Choosing a wood burner - characteristics and review of popular devices

The current rating of burning equipment should start with the device Uzor-10K, which is average in price and capabilities. Among its differences are a shock-resistant plastic body, two heating modes for painting on wood and the main image, and shadows or gradient.

The burner tip heats up in just 1 minute, allowing you to start working almost immediately. And the simple switching of buttons and convenient design make the device suitable even for 6-year-old pyrographs. Another plus is good strength and long service life - on average, devices operate for at least 3 years.

A small disadvantage of the domestic device is the need to separately purchase a burning board and a minimum number of attachments. You will also have to turn off the device every 15 minutes - otherwise its handle may get too hot.

The cord is quite long, but does not spin easily, there is no holder, and the needle is relatively thick. However, the device still burns out well, without requiring strong pressure and cooling quickly after being turned off.

Pebaro Burning set 0261


A high-quality device from a well-known manufacturer, which is designed to create unique images. A distinctive feature of the equipment is the presence of 20 attachments, which allows you to create an original image. Burning is carried out smoothly and accurately, creating beautiful and unique lines.

Pebaro Burning set 0261


  • works well
  • Suitable for both professionals and amateurs
  • high-speed heating
  • 20 nozzles
  • reliability


  • bad stand

Universal burning device with t regulator, 220V/40W ZD-8905


An excellent option for professional and semi-professional use with a maximum power of 40 W and a temperature of 750 degrees. Operating modes are regulated using a special control unit. The heating time of the device is only 15 seconds.

Universal burning device with t regulator, 220V/40W ZD-8905


  • fast heating
  • convenient temperature adjustment
  • high power


  • need to buy additional attachments

Anyone can burn a beautiful design onto wood. This does not require many elements, just a pyrograph and desire. Happy shopping!

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Selection tips (recommendations)

To avoid mistakes when choosing, follow the following recommendations.

What to pay attention to

  • high-quality material of the device;
  • It’s better to take sets with additional accessories (protective caps, stand);
  • if you take it for a child or for a non-professional, then the design of the device should be understandable;
  • It is better for children to take sets with diagrams included in the set;
  • you can take sets for burning not only wood, but also fabric and plastic (universal models);
  • Check the operation of the device before purchasing.

It is impossible to say for sure which company is better to buy a burner; for some, the quality of the material is important, for others - the price or popularity of the models. Therefore, everyone chooses their “best burner” based on their goals and objectives.

Rating for professionals

For adults using the device at home, it is necessary to choose models with the lowest degree of smoke. The rating includes both new products and time-tested burners.

Burning set 0260 Pebaro

The products are German-made, the company has established itself on the Russian market as reliable. The kit includes 20 replaceable nozzles. Price: from 2000 rub.

Burning set 0260 Pebaro


  • 2 year warranty;
  • heats up quickly;
  • burns through plywood well;
  • good quality materials.


  • price;
  • when heated too much, the pen bends;
  • plastic stand.
Power30 W
EquipmentStand, replaceable attachments
Dimensions (packed)29x9x4
Weight226 g

Burning set 45225 STAYER

STAYER is a German company that has positively proven itself in the market. Heating time: 4 minutes. Price: from 700 rub.

Burning set 45225 STAYER


  • price;
  • good quality;
  • ease of use.


  • long heating;
  • Doesn't always burn through wood well.
Power30 W
EquipmentStand, replaceable attachments
Dimensions (packed)28x12x7
Weight210 gr

Burning machine with temperature control function ZD-8905 REXANT

The device is designed for working on wood, plastic, cork, and leather. Temperature range: 450-750 degrees. Heats up within 25 seconds. Has heating adjustment. Price: from 2,200 rub.

Burning machine with temperature control function ZD-8905 REXANT


  • quality materials;
  • ease of use;
  • multifunctionality.


  • price;
  • few additional stings;
  • buzzes when working.
Power40 W
Equipmentreplaceable tip
Dimensions (packed)214x79x178
Weight1.3 kg

Burning station 45228 STAYER

Products of German quality and reliability. The company has a positive reputation in the Russian market. 12 month warranty. Burner type: manual. Heating temperature: up to 750 degrees. Average price: 2300 rub.

Burning station 45228 STAYER


  • quality materials;
  • burns wood well;
  • switch on the body.


  • price;
  • few replaceable attachments;
  • At high temperatures the handle gets hot.
Power40 W
Equipmentset with nozzles
Cord length1 meter
Dimensions (packed)180x57x210 mm
Weight1.24 kg

Burning machine with Pebaro attachments (0280)

Made in Germany. It is used not only for wood burning, but also for soldering products. Heating temperature: from 50 to 500 degrees. Average price: 9,500 rub.

Burning machine with Pebaro attachments (0280)


  • multifunctionality;
  • temperature regime;
  • quality materials.


  • price;
  • dimensions.
Power24 W
Equipmentstand, station, soldering iron, replaceable pen
Dimensions19x27x7.5 cm
Weight1.3 kg

STAYER Burning device 45227


A reliable pyrograph with good equipment, designed for amateurs and professionals. The set includes 20 unique attachments made of durable material. Therefore, they do not deteriorate during prolonged use. The power is 30 W, which is the best option for a small home workshop. There is also a convenient plastic case for transportation.

STAYER Burning device 45227


  • famous brand
  • design
  • nice quality pen
  • good case
  • convenient stand
  • 20 nozzles


  • slow heating
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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