Р83Ш, 6Р12, 6Р13, 6Р12Б, 6Р13Б. Operating manual for electrical equipment 6Р82.ЭО.000 РЭ1,
  3. Avrutin S.V. Fundamentals of Milling, 1962
  4. Avrutin S.V. Milling, 1963
  5. Acherkan N.S. Metal-cutting machines, Volume 1, 1965
  6. Barbashov F.A. Milling 1973
  7. Barbashov F.A. Milling work (Vocational education), 1986
  8. Blumberg V.A. Milling machine handbook, 1984
  9. Grigoriev S.P. Practice of coordinate boring and milling work, 1980
  10. Kopylov Work on milling machines, 1971
  11. Kosovsky V.L. Handbook of a young milling operator, 1992
  12. Kuvshinsky V.V. Milling, 1977
  13. Nichkov A.G. Milling machines (Machinist's Library), 1977
  14. Pikus M.Yu. A mechanic's guide to repairing metal-cutting machines, 1987
  15. Plotitsyn V.G. Calculations of settings and adjustments of milling machines, 1969
  16. Plotitsyn V.G. Setting up milling machines, 1975
  17. Ryabov S.A. Modern milling machines and their equipment, 2006
  18. Skhirtladze A.G., Novikov V.Yu. Technological equipment for machine-building industries, 1980
  19. Tepinkichiev V.K. Metal cutting machines, 1973
  20. Chernov N.N. Metal cutting machines, 1988
  21. Frenkel S.Sh. Handbook of a young milling operator (3rd ed.) (Vocational education), 1978

Related Links. Additional Information

  • Milling machines: general information, classification, designation
  • Comparative characteristics of cantilever milling machines of the 6N, 6M, 6R, 6T
  • Feed box for console milling machines of the 6M : 6M12P, 6M13P, 6M82, 6M83, 6M82Sh, 6M83Sh
  • Feed box for console milling machines of the 6P : 6P12, 6P13, 6P82, 6P83, 6P82Sh, 6P83Sh
  • Feed box for console milling machines 6T : 6T12, 6T13, 6T82, 6T83, 6T82Sh, 6T83Sh
  • Milling machine repair technology
  • Adjustment of milling machines
  • Friction clutch. Friction shaft. Friction clutches in metal-cutting machines
  • Automatic cycles of milling machines (6P12)
  • Testing and checking metal-cutting machines for accuracy
  • Directory of universal milling machines
  • Manufacturers of metal-cutting machines in Russia
  • Manufacturers of milling machines in Russia
  • Electrical equipment of milling machines of the Gorky Machine Tool Plant, GZFS

  • Electrical equipment of milling machines 6T12, 6T13, 6T82, 6T82G, 6T82Sh, 6T83, 6T83G, 6T83Sh
  • Electrical equipment of milling machines 6P12, 6P13, 6Р82, 6Р82Г, 6Р82Ш, 6Р83, 6Р83Г, 6Р83Ш, 6Р12Б, 6Р13Б
  • Electrical equipment of milling machines 6M12P, 6M12PB, 6M13P, 6M13PB, 6M82, 6M82Sh, 6M82GB, 6M83, 6M83Sh
  • Electrical equipment of milling machines of the Vilnius Zalgiris Machine Tool Plant

  • Electrical equipment of milling machines 6T10, 6T80, 6T80G, 6T80Sh
  • Electrical equipment of milling machines 6Р10, 6Р80, 6Р80Г, 6Р80Ш
  • Electrical equipment of milling machines 6N10, 6N80, 6N80G, 6N80Sh
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