Rating of the TOP 5 best moisture meters for wood: types, characteristics, reviews

In the production of products from wood material, it is important to take into account the moisture level of the raw materials, which can be determined by a special device - a moisture meter. Such compact devices use a non-contact operating principle.

They give a significant error when measuring hot materials and areas with a resinous surface. To make it easier for you to navigate this area, we have compiled a rating of the TOP 5 best moisture meters for wood: types, characteristics, reviews will be discussed in the article below.


The market for such devices is large: from small compact moisture meters to huge devices with many different functions. Let's look at the two most popular types.

  • Needle (contact) Designed for extremely accurate measurement of the moisture level of various lumber and wood products. Determination of humidity occurs by measuring and converting the electrical resistance of the material under study into a percentage using the conductometric method.
  • Contactless. Designed for high-precision determination of the moisture level of wood products using the dielcometric method. The measurement takes place in several stages: the type of species is set on the device, it is leaned against the surface of the wood, a button is pressed and the measurement result is displayed on the indicator.

Wood moisture meter: what is it and why is it needed, rating of the best models

Wood used in construction and furniture making must be dry. Otherwise, it will quickly lose its performance qualities and deteriorate. In order to accurately determine the level of moisture absorbed by the material, use a wood moisture meter. Let's talk about the device in more detail.

Design and principle of operation

The device consists of the following structural elements:

Essentially, a moisture meter is a highly sensitive voltmeter. The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that moisture conducts electricity, but dry wood does not. Therefore, if the wood fibers are saturated with water, the readings will be lower. If the material is completely dry, the resistance will be very high.

Unlike an ohmmeter, the device calculates the humidity level. It processes the received resistance information and converts it into other numbers. For example, at the maximum parameter value (that is, if the tree is dry), zero will be displayed on the display.



A traditional model that measures the resistance of wood. Equipped with two probes resembling needles. They are located at a distance of 3 - 4 centimeters from each other.

The probes are inserted 2 - 3 millimeters into the wood. The device measures the resistance between them, processes the information received and displays it on the screen.

This type of hygrometer has a number of advantages:

  • price – refers to the most inexpensive options;
  • reliability – it very rarely fails and remains operational for a long time;
  • relative accuracy - in most cases, the readings are reliable and true;
  • versatility - using contact devices you can measure humidity not only on wood, but also on other materials (for example, brick, concrete).

There are three disadvantages:

  • The first is the need to damage the material being tested. If wood is used for construction, there is nothing wrong with that. But if it is for furniture or decor, such damage is undesirable.
  • Second , the device can measure humidity no higher than 4%. After all, if a tree is drier than this indicator, it has a very high resistance. This means that it is impossible to reliably measure humidity. Meanwhile, sometimes this is necessary - for example, when making furniture from certain types of wood.
  • The third is the impossibility of measurements in conditions of negative air temperature. The fact is that frozen water conducts electricity worse. Thus, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the moisture content of a tree in the cold by obtaining information about its resistance.


A more modern version of the device. Uses ultrasound to examine wood, which it can independently generate. Under the influence of sound waves, the material begins to vibrate.

In this case, the frequency of vibration of the tree depends on the degree of its wetting. Oscillations are read and processed. Based on the data obtained, the moisture content of the material is calculated.

Unlike a needle device, an ultrasonic device does not require damaging the wood - just bring the scanner to it. The error in the readings is very low - no more than 1% - 2%. It is possible to study almost dry material. Work in cold temperatures down to - 5 o - 7 o C is allowed.

The only drawback is the price. Non-contact hygrometers are several times more expensive than needle hygrometers.

Better needle hygrometers

Let's look at the best models of needle moisture meters for wood.

Benetech GM605

Inexpensive needle type hygrometer. It has a small body and a protective cover for electrodes. Thanks to this, it easily fits into your pocket and can be carried from place to place. It has raised notches on the sides that make it easier to hold the device.

The screen is minimalistic and does not display any information other than the research result. It is indicated as a percentage.

Rating TOP 5 best moisture meters for wood

Having analyzed the entire market of available goods, we have compiled the following rating:

  • CONDTROL Hydro Pro.
  • CONDTROL Hydro-Tec.
  • TESTO 606-1.
  • CEM DT-125H/G.
  • GMH 3830.

Let's consider each model separately.


Microprocessor model of a moisture meter designed for measuring temperature and humidity in rooms, as well as monitoring wood moisture content in accordance with GOST. This compact model contains the functions of three different devices, while all sensors are built into the body. The device has two measurement modes: HOLD - fixing a single value, SCAN - for continuous scanning and detection of areas of high moisture content. In addition to measuring wood moisture, the device is suitable for concrete, mortar screed, plaster and brick.

Operating temperaturesfrom -5 to +40°С
Weight200 g

Price: from 13,900 to 15,999 rubles.

  • three operating modes (AUTO, HOLD, SCAN);
  • small dimensions (145x60x35 mm);
  • wide angle of object capture (up to 110°).
  • not detected.

