How to make a drill attachment (polishing wheel) for polishing a car with your own hands – Machine

Apparently, for more than four years of use, my Olympic Gold was never polished and the paintwork of the body lost its original shine and acquired quite a few small scratches. I was not going to give my Gold to a service center for professional polishing, because they asked for a full body polishing of 10K rubles.

I watched quite a few videos on YouTube and re-read a huge number of entries on Drive and decided that anyone can polish the body of their car, including me.

In general, whenever possible, I try to do everything in my car with my own hands, be it washing, soundproofing, installing music, etc. In general, wherever there is an opportunity to do something myself and there is a desire (and there is always one), I do it myself, because... I’m sure that no one but myself will do it better...And so I went shopping and bought everything I needed.

The consumables I needed were:

1. Body cleaner 2. Scratch remover (Anti-scratch) 3. Professional polishing paste (abrasive) Farecla G6 4. Fine polish (finishing) Runway

1. Velcro abrasive felt pad 2. Velcro soft polishing pad 3. Velcro drill attachment 4. Velcro soft sheepskin polishing pads 5. Velcro soft sheepskin polishing pads (did not use)

The most convenient tool for polishing is considered to be a professional polishing machine, which differs from a regular grinder only in the presence of a speed controller and a comfortable handle, but its cost is several times higher.

True, there are several other tools that can also be used to polish a car body.

The only tools I had were an eccentric sander and a regular drill with a speed controller. Of course, you can also polish the entire body by hand, but this will take a lot of time and effort, and the result may not satisfy you.

An eccentric sander and a conventional drill with a speed controller.

  • After working a little with an eccentric sander, I decided that I would still use an old drill with a special attachment.

Drill attachment with Velcro

  1. I prepared everything I needed and went to thoroughly wash the car.

I also needed a large amount of clean, dry cotton rags and a degreaser.

I think it’s worth mentioning that polishing in the hot sun is not recommended, because when polishing the paintwork is already exposed to high temperatures.

Therefore, I recommend polishing the car in non-sunny weather or simply in the shade.

First, you need to wash the car clean, wipe it from all kinds of dirt, and identify places that require grouting.

Deep scratches, cavities, orange peel, paint smears, etc.

After washing, the body must be wiped dry.

  • A special product helped me a lot from insects and heavy dirt that was not washed off during washing.

I scrub away stubborn dirt, insects and bonuses from birds.

Next, it is advisable to treat the body with a degreasing compound. This can be diluted “White alcohol” or a special product - Degreaser W900 APP 1 l. This composition removes dirty film from the body, cleans well from various small stains and prepares the body for applying polish.

After treating the body, the polish will last longer and protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

There were quite deep scratches on my body, so it was decided to first use a hard felt circle (in the second photo No. 1) with Farecla G6 abrasive polishing paste (in the first photo No. 3)

One of many scratches.

You need to polish the body in small parts, because the paste dries quickly enough and while you are polishing the hood, the paste on the roof will already dry out and become rough.

I decided that I would start with the trunk and work my way around (counterclockwise) gradually polishing each element.

The first step is to apply professional polishing paste Farecla G6 (in the first photo No. 3) to part of the body and try to rub it evenly over the body area (preferably with your hands). Next, take a drill, set it to 1200-1800 revolutions and put on an attachment with a hard felt circle (on second photo No. 1). We begin to carefully rub the polish with horizontal and then vertical movements of the drill.

I recommend polishing any sharp transitions, moldings, bumpers, corners by hand, because due to lack of skill you can overdo it and gradually, on these weak spots you can get to the paint! Therefore, I apply polish to large areas and polish with a drill, and the rest of the areas manually, with a special cloth.

You shouldn’t press hard and polish the same place over and over again.

As you can see, I covered the headlights with masking tape...Why? Read below.



The left rear fender and doors have already been painted.

Then we look at the body from different angles of light so that there are no untreated areas or traces of polish left.

  1. I did not polish the headlights with an abrasive paste, but used Anti-scratch (in the first photo No. 2) and soft polishing discs made of sheepskin (in the second photo No. 4).

He polished his eyes.

Then we wipe off the remaining polish on the body with rags and wash the car again, you can do it without shampoo, but you definitely need to wipe it with a washcloth.

Preparation and abrasive polishing took too much time and it was already starting to get dark, so I decided to postpone polishing with a fine compound until the next day... I went to rest (I still had to work at night).

The plan for the next day was to apply the finishing polish and finish with the polishing. In principle, there is only one small thing left to do: degrease the body again and apply a fine-grained compound using the same method. The polishing disc now needs to be used soft from parralon (in the second photo No. 2) together with Runway fine polish (in the first photo No. 4).

Soft polishing sponge with Velcro

The Runway fine polish is very liquid in composition and it is better to apply it on the parralon disc itself, but you can safely increase the drill speed to 2500, which will significantly speed up the final polishing process.

