Repair: why the walk-behind tractor stalls under load, shoots into the muffler, works intermittently, and more

Why does the walk-behind tractor stall when the air damper is open?

The carburetor air damper, in other words “choke”, is necessary for normal engine starting and its further stable operation.
If the damper is not adjusted correctly, for example, when it is not completely closed, the engine may not start at all. One of the common reasons for the incorrect operation of the power unit is air leaks. The reason for this may be depressurization of the carburetor. Check the spark plugs, tighten them if necessary, tighten the connecting bolts. If this does not help, replace the gaskets.

The engine will stall even with the air damper open. You can adjust it until it moves normally, without shifting or snagging.

What does shooting into the carburetor entail?

Experienced car owners know that if the carburetor shoots when you sharply press the gas, this phenomenon always entails a large set of various unpleasant surprises:

  • increased gasoline consumption;
  • the running motor overheats greatly;
  • the power unit does not develop full power;
  • idle speed is unstable;
  • the engine shoots into the carburetor, it is difficult to start.

If there is popping in the carburetor, the engine reacts inadequately to the pressed accelerator pedal. All the harmonious tuning of the engine and all its systems is lost. Such moments are accompanied by delays in movement and failures of the gas pedal. The car moves jerkily, jerking under loads, in transient conditions. The engine sneezes and stalls without developing full power.

Symptom of malfunctionProbable CausesDebugg
Reduced fuel pressure Fuel pressure drops after pressing the accelerator pedal (increasing engine speed)Fuel leakage into the fuel return line due to a poor seating of the high pressure regulator valve or weakening of its springReplace the high pressure fuel pump
Reduced pressure created by the high pressure fuel pumpReplace the high pressure fuel pump
Increased fuel pressureHigh pressure regulator valve stuckReplace the high pressure fuel pump
Clogged hose or fuel return tube to the fuel tankClean or replace fuel hose or tube

Such behavior of the engine, popping sounds in the carburetor when pressing the gas sharply, indicate incorrect adjustments of the air-fuel mixture preparation and gas distribution systems. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully understand and re-adjust these two most important units.

Problems in the ignition system

If there is no spark, as already mentioned, you should carefully check the battery. When everything is fine with it, the contacts and the quality of the insulation are examined. In many cases, the lack of sparks is due to a clogged ignition system. If everything is clean there, look at the contact connecting the main electrode and the spark plug cap. And then they check the electrodes sequentially, assessing whether there is a gap between them.

A special feeler gauge will allow you to determine whether this gap corresponds to the recommended value (0.8 mm). Remove carbon deposits accumulated on the insulator and metal parts. Check the spark plug to ensure there are no oil stains. All of them must be removed. By pulling out the starter cable, dry the cylinder. If all these steps do not help, you will have to change the spark plugs.

Carrying out diagnostics of a walk-behind tractor

Before directly repairing walk-behind tractors, you will have to diagnose the entire system. Thanks to a routine inspection of equipment, it is possible to determine the failure factor. If the spark plugs are the cause of the problem, then they are removed and cleaned of fuel. Then the injectors are thoroughly dried to normalize the supply of gasoline.

Another circumstance is the presence of carbon deposits on the candles. To eliminate this problem, the parts are cleaned using fine-grained abrasive paper, and then the gap between the electrodes is checked. The normal distance is 0.7-1 mm.

If there is no spark, then the spark plugs need to be replaced. Old elements are first checked for functionality. To do this, the parts are connected to the battery using an auxiliary wire.

Why does the walk-behind tractor start and stall?

If the equipment starts and immediately stalls, this may indicate the following problems:

  1. There may be a large distance between the electrodes, problems with contacts in the electronics, or the spark plug may be dirty. First, the candle is cleaned. Then the integrity of the wires is checked. The normal distance between the electrodes is set;
  2. The carburetor may become dirty, too little fuel is supplied. Sometimes it is necessary to change the fuel and reduce the amount of oil. The carburetor is dismantled, disassembled and thoroughly cleaned;
  3. If the unit does not pick up speed, this indicates a lack of fuel. Gasoline may simply spill. The defect must be eliminated or the fuel tank replaced;
  4. The walk-behind tractor does not develop speed when the gearbox breaks down. This is indicated by the presence of extraneous sound from the gearbox. The malfunction can be eliminated by replacing the oil that lubricates the components.

Doesn't develop speed

If the engine is in good working order, but the walk-behind tractor does not develop speed, then it is possible:

  • the air filter is clogged. As a result, not all the air enters the carburetor, and the fuel becomes oversaturated;
  • low quality fuel fluid;
  • parts of the ignition system have failed. As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to check the spark plug, correct the gap between the electrodes, and pay attention to the mechanical integrity of the electrical circuit;
  • if necessary, clean the carburetor and adjust it correctly;
  • the operation of pistons and cylinders is interconnected with engine power.

Therefore, pay attention to the condition of the pistons and cylinders. Their external damage can significantly reduce the compression value.

For example, cleaning the carburetor may solve the problem

Important nuances of servicing Cascade walk-behind tractors

If there are inappropriately sized gaps between the valves (pushers), then the ignition needs to be adjusted. If the gap is too small, it can cause the valve and motor to overheat. If the distance is too large, then the friction of the gas distribution system increases. This disrupts the process of filling the cylinders with the mixture necessary for operation. Sometimes, the condition of the spark plugs can become a problem with fuel entering the carburetor; they need to be checked and monitored regularly.

Of course, pay attention to the wheels. Monitor the condition of tires and supports, do not allow uneven load, try to ensure that each wheel has an equal load factor

Auto mechanic, specializes in agricultural equipment

If there is no spark, then the entire electronic ignition circuit of the Cascade walk-behind tractor should be checked. The walk-behind tractor itself is one of those equipment options that require ignition adjustment. Why there is no spark on the walk-behind tractor may depend on various factors. For this reason, you will need to configure the entire ignition system step by step.

Diesel engine repair

Malfunctions in a diesel engine are the same as in a gasoline walk-behind tractor. Any type of equipment needs timely repair. Diesel engines are distinguished by power and endurance. A walk-behind tractor with such an engine can cultivate a lot of land. And with a larger volume of work, you need to clean all possible parts more often. Another feature of a diesel engine is that at very low temperatures the fuel freezes, and before starting such equipment, you need to check the condition of the fuel. Possible problems with a diesel engine:

  • fuel is frozen;
  • wear of parts;
  • weak injection pressure;
  • incorrect valve clearance;
  • contamination on parts.

Repairing a diesel walk-behind tractor is quite difficult to do on your own. If you have even the slightest doubt about your abilities, it is better to entrust the repair to specialists.

What malfunctions threaten walk-behind tractors?

A garden walk-behind tractor is a very useful thing in the household. With a good walk-behind tractor, work on personal plots goes much faster. But walk-behind tractors, like other household equipment, sometimes break down.

There are types of breakdowns and malfunctions that are specific to walk-behind tractors. Some faults can be repaired with your own hands, while with other, more complex ones, it is better to contact service centers so as not to aggravate the situation and damage the walk-behind tractor.

