Polishing stainless steel to a mirror shine with your own hands

Plasma polishing

The technology differs from the electrochemical procedure in the following parameters:

  • the solution is not aggressive, disposal does not require special cleaning;
  • voltage is higher (220 V);
  • temperature is about 100 °C.

The reagent used is ammonium salt with a concentration in the solution of 3.1 ÷ 6.0%. The electric current density is set at 0.35 ± 0.15 A/cm²; gas bubbles are intensively formed in the contact zone of the electrolyte with the stainless steel. Discharges occur in the vapor inside the fluidized bed, ionizing the medium. Plasma tongues appear that specifically act on the steel, polishing it. The time required for one dive is within 6 minutes, based on a power consumption of 5 Wh/cm².


Unscrupulous mechanical preparation will be evident. Residual traces of welds, scratches, and dents cannot be hidden with polish.

Anode method

Electrochemical treatment reduces the time spent in relation to the mechanical procedure by 4-5 times, increasing the cleanliness class of the mirror by 1 or 2 positions. To polish in this way, the complexity of the joints and the curvature of the planes become unimportant. When electricity is connected, the solution becomes an active electrolyte, interacting more intensely. The sample being processed must be connected to the anode of the installation. For each chemical composition of stainless steel, reagents and mode parameters are selected.

Methods for polishing stainless steel

Stainless steel polishing can be done at home. In this case, several processing methods are used. Common methods include:

  • mechanical;
  • electrochemical;
  • electrolyte-plasma.

Mechanical restoration

Polishing of stainless steel is carried out using a material represented by grains of abrasive material. When processing, a circle, disk, roller or tape is used. Various pastes, solutions and suspensions for polishing act as abrasives. The material may contain substances that, in combination with abrasive grains, remove irregularities on metal surfaces. This type of processing is called mechanical.

As a result of mechanical impacts on the metal surface, grooves and stripes with roughness up to class 7 are formed. In this case, additional refinement of stainless steel to class 10 by grinding is necessary.

Refinement of stainless steel can be done at home without the use of special devices and tools. This type of polishing is common in private workshops and garages. In industrial enterprises, the following types of tools are used:

  • manual devices with electric and pneumatic drive;
  • polishing and grinding machines;
  • drum and vibration units;
  • installations for processing using magnetic abrasive.

The following abrasive materials are used for fine grinding:

  • liquid polish;
  • pasta;
  • suspension.

They contain mineral oils, paraffin and stearin additives as a base; they must be removed after processing with solvents.

Electrochemical method

Chemical polishing is the process of removing roughness using the ordered movement of charged particles from one electrode to another. The method uses installations with baths filled with an electrolyte solution. One of the electrodes is connected to the negative pole of the power source. The immersed stainless metal workpiece is connected to the positive terminal of the power source.

When direct current is applied, charged ions begin to form on the metal surface, which then flow to the cathode. When stainless steel particles are released, the microprotrusions are smoothed out. During processing, the operator can set the depth of metal removal by adjusting the constant current value, as well as the process time.

The method allows you to polish parts with complex geometric surfaces. Uneven areas are removed from difficult to access areas. The electrolyte has a temperature of up to 90°C, a current density of 0.5 A/cm2, and contains inorganic acids: phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid.

Electrolytic plasma polishing

The method is based on the formation of a jacket on top of the part, which is a vapor-gas plasma. This allows you to remove irregularities from the metal surface. Apparatuses for polishing stainless steel at home operate on an alternating current network at a voltage of 400 V and an electrolyte solution temperature of 90°C. The rate of metal layer removal is up to 3 microns per minute.

The advantages of this method include:

  • use of safe substances;
  • minimum costs.

Grinding with mechanical polishing

After damaging metal processing (cutting, welding, drilling, cleaning with hard rotary brushes, impacts), defects of various sizes are formed:

  • scratches, dents;
  • seams, sagging, shells;
  • chips;
  • cracks;
  • burrs.

These surface deteriorations reduce wear resistance, reflectivity, and resistance to complex loads. To eliminate roughness and add shine to such a hard material as stainless steel, you will have to perform 4–5 operations. Grinding is carried out using an electric grinder and replaceable abrasive wheels. With a felt/felt circle, after rough cleaning, they begin to polish the product. The endless belt makes it easy to process complex stainless steel parts.

