7 reasons why electric motor brushes spark

All about battery-powered screwdrivers: pros and cons

The main difference between a cordless screwdriver and a corded model is the absence of a cord. Autonomous operation and independence from a power outlet are the main advantages of a tool with a battery inside .

  • Mobility. The tool and charging battery are located in one housing; no additional elements are needed for operation. It is enough to take the device in your hand, and it is ready to work. Can be moved to any place.
  • Compactness. As a rule, household self-contained screwdrivers are small in size. This makes the device especially convenient in hard-to-reach places.
  • Versatility. The technique replaces a screwdriver and a drill.

In practice, a cordless tool is indispensable on sites without electricity, when it is necessary to frequently move or rise to heights. The device can be used outdoors or indoors.

The only negative here is the need to periodically charge the battery. Manufacturers are trying in every possible way to solve this problem, for example, offering 2 batteries with the tool. While one is in the working process, the second is restoring energy.

Focus on the manufacturer

The hackneyed truth is that the brand is beyond competition. Yes, branded tools are more expensive, but they have a quality guarantee and service centers for repairs, and the screwdrivers themselves are made of durable components.

Good screwdrivers with removable batteries are also offered by Varo Kreator, Sparky, Dnipro-M and others.

Rotation frequency

To choose the ideal device for specific purposes, you should pay attention to the number of revolutions. The manufacturer calls this parameter speed or rotation frequency. It is regulated by pressing the “trigger” - the harder you press, the greater the speed. In addition, the frequency shows whether the tool can screw a screw into a dense material and what approximately the diameter of the hole will be if the screwdriver replaces the drill.

If the buyer is sure that the device will only be used for tightening screws and bolts, an indicator of 500 rpm is more than enough. Screwdrivers that act as drills operate at 1200 rpm.

A nuance: there are models on the market with 1, 2 and 3 speeds, where one is used for self-tapping screws, the second is for drilling small holes, and the third is for working with metal or other durable raw materials.

Voltage and other parameters

For the average screwdriver buyer, it is enough to know:

  • for household appliances, the voltage fluctuates between 10-14 V;
  • for professional ones, the indicator should be higher - from 18 V. Some tools boast a level of 36 V.

The next characteristic is power. The parameter tells the user about the speed of the device. It is logical that the higher the power, the faster the screw will be tightened. But you shouldn’t overdo it; for household purposes and continuous DIY repairs, a model with a power of 500-700 W is quite sufficient.

In order not to send the device for charging every half hour of operation, you should pay close attention to the battery. Modern screwdrivers use:

  • Lithium-ion batteries are not subject to self-discharge and are the most common. They can be charged up to 3000 times, at any stage and discharge level.
  • Nickel-cadmium - are not afraid of the cold, work productively at sub-zero temperatures. However, there is a small drawback - self-discharge. Such a battery should be stored with 0% charge in order to preserve its capacity as much as possible.
  • Nickel-metal hybrid batteries are environmentally friendly batteries that are equipped with some European brand tools. These batteries are compact and lightweight, but are susceptible to frost.

When comparing battery characteristics, it is also worth looking at the capacity. The autonomy of the device and the number of possible recharges depend on it. Over time, the capacity decreases; Honor also needs this.

BOSCH screwdriver sparks and stinks

BOSCH is an excellent manufacturer, our screwdriver served us faithfully for a long time, but it has become a little dull after 5 years.

Over the past year, it began to spark when stopped, and in recent days it has smelled terribly of burning. I decided not to rape him, so as not to kill him completely.

12V screwdriver with NiMH batteries, which don’t last long and require replacement, but more on that later.

Screwdriver model – 3603J55500:

We disassemble the tool to see the reason, although it is already clear - something with the brushes or contact pads, because... it sparks right there.

