Do-it-yourself sawmill from a chainsaw. Detailing, drawings. Tips and tricks for creating a DIY chainsaw sawmill

A sawmill is a very useful equipment that allows you to evenly and correctly saw a large log into logs or boards. As a rule, this equipment is quite expensive and not every person could afford it for domestic use. It is for this reason that you can make a sawmill from a chainsaw with your own hands, which will save a large amount of money.

On the Internet and on forums, craftsmen provide a lot of advice, drawings, photos, videos and diagrams with which you can assemble a sawmill yourself using available materials.

Do-it-yourself sawmill from a chainsaw

Wood is considered the most popular material for use in human everyday life.
The main industry of use is construction, where boards and beams are in demand. Wood is also used for finishing work. The modern market is filled with advanced tools, from manual to stationary, that allow you to process wood, cutting out the necessary elements with millimeter precision. An example of such a tool is a sawmill, which allows you to evenly saw a log into blanks. The disadvantage of the sawmill is its high cost, so the owner of a small business and private owner is simply not able to purchase such a tool for himself.

The ideal solution to the problem is to use a homemade version based on a chainsaw, which is much cheaper in cost and is not inferior in functionality to the factory design. This homemade product cannot be used on an industrial scale in sawmills, but it is perfect for domestic use.

Ready-made frames and mobile attachments

The modern market offers many options for frames for such sawmills, from the simplest clamps (attachments) costing about only 3,000 rubles. to frames similar to a band sawmill at a price of about 50,000 rubles. The latter are rather flimsy-looking structures with a high probability of vibration during operation. There's nothing complicated about it. It is quite possible to assemble such a structure on your own if you have available materials.

If you use more powerful rolled metal, the structure itself will be much stronger and more reliable than that offered at a fairly high price.

The simplest attachment for longitudinal sawing.

Alternatively, such an attachment can be used as a ready-made unit when assembling a homemade sawmill. It makes it possible to vertically raise and lower the cutting set relative to the log. All that remains is to organize the movement of the nozzle along the horizontal guides of the homemade frame.

Mobile carriage for longitudinal cutting of logs based on the Husqvarna 142 chainsaw

The author of the video tells how he made a mobile carriage for longitudinal cutting of logs based on a Husqvarna 142 gasoline saw. With this saw and carriage he sawed through a very large volume of material and built an entire house. The video contains everything you need to make the device yourself. We recommend viewing, very useful.

Video about the nozzle from the store

You can see what kind of devices they sell in the store in this video.

What types of chainsaw sawmills are there?

A portable sawmill, converted from a chainsaw, looks like a wheelbarrow that needs to be moved by hand. The device moves on rails. There are two types of construction, which differ in the use of different types of saws.

  1. The chain-based option is used for sawing tree trunks into bars. The disadvantage of using this option is a lot of sawdust after work, which indicates an uneconomical use of raw materials.
  2. Band saws are designed for sawing large diameter logs. During operation of such a device, maximum precautions should be taken, since the radius of sawdust emission is quite large. To prevent injury, it is advisable to use a chip extractor with a flexible air duct.

Similar saws are used in industry, but for domestic use a small sawmill is sufficient. Small dimensions are an additional advantage, since the homemade product will be portable and will not take up much space in the room, and if necessary, it can easily be dragged to another place.


Review of some devices.

North 550

The corner sawmill with a rotating disk is presented in the segment of inexpensive and reliable equipment for sawing wood. Used in small plants and private forestry enterprises. It is possible to choose a scheme for radial cutting of large logs.

Altai 3

This circular sawmill works with all types of lumber: its saw blades are equipped with Pobedit tips. Main advantages: ease of control, high performance.


It is equipped with rail segments, which, when joined, allow you to select the required cutting length. The machine is equipped with automatic and manual feeding of the carriage with saw blades, and a special device for electronically adjusting the thickness of the finished lumber.

The principle of assembling a sawmill from chainsaws with your own hands according to the drawings

The photo shows a drawing showing the main parts of the structure

First of all, we assemble the base, consisting of two rails. They are turned upside down and large corners are attached to them. It is necessary to fasten it parallel to the floor, and it is advisable to ensure parallelism using a level in order to achieve greater accuracy.

Then you need to drill holes with a diameter of 15 mm. at a distance of 1 m from each other. Screeds are attached to the resulting holes with bolts.

