Do-it-yourself sandblasting: drawings, videos, manufacturing instructions

Cars admin26.02.2020

A sandblaster is one of the most important devices in the repair of almost any car. The main task is to effectively prepare the surface of the vehicle for further processing, including painting. The high level of functionality contributed to the fact that many people were able to note the maximum benefits of the sandblasting machine.

The main tasks of a sandblasting machine

Before you understand what the operating principle of a sandblasting machine is, you need to carefully study all the possibilities for using the equipment:

  • removing existing rust;
  • removal of scale, as well as molding primer from the car body;
  • getting rid of previous layers of paint;
  • preparatory activities before matting;
  • increasing the strength of the car body;
  • removal of burrs and polishing coatings that have aged;
  • preparation before further painting or applying anti-corrosion agents.

Carrying out all of the above activities requires minimal financial investments. At the same time, high quality cleaning of the car body is guaranteed.

Where is the device used?

The areas of application of the sandblasting method are quite extensive. These devices are mainly used to clean the internal and external sides of products from corrosion, paint, scale, various types of contaminants, remove burrs, and polish metal. Also, these devices are often used for:

  • Cleaning and removing greasy marks from surfaces before painting various products: boats, car rims, car bodies, rusty cranes, pipes, rusty doors.
  • Construction. For finishing under plaster, walls made of stone, brick or concrete are sandblasted. This type of finishing is also needed before painting walls in wooden houses.
  • Artistic works. Marble slabs and monuments are processed, glass and shop windows are frosted.
  • Industrial facilities. The surface is prepared for painting during repair work at energy, ship repair, railway and other facilities.

This cleaning method is often used during body repairs, as well as before painting car wheels.

Description of the sandblasting machine

Any model has a certain device that is classic. So, modern sandblasting machines consist of the following parts:

  • compressor to create an air flow of optimal pressure;
  • storage receiver;
  • a gun that allows you to successfully treat the surface of a vehicle with a jet of sand;
  • container with abrasive material;
  • systems used to automatically perform assigned tasks and monitor the quality of events;
  • connecting hoses to create a reliable, sealed structure.

One of the main elements of any sandblasting machine is an automation system that allows you to control the pressure for supplying abrasive material to the gun. If necessary, you can use the system for emergency shutdown in the event of failures during the operation of the equipment.

The existing control system guarantees full control of the sandblasting compressor to prevent potentially dangerous situations. As a result, the equipment can be easily switched to idle or working mode. Sometimes the control system is located in the work area and in areas of additional equipment maintenance.

Another important element is the connecting hoses. They determine the power and other technical parameters of the device. When choosing hoses for equipment, you should consider the pressure they can withstand. It is imperative to take into account the diameter and internal resistance, length, since these are the parameters that determine the productivity and power of sandblasting equipment.

Accessories for a homemade sandblasting installation

To assemble a sandblasting machine with your own hands, as mentioned above, you need to prepare all the components of such a device. Some of them can be found in your garage or home workshop, and some can be purchased at any construction market.

One of the important elements of a sandblasting installation is the container from which the abrasive will be supplied to the system. To make such a container, an old gas cylinder is suitable, which is made of high-quality metal and can withstand even significant mechanical loads (from a gas cylinder, by the way, you can also make a receiver for a compressor, if the latter is not equipped with one).

You can use a lid from an old fire extinguisher for the filling hole.

In order to fill a container for abrasive material, it is necessary to weld a piece of pipe to a metal container, in the upper part of which, for ease of filling, a special neck is fixed, used as a funnel.

There is always some gas remaining in an old gas cylinder: watch the video on how to safely disassemble the cylinder.

When making a sandblasting machine on your own, special attention should be paid to the choice of compressor. High-quality and reliable compressor units, which can be suitable for completing such a device, are quite expensive, so if you want to save money on their purchase, you can make a compressor yourself, using inexpensive components.

In particular, to manufacture a mini-compressor, the power of which will be quite sufficient for sandblasting at home, you can use ready-made compressor heads from the pneumatic brake drive of ZIL (130-157) and MAZ cars. Such heads must be equipped with a receiver (it can be made from an old gas cylinder), a drive electric motor, and a frame on which all structural elements will be attached.