The screwdriver is very easy to disassemble, it cannot be compared with Chinese models, we unscrew the hexagon screws, they can also be unscrewed using a flat screwdriver:

Remove the plastic handle-cover:

We take out the motor, simply pull it out of the gearbox, its numbers are 1 607 022 529, LS-550PX-62852, 110422/B:

The motor cover is rolled on 4 sides, flared:

We remove the cover and see the plastic case that holds the brushes:

We remove two textolite washers and take out the brush assembly:

The brushes still work and the pressure is good:

But the contact group of the anchor leaves much to be desired:

The gear is pressed in, so it will probably not be possible to remove the anchor:

We take 800 sandpaper, finer if possible, and clean the contact pad:

The fewer marks and craters, the better the contact and the less spark.

We reassemble in the reverse order, everything is fine, although when stopping abruptly the spark jumps.

A little later I will clean the contacts more thoroughly and wash the brushes of grease.

And finally, an important note - do not immediately release the trigger of the screwdriver to stop, do it smoothly and then the contact group of the motor will not burn out.


How to choose a cordless screwdriver: 6 tips and a rating of 5 cool models

A screwdriver is essentially an electrical substitute for a screwdriver. It performs the same functions as its younger “brother”, only it makes the process of tightening/unscrewing screws and bolts much faster. This tool is especially effective if there are dozens or even hundreds of screws. The device can do more than just turn screws. By installing a special drill, you can use a screwdriver to make holes in wood, plastic and thin metal. More powerful devices even take brick and concrete. In general, the tool is indispensable in everyday life and for repairs.


The numbers in the specification show with what force the screwdriver tightens the screw or how much force is required to overcome the load when drilling. What is the practical benefit of knowing the parameter? The diameter and length of the bolt being screwed in depends on the torque. The higher the indicator, the longer and thicker the screws you can use in your work without fear of failures or breakages. For example, at 40 N/m it will be possible to freely “drive” a 10 cm long screw into the tree.

In small home models, the torque ranges from 10 to 30 N/m, but the figure can be adjusted by adjusting it to the nozzle. For adjustment, there is a limiter on the screwdriver body - a ring that goes immediately after the clamping chuck. The user can coordinate the force for a specific screw by turning the stopper. Result: as soon as the self-tapping screw is tightened to the desired level, the cartridge will stop, although the motor will still be running.

Interesting: the limiter not only helps to tighten the bolts, preventing excessive “recession” into the material, but also protects the tool from wear.

Tool holders

Buyers often ask: “How to choose the right screwdriver for the home, based on the type of chuck?” The answer is to remember the information and learn to distinguish one type of cartridge from another. There are 3 of them in total:

  • The key one is that the drill is held in it by a device resembling “cams” ​​- the two sides of the chuck are connected with the fastening side to the center and in this way the tool is clamped. The cartridge nut is tightened with a special wrench, which is included in the kit. To replace the equipment, you need to spend some time, but the fixation is strong and reliable, which is ideal for working with hard material.
  • Quick-clamping - single and double coupling. The main difference is that in single-socket chucks the nozzle can be changed using one hand - press the chuck, remove the accessory, and install the other. For double-clutch ones, you will have to use both hands, which is already inconvenient.
  • Hexagon. A special “socket” for bits, which are necessarily included in the tool kit with such a chuck.

READ Which Chain For Stihl 260

Looking through the range of cordless screwdrivers with different cartridges, it is difficult to answer which is better. Here you rather need to look at the diameter of the hole in the chuck; it determines what equipment can be used during work. In household tools, nozzles with a thickness of no more than 1 cm are used.

Use Cases

The correct use of a screwdriver is its use in accordance with the instructions or established documentation. According to these documents, the main area of ​​use is the ability to directly screw in and unscrew various fasteners, as well as for drilling various holes.

Depending on the capabilities, one or another model can be used both in everyday life and in the professional sphere. Household screwdrivers are cheaper and have little power, while professional models have increased power, high performance and wider functionality for use.

But some users use a screwdriver , for example, for such non-standard things as polishing a car, stirring mixtures or paints, sanding various surfaces, twisting wires, tying fittings, and even drilling holes in ice.

How to prepare for work?