For rough grinding of stainless steel, abrasive grit 30-40, finishing 16 - 25, polishing with micropowders with grit M7 - M14, finishing to a mirror - industrial ready-made compounds (polishes).

The mechanical action of a soft circle with applied paste removes a very small amount of metal. Glossy leveling occurs due to the redistribution of the structure of the top layer of stainless steel, rather than cutting it off. Under the influence of air, active components of the paste, and heating from friction, old oxide films are destroyed and, immediately, upon cooling, new ones are created.

After mechanical polishing, ideal smoothness and, accordingly, shine in inconvenient places is not created. In this case, finish polishing by hand. Bringing a mirror finish to stainless steel by hand is a labor-intensive, time-consuming operation, but doable. The creation of a mirror begins with polishing pastes and ends with liquid polishes.

Mechanical method of polishing stainless steel

It is necessary to subject the entire visible plane to the process - partial local processing will be noticeable. Visible differences cannot be eliminated by using polish.

Manual polishing

In the past, craftsmen from all over the world did not have specialized equipment, but they performed their work efficiently. But how to polish a knife without special equipment? After heat treatment, craftsmen used natural abrasive materials (such as stone or a metal device).

Polishing by hand helps achieve a perfectly smooth surface. In this way you can get the correct shape of the blade. Even using a special polishing and grinding device, it is not always possible to achieve a similar effect. It is believed that hand polishing is the final finishing of a knife.

How to polish a knife at home correctly using the manual method? Before proceeding to manual processing, it is necessary to polish the knife on a tape, the grit of which should not be less than 320. Using sandpaper, scratches are first removed. They may appear on the surface of the product after machine processing.

Frequency and methods of caring for stainless steel

In order for the surface of stainless steel products to remain smooth and glossy for as long as possible, when cleaning it, it is necessary to avoid the use of abrasive pastes, steel wool, hard sponges and brushes, as well as chlorine-containing substances. In the absence of significant damage, a smooth matte film of chromium oxide forms on the surface of the stainless steel, which protects the base metal from corrosion and prevents scale from sticking to it. The need for periodic polishing arises as wear and external damage appears on the stainless steel, and its need is determined by visual inspection.

There are articles on the Internet about cleaning stainless steel products (in particular thermoses, dishes, etc.) using Coca-Cola. It is known that this drink contains orthophosphoric acid. But there is such a tiny amount of it in Coca-Cola that the very possibility of such processing of stainless steel raises natural doubts. What do you think about this? Have you ever cleaned stainless steel items with Coca-Cola or something similar? Please share your opinion and experience in the comments to this article.

Polishing stainless steel to a mirror shine with your own hands

In the modern world, we regularly come across stainless steel objects, because they have become a part of our lives. These are interior elements on the street and at home, various fences, and a variety of utensils in the kitchen. In this article you will find the answer to the question: how to polish stainless steel, because even such a durable metal can lose its original appearance under the influence of various factors.

What is household stainless steel?

Corrosion-resistant steel or, as it is also called, stainless steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with an admixture of special elements. Steel acquires high resistance to negative environmental factors thanks to these elements. The main one is chromium.

Its percentage in the metal may vary, but not less than 10.5%. Products made from steel with 18% chromium content acquire very high strength, but it is difficult to process such an alloy technologically.

Therefore, in everyday life, steel with an optimal chromium content of 13% is mainly used.

Important! Products made from such stainless steel are characterized not only by durability and the possibility of long-term use, but also by an attractive appearance with a mirror surface. Due to the sufficient chromium content, an oxide film is formed on the metal surface, which protects the stainless steel from corrosion

But still, humid air and other factors can negatively affect the condition of the alloy over time.

Due to the sufficient chromium content, an oxide film is formed on the metal surface, which protects the stainless steel from corrosion. But still, humid air and other factors can negatively affect the condition of the alloy over time.

Important! Having noticed the first signs of corrosion in the form of cloudiness or tarnishing, it is necessary to polish the metal. If there is a need to polish the metal, then there are two possible actions:

If there is a need to polish metal, then there are two possible actions.

