Why the Neva walk-behind tractor does not start: reasons and repairs

Technological progress has not bypassed farming. For everyone who works with the earth, a huge variety of equipment has appeared on sale, which greatly facilitates work and protects human health.

Walk-behind tractors are universal machines that can cope with any task - from plowing the land to planting plants and harvesting crops. There are a huge number of types on sale, divided among themselves by manufacturers, price category, and also type of engine.

In this article we will look at a situation where the Neva walk-behind tractor does not start for some reason. You will eventually be able to identify the cause of the breakdown and quickly fix it.

Neva walk-behind tractor engine

The main working unit of a walk-behind tractor is the engine. It is activated only by turning the key; if the Neva walk-behind tractor does not start, then there are several possible reasons.

The walk-behind tractor does not start

No spark

In this case, it is necessary to check its functionality. Remove the spark plug from the engine and insert it into a special candle holder, and place the housing on the cylinder. Next, turn on the engine. If there is no spark, then you can replace the spark plug; if it does not appear, you should check the starting mechanism and ignition operation. Most often, it is the start button that fails; it can be replaced with a new one.

How to remove a candle correctly?

A special key is used to remove the spark plug. You must be careful, because the spark plug heats up during operation, so remove the spark plug before starting or after the walk-behind tractor engine has cooled down. We install a new one, and then check the clearance. It must be, but not big. The recommended lumen width is 0.5-0.6 mm.

Gasoline does not reach the engine

The second reason that the engine does not start is a problem in the supply of the fuel mixture. In this case, you should go through the complete gasoline delivery scheme. From the fuel tank to the carburetor.

  1. First check if there is fuel in the gas tank. It should not only be, but be 2-3 cm higher than the bottom, since the gas tank in the Neva walk-behind tractor is designed in such a way that fuel is taken at exactly this height.
  2. If there is fuel, you should check the operation of the gasoline intake valve. To do this, remove it from the hose and look, if gasoline flows out, then everything is fine, if not, you can clean the tap itself or replace it with a new one.
  3. Next, check the hose that connects the faucet to the carburetor. Remove it and try to blow it out. If air flows freely, it is functioning well. If not, clean it or replace it.
  4. And the last in this chain is the carburetor. Disassemble it and thoroughly wash all parts with 95 gasoline. Thanks to this, carbon deposits and impurities will be washed off. After completing the work, thoroughly blow all joints and joints with a compressor to minimize residual gasoline, which evaporates under air pressure. After this, put all the parts back together.

Here are a few more problems that may arise with the engine of the Neva walk-behind tractor:

The walk-behind tractor turns off during operation. Here the main reason is the low amount of fuel, since if it starts, it means it is in good condition. Since we discussed the design of the gas tank earlier, for reliable operation the fuel should be approximately 5 cm above the bottom.

The walk-behind tractor does not start the first time. Check the performance of the spark plugs and replace them with new ones if necessary. Also use a primer to additionally pump gasoline to the carburetor.

Running in the walk-behind tractor

After you have purchased a walk-behind tractor, you need to test it. This process must be carried out efficiently. Because it is the basis for the correct and durable use of equipment.

Running in a walk-behind tractor is, in essence, not operating it at full capacity. Here you need to select the correct load on the walk-behind tractor.

It is recommended to run-in the Neva walk-behind tractor with Subaru engines at half the maximum power. For example, if a plow in working condition should be lowered into the ground by 30 cm, then during operation it should be submerged only 15 cm.

The break-in period is prescribed for each individual model. It is measured in engine hours and usually ranges from 5 to 20 hours.

For a more gentle operation, it can be done without any attachments at all.

Important! Before starting the break-in, you should fill the crankcase with oil. Starting operation with an empty crankcase is not allowed. The choice of oil brand must be made in accordance with the operating instructions. Typically 10W series motor oil is used.

The walk-behind tractor smokes at idle

Most often the reason is that the air filter is clogged and dirty. In this case, you can remove it and see if the smoke continues to come out. If it stops, then the cause has been found.

If it still smokes, check the oil level. Perhaps there is too much of it and it gets thrown away.

Speed ​​adjustment

The working spring is responsible for the number of revolutions. The opening and closing of the throttle valve depends on how it is tensioned. One end of it is connected to the working lever, it goes from the handle to the spring. And, when the position of the handle on the Neva walk-behind tractor changes, its position will also change. To adjust the number of revolutions, you need to adjust its tension.

Adjustment of valves

In operating condition, the gap on the intake valves should be 0.15 mm, and the exhaust valves should be 0.2 mm. In this case, the dipstick should be freely located under the valves. If this is real, then everything is fine. If not, then they should be adjusted.

  • To do this, you need to do the following:
  • Warm up the engine and then allow time to cool
  • Remove the casing
  • Remove the valve cover to gain access to the flywheels
  • Unscrew the locknuts
  • Adjust their position with a key so that the thin blade can pass freely under them.
  • Reassemble everything in reverse order.

Do-it-yourself repair of the Neva MB-1 and MB-2 walk-behind tractor according to all instructions

The first Neva walk-behind tractors appeared back in the 80s. Today, they not only have not lost their popularity, but have even become even more in great demand.

