Manual tile cutters: review of the best models, advice from experts on application

Tile laying work is almost always accompanied by the need to cut this material, cut out shapes with straight and curved lines, round and oval holes.

Considering that ceramic tiles are a hard product, but at the same time fragile, comparable only to glass, a specialized tool with the appropriate name is used to cut it - a tile cutter.

Among its many types, it is difficult to single out the best one.

We can only talk about the most effective options in a given situation.

Each type of tile cutter is important and has earned its right to exist.

Principle of operation

Manual tile cutters are mechanical tools.
Their operating principle is similar to a glass cutter. The tools are compact in size and light in weight. They are easy to carry. The material is carved by a protruding roller, which is driven manually using a special handle. It is mounted on a carriage mounted on the tile cutter bed.

Pressing the handle creates a roller load on the material being processed, which leads to its breaking along the cutting line. The horizontal movement of the roller is ensured by a rail mechanism mounted on the frame.

It may consist of:

  • From an I-beam.
  • 2 parallel tubes.

The material to be processed for cutting is placed on the base of the bed, equipped with special shock-absorbing pads. The tile cutter itself must stand on a hard surface while working. During cutting, the roller rubs against the material, causing it to heat up. To cool it and prevent dust formation during operation, tile cutters are equipped with water reservoirs. Some models are equipped with a rotating ruler.

Features of facing material

Porcelain tiles have technical characteristics similar to natural stone. It is characterized by high strength, density and hardness. That is, unlike glazed tiles, you won’t be able to cut porcelain tiles with an inexpensive manual tile cutter even from the rating. In the case of the latter, several nuances can be identified that may negatively affect the planned work:

  • the permissible thickness of porcelain tiles is 3-7 mm;
  • After forming a narrow strip, the edges have to be additionally sanded;
  • there is a possibility of the workpiece breaking not along the intended line;
  • the difficulty of cutting tiles diagonally;
  • It is impossible to make cuts not over the entire plane.

Often, instead of a tile cutter, an angle grinder is used to cut porcelain stoneware. But there are also disadvantages here. One of the main ones = the formation of a large amount of dust. An alternative in both cases is electric tile cutters. Let's take a closer look at the principle of operation of tools that are designed for cutting tiles.

An example of an electric tool Source

Manual tile cutter

Such a tool is relevant for performing small volumes of facing work. It is in great demand among home craftsmen who choose a tile cutter for short-term use. This is justified by the relatively low cost and simplicity of the device. Here the working principle is as follows:

  • markings are applied to the tiles;
  • the workpiece is placed on the tile cutter platform, focusing on its longitudinal axis;
  • using a lever and a carriage, the roller is rolled along the intended line;
  • Using the same mechanism, using the foot, pressure is applied to the tile in order to break it in the right place.

The principle of operation is essentially similar to the operation of a glass cutter. A novice master can handle such actions. The main thing is to choose the right tile cutter, since not everyone is designed to cut high-strength porcelain stoneware. If it is necessary to additionally form a hole, then there are models with a second carriage, which is equipped with a mechanism for rotating the crown.

Manual tile cutter with a carriage for forming holes Source

According to the type of device of the working part, there are three main types of tools:

  1. Roller . Here, a carbide steel wheel acts as a cutting element.
  2. Bearing . This tile cutter is capable of working with tiles up to 15 mm thick. The bearings are located in bushings that run along guides. Their function is to ensure smooth running.
  3. Mechanical . This tile cutter is designed to work with tiles of varying hardness.

Let's look at how to choose an inexpensive but good manual tile cutter: Craftsmen recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • Platform.

It must be rigid and all-metal, with a securely adherent anti-slip coating on the surface. There should also be rubberized pads on the bottom, which will eliminate the risk of damage to the floor. The thickness of the steel platform must be at least 3 mm, aluminum - from 5 mm.

Example of a hand tool with a reinforced platform Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in finishing materials and related work

  • Frame and guides.