Option #1. Specialized assistance

Nowadays, many specialized companies provide high-quality polishing services for stainless steel products. If you do not have the time and opportunity to polish the metal yourself, then contact one of these companies that will give your product a second life.

Option #2. Polishing at home

At home, you can also get a polished, shiny and perfectly smooth stainless steel surface. To do this, there are several ways that will help restore the product to its impeccable appearance. Let's look at what you can use to polish stainless steel.

Electrochemical polishing – equipment and technologies

To order electropolishing services, you can fill out the form below or refer to our article in the “Services” section: Electropolishing service.

The process complements finishing machining

The use of electropolishing of steels has been practiced commercially since the 1930s, mainly concerned with imparting visual appeal to consumer goods such as dishes and pens, fittings, etc. In recent years, the emphasis has shifted to the processing of engineering equipment, especially in the food, medical, pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries. Electrochemical dissolution of the metal surface is used to improve the smoothness, reflectivity, cleanliness and passivity of steel products

or some combination of these surface characteristics. When applied to piping system components, electrolytic polishing helps achieve and maintain desired surface roughness indexes.

While conventional machining processes are macro metal removal processes, electropolishing is a micro process. Thus, it is not a competitor to processes such as grinding, blasting, sandblasting and mechanical polishing, but rather a complement.

Almost all metals and alloys can be electropolished, but in practice stainless steel accounts for the largest portion of commercial electropolishing. Stainless steel's inherent strength and corrosion resistance make it the material of choice for process equipment and many consumer products.

How to polish stainless steel | Do it yourself

admin · 01/20/2017

A smooth mirror surface of a stainless part can be obtained not only in a factory; polishing stainless steel is absolutely permissible at home. This process is needed to give a spectacular look to homemade work, to clean up welding seams, or to neutralize scratches on the surface.

You will need

  • — angle grinder (grinder);
  • — grinding wheels of different grain sizes;
  • - sandpaper or stone;
  • - wood glue;
  • - felt or felt circles;
  • - polishing paste.


1. First, carry out a rough cleaning of the surface, remove beads of metal from the weld. To do this, use an angle grinder (grinder) and a fiber-based wheel with P60 grain. If the surface is fairly smooth, skip this step.

2. In order to remove risks from P60 grain, take a wheel with P120 grain. If you don't have a wheel with any grit size, make one regardless. To do this, take a felt or felt circle, evenly apply wood glue to it using a spatula and carefully walk it over the abrasive crumbs. Abrasive chips can be obtained from sandpaper or stone by rubbing them against each other.

3. Sand the surface of the stainless steel several more times, each time cutting the size of the abrasive in half. Remember to rinse the stainless steel surface after all sanding. If possible, do not set your angle grinder to a speed greater than 4500 cycles per minute.

4. Check that the surface after sanding should be perfectly smooth. Make sure that all rough roughness is removed; however, after polishing, these areas will have to be sanded again.

5. Take a clean felt or felt circle and polishing paste. The main thing is to choose the right polishing paste, since different types of paste are suitable for different brands. Try to find a diamond paste whose grain size matches your metal; in extreme cases, ordinary polishing paste or GOI will do.

6. Begin finishing polishing the stainless steel, gradually removing visible marks. Little by little, after a while, you will see that the surface becomes more and more smooth, this is due to the fact that under the influence of high temperature the surface of the part melts and spreads. Be careful not to overheat the part; this may cause some metals to change color.

Tip 2: How to Polish Metal

We use a large number of metal objects every day. These can be either cutlery or tools for repairing something. Metal has the ability to oxidize. Its surface begins to become cloudy, and over time, corrosion begins and rust occurs. Therefore, metal objects require periodic polishing.

You will need

Polishing paste, old toothbrush, polishing wheels, old sewing machine motor, GOI paste.

Tip 3: How to polish a stone

Polishing is the final process in stone processing, as a result of which its surface acquires a mirror-like shine, revealing the pattern, color and structure of the rock. As usual, the stone is polished with special devices and in several stages.