I decided to get into the wood trade and purchased this model to avoid various unpleasant situations. The package included a device passport, a humidity equivalent and a portable bag (convenient and practical). There is an automatic shutdown system, which allows you to significantly save electrical charge and prolong the operation of the equipment. I can't highlight anything else. Simple, outstanding design, compact size. Overall I'm happy with the purchase.

moisture meter CONDTROL Hydro Pro


The model is designed for operational measurements of the moisture level of wood and other building materials. The principle of its operation is based on the correlation dependence of the dielectric constant of a material on its moisture content at positive temperatures. This makes it possible to perfectly accurately determine the moisture content in wood ranging from 2% to 65% at a depth of up to 20 mm. Despite its small size, the device contains a library that includes twenty types of wood: spruce, poplar, aspen, pine, cedar, linden, walnut, elm, maple, beech, pear, oak, cherry and others.

Operating temperaturesfrom -5 to +40°С
Weight75 g

Price: from 4,300 to 5,990 rubles.

  • about twenty lumber are stored in memory (oak, birch, maple, etc.);
  • optimal error value (up to 2%);
  • large display (5.5x12.3 cm).

Purpose of moisture meters

A wood moisture meter is used at logging enterprises in the manufacture of wooden products. The quality and value of the raw materials themselves and the products that are made from these raw materials depend on the moisture content.

The level of quality of manufactured wood products, from a chair to a log house, directly depends on the amount of moisture contained in the wood. This parameter is variable and depends on the season of procurement of raw materials, conditions and time of storage. An enterprise whose activities are aimed at supplying, storing and harvesting wood must have special hygrometers to control its humidity. Craftsmen who work with wood will also benefit from such a device.

Accurate determination of wood moisture content is only possible using laboratory analysis. To do this, an “average” sample is taken from a batch of lumber; in the laboratory, pieces of wood are placed in a drying oven and dried to a constant weight. The difference between the initial and final mass is used to determine the percentage of moisture content in a given sample. The advantage of this method is the highest accuracy. There are many more disadvantages of determining humidity according to GOST. First of all, this is the duration of the analysis. The process may take several days. In addition, to measure the moisture content of wood according to the method, you need to separate a piece of wood, so this method is unacceptable for finished products.

You can replace time-consuming analysis in the laboratory with a simple and quick measurement using an electronic moisture meter. The small device provides reliable results instantly. The principle of operation and assessment of water content with a moisture meter is based on measuring the electrical resistivity of wood, which directly depends on the moisture content of the material.

A moisture meter determines the moisture content of wood as a percentage. Measurement using this method has a small error of 2-10%. Such a deviation from the true value can occur for several reasons:

  1. Local dimension. This error is reduced by increasing the number of measurement points and then calculating the average result.
  2. The nature of wood. Wood of different tree species has different electrical conductivity, which also introduces error into the measurement.


A moisture meter used for wood has many advantages:

  1. Non-destructive measurement method. There is no need to saw off a piece of lumber or product.
  2. Easy to use. The measurement does not require any physical force.
  3. The temperature of the measurement object and the surrounding air do not affect the operation of the device.
  4. Convenient to use, which is especially important in conditions close to field conditions (sawmill, construction site).
  5. Low cost with high sensitivity and measurement accuracy.

Comparison table of characteristics

For a more clear comparison of the models presented above, we have compiled a comparison table.

ModelViewAccuracy (%)Operating temperatures (°C)Weight, kg)Price, rub)
CONDTROL Hydro Procontact2.5from -5 to +40200 gfrom 13,900 to 15,999
CONDTROL Hydro-Teccontactless2from -5 to +4075from 4,300 to 5,990
TESTO 606-1contact1from -40 to +70230from 8,390 to 9,500
CEM DT-125H/Gcontact0.5from -20 to + 40172from 4,520 to 5,120
GMH 3830contact2from -25 to +50170from 27,800 to 37,200

In soil, air and grain

Manufacturers present several more types of products. These are instruments that measure moisture in soil, air and grain. Most of these devices are quite expensive, but there are no complaints about their performance. The products are made of very high quality and will serve their owner for a long time.

LASERLINER MoistureMaster Compact 082.333A

A German-Chinese company has launched the production of simple and reliable moisture meters. The device is designed to measure parameters in different materials. The instrument error is only 0.2%. This is a very good indicator. Measurement interval from 0 to 66.5%. Users enjoy the wide reading range and versatility of applications.

In the construction industry, the product is used to measure the humidity parameter in gypsum plaster, concrete and cement screed. The device is also used in woodworking. It has its own flavor. Woodworkers are attracted to the moisture meter by the presence of 56 types of wood in its memory. The indicator consists of 12 segments. Data is processed very quickly, and the backlight will help you use the product in the dark. The model is in first place in the ranking. Users like the low accuracy, ease of use and unpretentiousness. The disadvantages include the high price.

LASERLINER MoistureMaster Compact 082.333A


  • excellent quality;
  • high measurement accuracy;
  • multifunctionality;
  • The device provides readings quickly.


  • high cost.