Homemade compressor based on the brake compressor from the ZIL-130 car

To equip a homemade sandblasting unit, the assembly process of which is well demonstrated by numerous videos on the Internet, you will also need:

  • ball valves, which must be highly reliable and durable (which is why it is better to choose such products from trusted manufacturers);
  • reinforced rubber hose (at least 14 mm in diameter) capable of withstanding high pressure and constant exposure to abrasive material;
  • a gas hose through which compressed air will be supplied, not yet mixed with abrasive material (the diameter of such a hose must be at least 10 mm);
  • fittings, which will be used to connect hoses to system elements, as well as collet-type clamps;
  • FUM tape, which is needed to ensure the tightness of the connection of all structural elements of a homemade sandblasting installation operating under high pressure.

A complete set of parts for assembling the system: from squeegees to the dehumidifier

Main settings

Power and performance are the main parameters that determine how effective a sandblaster can be. The first characteristic directly depends on the pressure created by sandblasting equipment. The optimal indicator is considered to be up to eight atmospheres, and this figure largely depends on the size of the nozzle.

Capacity determines the amount of compressed air flow that is delivered over a certain period of time. In most cases, the parameter is measured in liters of air per minute, and it determines the volume of sand that is supplied to the work area over a certain period of time.

Other characteristics are secondary. In this regard, when trying to understand how sandblasting works, it is not necessary to pay attention to them.

Features and characteristics of the pistol

For a pistol, the main parameters are:

  • its performance;
  • operating pressure;
  • nozzle diameter;
  • method of capturing an abrasive composition.

All of these characteristics, except the last one, depend proportionally on the compressor and the design features of the gun itself.

For example, with a larger nozzle diameter, the gun's performance will be greater. However, at the same pressure values, a nozzle with a larger diameter will have a lower jet power. This means that a larger amount of sand will be supplied, but its acceleration speed will be lower.

These parameters are selected depending on the task facing sandblasting. For example, when processing brick or concrete walls, wood products and so on, less jet power is required, while productivity is needed as much as possible. But when processing glass, metal and other hard surfaces, a jet with high acceleration is needed.

Specifics of the operation of sandblasting machines

So how does a sandblaster work? In fact, the car coating processing scheme is extremely simple. A compressed air flow is supplied through the hose, and abrasive particles are picked up at this time and accelerated to thirty to forty meters per second to further knock down contaminants and corrosion elements from the vehicle’s coating. According to this scheme, the device used can successfully prepare the car for further painting or other activities, but before performing further actions, a thorough cleaning is carried out using a metal brush. If you don't clean your car using a wire brush, the abrasive particles won't stick.



- an effective method of combating corrosion, dirt and paint using an abrasive. Can be used both for individual parts and for prefabricated metal structures: cars, fixed trusses, stairs.

⁠The final result depends on the choice of materials and the quality of the work. Therefore, he carefully selects abrasive materials and the degree of surface cleansing.

How does a sandblasting machine work and its diagram

It will not be possible to make a sandblasting machine entirely from homemade parts; you will have to purchase some parts of the device before starting work. In principle, sandblasting is similar to a spray gun. It consists of a compressor that provides air flow, a line into which sand flows and a nozzle that ejects the filler towards the surfaces being treated. The device itself can have impressive dimensions if, for example, you need to clean a brick wall from traces of paint, or compact if we are talking about delicate work of engraving on glass.

In addition to the three main elements that have already been mentioned, the device circuit includes a receiver, a tap system, electrical relays and hoses. To fill the sand you will need a main tank.

General diagram of the sandblasting machine

This is what the device diagram looks like.

Sandblasting machine diagram

As you can see, all the components of the device can be purchased or manufactured separately, which means that the task at hand - making a sandblasting installation with your own hands - is feasible.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sandblasting equipment allows you to process almost any material. The result of removing plaque, rust and other contaminants is one hundred percent. The shape of the abrasive particles makes the surface rough, making the product easy to paint in the future. The choice of cleaning method allows you to adapt the equipment to any requirements. The degree of work is divided into five categories, from minor cleaning to coarse element removal.

Due to their widespread use, sandblasting machines are popular both in production and in home life. A simple way is to buy a finished product, but this will require serious expenses and may not be worth the cost if used rarely. For one-time events, it is possible to purchase a unit for rent, however, with prolonged use, the rental may exhaust financial resources.

It is possible to make sandblasting equipment yourself; it is enough to have welding skills and read drawings. Manufacturing diagrams are available on the Internet, there are videos and instructions.

