Classification of bandsaw blades, main parameters and best manufacturers

After purchasing a band saw machine, the question arises: “how to choose band saw blades?” Several factors influence the selection of a band saw.

, by considering each of them in the correct sequence, you will select the right blade that will ensure the most efficient operation of your band saw equipment.

In the previously published article “What is tape?” All the structural elements of the tape webs were considered, so now we will not return to them.

First, let's understand why it is so important to work with properly selected saws. The fact is that even saws that are not quite suitable also cut workpieces, but correctly selected saws work longer, therefore less consumption, fewer machine stops to replace the blade, less waste, i.e. in practice, the correct selection of canvas ensures:

  • Saving money
  • Productivity increase

In fact, all production strives for these two points and we conclude that the correct selection of fabric is necessary for every enterprise, without exception.

Classification of band saw blades

Carbon steel is used in the manufacture of band saws; it is highly wear-resistant. On sale there are blades made of bimetallic material, and band saws with a blade where carbide tips are used in the manufacture of teeth.

The dimensions of band saws in width (these saws are delivered to the customer mainly in the form of a coil or in the state of several bands connected to each other) vary from 13 to 80 mm. For machines where vertical cutting is used, band saws of smaller width (up to 6 mm) are manufactured.

Based on the variety of areas of use, the following classification of paintings has been compiled:

  • M42. This bimetallic blade is used for cutting material made from carbon steel.
  • M51. It is used for sawing material made from high-carbon steel, as well as its alloy.
  • SP. This blade is preferred for cutting rare and heat-resistant alloys.
  • TST. Manufacturing companies produce them for processing materials made of hard alloys or those that have a non-uniform structure.

When choosing products, pay attention to the TPI indicator, which reflects the number of teeth per 1 inch. It is worth finding out what material the workpiece is made of. This affects the thickness and accuracy of the cut.

The higher the TPI parameter, the lower the speed of work and the cut will be. Thanks to this, the cut is more accurate

If you are going to cut wood, it is better to choose a tape with a characteristic of 3 TPI or more. When working with metal, it is recommended to use tape with a TPI rating of 4 to 20.

The teeth in the belt differ not only in their distance from each other, but also in their shape. There are 2 types of teeth. One of them is called skip. It is most often found on belts with small pitches (from 3 to 6), which contributes to a larger area of ​​sawdust ejection.

The second type is called regular. It has a triangular shape and, unlike skip teeth, does not have additional space for sawdust. For this reason, such products are used when sawing objects of large thickness or hard materials.

There are many types of canvases, the most popular are presented below:

  1. 3 TPI skip. This is a good choice if you need to cut thick materials quickly. The product is used for sawing wood lengthwise.
  2. 4 TPI skip. This type of tape is suitable for general sawing.
  3. 6 TPI skip. Blades are needed when the machine operates at medium speed; they can be used for longitudinal sawing of wood up to 50 mm thick and cross-cutting up to 150 mm.
  4. 10 TPI regular is required when you need to saw artificial materials - plywood, plastic, etc. When feeding at low speed, it is suitable for sawing wood 50 mm thick.
  5. 14 TPI regular. At a low feed rate, it can be used for sawing various materials up to 25 mm thick. Used when working with light metals.

The service life of the paintings depends on which company produced them.

Tab. 2 Profiles and pipes

Select the maximum size of the part to be cut. Then select the wall thickness. The intersection of these two parameters in the table shows the recommended tooth pitch. For faster cutting, you can use the next larger increment. It is not recommended to use a finer pitch, since overfilling the cavities between the teeth with chips leads to failure of the saw.

Workpiece diameter, mmOuter diameter, mm

When cutting a stack of pipes, use twice the wall thickness.

How to choose a blade for metal, wood or meat

Before you start choosing a band saw for your machine, you need to read the operating instructions. In it, the manufacturer indicates the parameters of the product, its maximum and minimum width. The length is always set to a range that cannot be changed, while the width can be adjusted.

The product should be selected according to the area of ​​use. For example, the maximum width is suitable if the workpiece is not expected to be cut to a radius.

When selecting parameters for a band saw, you need to decide on the following criteria:

  • what will be the scope of work;
  • consider frequency of use;
  • what materials will you have to work with;
  • the dimensions of the canvas itself.