The first thing you will need to do in order to get started is to remove the screwdriver from the case or suitcase and check for visible damage, chips or cracks. If you notice that there is something wrong with the tool, then under no circumstances should you use it, as this may be unsafe. Be sure to make sure that the screwdriver battery is charged, or that the screwdriver is connected to the mains. When these conditions are met, the screwdriver is turned on at idle speed and the rotation of the nozzle and the threads on the fastener are checked for compliance. If all conditions are met, then you can safely begin work.

Be sure to select and secure the correct bit or drill depending on where and how you plan to work. We mentioned how to secure them above when we talked about changing the nozzle.

When using the device directly, you must also follow a number of simple rules and requirements.

Pay close attention to the screwdriver itself. There is a special scale on it, by rotating which you can adjust the power of the tool. When you turn the dial, set the mode you need, based on what kind of work you are currently doing.

  • twisting;
  • unscrewing;
  • blocking

Switching between these tool capabilities is quite easy and simple. You just need to hold the screwdriver by the handle located above the battery. Most often, the handle is covered with a material that is rubberized. That is why such a processed handle is safe to use and guarantees that the screwdriver will not fall out of your hand while working. For greater reliability, the instrument is fastened to the hand using a strap.

Twisting wires

A screwdriver with a specific attachment is excellent for twisting the separated ends of wires. Usually twisting is done using pliers, but those who wish can use a screwdriver and use it for this purpose. The main thing is to perform this tricky procedure correctly.

Why can brushes spark?

As soon as you notice a spark , immediately disconnect the vacuum cleaner from the power supply. Whatever the cause of the malfunction ultimately turns out to be, it leads to breakdown of the device and its elimination. It is important to react immediately and take all possible measures. At home and on your own, you can solve the problem if the reason is the following:

  1. Brush wear. If this is the reason, then the engine begins to operate with less power. Sometimes it may not start at all, or during operation it may sharply reduce its speed.
  2. Anchor failure. It is possible that the problem lies in the interturn short circuit of the armature winding. Pay attention to where the sparking is coming from. If it comes out with the same intensity from under both brushes, then you have guessed the cause of the breakdown. Another proof that you are right in this case will be the armature winding heating up during operation of the vacuum cleaner.
  3. The stater has failed. If the problem is related specifically to the operation of the stator, then sparks will be knocked out only from under one brush. The stator has two windings, which, when tested for resistance, should give the same result, equal to 4 ohms. If the resistance of the windings is different, then the reason lies here.
  4. The reason may be contamination of the collector contacts. In this case, you will see strong sparks from under both brushes. Carbon deposits will form on the contacts due to engine overheating. The engine speed drops and it begins to work intermittently.
  5. The collector has closed. Contacts are subject to wear and tear over time. As a result, fine graphite dust is formed.
  6. Remember! It accumulates in the collector and at some point can accumulate in such quantities that it will cause the contacts to close.

Can it be used as a drill?

As mentioned above, a screwdriver used for such things, to unscrew or tighten something. When using a screwdriver as a drill, carefully read the instructions to see if this option is provided in the manufacturer’s instructions.

If it is still possible to use a screwdriver as a drill in order to drill and make a hole, for example, in a wooden or plastic product, then it is recommended to place a small and even piece of wood under this or that object. This way your hole will be made better and will prevent cracks and chips from appearing.

If your work uses metal, then you need to follow some simple rules. Before you start drilling, the hole location must be tilted to prevent the drill from sliding on the metal. Select drilling mode and get to work. But here we must not forget that when drilling through metal, the drill may break. To prevent this, it is not recommended to press the tool too hard. If it happens that the drill gets stuck, then switch the screwdriver to the unscrewing mode and calmly unscrew the drill.

But it is still recommended for these purposes to purchase a special model drill- screwdriver , which can also be either corded or cordless.

Possible reasons

The main reason why sparks appear even on a new engine is the mechanical interaction of the commutator and brushes. Moving during operation of the tool from one commutator contact to another, the brushes alternately create and break contact with each of them.

To make it easier to understand the principle, remember the situation when you unplug an electrical appliance from a socket. When the circuit breaks, a spark occurs between the socket and the plug. So it is in this case. Minor sparking is completely normal.

