The principle of operation of the trimmer and how to use it correctly: refueling and first start-up

Walk-behind mowers are devices that make it easy to maintain lawns. The question of how to use a trimmer is asked by those buyers who are just planning to purchase a garden tool. The industry produces devices of different types, so when choosing, you need to pay attention to their characteristics.

Main characteristics

The power indicator varies quite significantly in different models - from 250 to 3500 W. Before you buy a trimmer with the highest values, based on the opinion “the more powerful, the better,” think about whether you need it? For example, if the device is needed only for cutting grass in a flower bed, then high power is unnecessary. A trimmer up to 500 W can handle such a simple task. On the other hand, do not blame the manufacturer and seller if a low-power tool cannot cope with dense grass or overheats from prolonged use. Only a medium and high power model - from 500 to 1500 W - can cope with such tasks. Devices with the highest watts - from 1500 to 3500 - are useful for professional grass cutting, as well as for owners of large, diverse areas where there is grass with thick stems, bushes, and small branches.

The engine location can be top or bottom. Everything is simple here.

The lower motor is located near the ground and often forms a single unit with the cutting head. This trimmer is easier to hold in your hands, it is lighter and is perfect for women and pensioners. It is believed that a device with a lower engine is more maneuverable, which means it will mow down unnecessary grass in the most difficult to reach places. But there are also disadvantages. They should not work after rain or morning dew.

A trimmer with a top-mounted engine is more productive and durable. They can work in any weather. Yes, this tool is not so comfortable, but if you get used to it, which is helped by various belts and handles, then mowing will become easier.

A shaft is installed inside the rod: a straight (rigid) shaft or a flexible shaft (cable). You can feel the difference between a flexible shaft and a steel shaft when you start cutting dense grass or bushes. In this case, the braking load on the gearbox increases, at which the cable collapses, and the rigid straight shaft continues to work.

If you decide to use a metal knife, then the gearbox experiences greater load than when working with fishing line. This is why flexible shaft trimmers are mostly equipped with only a line or a special set of blades. Tools with a straight shaft can be equipped with any cutting elements.

But before you start mowing, it is better to check the area, since an encounter with a stone can end badly even for a device with a rigid shaft.

We carry out correct mowing in both cases

The device must move correctly in front of you and strictly from right to left, because the grass you mow will definitely fall onto the previously mowed area, which will give you the opportunity to initially mow the tops of the grass. Then you perform a reverse movement, due to which you will remove all remaining grass shoots.

  • When working with large areas of lawn, it is best to divide the work into several stages, visually dividing the area into squares. In the process of mowing the grass, you should move along the outside, which will make it possible not to trample the grass once again, without complicating the mowing procedure. To make it easier to work, it is best to move from below, walking parallel to the already processed area, and then return back.

With this approach, you can easily use a trimmer with a fishing line in the process of mowing the grass around the trees planted on the site, carefully avoiding them and without loading the device. If you mow your grass the way we recommend above, you can reduce the likelihood of grass flying all over the place, making it faster and easier to mow.

Engine starting system

The engines of most gasoline trimmers are started manually: by sharply pulling the cable (starter cord), you thereby spin the drum, which in turn drives the engine crankshaft.

Some modern trimmer models are equipped with a Flash Starter easy-start system. By pulling the cable, you cock a special spring in several stages, which, having accumulated energy, transfers it to the crankshaft, which will be the impetus for starting the engine. With the Flash Starter system, the engine starts easier, because the spring gives a higher spin-up speed than can be done by hand. The operator now requires less physical effort, because he no longer needs to make sharp jerks on the cord; the cable can be pulled quite slowly and smoothly.

How to easily start a gas trimmer, watch the video:

To make it easier to start the engine, the power unit of the tool usually has a special button, several presses of which before starting will ensure that the required amount of fuel is supplied to the carburetor.

How to choose a garden trimmer (2019)

With the arrival of spring, many homestead owners are already beginning to think about future weed removal and lawn mowing. The appearance of a trimmer on the market has made caring for the area much easier. For those who are preparing to purchase this device for the first time, it is advisable to study its main technical characteristics so as not to make a mistake in their choice.