The most common malfunctions of garden walk-behind tractors:

  • the walk-behind tractor stalls under load;
  • The walk-behind tractor works intermittently;
  • the walk-behind tractor smokes, stalls, the muffler makes unusual sounds;
  • the walk-behind tractor does not start;
  • The walk-behind tractor starts, but quickly stalls;
  • The walk-behind tractor stalls when it heats up.

Reasons why a diesel engine does NOT want to start

The diesel engine is distinguished by the absence of spark plugs and the principle of compression ignition. Often the car does not start because the diesel engine is very demanding on the quality of fuel, especially when driving in winter.

Weak dead battery

This factor of poor engine starting is widespread! Frost leads to accelerated discharge of batteries.

  • the vehicle can be started by replacing the battery with a Charged one, or by charging the existing one;
  • if the car allows it. In this case, be sure to take into account the sequence of actions specified in the operating instructions.

Advice! If you doubt whether the vehicle will start in cold weather due to a dead battery, then you should understand that the battery will have the strongest charge only on the first attempt to start the engine. From the moment the car is opened with the key fob, processes that consume electricity are started in the system, so it is important to act quickly!

The greatest likelihood of starting a vehicle with a dead battery is:

  • Standing next to the car, open it and immediately sit in the driver’s seat, turning on the ignition.
  • Wait 2-4 seconds for all vehicle systems to activate.
  • Return the ignition key further, activating the starter and starting the engine.

Low quality gasoline

There is no common method for assessing fuel quality. You have to use indirect signs, for example, a bad factory after refueling at an untested gas station. At the same time, while your car does not start, there is a high chance of the battery going dead, the spark plugs being killed, the injector becoming clogged, and even destroying the engine in case of improper detonation.

READ How to make a jack for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands

If does not start well when the engine is hot, the reason is probably due to unsuccessful refueling. The solution to this problem is the use of additives in the gas tank that improve the basic characteristics of gasoline.

To protect yourself from the consequences of refueling with low-quality fuel and keep the injector in good condition, we recommend that you always keep on hand the long-term injector cleaner Langzeit Injection Reiniger for gasoline engines and the long-term diesel additive Langzeit Diesel Additiv for diesel engines.

It is recommended to use these fuel additives when refueling at untested gas stations, as well as on highways.

What breakdowns can cause engine failure?

There are other breakdowns that make it impossible to start the engine in winter. Among them, the following stand out:

  • gasoline that was not drained from the tank for the summer;
  • the throttle valve is in the wrong position;
  • cheap motor oil is used;
  • the carburetor does not work;
  • problem with the ignition system.

Gasoline that remains in the fuel tank after several months of inactivity is no longer usable, so the snow blower will not work on it. The octane number drops, all the necessary additives evaporate. The problem can be solved very simply: you need to change the fuel, to do this, drain the old one and fill it with new one.

Each instruction for starting the equipment indicates in what position the throttle valve should be. If this condition is not met by the user, then it is also impossible to get the motor to work, since there is no required air flow. Even if the equipment starts, engine failure is not far off, since it begins to experience a load several times higher.

Poor quality oil is also the reason why the engine not only does not start, but can also fail. As a result, expensive repairs will be required in the future, since the main elements work with great frictional force, and without lubrication they simply wear out.

If none of the above is observed, then you should check the contacts. A break in the wiring or an incorrect gap at the coil leads to the absence of the necessary spark, and accordingly, ignition of the combustible mixture also does not occur.

We must not forget about the carburetor - one of the most important components in the design of a snow blower. He is responsible for supplying and preparing the combustible mixture. It is necessary to regularly clean the unit from carbon deposits and prevent dust from accumulating in it.

For information on how to properly start a snow blower, see below.

How to start a snow blower? For many, the question will seem strange, because there is nothing easier than following the instructions that come with the purchased equipment. Buyers do exactly the opposite. First they try to start the car, they break it, then they fix it. To avoid such incidents, let's figure out how to start a snow blower.

What to do if the walk-behind tractor engine does not start well when hot?

If the walk-behind tractor does not develop speed when hot, fault diagnosis is carried out in the following sequence:

  • after several unsuccessful startup attempts, the spark plug is examined as described above. If possible, it is better to immediately replace it with a new one in order to completely eliminate questions on this point;
  • check the compression and vacuum level in the gas tank;
  • in a dark room, see if the wiring is sparking;
  • make sure that when heated, a spark is definitely formed. In addition to the spark plug, a faulty ignition coil can also prevent sparking.

Other causes of malfunction include:

  • lack or incorrect filling of oil, due to which the triggered oil level sensor blocks the operation of the engine part;
  • failure of the valve in the fuel tank, which is supposed to maintain gasoline pressure. As a result, its liquid contents do not flow into the carburetor.

Repairing walk-behind tractors, and especially their power plant, is a responsible matter that requires literacy and good dexterity. This applies not only to domestic favorites - the Neva, Cascade, Agro walk-behind tractors, but also imported ones, for example, Honda. But this does not mean that repairing them yourself is impossible. Having a minimum amount of knowledge and following our recommendations above, you can eliminate any malfunctions at home.

Difficulty starting

Difficulties during startup indicate a malfunction of components and elements. The success of repair work depends on the accuracy of the diagnostics. If deficiencies are found, they repair the diesel walk-behind tractor. Service and minor repairs can be carried out on your own. You will need a set of keys, a locksmith mechanism and skillful hands.

At the fuel preparation stage, the following incidents are likely:

  • a lightweight filter does not let air in;
  • the hole in the tank lid is boarded up;
  • the fuel supply channel is clogged;
  • The carburetor broke down.

After a series of unsuccessful launches

If the candle is dry, it means that fuel is not entering the combustion chamber. Let us perform several operations one by one to restore the supply system:

  • drain old gasoline;
  • wash the tank;
  • clean the special filter from dirt;
  • clean the fuel supply hose;
  • clean the carburetor jets;
  • fill the tank with the cleanest fuel;
  • open the tap;
  • Clean the breathing channel in the tire.

Connecting high voltage wires

When the carburetor shoots when you sharply press the gas, you need to carefully check the high-voltage wires of the ignition system. The incorrect order of connecting the wires to the spark plugs leads to the fact that the moment of spark formation does not occur at the end of the compression stroke, as it should be. At the same time, the order of spark distribution to the cylinders during engine operation is disrupted.

Armored wire connection diagram for a standard 4 cylinder carburetor engine

Popping noises in the carburetor when you press the gas sharply indicate that sparking does not occur as each piston approaches the Top Dead Center (TDC), but chaotically. At the same time, the engine starts, although with difficulty, but during its operation the carburetor fires, repeating these pops with a certain frequency.

Troubleshooting involves correctly connecting the high-voltage cables to the spark plugs. When connecting, you should take into account the special markings on the distributor cover. These labels help make connections in the correct order.

Incorrectly set early ignition also causes the mixture to shoot into the carburetor. The spark on the spark plug occurs too early. Ignition of the air-fuel mixture does not occur at the end of the compression stroke, at TDC, but in the middle of the compression cycle or during the movement of the piston to TDC. The mixture of fuel and air does not ignite in a timely manner.