But if sparks fly in a sheaf, this situation may be due to the following reasons:

  • collector contacts in soot;
  • graphite dust from the brushes got between the contacts;
  • a short circuit has occurred in the armature winding.

Collector contamination

The mechanics of contamination of the commutator contacts are as follows: the electric motor overheats, carbon deposits settle on the commutator, which creates additional friction. As a result, the engine overheats again, even when operating at low speeds, the amount of carbon deposits increases, friction increases - and so on until the engine burns out altogether.

The solution to the problem is obvious and consists in cleaning the contacts. Do this using the finest (zero) sandpaper:

  1. Remove the manifold with the armature.
  2. Without applying excessive force, go over the contacts with sandpaper.
  3. Insert the module into place.

It is best to carry out cleaning using a lathe so as not to disturb the geometry of the part. But in practice, you can get by with manual work.

Dust in contacts

With regular use, even at low speeds, the screwdriver brushes wear out. As a result, graphite dust is formed. It accumulates on the motor contacts. And since graphite dust has its own resistance, an uneven distribution of current occurs, sparks appear, a characteristic smell - a complete feeling that the brushes of the screwdriver are burning.

If the brushes are installed correctly, their wear occurs very slowly and does not lead to such problems. Take your instrument apart and see what's going on there. Please note:

  • the parts of the mechanism must fit tightly, without play;
  • if a replacement was made, a brush of a not quite suitable size could be installed;
  • Foreign objects, dust, or construction chips could get into the grooves.

Carefully remove dust from the brushes and grooves using a pointed tool. To prevent further sparking, replace or tightly reinstall all necessary parts.

For replacement, buy original parts from the manufacturer. Ultimately, this will save money and nerves.

Short circuit in anchor

If you have cleaned the commutator contacts, checked the condition and tightness of the brushes, and the electric motor continues to spark, most likely the problem is in the armature winding.

A special device for creating an alternating magnetic field helps to detect it. If you place an armature in it, it will begin to rattle because induced currents appear in it.

How to use a screwdriver correctly?

Many craftsmen prefer to use a screwdriver instead of a screwdriver. It allows you to save time and get the job done quickly and efficiently. Let's get acquainted with the operating principles and design of this tool, find out the scope of its application and operating rules, and also give some useful tips.

Knitting reinforcement

A screwdriver can be used to knit reinforcement using steel wire. This is widespread in construction, when various reinforced concrete structures of houses and foundations are being erected. In order to knit, take a battery-powered or mains-powered tool that has a hook attachment.

Troubleshooting methods

Ideal cleaning is carried out on a lathe so as not to disturb the integrity of the drill circumference. At home, you can use sandpaper to remove carbon deposits.

  1. First, the collector with the armature is removed from the unit.
  2. Then you need to carefully disassemble the housing with tools to clean all hard-to-reach places from carbon deposits and dirt.
  3. Cleaning is done carefully. The problem can be repaired by removing dust. For this purpose, a pointed instrument is used, which is used to consistently clean the device.
  4. If an interturn short circuit is detected, the armature is rewinded or completely replaced.

Design and principle of operation

A screwdriver can be used in various fields of activity and for various actions, for example, in everyday life, during construction, assembling and disassembling furniture, in various workshops and where many fasteners are used. They can drill, make threads, tighten and unscrew fasteners. Let's get acquainted with the device and operating principle of such a mechanism.

All screwdrivers are divided into three types:

  • operating from a regular network and called network;
  • operating from a charged battery and called rechargeable;
  • operating both from the mains and from the battery - a combined option.

All screwdrivers are very similar both in external and internal structure. They consist of elements such as:

  • frame;
  • cartridge;
  • power button;
  • rotation switch;
  • speed controller;
  • power lock button;
  • tension regulator.

Some models additionally have backlighting, while some lack one or another element. Thus, mains-powered models have a power cord, while battery-powered models have a charge storage device.

READ Which Battery Is Better To Use A Screwdriver With

The body of a power tool consists of two parts and can be made of plastic or an alloy of various metals, but this is much less common.