Choosing an angle grinder or grinder for grinding and polishing stainless steel

I have extensive experience using grinders for grinding (more than 12 years) and the best of them is Metabo. In terms of price/quality ratio it is natural.


article about grinders

An article where I write in detail about grinders HERE

Characteristics of the required grinder

  • Power from 1400 W
  • Speed ​​adjustment 2500-11000 rpm
  • The size of the grinder for 125 mm discs is small, otherwise your hands will get tired quickly

The grinder is better than the metabo, which is FEIN, but the cost with the same characteristics is three times more.

Grinder Metabo WEV 15-125 Quick

Today we use this model of Metabo angle grinders in our production. In the video I’m using an angle grinder from this company.

The average cost of such an angle grinder is around 8,500 rubles. If you take it for home, then for life, if for production, then you won’t find a more economical option.


Sutures are removed using a KLT circle with a diameter of 125 mm. Grit size P-80 - P-120. The video uses the Luga-Abrasive Circle. The best 3M, but expensive.

After CRT, it is necessary to smooth out unevenness and rough risks after CLT. They are removed with a Velcro sanding wheel, Grain R-80. Risks after the P-80 circle are removed with the same circle using P-320 grain.

I advise you to use circles from Mirka; using cheap ones will be more expensive.

Polishing. When grinding of welds with P-320 grain is completed, polishing of the pipe begins to a mirror shine, using felt + paste. You can goy, but it is harmful.

Wipe with a cloth

Methods for polishing stainless steel

Stainless steel polishing can be done at home. In this case, several processing methods are used. Common methods include:

  • mechanical;
  • electrochemical;
  • electrolyte-plasma.

Mechanical restoration

Polishing of stainless steel is carried out using a material represented by grains of abrasive material. When processing, a circle, disk, roller or tape is used. Various pastes, solutions and suspensions for polishing act as abrasives. The material may contain substances that, in combination with abrasive grains, remove irregularities on metal surfaces. This type of processing is called mechanical.

As a result of mechanical impacts on the metal surface, grooves and stripes with roughness up to class 7 are formed. In this case, additional refinement of stainless steel to class 10 by grinding is necessary.

Refinement of stainless steel can be done at home without the use of special devices and tools. This type of polishing is common in private workshops and garages. In industrial enterprises, the following types of tools are used:

  • manual devices with electric and pneumatic drive;
  • polishing and grinding machines;
  • drum and vibration units;
  • installations for processing using magnetic abrasive.

The following abrasive materials are used for fine grinding:

  • liquid polish;
  • pasta;
  • suspension.

They contain mineral oils, paraffin and stearin additives as a base; they must be removed after processing with solvents.

Electrochemical method

Chemical polishing is the process of removing roughness using the ordered movement of charged particles from one electrode to another. The method uses installations with baths filled with an electrolyte solution. One of the electrodes is connected to the negative pole of the power source. The immersed stainless metal workpiece is connected to the positive terminal of the power source.

When direct current is applied, charged ions begin to form on the metal surface, which then flow to the cathode. When stainless steel particles are released, the microprotrusions are smoothed out. During processing, the operator can set the depth of metal removal by adjusting the constant current value, as well as the process time.

The method allows you to polish parts with complex geometric surfaces. Uneven areas are removed from difficult to access areas. The electrolyte has a temperature of up to 90°C, a current density of 0.5 A/cm2, and contains inorganic acids: phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid.

Electrolytic plasma polishing

The method is based on the formation of a jacket on top of the part, which is a vapor-gas plasma. This allows you to remove irregularities from the metal surface. Apparatuses for polishing stainless steel at home operate on an alternating current network at a voltage of 400 V and an electrolyte solution temperature of 90°C. The rate of metal layer removal is up to 3 microns per minute.

The advantages of this method include:

  • use of safe substances;
  • minimum costs.

Chemical method

Small stainless steel parts are processed using a method that does not require much physical effort and several hours of work. Using circles can just be awkward. Immerse the cleaned workpiece in a bath with strictly dosed reagents, diluted to the required concentration with distilled water. Over a sufficient period of time, under the influence of caustic reagents, all steel roughness in contact with the liquid active medium is eliminated. Deep scratches and welding marks are first leveled with emery wheels, then smoothed with soft circles with paste of the required grain size (GOI). Otherwise, all large flaws will also be polished while maintaining their shape.