Thanks to the constant modernization of models, Neva units amuse their customers with an affordable price, good wear resistance, the highest quality of all devices and a long service life. Among the huge number of models of this brand, we will talk about two more favorite ones: the MB-1 and MB-2 walk-behind tractors. We will find out not only their features, but also try to analyze the more common reasons for their breakdown.

Let's look at the most common malfunctions of the MB-1:

  • In case of oil leakage along the output shaft, the first thing to do is remove the axle shaft cover and change the cuffs.
  • What to do if the gearbox jams? In this situation, you need to disassemble the walk-behind tractor, where you need to change the broken chain.
  • If there is no kinematic connection inside the gearbox, it means that the broken sprocket in the block needs to be replaced.
  • Gear malfunction: they do not engage at all or do not shift. There can be several reasons for such a breakdown. 1st destroyed switching pin. 2nd thread of the shift knob is cut. In these cases, we simply replace the defective parts with new ones.
  • Oil leakage on the shift shaft. The first thing we do is check the oil level in the gearbox. If an excess of it is found, then drain the excess, and if on the contrary, top up.
  • Wear of the shaft seal edge. Everything is very simple here: we disassemble the gearbox and replace the worn cuff with a new one.
  • The restoration of the overrunning clutch should be carried out as follows: remove the starter, take out the clutch, and grind off the grooves for the balls. It is necessary to pour a little oil inside to minimize friction between the clutch and shaft. We install everything back.

Malfunctions of Neva MB-2:

  • The separation of the semi-axes is unrealistic. In this case, we check the drive adjustment. If it is incorrect, change the cable tension.
  • Self-switching gears or lack of fixation. Such a problem can appear in 3 cases, or the switching adjustment system is broken. Then you need to loosen the screws that hold the board, engage one gear and tighten the screws back. Either the spring is broken or the board retainers are worn out. In this case, it is simply necessary to replace the broken parts. Or the fork cheek has worn out, then it is necessary to disassemble the gearbox and replace the broken part.
  • If there is no kinematic connection inside the gearbox, then it is necessary to change the shift fork itself. Another possibility is that the welding of the gear to the block shaft has broken.

It is worth keeping in mind that before you repair the Neva walk-behind tractor yourself, you should carefully read the repair instructions that the manufacturer offers for you. If you don’t have such an annotation, then you should use the tips above. Of course, if you do not have special abilities to repair such equipment, then it is better to entrust the Neva MB walk-behind tractor to specialists. There are a huge number of service centers that will carry out a complete diagnosis of the equipment and be able to identify the exact cause of the malfunction.

Remember, in order for the walk-behind tractor to serve you for many, many years and not succumb to any malfunctions, it is necessary to do timely oil changes and adhere to all operating conditions.


https://yargeo.com/motoblok-neva-mb-2-plavajut-oboroty/ https://sadovaja-tehnika.com/motobloki/ne-zavoditsya/ https://pro-motobloky.ru/motobloki/neva/ pochemu-ne-zavoditsya.html https://sadovij-pomoshnik.ru/motobloki/neva/pochemu-ne-zavoditsya-prichiny.html https://fermerinform.ru/remont-obsluzhivanie-motoblokov-neva-mb2/ https: //sadovij-pomoshnik.ru/motobloki/neva/remont-neva-mb-1-i-mb-2.html

Carburetor, malfunctions, adjustment

Below is an algorithm for setting up a carburetor on a Neva walk-behind tractor with a Subaru engine.

The diagram shows three screws that are responsible for the amount of fuel supplied.

  1. Screw 1 - number of full throttle revolutions;
  2. Screw 2 - number of idle speeds;
  3. Screw 3 - responsible for idling.

To adjust the carburetor, you must perform the following manipulations:

  • Tighten screws 1 and 2 until they stop;
  • Then unscrew them about 1 turn;
  • Turn on the ignition and warm up the engine;
  • Then place the throttle control lever until the engine is turned off (that is, until the speed is at a minimum level);
  • Set the minimum idle speed level with the third screw;
  • Then set the maximum idle speed with the second screw;
  • If necessary, adjust the minimum speed again by adjusting the position of the third screw;
  • Carry out the last two steps until stable engine operation is obtained;
  • If there are interruptions, tighten the first screw again until it stops and unscrew it one and a half turns.

Clutch, levers, cables

The Neva walk-behind tractor is equipped with several simple elements: levers and cables. The number of engine revolutions depends on the operation of the gearbox lever and all connecting cables. Such a device tends to wear out and fail during operation. Therefore, they should be periodically checked for integrity and replaced if necessary.

Also, don’t forget about the clutch. It fails much less often, but the plug should also be inspected periodically. If necessary, all these parts are freely available in the store.

Some people think about not buying a new cable, but making one from improvised materials. But it’s better not to experiment with this part and buy a new one. Because it cannot be replaced equivalently. The only temporary replacement option is to take it from a car clutch or scooter.

How to avoid breakdown of the Nevsky walk-behind tractor?

Every farmer knows how expensive any equipment is, as well as how to repair parts. Of course, if you have extra money, you can afford to buy new components or even new equipment.

