What can you come up with instead of fishing line for a trimmer? How to replace the fishing line in a trimmer with a steel cable. Is it possible to use a cable in a trimmer?

A trimmer is an incredibly useful thing in the household that will help make your lawn more beautiful and tidy. However, this device very quickly becomes useless as soon as it comes to mowing dry thick grass, small shrubs or reeds. In such a situation, it would be most reasonable to replace the usual trimmer line with a small steel cable.

In order to make a replacement, you first need to properly prepare for the work process. Most materials can be easily purchased or even found in the household. So, you will need a piece of 2 mm steel cable, washers, a cup-shaped bushing, a nut with left-hand threads, 6 rounded nuts, two bolts, standard solder. The tools you will need, in turn, are a bench vice, a hammer and core, a welding machine, wire cutters, a soldering iron, a socket wrench, a hand file and a drill. If everything is in place, then you can get to work.

On the back side of the outer generatrix of the cup-shaped bushing, using a ruler and a marker, mark two marks on diameters perpendicular to each other. We transfer them to the middle of the side surface. Now, we clamp the bushing in a vice and in the marked places, using a core and a hammer, mark the drilling points, which we perform using a drill. The result should be two opposing holes with perpendicular diameters.

We clean the metal around all four holes using a file. We place a nut with a rounded top over each hole. We clamp two bolts in a vice and drill through holes up to 2 mm under the heads. We hang nuts on them. We lay the bolts so that the nuts can be twisted and unscrewed freely. The structure must be welded into a single whole.

Now you need to pass the cable through the holes. Having established the required length, we cut the cord with wire cutters. It is recommended to fix the resulting “antennae” with solder, and then treat it entirely with solder. This is necessary to increase the safety of the entire structure.

How to properly change the line in a trimmer

a trimmer to cut small bushes and trim grass.

. It is easy to maintain and operate, and is light in weight, so even fragile girls can easily handle it. To cut the grass efficiently, you need to choose the right cutting tools, which is why the trimmer uses discs and knives. Consumables for the presented equipment are considered to be fishing line and special attachments, only the knives can be sharpened, but the fishing line needs to be changed.

What types of trimmer heads are there?

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1. Automatic. After the person reduces the engine speed, the cord is supplied. This head is very convenient when performing a large amount of work. Their disadvantage is the high thread consumption. 2. Semi-automatic. Easy to use and does not require complex work. The cord is fed automatically when the tool is running at full speed. 3. Manual. In such cases, the head is pulled out manually.

The best option is considered to be semi-automatic heads offered on the website https://wellpart.com.ua/komplektuyshie/benzokosyi/katushki/.

The type, thickness and length of the thread must be selected depending on the modification of the trimmer. It is clear that the thicker the cord, the tougher the grass you can cut. Most often, a standard fishing line is used; its diameter is two millimeters. In order to correctly buy the number of meters of fishing line

needed for a reel, it is wound onto a bobbin so that the skein does not extend beyond the sides.
Because if the line extends beyond the edges, you will not be able to insert it into the casing. Having chosen the length of the material, you can thread the bobbin into the fishing line. If you look carefully, you can see an arrow on the bobbin that indicates the direction in which to wind. You should wind it as carefully as possible with the thread tension. Then we fix the short end of the fishing line
, insert it into the groove, which is located on the side of the reel. We fix the second end on the other side. After the fishing line is secured, trim the ends. Then we install this reel into the mower. We put on the cover and secure it with clamps.


Lifehack No. 1

When working with the trimmer for a long time, when mowing grass over a large area, it is very difficult to simultaneously press the lock button against accidental activation and the start button of the device. After all, when pressing these two buttons simultaneously, the user’s hands begin to get very tired. To solve this problem, you can use an ordinary screed. It needs to be threaded through the handle of the device and formed into a ring.