Main malfunctions of walk-behind tractors

Diesel and gasoline engines have different motor resources. For the former, the normal figure is 4000 m/h, but the latter are capable of providing only 1500 m/h. Despite this, diesel models of walk-behind tractors are not in high demand. After all, both when purchased and during operation they are much more expensive. Therefore, most likely, you are working with a walk-behind tractor equipped with a gasoline (carburetor) engine.

All breakdowns that may occur during the operation of agricultural mini-equipment can be divided into two categories:

  1. Engine faults:
  • startup problems;
  • malfunctions.
  1. Malfunctions of other components and mechanisms:
  • improper clutch operation;
  • breakdowns in the gearbox;
  • problems with the chassis;
  • control and automation malfunctions;
  • malfunctions of walk-behind tractor systems (cooling, lubrication, etc.).

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In many ways, the success of repairing a suddenly broken machine depends on the correctness of the diagnosis. As for maintenance, it is carried out precisely in order to identify small faults that will later lead to serious ones.

Engine repair

If your motorcycle malfunctions, you need to look for the source of the breakdown. Repairing a walk-behind tractor engine involves several points:

  • checking spark plugs, electrodes and wires;
  • inspect the carburetor for contamination and fuel supply;
  • checking the presence of fuel in the engine tank and inspecting the valve on it.

To begin with, it is better to check the spark plugs: inspect their cleanliness to see if there is carbon deposits on them. Check how tightly the end of the wire fits - if it comes off a little, then you need to press it tighter. Next, the electrodes are inspected and, if necessary, the gap between them is adjusted. It is also necessary to check all wires for oxidation and proper insulation. If you notice damaged wires, they should be replaced immediately, otherwise the spark will disappear altogether.

Also, a breakdown in walk-behind tractors with a gasoline engine may also occur in the carburetor. To correct possible problems, it is enough to clean it correctly and carefully. To do this, you need to disassemble it and, following the manufacturer's instructions, remove contamination. At the end of the procedure, the part is reassembled and reconfigured. Good carburetor performance also depends on the quality of the gasoline you filled in. If you doubt the quality of the fuel, you should not take risks - thereby you will reduce the likelihood of a quick carburetor failure. Carburetor repair is not difficult for an experienced person.

Malfunctions of gasoline and diesel garden walk-behind tractors

A garden walk-behind tractor is a very useful thing in the household. With a good walk-behind tractor, work on personal plots goes much faster. But walk-behind tractors, like other household equipment, sometimes break down.

The most common malfunctions of garden walk-behind tractors:

  • the walk-behind tractor stalls under load;
  • The walk-behind tractor works intermittently;
  • the walk-behind tractor smokes, stalls, the muffler makes unusual sounds;
  • the walk-behind tractor does not start;
  • The walk-behind tractor starts, but quickly stalls;
  • The walk-behind tractor stalls when it heats up.

Malfunction: walk-behind tractor stalls under load

If the walk-behind tractor operates normally for a few minutes and then stalls, the cause is usually a failure in the fuel supply or problems in the ignition system.

To find out what is the cause of the malfunction of the walk-behind tractor, you must first check how the fuel is supplied:

  • take out the spark plug and inspect it - if it is dry, it means there is not enough fuel;
  • check whether there is enough fuel in the gas tank of the walk-behind tractor;
  • make sure that the fuel tap is open - a closed tap can be a simple reason that the walk-behind tractor stalls.

If the problem is a malfunction of a gasoline walk-behind tractor in the ignition system, it must be re-adjusted as follows:

  • remove the cover protecting the ignition system;
  • turn the engine flywheel until the contacts in the magneto open;
  • using a feeler gauge, measure the distance from the anvil to the hammer;
  • turn the flywheel until the piston is compressed to maximum;
  • turn the flywheel again until a knock appears, indicating the operation of the overrunning clutch;
  • turn the flywheel in the other direction so that its mark coincides with the mark on the body of the walk-behind tractor;
  • set the distance from the interrupting contact to the cam to 0.3 mm;
  • fix the cam with the screw located above the element;
  • install the cover into the walk-behind tractor body.

If the adjustment is made correctly, the walk-behind tractor will not stall during operation.

Malfunction: the walk-behind tractor operates jerkily, intermittently or at reduced power

If a walk-behind tractor with a gasoline or diesel engine begins to work intermittently, you must immediately turn off the unit and begin troubleshooting.

Continuing to work with a faulty walk-behind tractor means leading it to more serious breakdowns.

What to do:

  • if the engine of a gasoline walk-behind tractor makes reverse movements, it is necessary to rinse the pump and hoses for supplying fuel and replace the fuel with a higher quality one;
  • when the walk-behind tractor operates jerkily due to incomplete warming up of the engine, you need to turn off the engine, let it cool completely, start it and warm it up for ten minutes;
  • if engine power has dropped, you need to check and clean the filter system;
  • If the ignition magneto wears out, the part must be replaced with a new one.

Malfunction: the walk-behind tractor smokes and stalls, the muffler makes unusual sounds

Possible causes of the malfunction:

  • too much motor oil in the fuel;
  • the ignition is set incorrectly;
  • The fuel in the engine cylinder does not burn completely.

Troubleshooting methods:

  • if there is excess oil, drain the fuel, flush the fuel pump and hose system, and add new fuel;
  • check that the gap between the electrodes is set correctly;
  • if it becomes obvious that the fuel is not completely burned, disassemble the piston system, wash and dry the cylinder, and adjust the carburetor correctly.

Malfunction: the walk-behind tractor starts, but quickly stalls

This malfunction occurs if there are problems with the contacts. What to do:

  • clean the candle;
  • check the integrity of the wires;
  • set the correct distance between the electrodes.

Malfunction: the walk-behind tractor stalls when heated

This problem occurs due to excess air entering the carburetor. In case of such a malfunction, the throttle trigger should be squeezed halfway. After starting the engine, you need to give it a good gas before starting work.

If you cannot cope with the malfunctions of the garden walk-behind tractor, the walk-behind tractor stalls, the walk-behind tractor does not start, contact the Alfa-Rost walk-behind tractor repair shop in Rostov-on-Don. We guarantee high-quality repairs of gasoline walk-behind tractors using original components, which are always available in our warehouse.

Replacement and adjustment

Quite often, unfortunately, there is a need to completely change the motor on a walk-behind tractor. When choosing a replacement device, it is recommended to give preference to products from well-known companies. Traditional prejudices about products from Chinese factories have long become irrelevant. To avoid overpaying, you need to carefully analyze how productive the power plant should be. Buying a unit that is too powerful is simply irrational.

Even if there is no talk of a complete replacement, it is important to know how to adjust the engine of agricultural machinery. It is advisable to begin disassembly only after flushing the engine and removing oil from it. Lubricant is poured only when the engine is warmed up after a short run. Next it's time to remove the fuel tank. Sequentially remove:

  • fuel supply hose;
  • air filter;
  • screen covering the cylinder.

Motoblock. It won’t start, what should I do?