To correctly select components and their concentration in the water mass, it is advisable to know the grade of stainless steel:

  1. Brand X18N9T is immersed in the following composition: acids: 230 ml sulfuric, 40 ml nitric, 70 ml hydrochloric. To 1 liter of solution add acid black dye - 6 g, wood glue - 10 g, sodium chloride - 6 g. The liquid temperature is maintained at 65-70 ° C, time 5÷30 minutes.
  1. Acids in proportion to the total volume: nitric 4÷5%, orthophosphoric 20÷30%, hydrochloric 3÷4%, methyl orange - 1÷1.5%, in an aqueous solution with a temperature of 18÷25 ° C, Approximate holding time 5÷ 10 min .
  2. Per liter of composition the amount of acids: sulfuric 230 g, hydrochloric 660 g, orange acid dye - 25 g. Maintain a temperature of 70÷75 ° C, time 2÷3 minutes.

To complete the reaction at all points and remove the resulting products, the liquid in the container is continuously stirred. You can move the steel part.

Chemical alignment of the line of the outer boundary of the stainless steel (polishing) occurs because the reaction is more intense on the protrusions of the profile. To prevent the accumulation of interaction products in depressions, recesses, and corners, fluid movement is forced. After washing off the chemical reagents, rub with a napkin with a small amount of polish.


Most work on polishing piece goods and stainless steel metal structures is performed either manually or using a variety of power tools. In this case, a large number of polishing devices are used, among which the most common are:

  • napkins, discs and circles made of non-woven fabric, felt and felt;
  • rollers and disk packages;
  • fan circles;
  • polishing abrasive sheets and discs on paper and polymer base;
  • non-woven materials with abrasive;
  • polishing belts.

Hand-held power tools for polishing stainless steel, in addition to conventional polishing attachments, are equipped with devices for processing hard-to-reach places and curved surfaces. The main types of electrically driven tools used in stainless steel processing are:

  • orbital sanders;
  • grinders with various attachments and accessories;
  • belt sanders;
  • straight grinding power tools;
  • portable belt sanders;
  • band files with rotary attachments.

Various types of pastes are most often used as a polishing material for stainless steel, which are generally divided into materials for rough and final polishing. Based on the composition of their base, they are divided into water and fat. The latter hold abrasive material better, but are more difficult to remove from stainless steel. Auxiliary materials include microfiber cloths, which are used to clean the stainless steel surface after polishing.

Wool polishing pad for polishing from AliExpress from 150 rubles →

Quality characteristics of polished stainless steel pipe

Polished stainless steel pipe with high quality characteristics can be produced exclusively in production conditions with special equipment and instrumentation.

A polished stainless steel pipe that has undergone surface finishing under proper production conditions has a number of important technical and decorative characteristics:

Almost any liquid transported through a pipe - water, milk, acids, alkalis, alcohol, gasoline - does not react with the internal surfaces of the product.

When piping stainless steel polished pipes to boilers and boilers, both of its characteristics are important – utilitarian and decorative. Scale does not form on the internal walls, and the external polished surface blends effectively into the interior of the house.

The decorative capabilities of polished stainless steel pipe allow it to be used inside a building, for exterior facade decoration, and in landscape design. A polished stainless steel pipe is an indispensable attribute of an ultra-modern high-tech style.

Scope of application of polished stainless steel pipes

Since stainless steel pipes are polished, most often, to give the product an attractive appearance, they are usually used for decorative purposes.

In the production of furniture, polished stainless steel pipe is used for the manufacture of frames for chairs, various stands, and arches of mobile tables. Such products are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also strong, durable, retaining their shine for many decades.

Decorative cornices, fences, railings, and awnings are made from polished pipes, which have not only a round, but also any other cross-section. Such products can withstand wind and temperature changes for a long period of time, which are aggravated by contact with abrasive substances - dust and sand.

However, polished pipes perform not only a decorative function, but are also widely used in the food industry.

This is explained by the ideal smooth surface, which does not allow bacteria to accumulate on it, and the absence of a chemical effect of the pipe on the substances transported through it.

All of the above properties of this material make it popular in medicine. In addition to instruments, implants are made from polished stainless steel pipe ,

not rejected by the body due to its chemical stability.