A ring made from a tie should move freely along the handle and should not fit tightly to it. To turn on the trimmer and lock the start button, you just need to take this ring made from a tie and put it on the lock button and the start button. Thanks to this, both buttons are clamped and fixed, so that the user does not need to constantly hold them while performing work.

Disc or knife

If the fishing line cannot cope with the load, it must be replaced with a disk or knife. Many manufacturers, complete with trimmers, offer a different number of special attachments that will make it easier to work in the garden or on the property. In most cases, both electric and gasoline ones have problems with the cord. Why is this happening? You can often find stones and other hard objects in the grass that can break the fishing line. Poor quality cord. Huge cord consumption

The cord, of course, ends very quickly if the user constantly knocks the head on the ground. The line comes out and is automatically cut by the knife. A person does not save on fishing line and wastes it. There are times when the thread does not hold and constantly unwinds. In this case, replace the spring that is popping out.


Basic malfunctions of the trimmer starter

It is not difficult to determine the cause of the breakdown of the trigger device. There are several main options:

  • broken cord (rope);
  • when the spring breaks or becomes disengaged.

These parts are shown in the photo below.

It may happen that the starter mechanism is accidentally broken. The consequences will be disastrous if a broken rope is wound around the flywheel of a running internal combustion engine: then the spring will burst and the pulley will break. But such cases when a complete replacement of the starter assembly is required are extremely rare. In most cases, to repair the mechanism, it is enough to install a new spring or replace the cord.

Threads stick together

When the threads stick together, it means you used low quality cord. During operation, the tool can heat up and if the fishing line is bad, it will melt. In this case, it is recommended to lubricate the cord with mineral oil to avoid the problem.

Most inexpensive electric and gas trimmers use fishing line as a cutting tool. Spun up to high speeds, it easily cuts the grass. The manufacturer does not provide instructions on how to wind the fishing line onto the trimmer reel.

Installing plastic ties: pros and cons

If during work the fishing line suddenly runs out, and there is still a lot of work, then it is not necessary to look for a new one. Its function can be temporarily performed by plastic clamps. They are quite tough and can handle almost any grass.

The disadvantage is rapid wear. The effectiveness of plastic clamps in such non-standard applications is also low. However, this alternative option can always be used.

How to choose a trimmer line

A trimmer bought in a store is already ready for use - it is loaded with a standard nylon fishing line. It cuts the grass, but does a poor job - it quickly breaks down and only mows down young, thin plants. It does not take old grass and weeds with woody stems at all or cuts them with difficulty, quickly wearing out. It only lasts for a short time, after which you need to replace the line in the trimmer.

It is not recommended to use fishing line; it is better to take a special thread with a fiberglass core. It is sold in construction stores. Opt for an option with a square or triangle cross-section - their sharp edges will work like knives.

The consumption of trimmer line when using faceted and reinforced consumables will be reduced by 2-3 times, and productivity will increase by the same amount compared to round line and line not reinforced with fiberglass.

Purchase material with a diameter no less than that recommended by the manufacturer. If the diameter is unknown, you need to look at the size of the holes on the outer housing of the mowing head: the diameter of the working thread should be slightly smaller than the hole in order to pass through it freely.

Buy a sufficient supply of cutting thread (for 2-3 replacements), try buying different options to compare which one will work best.

Having found out how much material is needed for one winding, be guided by the length of the line during your next purchases so that there are no pieces left too short for winding.

To replace the line on a mechanical scythe with your own hands, you need to disassemble the mowing head and remove the reel on which the working thread is wound.

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What can be used instead of fishing line

Many trimmer users are wondering: what can replace the default cord used in this type of device? They begin to conduct unsafe experiments by installing metal or copper wire, metal cables or strings, as well as regular fishing line into the mowing head.

If you install a metal cable instead of a fishing line, the trimmer turns into a dangerous device not only for the user, but also for others. This fact is explained by the fact that during operation of the unit, the steel cable will gradually work out, its ends will unravel, and small pieces of wire will fly in different directions at high speed.

