How to make holes for furniture hinges

What is a drill for furniture hinges

Milling type tool. It is used to create an indentation in the material. After use, you get a smooth blind hole into which the loop is inserted.

When installing furniture connecting elements, it is convenient to use a drill using a special drill.

When choosing, it is important to take into account the thickness of the panel and select a device whose diameter will match the parameters of the loop. Used for working with sheet materials - chipboard, laminated chipboard and MDF.

Screw the hinge exactly 90 degrees relative to the door.

Advantages and disadvantages

Furniture hinges require precision during installation, so the ability to make exactly the recess that is needed is the main advantage of a Forstner drill. This provides a special stop that prevents penetration into the hole beyond a fixed length. The drill is limited by teeth that do not allow it to deviate from the specified location. The hole turns out perfectly clean, thanks to which the loop cup fits very tightly.

A universal drill with interchangeable attachments is suitable for installing furniture hinges.

At home, you can’t do without a special hand-held power tool.

The only drawback of a Forstner drill when working with solid wood can be its low quality, which is typical for non-factory production. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a product from an official supplier and obtain a guarantee.

Furniture hinges require precision during installation, so it is possible to make exactly such a recess.

Depending on the type of panel, the cutter can become very hot, burning the edges and the material removed from the recess. Therefore, when working with such a base, it is recommended to take breaks to cool the drill, doing 3-4 approaches. This usually happens with MDF panels. When working with laminated chipboard and chipboard, hard alloy elements allow you to make holes for hinges quickly and without much effort.

The drill is limited by teeth that do not allow it to deviate from the specified location.

Types of drills for furniture hinges

To install hinges, drills of different diameters are used. The nozzle is selected depending on the size of the furniture hinge bowl.

Choose quality drill bits.

Forstner drill

This tool is used to create a blind hole. It consists of a head with 2-4 sharp tips and another tip for centering.

We decided to install the hinges locally so as not to end up on the shelf in the closet.

It is installed in the intended middle of the hole. Attach the drill to a screwdriver or drill.

To install the cabinet you need a drill and other tools.

The head can have a diameter of 26, 35, 40 mm. Typically the hole is made to a depth of 9 mm.


Other drills are also available in several diameters: 26, 35, 40 mm. 35 mm cutters are considered the most popular, since such hinges are in greatest demand.

A drill will help make a hole to the required depth.

Manufacturers also offer drills for non-standard hinges and special attachments for professional milling machines.

There are special screws that should be used to fasten the hinges.


If we consider the functional purpose of overhead loops, there are several varieties.

  • Furniture. They are used in the production and assembly of furniture structures. They allow facades to open at 45, 90 or 110 degrees. The element is mounted on cabinets in which the doors are placed inside the furniture body.
  • Door. They are used when installing interior or entrance doors. Such fittings provide maximum protection against unwanted entry into an enclosed space from the outside.
  • Gates. These internal hinges are attached to garage doors, gates, and other structures for similar purposes.

In addition to their purpose, internal loops can differ for a number of reasons.

  • Closer. Outdated, as well as modern cheap models, as a rule, do not include a door closer in the kit, which significantly reduces their technical and operational parameters. Solutions with closers greatly reduce noise during use, ensure smooth closing and generally increase the ease of use of the device.
  • Manufacturer. Even if you are initially going to purchase budget furniture, you should not install fittings from the cheap segment on it - such products will not last long. Among the main leaders in the production of inset hinges are Blum, Hettich, and Boyard.

Regardless of the variety, any of these products have their advantages and disadvantages. Positive qualities include the following:

  • when the door is closed, such hinges are invisible;
  • there is no access to the hinges from the outside of the doors;
  • the fittings reliably protect against the effects of precipitation, with the exception of hinges mounted on gates and wickets.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • limited opening angle;
  • complexity of installation;
  • high price.

How to choose a drill

The most important thing is to clarify the dimensions of the fittings. It depends on them what size drill you need to purchase.

Take measurements carefully before drilling.