  • electric motor;
  • pay;
  • capacitor;
  • gearbox;
  • coupling

The principle of operation of all screwdrivers is similar to each other - the electric motor is driven into rotation using the consumed electricity, which transmits force using a gearbox and shaft from the motor to the existing nozzle installed in the chuck, and the nozzle already carries out the process of drilling, screwing in or unscrewing fasteners. In corded screwdrivers, the motor uses an alternating mains voltage of 200 V, and in cordless screwdrivers, the motor uses a constant voltage from 3.5 V to 36 V.

Replacing the nozzle is also quite easy and simple. In this case, the screwdriver can have a keyless or key-type chuck.

Changing the attachment with a quick-release chuck:

  • first you need to choose a drill for the work you plan to do, or a bit, taking into account the size of the head and the type of slot;
  • the cartridge is untwisted counterclockwise;
  • install the selected nozzle;
  • By rotating the cartridge sleeve in a clockwise direction, the nozzle is clamped.

Changing the nozzle with a turnkey chuck:

  • take the key and insert it into a special recess;
  • unwind the cartridge;
  • insert a new nozzle;
  • rotate the key in the direction of movement clockwise, securing the nozzle.

We will fix the defect for 1200 rubles excluding parts

Below you can familiarize yourself with the latest repairs of our clients who addressed the problem of “the screwdriver sparks inside and smokes.” The price presented is final, taking into account replaced spare parts and diagnostics performed. All repairs are guaranteed. There are daily discounts on the service.

Click on the repair you need to find out more.

ElectrolifeDefectMore details
Hitachi DS 120VF3Sparks and smokesMore details
Repair time: 1 day. (Date of issue 2019-12-31)
Work performed: Replacing the motor, repressing the gear. Repair of the speed button.
Cost of spare parts: 1000 rub.
Service address: Nauki Avenue, 21k1 (Shopping Center Archimedes Trading Court, 1st floor, room 7A.)
Master: Igor Zadirienko
Warranty period: 1 month
Doesn't work, says "there is a smell"More details
Repair time: 4 days. (Issue date 2019-12-17)
Work performed: Cleaning, lubrication, electrical replacement. motor
Cost of spare parts: 900 rub.
Service address: Rustaveli 66 (Ground floor, Blue visor)
Master: Victor Lebedev
Warranty period: 1 month
According to the client, it sparkles. Brush/motor diagnostics More details
Repair period: 10 days. (Issue date 2019-12-22)
Work performed: Replacing the motor, replacing the gearbox lubricant, repressing the gear
Cost of spare parts: 900 rub.
Service address: Engels Ave. 113k1 (TC Paktor (Bada-Boom))
Master: Dmitry Kolyshev
Warranty period: 1 month
Sparks, smells burntMore details
Repair time: 4 days. (Issue date 2019-12-15)
Work performed: T.O. engine replacement
Cost of spare parts: 900 rub.
Service address: st. Budapestskaya, 87-3 (Residential red building)
Master: Vladimir Pustovoitov
Warranty period: 1 month
Doesn't turnMore details
Repair period: 8 days. (Issue date 2019-12-08)
Work performed: Cleaning, lubricating the gearbox, replacing the motor, replacing the power button wires.
Cost of spare parts: 1300 rub.
Service address: 35 Nastavnikov Ave. (Rzhevka shopping center, room No. 2-07b, 2nd floor)
Master: Igor Zadirienko
Warranty period: 1 month
Not assembled correctlyMore details
Repair time: 6 days. (Issue date 2019-12-06)
Work performed: Assembly, replacement of gearbox lubrication.
Cost of spare parts: 0 rub.
Service address: 35 Nastavnikov Ave. (Rzhevka shopping center, room No. 2-07b, 2nd floor)
Master: Igor Zadirienko
Warranty period: 1 month
SparksMore details
Repair time: 6 days. (Issue date 2019-11-29)
Work performed: Replacement of electric. engine, changing the lubricant in the gearbox
Cost of spare parts: 1100 rub.
Service address: Antonova-Ovseenko 20 (TC Terminal, 2nd floor)
Master: Sergey Trofimovich
Warranty period: 1 month
Does not workMore details


A brushless screwdriver operates using brushless electric motors. There are no brushes; their functions are performed by an electronic control unit. The current can be switched on the stator or rotor winding. There are no coils on the anchor.

