How and with what to cut a hole in a tile for a socket or pipe: options, tips

In the process of renovating a house or apartment, it is often necessary to carry out operations that require a special approach to them. For example, a hole in a ceramic tile. This situation occurs quite often, because in kitchens, bathrooms, showers and other rooms where ceramic cladding is used, sockets, pipework, ventilation vents, chimneys, and so on are installed. and for them in the finishing you will have to make holes of different shapes and sizes. Therefore, it is worth considering all the ways to carry out this process. For example, how to make a hole in a tile for an outlet.

Features of working with tiles

To accurately cut a hole in a tile for an outlet, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Marking. You need to mark the area where you drill the hole using a marker - mark the outline on the outside of the tile.
  • Pasting. If we are talking about glossy tile material, you should cover the cutting area with mounting tape or adhesive tape. This process will prevent the drill bit from slipping while cutting. You can make an outline with a nail by scratching the surface along the markings.
  • Wetting. Professional craftsmen usually use special equipment that wets the tiles with water when cutting. But you can simply place the tiles in water for an hour to reduce dust formation and prevent cracking. You need to cut tiles at low speed. The diamond blade is used for dry cutting.

  • Safe distance. It is necessary to drill with a distance from the edge of at least 15 mm to avoid spalling.
  • Convenience. To make a hole conveniently, you need to guide the tool away from you from any edge. If you change the processing direction during drilling, the cut lines may not converge. Cutting must be done exclusively from the front side. If the tiles are already on the wall, you need to drill a hole with a hand drill.

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Other ways to make such a hole

Of course, purchasing tile crowns is not necessary. Experienced specialists can easily make do with other available means. The main parameter when selecting such equipment is, of course, the diameter of the recess that is needed.

Let's take a closer look at some of the options:

  • if the diameter does not exceed 10-12 mm, then you can use drills for ceramics or concrete;
  • if the diameter is no more than 8 cm, then so-called ballerina drills or crowns are suitable.

Important! If the diameter exceeds 8 cm, then you will have to suffer a little, but even in this case nothing is impossible. It is definitely worth remembering that a positive result is only possible if you use a special drill that has a coating

This is due to the fact that often such a facing coating has a smooth enamel surface, which is not only durable, but also slippery

It is definitely worth remembering that a positive result is only possible if you use a special drill that is coated. This is due to the fact that often such a facing coating has a smooth enamel surface, which is not only durable, but also slippery.

Important! If you decide to use a drill, remember that all manipulations should be started at fairly low speeds of the electric drill

Crowns and ballerinas

There are special tools that can be used to easily make a smooth hole in a tile for an outlet or pipe. The easiest way is to use a crown of the appropriate diameter. It is put on the drill, installed exactly at the location of the drilling process and turned on. In just a few seconds, a diamond cutting tool makes an even hole of the required diameter in the tile.

In order not to displace the tool relative to the center of the hole, it is necessary to choose it with a centering element. This is a cone sticking out in the middle, which will need to be installed exactly in the center of the future hole. You can use special templates made of metal or plastic for drilling. They are installed on the tile plane in the required place, and a hole is drilled through it with a crown. The template prevents the tool from moving to the side. In this case, one template can have several holes with different diameters.

By the way, crowns can be different in terms of cutting edge. This can be a regular edge coated with diamond or tungsten. Crowns can be equipped with teeth of different configurations, made of pobedite or carbide tipped.

Attention! The vibration of the drill causes the tile to break. Therefore, a wooden substrate must be placed under it. You only need to drill at low speeds; one hole usually takes 1-2 minutes.

As for the ballerina, this is an ordinary drill with two cutters installed on both sides. All three cutting tools are located on one holder. There is also a ruler on it, which can be used to set the distance from the drill to the cutters, which determine the radius of the future hole on the tile. It is important to correctly position the drill in the center of the circle being cut. The cutting tool is installed in a standard drill chuck.

It should be noted that these two cutters (crown and baller) are the best way to cut a hole in the tile. Its edges will be smooth, clean, without burrs or chips. If the process is carried out correctly, cracks will never appear, because the cutting edges themselves are either diamond coating, tungsten, or hardened steel. That is, materials that can withstand heavy loads and cut almost any hard material.

Step-by-step instruction

The location of the hole is selected. It is advisable to make all lines symmetrical and retreat as far as possible from the edge of the tile, avoiding cracking. The following is a step-by-step procedure:

Step 1. After completing the complete marking plan, you should select a drill of the appropriate size and install it in the drill chuck according to the instructions for the specific device model. You need to focus on the parameters of the dowels, the installation of which is planned first. It is necessary to evaluate the size of the dowel plug and select a drill with which a hole is formed 1-2 mm larger.