A trimmer is a tool for cutting grass, actually a motorized scythe with a gasoline or electric drive. It differs from a conventional hand tool not only in the obvious efficiency of the process, but also in its maneuverability - with a trimmer you can carefully remove excess vegetation in hard-to-reach places.

The device itself has a simple design, and most models, regardless of the power source, are similar in this sense.

The engine transmits torque to the cutting head, on which knives or fishing line are installed, as well as protective devices - a casing or bracket. For comfortable operation, the device has a human-sized rod.

Manufacturers of petrol trimmers

Any garden equipment store today will offer you dozens of models of trimmers from different manufacturers. Stihl, Makita, Husqvarna, Hitachi, Oleo Mac, Caiman, Stiga, Huter, ECHO, Carver... Which brand of trimmer should you prefer? Which brush cutter with the name on the nameplate should you choose for landscaping your garden plot or for carrying out large-scale professional work? We will not engage in advertising of individual brands, but we will give some recommendations that will help you choose a truly reliable tool from the available variety.

1. Today on the market you can find many “no name” trimmers, usually made in China. They are, of course, very attractive for their price, but you shouldn’t rely on the reliability of such equipment. As practice shows, such a tool quickly becomes unusable, not even recouping its low cost. Of course, there is no talk of any guarantees or service in this case.

2. A big advantage when choosing a particular brand of trimmer will be the presence of an official representative office of this brand in your region. This will ensure that if your brushcutter does break down, you will receive prompt technical support. You can easily find spare parts for your product, and at prices that are not inflated by numerous resellers.

Important How to make a snowmobile with your own hands from a chainsaw using scrap materials: consider in order

3. Regardless of the choice made, you should purchase the tool only in specialized stores.

Be sure to read the terms of the warranty and make sure that the seller notes the date of sale on the warranty card.

Mowing tall grass using a fishing line

For thick stems of grass (weeds), use a more powerful trimmer with thick fishing line. However, in areas where large weeds grow, the soil is often uneven. If it catches on clods of earth, the trimmer motor will brake sharply. If you abuse this, you can easily damage the engine. By mowing the top tier, you will see where the grass reaches its greatest length - in the deeper areas. By focusing on such “height differences”, you will even out the “mowing” of the lawn, bringing its appearance closer to ideal.

Mown grass is suitable both for hay and for fertilizing the lawn. At the same time, it is easier to plan the course of grass mowing, and the process will go faster.

Tips for mowing tall grass are as follows.

  • The engine must not be overloaded.
  • If the line gets tangled on uneven ground or in tall grass, turn off the engine immediately.
  • When using gasoline or diesel as an energy source, you cannot mow wet grass.
  • You need to move the trimmer straight ahead and to the left, because the mown grass falls onto the previously processed sector. Thus, the upper tier of the grass stand is cut off. The underlying layers are mowed down when you have already gone in the opposite direction.
  • If the area being processed is very large, mow one conditional zone after another into which you divided the territory before work.
  • Move along the outside so as not to trample the mown grass, thereby making your result inconspicuous.
  • The mowing lines must be parallel to each other. This will make it easy to bypass the trees found on the site, while overloading the motor is excluded.

If you follow these recommendations, the grass will not scatter to the sides during work, and the process itself will be simplified and speeded up significantly.

For information on how to properly mow grass with a trimmer, see below.

Operation in wet weather

Electric mowers cannot be used in the rain, as there may be a short circuit. When the precipitation stops, you need to wait for the grass to dry.

How to mow tall tangled grass with a fishing line, 2 ways

Not all gasoline mowers are protected from moisture, so some manufacturers prohibit the use of mowers in the rain.

Why do they mow the grass?

Weed grass has good adaptability to any growing conditions and grows everywhere. If weeds are not destroyed, then in a couple of years they will turn any area into a wild field. Weeds reproduce not only by seeds, but also by rhizomes. Thus, removing some types of vegetation will require a lot of time.

Growing weeds quickly take over the usable area of ​​the site and intensively use nutrients and moisture from the soil. It is impossible to destroy uninvited flora that grows next to useful plants using chemicals.

This will lead to the death of all vegetation. It is for these reasons that it is necessary to mow the grass. To use your time rationally, you need to choose the right mowing tool:

  • you need to mow with a lawnmower on a flat, large area - a lawn or a recreation area;
  • The trimmer is convenient to work in any area if the grass height is from 5 to 10 cm.
  • A scythe is used to cut long grass or vegetation in an uneven area.