You need to pay attention to the teeth. Their shape and size matter.

Each material requires different types of band saws. M-51 brand tools are suitable if you need to cut high-carbon steels. Saw grade M-42 is required for low-carbon steels and bimetallic blades. It is needed to work with medium carbon steel.

SP models are designed for long-term use with heat-resistant steel. TST type tools are required for processing titanium workpieces; they are also designed for working with nickel alloys.

If the choice of saw blade for a band saw is made correctly, the following will happen:

  1. the cut line will be straight;
  2. there will be no vibration when sawing materials;
  3. There will be no cracks or chips at the cut site.

Various band saws are used for cutting stone, metal, wood and synthetic fabric. Their cost depends on the purpose and type of canvas. For processing wood, use the “Bison 350” band saw blade.

Cutting plastic, glass and wood is carried out with 1425 mm blades; it is worth purchasing a 1650 mm blade for meat. For sawing wood, you can buy 2240 mm blades.

Apparatus for working with metal

All carving tools are divided into several types, but the main and most convenient is the vertical type. It is this type of machine that allows you to move the workpiece during operation, while other types secure it firmly.

The main classification divides devices according to the material for which they will be used:

  • For metal carving.
  • For processing synthetic materials.
  • For the tree.
  • For stone.

The tool is also divided depending on the teeth. Here, belts with non-hardened teeth stand out, which are quite low in cost, but work with a minimum feed speed of about 7 meters per minute. Belts with hardened teeth have high wear resistance and a higher feed speed, but such a device is more expensive.

Tool selection rules

Every sawmill and workshop has metal band saws in its arsenal. How to choose a quality device:

First you need to choose two or three companies that occupy leading positions in the market and are distinguished by their reliability and quality. The ratio between price and maintenance costs is important. First of all, the device must be without flaws, easy to sharpen, and easy to saw through the material. Number of teeth

Experts recommend purchasing saws whose number of teeth is a multiple of three. It is these devices that ensure normal and long-term operation of the tool.

Major saw manufacturers

The top position in terms of price-quality ratio is occupied by Simonds tools.
The blades are made in the USA from a proprietary carbon alloy that, unlike other blades, is heat treated twice to make it very durable. The company monitors the quality of each device by scanning to detect cracks. Another company that has established itself in the market is Wood-mizer, which manufactures devices for various conditions. The first type is standard saws. But even this type of tool has its own characteristics, namely Wood-mizer makes the teeth stronger using electromagnetic induction, which allows you to increase the interval between sharpening. The company also produces tools for industrial enterprises and for sawing heavy-duty metals and wood.

Arntz is a famous German company that has gained popularity all over the world. Saws of this brand are made of materials containing cobalt, which makes the tool durable and wear-resistant. A special feature of this brand is that the saw has a speed increase function.

It is these manufacturers of band saws that are the most reliable, time-tested and have many positive reviews.

This is interesting: Features of cordless circular saws

Basic parameters of teeth

The number of teeth is directly related to the quality of the cut. The more there are, the higher the result of the work. This occurs due to the fact that the load is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the cutting surface.

If the band saw has large teeth, the cut will be deep. For this reason, such blades are used when cutting down trees. For small and thin sheet materials, blades with small teeth are suitable.

To work with large workpieces, it is better to opt for a band saw with large teeth. If it is necessary to reduce resonance phenomena, the teeth must have different heights. To cut large materials, you need to use saws with uniform and frequently set teeth.

To reduce clogging of the band saw during operation, variable teeth are needed that are suitable for cutting soft materials.

Subtypes of horizontal band saw machines

In turn, horizontal band saws are divided into many varieties. The following subtypes of horizontal saws are distinguished:

  1. Console (pendulum)
  2. Single post
  3. Double post
  4. Portal

Horizontal band saws are considered basic. They are the most widespread, since the horizontal cut is considered universal. Vertical saws are, for the most part, highly specialized; it is advisable to use them only in certain technical processes.

Now let’s learn more about the types of bandsaw machines with a console.

Cantilever (pendulum) type band saws

Cantilever or pendulum saws are relatively compact and lightweight models that are usually used for cutting metal products of initial and medium standard sizes.