In a brushless motor, mechanical contact switching is replaced by an electronic amplifier. The sensor sets the angle of rotation of the rotor and monitors the semiconductor switches. The standard power of a screwdriver does not exceed 5 kW. It is irrational to use a brushless motor in equipment with high technical performance.

The technology involves complete removal of the winding and commutator. located inside are compact and light in weight. They must be protected from magnetic fields, to which they are very sensitive. Also, magnets do not tolerate sudden temperature changes.

How to repair a screwdriver/sparks and stinks.

Prevention measures

To prevent graphite dust from accumulating, you need to monitor the position of the brushes. No play should be allowed to form; they must fit tightly in the grooves.

It is necessary to monitor the formation of an interturn short circuit in the armature of the device, in which energy is supplied non-uniformly to the contacts, to some in a greater value, and to others in a lesser value. As a result of such a violation, sparks are formed.

Prevention of such a short circuit is carried out using a special device that creates a magnetic field. By placing an armature in an alternating field, a rattling effect is obtained due to the appearance of induced currents.

If the cause of sparking in a hand drill is an interturn short circuit, then you need to rewind or install a new armature.

For these reasons, strong sparking occurs with any screwdriver - Interskol, Bosh, Metabo or Makita. If these steps do not repair your device, it may need to be replaced.

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Is it worth buying a brushless screwdriver?

This technology greatly facilitates many construction works. The equipment has no significant shortcomings. If Honor has some operational nuances, using the device will not cause any inconvenience.

The main disadvantage is the cost, but it pays off with high technical performance and ease of use. Experienced workers should try a brushless screwdriver to compare it with a standard device.


A lath is one type of edged board. Thin strips of small width. Suitable for covering walls and ceilings both on an open veranda and in a closed extension.

They act not only as the main finishing material, but also as a frame for fixing drywall sheets.

The slats are fastened using a tongue-and-groove system. The planks are laid close to each other.

An alternative is fixation with small gaps. It looks very original, especially on the ceiling, when there is an opaque background under the slats.

Requires mandatory treatment with antiseptics. The list of pros and cons is similar to lining.

MDF - wood fiber board. It is made from wood chips under pressure and high temperature.

The weak point of the material is the edges of the slab. If they are not closed during installation, they will begin to crumble.

The recommended MDF thickness for cladding is 10 mm. The installation procedure is similar to the lining.

  • soundproofing;
  • temperature resistance;
  • ease of fastening.

The downside is that when exposed to moisture, MDF begins to swell and then fall apart. Therefore, it is not recommended to cover walls with such slabs in unheated closed or open verandas.

Multilayer sheets of wood chips.

OSB sheets are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Suitable for rough finishing of walls, ceilings, floors on verandas of any type. OSB is many times superior to natural wood in all performance properties.

Why? All Screwdrivers Spark When Stopped and Strange Screwdriver Knocks

Installation must begin with the creation of a frame structure made of metal profiles or wooden beams. The step depends on the size of the sheets.

Features of insulation of heated and cold extensions

The set of materials and thermal insulation technology are slightly different.


Rubber cover. Available in the form of tiles or monolithic flooring.

Rubber will be a good outdoor floor in the country if there are children in the family - the soft anti-slip coating minimizes the risk of injury.

  • water permeability;
  • wear resistance;
  • impact resistance;
  • choice of colors, textures;
  • retains its properties even with sudden temperature changes.

The installation procedure is similar to laying tiles. Polymer glue is used for connection. There is no need to install crosses.

When laying rolled rubber, the joints are sealed with a soldering iron. If you don't have one, a hair dryer will do.


Considered a rustic finish.

Preference should be given to moisture-resistant species (oak, larch).

Use edged, unedged boards or slabs without bark. The boards are attached overlapping each other to a wooden frame. It is better to do this with nails or screws.