Step 2. The drill is installed in a predetermined central part of the future hole. Tape or a similar device prevents it from slipping. Drilling should begin at minimum speed

You need to be careful when removing the top layer of tiles. Further drilling takes place in a more convenient and safe mode

Step 3

If a diamond or other expensive drill is used, it is recommended to remove it immediately after reaching the wall, that is, after completely perforating the tile. A standard drill suitable for working with walls is prepared. It must have a diameter that is no larger than the previous element.

Step 4. After bringing the drill to the wall, the further distance is passed very carefully. Pay special attention to the work when using a long drill. It is capable of swinging, which can damage the integrity of the tiles. If you constantly hold the device at the proper level or use special clamps, the risk of cracks, chips and scratches on the surface is reduced.

Step 5. A dowel is inserted into the created hole. This device is driven into the wall carefully so as not to create excessive vibration. If the craftsman accidentally hits the tile or misdirects the impact force, the success of creating the hole may be leveled out due to the appearance of cracks. After carefully installing the dowel, you can bury a nail, hook or similar element into the prepared hole.

Fastening tiles

Checking the size match

We apply the tiles and check the coincidence with the pipes. If everything fits, apply glue to the wall, run a comb over it to evenly distribute it in a thin layer, and press the tile into place.

Do-it-yourself hole using improvised means

The hole at the edge of the tile can be made without using the above options. You will need a glass cutter and tongs/pliers. Stages of work:

  • Marking the future hole.
  • Soak the edge in warm water for a few minutes. This will soften the ceramic.
  • Using a glass cutter, without lifting the tool from the tile, draw a line along the markings. You need to make a fairly deep furrow, so do the work with force, but carefully.
  • It is necessary to tap along the cut line. This will make the groove deeper.
  • Using tongs, break off small pieces of the tile at a time until the excess material is completely removed.
  • If there are any uneven spots, use fine-grit sandpaper to sand down the edge.

Self-tapping screws with LM tip - bugs

There may be a situation where it is necessary to make holes in the tiles at a site or at home, but, as luck would have it, there are no crowns or drills. How to cut a hole in this case? It doesn’t matter if you have at least a few self-tapping screws with a drill-shaped tip that can be used to do what you have planned.

To do this, the diameter of the pipe is outlined and along the internal contour, screws are screwed in and out, thus cutting a hole in the ceramic tile. The closer the holes are to each other, the easier it will be to squeeze out the center.

Using all of the above methods, you can cut a round hole of almost any circumference.

This is interesting: Screw-cutting lathe 1K62: technical specifications, passport

Hole without chips: recommendations

To avoid chips that spoil the appearance of the tiles, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Careful selection of the tool, namely its cutting part. It is necessary that the glazed layer gradually deteriorates, and only then the ceramics.
  • Failure to comply with work standards. The tiles are placed on a hard surface, horizontal or vertical.
  • Excessive pressure on the tool. The selected drilling option should be focused on cutting the ceramic sheet without additional pressure.

Depending on the purpose of the hole and the available tools at hand, the drilling method is selected. However, when performing work, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and adhere to recommendations to reduce the risk of chipping.

Tungsten string

There is a cutting tool that is made entirely of tungsten (the name makes this clear). It is very similar to a blade from a hacksaw for metal, and is made in its likeness with the same type of fastening. When used, such a string is installed on a hacksaw. How to use it to make a hole in a tile for a pipe or socket.

  • First, you need to apply a circle to the tile itself, which will determine the location and size of the future hole.
  • Then, anywhere in the circle, preferably near the edge, make a small diameter hole using a drill and drill bit.
  • A string is inserted into it, which is then attached to a hacksaw.
  • Now you can cut a hole in the tile exactly according to the markings. If the hole from the drill bit was not made at the very edge, then you need to saw through to the border, and only then strictly move along the drawn circle.

How to drill ceramics to install dowels?

A dowel is a fastening device used to create blind holes in surfaces, as well as in cases of hollow walls. On the tile, the dowel will securely hold a mirror, shelf or any other not too bulky accessory.

Distinctive features of drilling

The difficulties in installing dowels are similar to standard drilling into tiles. They consist in increased smoothness of the coating, which can interfere with reliable stop and installation of the drill. In addition to the methods of reducing slip described above (painting tape and removing glaze), you can use a jig.

Circular drill bit "ballerina"

The tool is a guide drill, on which a rod is attached, holding a movable cutter. During rotation, the drill and cutter rotate simultaneously, making the necessary hole in the tile.

