How to make sandblasting with your own hands: video tutorials and some tricks

A sandblaster is an effective piece of equipment that can be useful in many situations. Using such a device, characterized by its compact size and light weight, it is possible to clean various surfaces from dirt and old coatings, and remove traces of scale and pockets of corrosion from metal structures.

Of course, you can purchase a separate sandblasting machine or take a unit with a compressor, but in conditions of lack of funds it is quite possible to assemble a sandblasting machine yourself

Due to their versatility, sandblasting machines are equally successfully used both in large industrial enterprises and in small repair shops, as well as in everyday life. To become the owner of sandblasting equipment, you can choose one of several methods. The simplest of them is to buy a serial sandblasting machine in a specialized store or on the construction market. This option is simple, but will require serious financial investments from you, since such equipment, manufactured in a production environment, is quite expensive.

There is also the possibility of renting a sandblasting machine from organizations providing similar services. The disadvantage of this option is that long-term rental of this equipment will be very expensive if you need a sandblasting machine on a regular basis.

Very often, a regular gas cylinder is used to make homemade sandblasting.

Air supply unit

Sand supply valve

The procedure for making the neck (a thick rubber gasket would not be superfluous)

Nozzle - spark plug insulator inserted into the valve

A piece of fittings for easy unscrewing of the neck

We connect the compressor - the installation is ready

In the latter case (if you do not want to spend a decent amount of money on purchasing a sandblasting machine), you can make it yourself. To do this, it is not enough just to look at a photo of such equipment or a video of its operation - you will need a drawing or at least a detailed diagram of the sandblasting machine. Naturally, in order to make sandblasting yourself, you should prepare all the necessary structural elements of such a device.

How does a sandblasting machine work: general information

Such a unit consists of several main components:

  • a compressor that creates the pressure necessary for the sandblasting machine;
  • cables through which voltage is supplied to the compressor;
  • hoses;
  • fittings;
  • taps for regulating pressure supply;
  • dispensers;
  • dehumidifier.

However, one of the most important parts of the device is the nozzle, through which the abrasive passes under air pressure. In industrial production, steel nozzles are coated with boron or tungsten compounds. Such parts are durable, but it is impossible to make them at home when making a sandblasting machine with your own hands. Although here the load on the nozzle will be small, incomparable to industrial scale.

There is a lot of dust, but the metal is cleaned perfectly

Helpful information! For homemade installation, you can use regular steel. An old car spark plug from which the electrode is pulled out works well. Of course, the service life of such a nozzle is minimal, but the cost is zero.

Sandblasting machine diagram: some subtleties

To make it easier for the dear reader to navigate the structure of the unit, we suggest looking at a schematic representation of a sandblasting machine. You will be convinced that there is nothing complicated in its design. The main thing is to understand the principle of its operation, which we will now deal with.

Schematic illustration of a sandblasting machine

What is important to consider

Although siphon sandblasters are cheap and easy to make, there are some key disadvantages associated with them. Siphon gun nozzles are larger than pressure gun nozzles, so they draw more pressure and also require larger compressors to operate.

a large volume of air, which is necessary to suck the abrasive material from the cylinder. This makes it slower than a regular pressure sandblaster. Additionally, these guns tend to clog easily, making cleaning difficult.

Sandblasting machines, unlike siphon ones, work four times more efficiently. Therefore, they are more suitable for large productions.

What is the principle of operation of a sandblasting machine: video and photo examples

The operating principle of the device can be compared to a spray gun. Many people know that a stream of compressed air passing under high pressure captures small particles of paint and carries it out through the nozzle. Here the principle is the same, only instead of paint there is abrasive (sand). And although the designs of sandblasting machines may differ, the principle of operation does not change. And to clarify the remaining unclear points, we suggest watching a very informative video on this topic:

How to install sandblasting on a Karcher and other alternative manufacturing options

Inventors who like to assemble their own tools from scrap materials or other devices suggest using a variety of materials in their work. Thus, they manage to produce devices of different types, for example, a sandblasting gun with a bag for collecting sand, which allows the use of abrasive several times in a row, or a variety of recirculation-type devices. At the same time, the work often uses devices intended for completely different purposes.

One good example is a homemade sandblaster made from a pressure washer. Most often, equipment is taken for work. The result is a dust-free sandblasting machine that can effectively clean even complex contaminants.