Then remove the crankshaft pulley. Following the pulley, it is necessary to remove the fan, reflectors, and insulating flywheel casings. Unscrew the cover, removing the rings and coupling bodies. When the washer is removed, you can press out the flywheel using a wooden block.

READ Walk-behind tractor does not start Reasons

Now, having dealt with the flywheel, remove the cylinder cover, camshaft and pusher. Once access to the connecting rod is gained, remove the oil sprayer and locknut. After repairing and replacing damaged parts, reassemble the engine in the reverse order. You should familiarize yourself with the diagram in advance, then there will be no errors.

Replacing damaged valves for a gasoline walk-behind tractor occurs after removing:

  • gasoline tank;
  • the head of the cylinder block;
  • carburetor;
  • muffler;
  • boxes.

Often there is a need to replace rings. But be done in the process of more serious repairs. An isolated change of rings in itself is irrational both economically and technically. Additionally, a high quality ring group will usually have the same lifespan as a cylinder. They are changed at the same time.

Installation with an elastic band is advisable if a Chinese motor is installed on domestic walk-behind tractors. Rubber cushions are often used as a platform. They can be used as parts of the front shock absorber from a classic car. Along with the need to rearrange individual parts of the walk-behind tractor engine, many people have a need to install an electric starter themselves. This starter will have to be properly connected to the battery.

Walk-behind tractor engine will not start

The crown is attached only to the removed flywheels. First remove all interfering parts of the motor. To remove the flywheel, in many cases you cannot do without a special key. A generator and its magnets are installed in the flywheel assembly. When the terminals and contacts of the battery are aligned, you should conduct a test run of the walk-behind tractor.

Why does the walk-behind tractor stall under load?

Almost every owner of a walk-behind tractor, regardless of the brand and model of the agricultural machine, has encountered a problem in which the walk-behind tractor starts and stalls after 5 minutes of operation. The main reasons for this breakdown lie in problems with the fuel supply and breakdown of the car’s ignition system.

As practice shows, if a walk-behind tractor stalls during operation, its owner should immediately inspect the parts of the fuel supply system. First of all, unscrew and look at the spark plug - if it is completely dry, this indicates that fuel is not getting into the engine cylinder. After this, you need to make sure that there is a sufficient amount of fuel in the fuel tank. If there is gasoline and there is enough of it for work, inspect the fuel valve - it is quite possible that it is in the closed position. To start the walk-behind tractor, just open the fuel tap and continue working with the unit.

Another reason why the walk-behind tractor starts up and then stalls after 5 minutes of operation is a breakdown of the ignition system. It is quite simple to determine that the unit is faulty for this very reason - look at the spark plugs - if they are wet, it means that the fault has appeared in the ignition system of the walk-behind tractor. The best way out of this situation is to re-adjust the unit’s ignition system. All actions must be performed in this order:

  1. Remove the cover that protects the elements of the ignition system;
  2. Turn the motor flywheel until the contacts in the magneto open;
  3. Using a special feeler gauge, measure the gap between the “anvil” and the “hammer” of the walk-behind tractor’s ignition system;
  4. After this, turn the flywheel until the piston of the walk-behind tractor compresses. In this case, the latter must reach its highest point;
  5. Turn the flywheel again until you hear a characteristic knock - this means that the overrunning clutch has engaged;
  6. Then turn the flywheel in the opposite direction so that the mark on it coincides with the mark on the walk-behind tractor body;
  7. Set the gap between the interrupting contact and the cam - it should be 0.3 mm;
  8. At the end, fix the cam with a screw located on top of the part and install the protective cover back into the walk-behind tractor body.

Also, the utility unit often stalls when tilted. This indicates an insufficient amount of fuel in the fuel tank. If you put the unit in a horizontal position, pull out the starter cable, and the engine starts, it means that you will need to add gasoline to the tank.

Why does the tractor run intermittently?

There are other issues to consider:

  1. The walk-behind tractor engine reverses. The cause is often the use of bad fuel. It is not enough to replace the fuel. Flushing the pump and fuel hoses;
  2. The equipment is working. The engine does not warm up completely. The engine must be turned off, wait until it cools down completely. After rebooting and warming up for at least ten minutes;
  3. The engine does not pull because the engine power is reduced. The filter system has been checked and cleaned. This problem may cause magnetic annealing wear. In this case, the part is replaced.

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Owners of equipment such as gasoline and diesel may encounter such problems. Regardless of the specifics of the breakdown, you must immediately stop using the device and fix the problem.

What malfunctions threaten walk-behind tractors?

A garden walk-behind tractor is a very useful thing in the household. With a good walk-behind tractor, work on personal plots goes much faster. But walk-behind tractors, like other household equipment, sometimes break down.

There are types of breakdowns and malfunctions that are specific to walk-behind tractors. Some faults can be repaired with your own hands, while with other, more complex ones, it is better to contact service centers so as not to aggravate the situation and damage the walk-behind tractor.

The most common malfunctions of garden walk-behind tractors:

  • the walk-behind tractor stalls under load;
  • The walk-behind tractor works intermittently;
  • the walk-behind tractor smokes, stalls, the muffler makes unusual sounds;
  • the walk-behind tractor does not start;
  • The walk-behind tractor starts, but quickly stalls;
  • The walk-behind tractor stalls when it heats up.

The carburetor prepares the fuel mixture for the engine.

The optimal fuel mixture is 1 liter of fuel per 15 liters of air. Depending on the operating conditions of the engine, rich, enriched, normal and lean mixtures are used. For example:

— to start a cold engine, a rich mixture is used, since part of the fuel condenses on the walls of the cylinder and the intake manifold, as a result, the working mixture in the cylinder will be optimal for ignition.

— at idle, to ensure stable and uniform operation of the engine, an enriched mixture is used.

— in partial load mode (throttle opening up to 80%), a lean mixture is used, this is done for better fuel efficiency, since in which case the power can be increased by fully opening the throttle.

— in maximum power mode (throttle valve fully open), the optimal fuel mixture is used.

Lean and optimal mixtures burn with virtually no smoke! The rich mixture burns with visible black smoke, the rich mixture smokes like this:

Obviously, when the mixture is enriched, the carburetor is faulty or the air filter is catastrophically clogged.

A little theory about the design of the carburetor:

A modern carburetor is a rather complex mechanical device that combines several systems:

Idle system - prepares a rich mixture at low vacuum behind the throttle valve. The operation of this system is ensured by 2 jets - air and fuel; in fact, the idle system is a separate, simple carburetor.

Transition system - ensures that the engine operates during the transition from idle to partial load mode, before the main metering system begins to operate.

The main dosing system ensures the preparation of the mixture in all engine operating modes, except idle and transition mode. The main dosing system also includes an accelerator pump.

Difficulty starting

Difficulties during startup indicate a malfunction of components and elements. The success of repair work depends on the accuracy of the diagnostics. If deficiencies are found, they repair the diesel walk-behind tractor. Service and minor repairs can be carried out on your own. You will need a set of keys, a locksmith mechanism and skillful hands.

At the fuel preparation stage, the following incidents are likely:

  • a lightweight filter does not let air in;
  • the hole in the tank lid is boarded up;
  • the fuel supply channel is clogged;
  • The carburetor broke down.

