6.1. After a year of using calibration stamps or upon termination of production of measuring instruments subject to stamping, calibration stamps are subject to cancellation (destroying the drawings on them).

6.2. To cancel calibration stamps, a commission headed by a chairman is appointed by order for a legal entity. Based on the results of cancellation, the commission draws up a report.

6.3. Accrediting bodies monitor compliance with the requirements of this document by metrological services of legal entities accredited to carry out calibration work.



All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service of the State Standard of Russia. (VNIIMS Gosstandart of Russia)


Main Directorate of Technical Policy in the Field of Metrology and Main Directorate of Regional Policy and State Supervision


By Order of the State Standard of Russia dated November 26, 2001 No. 477


Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 6, 2002 under No. 3221


PR 50.2.007-94


State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements

1.1 This document establishes the form and procedure for applying verification marks.

2.1 Verification marks are a sign applied to the measuring instrument, additional devices and (or) technical documentation and certifying that the verification of the measuring instrument was carried out with satisfactory results, as well as to protect, if necessary, the measuring instruments from any unauthorized access, including adjustment ( adjustment devices.

If it is necessary to cancel an existing verification mark, special verification marks are used.

2.2 Methods for applying verification marks can be as follows:

- pressure on the filling or special mastic,

— other methods (sandblasting, burning, etc.).

2.3 The verification mark must have a clear pattern that is maintained throughout the entire verification interval in relation to the conditions in which a particular measuring instrument is operated.

3.1 Verification marks must contain the following information:

— conditional code of the body of the State Medical Migration Service, State Scientific and Technical Center or the metrological service of a legal entity;

— the last two digits of the year of application of the verification mark;

- individual sign of the trustee.

3.1.1 If necessary, additional information can be placed in the stamp field, for example, the quarter or month of the year in which the measuring instrument was verified. In this case, the image of the sign applied using the stamp must remain clear.

3.1.2 For the convenience of automating the identification of measuring instruments, as well as accumulating information about the results of verifications, the verification mark may contain barcodes, if the method of its application allows this.

3.1.3 In order to increase protection against falsification, verification marks in the form of stickers can be equipped with a holographic image. The drawing of the applied image is approved by the State Standard of Russia.

3.1.4 In cases where the verification mark is used in conjunction with an automated information system that ensures an unambiguous correspondence between the listed information details and each applied verification mark, only an identification mark (for example, series, number, etc.) is allowed to be applied to the mark.

3.2 Brands designed to prevent unauthorized access to the units for adjusting the readings of the measuring instrument and automatic branding may not contain the individual sign of the verifier.

The installation locations of seals bearing verification marks and their number are determined in each specific case when approving the type of measuring instruments.

3.3 Extinguishing stamps contain a cross-shaped pattern indicating the termination of the verification stamp applied to measuring instruments and (or) technical documentation or verification certificate.

If the stamp is canceled by applying a corresponding sticker, it must be red.

3.4 When applying a verification mark in the form of a rubber stamp imprint, the following forms are established:

b) for metrological services of legal entities:

for measuring instruments released from production, rectangular; for measuring instruments in operation and after repair, square.

Examples of drawings of verification marks are given in Appendix A.

The assignment of conditional codes to metrological services of legal entities that use verification marks is carried out in the process of their accreditation for the right to verify measuring instruments.

3.6 The individual sign of the verifier is designated by one of the letters taken from the Russian, Latin and Greek alphabets.

3.8 The production of means for applying verification stamps for the bodies of State Migration Service, State Scientific and Technical Center and metrological services of legal entities is carried out in a centralized manner at enterprises determined based on the results of the competition by the State Standard of Russia.

3.9 The sizes of verification stamps are selected depending on the sizes of the devices used for stamping measuring instruments.

Recommended range of sizes of verification marks: 4; 6; 8; 10; 18 and 24 mm.

Rectangular and square verification marks have a width equal to the indicated diameters, and the ratio of length and width of rectangular marks is recommended to be 1.5:1.

4.1 Verification stamps confirming or canceling verification results are used by employees of the State Migration Service, State Scientific and Technical Center or the metrological service of a legal entity accredited for the right of verification, certified as verifiers in the manner established by the State Standard of Russia.

4.2 Verification marks are applied to measuring instruments and (or) technical documentation or certificates in accordance with the requirements stipulated by regulatory documents for the verification of measuring instruments, if the verification results are positive. The verifier applies the mark in such a way that it is located in the proper place and is clearly and easily legible.

4.3 Each verifier is assigned personal verification marks that have an individual sign of the verifier. Transfer of such marks to other persons is prohibited.

4.4 Storage and recording of verification stamps in the bodies of the State Migration Service, State Scientific and Medical Center and metrological services of legal entities that use verification stamps is entrusted to the responsible employee appointed by the head of the legal entity.

Stamps are issued to verifiers and accepted from them with a mandatory note in the journal (Appendix B).

4.5 From verification stamps that have an individual sign of the verifier, one print is taken (one copy of stickers is left). Prints (or corresponding copies) must be stored for the duration of the trust mark applied to measuring instruments and (or) technical documentation.

4.6 Responsibility for improper performance of verification work and non-compliance with the requirements of relevant regulatory documents lies with the relevant body of the State Metrological Service or the legal entity whose metrological service performed verification work (Law of the Russian Federation of April 27, 1993 No. 4871-1 “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” ( Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 23, Article 811).

5.1 When the measuring instrument gives incorrect readings or the verification interval is expired, the state inspector cancels the verification mark or cancels the verification certificate.

Verification marks made in the form of stickers are destroyed.

