Post-processing of 3D models printed on a 3D printer

How can you dissolve ABS plastic?

Plane the material that you later want to glue, and pour the finished shavings into a container with solvent/acetone. Wait for complete dissolution; if the thickness is not enough or very thick, then add shavings or solvent accordingly. And so on until you reach the consistency you need.

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How to dissolve plastic. Polycarbonate and 5 solvents.

Types of glue for plastics

Read in the user manual, which must be included with the tube, which plastics can be glued with it. Source
We have already said that plastics are different and a certain brand of glue may be suitable for each of them, and the joining methods may differ. from friend. The most popular and reliable method is softening the surfaces of the parts to be joined with one or another solvent, for example, for plexiglass (PMMA) and polystyrene (PS) one-component dichloroethane Cl2HC-CH3 or two-component ClH2C-CH2Cl is suitable.

Liquid adhesives

The material has good moisture resistance and does not fade, so it is often used to seal seams between a window sill and a double-glazed window or between a slope and a window profile Source Stroyremontiru
The most popular are liquid compositions diluted either with a solvent or water. In the first case, when the glue is spread on the surface, the plastic softens (the top layer dissolves) and the adhesive base penetrates into the plastic, that is, high-quality adhesion occurs. When the solvent evaporates (evaporates), the parts are tightly connected to each other, like a monolith. In the case of water, plastic parts are held in place only thanks to the adhesive base, that is, a monolith is not obtained and the adhesion is quite weak.

It all depends on what exactly you are going to connect. If the plastic has a porous surface, then water-based compounds can be used. For example, PVA is used for linoleum, using a construction hair dryer when gluing. But in cases where the load is “pull-off”, this type of glue is simply useless - substances that dissolve plastic are needed here.

Contact adhesives

88 glues various materials from metal, rubber, leather, fabric, plastic, glass, cork, felt, wood and other non-porous materials, except polystyrene and polyolefins Source
This type of glue works as follows: both surfaces are smeared (joints of parts) , and is kept for a certain time specified by the manufacturer on the tube. After this, the fragments are pressed tightly against each other and held under pressure for some time (indicated on the container). The best brands are BF-2(4), B-7000, 88 CR2402. All contact compounds are divided into: those requiring a hardener and adhesives that do not require the addition of a hardener. When using such compounds, it is recommended to ventilate the room, as they are toxic.

Note: B-7000 glue has proven itself very well; it is a Chinese new product that is better than any European composition.

What is Solvent 646?

Solvent 646 is a multi-component solvent that is a mixture of the following organic solvents: alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons, ethers and ketones.

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The following tips from cleaning experts will help you cope better with the task:

  1. Before you begin bleaching, the surface must be prepared - remove dust and dirt.
  2. All work should be carried out wearing rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  3. It is necessary to consider what kind of plastic will be processed. For some types of products, special products are produced marked “for refrigerators”, “for microwaves”, etc.
  4. After cleaning is completed, the plastic surface should be wiped dry.
  5. When treating plastic against yellowing with vinegar essence, alcohol, Dimexide and other substances, you must remember that if the cleaning agent gets on areas with inscriptions, they can also be erased.
  6. To clean small plastic items, it is convenient to use an old toothbrush.

The most complete and useful information about methods and means of removing yellow spots and yellowness from various surfaces and products is presented in this section.

Top 5 special products

In addition to using improvised means and folk recipes, you can use household chemicals that are specifically designed for cleaning refrigerators.

Those that are aimed only at eliminating unpleasant odors and antibacterial treatment, without a cleaning effect, are not suitable for eliminating yellowness.

Luxus Professional

This product can be used to clean all types of surfaces inside and outside the refrigerator, including freezers. The drug effectively removes stains of various origins, including food stains. Available in 0.5 liter bottles, which last for a long time.


  • efficiency;
  • quick results;
  • economical consumption;
  • convenient release form - spray;
  • elimination of unpleasant odor;
  • antibacterial treatment;
  • Suitable for cleaning rubber seals;
  • biodegradable composition;
  • affordable price;
  • Available in various flavors (mint, lemon, grapefruit);
  • does not harm health;
  • degreasing.


  • persistent stains cannot be removed without vigorous friction;
  • unpleasant smell.

The average price is from 150 rubles. Read reviews here and here.