Spent much less time on applying the finishing polish than on abrasive processing.

We wipe off the remaining polish on the body with rags and wash the car again with shampoo so that there are no streaks or polish residues left on the dry body.

Since according to the site rules, a post cannot contain more than 20 photos, see the final result and photos of my polished Gold in the next post. PS I apologize for such a long post, no matter how hard I tried to make it shorter, I couldn’t.

Thank you all for your attention


Assortment of attachments

The most common products for processing automobile bodies are: sponge-like, abrasive with varying degrees of grain, felt, having a soft surface. They are conventionally classified according to the type of production into two types:

  • petal (has high productivity and high price);
  • surface grinding (made like a rubber disc with an additional coating for processing).

The material for these items is dense foam rubber or felt, which has different diameters. However, kits are sold that consist of several elements that have different purposes and manufacturing complexity.

Making your own nozzles

If there is no suitable option on sale, then for a disk with a high level of rigidity you can make a soft layer of great thickness and place it between Velcro and a plastic base. Using a utility knife, you need to cut off the Velcro where the soft layer will be glued. For the soft layer, a bath sponge is mainly used. It must be remembered that individual elements can shift, breaking the overall symmetry.
You can also use a felt disc, which is used in a polishing machine and machine. First, you should make a pin with a suitable diametrical size and apply a thread on one side. On this side you need to secure the disk, which is surrounded on both sides by a wide nut and a limit washer. This device is not difficult to manufacture and can be used to process various surfaces.

Application nuances

A drill attachment for car polishing can be purchased at any store that sells car products. However, you should choose these devices carefully.

Body elements of new cars are made using modern technologies. An anti-corrosion compound and paint are applied to the metal, which are wear-resistant. They will last approximately 15 years. However, this coating is better preserved if it is properly cared for. The polishing device restores the original shine and removes defects from the surface. Together with a special product, such a product will cost less than services provided in a workshop.

Polishing wheel on a drill for polishing a car

The owner cares about the presentability and beauty of the car no less than problems with the electronics or engine, so polishing the car body is done carefully and regularly. A properly selected polishing attachment for a drill will be able to carry out the work carefully, ultimately obtaining an excellent result.

A properly selected drill attachment can perform the job carefully.

Polishing attachments for drill: types

There are several types of polishing attachments for drills:

  1. Felt. This attachment looks like felt circles of different diameters. It is necessary for cleaning and other preparatory work immediately before and after polishing.
  2. Sheepskin nozzle. Effectively completes the polishing process, giving a final mirror shine.
  3. Nozzles made of fabric or leather. They are great for cleaning car body or glass before polishing, they are suitable for polishing in inaccessible places and on uneven acrylic and paint surfaces. Leather wheels are softer and are ideal for gentle treatment of the car body.
  4. Foam nozzles. The finer the cells on the foam rubber, the softer and more delicate the polishing will be.

To get started, you will need not only a polishing attachment for the drill, the power tool itself, but also a special product that is applied to the surface to secure a brilliant result.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a polishing wheel for a drill, you need to understand their advantages and disadvantages.

When choosing a drill attachment, you need to know their advantages and disadvantages.

First, let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of foam discs:

  • foam rubber wheels get very hot on the surface and consume a large amount of polishing paste;
  • The advantages include a large selection and low price.

For comparison, we will provide the pros and cons of a sheepskin nozzle:

  • effective removal of scratches, low consumption of polishing paste and do not heat the surface;
  • not suitable for the finishing process; they leave small scratches and stains on the surface;
  • high cost and small range.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary tools and wash and dry the car. Next, you need to clean insect marks and bitumen stains with a special product.

Polishing the body with a drill should not be carried out outdoors to avoid defects. The work room must be equipped with ventilation and good light, so as not to miss small scratches and roughness.

Foam drill attachment for car polishing

How to polish a car with a drill?

It is not advisable to polish with a drill on a hot day if the work takes place outside. The paintwork can get hot, so you need to park the car so that the sun's rays do not fall on it.

Work process:

  1. The body must be treated with any means that dissolves fat, and polishing paste must be applied to the surface in small portions. It is best to start work from the trunk and move towards the hood.
  2. First, a felt circle will do. Place the car polishing attachment on the drill and set the tool to 1300-1700 rpm, moving in horizontal and vertical lines. Do not press the drill too hard, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the paint or acrylic coating.
  3. Remove any remaining polishing agent with a damp sponge or cloth.
  4. Next, you can begin soft polishing with a foam pad.

At the end of the polishing process, apply a finishing agent and wipe it with a dry microfiber cloth.

Making your own attachments

At home, you can actually make your own grinding wheel from felt or felt. Old felt boots or felt fabric are suitable for the material. The nozzle requires about 50-250 mm of material.