5.2 Cancellation is formalized by an act of any form. A copy of the act is sent to the State Migration Service at the location of the legal entity and to VNIIMS .

APPENDIX B (recommended) Form of the log of issuance and receipt of verification stamps

Logging start date__________________________________________________________

Journal end date______________________________________________________________

(name of the organization performing the verification)

Responsible for storing stamps________________________________________________

Date, month and year of issue

Last name and initials of the verifier who received the stamps

Total stamps received (if the stamps have individual numbers, please indicate them)

Verifier's receipt for receipt of stamps

Date, month and year of return

Type of marks and individual numbers,

if available

Receipt of the person responsible for storage in receipt of stamps


verification, verification stamps


4.1. Only persons certified as calibrators can use calibration marks.

4.2. Imprints of calibration marks are applied to measuring instruments, operational documents (passports, certificates) in accordance with the requirements stipulated by regulatory documents on the calibration of measuring instruments.

4.3. Imprints of calibration marks are applied to those measuring instruments whose calibration results meet the requirements of the customer (the metrological service of the legal entity using these measuring instruments).

4.4. Each calibrator is assigned personal calibration marks with an individual calibrator sign. Transfer of such marks to other persons is prohibited.


3.1. A list of calibration marks by type of measurement is developed by the Scientific and Methodological Center of the RSK (VNIIMS) based on proposals from accrediting bodies and metrological services of legal entities that use calibration marks.

3.2. Drawings for calibration marks are developed by VNIIMS.

3.3. Registration and assignment of codes to accrediting bodies and metrological services of legal entities using calibration marks is carried out by VNIIMS upon their requests.

3.4. Accrediting bodies and metrological services of legal entities carry out the production (purchase) of calibration marks independently.


5.1. Storage and recording of calibration marks in accredited metrological services of legal entities that use calibration marks is the responsibility of a responsible person appointed by management.

5.2. The calibrator is responsible for the safety and suitability of the marks, as well as for the clarity of the prints applied to the measuring instruments and/or operational documentation.

5.3. Calibration stamps that have an individual sign of the calibrator are given one print at a time. The imprints must be stored for the duration of the validity period of the imprint of the calibration mark placed on the measuring instruments and/or operational documentation.

5.4. Legal entities and individuals guilty of violating the requirements of this document are liable in accordance with the rules established in the Russian calibration system.

Verification and calibration

Verification marks are used by the bodies of the State Metrological Service, State Scientific Metrological Centers of Rosstandart of Russia, as well as metrological services of legal entities accredited for the right to verify measuring instruments.

The form and procedure for applying verification marks are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2015 N 1815 “On approval of the procedure for verification of measuring instruments, requirements for the verification mark and the content of the verification certificate.”

Methods and order of application

The surface of the measuring instrument intended for placing verification marks is determined in accordance with the description of the type of this measuring instrument. Depending on the design of the measuring instrument, its operating conditions and taking into account the preservation of the image during the verification interval, the rules provide for the following methods of applying the verification mark:

The application of the verification mark is carried out by verification work performers acting within the framework of their legislative powers, namely:

Contents of the verification mark

In accordance with the established rules, the verification mark must contain the following information:

In addition, methods for verifying some measuring instruments may provide for the placement in the field of the sign of additional information about the timing of its application, depending on the duration of the MPI:

For verification marks in the form of stickers, the rules establish the following content:

Note: a barcode allows you to automate accounting and statistical operations for specific SI, and therefore it is recommended to use it always, if technically possible. The numbering of signs containing barcodes is the responsibility of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

The code of the organization (person) performing verification work is an alphabetic code consisting of capital letters of the Russian alphabet:

The individual sign of a particular verifier is a lowercase letter of the Russian, Latin or Greek alphabet. If it is impossible to assign an individual mark to each verifier in the specified way, the rules allow the following methods:

Shape and dimensions of verification marks

The legislation provides for the following forms and sizes of verification marks:

Verification marks in the form of stickers are made opaque, self-adhesive, in the form of a rectangle with sides 10x50 mm, with a thickness of no more than 0.05 mm.

The size of the mark is selected based on the availability of specific devices, the size of the SI surface intended for it, the method of application, as well as the conditions for readability and preservation of the image during the MPI.

Forms of verification marks (rubber version):

CSM verification stampGMC verification stampMSUL certification stampVerification stamp MSUL, upon release of SI from production

Imprints of verification marks of various designs:

Brand nameSize, mmPrint sample
1Steel impact and dies6, 8, 12

2Brass stencil steel impact3.0, 3.5
3Rubber, steel for pressure gauges and meters8, 12, 18

4Steel percussion6
5Verification mark in the form of a sticker10-15x45-50

Procedure for storing verification stamps

A specially appointed person from among the employees of the state metrological organization, legal entity or individual entrepreneur who verifies measuring instruments in the manner prescribed by law is responsible for the storage, recording and issuance of verification stamps.

Information regarding the issuance and receipt of verification marks by persons directly performing verification work is reflected in a special journal of the established form. The form of the journal is given in Appendix 4 to the Procedure for verification of measuring instruments, requirements for the verification mark and the contents of the verification certificate, approved by Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated July 2, 2015 N 1815.

Verification marks are assigned to specific verifiers, without the right to transfer them.

An imprint is made from each stamp, and when using stickers, a special copy is allocated for storage for 2 MPI from the moment of application to the SI and/or verification certificate.

Upon expiration of the terms of use of the brand, or for other reasons that do not allow its further use, the brand is destroyed, which is certified by an act of the established form.


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