How to mow fallen, thick, tall grass for hay?

When choosing a tool, you must remember that the older the scythe, the better the metal used to make it. Modern braids are significantly inferior in quality to Soviet ones. The size of the tool is indicated by a number from 3 to 9. The number determines the length of the blade: the higher the number, the longer the braid.

Rules for haircuts

Lawn mowing is carried out in order to prolong the growth and development of grasses and prevent their flowering, to increase the root system of the grass cover and increase the density of green mass. To achieve positive results, it is necessary to carry out the haircut process correctly. This will increase the life of the lawn and its decorative value. Periodic mowing also helps control weeds.

Did you know? The word lawn is of French origin. In England, lawns are widely used due to the suitable climate - regular rains and not harsh winters.

There are a number of rules that should be followed when cutting:

  1. The most favorable time for cutting is a warm evening the day after watering. It is not recommended to mow the lawn immediately after rain or watering. Such actions can lead to the formation of furrows in the soil. Mowing on a hot day can also have a negative impact on your lawn. Additional stress can negatively affect green growth.
  2. The cutting process must have a certain order. First, two opposite sides are mowed in one pass. Next, a gradual cutting is carried out in a perpendicular direction, starting from the edge. To ensure an even cutting, you should grab a small part of the beveled strip with each pass.
  3. To ensure uniformity of the green carpet, the cutting direction should be changed by 90° with each subsequent treatment.
  4. You cannot cut more than 30% of the plant’s height at one time. Cutting too much can kill the plants.
  5. After mowing, the lawn is watered and fed. This will help get the plants out of a stressful situation faster.
  6. Do not leave the grass height less than 3 cm. Such actions can destroy the plants, especially during the dry period.
  7. After the procedure, you should remove the grass using a rake. Vegetable trimmings can be thrown into the compost heap.
  8. Haircuts should be carried out from May to mid-October. In late autumn this procedure is dangerous. If the shoots do not have time to grow before frost, such plants may die.
  9. Cutlery knives must be sharp. Otherwise, the tips of the plants may turn brown and yellow.
  10. Regular mowing prevents the grass from becoming coarse. The frequency of mowing depends on the growth rate and is at least 4–7 days.

How to mow grass correctly: technique

Good mowing is ensured by high-quality working tools and their preparation for work.

Instructions for preparing for mowing:

Is it better to mow grass with a fishing line or a disc? Test drive, results!

  • The tool must be sharp and not become dull while you mow. Sharpen it on an abrasive wheel. The width of the circle is 1.5-2 cm; the blade is moistened during sharpening to keep it wet. The lower part is sharpened.
  • Breaking is done using a special hammer. The purpose of beating is to prevent the blade from quickly dulling when mowing.
  • Both planes of the braid are sharpened with a whetstone. If you do not have experience sharpening such a tool, then it is advisable to find a professional.
  • starting position of the mower: take the tool; during work, the torso will bend slightly, following the movement of the hands; the supporting leg is slightly in front; the body is slightly turned to the left.
  • the mower's swing will consist of two parts: first the tool goes in one direction, then in the other.
  • the strokes are not wide; the hands move like pendulums - from right to left and then a second swing from right to left.
  • the swings are smooth - there should be no tension in your hands, otherwise you will quickly get tired.
  • To make mowing convenient, the handle should be located at waist level.
  • When a mower mows, the heel of the scythe rakes up the mown plants and places them on the side of the mower. It turns out to be a grass swath.

The mow should be straight and its width should not change. how to mow grass with a hand scythe

Where and when do they cut the grass?

The grass must be mowed as it grows. Intensive growth of vegetation occurs in late April - May, especially intensifying after rains.

Mown grass must be immediately removed from the site, since unharvested parts of plants can grow on wet soil. Then you can mow once every 2-3 weeks, depending on the growth of vegetation. If you do not start growth, you can mow down small shoots with a trimmer as they appear.

In hot weather, plant growth slows down and you need to mow less often. In hot weather, you should not mow the lawn too low - the grass will start to burn out.

The last mowing of lawns occurs in October.

