Shtil-180 does not start: reasons and solutions, why the chainsaw fills the spark plug, gasoline does not flow when cold

Today, the manufacturer Shtil occupies a leading position among other companies that produce equipment intended for agricultural and construction work. The products of this manufacturer are famous not only for their high level of quality, but also for the optimal pricing policy and the power of its models. It is probably quite difficult to meet a person who does not have a chainsaw of this brand. This is one of the most famous companies in the world. But the fact is that out of ten possible, six people definitely have them. And this is not surprising, since Stihl chainsaws represent power along with graceful design. But unfortunately, such giants of technology sometimes break down and require a certain kind of repair. Let's talk about the reasons why the Stihl chainsaw does not start.

Why does the Shtil chainsaw not start when it's hot? Why does a chainsaw have trouble starting?

Main reasons:

  • fuel and air filters;
  • reduced compression;
  • carburetor adjustment;
  • spark plug;
  • ignition coil;
  • gap between the ignition coil and the flywheel;

Let's look at each reason in more detail.

Fuel and air filter

Contamination of the main filter elements of a chainsaw negatively affects its operation.

For example, a dirty air filter will not provide enough air to the carburetor, which will affect the quality of the air-fuel mixture and normal engine starting. A dirty fuel filter will make it difficult or even cut off the flow of gasoline to the carburetor and make it impossible for the engine to operate.

Reduced compression

One of the common cases of difficult starting of a chainsaw is wear of the CPG (cylinder-piston group).

As you know, for a chainsaw to start normally, compression must be present in its engine. It is necessary for normal compression of the fuel mixture in the engine cylinder, and it also affects the operation of the fuel pump.

During the operation of the tool, the compression value drops and the chainsaw begins to have difficulty starting.

The reasons for the lack of compression or its decrease may be natural, because The engine wears out during operation. Problems can also be caused by a serious breakdown, for example, a scuffed CPG, or a broken piston ring.

A sign of low compression is weak starter resistance when starting. With reduced compression, a decrease in the power of the chainsaw is observed, which negatively affects its performance. The problem is eliminated by replacing the piston rings, or the entire CPG.

Carburetor adjustment

Incorrect carburetor adjustment will cause the chainsaw to not develop full power. It will be difficult to start, or not start at all. Carburetor settings directly affect the quality of the air-fuel mixture, which is necessary for normal starting and further operation of the engine.

If the carburetor is incorrectly adjusted, there will be more or less gasoline in the fuel-air mixture than required, and the mixture will not ignite even with normal sparking.

Excess gasoline in the mixture is usually called overflow. A characteristic sign of overflow is a wet spark plug, after several unsuccessful attempts to start the chainsaw.

Spark plug

The spark plug is one of the main elements of the ignition system. A spark is formed at its electrodes, and if this element fails, starting will be difficult or not possible at all.

The spark plug may fail completely, or work intermittently or produce a weak spark. Checking the spark plug is quite simple; to do this, you need to unscrew it from the engine, attach it to the cap of the high-voltage wire and, placing it on the cylinder, pull the starter. If the spark plug is in order, the spark will be powerful with a bluish tint. A weak spark with a reddish tint is a sign of a problem. A defective spark plug needs to be replaced.

Ignition coil

The reason that a new chainsaw does not start, or starts poorly, may be the ignition coil. Modern chainsaws are equipped with electronic ignition coils. This part cannot be repaired, and, as a rule, if there is a defect, it is completely replaced.

Gap between ignition coil and flywheel

An incorrectly set gap between the flywheel and the ignition coil contacts affects the quality of spark formation, which in turn is responsible for normal starting and stable operation of the engine.

How to check the performance of the fuel pump

There is a membrane in the pump body, which during movement ensures the supply of fuel to the carburetor and engine. If the Stihl MS 180 chainsaw does not start, the diaphragm may have ruptured. You can check its integrity by removing the pump cover. If any defects are found during the inspection, the membrane is replaced.

Chainsaw repair Shtil 180

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Each model has its own weaknesses. Some saws require regular carburetor adjustments. The disadvantage of others is the chain lubrication system. Be that as it may, any breakdown can be fixed with your own hands if you figure out what its cause is and what its signs are.

