Winch selection. How to choose a winch? Which winch should you choose?

Winch. The driver understands the value of this device only when all other ways to rescue the car from the muddy country roads have been unsuccessfully tried. And it’s relatively inexpensive, and it doesn’t take up much space, but it’s not in the trunk. In this case, there is only one thing left to do - look for a tractor. Don't think that only adventure-seeking owners of powerful SUVs can find themselves in such a situation. A manual winch may also be needed by summer residents who are far from extreme sports, fishermen and mushroom pickers, and anyone who periodically has to move along dirt roads.

The choice of such mechanisms is simply huge, but sometimes the appearance of some of them alone makes you doubt the advisability of the purchase. Which hand winch should you choose and carry in your trunk a truly effective and reliable device, and not just a structure made of gears and steel wire? More on this below.

What types of winches are there?

Winches can be manual, electric, hydraulic or mechanical. Depending on the needs of the user, they can be either portable or fixed. There are many variations in the use of a winch. It is used as a tractor mounted on a car, or as a mechanism for raising a bridge. Using a rope or chain, this mechanism is capable of dragging huge loads in any plane.

Machine drive - one drum, two drums...

Traditionally, machine-driven winches are used to service simple construction cranes, scrapers, drilling rigs, and in elevators. They can have one, two or three reels. It is possible to use various drives - electric, diesel, pneumatic, steam.

More common are reversible winches, the drum of which is connected to the engine shaft by the gears of the gearbox, less often - friction winches using an appropriate clutch or split friction transmission. Electric winches are equipped with automatic braking systems.

How to choose the right winch and what to look for

First of all, you need to decide on the scope of application. The same type of winch is not always suitable for different tasks. For example, a car winch can either pull a car out of a hole or topple a tree trunk. In turn, a hand tool has much less chance of doing the same.

Having decided on the direction of work, you should pay attention to the “force” created by the winch, the length of the cable or tape, and the angle at which it can function normally.

Other options: a simple winch and a metal structure

A fast and fairly effective alternative to previous models is a rather old method. It is known to motorists who have had to tow a car with improvised means. In emergency cases, you can use such a winch at the dacha, when you do not have time and materials for a more serious device:

  • dig the crowbar deep into the ground - it should be firmly fixed in a vertical position;
  • Place a piece of pipe (lever) perpendicularly onto the resulting axis, with the help of which the crowbar will rotate;
  • secure the cable to the load and to the crowbar;
  • rotate the crowbar, winding the cable, and move the load.

For a metal device you will need metal, welding and various components. These are a rotating cylinder, gears, handles and bushings.

Construction details:

  1. Gear Glist. It transmits the rotational energy of the axis. Buy a thick element with massive teeth.
  2. Shaft for cable. Find a cast cylinder and weld a rounded metal sheet to it at one end, the size of the inner ring of the gear. This cylinder will subsequently be used to wind the cable. If the shaft has a through hole, great. For better fastening, thread the steel cable and connect it from the outside into a loop.
  3. Bushing for sliding the shaft during cable winding. It would be nice to additionally install a rolling bearing.

Attention! The tractor frame with lugs on it, the rocker, the carrier, and the stationary coupling ring mounted on hinges are also made of metal. All parts of the winch must be moderately rigidly fixed so as not to dangle and abrade each other.

Features of a manual winch

In fact, the entire system is tied to the drum. Special attention is paid to him, because virtually 50% of success in work depends on him. Due to it, the cable is wound and unwound, thus moving the loads horizontally.

  • The minimum load that the cable will be able to handle is 150 kg. The maximum is 10 tons.
  • It is noteworthy that when purchasing a cable, the maximum permissible load is often not indicated; instead, there is a marking.
  • If you don’t have the knowledge to decipher it yourself, you can ask a consultant at the store where the winch was purchased.

Manufacturers declare the loads for which their products are designed. However, it is worth considering that equipment of the same class, but from different manufacturers, may have different load thresholds.