Integrity and rigidity are also important here. For example, if the crossbar or tubes for supporting the carriage turn out to be elastic, then it will be impossible to form a groove deep enough to break durable porcelain stoneware in the right place.

  • Smooth ride.

This is an important point that is often overlooked by novice builders. To obtain a high-quality result, it is necessary that the carriage moves smoothly with the same pressure along the entire length of the intended line. If the movement is intermittent, the groove will be of different depths. Because of this, the workpieces usually break in pieces. Here it is impossible to predict on which side the tile will burst, since the foot exerts equal pressure on the sample on both sides of the strip.

One more point needs to be taken into account when deciding which manual tile cutter is better to choose. Most models are designed to work with tile samples up to 600 mm in size. There are options with a massive platform and additional supports, on which workpieces up to 1200 mm long can be laid. It is also important to pay attention to the permissible thickness of the facing material.

Cutting large format tiles Source

Electric tile cutter

Unlike manual tile cutters, electric ones have a metal disc as the cutting element. For porcelain stoneware, as a rule, circles are selected whose edges are coated with diamond. Thanks to it, cutting tiles is carried out quickly and accurately.

The design of the technology is also different. There is a small electric motor that is mounted in a sealed box. Water is poured into the housing during the work. It acts as a coolant for the disc, which allows you to cut tiles without stopping for the wheel to cool. Another option involves dry cutting. There is a bed and a frame, which acts as a guide for the mechanism with a circle.

When determining which tile cutter is better, manual or electric, you can pay attention to the advantages of the second, which are highlighted by experienced craftsmen:

  • the cutting process takes little time;
  • it is possible to form strips less than 10 mm wide;
  • the probability of receiving defective sections is reduced to a minimum;
  • due to the water cooler, a small amount of dust is released;
  • There are models that allow you to cut tiles at a 45-degree slope.

Equipment with an adjustable platform Source
Regarding the operating principle, the equipment is divided into two types. In one, the cutting disc is fixed permanently, so the tiles have to be moved independently along the platform. With other tile cutters, the cutting wheel moves. Working with such equipment is safer for the operator. In any case, the result largely depends on the technical condition of the cutting disc and the cleanliness of the porcelain stoneware support area.


Tile cutters produced by manufacturers are divided according to their operating principle into:

  • Roller.
  • Bearing.

Roller tools are used for cutting piece tiles at right or arbitrary angles. After securing the tiles to the rubberized base of the bed, a roller with a cutting mechanism under pressure is guided along the cutting line. In professional tools, the cutting mechanism is driven by bearings mounted on guide rails.

Expert opinion

Torsunov Pavel Maksimovich

The use of radial bearing designs significantly increases tool life and improves tool quality and productivity. Each type of tool has its own technical characteristics, including the cutting range. Manual tile cutters can cut material with a thickness of 4 to 20 mm.


For diamond cutting wheels, technical conditions and parameters are specified in GOST 32833-2014.

Until 2010, electric tile cutters were manufactured in accordance with GOST 27.410-87, which described methods for monitoring reliability indicators in equipment, however, at the moment this GOST has lost force in the Russian Federation.


There are no uniform rules for marking tile cutters, but often the manufacturer, in addition to the model name, indicates the maximum size of tiles that can be worked with, and sometimes the cutting depth.

TOP 7 popular models

When choosing a tool for work, you can be guided by ratings. They are compiled based on the opinions of specialists working with them.

Bison 33193-80

The model is simple in design and easy to use. Her weight is 10.4 kg. This provides the structure with the stability necessary for operation. The main purpose of the Bison is domestic use. The model is designed for cutting porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles. Working thickness range from 0.5 to 1.6 cm.


  • Reinforced design.
  • Small dimensions.
  • Low price.


  • No desktop.
  • Cannot cut stone.

The model has a 3-year warranty. The average cost is 5.6 thousand rubles. Country of origin: Russia.

Dmitry B. review:

A reliable machine for its price. The set includes a bag. The disadvantage is rapid wear of the cutting roller.