It should be understood that handling sandblasting equipment can be harmful to human health. It is necessary to fully comply with safety requirements, use a respirator and a protective suit. Also considered a disadvantage is the massive design, high material consumption for large production volumes.

Operating principles of a sandblasting machine and its scope of application

The simple principle of the action of sand as a powerful abrasive is known to everyone. The smallest particles falling on the work surface under pressure tear off all layers of paint, plaque, and rust. The task of sandblasting is precisely to direct the abrasive in the desired direction and provide the necessary pressure to complete the job. The pressure is provided by an air compressor.

It is too difficult to make a compressor yourself, so you will have to purchase one

For your information! A sandblasting machine will require a compressor with a power of at least 3 kW and a capacity of 500 l/m.

You can use a sandblaster with water - it will replace air, and instead of a compressor you can use a high-pressure washer. In order for sand to flow into the main line, the container of the apparatus must have the correct angle of inclination of the walls, like in an hourglass.

The operating principle of the sandblasting machine in the training video

How surfaces are cleaned with a pressure-type sandblaster in practice is demonstrated in the following video:

Using such a device, you can clean not only metal from traces of corrosion. By adjusting the pressure of the incoming abrasive, you can easily remove old paint or whitewash from walls and floors, tidy up a wooden fence, and matte the surface.

The best sandblasting guns

Our rating includes the following sandblasting machines:

  • Concorde SGB1000Q;
  • Wester SSP-20;
  • Kraftool EXPERT QUALITAT 06583;
  • matrix 57328;
  • Metabo SSP 1000;
  • Sturm AU-1720-03.

Let's quickly move on to them for a detailed look.

Concorde SGB1000Q

The sandblasting gun with a tank can withstand a pressure of 3.5 atmospheres and is made in silver color. It is easy to use.

Air flow142 l/min.
Tank with volume1 l
Inningsbuilt-in tank
Weight0.65 kg

Price range from 656 to 775 rubles.


  • light in weight;
  • low in cost;
  • no plastic;
  • availability.


  • weak in traction.

The garage needed a sandblasting machine for small tasks. I took this equipment, as well as fairly small quartz sand, increased the pressure above the stated one to 6 bar and solved my problem. I was satisfied with the result.

sandblasting gun Concorde SGB1000Q

Wester SSP-20

The model is made in silver and orange colors. Sandblasting abrasives will be grinding grain and quartz sand. Designed for processing metal products, removing old peeling paint and dirt. Sandblasting can withstand pressure of 9 bar.

Air flow250-350 l/min.
Pressure2-9 atmospheres
Volume of the tank
Abrasive supplya tube
Weight1200 g

Cost from 1350 to 1390 rubles.


  • easy;
  • 3 m long hose included;
  • quality of cleaning;
  • acceptable air flow;
  • maintains high blood pressure;
  • convenient design;
  • Suitable for glass polishing and surface polishing;
  • cleans quickly;
  • no plastic in the design;
  • good set.


  • you cannot work at temperatures below 0;
  • the fitting may poison.

Types of sandblasting machines by scope and principle of operation

Sandblasting can be divided into types according to several principles.

By scope:

  1. Vacuum. During operation, sand ejected through the nozzles is returned to the container using a vacuum and reused. Used for neat and delicate work.
  2. Pneumatic. Powerful devices that eject sand under strong pressure are used to process large areas.
  3. Suction. The air in such a device supplies sand to the nozzle and collects it back after use. Such devices are designed for removing paint and matting glass surfaces.

Types of machines

Guided by the chosen goals, you need to decide which devices are best to purchase. Three types of sandblasting units have been created:

  • Suction based sandblasting units . In such machines, air is needed both for the jet and to move the material from the container (without pressure) to the tip.
  • Vacuum type sandblasting units . In this device, the abrasive grains hit the material being cleaned, then immediately, thanks to the vacuum, they are captured and used again a second time.
  • Pneumatic types of units . A pneumatic powered sandblasting device is an installation necessary for high power use.

Sandblasters also come in injection and pressure types. Specialists also use stationary and mobile equipment.

Stationary devices

These sandblasting units are placed in factories. They are equipped with their own filter system and powerful ventilation is attached to them, so that they cannot be moved. Often with their participation, small surfaces, individual objects and parts are cleaned.

Mobile equipment

These installations are used for domestic purposes. They are small in size and can be made independently. They are also in demand for processing building facades, large equipment, tanks, and are required for body repairs. They are mobile and easy to move wherever needed, depending on the need.