But you still need to follow simple rules to extend the life of your Neva walk-behind tractor. As stated above, before starting work, check all mechanical parts for defects.

Also read the instructions before starting work, where the points describe what to do and how to do it. Storage plays an important role. Moisture can cause corrosion in various parts of the device. Oil and fuel can simply go bad.

If you value your equipment, follow the storage rules and promptly clean the equipment from dirt when working in the ground, as well as from the accumulation of vapors in different parts. Don't forget to check the oil and change it on time. And then your Neva walk-behind tractor will serve for many years, pleasing you with excellent condition.


Despite the reliability of modern walk-behind tractors, sooner or later they fail, so the unit cannot be started and continued to work on site. We invite you to study the most common breakdowns of agricultural machinery, as well as how to fix them yourself.

Belts for the Neva walk-behind tractor

Basically, Neva walk-behind tractors use V-belt drives. There are a large number of them presented. And for each individual walk-behind tractor, you should know the belt that needs to be used.

Replacing the belt on the Neva walk-behind tractor:

  • Remove the shield, unscrew the two bolts (7) and remove the protective casing from the pulleys (6);
  • Remove the reverse belt (3) by removing the spring (8), loosening the bolt (2) of the guide pulley;
  • Unscrew the screws (5) holding the bracket (a);
  • Position the bracket so that the pins allow the front pass belt (10) to be removed from the pulley;
  • Put a new belt in its place (first it is put on the gearbox pulley, then on the engine pulley);
  • Reassemble everything in reverse order.

Adjust the belt tension! When the clutch levers are released, the belts should sag freely, and the gear pulley should not rotate when the engine is running.

Pulleys are designed to tension transmission belts. There are a large number of them on the Russian market. To replace a pulley, you need to measure its diameter. The following sizes are available: 18, 20 and 25.4 mm.

Operation and maintenance of Neva MB-2

Replacement of gearbox seals

Replacing the oil seals in the Neva MB-2 walk-behind tractor is done if an oil leak is detected.

A similar condition is unsafe because the walk-behind tractor gearbox may be left without oil, and this will lead to rapid wear of the unit.

The sequence for replacing oil seals is as follows:

  • Remove the cutters from the shaft, cleaning the shaft and covers from dirt and oil residues.
  • Unscrew the cover bolts, tap off the oil and debris, and remove the cover from the gearbox.
  • The old oil seal is replaced with a new one and wiped dry.
  • The cover is screwed into place (it is placed on sealant as needed) and secured with bolts.

READ Motoblock Neva What kind of engine oil

Walk-behind tractor ignition system

Ignition adjustment

The ignition coil for the Neva walk-behind tractor is adjusted as follows:

  • Take a sheet of paper and fold it 4 times;
  • Unscrew the bolts that hold the module;
  • Place a piece of paper under them and screw the bolts into place;
  • In manual mode, turn the flywheel;
  • Check for spark.

Video review of adjusting the ignition of a walk-behind tractor engine

One of the main factors for the correct operation of the ignition system is the gap between the starter and the flywheel. It should be in the range from 0.1 to 0.15 mm.

To adjust it on the Neva walk-behind tractor, you need to remove the housing and unscrew the stator bolts. Then place the feeler gauge and set the required gap, tighten the bolts back and check the gap over the entire surface of the flywheel.

Generator, faults, elimination

The generator is an important component of the entire mechanism. It is designed to charge the battery and operate the headlights.

When choosing a generator, you need to pay attention to its power. It must exceed the power of all connected devices to ensure uninterrupted operation. For the Neva walk-behind tractor, it is possible to use an old car generator.

Important! During its installation, you must follow the diagram presented below. Otherwise, the generator may catch fire.

There are 4 wires in total in the generator. Two of which are blue. It is thanks to them that the converter is connected. Red, connects to the headlights and supplies voltage to them.

Electric starter

Many people strive to improve the performance of their walk-behind tractor. During the winter seasons, it has difficulty starting due to the fact that the manual starter does not turn over. To solve this problem, a special electric starter was invented for the Neva walk-behind tractor. This is an autonomous device that, when the ignition is turned on, begins to rotate and gives a spark.

An electric starter is a complex design, and it is not possible to make it at home. You can use any other car electric starter that could be left over from an old car.


We have already figured out what spark plugs are for and how to change them. Let's look at the brands that are needed for each specific type of Neva engine:

Basic faults

Belt adjustment and dimensions

For the Neva MB-2 walk-behind tractor, an A-1180 drive belt is used. This model uses one belt that provides front movement.

In other modifications of the Neva MB-2 model, two drive belts are used. Reverse gearing is done in the gearbox itself.

Replacing the belt for MB-2 walk-behind tractors is done in the following sequence:

  • The shield is removed, and then the pulley protective cover.
  • The spring from the walk-behind tractor rod is removed to loosen the belt.
  • The screws securing the bracket are turned.
  • The bracket rotates to a position in which the limiting pins do not prevent the part from being removed from the pulley.
  • They adjust the pulleys, and then install a new belt.
  • Pull the belt onto the gear shaft pulley, and then onto the motor pulley.
  • In reverse order, place other parts in their places.