  1. It is important to carefully glue the blanks for the circle. They must be glued together with glue, not reaching the edges, otherwise, during polishing, the dried glue will damage the surfaces.
  2. Connect the coated parts of the future nozzle and press tightly until the glue dries completely.
  3. In the center of the workpiece, make a hole of the required diameter for mounting on a power tool.
  4. Attach a small rod to the hole to make it easy to put on and take off from the drill.

After polishing, it is advisable to apply a protective film at a car service center, so there will be virtually no scratches or chips on the body.


Using a polishing wheel

By using a polishing wheel on a drill, you can update the appearance of your car. This procedure is most effective if you need to smooth out small chips or remove tarnishing of the surface.

The work is carried out in 2 stages:

  • removing paint from the body surface;
  • applying polishing compound.

Protective treatment is also carried out to reduce the negative effects of various types of precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. It is mainly done when preparing a car for sale. A protective layer (it contains wax or silicone) is distributed over the surface of the body to form a film that is invisible to the eye, repels moisture, and makes the body shiny. You can polish a used car with a soft pad if there is no paint damage. It can also be used with careful treatment with a protective agent.

How to make polishing wheels on sandpaper with your own hands

In this review, the master shows how you can make polishing wheels on sandpaper with your own hands. These wheels are perfect for rough polishing of various metal products. At the same time, making them is as easy as shelling pears.

In most cases, a set of two polishing wheels will be sufficient for a home workshop. The master makes the first circle from what was at hand - these are the tops of old felt boots (material - coarse wool).

To make a second polishing wheel for emery, felt is also used, but of medium hardness. First of all, the master cuts circles of the required diameter from felt. You need to make holes in the center with a punch.

Main stages of work

First, the master makes the first polishing wheel - from coarse wool (felt boots). In total you will need four blanks for it. They need to be glued together, clamped with a clamp and left until the glue dries completely.

The second polishing wheel is made from medium-hard felt in the same way. Additionally, you will need to find or make your own round pressure plates from metal or plywood.

Then the master places both circles on the emery shaft and processes the edges with a rasp. After this, you can begin rough polishing of parts and workpieces.

You can watch the video on our website for details on how to make polishing wheels on sandpaper with your own hands.

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Materials for car body processing

To carry out the car processing procedure, the following materials are needed:

  • foam;
  • sandpaper;
  • grinding compound;
  • bike;
  • polish.

The product that will be used to treat the body surface must be selected carefully.
A paste containing abrasive particles is needed to remove the top layer of varnish. It must be selected depending on the type of cracks and chips present on the body. A product with a large number of particles is necessary if the defects are very noticeable. Nowadays there is a large assortment of drugs on sale that add brightness to color. The protective coating of a new car may develop cloudy streaks. In such a situation, a restorative paste containing a grinding additive will be sufficient.

A variety of tools allow you to solve any problem. For vertical surfaces it is convenient to use a thick paste. It can be used to process any part of the machine. It is often added to components that increase the brightness of the color.

A polish with a liquid constitution is suitable for a horizontal surface, for example, a roof or hood. The main advantage of this product is that it cannot damage the enamel.

Convenient to use aerosols. They are economical and effective. However, the can does not contain very much product.

You have a polishing machine, but no felt pad for it! Then you can make it yourself, for example from felt boots or, like me, from rolled felt, in general, whoever is good at what.

How to Make a Polishing Machine From a Drill

What attachments are used to polish the body with a drill?

The appearance of the car often worries the owners more than its technical condition, so the body is probably polished often.

This not only allows you to give the car a representative look, but it protects the paint layer from early destruction.

Well-chosen drill attachments for car polishing will allow you to complete the work very carefully, resulting in an excellent result.

What attachments are suitable for polishing cars?

Usually, in order to polish a car with a drill, the following types of attachments are used:

  • Felt nozzles, which are soft circles of felt, cylindrical or otherwise flat in shape. Such nozzles are used both for cleaning the surface before polishing and for final polishing of the surface.
  • The cap-shaped attachment is made of sheepskin, which is ideal for the final polishing step. The introduction of such an attachment gives a truly brilliant result.
  • Circle attachments consisting of a fabric cord, in other words, covered with leather. With such attachments, you can clean products before polishing, and they are suitable for both flat and non-embossed surfaces. Leather circles are softer and therefore suitable for delicate processing of lacquer or acrylic products, but attachments made of fabric cord are used for metal processing.
  • Foam rubber nozzles. When purchasing such attachments, you should take into account that the smaller the cells on the foam wheel, the softer the polishing effect will be.

Additionally, polishing attachments for drills are divided into two categories, based on the shape:

To process a car body with a drill, you will need an adapter - a device on which an attachment or polishing wheel is attached.

Before you start polishing, you need to apply a thin layer of a special product to the surface. During operation, the nozzle will distribute the product over the surface, making it shiny.

Types of car polishing

There are two methods of polishing a car :

  • protective (delicate);
  • abrasive (restorative).

The protective method of polishing is a kind of prevention that allows you to maintain the paintwork of the body in its original form. For this treatment, a non-abrasive polish (wax, Teflon) is used, which refreshes the color and smoothes out microcracks.