After a series of unsuccessful starts, it is advisable to unscrew the spark plug. The working part can be filled with fuel. In this case, we dry the element, then pump the cylinder through the hole. We twist the candle and start it again.

If the candle is dry, it means that fuel is not entering the combustion chamber. Let us perform several operations one by one to restore the supply system:

  • drain old gasoline;
  • wash the tank;
  • clean the special filter from dirt;
  • clean the fuel supply hose;
  • clean the carburetor jets;
  • fill the tank with the cleanest fuel;
  • open the tap;
  • Clean the breathing channel in the tire.

Starter repair

The starting device plays a major role in starting the engine. There are two types of starter - spring and manual. The most common problem is the destruction of the ratchet mechanism, breakage of the starter spring, breakage of the starter cord. In this case, repairing a starter on a walk-behind tractor comes down to replacing all defective parts. Repairing a recoil starter can also consist of simply fixing a loose attachment point.

Design Features

The design of all snow blowers, regardless of the engine and type of movement, is similar. In addition to the engine, which can be electric or gasoline, there is a bucket. This is a device within which the auger shaft is fixed (if the machine is equipped with an auger). How wide the bucket is determines how much area the snow blower can cover in one pass. An auger is a metal shaft plus screws attached to it. They are attached in the direction of the center of the shaft, as they must rake snow.

The outlet pipe looks like a pipe; it throws snow mass at a distance of three meters. The pipe can be made of metal or plastic. As for the chassis, the snow blower can be on wheels or on tracks. An important part of the snow blower is the rotor, located inside, which crushes the snow and directs it to be discharged towards the outlet pipe.

Autoclub38 › blog › popping noise in the engine? we will tell you why the muffler shoots

Probably, many of you have once heard strange sounds similar to gunshots coming from the exhaust pipe of a car. Perhaps this will be a discovery for many, but it is not the muffler that fires, it is just a resonator, that is, in other words, a “column for the speaker.”

In this article we will talk about what pops in a muffler are, where they come from and what to do when the muffler shoots.

Why does it shoot at the silencer?

In carburetor internal combustion engines, the culprits of pops and shots are most often: the carburetor, timing belt or ignition system. “It shoots into the muffler” is not always strong, it can also be less noticeable pops. In addition, popping noises in the muffler can appear in completely different situations and engine operating modes, for example, during acceleration, at idle speed, or when releasing gas. Often, or it would be more correct to say most often, “shots” are accompanied by increased smoke emission from the exhaust.

In short, the reason for the pops and shots is an excess of fuel; the over-enriched fuel mixture burns out in the exhaust system. The volume and intensity of the popping noise depends on how rich the fuel mixture is. If the muffler shoots, then, as a rule, there are other troubles, such as: loss of power, floating idle speed, and, in addition, fuel consumption increases.

The search for causes should begin with checking the tightness of the exhaust system. A rusted muffler or resonator can cause air to leak, and you will eventually hear something similar to popping noises.

The second reason may be an increased fuel level in the float chamber of the carb.

The carburetor float chamber needle valve may be faulty.

Often the reason lies in a broken float seal or, more simply, in a broken float.

The channel or air jet of the idle system is clogged.

Malfunctions in the operation of the economizer can cause shots and pops from the exhaust.

Problems with the fuel pump.

Other reasons why the exhaust fires

If you hear popping sounds in the muffler at idle, as well as at high and medium speeds, the cylinder head may be the cause; poor thermal clearance adjustment can cause shots in the muffler. This unpleasant phenomenon is treated by adjusting the thermal gap.

Sometimes the muffler shoots immediately after the engine warms up, this usually indicates poorly adjusted valves. The camshaft cams and tappets also have a thermal gap at the contact points; as a result, after the engine warms up, the metal parts warm up and expand, as a result the gap between them becomes smaller.

Due to poor valve adjustment, or lack of thermal clearance, the valve plate does not fit tightly to the seat, and as a result, the valve does not close completely. As a result, the fuel-air mixture (FA) flows into the exhaust manifold through the gap at the moment of compression, where ignition actually occurs in the form of a small pop or shot. To eliminate this, you need to adjust the valves; read how to do this in this article.

Late ignition often causes shots in the muffler. Due to untimely supply of a spark, ignition of the fuel assembly does not occur or occurs, but with a delay. The piston is already moving down with unburnt fuel, and the exhaust valve automatically opens, through which the fuel mixture enters the hot exhaust manifold, where a “micro-explosion” occurs.

If you cannot find the reason why popping sounds occur in the muffler, seek help from specialists; do not leave everything as it is; popping noises and shots are signs of a malfunction in the engine. By delaying or “turning a blind eye,” you risk completely ruining your car’s engine.

And not only the engine, there is a high probability of damage to the exhaust system, even spontaneous combustion of the car. In addition, pops and shots in the muffler are accompanied by increased fuel consumption, and this, as you understand, leads to unnecessary expenses.

Why won't the walk-behind tractor start?

Repair of a walk-behind tractor will be successful if you correctly diagnose the walk-behind tractor.

The reasons for unit failure are very different:

  • The hole in the gas tank is clogged;
  • The fuel supply channels are clogged with debris;
  • The air filter blocks the entry of clogged air;
  • Carburetor failure.

Gasoline and diesel walk-behind tractors must be carefully prepared for seasonal work.

It is important to make sure that all structural elements are in place and securely fastened

Installed Subaru engines or engines of other brands may not start after a long period of inactivity, especially in winter. Incorrect storage conditions for equipment also have a negative impact.

The following malfunctions may occur:

  • The contacts in the electrical wiring have oxidized;
  • Water has entered the oil or fuel;
  • The integrity of the wire insulation has been compromised;
  • Debris has accumulated in the carburetor jets.

Before starting the walk-behind tractor, you need to look at all the connections in the units of the device, check the integrity and connections of the throttle, reverse and clutch cables. If clamps or kinked cables are found, this must be corrected in order to start the unit.

It is necessary to check the amount of oil in the crankcase. Lack of lubrication can negatively affect the piston group. A diesel or gasoline walk-behind tractor may not start if there is not enough oil. Some models have low-level protection installed; if it is not there, you need to constantly monitor the volume of lubricating fluid.

It is important to take into account the quality of the gasoline being poured. The walk-behind tractor must be refilled with the brand recommended by the manufacturer, then the unit will work without interruption

Two-stroke engines operate on separately prepared fuel: gasoline and oil. It is important to maintain a strict ratio of substances.

Gearbox repair

An increase in extraneous sound in the gearbox also indicates a possible breakdown. This noise can appear when using low quality oil, or when there is simply not enough of it in the gearbox. Such a repair of the walk-behind tractor gearbox will consist of filling in a sufficient amount or replacing it with high-quality oil recommended by the manufacturer. The gearbox may also fail due to wear of the bearings and gears, which would be best replaced. Don't forget to check if the chain tension is good and if there are any oil leaks.

Diesel or gasoline engines

A motor cultivator is a universal equipment for working on a personal plot. It helps to cultivate the soil between the beds, between the trees. With its help you can easily get rid of weeds. The walk-behind tractor is much more functional equipment due to the fact that any attachments can be attached to it. This is essentially a mini-tractor, potato digger, plow, and cultivator at the same time.