How to properly mow grass with a hand scythe

There are several situations in which a scythe can be optimally useful in a dacha or suburban area:

  • the rains passed and the grass began to grow greatly;
  • there is too much grass for the trimmer, but there is no lawn mower;
  • you need to mow the grass in a place that is inconvenient for a lawn mower (uneven soil, near bushes or trees).

If the grass is too tall - more than 15 cm, then the trimmer will scatter it in the form of small debris throughout the area. In order to remove mowed vegetation quickly and without unnecessary debris, it is advisable to use a hand scythe. How to use it will be discussed in this article.

How to sharpen a braid with a whetstone

Sharpening a braid with a whetstone can be difficult for a beginner. Here, as in any other matter, there are instructions:

  • Place the scythe on the ground, with the blade and block in your hands;
  • the tool in this position has two planes: upper and lower;
  • the upper one is sharpened with a sliding movement along the blade away from you to the side;
  • the lower plane is sharpened by moving the block with force upward in the direction away from you and forward.

Beam for sharpening scythe


It is convenient to trim flower beds, lawns and paths along the edges with an electric trimmer with a bottom motor, since its cutting plane can be placed vertically. For an even greater effect, it is useful to dig a groove about 4x4 cm along the cutting line. Then the line will cut the grass below ground level without touching its surface. The result is a very clean, blemish-free vertical haircut.

The man who mows the grass

The mower places his feet so that a comfortable support is formed when moving (the distance between the heels is approximately 35 cm) and brings the supporting leg forward.

  • The swing consists of two techniques: the instrument moves to the right, then returns to the left. The blade cuts the plants. Try to capture no more than 15 cm of grass.
  • After 1-2 swings, take a step forward with your left foot.
  • Again, 2 swings and step forward with your right foot.
  • Don't slouch, as your back muscles will get tired and you won't be able to work for long.
  • Watch your breathing technique. Don't rush, just try to perform the movements correctly.

Now that you know how to mow and how to sharpen a scythe, remember that this is a traumatic tool and must be handled with care, especially if there are other people near you. Also, do not be distracted while mowing, so as not to injure your slanted legs.

Preparing the trimmer for work

Depending on what kind of trimmer you have, you still need to prepare it before starting work. If the trimmer is electric, we need to charge it, or plug it into a 220 Volt network and start working. If you use a gasoline-powered grass trimmer, fill the tank. Depending on the design, prepare and check the cutting element. It would be a good idea to check the safety of the trimmer. When working with the device, it must be hung on the body and held correctly by the handles. Use safety glasses or a special mesh (protective) helmet when mowing.

Any owner of a suburban home, or summer cottage, knows that in the summer and spring it is necessary to constantly care for the lawn, otherwise it will lose its attractive appearance. That’s why some dacha owners are wondering how to properly mow the grass with a string trimmer. And before you start learning how to mow, you need to choose the right tool for the area and only later use it correctly on the lawn.

  • Controlling a trimmer, as many might think, is not an easy task, and nothing special (there is nothing complicated in a personal computer) if you correctly follow safety measures and know how to properly operate it, if you use garden tools, the cutter of which is an iron disc.

Mowing with a line mower is much safer than mowing with a trimmer equipped with a cord, but not every time it is normal and profitable. The main cutting element (mechanism) must be selected based on the garden plot and the height of the weed.

  • Previously, we looked at how to mow with a lawnmower with a line in automatic or automatic mode and manually. In automatic mode, the main cutting element (line) is ejected after each start of the device’s motor. That this is beneficial, but on the other hand, it is not entirely economical, for example, your garden plot is of an unusual shape - there are uneven corners, notches, and with each subsequent transition to different places, you need to turn off the device and then turn it on again. It is advisable under such circumstances to use the 2nd, automatic option. This is when the line is fed into the trimmer by pressing a special button located at the very bottom of the drum (in the area cutting the grass). It's fairly easy to press the tip onto the ground and the line will eject.

Principle of operation

If we consider the principle of operation of the trimmer, then it is similar to a manual scythe. The difference is that it is equipped with a motor, with its help the cutting element is rotated.

Manufacturing companies produce the following models of mowers:

  1. On which a gasoline engine is installed. These garden tools have a fuel tank, this is their distinctive feature.
  2. Devices with an electric motor. These tools are lighter because they do not have a fuel tank. But when choosing such models, you need to take into account that they require a power source to operate.