Basic rules for setting the ignition

Checking and setting the ignition on the Neva MB-2 walk-behind tractor is carried out according to the following principle:

  • The spark plug is turned inside out, the electrodes are wiped dry, then the carbon deposits are removed;
  • The gap between the electrodes is measured and set;
  • The spark plug body is fixed to the cylinder head;
  • The crankshaft rotates up to 4 times (use a starter cord for scrolling);
  • If the ignition is working properly, a white-blue spark should be struck. Its absence or yellowish color indicates a malfunction.

Next, you should check the condition of the flywheel and stator and the size of the gap between them (the norm is from 0.10 to 0.15 mm).

The gap is increased, if necessary, using a feeler gauge. As an auxiliary tool in the absence of a probe, you can use an A4 sheet folded into four times or a razor blade. If the clearance between the flywheel and the stator is normal, the ignition will work properly.

Device and main characteristics

The MB 2 device is very popular these days; it is simply irreplaceable in agriculture. This line of “Compact” walk-behind tractors is produced under the same brand, but has a difference in the engine:

  • “Neva” with index 2K is equipped with a domestically produced motor, so the price of such a device is much lower than that of foreign analogues;
  • the second 2B abbreviation indicates that this mini-tractor has an imported engine;
  • the abbreviation 2C denotes professional elements in the structure of the apparatus that are used for cultivating the land.

The characteristics of the motor should be taken into account when choosing a unit in order to successfully cultivate the required amount of land, be it tens of acres of land or a much larger area. The design of the unit is the following system.

  • The gear-chain type gearbox is located in a specialized case made of aluminum. Its main task is the high speed of the unit. The device has four forward gears and a pair of reverse gears to carry out the revolution. Its maximum speed is 12 kilometers per hour, so this device can even be used for transporting goods.
  • To start this small tractor, a motor with a starter is used.
  • The frame, which acts as a support, has special fasteners, which are located at the back and front and are used as devices for working in weight.
  • There are certain levers on the steering device that are used during operation of the mini-tractor.
  • The V-belt type transmission produces the transmission of the clutch assembly from a pulley, a special lever and a V-belt.
  • The unit is compact and lightweight, even the very heavy version weighs only 97 kilograms. This device can be easily transported anywhere, even in a regular car.

The unit with the abbreviation MB 2 has enormous capabilities; it can perform a large amount of work in agriculture, such as: plowing, cultivation, planting seeds, the process of hilling and weeding between rows and harvesting. Neva produces all this using a large selection of equipment that is used in mounted form, as well as thanks to a large number of innovations. The technical features are presented by the Neva MB 2 apparatus as follows:

  • It is recommended to refuel the unit only with gasoline;
  • hardware power 7.6 l. With.;
  • Russian DM-1K engine, a 4-stroke engine with a single cylinder;
  • there is an engine with a volume of 317 cubic meters;
  • the engine is started manually;
  • air and liquid cooling;
  • tank volume 2.8 l;
  • gear, chain editor;
  • fuel consumption is 2.9 liters per hour.


The MB 1 walk-behind tractor was very popular at one time , namely in the eighties and nineties of the last century.

At that time, the special equipment market, if it can be called such, was filled with the products of Soviet factories, among whose products the Lucha equipment was considered one of the best of its kind. The Luch MB 1 walk-behind tractor confidently competed with the similar Niva walk-behind tractor.

It regularly performed its main function - cultivating a field or garden, transporting goods: crops, firewood, building materials. It was then that the spread of homemade trailers began, and the trend towards turning these walk-behind tractors into mini tractors became established.


Although the technical characteristics of the "Luch" MB 1 are in many ways inferior to modern walk-behind tractors, during the peak of its distribution they were at their best - the mass of the assembled device is equal to one hundred kilograms, the speed is from 3.6 to 9 kilometers per hour, on a flat road, loaded , it consistently produces 8-99 kilometers per hour.

Acceleration to hundreds is, in principle, possible, but only under very specific conditions, which hardly anyone has recreated. Fuel consumption is 1.5-2 liters per hour , the fuel tank volume is 3.6 liters, so experienced drivers always have a canister of fuel in reserve.

Its big advantage is that the engine does not require constant filling of oil - timely maintenance, if necessary, is sufficient. The walk-behind tractor is quite easy to operate - this process does not require much physical effort.

The minimum space required for a turn has a radius of only 1100 millimeters. The movement of the walk-behind tractor is smooth, thanks to the chain gearbox with V-belt transmission, gear shifting occurs smoothly, without jerking.

For more information about the Luch MB1 walk-behind tractor, watch the video:

The transmission of the walk-behind tractor is quite reliable, has two forward and two reverse gears, and the engine is quite powerful for such a product - 5 horsepower, provides good traction and stable speed. High cross-country ability and soil traction are achieved due to pneumatic tires with large tread.

MB 1 is also convenient for transportation thanks to the quick-release steering wheel and wheels. As for possible problems, the occurrence of which is inevitable during the operation of any equipment, especially those manufactured during the times of the Soviet Union, repairing the Luch walk-behind tractor will not become a serious problem.

