Do-it-yourself drilling machine from a photo enlarger

To perform drilling work at home, in most cases, it is enough to have a regular electric drill.

However, when performing work that requires great precision or drilling many small-diameter holes, which is especially important for radio amateurs in the manufacture of printed circuit boards, you will need a drilling machine, since an electric drill will not provide either the proper accuracy or quality of drilling. Therefore, I remade a Soviet photo enlarger to suit my needs .

When making a homemade drilling machine for a hobby, you can use almost any materials and devices that have already outlived their useful life and are gathering dust in the closet.

In everyday life, craftsmen make designs for drilling machines with motors from washing machines. For example, a 180 W motor with a maximum rotation speed of 1300 rpm ensures that most work in the home workshop can be completed.

Another drive option can be a motor from a screwdriver. Because The screwdriver battery has a shorter service life and is the first to fail, and its cost is commensurate with the cost of a new tool, it makes sense to give the screwdriver spare parts a second life by using them in homemade machines.

How to make a drill press from a photo enlarger

Believe it or not, the material component, and on its basis, the idea of ​​making this device arose thanks to the cat Tikhon, who once, having exceeded the norms of what was permitted, dashed into a large ravine overgrown with trees and did not respond to calls to return. I had to look. Seeing the angry owner, he ran to one of the dense bushes and defiantly began to look at something in its depths. Curiosity is contagious - I looked under the bush. And there is an inkjet printer. I will never claim that animals only have instincts.

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