Chinese devices, for example, have a load threshold less than stated, so it is not recommended to use them to their full capacity; they should be loaded no more than 80% of the maximum.

Russian models, as a rule, work exactly with the stated characteristics. It is recommended to purchase the highest quality devices from the Armavir plant; it has existed for a very long time, has proven itself exceptionally well, and is widely recognized by users.

Choosing a winch for a car or snowmobile

The needs of a truck and a sedan require different winches.

The difference here will be at least in their traction force (load capacity).

It is not surprising that not all cars need a full-fledged winch installed on them.

This applies for the most part only to an SUV, and in cases where it is actually used for its intended purpose.

We are talking about a car purchased specifically for driving on dirt roads and rough terrain.

Here you should start from the weight of the car:

  • Light cars, for example, Suzuki Samurai, require a 3000 kg winch.
  • Medium ones, like Wrangler, at 4300 kg.
  • Heavy, mainly with a long wheelbase - 5400 kg.

Each winch has a load capacity index indicated on the marking, the designation is usually in pounds (lb), it also determines the traction force that the mechanism is capable of developing when pulling a load horizontally.

In this case, 1 pound corresponds to 450 g, and therefore 9000 lb is 4.08 tons.

For very heavy vehicles, for example, the same Hummer, or for extreme operating conditions, the choice of winch falls on models with a lifting capacity of 7500 kg, and if this is not enough, you can use a reinforcement unit.

In terms of permanent installation on a bumper or power elements of a car, the electric winch remains popular due to its ease of connection, maintenance and compactness.


When choosing a traction or lifting mechanism, you must pay attention to the temperature conditions at which the manufacturer guarantees stable operation of the device.

When going on a road trip, you can play it safe by taking with you one of the options for portable winches.

This includes:

  • Manual winch - does not take up much space, does not require fuel or power, and has a low cost. This is a universal device that performs best in field conditions precisely because of its independence.
  • Gasoline portable models are designed for operation in conditions far from civilization, where the use of special equipment is impossible. In a case, such equipment weighs only 13–15 kg, but it should be noted that it has a small carrying capacity, which averages 700–1100 kg. It is important to clarify that even such an effort is often quite enough, since traction of a car on asphalt requires only 100 kg of effort.

The degree of preparation of the vehicle - another factor that should be focused on is the vehicle's maneuverability in conditions where the assistance of additional devices or devices may be needed for further movement.

To put it simply, where a vehicle on 35 wheels gets stuck, a standard car will not be able to get there even with the help of a winch.

The size of the wheels actually has a direct impact on the choice of lifting capacity of the traction mechanism.

For cars with 35-inch wheels, it is recommended to install a winch with a thrust of at least 9500 lb.

The larger the diameter, the more powerful the traction mechanism is required.

To calculate the optimal load of a car winch, you need to multiply the mass of the car by a factor of 2.5.


It is advisable to choose a reinforced, waterproof winch.

As for snowmobiles, the choice of traction mechanism follows, in principle, the same rules as for a car.

In short, these are the same electric winches with a durable sealed housing, a power of 680 - 2040 kg and a 900 W motor.

Stage-by-stage execution of work

Below are detailed instructions on how to make a winch with your own hands using a Zhiguli starter. The choice of this starter is due to the fact that it is as compact as possible and has a high degree of reliability. An additional advantage is the ability to purchase it for almost nothing on any spontaneous automobile market.