The walk-behind tractor can have a diesel or gasoline engine. The startup in this case will be different, therefore, the cause of the breakdown may be different. Most often, the unit does not start after winter. Staying in a cold and damp room for a long time leads to such unpleasant moments as:

  • clogged jets in the carburetor;
  • damage to the insulation in the wires;
  • oxidation of contacts;
  • oil watering.

Before starting the walk-behind tractor for the first time, you must carefully check all the parts. Thus, there should be no clamping of the harness threads, and the lack of oil in the crankcase will lead to damage to the piston system.

The engine may not start due to old oil. This produces white exhaust smoke. In this case, a complete oil change is necessary.

There are units on sale that have protection against insufficient oil level, when it immediately begins to stall. Monitor the oil level carefully.

Also, the service life of a walk-behind tractor depends on the quality of gasoline. You should not refuel your unit with cheap gasoline, which can cause serious damage.

A diesel walk-behind tractor can also present unpleasant surprises immediately after purchase. It may not start due to air that has entered the fuel supply system. To fix it, you need a diesel supply valve, unscrew all connections along the fuel channels. The last step is to purge the nozzle.

What attachments does the walk-behind tractor work with?

Any experienced farmer knows that with the help of a walk-behind tractor, cultivator or other motorized equipment, almost all agricultural work can be mechanized: starting with cultivating the land to prepare it for sowing and ending with transporting the harvested crop. Motor units have become universal due to the possibility of using a variety of attachments. In addition to moldboard and other plows, the following equipment has been created for processing plowed land and cultivating virgin lands:

Harrows are used to plow virgin soil, as well as for pre-sowing (spring) or post-harvest loosening (autumn) of arable soil to a depth of 7-14 cm. Using harrowing with a walk-behind tractor or cultivator, the surface is leveled, moisture is covered, and weeds are destroyed.

The working parts of such agricultural implements are metal teeth or spherical disks. In this video you can clearly see how to properly plow with a walk-behind tractor and a homemade harrow. And also from there you can learn improvements for the harrow.

The hiller is used to hill up potatoes, cut furrows for sowing seeds, backfill planting material, and also sprinkle weeds directly in the row area. Hilling devices come in single-row and double-row, with fixed and adjustable working widths, distinguishable both by their design and their efficiency. Here is a video of how the Neva MB2 motor cultivator performs processing with a mounted two-row weeder-hiller.

With a rotary cutter you can plow virgin soil, carry out pre-sowing and basic cultivation of plowed land. This agricultural implement allows you to mill, cultivate the land and qualitatively prepare it for sowing. It is capable of not only plowing the soil, but also mixing it with fertilizer, crumbling large layers, crushing stubble particles, and leveling the sown area.

A flat weeding cutter helps to trim weeds, split and cut grooves without turning the formation, plow and crush the soil. Flat cutters come in all possible working widths and processing depths, which allows you to choose them for specific processing conditions of agricultural plots and crops.

In addition to the listed removable tools designed to plow virgin soil and cultivate arable land, rakes, wood splitters, seeders, shredders, cultivators, rotary and segment mowers, shovels, sprayers, sweeping brushes, snow blowers, etc. are used with the motorized unit.

Having a basic set of mounted agricultural implements, you can use a walk-behind tractor or a powerful cultivator to perform all kinds of economic tasks, in particular, pre-sowing plowing, sowing and planting crops, applying fertilizers, inter-row cultivation of crops, harvesting root crops, and seasonal harvesting of green fodder.

MB-1 walk-behind tractor: operating instructions and do-it-yourself fault repair

Special equipment, such as a walk-behind tractor, is very useful in farming. Due to the fact that walk-behind tractors are maximally balanced in terms of price, cost and performance ratio, they benefit greatly from both tractors and other special equipment.

With its help, you can perform a large number of different operations that take a lot of time and require a lot of effort, using manpower and simple equipment. All areas where a walk-behind tractor can be used no longer evoke disgust and reluctance to work.

In fact, all the work comes down to management - you just need to be present as a driver.

This applies to both modern technology and older models of walk-behind tractors, because over the decades their design, in general, has changed little - weight has decreased, the variety of models has increased, and more advanced materials are used for manufacturing.

But the frame, engine placement and control method remained the same, the attachments, in fact, remained unchanged, the difference can only be external, in insignificant details.

Therefore, the good old walk-behind tractors, whose service life has already exceeded thirty years, are still in service, and do their job year after year. But every year they increasingly need repairs and replacement of parts and components.

After all, any equipment wears out and needs repairs.

And you should pay great attention to this if, for example, you make long trips with a loaded trailer. A seized hub won't be a big problem, but a malfunctioning part of a more complex part like the transmission will be annoying, to say the least.

Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with all the “symptoms” of breakdowns in order to diagnose and prevent a malfunction in time.

How to start a walk-behind tractor

The algorithm for starting the Neva walk-behind tractor is as follows. Before each use of the unit, it is necessary to check the oil level in the engine, if the amount is insufficient, the most expensive part of the cultivator can quickly become unusable. If the oil was filled a long time ago, it may deteriorate and also lead to engine failure. Some engine manufacturers, including Lon Chin, Subaru, install a sensor for the quality and quantity of oil poured into their devices, so such a check is not needed here - the electronics will do everything for you.

The next step is to add fuel, the type of which should be clarified from the operating instructions for the specific cultivator model.

For two-stroke engines, oil and fuel are poured into 1 tank, but in a certain proportion, which is indicated on the oil bottle.

Next, you should inspect the unit from all sides and check the fastening of the main mechanisms. These listed actions can be considered a preparatory stage when starting any cultivator, without exception. Now you can proceed to directly starting the engine.

But here the differences in actions begin, and everything will depend on what fuel the engine runs on:

  • On gasoline. You should set the fuel choke lever to the “Start/Run” position, open the tap and turn off the ignition. You need to operate the recoil starter several times, then turn on the ignition and pull the starter. The engine starts, and the position of the lever should be switched to the “Operation” mode. Some models of cultivators are equipped with an electric starter - to start the engine you only need to turn on the ignition and start the device.
  • On diesel. Due to the property of this type of fuel to freeze in cold weather, the first step is to warm up the unit. When using a motor cultivator for the first time after purchase, you should pull the starter several times or unscrew the fuel supply valve and each fuel supply mechanism. When opening the tap, wait until the fuel drains, screw it back on and proceed to the next connection until you reach the nozzle. You can open all the taps and put the lever in the middle position. Next, you should take the decompressor, press it and pump it several times. After this, you need to let go and pull again until it returns to its original state. All that remains is to press the decompressor and the starter. After these simple steps, the engine will start.

When purchasing a walk-behind tractor, the sales consultant must explain to you in detail how to start the selected unit. Before using the equipment on your site, carefully read the operating instructions for the walk-behind tractor. If you follow all the manufacturer's recommendations, the unit will last a long time.