And if you accidentally snag your own or someone else’s leg while working with a unit with a steel cable (wire), then you are guaranteed a strong and deep tissue incision, and in some cases, amputation of the toes. It is not in vain that the manufacturer uses nylon for these purposes, since it is quite light and durable, and when torn off it does not fly far and cannot cause injury.

Of course, you can use fishing line in a trimmer instead of a standard one, but this will add extra hassle to you, since it wears out quickly, breaks, mows slowly and is not suitable for cutting tough grass. In addition, during work, a lot of time is lost in order to replace broken tools more than once.

In practice, installing a regular fishing line is justified if the user is going to mow the grass near the fence, especially if it is made of chain-link mesh. In this case, in order to protect the standard and sometimes expensive cord from wear, it is replaced with fishing line, which you don’t mind. Usually, in order to change the cord to a fishing line, it needs to be selected as thick as 2-3 mm.

How to remove fishing line

To change the line in the trimmer, remove the head cover. To do this, press the latches of the latches located on both sides of the cover with your fingers and pull the cover up. Access to the coil will open. After that, pull it out by pulling it up along the axis on which the coil sits. If the ends of the fishing line stick out from the holes in the head, then lift the reel along the axis and pull the remaining fishing line inward from the holes in the head. Now the part does not hold anything and it is easy to remove it and remove the remaining working thread.

The coil is divided into two parts by a central partition with a cutout. Different models of braids have different parts in size, so you need to check how much fishing line you can wind on the reel. Its length varies between 1 and 4 m.

Removing and disassembling the coil

The mowing trimmer head consists of a casing, a spring (not available in every model), a bobbin with cord, and a cover. Before you begin disassembling the coil of the electric unit, be sure to unplug the trimmer from the mains. The method of disassembly depends on the mounting of the mowing head. First option:

  1. To remove the cover covering the inside of the head, press the latches (latches) located on both sides of the head.
  2. Remove the cover, under which you will see the bobbin - remove it from the housing. Some trimmer reels have a spring under the bobbin, which should also be carefully pulled out.
  3. After removing the bobbin, you will see a screw in the center of the case. Unscrew it using a screwdriver.
  4. After removing the fasteners, take the body of the part and, rocking it in different directions, remove the gearbox from the shaft.

In the second option, the trimmer head is screwed onto the gearbox shaft. To remove it, you need to fix the shaft. To do this, such devices have a hole through which a thin screwdriver or metal rod is inserted. Brief instructions:

  1. Insert a screwdriver into the special hole, then lock the shaft.
  2. Grasp the body of your head and begin to twist it. This should be done clockwise, since the thread on the shaft is left-handed.

How to thread line into a trimmer reel

To replace the line in the trimmer, cut a piece of material to the desired size by folding it in half. One of the halves should be 5-10 cm longer than the second.

To properly wind the fishing line onto the reel, the middle of the thread, folded into a loop, must be placed in the groove of the central partition. One half of the line is tightly wound around the upper part of the part, the second - on the lower part. The longer part is wound onto the lower one. Winding is done in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the head. An arrow should be drawn on the cover or side of the head - it shows the direction of rotation. It is necessary to wind the line in the opposite direction of the arrow. Do the work carefully, pressing the coil tightly against the coil.

Insert the remaining ends, 10-15 cm long, into the slots on the top side of the coil, this will fix them. With the ends secured, the reel will not unwind.

If you do not have a fishing line of the required length, you can wind the line not in one piece, but in two. In this case, bend the end of the line with a hook and insert it into the slot in the central partition of the bobbin. Do the same with the second piece. Now wind first one piece, and then the other, on your halves of the coil against its direction of rotation.

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To thread the line into the trimmer, insert the ends of the line into the holes in the mowing head and pull them out. Place the spool on the axle and push it down until it sits in place, and again pull the ends of the cutting thread to extend them to their full length.

The ends brought out should almost reach the protective casing. Cut off the excess. To do this, you can use a steel plate installed on the casing, which plays the role of a knife and automatically cuts the fishing line of excessive length when the head is untwisted.

