Do-it-yourself walk-behind tractor (how to make a walk-behind tractor): instructions with photos, assembly and application technology, recommendations + tips

A walk-behind tractor is a necessary unit, but expensive. Fortunately, you can do this yourself. Read more in the article.

Author of the article

Petr Mikhailovich

I know everything about walk-behind tractors and tractors.

Processing a site manually requires a lot of effort and time. It is much easier to use a special unit, which allows you to reduce the time for plowing and other work with the soil. A new walk-behind tractor is easy to find in a store, but it’s cheaper to make it yourself.

Of course, this will be difficult for some. But there are many advantages to building a car yourself. One of them: you will know the structure of the unit and if it breaks down, immediately eliminate the cause.

Recommendations for assembling a walk-behind tractor

Firstly, it is worth saying that by creating such equipment yourself, you can take into account those nuances that purchased serial devices simply cannot have. For example, it is possible to combine the functions of a plow and snow removal in one device; it is possible to supplement it with a useful trailer.

All key parameters are usually shown in do-it-yourself walk-behind tractor drawings, which should be done in as much detail as possible.

As a rule, there are no uniform sizes for a walk-behind tractor. You can find models where it barely reaches 10 kg.

These are usually created for a small amount of work on small plots of land. And there are others that are already similar in their power to mini tractors. This technique is capable of reaching speeds comparable to a full-fledged vehicle, up to 60 km/h.

Diagram templates are widely available in various sources. You just need to choose the one that will be as similar as possible to the expected result and edit it depending on your needs.

To create equipment, you don’t have to be an engineer or have a special technical education; you just need to carefully study the video examples that are in the public domain, and also select the most suitable drawing.

Classification of cutters

According to the location of the cutters, there are side and mounted ones. The side ones are installed on both sides of the walk-behind tractor and operate from the drive shafts of the wheels. In fact, with this arrangement, these cutters replace wheels and set the equipment in motion.

The second type is a milling cutter, powered by a power take-off shaft, located at the rear of the unit and does not participate in movement. Motoblocks of the brands Tselina, Neva MB-1 and MB-2, MTZ have just such a cutter device.

Based on the design of knives, there are two types of cutters - saber-shaped (active, standard) and the so-called crow's feet.

Active cutters

The active cutter consists of a set of four powerful knives installed at an angle of 90° relative to each other. There can be two or more such sets on one axis. The number of additional cutters, as well as the size of their knives, depends directly on the performance of the walk-behind tractor. The knives of this cutter are in the form of curved strips, bent alternately in different directions. Their design and strength allow you to safely process virgin soil, as well as areas where stones and roots come across.

Basic materials

Considering different options for how to make a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, you will notice that the most common recommendation is to use engines from old motorcycles or mopeds.

But in addition to this main component, you will need several more elements, which include a steel pipe used as a frame.

It is also worth stocking up on a sheet of iron. The casing, as well as body parts, are made from it. The axis, which will be in the supporting structure, is made either from a strong steel rod or from a pipe.

The equipment will not be able to function without wheels with tires with the widest possible tread.

Among others, gearboxes, bearings, and transmission elements stand out. When creating a Neva walk-behind tractor with their own hands, owners, as a rule, want to minimize costs.

To do this, before starting design, it is necessary to evaluate what is available; perhaps the elements useful for such equipment are lying idle in the garage.

Advantages of purchasing at

If you want to buy a walk-behind tractor in Minsk, use the services of our store. We offer favorable purchasing conditions for those who plan to start using such equipment. You can get an installment plan or a favorable loan. We offer for sale the following brands of walk-behind tractors: Shtenli, Rofil (Germany), Brado, Spec (Italy), Titan, Kepler, Centaur (China), MTZ, New Sich (Belarus), Grasshopper (Ukraine).

Installment plan

You can buy a walk-behind tractor in installments for up to 36 months. The maximum amount for such a period is 6,000 rubles, and the rate will be from 1.5% to 2.5% per month. You will have the right to repay the installment plan early with a full recalculation. An initial payment is not required, you just need to meet the requirements for the recipient of the installment plan: be over 18 years old, have permanent registration in the territory of Belarus, be officially employed and have at least 3 months of experience.

Another advantageous installment option allows you to sign an agreement with a 0% interest rate. The term of such installment plan is up to 6 months, the maximum amount is 4,000 rubles. You also get the opportunity to repay in full ahead of schedule without fees or overpayments. The amount of the down payment depends on the terms of the installment plan: 20% for installments for a period of three months and 50% for six months. To apply for an installment plan, you must be over 22 years old, have permanent registration in Belarus, be officially employed and have more than 3 months of experience.

To apply for an installment plan, you do not need to come to our office, just call us - the process does not take more than 10 minutes.

Credit program

If installments are not suitable for you, then you can use the credit program from our partners - Reshenie Bank. You can get a loan for up to three years, without a down payment at 1.5%. The loan amount is up to 5,000 rubles. To apply for a loan, you must be over 21 years old, have permanent registration in Belarus and have an experience of more than 4 months. After applying for a loan, you have the opportunity to repay early without penalties from the bank.