  1. The power contacts of the retractor relay can be left if the load on the winch is significant. The bendix mechanism, in turn, must be removed along with the cone housing.
  2. Since the mechanism in this case is low-power and compact, there is no need to create a gearbox from a flywheel gear. Just pick up a knot from a large drill. The gearbox must be a reduction gearbox.
  3. Separate the Bendix housing from the winch and locally mate the gearbox shaft with the corresponding part of the starter motor. This can be done either by creating a transition coupling with cotter pins or by classical electric welding.
  4. There is no need to install dampers as they will break anyway.
  5. The use of a planetary gearbox will allow you to increase the gear ratio if necessary.
  6. Use an appropriately sized pipe to cover the space between the motor and gearbox so that the operator is protected from rotating elements.
  7. The motor housing and gearbox must be securely connected, but not with simple threaded rods.
  8. Make a drum from a cut of sheet iron a couple of millimeters thick and a steel pipe with a diameter of 1.2 cm. Weld round jaws to the pipe and drill a coaxial hole for the power shaft in the center of each side part.
  9. The power shaft must have a standard pair of working gears, otherwise it will be problematic to pair the main sprocket with the output of the gearbox.
  10. Securely weld all the elements together on the channel frame. Backlashes are unacceptable.
  11. Make the side walls from sheet iron up to 5 mm thick. Thickness less than 3 mm will not work.
  12. Using powerful bearings with podiums, secure the drum. This stage is one of the most critical. Weld the podiums to the side walls.
  13. The gearbox should be fixed on the frame so that its gear clings to the power gear on the drum shaft. Between the walls there should be a leash for the cable - an eyelet.
  14. Connect the electric motor from the starter to the gearbox and give the winch a presentable appearance - clean the seams, remove rust and cover the surface with paint.

Which winch is better: lever or drum?

Speaking about the choice of manual winches for a car, the buyer is offered an assortment of lever and drum models.

In most situations, freeing a stuck mid-size SUV requires, with rare exceptions, 500 - 1200 kg of force.

These are relatively small figures.

The choice of model depends largely on its ability to produce the declared force.

Here it should immediately be noted that the vast majority of drum products in practice show relatively low traction.

The reason lies in the short length of the handle, which cannot be increased in any way and which must be pressed with the whole body.

For off-road conditions, as practice shows, lever devices are better suited.

The advantages lie in the unlimited length of the cable and work with greater effort compared to drum models.

If necessary, the length of the lever can be increased by extending it, for example, with a metal pipe, thereby reducing the force expended on swinging movements.

Simply put, drum mechanisms are more compact and easier to handle, while the disadvantages are low pulling power and short cable length.

With lever models the situation is the opposite, but in addition it should be said that the cable is stored on a reel separate from the winch itself, which must be unwound before use.

Winch for installation of cable lines

The hydraulic tensioning machine (cable hydraulic winch) is designed for pulling power cables in trenches or through pipes. It is a machine equipped with a diesel engine, a hydraulic system and impellers (capstans), through which a leader cable is passed.

The principle of operation of a winch for installing cable lines

The engine drives capstans with a leader cable attached to them, which, in turn, is connected to the cable being laid using special devices (swivel, cable stocking). The capstans, rotating, pull the cable, and behind it the cable, from one end of the trench, on which the drum with the cable is located, to the other (where the winch is located). The power range of such winches is quite wide: from small ones with a traction force of 0.5 tons to heavy-duty ones with a traction force of up to 400 tons.

Which is better: steel cable or sling tape?

You can choose between sling tape or cable only based on personal preferences.

A synthetic belt is less reliable, since after just a few uses in the winch mechanism it noticeably wears out and often gets snagged.

But its light weight and practicality are a noticeable advantage.

At the same time, steel cable is more difficult to lay, it is not so convenient to work with, and as for weight, options with a diameter of 13.5 mm and a length of 20 m weigh about 30 kg.


It is better to equip a winch that is planned to be used frequently with a cable, while when equipping it “just in case” it is more convenient to thread a sling tape.

We create a simple lifting mechanism with our own hands

But if you need a mechanism for cargo urgently or for a one-time use, but you don’t have time to buy it in stores and you’re sorry for the money, we’ll tell you how to make a chain hoist with your own hands. It’s good if you have threaded rods, bearings, a block, a cable, a hook, and a gear in your workshop. It will take a little time: you need to fit the bearings onto the stud. It is advisable to fix the nut from the stud so as not to waste some of the effort on turning the peculiar shaft. The end of the pin can be equipped with a gear, thus making a more convenient manual drive.