Some craftsmen are able to start a walk-behind tractor without a starter (used when it fails). To do this, remove it, then thread a tight rope with a knot at the end into the hole in the rim located behind it and wind it 4 times around this part of the walk-behind tractor. Next, pull the resulting piston up and turn off the decompressor.

Subtleties of using a walk-behind tractor after the winter break:

  • The first thing you need to do is check the gas tank. For proper winter storage, the tank should be completely filled with gasoline, which is drained in the spring, and then fresh fuel is added.
  • If the tank has remained empty all winter, then there is a high probability of dirt and rust forming in it, to remove which the contents of the tank are drained, the tank itself is removed, washed and returned to its original place.
  • Air filter. It must be removed and cleaned in accordance with the operating instructions.
  • Carburetor. Unscrew the drain plugs on it, from which the remaining fuel should flow. After finishing the draining, screw in the plugs.
  • The same procedure must be carried out with the fuel tap. If it is clear that gasoline is flowing into these mechanisms, then the leak should be eliminated.
  • Engine oil dipstick. It should be pulled out and wiped with a rag, after which you need to put the dipstick back and unscrew it again. Using it you need to determine the presence of oil, which should be no less than the top mark on the dipstick. If the oil level is lower, add the required amount. In addition to the oil level in the engine, it is necessary to evaluate its quality. If it looks like a black slurry and has a rather unpleasant burning smell, then it should be drained completely and a new one filled in.
  • Next, how to tighten the belt on a walk-behind tractor. You should move on to the drive belt, namely, its tension roller. Its tension must be checked in this way: first release the control lever (the roller must also be released, without the need to pinch the belt), and then pull out the lever (the roller tensions the belt). If the roller tension is incorrect, the rod should be thrown over the links of the adjusting chain.
  • Next in line is the main gearbox, in which you should check the oil level by inserting a regular wire into it. The amount of oil should be as specified in the instructions for the walk-behind tractor.
  • Wheels and cutters. Examine their stoppers - if the quality is poor, they should be replaced.

Now the engine starts, and it should be warmed up with good gas for 3-5 minutes. But here some problems may arise.


Sozinov Anatoly

hmm. This is the first time I’ve seen bushings spill out like that. and everything is correct. On my own behalf, I would like to add that the washers between the casing and the sprockets need to be changed sometimes, and to ensure that the sprocket shaft is properly tightened, and I drained the oil from the engine and poured it into the gearbox. anyway it will either eject through the plug or leak out through the seals

Alexey, thanks for the advice, I put two washers on both sides under the covers with seals, everything is ok, there is no leakage, everything works.

green gray

Nothing lasts forever, a walk-behind tractor must PLOW under any load, on kalym, earn money for spare parts, pay for itself several times over.

Alexey Efanov

I agree, the unit did just that, PLOWED, earned money and paid off a long time ago, but now you understand that it was possible to do without unnecessary overloads. Why, for example, was it necessary to carry 700 kg of cargo on a trailer and break the chain, when you could make two trips and not break gearbox, sometimes we ourselves look for adventures on our own backsides and sometimes we find them. I advise people that they need to be more careful, but I myself can’t change lanes, even though I know that I need to be more careful, but I do it as always, it’s probably already in the blood.

Alexey Efanov

This gearbox apparently has a ball gearbox, but the new gearboxes have needle gearboxes. I didn’t have to disassemble the new gearbox, so I can’t say anything about the needle gearbox. Try looking for an answer on the Internet.

Like any equipment, the walk-behind tractor requires timely maintenance and repair. And it is advisable to entrust their implementation to specialists who have the necessary tools and equipment and know their job well. However, if you are also familiar with the structure of internal combustion engines and understand the topic of mechanical engineering, then you can do a lot of what may be required to restore the machine’s performance on your own.

Other works

Sometimes on Cascade walk-behind tractors the reverse belts need to be replaced. Usually they resort to it if it is impossible to adjust the tension due to severe wear or complete rupture

Important: only those belts that are adapted for a specific model are suitable for replacement. If you supply the wrong components, they will quickly become worn out.

Before replacing, turn off the engine and place it in zero gear.

Remove the insulating casing. Worn belts are removed, and if they are stretched to the limit, they are cut off. After removing the outer pulley, pull the belt onto the remaining pulley inside. Return the part to its place. Carefully check that the belt is not twisted. Put the casing back.

Very often it is necessary to disassemble the trigger mechanism in order to get rid of its malfunctions. Problematic springs do not need to be replaced. Sometimes they simply anneal the tip of the part with torches. Then the desired contour is reproduced with a file. Then the attachment of the spring and drum assembly returns to normal. It is wound onto the drum, the free edge is placed in the slot on the fan housing and the starter drum is centered.

Bend the “antennae”, cock the drum counterclockwise, and release the fully cocked spring. Align the holes of the fan and drum. Insert the starting cord with the handle, tie a knot on the drum; The tension of the released drum is held with the handle. The starting cord is changed in the same way

Important: all this work is easier to do together

If the gear shift knob is broken, remove the rotating head from it, knocking out the pin with a hammer. After unscrewing the screw, remove the bushing and fixing spring. Then remove the remaining parts that interfere with the repair. Only problematic parts of the gearbox are replaced without disassembling the entire device. Do the same when you need to remove the ratchet.

If the shaft has fallen out, then only devices with the appropriate length, diameter, number of teeth and sprockets are purchased for replacement. When the speed controller sticks (or, conversely, is unstable), you need to turn the screw that sets the amount of mixture. As a result, the drop in speed will no longer be sharp, forcing the governor to open the throttle. To reduce the risk of breakdowns, you need to take care of proper maintenance of the walk-behind tractor. Maintenance (MOT) must be carried out every 3 months.

To learn how to repair the decompressor of the Cascade walk-behind tractor, see the following video.

Preparing the walk-behind tractor for start-up

In the instructions, manufacturers always indicate how to start the walk-behind tractor correctly. However, not everyone wants to waste time reading long pieces of paper and start work without familiarizing themselves with the operating rules. This is fraught with serious damage. It will not be possible to return equipment that was used for other purposes or broken due to the fault of the owner under warranty. If you never manage to start the engine even after several attempts, the reason may not be a bad part.

To make sure that the walk-behind tractor engine or starting system is faulty, you must try to turn it on, following the instructions exactly. If the reason turns out to be incorrect actions, there will be no need to contact for repairs. Sometimes it happens that the MB does not start and immediately stalls due to a manufacturing defect. In this case, you can safely go to the warranty center to process a return.

When communicating with an employee, it is important to inform that everything was done according to the instructions and a breakdown could not have occurred due to the owner’s fault.

To start the walk-behind tractor:

  1. Check the oil level, even if it was filled just a day ago. Sometimes sellers convince you that the required amount of liquid has already been poured into the tank. You can’t trust words, because... An attempt to start a walk-behind tractor without oil will lead to breakdown and will not be accepted under warranty.
  2. Fill with fuel. The method for opening the tank varies depending on the model, so you need to read the instructions. For some types of engines, gasoline must be mixed with oil. The proportions are also indicated in the technical book.
  3. Open the petrol tap. Before doing this, you must move the pump lever to the “Start” position. The name varies depending on the manufacturer.
  4. Pump fuel from the tank using the starter and turn on the ignition. Then you need to pull the starter and move the choke lever to the “Operation” mode. If everything is done correctly, the walk-behind tractor will start.