The abrasive method is relevant for eliminating small defects: plaque, small cracks and chips. For such polishing, abrasive agents are used, the use of which is carried out as follows:

  • Existing defects or the oxide layer are removed using sandpaper or abrasive polish.
  • The final surface treatment is carried out using non-abrasive products and special attachments for a polishing machine or drill.

How to make a polishing attachment for a drill


DIY sanding attachment made from regular cork

How to make a grinding attachment with your own hands My channel My website

Experts do not recommend using grinders for polishing cars, since most models of grinders do not have a speed controller, while on a drill this indicator can easily be set in the required range. If you still plan to use an angle grinder, you should not process the bumper, headlights and moldings with this tool to avoid damage to them.

Nozzle hardness

Wheels for polishing cars differ from each other not only in the material from which they are made, but also in the degree of hardness. Drill attachments (circles) can be of the following types:

  • Solid. They are used to remove scratches and small chips from the car body.
  • Soft and medium. Used to give the surface a beautiful glossy shine.
  • With a relief surface. They are used if there is a large amount of work to be done to make the car body shine.

Experts recommend using several attachments when working - from harder ones at the initial stage of surface treatment to soft ones, which will be required at the final stage of polishing.

Tools and equipment

If you plan to polish a car using a drill, then it is best to use a device that can operate at 1500 rpm. Of course, this figure is not high enough for professional work, but at home it is using a drill .

To perform the work, the following elements are required:

  • attachments for a polishing machine or an attachment for a drill, which will allow you to secure the wheels;
  • adapter for circles;
  • polishing wheel;
  • applicator for distributing wax or polish;
  • polishing sponge;
  • body cleaner;
  • scratch remover;
  • abrasive paste;
  • finishing polish.

When everything you need is prepared, you can start working.

see also

Comments 17

good video, everything is clear, accessible, nothing superfluous, thanks comrade

So the felt doesn’t stay on with Velcro?

What is the sandpaper attached to or glued to?

It clings with teeth, like Velcro on clothes.

The other day I was polishing the cylinders of the compressor, made it as written from felt boots, cut the round timber with a crown, the result is impressive :)

... and then you will cut sausage for a snack with this knife!:-) In such felt you can find all sorts of inclusions, and instead of polishing you can make very good scratches. In the army, we insulated cars with this kind of felt in the winter, it didn’t work out very well, and we simply called it “koshma.”

Don’t look at it on an empty stomach, I want condensed milk)))


There is a wide range of nozzles that are suitable for various surfaces, the most common are sponge-shaped, abrasive, having different degrees of grain size and felt with a soft surface. Conventionally, they are classified according to their design into flap and surface grinding types. The latter are made in the form of a rubber circle (partial use of this material is also possible) with an additional coating for processing.

They are usually made from dense foam rubber or felt of various diameters. The petal nozzle for polishing is characterized by greater productivity and, as a result, high cost. You can also find kits for body surface treatment, which consist of several elements that have different purposes and complexity of execution.

Types of grinding wheels

Sanding attachments can be classified as a peeling material. They are discs whose edges have iron wire. Cleaning wheels are used to remove corrosion from the metal surface, as well as to remove other types of contaminants. In 80% of cases they are used to prepare pipes for painting.

There are four types of grinding disks, but the most popular of all types of grinding devices is the flap disk. Sanding wheels for an angle grinder are usually used to remove old varnish or paint, as well as to sand the surface of wood. This product is used for grinding parts made of metal, plastic and wood. An emery circle is a circle with small pieces of sandpaper fixed along the edge. Taking into account the type of work, you should choose the size of the abrasive grains of the working element.

The use of a petal-type disk makes it possible to pre-process a product made of different materials. It is permissible to perform finishing processing with it. For final grinding, use discs with a fine grain size.

On sale you can find the following types of petal circle:

  • Batch.
  • Tortsevoy.
  • Equipped with mandrel.

A grinding disc for an angle grinder with a mandrel is used if high-precision work is required. Most models that belong to this category are used to remove burrs after cutting metal or plastic pipes. The finishing grinding of the weld seam is carried out using a grinding disc. The components of the circles include carborundum or electrorundum chips. The structure of the circle also contains fiberglass mesh. These wheels are much thicker than cutting wheels for metal.

There are many metal brush attachments to choose from for sanding work:

  • To clean the surface from stubborn dirt or corrosion (wire discs).
  • Diamond cups are needed to polish stones.
  • For polishing metal, disc-shaped nozzles made of rubber/plastic, to which an abrasive mesh/emery cloth is attached, are excellent.

But let's learn how to make a sanding and polishing disc yourself.


Car polishing attachments are usually made in the form of a cone or a circle. They often come as an addition to polishes, along with polishing belts and sheets. There are many options that are used for both bodywork and jewelry or optics.