The toothed fabric is stretched between the edges of the console. One of the edges is attached to the frame via a hinge. To prevent the console from falling under its own weight, it is additionally supported by a spring with adjustable tension. The console, suspended on a spring, easily moves up and down, which is why such saws are nicknamed “pendulum”.

Cantilever type band saws are good because they are quick to set up and provide a very precise cut. Unlike stand-mounted saws, console models do not require permanent mounting during installation. Many pendulum-type saws are equipped with a wheeled chassis, which allows you to quickly and easily transport the equipment around the production workshop or repair base.

Almost all saws with a console are equipped with a cooling lubricant (coolant) supply system. As a rule, there is a reservoir on the frame that allows you to store a supply of liquid. The liquid itself is supplied using a pump. These models have the ability to connect a water hose.

Cantilever band saws are available in several designs:

  1. With rotary console
  2. With fixed console

Models with a rotating arm are capable of cutting both straight and at an angle. Stationary consoles allow cutting at a strictly 90˚ angle.

Additionally, console saws can differ in the degree of automation of the cutting process. There are saws with semi-automatic and automatic cutting. Semi-automatic models require manual feeding of the console, that is, the console must be pressed against the workpiece manually. And in fully automatic models, the console feed is realized by a special actuator.

What other types of band saws are there?

Single, double and gantry band saws

This group of machines is used for the most part only in production. Band saws of this type are large in size and heavy in weight. Such saws are mounted permanently. They are designed for facing and cutting to size metal castings and large workpieces.

  • Single-column band saws have one column along which the frame with the saw blade moves. The frame is much heavier than the console, so this type of band saw is capable of transmitting an order of magnitude greater cutting force to the workpiece.
  • Two-post band saws use a pair of columns along which a frame with a saw blade rides up and down. The main advantage of double-column saws over their single-column counterparts is the ability to transmit increased force to the saw. Two fulcrum points allow the frame to put much more pressure on the workpiece.

Band saws with two columns are used for processing particularly large and critical workpieces.

Portal band saws use approximately the same design principle as in column saws. The main feature of portal saws is the ability to tilt the saw frame. The portal is designed for making cuts at a certain angle.

Band saws with a portal design have a fairly narrow specialization. But in many enterprises it is impossible to do without angular cutting of large workpieces. Regarding single- and double-post saws, they cut strictly at right angles.

The only exception may be the two-post type of band saws. There are modifications of saw frames supported by 2 columns, which have an inclined table. In this case, it becomes possible to make an angular cut, although the frame itself is located strictly at an angle of 90˚ to the horizontal plane. The workpiece is tilted directly.

What characteristics should you pay attention to in order to know how to choose a band saw?

The best manufacturers

Among the companies producing band saws, experts recommend the following, which occupy the first lines of the rating:

  • Arntz. A German company, in whose production facilities constant monitoring of the quality of products is carried out, and research is also being carried out in order to modernize technologies and improve the characteristics of band saws.
  • Lenox. An American company, a special feature of this manufacturer is a specially developed coating, it is called Armor. Thanks to it, the products have increased strength and resistance to physical wear.
  • Wikus. Another manufacturer from Germany, which has been at the top of the list of the best manufacturers of band saws for a long period of time. The advantages of the company include many years of experience in the production of tools and a large list of available models.
  • Forezienne is a French company for the production and maintenance of cutting tools. Its main feature is the production of blades for band saws from steel, which is made from high-grade rocks and is processed by a hardening and tempering system.
  • Lennartz is an equally large manufacturer of blades for tape machines, in demand in Europe. This company specializes in the manufacture of saws based on composite alloys.
  • Doall is an American manufacturer, known in the market for its high quality band saws.

All products are reliable and have a long service life.

My choice

The first thing to do after assembling the Voronezh “ribbon” is to eliminate possible misalignment of the driven pulley. After which, the Encore Corvette 422 works even with a standard saw. Already at this stage, the novice master really feels the difference between an angle grinder and a bandsaw machine. But there is also a replacement of the engine, installation of a hydraulic cylinder, and many small upgrades ahead. In my opinion, this is an ideal option for a novice master.

I saw how, thanks to the capabilities of the semi-automatic JET EHB 270 DGSVIP, a small company coped with the main flow of work and managed to fulfill the orders of those customers who were placed at the back of a long queue by competitors. The machine is not cheap, but it is definitely worth the money.