This product is good for its versatility, thanks to a movable cutter that can be adjusted to any diameter. Accordingly, if you are faced with the task of cutting a hole in a tile for an outlet, take a closer look at this method.

Pros and cons of a circular drill:

  • This is a big plus - you don’t need to spend money on expensive diamond crowns, just buy a “ballerina” and you can cut any hole in the tile for sockets and more.
  • But there is also a disadvantage of this tool - it is not suitable for professional use, since after 30 working processes the cutter will become dull and will no longer perform its functions efficiently, because of this the ceramics will suffer greatly.

How to use the ballerina correctly

All work consists of several stages:

  • A hole for the socket is marked.
  • The movable cutter is adjusted to the required diameter.
  • The glaze is cut from the front side.
  • Then the tile is turned over and cut from the back side, but not all the way.
  • We finish the cut on the front side.

To avoid chipping, it is recommended to carry out carving work at low speeds.


Processing porcelain stoneware is a complex process that cannot always be accomplished with a conventional drill for concrete. This is due to the monolithic structure of the material, which is not destroyed by such exposure.

Today, several types of drills can be used to work with porcelain stoneware:

  • Feathers. Only tools that are equipped with a pobedite or diamond tip are suitable. However, they are not designed to work with such materials, so after creating a few holes, you will simply throw the product away.
  • Annular drills. Outwardly, they resemble small cylinders with diamond chips. With these tools you can make many holes (more than 100-150 pieces).

The working surface of a tubular drill has no slots and is a solid circle. This does not allow for efficient removal of dust that is formed during drilling. This also creates strong pressure on the surface of the tile, which can lead to cracking. For this reason, you should work with tubular drills at low speeds, periodically removing the tool to remove dust.

Diamond crowns. This is a universal tool that is most often used for working with concrete. It can also process porcelain tiles.

The disadvantage of products with galvanic coating is the minimum service life. The structures fail after 5-6 holes. This disadvantage is compensated by the low cost, which allows you to stock up on products in the required quantities. When working with diamond bits, you should not worry too much about excess pressure, since it is reduced due to special slots at the ends of the tool.

Processing of porcelain tiles is also possible using conventional drills that are tipped with porcelain. However, it should be understood that they are not designed for such materials, so their service life will also be limited to a few drills.


A drill, as a cutting tool for processing ceramic tiles, is not used for drilling so often. But if you approach this process correctly, you can make a hole in the tile for any pipe. True, for this you will need to use a small diameter drill (up to 5 mm). But the smaller the drill, the more places you will have to drill. In this case, it will be necessary to drill not exactly along the applied markings, but slightly inward, so that the edge of the drill is closer to the contour of the circle.

In order for the drill to easily enter the ceramic plane of the tile, it is necessary to use a special cutting tool designed specifically for ceramics. There are several types that differ from each other in the design of the tip.

  • Spear drills. They are usually used at low drill speeds. It is recommended to use them if ceramic tiles are already installed on the wall.
  • Carbide drills with single-sided edge sharpening.
  • Pobedite drill. By the way, this is what is most often used in this operation. It is important not to rush here, otherwise the tool may jam inside the drilled hole. It is recommended to add water to the drilling site.

It is clear that it will not be possible to accurately create round contours of the hole for the pipe using drills. Therefore, the contour will need to be modified. That is, first, many holes are made according to the applied markings. After which the inner part is squeezed out, leaving a hole with uneven edges. Using pliers, you will need to remove all protrusions, that is, reduce the circumference to a minimum of irregularities and defects. Next, an emery tool is used to level the edges, for example, a needle file or a file with fine notches.

What tools and materials are needed

Of course, without high-quality tools and auxiliary materials you will not succeed. Therefore, one of the main stages of our instructions is its thorough preparation. So, what do you need to “arm yourself with” in order to get an excellent result?


  • for convenience, choose models with a portable battery;
  • The tool must support trouble-free operation at low speeds.

In fact, your main trump card in the “fight” with unyielding tiles. The more drilling modes this “magic” tool supports, the better: a wide selection implies the use of different approaches to solving the problem - while the minimum set seriously limits the range of your actions.



  • can only be used for drilling under tiles;
  • creates a high risk of defects occurring on the tiles.

If you don’t have a drill in your work arsenal, it’s better to buy one.

And if for some reason it doesn’t work out, then you need to work with the hammer drill carefully, at low speeds with maximum pressure on the tile. Your task is to reduce the vibration that comes from this tool during operation


The overall quality of the result depends on which drill you ultimately choose for the tiles. Experienced professionals recommend the following options:

  • Pobititovye
    - the most affordable option in terms of cost, such a drill can be used if you need to drill a couple of holes, but if more, then it is better to choose another option, since even 1-2 holes will have to spend several hours of your life;
  • spear-shaped
    - made of tungsten carbide, hard and effective, a cost-balanced option;
  • diamond
    - drilling with them does not cause any negative emotions, they are ideal for the most critical cases, when, for example, a decent number of holes need to be made within a limited period of time, the only negative is the high cost.