We throw a cable over the block and fasten it to a support, but at the other end we attach a hook on which we will hang the load. You can also fix a sling system at the end of the cable if the nature of the load does not allow it to be attached to the hook. In principle, the simplest version of the chain hoist is ready. All that remains is to get to work, observing safety precautions, which are the same for all mechanisms, both purchased and homemade. Carefully check all elements for integrity before work, and during work do not make sudden movements, lift the load smoothly, and, of course, do not stand under a suspended load.

The best electric winches

There are several high-quality, noteworthy models that are inexpensive, but differ in performance and functionality: they can pull Toyota, UAZ and many others SUVs out of the mud.

Electric Winch "12 000 4413"

Average price: 15.1 thousand rubles.

Load capacity (kg)5443
Rope length (kg)25
Voltage (V)12
Power (hp)6
Weight, kg)44

The best hydraulic winches

Hydraulic winches are more powerful than electric ones. Let's look at some models that often get noticed.

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Come UP "HV -10"

Average price: 102 thousand rubles.

Load capacity (kg)4535
Rope length (kg)
Weight, kg)37

This winch works under extreme conditions. The cable winds up quickly, even if the load is quite large. The gearbox and unwinding control are located on the left, making it more convenient to work with left-hand drive equipment. Overload protection - bypass valve block.

The kit does not include a cable, but it is recommended to use the steel version.

The gearbox here is 2-stage, unlike other models. The weight of the device is quite large.

car winch Come UP HV -10 Advantages

  • overload protection;
  • there is no load on the vehicle's electrical circuit.


  • weight:
  • price.

“The model has overload protection and is convenient to work with. The pulling force is also good, I took it.”

Dmitry, Moscow

Autospas "LChG54" Buffalo 12,000"

Average price: 75,000 rubles.

Load capacity (kg)5400
Rope length (kg)29
Weight, kg)61

The winch's pulling force is average; it is used when evacuating tractors, other agricultural equipment, and even military vehicles. The cable is steel and long, so the unit weighs a lot. Mounted with 8 bolts, each with 2 washers. Fixed securely. And the case protects the device from moisture and dust.

It works silently and smoothly, does not require special maintenance conditions - another advantage of auto rescue. If the “buffalo” is overloaded, it simply stops working and does not break down.

automobile winch Avtospas LChG54" Buffalo 12,000 Advantages

  • suitable in extreme situations;
  • high load capacity.


  • metal shavings in oil.

“I have a heavy SUV, I bought this model. It’s also cheap for a worm-wheel winch with this kind of power.”

Dmitry, Zelenograd

ROCK "RC-18 000 H"

Average price of the model: 110 thousand rubles.

Load capacity (kg)8156
Rope length (kg)22
Weight, kg)71

Suitable for Russian conditions, where you can easily get stuck in sand or mud if you drive a little away from city roads. Pulls equipment weighing up to 8 tons even out of water, as the manufacturer claims. In addition to the device itself and the cable, the kit includes a mounting plate, a roller fairlead and a hook.

Works quickly, brakes in both directions. It fully justifies its high cost with the quality of the fasteners and durable cable.

car winch ROCK RC-18 000 HAdvantages

  • durable cable;
  • high power.

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  • weight.

“I have a Toyota and need a powerful winch, otherwise I often get stuck in mud and sand on the roads. I live in the village and work in the city. This model turned out to be reliable and strong – I’ve been using it for two years now.”

Alexey, Rostov-on-Don

Runva HWH080

This brand produces high-quality models of auto winches, which are popular both in the domestic and international markets. This device, in addition to high-quality assembly, has good functionality, as well as high durability. Even if immersed in water, it can continue to perform work without interruption.

The maximum traction force of this device is 8 tons. The level of oil consumption varies from 15 to 50 liters per minute (depending on the load). It is equipped with a cable made of durable steel, the length of which is 32 m and the diameter is 14 mm. For mounting on a car, 8 M14 bolts are used. The working pressure is 15 MPa. The weight of this device is 130 kg.