What to do if the chainsaw stalls when you press the gas?

As a rule, owners of chainsaws begin to encounter this breakdown after the first 6 months of intensive use of the tool. There may be several reasons for this malfunction.

Their list includes:

  • using a fuel mixture prepared in the wrong proportion. If you regularly pour low-quality gasoline into the tank of a chainsaw, in which too much or too little oil is mixed, the tool will not start. In this case, you will need to drain the fuel and also dry the engine cylinder. To do this, you need to sharply pull the starter cable several times. After this, you need to fill in properly prepared fuel and start the saw engine;
  • Filling the spark plug with oil when starting the engine. This problem can be solved by removing, cleaning and drying the candle. After 30 minutes, the candle will dry and you can screw it in. After this you will need to start the chainsaw;
  • no spark. This indicates poor contact between the factory high-voltage wire and the spark plug tip. If the contact is not broken, but there is still no spark, then you need to check the electronic unit of the chainsaw’s ignition system. This element cannot be repaired, so it will need to be completely replaced;
  • air filter clogged. This element of the saw must be regularly cleaned of debris, small insects and dust. Otherwise, air will not enter the carburetor, where it should enrich the fuel mixture. As a result, the saw will stop starting. To solve the problem, you will need to clean the filter or replace it.

In most cases, a chainsaw stops starting due to the use of low-quality fuel and motor oil. There is no need to skimp on working fluids, as this will lead to complex and time-consuming repairs.

Checking the fuel system

Fundamentally: do not “purge” the engine with the ignition on and an open fire nearby.

  • Unscrew the spark plug;
  • Turn the Stihl 180 chainsaw upside down and drain the excess fuel;
  • In an inverted state, pull the chainsaw starter a couple of times (this way, under the influence of compression, excess fuel will be removed from the cylinder);
  • Place the spark plug and high-voltage wire cap in place;
  • Set the engine control lever to the hot start position;
  • Pull the starter a couple of times and start the engine.

If what remains to be done with the Stihl chainsaw is ok for our client and the cold start method was simply violated, then after “blowing through” it should start. Otherwise, the fault must be found in the carburetor.

How to start a chainsaw correctly - follow the instructions

Before you move on to studying the causes and repairs of chainsaw malfunctions, you need to understand whether you are starting to work with your chainsaw correctly. After all, it is precisely because the tool is not started correctly that its engine stalls or does not start at all.

Start the chainsaw strictly according to the instructions in the operating instructions. The procedure is as follows:

  • First, engage the chainsaw's chain brake by pushing its lever away from you;
  • Remove the protective cover from the tool tire;
  • Press the decompression valve, if provided in the design of the chainsaw. This will make starting the engine much easier;
  • If the design of the chainsaw includes a fuel pump for manual pumping, press it several times;
  • Place the combination throttle lever in cold start mode. To do this, lock the throttle trigger and lower the lever to its lowest position;
  • Place the saw on a flat surface, removing any foreign objects from under its bar;
  • Hold the chainsaw with both hands, placing your left hand on the handle and your right hand grasping the trigger cable. Place the toe of your right foot into the “eye” at the back of the chainsaw;
  • Slowly pull the cable towards you until you feel resistance. Then quickly pull the cable towards you several times until you hear the motor start briefly;
  • Move the throttle lever to the middle position;
  • Pull the cable again several times until the engine starts;
  • As soon as the engine starts running, sharply press the gas trigger and hold it for several seconds. At this time, move the throttle lever to its highest position;
  • Raise the saw from the ground without touching the gas lever;
  • Pull the chain brake handle towards you;
  • Raise the saw over old newspaper to make sure there is oil flowing to the chain. If small spots of oil appear on the paper, then you can start working.

Tool Hold

To properly start the chainsaw into operation, you should hold it in the correct way at the moment of starting.

The position of the saw is very important here. Holding at the moment of launch can be carried out in two ways

In the first case, the saw is placed on a flat surface, the left hand must be held straight and the tool should be held by the upper handle, the right foot should be placed on the protection for the second hand, and the tool itself should be pressed to the ground. In this position, it will be convenient to launch the tool, since your right hand is free, and the tool is fixed quite securely.