Before installation, it is important to saturate the raw materials with antiseptics; after completion, you can paint them in the color you like.

Plastic panels

They are in great demand for finishing kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, verandas in apartments and private houses.

The raw material is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Among the advantages of the material:

  • It has good heat and sound insulation.
  • Light weight makes it easy to transport and install.
  • The price is affordable.
  • Resistant to moisture, any weather conditions, wear.
  • Easy to care for. Contamination is easily removed.
  • Choice of colors, textures.
  • Over time, the material loses its brightness.
  • Plastic is an artificial raw material that releases toxic substances when heated strongly.
  • It becomes brittle in severe frost (when the temperature is below ‒15 degrees). The slightest impact will cause a crack to form.

Plastic panels with imitation wood are popular. They are attached to a timber frame. They are connected to each other with a tongue-and-groove lock.

Facing brick or stone

It is customary to use these materials to cover the foundation and support pillars that support the roof.

  • Increased strength. Finished elements can withstand high loads and mechanical damage.
  • Durability. Service life reaches 100 years or more.
  • Resistance to precipitation, temperature changes, wear. They don't rot.
  • Excellent sound and heat insulation.
  • Environmentally friendly. Natural raw materials do not emit harmful substances.
  • Stone and brick decor looks very beautiful.
  • High price of materials.
  • A long and labor-intensive masonry process.
  • Construction without experience is impossible. We will have to involve specialists.

READ How to Sharpen a Cross Hacksaw for Wood

Stone cladding is an excellent decoration for an open terrace. Looks good with a frame ceiling made of beams and wooden railings.


Drywall acts as both the main finishing material and an auxiliary material for painting, tiling, and decorative plaster.

In open canopies, you need to take only a moisture- and fire-resistant option; others simply swell under the influence of moisture.

To finish walls with plasterboard, a frame is first assembled from metal profiles, onto which plasterboard wall sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws. The evenness of the installation is checked with a level.

This type of finishing requires careful calculations of materials. One person cannot handle the installation, since the sheets weigh a lot.

Signs of tool failure

Such breakdowns should be looked for in the gearbox, clutch or speed switch. Long uninterrupted operation of a screwdriver under load can cause damage such as shaft bending. Therefore, you should strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer.

This failure leads to strong beating and vibration of the screwdriver. Well, the most common failure among screwdrivers is wear of the bearing shaft support sleeve.

If, while working with a screwdriver, you hear a sudden crack and notice a twist in the switch position, then most likely there is a problem with the gearbox.

What to do if the screwdriver spins

A screwdriver is a great helper for repairs inside and outside the house. Often when purchasing a domestic or imported screwdriver , we want to get a reliable and durable tool.

However, we do not think about it, but also often forget that the reliability and durability of equipment directly depends on storage conditions and operating rules.

Long-term use and constant loads, sometimes exceeding those set by the manufacturer, almost always lead to temporary or complete malfunctions of the equipment or device. In the case of a screwdriver, this may be turning the chuck.

You can encounter this problem even if you just bought a screwdriver , but often such a breakdown occurs later in life.

If this happens, don’t panic, it’s better to start looking for the manufacturer’s service centers, because you can’t fix all the breakdowns yourself.

If the screwdriver spins, then there are reasons for this. Let's look at the most common reasons for this phenomenon.

Causes of the defect: sparks inside and smokes

Based on the experience of our service engineers, we can identify the following reasons:

  • Untimely prevention and cleaning of the device
  • Lack of protection against power outages
  • Replacing Consumable Accessories
  • Not carefully studying the user manual or ignoring the manufacturer's advice.
  • Not careful use

Bring your equipment to our service centers or call the technicians to your home and we will repair it and provide a guarantee. Afterwards, the faulty device will work at 100 percent (full). Addresses of Umedia services in all districts of St. Petersburg.

Repairing a screwdriver step by step

We carry out repairs using a bench vice, drill and drill of the required size. You will also need wire cutters and some screws.

The repair process will not take much of your time and attention. If you still decide to repair the worn teeth of the old coupling rather than buy a new one, then you will need a drill and a drill bit. To do this, you just need to drill several holes in the places where the teeth were and screw the required number of screws into these holes.