Thanks to such elements, the aesthetic and technical characteristics of the car are preserved, since any vehicle will look much better after a thorough washing and polishing.

Features of use

Progress does not stand still, and drill attachments for polishing are now available in various designs. New compositions for production are constantly appearing, which are lower in cost, but at the same time their reliability and quality remain at a high level. The devices are sold in any stores that stock automotive products. You should be careful when choosing, as you can easily make a mistake, and in the end the purchase will turn out to be unsuitable.

Body parts of new cars are produced using the latest technologies. Anti-corrosion compounds and paints that are resistant to wear are applied to the metal surface. Their warranty period is about 15 years. But the paintwork retains its characteristics better with proper care. An attachment for polishing a car allows you to restore the original shine, remove imperfections on the surface, and together with specialized compounds they will cost much less than going to a workshop.


A regular drill often acts as a grinder. But it can ensure high-quality work only if it is supplemented with suitable components. A variety of materials are used for polishing wheels. The most common attachment for a drill for polishing a car is made of felt or foam rubber. The choice of one option or another is determined by the degree of softness of the polishing paste. Manufacturers produce wheels in various colors, depending on their hardness:

  • The softest is the black polishing attachment;
  • orange elements are suitable for all types of pastes;
  • hard compounds are used with white circles.

Drill and grinder attachments for car polishing

Polishing a car body goes flawlessly when you have a good and reliable tool at hand. By choosing the right equipment for such work, you can achieve both good results and considerable savings. The choice of consumables and the funds spent on their use directly depends on the frequency of work. After all, there is no point in fully automating the process if you plan to carry out one polishing, and in a dirty and dusty room you will need additional means of protecting the surface being treated.

Classification of nozzles

To polish a car with your own hands using a drill, we need attachments for this tool.

If the paintwork of a car body requires removing scratches, then there are abrasive attachments with different abrasiveness for this purpose. Such wheels are used when grinding the surface, periodically wetting it.

There are felt attachments for drills. Circles made of this material are presented in a cylindrical or flat shape. Used both for cleaning the surface before polishing and for final polishing of the surface.

Foam nozzles are used to remove scratches from paintwork. There are circles of different hardness. Each wheel is used for a paste of a certain abrasiveness.

The hardest wheel is used for coarse abrasive polishes, the less hard one for finely abrasive polishes, and the softest for non-abrasive polishes. The depth of scratches is determined by visual inspection.

A very deep scratch cannot be polished. First you have to putty, then paint.

Sheepskin attachments are used mainly at the final stage to add shine to the surface.

Processing technology

Before polishing, the workpiece must be washed and cleaned of all kinds of contaminants. If grinding is necessary, put on an abrasive wheel and start grinding. Do not forget to wet the surface to be treated to avoid additional scratches. After sanding, wipe the surface. Apply the polish to the polishing wheel, rub it over the part and begin polishing it. To avoid overheating the surface, do not press hard on the tool and polish one area for a long time. When finished, use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any remaining polish.

To attach polishing wheels to a hand-held electric drill, you will need an adapter and so-called “Velcro” (a backing with fasteners).

Polishing with a grinder

The attachments on the grinder for polishing a car are the same as those described earlier when working with a drill. The circles are attached using the same adapter and Velcro. The process is the same. The only thing to consider is the speed. On an angle grinder they are much higher. Therefore, be careful not to damage the paintwork. If there is an unnecessary painted part, it’s better to practice on it.

You can buy attachments for a drill or grinder in auto stores or on the market. Store the circles in a dry and clean place.

Below you can watch a video review of polishing wheels.


DIY polishing attachments

Sometimes it is not possible to find a suitable option in the store, in this case, if you have a hard circle, you can make a soft, thick layer and place it between Velcro and a plastic base. Using a stationery knife, the Velcro is cut off, onto which a soft layer is glued, which is an ordinary bath sponge. It is worth noting that during the work, it is possible that individual elements may shift and, as a result, the overall symmetry may be disrupted.

Also, a convenient attachment for a drill for polishing a car is obtained from a felt disk used in polishing machines and machines. First you need to make a pin with a suitable diametrical size and apply a thread to one of its sides. A polishing disc is fixed to it, surrounded on both sides by a wide nut and a restrictive washer. The formation of such a device does not cause any particular difficulties, and it is suitable for processing many types of surfaces.

DIY felt circle for sharpening


The polishing process is carried out upon completion of many works. This is a rather labor-intensive and time-consuming technology. Doing it manually requires a lot of patience. In addition, to obtain a high-quality result, you must have at least some experience and skills.

For example, after painting a car, final polishing is carried out. After the cutters are completed, they are sharpened. A felt wheel for sharpening is a good assistant in these matters. But, without knowing the technology, you can ruin the previously done work. Let's try to understand all the features.

A little about the material

As noted above, an indispensable assistant in the polishing business is a felt polishing wheel. Most often, circles are made from well-pressed, high-quality wool.