Regardless of the position in which you plan to start the saw, be sure to turn on the saw brake.

In the second option, you need to take a standing position and hold the upper handle of the instrument with your left hand, and hold the back handle between your legs. Thanks to this position, you can easily wind up a low-power tool, and it will be securely locked, thereby protecting yourself from an accident.

Chainsaw Shtil stalls: reasons

If the tool turns off immediately after starting, it means that some device or part has broken down. To determine the cause, the mechanism is tested independently or in service workshops. Sometimes the reason that the mechanism does not start well is improper maintenance of the saw:

  • insufficient amount of gasoline;
  • poorly prepared fuel mixture;
  • poor quality of lubricant;
  • muffler clogged with combustion products;
  • unadjusted carburetor;
  • obstruction of the air filter;
  • piston or cylinder failure.

When you press the gas

The sawing units operate at idle speed, but the chain saw stalls when the gas is pressed, as the load increases. Before use, warm up the tool by running the engine at idle speed for a minute. If this is neglected, the motor stops after pressing the pedal. Other reasons may be:

  • clogged or unregulated fuel mixing unit;
  • a clogged air filter does not provide the required air flow when the load increases;
  • a dirty gasoline filter does not allow the required amount of mixture to pass through;
  • the cylinder and piston walls rub.

A low octane number of fuel causes brakes, since this circumstance prevents the engine from achieving the required power when the load increases.

At idle

Violation of the functionality of the fuel unit system leads to air leaks. In this case, the unit stalls at idle and does not maintain its number. Additional suction reduces the air impulse to the fuel pump and passes through the sump membrane or crankshaft seals. Diagnostics is done with a vacuum gauge.

Stopping the engine when cold occurs for other reasons:

  • the spark plug channel contains an excess amount of combustible mixture;
  • the gap between the tip of the spark plug and the high-voltage cradle is not adjusted;
  • power supply failure.

Check the seals by pouring gasoline into the crankcase; the leak is visible visually. This means that the engine does not operate at idle speed, and at high frequencies, leaky oil seals will lead to bearing jamming. If elements leak, they are replaced with new ones and sealed.

Full speed ahead

Sometimes the engine stalls after normal operation

To establish the cause, pay attention to the accompanying circumstances:

  1. The engine stalls in the middle of operation for no apparent reason. The starter is in a stationary position and does not turn. This means that the tool is jammed and requires urgent repair.
  2. During normal operation, power decreases in a short time and the engine stops, the cylinders are overheated. The situation indicates an air leak under the rubber pipe between the carburetor cylinder, possibly due to a rupture. The air becomes depleted of fuel; the pipe needs to be replaced.

Not gaining momentum

Many mechanism systems are involved in the startup, so the loss of speed of the Stihl chainsaw after idling can be a consequence of various factors. Reliable idling and interruptions in the engine under load can occur for the following reasons:

  • development of engine life;
  • wear, deformation and corrosion of the piston group;
  • malfunction of the ignition coil or spark plug;
  • unbalance of carburetor screws.

If the tool does not develop speed, then the conductivity of the hole in the fuel tank cap is impaired. The occurrence of a vacuum does not provide the required amount of fuel, so the engine does not gain the required power. The speed decreases when carbon dioxide accumulates in the muffler, and the removal of combustion gases is difficult.

Doesn't slow down

The tool quickly reaches maximum speed without losing power. This situation is explained by the fact that:

  • the throttle valve does not work due to a weakened spring or traction element;
  • the switch on switch periodically fails;
  • there is no corkscrew on the throttle axis;
  • the carburetor is clogged;
  • The fuel hose and gasoline filter are not functioning properly.


If the Shtil MC 180 chainsaw stalls at idle, does not gain power when you press the gas, or even stalls at full speed, it is necessary to diagnose the fuel system and check the crankcase for leaks. You can do this yourself, but you need to have certain skills. If you are not very familiar with push-pull saws, it is better to turn to specialists, since this technique is quite capricious and any mistakes are expensive.

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Why does the chainsaw stall?

If the chainsaw starts and stalls, the reasons may be different. An external inspection should be carried out before attempting to repair the instrument.