The most popular diameter is 35 mm. It is almost universal: you can install hinges for any furniture in such a hole.

It is advisable to practice on a piece of chipboard before drilling a hole on the door.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material. Products made from HSS (high-speed steel) have the best performance. Such a drill will not become dull and will not leave chips on the product.

Take measurements carefully before drilling.

How to cut a hole for a hinge correctly

To work, you will need a drill or screwdriver, as well as several additional devices:

  • awl;
  • screwdriver or bit for self-tapping screws.

A screwdriver will help unscrew the hinges.
How to properly drill a hole for a furniture hinge:

  • apply markings on the facade of the product, mark the center (at a distance of 22-23 mm from the edge);
  • measure the height of the bowl to maintain the depth of the hole. If the bowl does not fit correctly, the facade will be damaged.

To avoid drilling through the part, you can use a special stop. The rod is attached directly to the tool or to the drill.

First you must decide how many hinges you will install and their exact location.

The device will help you maintain proportions when drilling, but you still shouldn’t forget about accuracy. Limiters will be useful in the work of a novice home craftsman.

Furniture hinges, attached after processing the base with such a tool, “sit” evenly and securely.

Advice. For the design to work properly, the bowl must fit entirely into the hole, but not rest against the slab.

Experienced craftsmen recommend that beginners practice using leftover material. Typically, sheets with a thickness of 16 mm are used for furniture, which is smaller than the size of a drill.

Consult with a specialist regarding the correct screwing of the hinges.

Therefore, before work, you need to learn how to adjust the depth of insertion of the tool.

Advice. To reduce operating time, you can slightly change the angle of inclination of the tool. Then you will be able to remove excess material from the part faster, and the drill will not overheat.

A Forstner drill is an inexpensive tool; it is better to purchase one before starting to assemble furniture. But if a special device is not at hand, you can replace it with a feather drill for wood.

You should select milling elements in specialized stores.

Some craftsmen recommend grinding off the central tenon, leaving 1.5 mm for adhesion to the wood. It is also necessary to grind off the cutting edges horizontally, leaving 1 mm spikes along the edges.

In order for the cabinet to last a long time, you need to adjust the hinges on the doors in all directions at once.

Other craftsmen advise using a regular feather drill (without modernization), and then processing the hole with a chisel.

You should always have a screwdriver on hand.

The tool must be set to low speed. You can also drill a hole for the loop using a homemade “ballerina”, selecting the center with a chisel.

Nuances of adjustment and installation

Installing furniture hinges with your own hands is not particularly difficult not only for an experienced, but also for a novice craftsman. The nuances depend on the variety. The installation process is also called adding furniture hinges.

You will need the following tools:

  • electric drill, screwdriver;
  • Forstner drill (if the structure is secured not only with screws, but also involves recessing into the door material);
  • pencil for marking;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • screwdriver;
  • awl;
  • fasteners.

It is important to take the markup responsibly. The slightest mistake at this stage will lead to distortion of the structure, and accordingly, it will have to be redone

A conductor can help with marking - this is a kind of template for placing furniture hinges. All necessary measurements and marks are carried out using a tape measure, a square, or a simple pencil.

If the selected model requires recessing, you cannot do without a special drill for furniture hinges (end mill or Forstner). It allows you to make an even round recess of the desired diameter

When drilling, it is important to take into account the thickness of the material and use only a sharp cutter.

After preparing the hole, insert a loop into it and adjust if necessary. Also use an awl to mark the places where the screws will be screwed in and screw them in. Then hang the door, check the location, and secure it.

When the installation of the doors is completed, their functionality must be checked and adjusted if necessary. The sash is checked in three directions: vertically, horizontally and in depth. There should be no gaps exceeding technical ones, as well as distortions. Adjustment is made by tightening or loosening the fasteners with a screwdriver.

When purchasing furniture that does not require assembly, you should definitely check how the hinges are attached. Sometimes installing them yourself is much easier than adjusting already installed ones. The main thing is to choose the right type of fittings.

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