The reel is closed with a protective cover. Put it in place and press down until the latches make a click when they click into the grooves. Always check that the cover is seated on the trimmer and that the latches are latched, otherwise it may come off during operation. In this case, the coil will be thrown out by the force of rotation.

Do not try to wind as much material as possible - in this case, the spool may not fit into place and there will be problems with installing and fixing the cover. It is better if the reel is filled with line so that it does not extend beyond the dimensions of the part.

In addition to mechanical scythes with two blades, there are also models with one. The difference between them is that the cutting thread comes out only on one side. The spool in such braid variants may not have a central partition; instead, a slot in the lower side is used to install the non-working end of the thread, and there is also a slot in the upper side for fixing the working end.

You can start working with the replaced scaffold. Do not mow thick weeds and bush branches - this is not a job for a scythe. To avoid injury and breakage of the scaffold, make sure that no stones or branches get under the scythe.

To mow the lawn, one refill of a reel with reinforced fishing line is enough for an area of ​​400-600 m2.

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After the cutting thread wears out as a result of work, turn off the mower and remove the cover on the mowing head. Pull the line out of the slot, stretching it to the desired length, and reinsert it into the slots. The amount of material wound on the reel is enough for 5-10 cycles of operation, depending on the model of the device. When you put the cover back in place, carefully look to see if the grooves where the latches are inserted are clogged; if they are clogged, clean them thoroughly.

When the line wears out, you need to disassemble the mowing head again, pull out the reel and re-wind the working line onto it.

  • Attachment for trimmer for outboard motor

How to put a knife on a trimmer

With the arrival of summer, many homeowners are worried about the question of how to put a knife on a trimmer. More pressing questions are why and when to purposefully replace the fishing line on a lawn mower with a stronger cutting element. In our article we will try to sort it all out and give useful advice to summer residents.

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A garden trimmer is an extremely useful thing on the farm. Few people realize that this device can be significantly modified with their own hands. There are, for example, craftsmen who put a cable on the trimmer instead of the usual fishing line. How to do this correctly and what will come out of all this in the end - let's look together.

We install a steel cable. / Photo: superda4nik.ru.

A trimmer with a weak motor is often barely able to cope with a dense lawn, let alone try to cut real weeds. This state of affairs will not please any owner and will even upset the fact that the purchased device turned out to be absolutely useless in the household. If you find yourself in such a situation, do not lose heart ahead of time, because you can carry out a simple modernization of the trimmer, which will significantly increase the efficiency of its operation.

You need to do it like this. /Photo: youtube.com.

So, to carry out the modernization, you will need nothing at all, namely: a rubber bushing, a trimmer, a set of standard tools and, of course, a steel cable up to 2 mm with thick cores. Installing the cable begins with disassembling the trimmer coil. After this, you need to measure and cut the cable so that it does not hit the trimmer itself during operation.

After this, the cable is unbent with pliers and bent in the middle. This is done in such a way that the result is a small loop.

Will cut boxes. /Photo: youtube. com.

A pre-prepared rubber bushing is inserted into the resulting loop. It should have a slightly larger internal diameter than the trimmer shaft.


: If there is no bushing, as a last resort it can be replaced by wrapping the loop with electrical tape. However, it is worth understanding that such a system will not work faithfully for a long time and soon enough it will have to be repaired by wrapping it again with electrical tape. Otherwise, the trimmer may become dangerous!

Now you should tighten the bushing by winding the loose cable back. For reliability, you can secure it with a wire tie. After this, it is tucked into the base of the head, the sleeve is pushed onto the shaft. When all this is done, all that remains is to close the lid.

What's the result?

: a trimmer equipped with a cable will confidently cut even dense greenery, weeds and bush branches.