If the saw stalls during operation, you should check the presence of a mixture of oil and gasoline in the tank. If the fuel mixture runs out, the device will not work. In situations where there is still gasoline left, you should evaluate the quality of the tool before turning it off. The appearance of extraneous sounds and the subsequent sudden stop should alert you.

The formation of carbon deposits on the electrodes can also cause difficulties in the operation of the tool. You should carefully inspect the device and clean it if necessary.

When you press the gas

In cases where the chainsaw stalls when you press the gas, you should check the muffler and fuel filter. A possible cause of the problem is a leak in the fuel hoses. In some cases, adding speed helps.

Sometimes checking all the details does not give results, the tool suffocates, chokes when gas is added. If the device stalls when a person presses the gas, it is possible that the fuel supply is insufficient for normal operation. This phenomenon occurs due to a clogged carburetor or filter.

Damage can also occur due to the air filter becoming clogged with dust. When you give gas, the device stops working. You should not fix the problem yourself, since each model has individual characteristics.

The problem may be caused by insufficient or lack of lubrication on the chainsaw chain. If the chain is dry, you should clean the channels through which oil is supplied to the device bus. If the oil leaks, there are cracks and defects in the pipes, they need to be treated with sealant.

Under load

In situations where the device stalls under load, the problem may be with the gas tank or filters. Check the fuel quality and change the filter.

Often the saw does not gain speed due to the fact that the mixture poured into the gas tank has a low octane number. There is not enough power, sufficient heating is not possible, the chainsaw stalls under load.

Often, malfunctions of components lead to the device stalling under load. Hoses, seals, and gaskets should be checked for leaks. If parts are faulty, you can try to repair or replace them.

In cases where the chainsaw starts and immediately stalls, there is not enough fuel, the device does not heat up. The device must be recharged

It is important to use the correct mixture. Different types of fuel are better suited for different models

It is necessary to read the instructions, recommendations, reviews of people for whom the device works normally.


In situations where the chainsaw stalls at idle, you need to inspect the condition of the muffler. If the part is dirty, exhaust gases are poorly removed, the engine cannot continue to work and stops.

The saw stalls at idle and in cases where the carburetor is not configured correctly. For beginners, it is better to entrust the repair to specialists, since there is a possibility of incorrect settings, due to which the tool will not be able to work. A tachometer is required to adjust the carburetor.

At high speeds

If the device stalls at high speeds, pay attention to the condition of the gasoline and air filters, the serviceability of the fuel hoses

A dirty air filter can be washed under warm running water.

It is important to thoroughly dry the part before installing it so that water does not damage the serviceability of the tool.

If fluid stops flowing through the fuel hose, it is clogged. You can clean the part or replace it with a new one.

In cases where the saw stalls at high speeds, but the liquid completely flows through the hose, and the air filter is clean and in good working order, look for the cause of the breakdown in the fuel filter. Replace it with a new one or clean it.

In some cases, the problem is hidden in the gasoline pump. When a component wears out, fuel begins to leak through the walls. If this phenomenon is observed, a new pump should be installed.

When tilted

If the saw does not develop speed when tilting, turns off, or stops working, you need to check the fuel level in the tank. If it is not too high, the device in an inclined position is not supplied with sufficient fuel, since the fuel pipe is above the mixture level.

Why the chainsaw does not start, reasons and solutions. How the mechanism works

Almost all tools, both foreign (Husqvarna, Makita, Shtil, Partner 350), and Chinese chainsaws, and domestic (Druzhba, Ural), are designed the same. Therefore, finding the reason why the device does not start and stalls will not be difficult.

There are four elements where problems may arise:

  • The fuel for which the carburetor is responsible;
  • Lubrication;
  • The air that enters through the air filter;
  • A spark, the quality of which depends on the ignition unit.

They all depend on each other and interact with each other. If any element does not work correctly, the saw stops working.

Let's start with the fact that all tools start up differently - hot and cold. Two commonly used mechanisms are responsible for this process.

Be sure to look at what is written in the user manual. It states that when turning it on, you need to make sure that the emergency stop brake is engaged. But starting a saw with a brake is much more difficult, so sometimes it’s better not to turn on the brake.