Over all the years that farmers, summer residents and farm owners have been using it, a large amount of information has accumulated regarding fast, inexpensive and reliable repairs. Thanks to the experience of its owners, who have found all the causes of problems, you can repair your Luch walk-behind tractor at no extra cost.

Malfunctions , no matter how serious they may seem, can be eliminated in a home workshop, using the most common tools, without resorting to the help of specialists. The only thing that is required of you is to diagnose the breakdown as accurately as possible, and then it’s a matter of little things.

Assembly and operation

The owner of the dacha territory, purchasing the Neva device, already becomes the owner of a fully assembled and ready-to-use device, but in order to start working with it, the main components must be adjusted, for example, the fuel system and the engine. Settings of the valve system will allow the engine to start and function smoothly. To do this, disassemble the carburetor and unscrew the screws from the upper and lower housings and clean all these elements. Only then is it recommended to start changing the engine valve settings. First of all, the screws are screwed in completely to adjust the gas to the minimum limit, after which they are unscrewed and the engine itself is started.

It should be remembered that before correcting anything in the valve system, the engine warms up for about five minutes. After this, the lever is set to the lowest position, this will maintain stable speed. After this, the motor is adjusted to minimum speed, when it operates steadily and without interruption. By following the advice on using the device, you can extend its service life for a long time.

  • The direction of the legs should be observed, which should be located in the direction the apparatus moves when installing the device used for cultivation.
  • Additionally, a load should be connected if the wheels slip during operation when the device reverses.
  • It is correct to use only clean and high-quality fuel.
  • The use of a valve designed to stop the air supply when the still unheated device starts operating. If the motor is hot, then this element should not be closed.
  • After starting from the throttle position, the XX position is set, after which the engine should be heated for three minutes. When the engine is warming up, setting the speed to maximum is prohibited.
  • Oil should not get into the element that filters the air; this must be monitored.
  • Before using the device, you should read the instructions and study them carefully.

Frequent malfunctions and their causes

The main features of temporary malfunctions of walk-behind tractors of the brands “Neva MB 2” and “Neva MB2K”, in which beginners usually “float”, include the following.

  • The valve belt is not adjusted correctly and it falls off. Movement back and forth in the walk-behind tractor is carried out using a V-belt. If the drive belt slips, the unit begins to operate incorrectly. You can determine the required length and width by measuring the section from the pulley to the rollers. It is recommended to select the following parameters: width – 0.75 cm, length – 0.65.
  • The device stalls under high load. Improperly functioning seals can cause failure.
  • Incorrectly configured carburetor system, the unit will not start. Before performing this procedure, you should always adjust the centrifugal regulator using the included instructions.
  • The ignition is not set, gears are difficult to engage. The cause of the breakdown may be the lack of a spark, which provokes ignition of the fuel in the internal combustion chamber.
  • There are faults with the spark plugs, the muffler shoots and smokes, black smoke comes out. It is possible that the unit cannot continue to operate precisely because the spark plugs are faulty; this must be verified.


In the first case, to carry out repairs, you need to tighten the belt and first remove the casing. Next, loosen the tension screw of the standard belt part and remove all the screws that hold the bracket on the unit body. The old part must be removed and the seams adjusted. The area intended for the new part should be cleaned and blown out. After the new belt is installed, you need to check that one part of it should be connected to the shaft part and the other to the pulley.

The steps to replace gearbox seals are carried out in several stages. First, the cutters are removed from part of the shaft, then it is cleaned and the cover is cleaned of dirt and remaining oil fluid. The screws from the roof are removed and should be washed thoroughly. The old spare part is replaced with another and the mechanism is wiped everywhere. The cover is put in place and secured with special bolts.

The carburetor adjustment begins by tightening the bolts to the maximum, after which they are turned out 1.5 turns. The damper, which is of a throttle type, is installed in such a way that there is a certain free section of the required parameters between the base and the air duct. Then they try to start the engine again. Provided that the engine has been started, then you should proceed step by step: you should wait until it warms up, then the control handle is set to a small turn, you need to make small turns at idle, using the screw that is the throttle. Turns are set to maximum speed and the idle screw is used. These two steps should be repeated until the motor operates smoothly.

To adjust the ignition motor, you must first adjust the shaft, which must be turned so that the marks that were made on the pulley and on the gas equipment coincide with each other. The slider responsible for the propagation of gas flows must be directed towards the wire through which the high-voltage current of the form passes. After this, loosen the nut and remove the high-voltage wire from the cover of this circuit. The contacts are placed on a small segment, about half a centimeter from the mechanism. Next, turn on the ignition and turn the structure in the opposite direction. Once a spark appears, quickly tighten the screw.

To check the serviceability of the spark plug, you need to unscrew the spark plug element, clean the electrodes and remove carbon deposits. The crankshaft should be turned to the position where the marks of the pulley and the gas device coincide. The slider is directed to the high-voltage surface of the cylinder, the screw is loosened and the wire is removed. The ignition key should be turned; if there is no spark, it means the spark plugs are faulty and need to be replaced.

Why won't the Neva walk-behind tractor start?