This is a fairly effective method of grinding, which is ensured due to the protein nature of the material used. Wool fibers are rich in a substance called keratin.

It is characterized by the enrichment of basic carboxyl and amino groups. It is thanks to this that the possibility of chemical interaction with various components of the processed material is ensured.

During the process, various suspensions or pastes can be used to enhance the polishing effect.

The protein origin of the material increases grinding efficiency, which is not achieved when using non-protein polishing materials.

What fibers are used

Felt, which is used for polishing wheels, is divided into the following types according to its composition: fluff, awn, transitional hair and dead hair. Down felt contains fibers with the highest elasticity and has the largest number of flakes. The highest degree of coarseness is present in dead hair; here elasticity indicators are completely absent.

Some main composition characteristics are provided in the table.

Name of feltsFiber content percentage
PoohTransitional hairOstDeadhair

Types of circles

The felt polishing wheel is divided into several types according to the percentage composition of fibers:

  • fine-haired;
  • semi-coarse-haired;
  • rough-haired.

The best polishing wheels are obtained with higher density felts as they are more resistant to wear. Other types quickly become unusable.

But it should be noted that their use when grinding, for example, the surface of a car is not permissible. The best in this direction are fine-wool felt circles.

They are also good for polishing products made of non-ferrous metals or aluminum.

As for semi-coarse wool products, their area of ​​application is mainly aimed at sharpening delicate instruments. For example, surgical scalpels, parts for precision measuring instruments, etc.

Features of the technology for using felt discs

Ensuring high-quality execution of the process is determined by the speed of rotation of the felt disk. The best option is if the machine develops a rotation speed of 5 – 10 m/s. Otherwise, the following problems arise:

  • artificial hardening of the treated surface occurs, it becomes harder and less amenable to grinding or sharpening;
  • When the rotation speed increases, polishing fibers are torn off the surface of the wheel under the influence of centrifugal forces, and the material is wasted.

The entire list of available felt circles

NameList of sizes, cmDensity degree
1Coarse wool felt circles10-2-3,212,5-2-3,215-2-3,220-2-3,220-2,5-3,220-4-3,20.30-0.45g/cm3
2Semi-coarse felt circles 12,5-0,8-2,212,5-2-212,5-2-3,215-2-3,220-2-3,220-2,5-3,220-4-3,20.33-0.48g/cm3
3Fine wool felt circles12,5-2-3,215-2-3,220-2-3,220-2,5-3,220-4-3,20.38-0.50g/cm3

Features of caring for felt circles

When working with felt circles, you must adhere to certain rules, since their surface is very susceptible to any contamination.

In the case when the felt is clogged, the quality of grinding will decrease significantly, and scratches or chips are likely to form:

  • If the disc is not in use and is attached to the machine, it must be covered. You can remove the disc from the sharpener and wrap it tightly with paper;
  • It is better not to use additional pastes and other additives unless absolutely necessary;
  • The circle should be cleaned carefully; while rotating, you need to bring pumice to its surface, but do not put too much pressure on it. Using the same method, you can trim the surface of the polishing disc. Keep an eye on it while cleaning. So that the flaking particles do not clog the surface, but flake off.

DIY felt disc

If desired, you can prepare a grinding wheel at home with your own hands from felt or felt material. For example, if there are old felt boots in the house, then from their tops you can cut out circles of the required diameter. Typically, the diametrical section size varies from 50 mm to 250 mm.

Discs with a diameter of 200 mm are in particular demand. It depends on the area of ​​its application and the technical characteristics of the machine. The thickness of the discs should be from 30 mm to 50 mm. Although this is not mandatory. The number of blanks depends on the size of the future disk.


Next we perform the steps in the following order:

  1. We pay special attention to the technology of gluing workpieces. They need to be lubricated with glue, but the adhesive composition cannot be brought to the edges, since when it dries, abrasive particles may form. During polishing they can damage the surface;
  2. After all the layers are coated, we connect them to each other and press them with a weight until the glue dries completely;
  3. After this, a hole of the appropriate diameter is drilled in the center of the resulting disk;
  4. Next, install the disk on the sharpening machine and clamp it with two nuts. The rigidity of the disk installation is ensured by washers, but it should be remembered that their diameter should not exceed a third of the diametrical section of the disk;
  5. In order to make the circle removable, you can fix a small rod in its hole. In this case, it can be mounted on a drill.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, you can easily make the process of polishing and sharpening surfaces easier if you use felt discs. They can polish painted or varnished objects, chrome or stone items in no time.

When is polishing needed?

Such processing, despite many positive aspects, can correct only a limited list of defects. It is impossible to do without major repairs of body elements if they have pockets of corrosion, chips or damage through which the steel frame is visible. Before starting work, you should carefully inspect the machine and make sure that any defects can be eliminated. A car polishing attachment for a drill will be effective in the following cases:

  • slight difference in shades obtained after partial dyeing;
  • the presence of graininess and streaks of the enamel composition;
  • the surface has roughness, scratches and cloudy stains;
  • the paint layer became less bright and shiny.