Polished pipes made of corrosion-resistant steel used in water supply and heating systems do not require hidden installation under false panels or suspended ceilings. Polished stainless steel pipes, compared to chrome-plated pipes, are much more resistant to external damage

What is pipe polishing

The final stage in the manufacture of rolled pipes, which consists of melting the surface layer and processing it in various ways in order to eliminate roughness, unevenness and microdamage, is called pipe polishing. Features, types of polishing operations

Regardless of the method of producing rolled products, metallurgical enterprises use two methods of polishing pipe products:

  • electrochemical;
  • abrasive.

Both the external and internal sides of the product are subject to processing.

When using an electrochemical polishing process, pipes are lowered into a special bath with a concentrated acid-containing mixture. Then an electrode is placed in the solution and fixed either in the hole of the tubular product or on its outside, after which a high current is applied. Due to the active movement of anodic-cathode particles, the metal surface is cleaned of irregularities formed during production cycles.

Polishing a pipe using an abrasive method is cheaper and does not require special skills from craftsmen. Rolled pipes are processed with abrasives of various fractions, which helps to obtain a mirror-like shine of the finished product. At the final production stage, felt rollers, elastic tape-like devices and suspensions of metal oxides are used in turn.

There is a known method of liquid abrasive polishing of pipe products. In this case, a liquid is used as a basis, which wets the surface of the pipe and the grinding parts. The parameters of the finished product processed in this way do not differ from the parameters when using abrasives during dry polishing.

Advantages of polished rolled metal:

  • high resistance to corrosion;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • durability;
  • easy maintenance;
  • does not change functions during operation;
  • distinctive resistance to aggressive environments and temperature changes.

Application of polished tubular products

Ground rolled pipe has gained wide popularity due to its chemical stability under changing conditions: the processed metal does not tend to emit oxides, odors, or harmful fumes. Therefore, polished pipe profiles are used in the medical, food, and chemical production fields.

Design activities, production of furniture for commercial and domestic premises, production of sanitary equipment cannot do without rolled pipes with a mirror shine. Heated towel rails, bathroom equipment, fountain structures, office chairs, bar counters, railings, stairs - a list of the most commonly used products using polished pipes.

Polished pipe parts are used in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering. The resistance of the polished material to corrosion allows the pipes to be used in environments with high humidity and acidity.

The attractive appearance of rolled pipes, which is preserved during the operation of the product with constant temperature changes, makes it possible to produce decorative devices for the street from polished parts: design of personal plots, urban home areas.

How to polish steel at home

Stainless steel comes in different varieties. After all, it contains several different metals. The basis of stainless steel is iron, titanium, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, and this is not the entire list. Chromium, which is also present in its composition, helps this steel resist corrosion.

What prevents steel from rusting

When chromium interacts with oxygen, a protective film is formed on the surface of stainless steel; it is this film that protects the alloy from exposure to aggressive environments.

The amount of chromium will determine the degree of corrosion resistance of steel.

For example, in the manufacture of refrigerators, an alloy with an average chromium content (10-17%) is used. But if the device is constantly in contact with water or is subjected to temperature loads, then an alloy with a high chromium content, up to 26%, is used. Such appliances include washing machines, dishwashers, sinks, hoods, cookers and kettles.

Where can I polish?

In order for the surface of the alloy to be beautiful and smooth, you need to polish the stainless steel. Nowadays, there are many companies whose specialization is this particular procedure; they put in order various products made from this alloy. But it turns out that you can polish stainless steel at home.

Of course, if you need better quality work, it is better to seek help from specialists. For example, a polished square stainless steel pipe will look much more impressive after factory processing than after home processing.

Any company that specializes in polishing will easily perform this procedure.

How to process steel

How to polish stainless steel to a mirror shine? Here is a list of everything you will need:

  • polishing paste;
  • felt or felt circles;
  • wood glue;
  • grinding wheels with different grain sizes;
  • sandpaper or stone;
  • Bulgarian.

Main stages of the process

The process takes place in several stages. First you need to do some rough cleaning. Next comes a wheel with a fiber base and an angle grinder. But this procedure can be skipped provided that the surface of the product is already quite smooth.

Grinding wheels come next. The surface must be processed several times, and each time the size of the abrasive should decrease.