How about an even more severe upgrade, here's a story about how to change the fishing line to a saw blade. Did you like the article? Then support us, click:

A trimmer with a weak motor can barely handle tender lawn grass, let alone real weeds. Working with it turns into a waste of time, but if you equip it with a steel cable instead of a fishing line, it instantly turns even small branches of bushes into mulch. Switching to a cable does not require complex modifications and will take a couple of minutes. Its installation will help both a weak trimmer and a tool with a broken coil.


Why you need to put a knife on a trimmer

A trimmer with a knife installed on it is most convenient to use.

for more comfortable mowing of tall and coarse grass in the countryside. 04/05/2018 shaliris comments to the post how to change the fishing line on a huter trimmer how to change the fishing line in. In such cases, the line on the brush cutter does not control. The narrow one breaks very quickly. The introduction of a thick 23 mm cord or homemade rods with cables forces the vegetation to wind onto the spool. How to replace the head on a trimmer evdiral.ru. This increases the load on the engine. As a result, the piston group and other moving parts of the unit wear out very quickly.

If you mow weeds with an electronic trimmer without a knife, using fishing line alone, even a thick one with a shaped cross-section, the problem will not be solved. How to change the fishing line on a trimmer video how to change it to a trimmer reel how. There is always a risk of overheating the electric motor and damaging the flexible shaft. And it's all about the high torque of the electronic motor. The grass wound around the spindle provides strong resistance to the shaft, resembling a cable

speedometer, which does not stand up and twists.

In order to protect equipment from early wear and tear, manufacturers have provided the possibility of installing special knives on trimmers. If you replace the fishing line in the trimmer, the cable will be replaced in the trimmer. The design and shape of the existing cutting parts allows you to easily handle not only coarsened and overgrown grass, but also successfully fight with young bushes.

What knives to put on electric and lawn mowers

Before you take a knife and put it on a lawn mower, let’s find out what they are and in what cases they are used. Now manufacturers offer consumers a huge number of types of these consumables. In general, all cutting tools designed for cutting grass can be systematized:

  • By the type of material from which it is made;
  • According to the shape of its cutting blades.

The main material for the production of trimmer knives can be plastic or metal. How to wind fishing line on a reel, how to quickly replace fishing line on a trimmer, video how. The implementation of such consumable parts almost entirely depends on two characteristics:

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For safety reasons, manufacturers do not recommend using iron blades on electronic trimmers. In fact, all lawn mowers powered by an electronic network and a battery are equipped with plastic blades. Depending on the manufacturer, they can be of a solid disk-shaped design, with several blades, or in the form of a special mowing head that provides for the installation of removable plastic blades.

What types of fishing lines are there?

A common type of fishing line that is suitable for virtually all types of reels is round cord. This is an ordinary fishing line, suitable for mowing succulent grass, but it will be much more difficult to mow dead wood, and even more so it will not cope with bushes.

Typically, the diameter with which young grass can be mowed does not exceed 1.6 mm. The thicker the thread, the more coarse grass it can overcome.

There are fishing lines with sharpened edges in the form of an asterisk or a square; this option is more adapted to mowing dry grass due to the existing sharp edges, but its disadvantage is greater wear and is inferior in strength to round cord.

Replacing fishing line on a brush cutter.

How to wind the cutting cord on the reel of a brush cutter ( trimmer


A straight shaft for a gasoline trimmer and a curved one for an electric trimmer

Its design features do not allow placing a metal knife on an electric trimmer.

  1. The curved rod of the unit reduces the distance from its working part to the mower’s feet. If the blades collide with a stone or other hard object, the scythe is thrown towards the feet.
  2. The high torque that we mentioned above, in the event of a collision between a metal blade and a hard object, transfers a large load to the flexible shaft of the trimmer and its motor. How to replace fishing line on a stavr trimmer. What causes their premature failure.
  3. The handle of an electric scythe most often does not have a limiting bar that acts as a stop. This does not exclude leg injury.