Injection devices

Injection supply of abrasive particles is considered the most popular. In these units, air and sand are supplied through separate hoses, then the device creates a vacuum in the flow, and the abrasive elements enter the air stream. Due to the fact that the speed and power of the sand supplied by air is low, an injection-type sandblasting device has a lower cost.

Pressure devices

In these devices, abrasive particles and air are supplied through one hose. The sand cylinder is made of durable metal and is completely sealed, because it constantly experiences high pressure. The intensity of supply and ejection of abrasive is high, so with the help of a pressure device it is possible to carry out complex work of enormous volumes.

How to choose the right sand for sandblasting

Initially, sandblasters used quartz sand. This is the cheapest consumable material for such installations. Modern manufacturers offer to load other bulk abrasives into the device, the effect of which is significantly different from ordinary sand. It got to the point that some European countries banned the use of simple sand in work, citing the fact that it causes serious health problems for people who are within the radius of work.

The worker himself must wear protective clothing, a respirator and goggles

Proponents of the use of sand, in addition to its main advantage - price, also mention the possibility of reusing the abrasive, including for construction purposes. The average hardness of the particles allows the device to be used by a person with insufficient experience without the risk of damaging the surface being treated. In addition, sand has fractions of different sizes, which allows you to select the optimal mode for cleaning different types of coatings.

What other types of abrasive materials can be used in sandblasting:

  • Cooper slag or nickel - waste from nickel and copper production, characterized by high strength and hardness;
  • garnet sand – used for cutting metal in powerful sandblasting machines;
  • aluminum oxide - electrocorundum - is the hardest abrasive, capable of coping with any task and at the same time retaining its particle shape;
  • cast iron and steel shot - not cheap, but has the ability to harden the surface, like forging.

Abrasives for sandblasting machines are sold in packages starting from 20 kg

By what principle is this or that consumable material selected? First of all, you should decide on the purpose of the work: if you need to clean the wall of a house from facade paint, you should not buy an expensive abrasive. If your device is unable to collect and reuse the material, then give preference to quartz sand. It can at least be used in bulk in a sandbox.

To clean a durable hard coating, solid fractions will be required; for quick rough processing, large particles will be required.

Personal protection for sandblaster

When working with sandblasting machines, special attention is paid to the individual protection of the sandblaster. This type of material processing poses several dangers to human health.

The first of them is grains of sand flying out at very high speeds, which can reach 700 kilometers per hour. Many particles ricochet off the surface being treated, which can cause serious injury to the skin. To protect yourself from their effects, you must use the following personal protective equipment:

  • special shoes;
  • overalls made of durable material;
  • leather gloves;
  • protective helmet.

Sand dust and other particles knocked off the surface being treated have a negative effect on the respiratory system. To protect against this harm, the sandblasting helmet is equipped with an independent air source. Air usually comes from outside the work shop and is forced into the helmet for breathing. Sometimes self-contained air supply systems are used, similar to those used by scuba divers.

Well, the last, no less dangerous source of harm to health is noise. Its creation involves a rather loud compressor, a whistling stream of compressed air and the noise of sand hitting the surface being treated. If you remain under the influence of all these noises for a long time, you can very quickly get injured in your hearing aid. To protect against excess noise, special sound-absorbing headphones are used, mounted in the sandblaster’s helmet.

How to choose a sandblasting machine from those presented in stores

If you choose a device in a store, a reasonable question arises: which sandblasting machine is better to choose?

To choose the right device, you need to consider it from the point of view of convenience and practicality of use. Here are some basic selection criteria:

  • criterion No. 1 : size of the abrasive container. The larger the tank, the less often you will have to fill the material, but at the same time, the heavier the entire structure will be. For manual work, a hundred-liter barrel is enough;

Sandblasting can get rid of graffiti

Which one is better to choose?

Thinking about why you need it, as well as the required power and amount of work will help you decide on the choice of product. Injection-type devices are purchased for work on removing old paint before painting cars, for frosting glass, to quickly age wood. This device has a low capacity and does not require a powerful compressor. When choosing pressure devices, take into account the areas of application of the device; models with a capacity of 200 l are suitable for stationary installation, and models with a capacity of 100 l are suitable for mobile installation.

What tools and materials are needed to make a sandblasting machine with your own hands?