Delivery terms

We offer favorable delivery conditions for residents of Belarus. Cost and terms depend on the remoteness of the locality. Delivery in Minsk costs up to 10 rubles and takes up to two days (often the goods can be delivered on the day of order). Delivery within Belarus will take up to four days (although most orders arrive within two days) and will cost up to 13 rubles. The buyer can also use the self-pickup service and pick up their goods themselves from our warehouse.

Assembly tools

  • One of the main tools that is needed to create a walk-behind tractor is, of course, a welding machine. Welding involves almost all devices for a do-it-yourself walk-behind tractor.
  • Basic tools needed for plumbing. Among which there are hacksaws with files, and various taps suitable for different threads.
  • Despite the fact that many fasteners are made by welding, you will still need a screwdriver or drill.
  • Measuring tools should also be available, with which you can always check compliance with the sketch.
  • Fasteners: nuts, bolts, self-tapping screws.
  • Screwdrivers.

Purpose of the cutter

One of the most important processes in cultivating land is its cultivation. During this work, plowing occurs, but there is no turnover of the formation - that is, the lower layer is not carried to the surface. The equipment (in this case, a walk-behind tractor) makes passes of a given depth and at the same time loosens and crumbles the upper section. Externally, the field looks trimmed. At the same time, the rhizomes of the weeds are pruned. And then you can apply fertilizers. Cultivation also has other advantages - improving air access, accelerating the warming of the earth, saturating the soil with useful elements, and maintaining the flag. To perform this operation you need a cutter.

Safety precautions when creating a walk-behind tractor

Having been inspired by photos of a homemade walk-behind tractor, which can be found in abundance on the Internet, and having completed the drawing of yours, you can proceed directly to production.

It is important to carry out all work taking into account simple safety precautions.
  • As for the tools used, each one comes with appropriate instructions on how it should be used.
  • It is extremely important to start working by first wearing safety glasses and gloves.
  • It would also be useful to have special clothing. Firstly, it’s not such a shame to ruin it, and secondly, this is an additional opportunity to stay safe when making any mistakes when using tools.
  • The premises where such work is planned to be carried out must have good lighting, and there must also be a constant supply of fresh air.

Factory cutters with saber knives

Those who start using walk-behind tractors ask the question: what knives are best to take? Types of motor cultivators can be roughly divided into 2 large groups:

Saber cutters are most suitable for all types of work.

  • knives called "crow's feet";
  • saber type cutters.

The saber shape of cutters is the most popular; it is these patterns that are called standard. They are effective; the effectiveness of using this particular type has been proven for decades. Often the motor cultivators that come with the cutters are saber-shaped. It is most suitable for any type of work. The advantages that saber cutters have are obvious. The shape of the knives is optimal. They are suitable for performing various types of work. For the manufacture of knives, only high-quality carbon steel is used, the strength of which is high.

Saber cutters have a collapsible design, which makes their installation and maintenance simple and effective. The steel from which the knives are made is completely impervious to welding. To improve the mechanical properties of the product, so-called thermal hardening is used during production. Steel is treated with high-frequency currents for strength.

Making a walk-behind tractor step by step

  • Preparatory part (collection of materials, development of project drawings)
  • Manufacturing of the supporting frame (main component)
  • A motor is installed on it, which is connected to an exhaust pipe and a handle responsible for controlling the entire mechanism.
  • Gearbox connection.
  • Installation on the wheel structure. Their parameters were indicated earlier.
  • Do not forget that a fan must be installed on the engine, which will perform the task of cooling the structure.
  • After which a special tank is installed into which fuel will be poured. It must be connected to the motor using a special tube.
  • Next it was the turn of the lugs.
  • Then you need to check how firmly all the parts are fastened to each other.

What is a walk-behind tractor

A walk-behind tractor, or motor-cultivator, is a self-propelled two-wheeled unit that is equipped with an internal combustion engine. The device moves freely forward, and the summer resident walks behind it, holding handles with various components and controls. Many available models have multiple forward and reverse gears . In order for the operation of such an invention to be as productive as possible, it is equipped with additional tools, including a plow, which allows plowing and cultivating the land.

The average weight of a walk-behind tractor reaches 100 kg, and the engine power often exceeds 8 horsepower. Due to such features, such a tool can become indispensable for plowing a garden area.

You should pay attention to the fact that all walk-behind tractors are equipped with a special drive for attachments, which allows you to transfer part of the engine power to a suspended mower. Basically, such a universal mechanism allows you to cope with various agricultural work, including:

  • plowing the land;
  • cultivation;
  • transportation of the crop (in this case, you need to get a small trailer);
  • cutting the grass.

With the help of such miniature trucks, residents of our regions transport firewood, fertilizers and crops. In winter, it can be used as a snow removal tool. Even the weakest model can easily pull a load weighing up to 400 kg.

Photo of a homemade walk-behind tractor

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