It is these features that allow the use of exclusively plastic knives on trimmers with electric motors. Watch how to replace the fishing line on the etr300 trimmer video! . How to replace fishing line in a trimmer, how to wind fishing line on a reel. How to replace the coil in a trimmer. When colliding with an obstacle, the blades are destroyed, thereby protecting the mower’s legs from possible injury.

Plastic knives work well with overgrown and dry grass. They can mow down nettles and burdock stems.

The use of metal knives only on gasoline trimmers is also due to design features.

  1. The straight design of the boom increases the distance to the legs, which ensures complete safety for the mower.
  2. Comfortable U-shaped and J-shaped handles allow you to hold the tool firmly. The D-shaped handles of the lawn mowers are equipped with a limiter that rests against the leg of the mower, which does not allow the head to be allowed to approach the legs when the cutting disc encounters a solid obstacle.
  3. The clutch of a gasoline engine allows you to smoothly gain speed to the optimal level. And when the blade collides with a hard surface, it is able to absorb part of the impact.

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Thus, gasoline trimmers with a metal blade installed are best used

over large areas.
They will successfully cope not only with tall, coarse
grass, weeds, burdocks and nettles, but also shrubs and young trees.

The shape of the blades of the disk placed on the trimmer does not in any way affect the quality of the work performed. Speed ​​does not depend on them either. Triangular, trapezoidal, rectangular shapes are all a marketing ploy by manufacturers.

If you plan to make hay, it is best to use knives with a large number of blades on your brush cutter. Look for discs with eight teeth or discs with four large blades and four additional ones. How to repair a starter on a trimmer with your own hands. How to thread line into winding line on trimmer. How to replace line in champion trimmer. How to disassemble and reassemble the starter, wind the spring and replace the cord. Two and three bladed knives will chop up the grass greatly.

Basic parameters of trimmer line

Fishing lines can be classified according to the following parameters:

  • Thread thickness;
  • Section shape;
  • Composition of the fishing line.

Thread thickness

You can find out about it by reading the trimmer’s performance characteristics or by looking at the dimensions and inscriptions on the universal bobbin. Typically, trimmers use threads with a diameter of 1.2-4 mm. True, for each device you will have to select a fishing line of a certain diameter.

A thread for a trimmer that is thinner than required will not immediately damage the engine, although it will significantly increase its wear. If you use thicker filament than necessary, the rotational resistance will increase, the motor will work harder, overheat and, as a result, break down. True, a lot depends on the engine itself.

You can also find out the approximate diameter of the fishing line for the device by the type of engine. If the trimmer is powered by electricity or battery and its power is 1 kW, you will need a cutting thread with a diameter of 2 mm, and if its power is less than 500 W, use a fishing line no larger than 1.6 mm.

For a gasoline trimmer, the fishing line is chosen with a certain diameter - 2.4 - 3 mm. The choice of such a thick fishing line is related to the characteristics of gasoline units - they are more powerful and more productive than their electric counterparts. Thick fishing line can be used for a long time; in addition, it can easily overcome long-term dead wood.

Line composition

It is the composition that determines the service life of the fishing line. It is often made from nylon. It wears slowly and improves performance at high temperatures and heavy loads. The material retains its working properties for a long time; low temperatures do not affect it, nor does long-term operation.

Coaxial line for trimmers is considered one of the strongest. It has a dense core, and therefore wears out gradually. This line is difficult to cut with a knife and creates little noise during operation. Also now there is a fishing line that contains inclusions of aluminum.

Section shape

The most commonly chosen line for electric scythes is the one with a round cross-section. It is inexpensive and the most popular, it mows fresh grass well. Its main drawback is the noise level emitted, which can be heard while the trimmer is operating. The noise of the fishing line is close in intensity to the hum of the engine. For the best noise reduction, manufacturers suggest using a spiral-shaped fishing line.

Today they also produce square-section line for trimmers. Other shapes are quite common: rectangular and star-shaped. Fishing lines that have jagged edges and sharp edges are especially productive. Such edges cut the grass more evenly.