The washing process creates high water pressure during operation, but it is important that the liquid consumption is minimal. In order to get an efficiently operating dust-free installation, you will need to assemble a sandblasting nozzle onto the outlet pipe. In addition, you will need other components:

One of the options for homemade sandblasting is a device made on the basis of a high-pressure washer.

  • homemade or ceramic nozzle;
  • high-quality reinforced hose;
  • mixing unit, you can use an ordinary tee, the main thing is to choose the part you need in diameter;
  • feed control unit, which is a cylindrical dispenser;
  • a pipe for sand intake, supplemented by an air supply path into a closed container with abrasive.

The finished water-type sandblaster from the sink will work using an ejector system. In this case, high-pressure water, as it quickly passes through the mixing unit, creates a vacuum in the abrasive material supply unit. After this, the sand along with water is thrown out under high pressure.

Among the features of using such a device, the following point can be highlighted: despite the low water consumption, the abrasive is supplied very intensively. This allows you not only to clean surfaces, but also to frost the glass.

On a note! In order for a device made from a high-pressure washer to consistently supply abrasive, you need to use fine sand of uniform dispersion. For household work, fine, sifted river sand is suitable.

Using sandblasting made from Karcher, you can not only clean surfaces, but also frost glass.

What types of sandblasting machines are there?

To answer the question of which sandblasting machine is better, you should clearly understand for what purpose it will be intended. Depending on the area of ​​application, it is determined what type of apparatus is needed. There are three main types:

  1. Suction – such a unit is suitable if a small amount of work needs to be done (light rust, slight oxidation). The air here does double duty - in addition to supplying abrasive to the nozzle, it also takes sand from the tank. Such a device is the easiest to make.
  2. Vacuum sandblasting – an interesting solution, in which the abrasive is used repeatedly. Sand thrown upward under pressure in such devices is sucked back.

    There is absolutely no dust when working with vacuum sandblasting

  3. Pneumatic sandblasting machines. They are intended for processing large areas. Their power is very high, which means the pressure in the receiver must be high. For this reason, the editors of strongly do not recommend constructing this type of sandblasting yourself.

Important! If large areas or difficult-to-clean elements are required to be treated, i.e. When using pneumatic sandblasting, it is better not to waste money and hire professionals than to risk your life. Remember that a receiver that explodes nearby, even at 4 atm, leaves no chance of life.

Types and types of abrasives for surface treatment

The main consumable for work is abrasive, under the influence of which the surface is cleaned. Sand simply taken from the river bank will not be suitable for this purpose, because it has a heterogeneous composition, and its particles are unequal in size and shape. All this will subsequently affect the quality of the treated surface. In addition, large grains of sand break down and turn into dust during the cleaning process, and the abrasive itself very quickly becomes unusable, so it needs to be constantly renewed.

First of all, you need to remember that only special types of abrasive are suitable for high-quality cleaning. Often this is not only sand, but also other suitable materials of artificial and natural origin. The choice of option will depend on the specifics of the work. The main parameters in this case are:

  • hardness;
  • size;
  • form.

On a note! In most countries, it is prohibited to use ordinary quartz sand for sandblasting, because quartz particles upon impact with metal turn into dust, which can cause severe pulmonary diseases. In addition to affecting the health of the sandblaster, the dust can harm others, even those far from the work site.

Sandblasting machines use such types of sand as river, quarry and industrial quartz.

In general, the design of a sandblasting machine involves the use of such types of sand as:

  1. Regular river. The material must be sieved to obtain a homogeneous composition.
  2. Career. Somewhat finer than river material, but in addition to sifting, the material requires additional washing.
  3. Industrial quartz. A derivative of ordinary sand, obtained by sifting and dividing into fractions. The cost is 3 times more expensive than the river one.
  4. Special crushed abrasive. Obtained as a result of crushing quartz rocks. High efficiency in this case is ensured by the acute-angled shape of the grains, which has a good effect on the surface.

Sand for sandblasting: which one is better to use?

Sand is not the only material recommended for sandblasting. It is often more profitable to use other abrasives. But for homemade sandblasting machines, the best abrasive is quartz sand. No one will use them on too harsh stains, but (for example) in order to remove rust on the fender or hood of a car before touching up the area, quartz sand is quite enough.

Quartz sand can be easily purchased in construction stores

It is important to know! Quartz sand can also be heterogeneous. It should be understood that if polishing is required, small, sifted fractions are used, and to clean the fence from rust before painting it is better to use unsifted sand.