How to make a drill attachment (polishing wheel) for car polishing with your own hands - Machine

Apparently, for more than four years of use, my Olympic Gold was never polished and the paintwork of the body lost its original shine and acquired quite a few small scratches. I was not going to give my Gold to a service center for professional polishing, because they asked for a full body polishing of 10K rubles.

I watched quite a few videos on and re-read a huge number of entries on Drive and decided that anyone can polish the body of their car, including me.

In general, whenever possible, I try to do everything in my car with my own hands, be it washing, soundproofing, installing music, etc. In general, wherever there is an opportunity to do something myself and there is a desire (and there is always one), I do it myself, because... I’m sure that no one but myself will do it better...And so I went shopping and bought everything I needed.

The consumables I needed were:

1. Body cleaner 2. Scratch remover (Anti-scratch) 3. Professional polishing paste (abrasive) Farecla G6 4. Fine polish (finishing) Runway

1. Velcro abrasive felt pad 2. Velcro soft polishing pad 3. Velcro drill attachment 4. Velcro soft sheepskin polishing pads 5. Velcro soft sheepskin polishing pads (did not use)

The most convenient tool for polishing is considered to be a professional polishing machine, which differs from a regular grinder only in the presence of a speed controller and a comfortable handle, but its cost is several times higher.

True, there are several other tools that can also be used to polish a car body.

The only tools I had were an eccentric sander and a regular drill with a speed controller. Of course, you can also polish the entire body by hand, but this will take a lot of time and effort, and the result may not satisfy you.

An eccentric sander and a conventional drill with a speed controller.

  • After working a little with an eccentric sander, I decided that I would still use an old drill with a special attachment.

Drill attachment with Velcro

  1. I prepared everything I needed and went to thoroughly wash the car.

I also needed a large amount of clean, dry cotton rags and a degreaser.

I think it’s worth mentioning that polishing in the hot sun is not recommended, because when polishing the paintwork is already exposed to high temperatures.

Therefore, I recommend polishing the car in non-sunny weather or simply in the shade.

First, you need to wash the car clean, wipe it from all kinds of dirt, and identify places that require grouting.

Deep scratches, cavities, orange peel, paint smears, etc.

After washing, the body must be wiped dry.

  • A special product helped me a lot from insects and heavy dirt that was not washed off during washing.

I scrub away stubborn dirt, insects and bonuses from birds.

Next, it is advisable to treat the body with a degreasing compound. This can be diluted “White alcohol” or a special product - Degreaser W900 APP 1 l. This composition removes dirty film from the body, cleans well from various small stains and prepares the body for applying polish.

After treating the body, the polish will last longer and protect the body from the harmful effects of the environment.

There were quite deep scratches on my body, so it was decided to first use a hard felt circle (in the second photo No. 1) with Farecla G6 abrasive polishing paste (in the first photo No. 3)

One of many scratches.

You need to polish the body in small parts, because the paste dries quickly enough and while you are polishing the hood, the paste on the roof will already dry out and become rough.

I decided that I would start with the trunk and work my way around (counterclockwise) gradually polishing each element.

The first step is to apply professional polishing paste Farecla G6 (in the first photo No. 3) to part of the body and try to rub it evenly over the body area (preferably with your hands). Next, take a drill, set it to 1200-1800 revolutions and put on an attachment with a hard felt circle (on second photo No. 1). We begin to carefully rub the polish with horizontal and then vertical movements of the drill.

I recommend polishing any sharp transitions, moldings, bumpers, corners by hand, because due to lack of skill you can overdo it and gradually, on these weak spots you can get to the paint! Therefore, I apply polish to large areas and polish with a drill, and the rest of the areas manually, with a special cloth.

You shouldn’t press hard and polish the same place over and over again.

As you can see, I covered the headlights with masking tape...Why? Read below.



The left rear fender and doors have already been painted.

Then we look at the body from different angles of light so that there are no untreated areas or traces of polish left.

  1. I did not polish the headlights with an abrasive paste, but used Anti-scratch (in the first photo No. 2) and soft polishing discs made of sheepskin (in the second photo No. 4).

He polished his eyes.

Then we wipe off the remaining polish on the body with rags and wash the car again, you can do it without shampoo, but you definitely need to wipe it with a washcloth.

Preparation and abrasive polishing took too much time and it was already starting to get dark, so I decided to postpone polishing with a fine compound until the next day... I went to rest (I still had to work at night).

The plan for the next day was to apply the finishing polish and finish with the polishing. In principle, there is only one small thing left to do: degrease the body again and apply a fine-grained compound using the same method. The polishing disc now needs to be used soft from parralon (in the second photo No. 2) together with Runway fine polish (in the first photo No. 4).