There are also options for fishing line with notches and dents. They can be used to mow large weeds. The noise level emitted by such a fishing line is low, and due to the increased aerodynamic properties, the trimmer is given additional power. Such a cutting element is installed on powerful trimmers that are planned to be used to carry out work in overgrown, neglected areas.

To work with this type of fishing line, special heads are installed on the brush cutter. The fishing line is wound around them. It copes with all types of grass (especially weeds) and shrubs. But its cost is quite high. The consumption of such fishing line is also high, since when it is fed from the reel, it may be difficult to remove it. It is usually used with discs into which it is inserted in small sections.

There is also a two-component twisted trimmer line. Its purpose is high-quality mowing of dead wood. It is distinguished by its round cross-section, tear resistance and increased strength. It comes with a core made from a different material. Twisted line is only suitable for gasoline trimmers. It can cope even with small bushes. Its main disadvantage is its high cost. For daily work, purchasing twisted fishing line is quite expensive.

How to properly place a knife on a trimmer

Putting the knife on the trimmer is not that difficult. The manufacturer equips its tools with a special pin that allows you to lock the gearbox and a key with which you can unscrew the spool with fishing line. The most important thing is to observe safety precautions and the sequence of assembly and disassembly when changing cutting elements.

The algorithm for installing the knife on the trimmer is as follows:

  1. Remove the protective cover;
  2. We block the drive. To do this, you need to align two holes - in the shaft hub and in the gearbox cup. After aligning them, insert a pin into the holes;
  3. Unscrew the spool with fishing line or the fastening nut holding the boot clockwise from the hub (if the trimmer has not yet been used);
  4. Next, install the cutting knife so that the slots on the hub washer coincide with the recesses in the hole of the cutting disc;
  5. Install the boot;
  6. Tighten the fastening nut (

It is quite difficult to mow reeds, thick dry grass and small bushes using a fishing line, especially the most common one - round in cross-section. For such cases, you will need a two-component cord consisting of different materials: a durable metal core, which is located inside a nylon fishing line. However, among all types of cords, this is the most expensive, and it is not often on sale, so it is not easy to find. But it is possible to make an analogue of such a working element of the trimmer with your own hands from quite accessible and inexpensive materials.

Sharpening trimmer discs correctly - what you need to know about it

During the operation of lawn mowers with cutting metal knives, their dullness is observed. This is normal, but you should not continue to use this attachment. Dull knives have low performance, so in addition to unsatisfactory mowing results, you will also get overheating of the tool motor and gearbox wear. If the trimmer's knives or cutting disc teeth become dull, they need to be sharpened. Some people prefer to buy new cutting wheels, which is not at all rational.

This is interesting! All types of cutting discs, including those with Pobedit tips, can be sharpened. To sharpen a pobedite-tipped wheel, you will need a special diamond wheel. What the process of sharpening a disk with pobedite soldering on the teeth is is described in detail in this material.

Step-by-step description of how to sharpen a trimmer disc:

  1. First you need to remove the cutting element from the tool. It is unsafe to sharpen a tool
  2. Inspect the element for professional suitability. The presence of cracks, chips and other deformations is unacceptable. If there are any, it is necessary to replace the device
  3. To sharpen a disc, tools and materials such as a sharpener, a file, and a grinder are used. Which is better to choose depends on the skill of the operator. The easiest and safest way is to use a file. To do this, the cutting equipment is attached to the jaws of the vice, and the sharpening process is carried out manually at an angle of 30 degrees.
  4. If you are using a sharpener (emery) or a grinder, then in this case you will need to sharpen it carefully. When sharpening, you must not allow the metal to turn red (the metal will be tempered), otherwise this will lead to rapid wear and abrasion of the cutting part
  5. The best option, which is recommended for beginners (it is also used by experienced craftsmen), is to use a file. Using a file, you can sharpen the cutting edge with the highest quality and precision at an angle, which will positively affect the performance of the tool.
  6. If you need to sharpen a milling disc with a large number of teeth, then for such cases it is recommended to use a grinder with a thin abrasive wheel

The video below explains how to properly sharpen milling discs with a large number of teeth.