Neva walk-behind tractors are distinguished by their reliability and durability, but, like any equipment, sometimes unpleasant moments occur in the form of breakdowns.
The Neva walk-behind tractor may not start for various reasons, which we will try to understand in this article. Spring is the beginning of the gardening season. It is during this period that it turns out that something is wrong with the walk-behind tractor. It is necessary to immediately find out the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it as quickly as possible.

Neva walk-behind tractors come in different models, such as MB1, MB2, and others. They all differ in engines, motors and design. Before you begin to determine the cause of the breakdown, carefully read the operating instructions.

Motoblock MB-1: frequent breakdowns of the unit and their solutions

This walk-behind tractor can safely be called the first-born in Niva production. Naturally, by today it has been modernized in almost everything and has acquired a more modern design. With the help of such a unit, you can perfectly process the entire area in any weather. It will perform well both on flexible sandy soil and on hard ground. And the metal cylinder liner ensures its reliability and long service life.

At the moment, we will look at more frequent cases of breakdowns of this unit. Usually, all repair instructions can be found in the instruction manual, so if you still have it, you can safely use its instructions. But if this item is lost, then you can use our advice.

How do walk-behind tractors start?

As you know, walk-behind tractors can be gasoline or diesel. Launching occurs in different ways. Therefore, the reasons why the Neva walk-behind tractor does not start may vary significantly.

Before starting the walk-behind tractor after purchase or after winter, you must check the presence of each part and their condition, the condition of the contacts and wires. It is also necessary to change the oil and add fuel.

Most often, the unit may not start after winter. You must remember that storage in a cold and damp room does not go unnoticed. You will encounter problems such as:

  1. Oxidation of contacts; v
  2. Clogged jets;
  3. Damage to insulation on wires;
  4. Damage to fuel and oil.

Be sure to check the oil level before starting. If it is not enough, the piston group may completely fail.

Differences between gasoline and diesel engines Neva

Neva walk-behind tractors are functional devices that have a lot of advantages. With their help, you can easily cultivate the land, get rid of weeds, plant and dig up plants, remove the harvest, and mow the grass. And this is not the entire list.

The units are equipped with either a diesel or internal combustion engine. The starting of different types of engines differs from each other, therefore, before answering the question of why the Neva walk-behind tractor does not start, it is necessary to find out all the intricacies of its operation.

Before turning on the equipment, you need to make sure that there are no visible mechanical damages, that the equipment is all assembled, that the wires have not come loose anywhere, and so on. Often engines do not start after winter. If you stored the walk-behind tractor in a wet and cool room, you will eventually be able to find the following breakdowns:

  • Oxidation of wires;
  • Oil watering;
  • Violation of wire insulation;
  • Clogged jets in the carburetor.

When you just purchased a walk-behind tractor, you cannot turn it on right away. You need to carefully check all the details: connections, clutch, gas and reverse cables. Moreover, you cannot turn it on if there is twisting of the strands of the harnesses.

Even if you are assured that the unit is completely ready for operation, first also check the oil level in the crankcase. If there is not enough of it or there is an excess, the engine may simply not start. If your equipment has been sitting for a long time, the oil may deteriorate, which will also cause problems in the operation of the engine. In this case, simply replace it with a new one.

Also keep in mind that each engine runs on different gasoline. A two-stroke engine requires a special mixture of gasoline and oil, and the ratio of ingredients must meet certain standards. Almost everything also depends on the properties of the fuel. Refuel only at reputable and proven gas stations.

Breakdowns, their causes and solutions

There may be several reasons why the walk-behind tractor does not start:

  • the wire broke;
  • insufficient fuel level;
  • fuel is not sucked in;
  • problems with the spark plug.

If you plan to independently find the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it, then follow this sequence of work:

  1. Check the wire from the power button to the spark plug;

  2. The spark plug must be removed. The contact can be cleaned with sandpaper and at the same time check the distance between the contacts;

  3. Screw the candle into place;
  4. Blow out the fuel supply system;

  5. If necessary, clean the fuel filter. It may be clogged, which makes it difficult to supply fuel to the combustion chamber.

A few more ways to “bring to life” your walk-behind tractor:

  1. If the starter cord comes out very easily, the cause may be a cylinder seal that has worn out, or a gasket between the carburetor and filter that is not installed correctly.
  2. If the unit starts up but immediately stalls, the reason may be due to poor permeability of the sump tank. Check the faucet and clean it. There may also be water in the fuel, so the fuel must be replaced completely.
  3. If you hear characteristic popping noises and flames coming out of the muffler, you need to check the flywheel key. It may be damaged or deformed. It needs to be replaced.
  4. If you notice that the walk-behind tractor periodically turns off accompanied by popping noises, you should check the spark plug. If it is wet, replace it with a new one or clean it. To do this, you need to wash it, think it through and calcinate it.

Always choose only high-quality fuel and oil for your equipment. Otherwise, you may encounter problems, even to the point where the machine simply breaks down. Finding a replacement for a damaged part for a Neva walk-behind tractor is not a problem, but it will already cost some money.

Why the walk-behind tractor won't start - let's understand the reasons

Before the start of the season, both gasoline and diesel walk-behind tractors need preparation. To do this, the owner of the unit must make sure that the design of the unit contains all the parts necessary for operation, and each of them “sits” tightly in its normal place.