The described scheme of action is relevant for a gasoline engine without an electric starter, for example the Lifan model. To start a diesel walk-behind tractor, you will have to spend more time. The main problem of such equipment is its instability to frost. When the outside temperature drops, the fuel freezes, so the MB has to be warmed up before starting. The first attempt to turn on may fail if you do not bleed the system with the starter, because Everything inside is airy. Then pump the decompressor several times. Some models indicate the exact time of such preparation. Usually it is enough to do this 5-6 times, and then pull it to the starting position. If all the steps are completed correctly, to start the walk-behind tractor, just press the decompressor and turn on the starter.

Walk-behind tractor engine is difficult to start when hot

The question of why the motor of a walk-behind tractor stalls when heated is quite simple to solve. The whole essence of the problem lies in the excess air supplied to the carburetor of the walk-behind tractor. Part of it is mixed with a mixture of gasoline and motor oil, and the second part cools the carburetor. As a result, the carburetor temperature becomes much lower than the temperature of the unit’s engine. This problem is observed only during the operation of the walk-behind tractor. When its engine is turned off, the carburetor, on the contrary, is heated by the hot walls of the engine.

As the carburetor of the walk-behind tractor heats up, the remaining fuel begins to actively evaporate, filling all the voids in the walk-behind tractor, including the air filter and the intake manifold. This leads to the complete disappearance of fuel, which is why the walk-behind tractor will not start when the engine is hot.

To fix this problem, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm every time you start the walk-behind tractor “hot”. Your main task is to ensure that the mixture combines so that the engine can start. To do this you will need:

  1. When starting a hot engine, squeeze the throttle trigger halfway;
  2. Do not try to press the gas trigger over and over again, otherwise you will only aggravate the situation, since when you press the gas trigger frequently, the fuel pump will supply new portions of fuel to the carburetor, which will lead to flooding of the engine;
  3. After several attempts to start with the gas trigger pressed halfway, you will start the engine of the walk-behind tractor, after which you will need to rev it up 2-3 times and continue working.

This procedure will eliminate the increased load on the hot motor, due to which the main parts and mechanisms of the walk-behind tractor will not be subject to excessive wear.

All of the above methods will help to effectively cope with typical breakdowns of the most famous manufacturers of walk-behind tractors. They are equally successfully used by owners of agricultural implements of the Honda, Agro, Cascade and Neva brands.

Starting system malfunctions

If during inspection the spark plugs turn out to be wet, but the engine does not start, then detecting the malfunction will be much more difficult:

  • the ignition system may fail;
  • due to depressurization of connections, air leaks may occur;
  • the air damper in the carburetor may not be closed enough;
  • carburetor failure.

A failure of the ignition system is an unpleasant moment, but you should not panic and immediately call a specialist. First, remove and inspect the spark plug. If you find carbon deposits on it, clean it with sandpaper, rinse it with gasoline and let it dry completely. Very often, after such a procedure, the engine begins to work normally.

If the engine still won't start and you feel competent, check the gap between the electrodes. The required value is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions, but due to constant vibration during operation, it may change, and the walk-behind tractor may stall while driving. Adjust the gap to the desired value by bending the side electrode.

It will not be possible to deal with other problems of the ignition system right away. If the insulators of spark plugs or electrical wiring are burnt out, they need to be replaced. You can also short the “STOP” button to ground, and until the short circuit is eliminated, the engine will not start. Also, the reason that the engine does not start may be a violation of the contacts in the spark plug brackets or a violation of the gap between the magnetic shoe and the starter. Finally, the starter itself may be damaged and will need to be replaced.

If the walk-behind tractor does not gain power normally, it is worth checking its muffler. Over time, fuel combustion products clog the muffler, forming a thick layer of soot on its walls, so it needs to be cleaned periodically. To do this, the muffler must be removed, plugging the outlet hole with a clean rag, washed first in gasoline, then cleaned of carbon deposits by washing with detergents, and finally dried with a hairdryer.

Sometimes the walk-behind tractor stalls during operation due to simple overheating. If, with the throttle fully open, you press the throttle, and the engine, instead of accelerating, loses speed, then this is a clear sign of overheating. The walk-behind tractor must be stopped and allowed to cool completely, and then started again.

This is not the entire list of reasons why your recently perfectly serviceable walk-behind tractor may stall even under light load. Almost all components of the walk-behind tractor are subject to significant loads during operation, so minor malfunctions and breakdowns are not uncommon. Therefore, if you discover that there is something wrong with the walk-behind tractor: extraneous noise, twitching, strong vibration, etc. - Turn off the engine immediately. And only after the engine has cooled down can you begin troubleshooting. But this is a topic for another conversation.

Fuel supply problems

If during operation the walk-behind tractor stalls and does not start again, then most likely the problem is in the engine or in the starting system. The first thing to do in this situation is to carefully inspect the spark plugs. Dry spark plugs mean that fuel does not have access to the engine cylinders.

In such a situation, first of all, check the presence of gasoline in the tank. It is possible that due to your forgetfulness, the walk-behind tractor has used up all the gasoline, and it simply needs to be refueled for further work. If everything is fine with gasoline, check the fuel valve - it may be closed. There is nothing complicated in this situation either - just open the tap and the engine will come to life again. It also often happens that during operation the walk-behind tractor stalls due to a strong roll. You need to place it horizontally. If the engine starts in this position, it means that there is little gasoline in the gas tank and when tilted it simply does not come out of the gas tank; you need to refuel.

The next thing that often happens is that the drain hole in the gas tank plug becomes clogged. You need to clean it, and the problem will be solved. It often happens that some kind of rubbish has gotten into the fuel system, especially considering the quality of gasoline today. In this case, you need to remove the fuel tap, drain the gasoline from the tank and rinse everything thoroughly, and then disconnect the connecting hose from the carburetor and thoroughly blow it out.

Functional failures

Quite often, among the malfunctions of a walk-behind tractor engine, its unstable operation appears. If the engine idles jerkily, and when you try to add gas it stops altogether, the reason is rooted in a lack of fuel. The screens of the fuel tank, carburetor and pipeline valve should be cleaned. And when problems occur even at idle, it is advisable to check the centrifugal regulator. Often the traction jams there.

Let's assume that the walk-behind tractor simply slows down without jerking. In many cases, this is due to the use of incorrectly tuned, unsuitable or simply badly worn motors. But replacing the power plant is not always wise. Installing a better quality spark plug may help. It is also worth assuming that malfunctions in the operation of the carburetor float in the high-voltage wire may occur.

If the walk-behind tractor engine knocks, you need to inspect the camshaft and crankshaft. This is where the sources of extraneous sounds are mainly located.

Motoblock. It won’t start, what should I do?

In all of the above situations, there is no particular need to carry out major repairs. High-quality diagnosis of problems is very important. It is pointless to try to increase the compression in all modern engines; anyway, the decompressor will not allow this to be done.

Sources: https: //

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