Runva HWH080


  • Equipped with a reliable, high-quality braking system;
  • Has good lifting speed;
  • Perfect for medium and large SUVs;
  • Availability of a special protective circuit;
  • Comes with a long cable;
  • It has good traction force.


  • Inconvenient to transport;
  • Heavy weight;
  • The cost is too high (price 134,710 rubles).

LPG45I "Buffalo"

An industrial-type hydraulic winch, which is additionally equipped with a special planetary 2-stage gearbox. It has a high pulling force (4545 kg), as well as a good speed of winding the cable onto the drum. This device is perfect for large SUVs. In addition, it is also used on special equipment such as tow trucks. It is equipped with a steel cable, the length of which is 26 m, diameter – 9.2 mm. Average oil consumption is about 60 liters per minute. The operating pressure of this model is 140 bar. The weight of the device is 64.8 kg.

LPG45I "Buffalo"


  • Unpretentious in maintenance;
  • Suitable for special equipment;
  • Has a smooth working stroke;
  • Doesn't make much noise;
  • Compactness;
  • Good power.


  • High cost (59,990 rubles);
  • High oil consumption.

Homemade winches from various materials

A winch can be made from a variety of readily available materials. These are mainly spare parts from automotive equipment, other devices and mechanisms whose service life has expired. Finding available materials - metal pipes, iron sheets, different types of cables is also not a problem. There are several types of winches that are increasingly popular.

Winch from starter

A DIY starter winch is a convenient option for saving money. In order for a homemade winch from a starter to realize its potential, you will need:

  • 12 volt gear starter (easy to find from VAZ 2106 or 2110).
  • As a gearbox (reduction), you can get by with a drill assembly.
  • For the casing that covers the space between the engine and the gearbox, a piece of pipe (for example, PVC) is suitable. It should be easy to disassemble for access inside and maintenance of the device.
  • The drum is often made of durable (from 120 mm) steel pipe and sheet iron (2-3 mm).
  • Gears, cable, electrical wiring.

To make such a winch from a starter, a platform is made from a sheet of metal, and components are attached to it. The drum seats are then welded to it. The gearbox is welded so that the input shaft is on top. An adapter for the starter is attached to the gearbox, and gear teeth are attached to the input shaft. For this, the flywheel crown is used. Then the starter and wiring are attached.

Winch from wiper motor

To make a winch, you can use a motor that previously used a windshield wiper or windshield wipers for its work. These devices are capable of showing good results and lifting weights up to 300 kg.

It is popular to use such a mechanism to mount a blade on a vehicle of sufficient cross-country ability (for example, Niva) - for clearing snow or similar tasks.

Winch from KAMAZ ratchet

A truck brake ratchet (a self-leveling mechanism for adjusting brakes) is a popular option for a homemade winch. Many people use the KAMAZ version of the ratchet, since KAMAZ is widespread and parts from it are easy to find. Such a mechanism can lift from 400 kg to 2 tons. The popularity of this option is due to the use of a worm gear in the mechanism.

For production you will need:

  • Two rear ratchets of the truck.
  • Two hooks.
  • Cable 4-5 mm thick.
  • Fist for releasing brake pads.
  • Bolt for fastening the hook.

Worm gear winch

The main convenience of a worm gearbox, in addition to its load capacity, is the ability not to use a drum brake. One of the popular options for such a winch is a gearbox from trolleybus doors. It has enough gear ratio for fairly heavy loads and is easy to mount.

What can be useful for a winch made from scrap materials

To make a homemade winch, any scrap and any working parts that are within reach will be useful. The source of the motor for the electric winch can be a chain saw, a motor scooter or an automatic washing machine (if the motor is running). Cuttings of thin-walled and thick-walled pipes, bearings, gears, starters from old cars, ratchets from trucks, a motorcycle clutch disc, etc. will be useful. You will only have to buy a cable and something not very expensive. A welding machine and a lathe will suffice as equipment.