Returning to the issue of making sandblasting with your own hands, let’s consider what is required for the work:

  • A compressor that provides pressure for the sandblaster. As we have already said, it is very difficult to make a compressor for sandblasting with your own hands, and the resulting result is unlikely to please you with its power. So you just need to buy this part. You will need a device with a power of at least 3 kW with a forced cooling system and a pair of piston groups.
  • Container for abrasive. The main requirement for the tank is the correct slope of the walls, ensuring natural pouring of sand. The walls should be at an angle of 30 to 60°. The container must be made of thick-walled metal. A gas cylinder or fire extinguisher is excellent for this purpose.

Design and principle of operation

A homemade sandblasting machine has a fairly simple design.

  1. A compressor, preferably powerful enough.
  2. A working container (cylinder) into which sand is poured.
  3. Branch pipe with a shut-off valve for adjusting the sand supply.
  4. Spray gun (nozzle).
  5. Connecting hoses.

Sandblasting diagram: 1 - air supply from the compressor;
2, 13, 15 — connecting tees; 3, 5 — air supply adjustment; 4 - pressure sensor; 6, 14 - pipelines; 7 — overpressure valve; 8 - dry sand; 9 — air supply control valve; 10 — rubber gasket of the filler neck cover; 11 — sand supply adjustment valve; 12 — sand container; 16 — air supply with sand to the nozzle; 17 — filling neck; 18 — filler neck cover. It all works very simply.

  1. Two pipes are inserted into the working container. The top one is for connecting to a compressor to create excess pressure inside the cylinder. The lower one is for supplying sand. To regulate the flow intensity, a tap is inserted into this pipe.
  2. The air flow from the compressor is divided into two parts: one goes into the upper pipe of the cylinder to pump pressure inside, the second is connected to the lower pipe to create an air-sand mixture at the outlet.
  3. From the lower nozzle, a mixture of sand and air under pressure is supplied to the spray gun or nozzle.

How to make sandblasting with your own hands from scrap materials: master classes and videos

Think before you start sandblasting. How large is the work you are planning? Buying an air compressor is also an expense for the family budget. If your only task is to clean the porch of your house, maybe it would be easier to rent such a device at one of the rental stores?

It’s another matter if the unit is needed regularly. Its purchase will affect your wallet. Factory models often fail, and manufacturers give them a very modest warranty due to specific operating conditions. So it turns out that doing sandblasting yourself is cheaper, and given the use of replaceable parts, it will serve you indefinitely. Let's look at the most popular models made from scrap materials.

Benefits of our metal sandblasting services

performs metal sandblasting in Moscow, Lyubertsy and the Moscow region. We use quartz, cooper-slag, plastic abrasives and modern equipment: high-strength nozzles, remote control, mobile equipment. This gives us a number of advantages:

  • Manual work guarantees careful impact on the local area while completely preserving the rest of the surface.
  • Selection of the optimal sand fraction from 0.5 to 1.5 ensures guaranteed quality for any type of work.
  • Thanks to prompt work, the client receives the finished product in a short time.
  • Sand cleaning is carried out in accordance with the requirements for preparing metal materials for painting GOST 9.402-2004.
  • A system of discounts for regular customers provides favorable payment terms for large volumes of work.

has been working in the metalworking industry since 2007. We are one of the leaders in the Russian market for the production and processing of metal. We always provide high quality services - when you choose us, you don’t have to worry about the results.

You can find out detailed information about prices for sandblasting by contacting the manager by phone +7 (495) 987-34-14

by leaving a request on the company's website
The sandblasting shop is located at Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, pos. Tomilino, st. Gogol, 39/1.

Features of application

It is not recommended to reuse abrasive materials, even if their consumption is very high. The fact is that wet materials that have already been used in work can cause equipment malfunctions.

Another important option of household devices is that you can urgently stop their operation if necessary, the operator carrying out the work will not be harmed.

But when using, we must not forget about simple safety rules: work exclusively in overalls and shoes, use eye and respiratory protection.

Main rules of the procedure

The workpiece should be installed in a position convenient for work and secured. Most of the surface to be treated should be located in a vertical plane.

Check the readiness of the device:

  • Pour abrasive into the container.
  • Connect the compressor.
  • Check its operation at idle speed.
  • Point the nozzle towards the part and turn on the sand supply.

The abrasive jet is moved vertically or horizontally over the surface being treated. Each subsequent stripe should overlap the previous one by 30%.


Massive parts weighing more than a ton do not need to be secured, just placed on a flat surface.

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