Among industrial equipment, I highlight the domestically produced LPS 8535. A simple design determines the reliability of the unit, and a wide range of configurations allows the customer to receive a machine tailored to the needs of their production.

Canvas repair

Cutting edge breakage is a rare occurrence in woodworking, but metal strip can be repaired and reused in the job. The recovery process includes the following steps:

  1. measuring the length of the tape web;
  2. identification of missing fragments;
  3. edge processing;
  4. electric contact welding;
  5. hardening and processing of the weld.

Restoring the blade for a band sawmill requires the qualifications of a craftsman. The cost of the service depends on how many seams need to be made and how wide the inserts should be.


As you can see in the picture, the disc markings can tell you about many technical characteristics. But there is a dependence that should not be neglected: the shape of the teeth directly affects the ability to work with a specific material.

The classification developed by representatives of the GASS brand divides discs into the following categories according to the shape of the teeth:

GK and GS: alternately beveled. Suitable for processing all types of wood and “clean” chipboards, without plywood and plastic coatings.

GM: straight. They can only cope with cutting soft wood.

GT: trapezoidal. They are useful in cases where you need to cut MDF or chipboard with lamination.

GR: conical. Cuts multi-layer coatings with double lamination.

GA: trapezoidal and straight. Same features as GT.

Manufacturers apply laser markings to high-quality saw blades. If the parameters are “written” with ordinary paint, this means that we are looking at an economy-class product that will quickly become unusable.

Apparatus for working with metal

All carving tools are divided into several types, but the main and most convenient is the vertical type. It is this type of machine that allows you to move the workpiece during operation, while other types secure it firmly.

The main classification divides devices according to the material for which they will be used:

  1. For metal carving.
  2. For processing synthetic materials.
  3. For the tree.
  4. For stone.

The tool is also divided depending on the teeth. Here, belts with non-hardened teeth stand out, which are quite low in cost, but work with a minimum feed speed of about 7 meters per minute. Belts with hardened teeth have high wear resistance and a higher feed speed, but such a device is more expensive.

Tool selection rules

Every sawmill and workshop has metal band saws in its arsenal. How to choose a quality device:

First you need to choose two or three companies that occupy leading positions in the market and are distinguished by their reliability and quality. The ratio between price and maintenance costs is important. First of all, the device must be without flaws, easy to sharpen, and easy to saw through the material. Number of teeth

Experts recommend purchasing saws whose number of teeth is a multiple of three. It is these devices that ensure normal and long-term operation of the tool.

Major saw manufacturers

The top position in terms of price-quality ratio is occupied by Simonds tools. The blades are made in the USA from a proprietary carbon alloy that, unlike other blades, is heat treated twice to make it very durable. The company monitors the quality of each device by scanning to detect cracks.

Another company that has established itself in the market is Wood-mizer, which manufactures devices for various conditions. The first type is standard saws. But even this type of tool has its own characteristics, namely Wood-mizer makes the teeth stronger using electromagnetic induction, which allows you to increase the interval between sharpening. The company also produces tools for industrial enterprises and for sawing heavy-duty metals and wood.

Arntz is a famous German company that has gained popularity all over the world. Saws of this brand are made of materials containing cobalt, which makes the tool durable and wear-resistant. A special feature of this brand is that the saw has a speed increase function.

It is these manufacturers of band saws that are the most reliable, time-tested and have many positive reviews.

Application area

For each type of work, manufacturers try to offer a selection of products with clearly defined qualities. Band saw equipment is widely used in metalworking, woodworking, and construction business. We carry out cutting of plastic and composite materials. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals are processed. Band saws are universal. By changing the brand of blade, its pitch and cutting modes on the same equipment, you can effectively produce parts from completely different materials. This ensures high accuracy, minimum waste and high speed of operations.

Sawing and feed speed

Sawing speed is measured in meters per minute. Feed is the speed at which the saw frame is lowered.

The higher the cutting speed, the hotter the motor, saw blade and workpiece heat up. A machine operating in this mode for a long period of time may break down.

A very high feed speed causes strong vibration of the band saw; to blunt the teeth and tear the blade, to prevent this from happening, you need to reduce the feed.

Weak feed can deform the workpiece and dull the teeth, so you need to control the feed through the chips; it should be narrow, curly and elastic.


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