Often, many walk-behind tractors equipped with a Subaru engine or engines of other well-known brands refuse to work after a long winter period of inactivity. At the same time, incorrectly chosen storage conditions for an agricultural machine also have an effect - if it has been standing in a cold, damp room, then, most likely, it will not start before the start of spring work. This is due to a number of malfunctions:

  • Oxidation of contacts in electrical wiring;
  • Violation of the integrity of the wiring insulation;
  • Watering of oil and fuel;
  • Accumulation of debris in the carburetor jets.

Before starting a walk-behind tractor, its owner must carefully inspect all the connections in the design of the unit. You need to check the movement of the throttle, reverse and clutch cables - it should be soft. If during inspection you find clamps or twisted cables, then you cannot start the walk-behind tractor.

Before starting the walk-behind tractor for the first time, you should check the oil level inside the crankcase. If the lubricant is missing, this will lead to severe damage to the piston group. Judge for yourself: at a crankshaft rotation speed of 1400 rpm, a split second will be enough for it to form several burrs on the surface of the cylinder.

Oil left over for the winter is one of the main reasons for unstable operation of the unit’s motor. It is quite simple to make sure that the walk-behind tractor is difficult to start for this very reason - after starting, white smoke will pour out of the exhaust pipe of the machine for a few seconds, after which the unit will stall.

Do not forget that both diesel and gasoline walk-behind tractors have difficulty starting due to insufficient oil. Some models of units are equipped with low level protection; owners of other machines should independently monitor the volume of oil inside the tank.

Another important factor is the gasoline you use to refuel your walk-behind tractor. If you regularly fill up with fuel of a different brand than that recommended by the car manufacturer, this may also cause the car to not start.

Do-it-yourself troubleshooting

Success in self-repairing a walk-behind tractor largely depends on how correctly you diagnose the unit. The reasons that the walk-behind tractor does not start may be hidden in the following:

  • Due to blockages, air does not pass through the air filter;
  • The hole in the fuel tank cap is clogged;
  • Debris has accumulated in the fuel supply channels;
  • Carburetor failure.

Each of these malfunctions is quite easy and quick to fix with your own hands. If this is not the cause of the breakdown, and the unit still does not start, then you should unscrew the spark plug and check for oil stains on it. If you find oil or thick carbon deposits on the spark plug, the part needs to be cleaned and dried. In addition, the cylinder of the walk-behind tractor will also need drying - to do this, you need to sharply pull out the starter cable several times.

It is often difficult to start a walk-behind tractor due to the lack of fuel in the combustion chamber. In this case, the candle will be completely dry. If this is the cause of the breakdown, then the following measures will need to be taken:

  1. Completely drain the old fuel;
  2. Thoroughly rinse the fuel tank;
  3. Clean the air filter from blockages;
  4. Blow out the fuel supply hose with compressed air;
  5. Blow out the carburetor jets;
  6. Fill the tank with fresh gasoline;
  7. Open the fuel tap;
  8. Blow out the breathing passage inside the fuel tank cap.

Before restarting, you will need to manually prime the fuel by pressing the fuel pump primer several times. After starting the engine, be sure to give it time to warm up, after which you can start working with the walk-behind tractor.

If all of the above steps did not help, and the walk-behind tractor still does not start, then check the intake and exhaust valves - if they do not fit tightly to the seats, the parts will need to be adjusted by turning the corresponding screws clockwise.

Also, if the walk-behind tractor does not start, we advise you to pay attention to its muffler - after prolonged operation, carbon deposits accumulate on its walls, which must be regularly removed using compressed air.

Repair instructions

In order to restore a faulty walk-behind tractor "Luch" MB 1, the repair instructions will definitely not be superfluous. By instruction we mean the same booklet that was supplied with all equipment produced in Russian factories.

But, as you know, without experience it’s quite difficult to figure out what’s broken, not to mention the design of the walk-behind tractor itself. But a person who is experienced in repeated repairs will be able to identify the problem without wasting time and also quickly fix it.

A good example of the level of knowledge and how well a person navigates a given walk-behind tractor is the reason why fire occurs from the exhaust pipe. The reason could be very simple - a defect associated with partitions in the muffler, which could burn out or simply fall off.

If the walk-behind tractors "Luch" MB 1, Cayman, Patriot, Texas, Foreman, Crosser, Viking, Forza do not start , then there may be more than enough reasons for the problem, starting from the presence of gasoline in the tank before it enters the carburetor, or if the belts are not in order or there are problems with their size...

In the first case, it is necessary to carry out simple manipulations: you need to fill the float chamber until the fuel begins to pour out from the hole in the lid. Or, check how gasoline flows by disconnecting the fuel hose from the carburetor.

A thin stream means that one of the filters is clogged - the fuel filter inside the tank, or the air filter in its lid. In this case, to restore operation it is enough to clean them, or, in extreme cases, replace them. But if you have any ignition problems, you should still check the spark plugs.

It needs to be unscrewed and inspected - if the spark plug is dry, it means the mixture is not getting into the cylinder. Otherwise, the problem is in the carburetor itself.