As you can find out from the instructions, inside the body there is a fuel tank and an engine, and outside there is a saw part (bar with chain), a handle and a starter.

First you need to figure out exactly how the tool won’t start. For example, the saw starts up, but immediately stalls, or loses power and cutting quality.

Perhaps interruptions in operation occur due to problems in the engine. But I would not recommend disassembling it right away. It is better to look for the problem from the simplest option.

It is very important to consider the quality of the fuel. If the mixture is prepared incorrectly or has deteriorated over time, then even such reliable tools as the Ural or Husqvarna 145 will not work

The instructions must indicate the proportions and special oil specifically for your chainsaw.

Another common problem is that the user fills the candle during startup. It needs to be inspected; if it is completely dry, then fuel is not passing into the cylinder.

If you see black carbon deposits or a lot of fuel, then the carburetor may not be properly regulating the fuel supply.

If your saw tool starts, but immediately stalls, then the problem needs to be looked for in the carburetor jet or fuel filter. Perhaps they are clogged.

To check if the breather is damaged, you need to disconnect the fuel hose from the carburetor and see if the fuel mixture leaks out of it.

If the saw does not start when hot, then the problem may be in the muffler. Sometimes it gets clogged from the exhaust itself.

Quite often, saw breakdowns occur due to a small amount of chain lubricant. This happens when the channels are clogged or the oil line is leaking.

Also inspect the connections of the pipes with the oil pump fittings to see if they are leaking.

It is very bad when a breakdown occurs in the cylinder. When examining it, you may find unevenness or chips, and this may be the cause of the problem.

Return under warranty and post-warranty service

Chainsaw maintenance includes:

  • Monitor the quality of gasoline and oil on the basis of which you prepare the fuel mixture. Stick to the correct proportions when doing this;
  • Do not use fuel prepared more than two weeks ago. Regularly check and clean the gasoline and oil tanks, otherwise the engine will stall or the saw will not start at all;

Chainsaw chain maintenance

  • Clean the air filter regularly. It has a simple device and this operation will not require much effort from you;
  • Turn the bar over every time after the next sharpening of the chain - this will extend the service life of the saw set;
  • Regularly check and thoroughly clean the oil inlet and outlet ports, oil channel and guide bar groove. Remember that if the automatic lubrication system is faulty, your saw will start or stall;

Currently reading: Saw Shtil Ms 180 won't start

Your main assistant should be the instruction manual. If you have lost it, you can contact the dealer of the company whose chainsaw you use; they will provide you with instructions in electronic form.

So, before each time you turn on a gasoline chain saw, be sure to check that the chain is in good condition, whether its teeth are sharpened, and whether it is well tensioned (does not sag, but is not too tight, it can be pulled a little away from the blade).

You can sharpen the chain using a special machine or a file with a special template (depending on the tooth pitch of the chain, there are different templates).

Every time after use, the chainsaw must be cleaned: the chain, bar, air filter, housing, cooling fins, cracks and other grooves are cleaned of sawdust. After using the saw, turn the bar over so that it wears evenly, lubricate the sprocket (if there are grooves for lubrication in the front of the saw).

During long-term storage, be sure to drain the fuel and oil! The chain and the bus form an electrochemical pair, so they rust together and must be stored separately.

Spark plug problem

A problem with spark plugs is one of the most common causes of chainsaw breakdowns!

This is one of the most common reasons why the engine stalls when cold. As a rule, its electrodes are covered with a layer of corrosion and carbon deposits, as a result of which the distance between their ends decreases - and there is ultimately no room for a spark to jump through.

The cause of corrosion and carbon deposits on the electrodes is uneven fuel supply, which is already a problem with the carburetor, which can be solved separately. There doesn’t have to be soot on the spark plug - there may be no spark because the fuel completely fills it when it’s hot, which also indicates problems with the carburetor.

The spark plug itself must be removed, dried and checked to see how the spark passes through it:

  1. First, remove the wire and unscrew the spark plug.
  2. Return the wire end to its original position.
  3. Place the spark plug on the cylinder with the skirt.
  4. Check for a spark by starting with the starter.

If there was a spark in this way, then you need to immediately move on to the problem with the carburetor. If not, then the spark plug must either be cleaned of rust and carbon deposits, or replaced. It is also possible that adjusting the distance between the electrode contacts will help.