Megeon 20540

The cost of the device is 6557 rubles. A universal device will help measure the amount of moisture in a standard and non-contact way. The device is used mainly for researching cereal crops. The product has an impressive size display, which is equipped with bright backlighting. Therefore, the tool can be used even at night. The device is multifunctional. The most useful options will be automatic shutdown, battery charge indication and storage of current measurements. The body of the product is made of durable material, so the device is resistant to minor shocks and falls.

Megeon 20540


  • multifunctionality;
  • wide backlit display;
  • low error.


  • Batteries have to be changed frequently.

CEM DT-172

The product is made in China. Products from this country are winning the market from their competitors every year. The device is popular due to its low price, light weight and compact size. The main advantage is that the moisture meter is included in the state register. Now you can carry out tool verification in special centers. Not every manufacturer can boast of such services.

Humidity is measured from 0 to 100%. The device can detect air temperature. It responds well to changes in humidity. The error of the device is about 3%. It is equipped with a USB output. Through the port you can transfer information to another medium.

CEM DT-172


  • light weight and small dimensions;
  • there is a certificate;
  • verification can be carried out in a specialized center;
  • low cost.


  • relatively large error;
  • runs on a rare type of battery that is difficult to buy.

How to use it correctly?

Despite the fact that these devices always come with instructions for proper use, some people cannot always correctly interpret the information described in the instructions for use. Now we will explain everything clearly to you.

Let's say you need to determine the moisture level of a parquet board. In this example, it is better to use a non-contact model; it will not harm the finished product. So, the measurement process goes like this:

  1. The board itself is prepared (cleaned of debris, it is advisable to ensure a flat surface).
  2. The device turns on (the button on the device itself).
  3. The calibration is set (according to the table in the instructions).
  4. The moisture meter is brought with the sensor side to the surface of the board or inserted into it.
  5. The display shows the measurement results we need.

Operating principle of the device

Before the advent of electronic moisture meters, the humidity level was determined according to GOST. This is a long and labor-intensive process, which gave accurate indicators only with strict adherence to research algorithms. The disadvantage of the method is that it is difficult to obtain the value.

Moisture meters are designed to determine the moisture content of a material almost instantly . The operating principle of the devices is based on measuring the electrical resistivity of wood. This parameter changes depending on the amount of water in the structure of the material, to which the device reacts. The meters calculate the degree of humidity with an error of 0.5 to 4% based on several parameters:

  1. Local measurements. In one trunk, in different areas, the level of moisture saturation is different. To reduce inaccuracy, measurements are taken in several places on the workpiece.
  2. Rocks have different densities. Coniferous and deciduous trees have different characteristics. For example, by density. Many moisture meters whose software includes a rock identification function can take this feature into account.

The undoubted advantage of using a device for measuring humidity over the GOST method is maintaining the integrity of the product.

What to look for when choosing

Let's consider what criteria should be taken into account in order to make a successful purchase.

  • When choosing a moisture meter, the main criterion is the type of unit. There are two types: contact and non-contact.
  1. Contact (needle). Equipped with small metal needles, which must be immersed in specially prepared holes in the product. After this, the device will begin to create electrical resistance between the needles and the material. Working with this type is quite simple, but the product being tested suffers.
  2. Non-contact (dielcometric). Created on the basis of a radio frequency generator, which allows you to get a fairly accurate result. The device does not affect the quality of the product being tested.
  • Cost of the device. Don't buy an overly expensive model. Their work follows the same principle, which means it makes no sense to overpay for a model whose manufacturers are simply luring buyers.
  • Size. The comfort of use depends on the size of the device. Pay attention to the medium-sized model so that it fits easily in your hand. Otherwise, what is the use of a device if it cannot be used?

Main types

The principle of operation of a moisture meter is to analyze the resistivity of a material for the passage of current, but the accuracy depends on the characteristics of the device. The device must be selected based on the purpose of its use and the scale of production.

Conductometric needle moisture meter

The device for determining humidity by contact method is equipped with probes that need to be inserted into the wood. In her body, the device creates an electrical impulse between the electrodes and determines the size of the resistance of the medium. The value is displayed on the screen.

Advantages of the devices:

  • low price;
  • high reliability of the result with correct insertion of needles into the mass;
  • ease of use.


  • the material has to be damaged, and this is undesirable when measuring hard and expensive rocks and finished products;
  • The electric moisture meter is unable to reliably measure humidity below 4%. This drawback is insignificant; less than 5% is the normal level of water content in the finished product.

The device rarely becomes unusable; for adjustment, sometimes it is necessary to replace the crown, which you can do yourself.

Non-contact electric moisture meter (dielcometric)

The moisture meter has a built-in radio frequency generator. It scans building materials from a distance without the need to penetrate into the mass.

Advantages of the device:

  • an electric moisture meter can determine humidity with low error;
  • suitable for analyzing the quality of raw materials and finished wooden products;
  • many models include a value memory function;
  • does not require damage to wood.


  • high cost of the device;
  • Repairing a moisture meter will not be cheap; a specialist is required.

How to use a moisture meter: turn on the device, apply the contact surface to the material or move it to the distance specified in the instructions. For devices, the working element can be located on the back side of the device or as an external measuring cylinder (see photographs of non-contact devices).

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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