After finishing the work on sharpening the trimmer's mowing disc, all that remains is to install it in place and check the effectiveness of the tool. After sharpening, keep in mind that it is better not to touch sharp parts, as you may get injured.

To summarize, it should be noted that the effectiveness of grass cutting depends on the correct choice of trimmer disc. A fishing line is used to mow grass on the sides of roads and paths, but to control weeds in the country, as well as to make hay in fields and forest plantations, gas cutters with metal discs are used. If your budget allows, it is recommended to buy 3 types of metal disks and try them on your own to feel the difference.

Will need

Everything you need for work can be found in the household or bought in a store, spending very little money:

  • a piece of two-millimeter steel cable (metal rope);
  • a washer with a splined central hole and a flat washer;
  • a cup-shaped sleeve with a central smooth hole;
  • nut with left-hand thread (included with the trimmer);
  • six nuts with rounded top edges;
  • two bolts;
  • standard solder.

The tools that we will need for the job also cannot be classified as rare and hard-to-find items:

  • bench vice;
  • core and hammer;
  • drill and hand file;
  • welding machine;
  • soldering iron and wire cutters;
  • socket wrench with side handle.

Making a cable cord holder

On the outer generatrix of the cup-shaped bushing on the back side, using a ruler and a marker, mark two marks on diameters perpendicular to each other. Then, focusing on the first four marks, we transfer them to the middle of the side surface of the cup-shaped bushing strictly vertically. We clamp the cup-shaped bushing in a bench vice and in the marked places, using a core and a hammer, mark the drilling points, which we do with a drill. You should get two opposite holes, located at perpendicular diameters. We clean the metal around all four holes, processing them one by one with a hand file. Above each of the four holes on the outside we install and weld a nut with a rounded top. We clamp two bolts in series in a vice and drill through holes with a diameter of slightly more than two millimeters directly under the heads. We screw the nuts onto them and place both bolts with the screwed nuts into the annular recess of the cup-shaped bushing with their heads inward, symmetrically between two holes opposite each other. The location of the bolts should be such that the nuts on them can be twisted and unscrewed freely from the head to the top of the holes drilled in them. After making sure once again that the bolts are laid correctly, we weld them to the bushing on both sides. We unwind a two-millimeter cable and pass it at one end through any of the side holes in the cup-shaped sleeve towards the bolt. We pass the hole in it with the rope and pull the end of the rope out through the hole in the sleeve on the other side of the bolt, helping ourselves with wire cutters. We set the required length of the elongated cord and, having measured the same size on the other side, cut the cord in the intended place with wire cutters. We do the same with the second “antennae”, and tighten the nuts on the bolts using an open-end wrench with a force sufficient to securely fix the “antennae” in a given position. Usually, tendrils at high operating speeds quickly become frayed, lose strength and begin to break under the influence of enormous centrifugal force. These impair the performance of the trimmer, but more dangerously, they can injure the legs of the operator or people nearby. Therefore, you should make a shell of solder using a soldering iron along the entire length of the “antennae” of the cable. Soft solder, which has significant plasticity, when in contact with the stems of grass and small bushes, absorbs most of the impact force and, thereby, protects the cable from destruction. So, the homemade working part of the trimmer is ready.

Installing a bushing with antennae-ropes on a trimmer

We remove the plastic spool of fishing line from the lawn mower and instead install a self-assembled working part of the trimmer based on a two-millimeter steel rope. We securely tighten it with a nut with a left-hand thread using a socket wrench with a side handle, locking the drive from the back with a screwdriver through a special hole. We make sure that none of the ends of the ropes touch the protective casing, which is one of the conditions for safe operation of this tool. To do this, we pull each “antennae” opposite the casing one by one with force by hand and note the presence of a quite noticeable gap between the ends of the antennae and the protective casing.

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