Other reasons for the lack of spark include:

The final check for problems with the spark plugs can be completed with a number of simple procedures, after which the chainsaw should start:

  1. Unscrew the spark plug and give it a full inspection.
  2. Clean it from rust and deposits, dry it
  3. Place the ends of the electrodes at the correct distance.
  4. Drain all excess fuel from the engine of the tool so that the ignition compartment does not flood.
  5. Place the spark plug back and try lighting again.

If these procedures helped and the saw began to work and the chain began to move, then you can work like this for about 5-30 minutes until the spark plug floods again

It is important to understand that this solution is temporary and just indicative. The main problem lies in the carburetor.

The question with him is ambiguous: in any case, it is necessary to adjust the fuel supply, but how to do this - yourself or with the help of a mechanic - is up to you.

When setting up the carburetor, be sure to use a tachometer, which will allow you to find out the number of engine revolutions with greater accuracy.

Based on them, you can already adjust its operating mode by adjusting the tightness of the screws on the carburetor block in several scenarios:

A complete inspection of the carburetor is necessary if it was not possible to determine a specific problem, but there is confidence that the jamming of the saw is associated with this particular part.

The audit is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to remove all communications (wires and hoses) from the device;
  2. Carry out cleaning and purging. It is better to do this without removing the carburetor;
  3. Remove the product and clean it a second time so that no traces of fuel or oil remain inside;
  4. Gradually disassemble the device, guided by the drawing in the documentation or drawing up a diagram yourself;
  5. All channels must be blown out with compressed air, and parts must be washed in an industrial solvent;
  6. Give the parts at least 2 hours to dry;
  7. Reassemble the carburetor, strictly following the instructions in the documents and diagram;
  8. Connect back.

To sum it up...

In fact, as you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons for the breakdown of the Shtil 180 chainsaw, and at the same time, there are also quite a few solutions to this problem. If you are faced with this situation, then simply follow all the recommendations written above and then, undoubtedly, you will be able to repair your device, and it will delight you with its work for many years to come.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best chainsaws.



What to do if the chainsaw picks up speed and stalls?

This situation is very similar to the previous one, the only difference is that there the chainsaw does not demonstrate high speeds at all, but here it initially produces them, but does not maintain them. Most often, a chainsaw stalls when heating up due to clogged filtration parts of the saw, as well as malfunctions of the fuel pump.

The air filter is periodically washed and dried before reinstallation, and the fuel supply hoses should be constantly checked for leaks and, if necessary, replaced with new ones. Each part has an expiration date, so you should not be surprised that the gasoline pump will no longer hold fuel and begins to leak, which is also worth taking into account when troubleshooting such equipment.

How to check the receipt of an impulse from the engine crankcase

The fuel pump is located in the carburetor. Its operation is carried out by the receipt of impulses from the engine crankcase through the impulse channel. The channel is located in a rubber pipe through which the cylinder and carburetor communicate.

If the pulse channel becomes clogged, the quality of the fuel supply decreases or it does not arrive at all. To gain access to the pipe, you need to remove the air filter housing and carburetor. After this, the channel is checked or cleaned using a metal wire.

Adjusting the idle speed of the Shtil 180 chainsaw carburetor

The design of the Shtil 180 chainsaw contains many rubber parts. All of them require systematic inspection for cracks and other defects. If they are present, the parts are replaced with new ones.

Another reason for the lack of impulse may be depressurization of the Shtil chainsaw engine crankcase. In this case, the air supply to the pump is reduced or completely stopped.

Check the tightness using a vacuum gauge. If it is absent, a medical syringe will come to the rescue. The operation is carried out on an engine with the carburetor removed. Take a little motor oil into the syringe and pour it into the impulse channel, and then pull the starter handle.

If there is no pulse, the oil will remain in the channel. This problem can be resolved by disassembling the engine and replacing the seals. If the oil is squeezed out of the channel, the problem probably lies in a pump malfunction.