The size of the fractions by area of ​​application is distributed as follows:

  • 0.1−0.8 mm – glass is matted using even sifted sand;
  • 0.3 mm – polishing of copper and aluminum parts;
  • 0.3−0.6 mm – paint and varnish coatings;
  • 0.6−0.16 mm – deeply ingrained rust.

In other cases, larger and harder abrasives are used.

Safety precautions

Safety is of great importance when constructing and using sandblasting machines.

Machines and hoses should be checked from time to time for wear or blockage. You can watch a special video to see how this is done.

The work may result in sand bouncing off the surface, so equipment safety is of paramount importance. Respiratory hoods, protective clothing such as aprons and dust collars, and respirators with dust filters should be used.

You should not use quartz sand, which tends to disintegrate into small particles and enter the lungs, thus causing silicosis. Alternatively, metallic carriers such as steel shot, copper shot and zinc shot are used. Some people also prefer to use crushed nut shells and kernels.

Sandblasting is often a dirty job. Therefore, the rebounded sand can settle and even damage surrounding objects. It is worth making sure that sandblasting is carried out in an isolated, well-ventilated area and that all items nearby are properly protected.

Making your own sandblaster and using it is quite simple if a person knows how to do it correctly. However, it is important to follow safety precautions to avoid any problems. When in doubt when assembling a sandblasting machine, it is best to seek professional help.

If a person does not understand such mechanisms, then he definitely should not assemble them himself. It is worth noting that even an experienced DIY enthusiast needs to be extremely careful, and before assembling the device, view all the information from various sources, including be sure to watch several videos on the Internet on how to make a sandblasting machine.

How to choose a sandblaster: advice from the editors of

Having understood in which area sandblasting will be used, you should pay attention to the fact that such equipment differs in the following characteristics:

  • the volume of the abrasive hopper - the operator’s comfort will depend on this. The larger the tank volume, the less often you will have to stop during operation;
  • operating pressure of the unit - for domestic use, devices with a pressure of 4-9 atm are used;
  • productivity – the optimal indicator is 15−30 m2/h;
  • sand consumption during operation - average value for simple sandblasting - 40 kg/h;
  • equipment;
  • number of operators involved in the work.

You can find a nozzle of any diameter on sale

Particular attention should be paid to the nozzle. The performance will depend on it, and the frequency of its replacement will depend on the material of manufacture. Ceramic and cast iron nozzles are considered more acceptable - they work for a long time and are inexpensive.

The compressor must produce at least 350 l/min, otherwise you will have to install a large receiver, which will affect the mobility of the installation, which in itself is an important factor when choosing a device. Additional functions that are desirable include remote control of abrasive supply. This allows you to consume less air, sand and provides additional safety for the operator.

Sandblasting chamber

To reduce the consumption of sand, which scatters to the sides and is wasted significantly, you can use a special chamber. It is not difficult to do it yourself, although it will require time and financial investment. It is necessary to weld metal sheets into a box and install glass in the body to visualize the process. 2 holes are drilled in front, to which 2 rough permanent gloves are attached. The bottom is made of thick wire or lattice, and underneath there is a plastic or metal trench for discharging abrasives. The sandblasting gun is installed inside the chamber, which is most conveniently located on the table.

What tools are needed to make a sandblasting machine?

The first thing you should purchase to make sandblasting is a compressor; you won’t be able to make it yourself. Next is a reservoir for sand (abrasive). A propane tank or an old fire extinguisher works well for this purpose. Now the nozzle. Of course, you can turn it on a lathe, but then you need to be prepared that such a nozzle will quickly wear out. The solution is to purchase special ceramic caps that will protect the metal. Hydraulic hoses from construction equipment are perfect as air ducts and channels for sand with pressurized air. Do not forget about fittings, nozzles and taps - their number can be calculated according to the drawing, without which the manufacture of a sandblasting installation is impossible.

This compressor is quite suitable for sandblasting.

Design features

In order for the technical system to function correctly, it provides the following devices:

  • sand nozzle with ceramic or steel tip;
  • handle with trigger for controlling the device;
  • fittings for connecting hoses necessary for supplying compressed air and sand;
  • hoses for incoming abrasive and forced air;
  • intake pipe or suction valve;
  • a sand container with an outlet (for example, a small metal barrel or bottle).