All electric scythes can be divided into those that run on batteries and models that are connected to the electrical network. Each type has its own characteristics, but they affect the power supply. If you do not take it into account, the remaining parts of the design are similar for different devices.

If you take any trimmer model, it consists of the following elements:

  • motor;
  • fuel tank (electric lawn mowers do not have one);
  • levers that control the mower;
  • knife for cutting grass;
  • barbell;
  • a spool with a wound line used to cut grass;
  • protective casing;
  • bevel gearbox.

The engine is placed near the mowing head and can be installed from below or from above. Only those models that have a straight rod have a gearbox. If it is curved, then the main bearing becomes the connecting element. It consists of 2 bushings.

A fishing line is used as a cutting device. It can be easily replaced with steel knives and discs; they can be made of plastic or metal.

The choice of cutting element depends on how hard the grass will have to be cut. Most often, fishing line is used in the work; it is called cord. There are products of different shapes on sale; spiral and round ones are in demand among buyers.

The fishing line is wound onto a reel, it is inserted into the bobbin, while the 2 ends of the wire remain free. When the mower engine starts running, the bobbin rotates and the grass is cut with the free ends of the line.

Harvesting hay with a trimmer.

What is the duration of the project, what kind of trimmer do you have, it needs to be prepared in any case before starting work. If the trimmer is electronic, we need to charge it, or plug it into a 220 Volt network and then start working. If you use a gasoline-powered grass trimmer, fill the tank. Based on the design, prepare and check the cutting element. It will be useful to check the safety of the trimmer. When working with the device, it must be hung on the body and held correctly by the handles. When mowing, use safety glasses or a special mesh (protective) helmet.

Lawn mowing is the main way to give your grass area a well-groomed appearance. Not wanting to mow by hand with a regular scythe, the modern owner purchases a mechanical scythe or trimmer. If the choice fell on a trimmer machine, the question arises of how to carefully mow the grass with it so as not to damage trees and shrubs (if any).

Some tips for mowing tall grass:

  • During the bevel process, try not to overload the mechanism.
  • If tall grass gets tangled in the fishing line, immediately turn off the mechanism so that the motor does not burn out.
  • If your trimmer runs on gasoline, cutting wet grass is strictly prohibited.

What is a backpack

You must understand this. The average weight of a worn-out hand is 6-9 kg. And this device must always be in the limb. To distribute the load evenly, the backpack's strap appears to surround the body on all sides. The main load falls on the shoulders and back, so its upper part is complemented by wide foam inserts and fabric straps. The straps are then lowered along the body and connected at the chest or abdomen using a quick-release clamp. And so that when loading the belt does not fit into the body, a wide and durable lining is provided. A plastic leg protector is attached to the belt. Has a carabiner for attaching to a trimmer and a spring pad. The easy-release mount and brushcutter mount provide a quick-release latch located on the top.

READ Electric trimmer does not gain speed

The note! Different models of belts may differ in the design of locks, carabiners, and the presence or absence of additional linings and latches. However, the design and principle of operation are the same for them.

Preparing the electric trimmer

If it is raining or has just stopped, you may get an electric shock when cutting wet grass. Before turning it on for the first time, make sure that you have assembled the device correctly - some models are delivered unassembled. Precise assembly will protect you from injury, and the unit itself will protect you from failures and sudden breakdown. Instructions for assembling the trimmer are described in the user manual.

When using an electric trimmer, charge the battery (if the device provides autonomous operation). Lubricate the mechanical gearbox with lithol or grease. If there is no battery in the device circuit, plug the plug into the outlet and start working.

How to properly mow grass with a trimmer

Any owner of a country house or summer cottage knows that in summer and spring it is necessary to constantly care for the lawn, otherwise it will lose its appearance and attractive appearance. Therefore, many dacha owners wonder how to properly mow the grass with a trimmer and fishing line. And before you start learning how to mow, you need to choose the right tool for the area and only then use it correctly on the lawn.

  • Operating a trimmer, as it may seem to many, is not a simple task, but there is nothing special (it is not complicated) if you correctly follow safety measures and know how to operate it correctly, rather than a garden tool whose cutter is a metal
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