Encore 3660

Cheap compact machine. Model weight 2 kg. Encor 3660 is designed for cutting ceramic tiles. Equipped with a high-quality cutting roller. It has a reliable base and a flat working surface. The rubber coated handle ensures safety during operation.


  • The machine ensures threading of the material without chipping.
  • Low price.
  • Light weight.


  • When working with a tile cutter, physical effort is required.
  • Small cutting depth up to 6 mm.

Average cost 880 rub. Country of origin: China.

Nikita G. review:

The machine requires caution when operating. May break the tile rather than cut it.

Montolit Masterpiuma 63P3

The machine can be used in everyday life and professional activities. Designed for cutting porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. The model is equipped with a floating handle. This greatly simplifies the work process. The tile cutter produces an even cut. The design includes additional devices: ruler, protractor, etc.


  • Small mass.
  • Spare rollers included.
  • Has the ability to cut diagonally.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of adjusting the cutting.

The average cost is 22 thousand rubles.

Oleg M. review:

I have been working with this model of tile cutter for 3 years. Rating 5. Country of origin: Italy.

Rubi Star-61

Multifunctional machine. Designed for cutting all types of tiles, including tiles and mosaics. The model has a reinforced base and an additional bed for laying material. It can accommodate cutters of different diameters. This allows. Maneuver when cutting with the size of the tile.


  • Smooth cut.
  • Shock-absorbing base.
  • Stable design.

The average cost is 6.6 thousand rubles. Country of origin: China.

Vladislav M. review:

Reliable machine. Gives a quality cut. The set includes a bag.

Bars 87590

Monorail machine. Designed for cutting ceramic tiles. The carriage is located on 2 bearings. A ruler is provided to set dimensions. The material of manufacture is aluminum. The handle is reinforced. Weight 10.5 kg.


  • Affordable price.
  • Compactness.
  • Possibility of cutting ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware.

Disadvantage: small cutting depth.

The average cost is 4.4 thousand rubles. Country of origin: Russia.

Alexander U. review:

I am pleased with the performance of the tool. Simple and reliable to use.


Lightweight, compact, multifunctional tool. The machine has 2 cutting systems. Designed for professional use. Provides fast and high-quality cutting.


  • Availability of a high precision ruler.
  • Smooth ride.
  • Suitable for working with thin ceramics.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the tool.

The average cost is 9 thousand rubles.

Mikhail Sh. review:

I use a tile cutter for tiles of various thicknesses. Gives a quality cut. Reliable at work.

MATRIX 600X16 mm with ballerina

The machine has a simple design and a durable frame. Reliable in operation. The design has a ballerina for cutting shaped holes in the tiles. Designed for professional work.


  • Carbide roller.
  • Compactness.
  • Affordable price.
  • Wide functionality.

Disadvantage: the ballerina does not cut through thick tiles.

The average cost is 2.5 thousand rubles.

Andrey K. review:

Lightweight, convenient tool. Cuts porcelain tiles well.

Purpose of the tile cutter

Tile cutters are a whole family of tools designed for straight and curved (curly) cutting of ceramic tiles.

Depending on the type of tile cutter, it is used primarily for cutting tiles, the most common type of tiles, porcelain tiles, and clinker.

Also, a tile cutter, and specifically its electric version, is capable of cutting quite thick and durable stones, such as marble.

Contrary to popular belief, the tool is not at all suitable for cutting glass.

There are exceptions, of course, but then special equipment is used, and even then in frankly rare cases, for example, when, due to the thickness of the glass, a glass cutter is not able to handle it.

How to cut tiles: step-by-step instructions

  • Step 1. Work begins by installing the machine on a hard surface.
  • Step 2. Mark the cutting line on the front side of the material.
  • Step 3. The tile is laid on the working surface and rests against the far side of the machine, after which the cut line is adjusted.
  • Step 4. The cutter handle moves towards itself.
  • Step 5. The cutter is drawn along the cutting line.
  • Step 6. Press the lever to break the tile at the location of the furrow.

What manual tile cutter do you use?