The ideal option is to use homemade sandblasting not in the open air, but in a special chamber, which will increase work efficiency and reduce abrasive consumption. The chamber can be a box made of metal sheets, which is welded independently. Most factory camera models include the following items:

  • glass viewing window for monitoring the material processing process;
  • lighting system;
  • two holes for gloves, in which the master places his hands;
  • a grate at the bottom of the chamber and a chute for pouring waste sand;
  • ventilation system to remove dust.

It is better to purchase the nozzle ready-made rather than making it yourself, this way it will last longer. It is almost impossible to make a nozzle of decent quality by hand. You will also have to buy a compressor, or take an old device that is available.

What can you use to make your own sandblasting machine?

The simplest is considered to be the manufacture of units from gas cylinders and fire extinguishers. You can't think of a better base at home. Now let's briefly look at the algorithm of actions that need to be performed.

Do-it-yourself sandblasting from a gas cylinder: step-by-step instructions

There are dozens and hundreds of variations of units created with your own hands from various available materials. Sandblasting can also be made from devices and parts that have lost their relevance.

IllustrationDescription of action

Let's start by making a hole in the center in the bottom of the gas cylinder. To do this, drill out in a circle with a thin drill, and then break out the circle with pliers.

To make the hole look neater, we rough it up using a drill with a special attachment, although this is not necessary. There will still be no visible torn edges.

We weld the plug with a screw plug - sand will be poured into the container through it.

Having prepared all the fittings, taps and hoses, you can start working. A dehumidifier is a must! The fact is that when the compressor operates, condensation forms, which, coming out with compressed air, will wet the sand, and the wet abrasive will simply clog the nozzle.

We are trying to unscrew the valve of the gas cylinder. This rarely happens without complications. In some cases, you have to cut it off, drill out what remains inside and correct the thread.

After the valve is removed, a ½-inch bend is screwed into the hole. Do not pay attention to the fact that the thread on the cylinder is conical.

We wrap all threaded connections with tow. As an alternative, you can use FUM tape, however, good old tow is more reliable.

If you don’t plan to do a lot of work, you can use the tip of a cheap heat gun, which is sold in FixPrise stores, as a nozzle.

This is what our pressure type sandblasting machine looks like. Of course, the appearance may differ, but the essence does not change.

With such a device you can not only process metal, but also frost glass, which we tried to do using the example of a simple bottle.

Is it difficult to make sandblasting with your own hands from a fire extinguisher?

If you understand in detail our step-by-step instructions, then making a sandblasting unit from a fire extinguisher will not be difficult. Everything is done exactly the same here. The only difference will be the size of the sand tank.

This neat sandblasting machine is made from a fire extinguisher

How to make a sandblasting nozzle with your own hands: tips from the editors of

The best option would be to make a ceramic nozzle for sandblasting from used automotive spark plugs. To do this, you need to unscrew the central part, then cut off the candle from the nut side with a grinder. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the ceramics. After the work is done, the ceramic glass can be easily removed. Of course, such a nozzle will work no more than 2-3 hours, however, the beauty here is that it will not cost anything - you can find as many old spark plugs as you like. If you buy a nozzle, then it is best to buy a product made of boron carbide. It will last from 750 to 1000 hours of continuous operation. A cast iron nozzle will last for 6-8 hours, and a tungsten carbide product will last for about 300 hours.

It is this ceramic part of the spark plug that is needed to make the nozzle

Making a sandblasting gun with your own hands: how difficult is it?

Making a gun for a sandblasting machine is a completely simple matter. To do this, you only need a pneumatic gun, with which you can blow out hard-to-reach places and a plastic bottle. We invite our dear reader to watch a short video that explains in detail the process of making a sandblasting gun for a compressor.

DIY sandblasting gun

How to make sandblasting with your own hands: video tutorials on making various units

Such installations can be of different types. Now let's look at the processes of their manufacture. Let's start with a regular homemade sandblasting machine with our own hands. The video below will help our dear reader more fully understand how to do it.

Do spark plugs often coke? Then a good solution would be to design and make your own sandblaster for cleaning spark plugs. You can find out what it looks like and how it is used in the video.

And from the following video you can understand how a sandblasting machine with water works. Quite an interesting solution that will not require you to spend a lot of money if you have a Keörcher-type mini-wash on hand.

Well, if you decide to make a sandblasting chamber, the editors of present to your attention several homemade products made according to drawings.