We begin to make racks that will hold the base. To make the homemade product rigid and not wobble, weld the corners between the posts. Don't forget to weld the protection onto the tire.

Upon completion of work with the base, we proceed to the mobile cart. A steel plate is taken and a small corner is welded at the bottom, and then the product itself is installed on wheels, rollers or bearings. You need to weld two corners on top that will become saw holders.

Assembly order

First you have to assemble the cutting machine.
For a tire sawmill, a frame is made that resembles a cube frame. The chainsaw bar should be located in the central part of this frame. The tire must be secured on both sides. The driven sprocket is usually mounted on a vertical holder. The opposite part of the bar is attached to elements that allow you to adjust the chain tension. But this is optional.

Sawmill adjustment diagram.

It is better to securely fix the tire, and organize the chain tension by moving the drive sprocket. This is not difficult to do: the drive sprocket is attached to the gearbox shaft, which is mounted on a metal base with longitudinal slots. It will be enough to simply release the fasteners and move the gearbox in the required direction.

We connect the gearbox drive shaft to the pulley (to a key). The second pulley will be located on the engine. The place for mounting the motor must be organized so that nothing interferes with the movement of the sawmill cutting machine. Rollers are used to tension the belts. The design of the belt clutch may vary. It is not necessary to make this element yourself: any design from agricultural machinery will do.

Tips and tricks for creating a DIY chainsaw sawmill

Even a homemade mini sawmill is quite large, so you need space to install it. Consider the location in such a way that there is free space for working with logs.

If you used an electric motor from an electric saw, then take safety precautions and move the wires away from the work area. Using an electric motor has its advantages, namely saving fuel and eliminating harmful emissions. A disadvantage is the attachment to the place where there are sockets, as well as the use of wires and extension cords.

The design of a mini sawmill is simple, but it is still necessary to handle the cutting tool and its moving parts very carefully.

Before starting to operate a new sawmill, it is advisable to once again check the reliability of fastening of all components in order to minimize injuries.

Mini sawmill corner disc

A self-made angular circular sawing unit is very useful in a home workshop for processing wood into various types of lumber. Perhaps this is the most versatile and powerful mini sawmill - you won’t be able to make a more complex structure with your own hands.

After preparing the drawings and purchasing all the necessary components and structural elements, you need to prepare, as in previous cases, the installation site. A frame base is assembled on it, the material for which is metal pipes and high-strength guides (the design involves heavy loads and the material must correspond to them).

Guides for a mobile platform should ideally be made from rails, again due to increased loads

The next stage of assembling the carriage should be characterized by increased attention to maximum compliance with the dimensions according to the drawing

It is recommended to use a high-power internal combustion engine (ICE) as a drive - this will increase the efficiency of sawing large quantities of raw materials and simplify working with dense wood varieties. It is best to use a chain transmission for torque transmission, although if the design is not well thought out, this can lead to increased heating of the transmission mechanism. For safety reasons, all moving parts of the drive must be enclosed or protected by a casing.

What needs to be provided?

Before making, you need to pay attention to the following things:

  1. The diameter of the logs being cut, if there are large diameters, then you need a more powerful saw, a longer bar with chain;
  2. Loading heavy logs for sawing, for this it is necessary to provide some kind of mechanism, or they can be rolled up either by additional jacks or, ideally, by a loader;
  3. The log must be fixed so that it does not play during sawing and the boards are even;
  4. The chainsaw guide and sled should not play, so they need to be strengthened;
  5. The more powerful the saw, the easier production will be. Therefore, when purchasing a saw, you need to take the most powerful one;
  6. Using electricity as an energy source allows you to save a lot;
  7. Do not forget that the chain must be for longitudinal sawing, this will significantly increase the speed of the process. Experts recommend using a 3*8 chain.
  8. It is advisable to buy a carbide chain. This is what he is doing today. Conventional circuits fail quite quickly;
  9. The length of the logs to be cut must take into account the maximum and minimum. So that the longest ones fit in, and the shortest ones don’t fall between the guides;
  10. Calculate in such a way that the saw does not vibrate or play on the guides during operation;
  11. The power of the saw, in some cases you want it to be both more powerful and more economical. In this case, folk craftsmen do the following. Instead of a chainsaw, an electric motor is installed, and the tire is left for sawing, see photo below;
  12. The height of the sawmill. It is necessary to provide in such a way that the back does not hurt to bend over and the logs do not need to be lifted high. If the wood is not heavy, it is better to make it higher. If the forest is heavy, you can go lower.
  13. Sawing of wood can be carried out either by the upper part of the tire or by the lower part. When sawing with the lower part, sawdust flies towards the chainsaw and clogs it. The upper part throws out sawdust from the chainsaw, this allows you to increase both the service life of the saw and the downtime during sawing;
  14. During the sawing process, the chain very often stretches on the saw and needs tensioning. Therefore, when installing the saw, it is necessary to provide access to the chain tension and secure the saw with access to the mechanism;
  15. When sawing, it is better to fix the position of the chainsaw handle, this simplifies the process;
  16. The cable, clothesline or lace should not drag, since the sawing process should be uniform over time.