Roller Bearing

Briefly about the main thing

Porcelain stoneware is characterized by high strength and hardness, so you need to choose the right tool to cut it.

A manual tile cutter must have a reinforced platform, a solid frame and rigid guides.

Electrical equipment has greater productivity.

Diamond-coated stone cutting discs are used as a cutting element for porcelain tiles in the case of an electric drive.

The cutting wheel can be partially hidden in a sealed housing or can be moved along a guide so that the tiles are not touched during cutting.

You need to select tools taking into account their reliability and the thickness of the working facing material.

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Comparison of mechanical and electric tools

The advantages of manual models include:

  • lower cost (the price of devices ranges from 300 to 7,000 rubles) compared to electric analogues;
  • the ability to safely perform work operations with high air humidification (up to 90%);
  • no dust is generated when cutting materials, so a respirator is not needed;
  • small sizes;
  • absence of noise during operation;
  • light weight (0.2-9).

Compact dimensions and low weight allow you to easily store and move the mechanical device.

The disadvantage of hand-made products is the limited thickness of the processed materials. Also, with their help it is almost impossible to qualitatively cut strips with a width of 6 mm or less. For large volumes of work, the entire process will occur much more slowly than when using a power tool.

Electrical equipment is a productive electric tool that is capable of cutting porcelain tiles, ceramic tiles, stone, glass with a thickness of more than 1.5 cm. Using such devices, you can not only make precise straight cuts, but also bevel the material at an angle of 45 degrees. Due to the complete cutting of the workpieces, their edges are rounded. Also, when using electrical devices, there is almost no output defect if the material being processed did not initially have one. Operating the power tool requires only minor effort. There is practically no dust.

The disadvantages of the equipment include the following:

  • greater weight, dimensions and price compared to mechanical devices;
  • If the disk rotation is set incorrectly, chips may occur;
  • operation is accompanied by noise of varying levels (its level depends on the model used);
  • increased requirements for compliance with safety rules.

The question of which is better - a manual or electric tile cutter is not entirely correct. The power tool, of course, excels in its performance and technical capabilities. But it is advisable to use it only for large, regular volumes of work. Its operation is also limited by the level of air humidity and the presence of a nearby cutting area of ​​flammable or explosive materials. If there is no access to the electrical network, then it is better to buy a mechanical type device.

Characteristics for choosing an electric tile cutter

Choosing an electric tile cutter is quite a difficult task because the market is filled with different types of products from different brands. You need to focus on the following technical characteristics of this power tool:

  • power;
  • disk diameter;
  • speed;
  • depth of cut.

For domestic use, it is enough to choose a tile cutter with a power from 750 to 1500 W with a diameter of installed discs from 80 to 150 mm. Such a power tool will allow you to make cuts 2-4 cm deep. This is quite enough to cut tiles, glass, and thin stone.

The thicker the material you plan to work with, the greater the power and diameter of the disks the purchased unit should have.

To cut ceramic tiles, stone, porcelain stoneware, a spindle rotation speed of about 3000 rpm without load is sufficient.

The purchased product must have high-quality protection against water penetration, because work is often done using a wet method. It’s good when there is protection against overloads (especially with indication) and accidental switching on. This makes the equipment more durable and the work process safer.

For machine equipment, you should also take into account the dimensions of the table, which determine what size tiles you can work with. It is also necessary to take into account the build quality of this unit and the ease of removing dirt from its surface. For models of machines with an overhead electric drive, it is considered a plus to be equipped with a large water tank and a laser pointer.


Choosing a future tile cutter is quite complicated, and therefore it will be better if all the main criteria are taken into account. These include not only ease of operation, but also the ability to cut almost any tile and shape of the device. Be sure to consider how often you plan to use the tile cutter, as well as what tiles you will be working with most often.

Our article presents the most popular, high-quality and not too expensive tile cutters, which were evaluated by both experts and real buyers. Having purchased any model from our rating, you can be sure of its quality.

Video - How to choose and use a manual tile cutter?

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