Hydrosandblasting can be carried out regularly in a normal garage or on-site environment, also using regular PPE. The bodies of old cars, after cleaning with hydrosandblasting, are quite suitable for painting; distance of the site or workshop from the above objects - from 50 m. Hydrosand jet is used without a compressor from a portable car wash or a household “sprinkler” for windows and display cases. Therefore, special attention should be paid to hydrosandblasting.

The design diagram of a hydrosandblasting installation driven by a portable washing machine is shown on the left in the figure:

Diagram of a hydrosandblasting installation and a simple nozzle for hydrosandblasting

A drawing of a simple nozzle made from parts of a water supply system for hydrosandblasting is on the right; The inset shows its appearance. The operating principle is ejection. However, such a nozzle works with some washers, but not with others, and the limits for adjusting the jet density and abrasive flow rate with a suitable drive are insufficient. The reason is the oblique concentrated supply of the abrasive-air mixture to the ejector.

The nozzle with coaxial supply of water and abrasive-air mixture works stably with any car and household washing installations. For example, the nozzle, the drawings of which are shown in Fig., was originally developed for the Kärcher car wash. But it is also suitable for any other thread with a standard G1/4” tip. And if the standard fit is different, then it is enough to make a connecting socket for it (see item 1).

Drawings of a universal hydrosandblasting nozzle for portable washers

Note: boron carbide nozzle insert (item 4) is a ready-made purchase item. Can be replaced by another, straight or Venturi; in this case, the diameter of its narrowing (“neck” of the Venturi nozzle is 4.5-6 mm).

How to make a hydrosandblasting nozzle for a portable car wash, see also the video:

Pros and cons of homemade units

If we talk about the positive aspects of sandblasting machines assembled by hand, then they are on the surface - this is an opportunity to clean surfaces for a very modest amount that a master will spend on taps, fittings and pipes. And that’s if it’s not in his garage. This is where the advantages end. What about the minuses? There's a more serious question here. Dust during work is understandable, but what about the risk of injury? Any mistake when welding parts will lead to a rupture in this place. In this case, death is also possible. Therefore, the editors of warn: weigh everything 1000 times and think about whether you can do this job with perfect quality. If not, then it’s better to abandon the idea.

From an electric spray gun

Sandblasting can be assembled very quickly and easily using a regular spray gun. Such a device can be easily built at home in just 10-20 minutes.

Sandblasting can be assembled very quickly and easily using a regular spray gun.

  • mixing valve from a simple spray gun;
  • a handle containing a mechanism for supplying air masses;
  • a bottle containing abrasive mixtures;
  • tee;
  • ball valve regulator.

The scheme of operation of such a homemade product will be extremely simple and understandable. To assemble a sandblast from a spray gun, you will need to proceed as follows.

  1. First, you will need to carefully sharpen the spray gun to use a nozzle of the appropriate size.
  2. Next, you will need to attach a mixing tee to the gun.
  3. Finally, the master will need to fix the hoses responsible for supply and circulation.

Sandblaster operating instructions: take care of your life and health

The main thing that is required when working with sandblasting is the mandatory use of personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, goggles) and compliance with safety precautions. It is certainly clear that you cannot use faulty equipment, damaged hoses, etc. Otherwise, each unit is controlled in its own way, which means there cannot be a single operating instruction for them.

A sandblaster's suit is similar to a diver's space suit - this is a safety precaution

From a blow gun

If you need to assemble a compact and most convenient sandblasting machine, it is permissible to use a regular blow gun as its basis. The result is devices that demonstrate fairly high efficiency indicators.

You can even carry out body work with sandblasting from a blow gun.

It must be taken into account that the performance of such homemade products directly depends on the compressor. To assemble a high-quality device, the master will need the following components:

  • ready-made pneumatic blowing gun;
  • high-quality plumbing tee;
  • a ball-type valve, which will be needed to adjust the supply of the abrasive component;
  • outlet nozzle together with a clamping nut.

The finished design will not be too complex and intricate in its design. As a reservoir that will be used to place the abrasive, you can take a lightweight cylinder from a small powder-type fire extinguisher. If there is no such component, a container from a bottle will do.

The cost of factory-produced sandblasting machines on the Russian market

Let's consider several models of sandblasting machines popular among Russian consumers with some technical characteristics and prices, as of May 2022.

brand, modelProductivity m2/hTank volume, lAbrasive consumption kg/m2Weight, kgAverage cost (as of May 2022), rub.
AE&T T0650531940138500
AE&T T06520376402313500
ZITREK DSMG-100201003009157000
GARWIN 88661012,817391310000
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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