Review of the best mechanical manual winches

Mechanical type car winches are also popular among some off-road driving enthusiasts. This is due to the fact that such devices have a simple design, are easy to use, and do not require additional power sources (electricity). In addition, due to their small dimensions, such devices are easy to transport in the luggage compartment of a car.


It is a compact, inexpensive, lightweight device with a traction level of 4 tons. It is perfect for small SUVs, cars, and ATVs. It features a reliable design and low weight (only 6.39 kg). Country of origin: China. Equipped with three hooks and a cable, the length of which is 3 m.



  • Compactness;
  • Ease of use;
  • Light weight;
  • Good level of traction;
  • Low cost (RUB 4,323).


  • Short cable;
  • The design does not provide for an automatic brake system.

SKRAB 26435

Mechanical portable winch of a lever type, which is equipped with a mounting traction mechanism. Aluminum alloy was used in the manufacture of the drum and body of this device. For greater ease of use, it is equipped with a rubberized handle. It is equipped with a durable cable, the length of which is 3.3 m. The traction force indicator reaches 4 tons. The weight of this model is 5 kg.

SKRAB 26435


  • Dimensions;
  • Light weight;
  • Price (3589 rubles);
  • Traction force is 4 tons;
  • Easy and convenient to transport.


  • Equipped with only 2 hooks;
  • Short cable.

MATRIX (52225)

A cheap, budget portable model of a mechanical manual winch, which is perfect for small passenger cars. Equipped with a double ratchet wheel. The thrust indicator of this device is 4 tons. When lifting, it is capable of handling a load whose mass does not exceed 1.6 tons. It is equipped with a cable, the working length of which is 2.8 m. The weight of the device is 5.95 kg. Country of origin: Germany.

MATRIX (52225)


  • High quality build:
  • Suitable for small passenger cars;
  • Dimensions;
  • The presence of a double ratchet wheel;
  • Made from quality materials;
  • Cost (3400 rubles).

The best hydraulic car winches

Such models operate thanks to the presence of a hydraulic motor. These winches are resistant to overloads and can operate in any climatic conditions.

Rock RC-18000-H


editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The winch is equipped with a high-strength steel cable with a diameter of 12.7 mm. It is resistant to rust and mechanical stress. The package includes a roller hawse and a hook, which ensure the winch is wear-resistant and securely secures the load.

The pulling force is 18,000 lbs, the drum diameter is 102 mm. The automatic brake increases the safety of using the device and protects the drive from overload. The presence of a mounting plate makes installation of the mechanism easier.


  • powerful drive;
  • durability;
  • convenient installation;
  • durable cable;
  • automatic brake.


  • high price.

Rock RC-18000-H is capable of pulling equipment weighing up to 8 tons out of water or mud. An excellent solution for installation on a truck.

Comeup HV-12


editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

One of the features of the model is the ability to change the speed of pulling the cable. High performance is also ensured by the free release of the winch by turning the T-shaped handle. To completely and quickly stop the mechanism, a ratchet brake and valve are provided.

The best hand winches

Hand winches can have a lever or drum mechanism. They are distinguished by their simplicity of design, unpretentiousness to storage and operating conditions. The traction force here is created by acting on the handle.

Tor ZNL 5400


editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

The model control lever balances the load and straight-line traction force. The front and rear clamps are equipped with independent tightening springs. Using the mechanism, the owner can move the cable continuously. It is wound on a metal drum and equipped with a hook to grab the load.

The maximum force is 5.4 tons. The cable has a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 20 meters. The telescopic handle with a relief surface ensures comfortable use. The shear pin ensures that the winch is protected from excessive load.


  • small dimensions;
  • ease of use;
  • non-slip handle;
  • durable cable;
  • long service life.


  • high price for mechanics.

Tor ZNL 5400 does not require special storage conditions and works in any conditions, so it is quite suitable for all-weather use.

Stella WH12-15



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