Circular saw: where to buy and how to choose?

Today, every self-respecting master has a circular saw in his arsenal. After all, without a doubt, a circular saw is an indispensable tool for repair and construction work. However, if you have not yet managed to purchase this item, then the tips presented below on how to choose a circular saw will help you with the right purchase.

How to choose circular saws? How to choose circular saws?

The circular saw is designed for longitudinal and cross cutting of various materials. For example, for sawing wood, plastic, metal, drywall and other materials. How to choose a circular saw? First, you need to decide for what purpose and how often you will use it. Circular saws can be divided into household and professional. Household saws are not intended for constant use, so if you need a saw in your professional activities, you will have to choose a more expensive option - a professional circular saw. Next, you need to decide on the diameter of the saw blade; the depth of the cut will depend on it. Saws with a cutting depth of 50-65 millimeters are often found. Such saws are quite maneuverable, and the cutting depth is sufficient for various jobs. For professional circular saws, the cutting depth can be 100 millimeters or more

But such a circular saw will weigh more than 10 kilograms, therefore, you should pay attention to whether it is possible to install it permanently. Circular saws can be: 1

Low-power - up to 800 W. 2. Average power - from 800 to 1200 W. 3. High power - more than 1200 W. The saw base can be cast or stamped. For professional work, it is better to choose a cast platform, as it is less susceptible to deformation. An important factor when working with a tool such as a circular saw is safety. Therefore, many manufacturers make a protection button next to the power button against accidental activation. This means that in order for the saw to start working, you must first press the protection button. Also, some tools are equipped with a safety clutch, which stops the disc if jamming occurs. Some circular saws are equipped with a laser pointer, which helps make more precise cuts.

Where can I buy?

Preparatory activities

At the preparation stage, the optimal design is selected, the necessary calculations are made and drawings are developed. After this, materials and tools are prepared and a place for installation of the sawmill is arranged.

Design work, drawings

The construction of a sawmill begins with the selection of a production site. It has been experimentally established that this will require an area of ​​at least 3x6 m in size. In any case, when planning the length of the working area, it is necessary to take into account the maximum size of the forest being processed. It is best if the unit is installed indoors or under a large canopy. In this case, you can work in any weather.

Then the number of angles (channels, I-beams) and profile pipes required for the manufacture of rail guides, stock and saw frame is determined. The distance between the rails is calculated by adding gaps of at least 0.3 - 0.4 m on each side to the maximum diameter of the log. In addition, it is necessary to take into account transverse reinforcements, which are installed between the rails every 0.8 - 1 m. Supporting elements for timber can be mounted on the same reinforcements, raising the bed to a height of at least 0.2 m above the level of the guides.

Depending on the design, drawings of components are drawn up that will need to be turned on a lathe - rollers, screws, shafts, bearing housings, pulleys, etc. The design of a homemade sawmill is taken based on financial capabilities, availability of materials and individual components, so the exact design of the unit everyone does it independently. However, we provide diagrams and drawings of the sawmill and its individual components as an example. They can be used in your own developments.

Preparing the base

A properly made foundation will ensure the equipment’s stable linear characteristics during operation.

Since building your own sawmill is a serious matter, you need to approach it responsibly. Perhaps in the future the equipment will become not only a good help in the household, but also a source of additional income. Such important factors as the durability and reliability of the sawmill, the ease of operation and the quality of the resulting lumber largely depend on how strong and level the base it has.

The construction of a base slab is no different from the construction of a shallow floating or simple strip foundation. A lot has been written about it, so there is no need to dwell on the construction process in detail. Let us only remind you that you will need a cushion of sand and gravel, the thickness of the base is made at least 10 - 15 cm, and its strength is ensured by an armored belt made of steel rod with a diameter of at least 10 mm. In this case, significant variable loads will not lead to cracks or subsidence of the concrete slab.