If such circles are not available, then you can easily make them yourself. To do this, you can use a felt circle or felt. You need to apply wood glue to it with a spatula, and then rub it over the abrasive chips.

This operation will make the steel surface perfectly smooth. Under no circumstances should any roughness remain. After all, after polishing it will be much more difficult to seal them.

The next step is to apply polishing paste and a felt wheel. Here it is better to consult a specialist, since a specific brand of alloy requires a specific paste.

Of course, it is best to use diamond, the grit of which is suitable for the metal intended for processing. Final polishing is carried out until there are no visible flaws left.

A polished stainless steel pipe should look just perfect.

Stainless steel in everyday life

No kitchen is complete without stainless steel appliances and interior parts. This is not surprising, since this particular alloy is quite strong and durable, especially since it does not require special care. Stainless steel is often used to make dishes, cutlery and stoves, as this metal has a fairly high thermal conductivity.

But there are also some disadvantages to stainless steel: with regular use, it noticeably tarnishes. The kitchen is losing its shine. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to periodically polish the stainless steel. There are many different ways to solve this problem. An important point in this procedure is the correct selection of polishing agent for stainless steel.

When cleaning steel products, never use bleach or abrasives. Also, do not use metal sponges or brushes with stiff bristles.

There are several alternative polishing methods.

Olive oil

This method is just for those who are thinking about how to polish stainless steel at home. Tarnished dishes will begin to shine again, like new. All you need is oil and rags, preferably made of soft fabric.

Stainless steel in everyday life

No kitchen is complete without stainless steel appliances and interior parts. This is not surprising, since this particular alloy is quite strong and durable, especially since it does not require special care. Stainless steel is often used to make dishes, cutlery and stoves, as this metal has a fairly high thermal conductivity.

But there are also some disadvantages to stainless steel: with regular use, it noticeably tarnishes. The kitchen is losing its shine. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to periodically polish the stainless steel. There are many different ways to solve this problem. An important point in this procedure is the correct selection of polishing agent for stainless steel.

When cleaning steel products, never use bleach or abrasives. Also, do not use metal sponges or brushes with stiff bristles.

There are several alternative polishing methods.

Advantages and disadvantages

Electrochemical polishing has the following advantages:

  1. It increases the strength of steel and prevents rust from appearing on the metal surface. This type of polishing facilitates the drawing and stamping procedure.
  2. It is capable of softening the surface of complex and refined parts that have additional holes or cavities with complex patterns.
  3. Electrochemical polishing allows you to reduce the polishing time of the workpiece surface.
  4. Due to the high productivity of this type of polishing, the basic structure of the product is not damaged during metal processing.
  5. Speeds up the polishing process.

Despite the large number of advantages, electrochemical polishing has several disadvantages:

  1. The complexity of polishing due to the need to prepare an individual solution for processing parts made of different steels and regulating the amount of current supplied.
  2. It uses electropolishing elements, which leads to increased energy consumption.
  3. Electrochemical polishing cannot smooth out the surface of a workpiece with large cracks or depressions.
  4. As with chemical polishing, a person needs to work with toxic substances that harm the body.
  5. Electrochemical polishing does not require large financial expenses, unlike mechanical polishing, which is due to the purchase of many chemical solutions and a permanent supply of electricity. The electrolyte has a short service life, so it must be periodically renewed, which leads to additional financial costs.

To effectively use electrochemical polishing technology, you need to follow safety precautions: work in special clothing, properly configure technical equipment, and perform polishing only with working devices.

Application area

Electrochemical polishing technology is actively used in industry: for processing fittings, carburetor elements (fuel supply valves made of stainless steel), thin strips, wires and pipe mechanisms.
As a result of polishing, the surface of these parts becomes resistant to corrosion and becomes smoother. Currently, this technology is actively used to remove the defective layer from cutting tools used to make holes. Electrochemical polishing of tungsten began to be actively introduced in the production of electron tubes and electric vacuum equipment.

The use of electrochemical polishing technology is practiced in metallographic studies for the diagnosis of steels. Using this technology, cracks, flakes and other inconsistencies in the structure of metals are detected. If irregularities are detected, polishing is carried out to remove the most subtle deformations.

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