Soft polishing sponge with Velcro

The Runway fine polish is very liquid in composition and it is better to apply it on the parralon disc itself, but you can safely increase the drill speed to 2500, which will significantly speed up the final polishing process.

Spent much less time on applying the finishing polish than on abrasive processing.

We wipe off the remaining polish on the body with rags and wash the car again with shampoo so that there are no streaks or polish residues left on the dry body.

Since according to the site rules, a post cannot contain more than 20 photos, see the final result and photos of my polished Gold in the next post. PS I apologize for such a long post, no matter how hard I tried to make it shorter, I couldn’t.

Thank you all for your attention

All about polishing wheels, discs and attachments for car polishing


No matter how carefully the driver drives his car, the paintwork becomes covered with chips, scratches and “worn out” spots over time.

These damages occur due to careless driving, driving on unequipped roads, or due to temperature changes.

To update paintwork, it is enough to prepare an angle grinder and select suitable polishing wheels for polishing a car.

Circle materials

Minor abrasions and small scratches are removed with fur discs. For hard-to-reach places, wool products are used. Polishing wheels are selected depending on the abrasiveness of the paste, the location of work, and the diameter of the area being treated.


Felt discs are more in demand in body polishing. There are several types of products, depending on the degree of wooliness of the coating. Thick-haired drill polishing attachments are faster at removing serious damage to painted surfaces. Fine-haired discs are used less often.

Body polishing

The polishing process can correct only some defects. If there is corrosion, chips or damage on the body through which the steel frame is visible, then a major repair will be required.

Before starting the polishing process, you should carefully inspect the vehicle to ensure that any imperfections can be eliminated.

Treatment of the body with a special device will give a positive result if:

  • slight difference in shades that resulted after partial coloring;
  • the presence of roughness, scratches and cloudy stains;
  • faded layer of paint;
  • the appearance of graininess and streaks of enamel.

You need to know that you can’t overuse polishing, because when you do it, the paint layer becomes smaller by 5 micrometers. From the date of manufacture of the vehicle, no more than 20 polishing procedures can be performed. At this time, you need to use a thickness gauge, especially if the car is used.

What does the polishing attachment achieve?

Polishing makes it possible to give the body a renewed appearance. Carrying out such treatment is especially important when leveling small chips and in case of tarnishing of the surface. The work is being carried out in two stages. First, the surface layer of paint is removed, after which polishing compounds are applied.

There is also a protective treatment that is used to reduce the negative effects of various precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. Most often, it is included in the pre-sale preparation of the car. The protective coating is distributed over the entire surface and can have a different composition with the addition of components such as silicone or wax. They form a water-repellent, invisible film and provide a brilliant shine. The soft drill nozzle for polishing is suitable for used cars on the surface of which there is no damage to the paint layer. It is also used in gentle treatment with protective agents.

What are metal grinding discs?

Sanding is one of the most popular processes for which a grinder is used. Using this device and a set of attachments, you can carry out both rough and gentle processing of metal, stone and wooden surfaces. Basically, grinding is carried out before polishing the product. The attachments used in this case may contain felt material or even sandpaper.

For grinding metal products, different brushes are used, which are made from wire, which is located on a metal base. Moreover, now it is even possible to buy other, more technological attachments for an angle grinder. The tape file will be direct proof of this. It is used for grinding, polishing and removing traces of corrosion. Taking into account the required surface quality, you can mount wheels on an angle grinder that have replaceable sandpaper, as well as porous, felt and even fabric wheels.

Please note that the angle grinder must have smooth speed control, which will be a prerequisite for using such an attachment.

Grinding wheels for metal are used to perform the following activities:

  • Sharpening tools.

  • Final processing of welding seams.
  • Cleaning the surface from corrosion and paint.

In most cases, the work will require special abrasive pastes, and sometimes even special liquids. For rough grinding and cleaning, grinding discs with small abrasive chips are used. Grinding wheels for grinders make it possible to process material to the desired degree of roughness. For example, such nozzles are even used for car service to polish the car body.

Polishing agents

Before you begin restoring the surface, you should make sure you have the necessary materials, such as:

Treatment products should be carefully selected. Pastes with abrasive particles are necessary to remove the top varnish layer. They are selected according to the type of cracks and chips on the surface. Preparations with a large number of particles are indispensable when eliminating noticeable defects. Compositions that add brightness to color are quite common.

Cloudy stains often appear on the protective coating of new cars; in this case, you can use a restoration paste that does not contain grinding additives.

A variety of polishes allows you to choose the right product for any task. Thick pastes are suitable for vertical surfaces. They can be used to treat any part of the car. Such products are often characterized by the presence of components that increase the brightness of the shade.

Liquid polishes are only suitable for horizontal surfaces, for example, the hood or roof. The main advantage is the absence of the possibility of damage to the enamel.

Aerosols are quite convenient to use. Such compositions are economical and effective in operation. But it is worth noting that the cans, despite their size, do not contain much material.

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