If parts of the screws protrude, then shorten them using wire cutters and turn on the screwdriver to check the functionality of the tool.

Below in the video you can visually watch the repair process itself.

The DeWALT screwdriver is quite common today among both private consumers and professionals. For any type of construction work, this tool is simply indispensable today. Among other things, assembling furniture without this equipment will be difficult, if not impossible.

The downside is strong self-discharge and memory effect. For storage, you need to completely discharge the battery, otherwise you risk getting a battery with less capacity.

As experienced users emphasize, in order to purchase a good screwdriver, you should not waste time choosing a battery. This is due to the fact that the battery costs more than half the price of the tool itself; to be precise, the price is approximately 70%. When reading the information specified in the passport, you need to pay attention to the absence or presence of a memory effect, battery capacity, battery voltage, as well as the absence or presence of self-discharge.

How to understand that you need to change the brushes

Many people change brushes only after they notice strong sparking from the tool, as well as the appearance of a burning smell. Many craftsmen are not stopped even by these signs, and they continue to use the tool until it stops turning on. When is it necessary to change carbon brushes so as not to damage the structure of the power tool? There are the following signs for this:

  1. Strong sparking - if signs of strong sparking appear, then it is necessary to disassemble the tool and inspect the consumables. Sparking is the first sign that consumables need to be replaced.
  2. The appearance of a burning smell - if the smell of soot is heard when using the tool, it is recommended to disassemble the grinder and replace the graphite brushes
  3. When the wear of the main part is over 30% -40%. However, it is almost impossible to determine their initial length, unless you measure it before installing the elements
  4. When signs such as jerking or “growling” of the power tool appear

Devices are also subject to replacement if they have uneven wear and do not correspond to quality.

How to eliminate mistakes when choosing a screwdriver

If you decide to purchase a DeWALT screwdriver, then you should pay attention not only to the cost of the unit. You need to familiarize yourself with the information provided in the instrument passport. It will indicate technical characteristics that will allow you to understand what range of work can be performed using the equipment.

Among them are the rotation speed, torque, and the type of battery, if any. Based on these parameters, it is worth making a choice towards a specific model.

DeWALT cordless screwdriver must be selected correctly, and the stability of its operation under certain loads, as well as the preservation of the rotation speed, must be checked. The master must take care of the quality of the power supply; it must have the ability to hold a charge. And when the battery is dead, the power of the device should be maintained.

Why do brushes spark in an electric motor?

Sparks, including on a working engine, appear due to mechanical action between the brushes and the commutator. The brush, moving along the commutator from one of its contacts to another, alternately forms and breaks a connection with each of them. Now remember what happens if you unplug any working electrical appliance from the socket - usually at such a moment a spark jumps between the plug and the socket. In the case of a brushed motor, this is the same phenomenon.

Therefore, a small spark even on a working electric motor is acceptable, since connections and ruptures constantly occur here.

Screwdriver characteristics in terms of rotation speed and torque

The DeWALT drill/driver may have different characteristics. For example, torque determines how much force the tool will exert on a screw being turned. This parameter determines the strength of resistance to the load. If we are talking about solving everyday problems, then the Honor device is preferred, the torque of which varies from 10 to 15 newton meters. As for professional models, their torque can reach 130 Newton meters. This allows you to drill into very hard materials. In such units, the engine shaft makes from 1200 to 1300 revolutions in one minute. If you purchase a household model, you can count on 500 rpm. Depending on the torque, you will need to select the length of the screw to be tightened and its diameter. With the use of more powerful screwdrivers, it is possible to tighten longer and thicker elements.

Among other things, these devices can be used when working with hard materials, eliminating the possibility of breakdowns. screwdriver differs from alternative tools in that the master can adjust its torque independently. For this purpose, a limiter is used, which is a ring located after the clamping chuck. With its help, you can set a certain position, and the screw will stop screwing. This function will protect the tool from breaking the slot of the screw, wear of the bit, and deep recessing of elements into the surface.


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