Ignition coil

The ignition coil of the Luch walk-behind tractor is an important part of the ignition system.

With its help, a low-voltage impulse, using the primary winding, is converted into a high-voltage one, which is supplied to the spark plug using a wire. Essentially, this is a sealed pulse step-up transformer, which, although manufactured using sophisticated technology, does not last forever.

there is no spark during the start , then there can only be one option - replacing the old coil with a new one, since it is not possible to repair it.


One of the vulnerable parts for which the Luch walk-behind tractor is known is the carburetor. It is best to repair a faulty carburetor after first familiarizing yourself with its diagram, since without disassembling the engine it will not be possible to even inspect it.

If you have already read all the necessary documentation and are ready to begin the actual repair, first you need to check whether everything is in order with it, as follows: after dismantling, you need to apply a stream of air through the fuel supply fitting when the part is in the working position.

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This operation must be repeated by turning the carburetor around and blowing into it from the other side. In the first case, the air should pass freely, in the second, it should not pass at all. If in both cases everything happens as described above, then the valve is working properly and fuel is flowing properly.

If air does not pass through, it means the carburetor is clogged and needs to be cleaned .

To do this, remove the cover over the fuel supply valve and pour cleaning agent into all channels. Having allowed it to cope with the contamination, the carburetor needs to be thoroughly cleared of dirt. Compressed air from a compressor is perfect for this.


Another cause of malfunctions is the gearbox of the Luch walk-behind tractor. Although most often it is the consumables that wear out, such as the gearbox seal of the Luch walk-behind tractor. It is replaced if a leak appears.

Running the gearbox dry, without oil, can lead to consequences in the form of rapid wear of the components - the gearbox will very quickly fail. The oil seal is replaced quite simply with a screwdriver; you just need to remove the cap and boot; there is no need to drain the oil.


The engine is the main unit of the walk-behind tractor , which most often needs repair.

It is with it that all the main difficulties associated with operation and work arise.

Repairing the engine of a walk-behind tractor Luch, Sadko, Don, Huter, Profi, Plowman, Champion with your own hands is quite possible, but it is still better not to start without prior preparation in the form of reading the instructions, especially if you have not done this before. In order to successfully repair the MB 1 “Luch” walk-behind tractor by disassembling the engine, the video will be very useful.

It will be possible to see all the nuances and details that cannot be taken into account in text format. In principle, engine repair, if the problem cannot be identified from the very beginning, can be entrusted to a specialist.

The need to replace the air filter for the MB 1 “Luch” walk-behind tractor arises if the engine does not develop power . As a result of prolonged operation, a lot of dust accumulates in it and a sufficient amount of air does not enter the carburetor.

Of course, you don't have to replace the filter every time problems like these arise. Simple cleaning is enough - if the contamination is not critical, you can simply remove the dust, but if there is a lot of dust inside, you will need to clean it with a vacuum cleaner.

The foam rubber will need to be thoroughly washed with detergent. After the filter’s service life expires, it loses its properties - then simple cleaning will no longer bring the expected effect, they will either need to be done more often or the filter must be replaced with a new one.

Milling cutters

Among all the attachments that are used on a walk-behind tractor, some may wear out faster due to the specifics of its use. These are the cutters for the Luch walk-behind tractor.

Due to the fact that they are installed instead of wheels, a lot of stress is created at the fastening points, as a result of which the fastening holes flare out over time.

As a result, play in the cutter occurs - the walk-behind tractor loses stability, which negatively affects the shaft, which can receive serious damage or become deformed.

To avoid this, it is necessary to constantly monitor the integrity of the cutter fastening device and its general condition. At the initial stages of deformation, the problem can be corrected using electric welding, gradually welding additional metal seams.

In the same case, if welding does not help and the cutters continue to become loose, the fasteners can be repaired by replacing them with similar homemade ones. Old fasteners should be cut off and new ones welded in their place.

There is no spark on the walk-behind tractor - let’s look into the problem

Another common reason that a walk-behind tractor will not start is due to a problem with the unit’s ignition system.
Faults may be hidden in the cap, magneto, spark plug or high-voltage wire of an agricultural machine. When inspecting the ignition system, first of all you need to carefully check each part for blockages. If the spark is lost, the reason for this is often moisture or dirt getting on the elements of the ignition system. Also, often an agricultural machine does not start due to the inability to form a spark - the reason for this is poor contact between the central electrode and the spark plug cap.

If you do not find dirt or moisture in the ignition system, and the walk-behind tractor does not start, then be sure to check the integrity of the electrodes and the gap between them. As a rule, a special probe is used for this. Ideally, the gap should be 0.8 mm. If necessary, remove carbon deposits from the insulator and metal elements of the ignition system.

If the unit does not start, and none of the above procedures helped, then you will need to replace the spark plug of the walk-behind tractor. The cost of replacement parts is low, but when purchasing, we advise you to give preference to more expensive spark plugs - they will last many times longer than their cheaper counterparts. All of the methods listed are suitable for repairing motoblocks Krot, Neva MB-1 and MB-2, as well as Cascade, Zubr, Agro and Salyut.

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