There is a spark, the spark plug is wet

First of all, it is necessary to remove the muffler and carefully inspect the piston, since this is where the problem may be hidden. but the chainsaw still does not start or stalls, the saw does not start, Partner 350. In addition, most owners wonder: why does the chainsaw start and stall, while there are supposedly no problems with the spark plugs?

But this is an erroneous opinion and you don’t need to be so sure in this case, as there are situations when the candle sparks perfectly in air, but does not work directly in the cylinder.

The reason for this may be a direct violation of a kind of compaction in the canal area (impulsive). Or so there is a peculiar development of crankshaft oil seals, but this feature occurs in very rare cases.

The Shtil ms 660 chainsaw is the most economical of the entire Shtil chainsaw line. Its price ranges from 3,100 to 5,500 rubles.

Exhaust duct or muffler cleaning and influence on engine starting

When a chainsaw operates, resinous deposits—carbon deposits—are deposited on the walls of the exhaust channel and muffler. Periodically, this carbon deposits need to be cleaned, but most tool owners remember this only after the chainsaw does not start. Why is this happening? The reason is that the burnt food has nowhere to go, so the engine will not be able to start. When the exhaust channel is contaminated, the chainsaw not only loses power, but also causes the engine to stop working on its own.

Deposits on the walls of the muffler occur due to the following factors:

  1. Using low-quality gasoline and oil
  2. Incorrect ratio of gasoline and oil when preparing the mixture
  3. Long-term use of the tool without preventive measures

There are no difficulties in cleaning a chainsaw muffler. The cleaning sequence is as follows:

  • To begin, unscrew the muffler mounting screws.
  • The cooling panel with the sealing gasket is dismantled
  • Next you need to remove the spark arrester
  • The resonator body is disassembled
  • All elements are cleaned and washed from carbon deposits with kerosene or other cleaning liquids. This must be done exclusively in a respirator and goggles. Carcinogenic substances are very dangerous for humans
  • Wait for the cleaned elements to dry
  • Reassemble in the reverse order of removal

When cleaning the walls of the exhaust channel, it is necessary to cover the cylinder hole with a rag. This will eliminate the possibility of dust and sand getting into the cylinder. After cleaning the muffler and exhaust channel of the chainsaw, you can start starting the engine of the tool. At the same time, you will feel how the chainsaw will work at full power.

Plant structure

The first and practically main element of a chainsaw is the engine, namely a two-stroke carburetor (see carburetor adjustment). Its direct power can be varied, it all depends on the model of the device and its intended purpose.

headset (saw) which consists of a chain (cutting), bar, sprocket, wheel (chain)

It is important that it always needs to be directly selected from the specific characteristics of the engine. Why does the Stihl 180 chainsaw not start, and why does the saw not stall? Since the larger the pitch of this type of headset, the deeper the chainsaw’s cut will be, one might even say that the more powerful and productive it will be. But do not forget that for the device to fully operate, the engine should also not be inferior to it in terms of power.

Its lubrication is carried out using special oil directly from the second tank, which is located on the hand unit. It is worth noting that the mass of this type of tank has such features that the oil and fuel intended for the engine run out at the same time.

We have figured out the general outline of the device, and most likely its basis, and now it’s time to start understanding why the chainsaw stopped working, what the reasons could be for this and how to eliminate them.

Briefly about the main thing

This model is the pride of the German manufacturer and is a direct tool intended for minor work. It can be used for no more than twenty hours per month. This wonderful device will easily help you take care of your garden, prepare firewood for the winter (see how to cut down a tree), clear areas, and will also be an indispensable assistant in other areas of, let’s say, simple manipulations.

Mini chainsaw model

We can say that these are mini-model chainsaws, since they have a small weight, which is 3.9 kg , and they do not have a large mass of both oil and fuel tanks. The manufacturer has equipped this device with a two-stroke engine with sufficient power for light work.

Moreover, it is quite quiet since during operation the noise level does not exceed 98 dB. So to better understand the level of loudness itself, just compare its noise with conversational speech, which has an indicator of 76 dB.

The power of this model is 2.6 W. It's worth noting that this is a fairly significant level of power, considering that it is not a professional chainsaw. The oil tank has a volume of only 0.145 liters, and the fuel tank - 0.25 liters. The tire has a size of 350 mm and a pitch of 0.325 inches.

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