Sellwin Pro Clean Tone

The product from the line of cleaning products is intended for the care of refrigerators and freezers. Manufacturer – Belarus.


  • safety;
  • thanks to the spraying system, it is possible to treat even hard-to-reach places;
  • eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • gives a feeling of freshness;
  • low price;
  • cleans away dirt;
  • eliminates all types of stains on surfaces.


  • unpleasant odor;
  • it takes a long time to wash off.

Price - about 100 rubles per bottle. Read reviews here.

Topper 3102

Topper is designed for high-quality cleaning of refrigerator surfaces and giving the inside of the refrigerator freshness. Manufacturer – Germany. Packaging volume – 0.5 l.

Advantages of use:

  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • removal of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • no pungent odor;
  • does not leave streaks on the glossy walls of the device;
  • fast action.

Disadvantages: price – above average.

Price – from 200 rubles. You will find consumer reviews here.

Top House

The cleaner is available in 750 ml packs. If the refrigerator has not been washed for a long time, the product must be sprayed and left for a while to achieve a greater effect.


  • degreasing;
  • removal of unpleasant odors;
  • economical consumption;
  • high efficiency;
  • high-quality cleaning.


  • may leave streaks on gloss and glass;
  • rather high price;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • Old stains may not be dealt with immediately.

Price – from 500 rubles per bottle. Read reviews here, here and here.

Sano Refrigerator Cleaner

The Sano product is designed to maintain the hygiene of the refrigerator inside and out. The manufacturer of the product is Israel.


  • does not require rinsing;
  • acts quickly;
  • high efficiency;
  • nice smell;
  • ease of use.


  • does not cope with dried stains quickly;
  • the price is not small.

Price - about 500 rubles for 0.75 liters. Read reviews here, here and here.

We wash away yellowness inside and outside

The plastic from which the inner chamber of the refrigerator is made loses its snow-white color over time and begins to gradually turn yellow.

Yellowness inside may appear due to the fact that small pieces of food, drops not wiped off in time and other contaminants are eaten into the surface layers of the plastic.

Yellowness on the outside often appears due to changes in the structure of the material. These processes can be caused by constant exposure to direct sunlight. In addition, the cause of yellowing may be the poor quality of the material itself. You can try to restore the original color using the following simple remedies:

Laundry soap will help to cope with yellowness if the cause of its formation is a greasy coating. Half of the bar needs to be grated on a coarse grater. Pour warm water over the soap shavings and leave until completely dissolved, stirring occasionally. It should be a fairly thick paste. It must be applied to a sponge and thoroughly rub the yellowed areas. To achieve the best effect, the remaining pulp is distributed in an even layer over problem areas and left to act for 30 minutes. After this, the surface is wiped again with a sponge, washed with clean water and wiped dry;

  • Alcohol is a stronger remedy. Soak a cotton pad in regular rubbing alcohol and scrub the surface. Do not rub in one place for too long and with great force; if the plastic is already old, it may begin to dissolve at the site of impact. In the future, such a place will become polluted twice as fast;
  • You can also remove yellowness with vinegar. Just not table grade, but 70-80% vinegar essence. This substance is very caustic and odorous, so be sure to open the window and wear rubber gloves before handling. A cotton swab or gauze swab is soaked in the essence and traces of yellowness are treated. Then rinse with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth;
  • If the stains are small and barely noticeable, you can try removing them with lemon juice. It is applied to a cotton pad and treated problem areas;
  • A good whitening agent is a mixture of toothpaste and ammonia. To prepare it, you need to squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto a sponge and spread it lightly, add a couple of drops of ammonia on top. After treating the surface, it is washed, wiped dry, and the door is left for ventilation;
  • Stubborn yellow spots are treated with hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton pad with it and thoroughly wipe the surface at least 3 times. Then rinse with water and wipe;
  • You can remove yellowness from the outer parts of the refrigerator using any means except acid-containing and abrasive ones.

Chemical surface treatment method

The chemical method is more gentle and effective, but here the problem arises in the correct selection of the reagent. For example, acetone perfectly dissolves irregularities on the surface of ABS plastic, but is completely useless for processing PLA plastic. On the other hand, for example, dichloroethane or dichloromethane does an excellent job of leveling PLA plastic.

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