Some useful tips

The unit is quite dangerous to operate

For a sawmill with an electric motor, you should very carefully install the necessary switches and automatic machines, as well as install the wiring.

Since the most dangerous elements of the unit are all its cutting and moving parts, when assembling the structure they should be given special attention. Before using the assembled equipment, it is necessary to check all fastenings and components, as well as the stability of the structure.

Before starting to operate the assembled equipment, it is necessary to check all fastenings and components, as well as the stability of the structure.

Homemade device diagram

The approach to designing and creating a sawmill from a chainsaw should be the most serious, because the chainsaw itself is dangerous equipment, especially the sawmill. First of all, you should decide on the tasks that are supposed to be solved with the help of a home sawmill.

Naturally, a mini sawmill will not be a multi-saw machine with expanded functionality, and the produced lumber will require further specific processing. But it will be possible to perform the simplest operations - cutting boards, slats, timber - at a fairly good level and in decent volumes.

Tools and Parts

To assemble a sawmill from a chainsaw, you will need a saw, a metal profile, guides and rollers, bearings, nails, screws, equipment - a welding machine, and ordinary tools.

Stages of self-production

A sawmill requires special woodworking equipment - a sawmill. You can buy it ready-made in the store, but it will be quite expensive. Therefore, the question of how to make a sawmill at home remains relevant.

Homemade device from a chainsaw

A DIY device for sawing logs with a chainsaw is the most common option for making this type of equipment at home. The process takes little time, and the homemade product can work for a long time without repair.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • welding machine with electrodes;
  • screws;
  • nails;
  • columns;
  • electric saw;
  • roller bearings.

Before making a sawmill with your own hands, experts advise paying attention to the following points:

  1. If you plan to saw large diameter logs, you need to use more powerful saws with a long chain and bar for the job.
  2. To supply heavy wood, it is necessary to provide a special jack. The board will be accepted using a loader.
  3. When working, it is necessary to consider a mechanism for fixing logs. This will prevent vibration of the working material.
  4. The chainsaw should be quite powerful, which will help make cutting faster and easier.
  5. It is recommended to equip the machine with an electric motor. This will help save production costs.
  6. The do-it-yourself attachment for a chainsaw for longitudinal cutting must have a height at which the operator’s back and arms will not get tired.

A homemade sawmill from a chainsaw, drawings of which can be found in specialized literature, is quite simple to manufacture. Manufacturing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Create a frame by welding corners or pipes into a structure of the required size;
  • To make the slide, you can use wooden boards, which are covered with a galvanized sheet or stainless steel in the area where the slide moves. You can also use the corner along which the rollers will move. It is also possible to make this device from rails. It all depends on the load to which the machine will be subjected;
  • You can make a sled from a 50 mm board;
  • Making a mechanism that will regulate the thickness of the board. You can use the option that experts offer. The movement of the working material occurs in it, and the cutting element is fixed motionless. This design is suitable for working with small logs.

You can also use an option in which the log remains stationary, and the cutting part of the machine moves along a special ruler. The chainsaw is mounted using special fasteners on the equipment frame.

Upon completion of work, it is necessary to check the strength of the machine and adjust its functions.

A device made from a grinder

There is also the possibility of making a sawmill at home, the basis for which is a grinder. This version of the machine is practical in operation and easy to implement. To perform the equipment, you can follow these instructions:

  1. The stop is made of corners located on the sides of the frame. Their edges must be rounded.
  2. A metal clamp is placed on the body and secured with screws along the edges.
  3. The handle is made independently from a metal rod, pipe or transverse bracket.
  4. To make an adjustment rod, you can use a steel rod with a diameter of 0.4 - 0.6 cm. Its end is bent in the form of a loop.
  5. To ensure that the rod fits into the handle, it is necessary to cut a small thread on the back of the handle.

The grinder is an angle grinder. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • The duration of continuous use of a homemade sawmill from an angle grinder should not exceed 20 minutes to avoid overheating of the machine motor;
  • Standard disk protection is not suitable for a homemade device. You need to make a protective casing yourself.

Before using this type of sawmill, the mobile chain mechanism requires preliminary checking and adjustment. The cutting depth can be adjusted using nuts that are either tightened or loosened. The manual version of the sawmill is characterized by its simple design. This makes working with it much easier.

Originally posted 2018-07-04 07:46:16.

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