It is important to remember that the diameter of the drill should correspond to the size of the dowel you are using, and the diameter of the drill should be slightly smaller than the drill. Otherwise, all the work will go down the drain - and the purchased cabinet risks hanging for no longer than the evening

Also prepare for work:

  • level;
  • masking tape (adhesive plaster);
  • pencil;
  • hammer;
  • roulette

Prepare your work area: protect the floor from the inevitable dust in such cases by covering it with a protective film. If possible, remove everything unnecessary within a radius of several meters from you to create the most comfortable conditions for drilling.

Using an angle grinder

The question of how to make a large hole in a tile arises in cases where it is necessary to install pipes or other plumbing communications in a bathroom or toilet, and also, if necessary, install an electrical outlet in these rooms. If the tiles are not yet fixed to the wall, then you can make a hole in this product for a pipe or socket using a regular grinder.

Start cutting a round hole with a grinder by stepping back slightly inward from the intended circle

Using a grinder, a shaped or round hole in a ceramic tile is made in the following sequence:

  • The contours of the future hole must first be marked, for which you will need a marker.
  • The angle grinder should be equipped with a diamond blade designed for dry cutting.
  • You need to start cutting from a convenient edge of the tile, moving the tool away from you.
  • When cutting a hole in a tile for a socket or pipe, you can stop at any time and start processing from a more convenient side, but then there is a chance that the cut lines being formed will not converge.

It should be kept in mind that you should only use a grinder to create a shaped or round hole in ceramic tiles from the front part of the product. At the same time, it is necessary to control that the cut is smooth, neat and without chips. When performing this procedure, strict safety precautions must be followed to minimize the risk of injury.

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Trimming with a glass cutter

Many home craftsmen often face the problem of cutting ceramic tiles. It is irrational to buy an additional tool for one case. Therefore, you can get by with a good glass cutter.

The cut must pass along the front part, therefore, after measuring, the required size is marked on the tile and carried out with a continuous movement with a glass cutter until a well-cut train appears on the tile. Use the back side of the glass cutter to tap the cutting line (seam).

After this, use wire cutters or pliers to remove the cut piece with a sharp downward movement. It happens that if the job is unsuccessful, nicks remain, which can be smoothed out with sandpaper or a stone.

To make the material more pliable, it is recommended to soak it in warm water. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to cut a hole in a tile for an outlet with a glass cutter.

Glass cutter

Some craftsmen claim that using an ordinary glass cutter and wire cutters you can drill a hole in ceramic tiles. But with one caveat, if this hole must be drilled near the edge of the tiled element.

As usual, before cutting out a piece of ceramic, you need to mark the shape and dimensions of a circle on the surface of the tile. After that, an incision is made exactly along the line with a glass cutter. It is very important to make the cut deep, but at the same time create as little pressure as possible on the tile. You overdid it and got a crack or break in the material.

Next, you need to tap the material on the back side of the tile. Thereby increasing the depth of the cut. That is, everything is done exactly the same as with cutting glass. Then you take wire cutters or pliers in your hands and use them to bite off pieces of ceramic material according to precisely applied markings. After which the edges are processed to maximum evenness.

Why cut tiles

The tiles are laid in a variety of ways: vertically, diagonally, alternating tiles of different sizes, and even creating an image or ornament.

The more complex the installation, the more often the master has to cut the tiles to get what he wants.

- The simplest case is to cut off 1/3 and 1/2. Even when laying horizontally, it is difficult to choose tiles by color and pattern, but at the same time guess the size so that adjustment is not required.

Well, it is necessary to halve the tiles when laying diagonally.

— Cutting a rectangular or round hole for sockets and switches is also a common task.

Most often it is done using a grinder.

— Making a curved cut is more difficult.

For a small amount of work, the cutting is done manually, using pliers.

— Drilling holes actually takes much less effort if you use a drill with the appropriate attachment.

- A hole of any shape is cut out using special methods - laser cutting, for example.

At home, such work requires a combination of hand and power tools, and the result is not guaranteed.


Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to cut round holes in ceramic tiles with a grinder. Especially if they are small in diameter. The diamond cutting blade is too large for such operations. But you can cut a rectangular section without any problems. It's done like this.

  • If possible, the cuts are made through along the applied contour. If this is not possible (the rectangle is small), simply make notches with a disk along the entire perimeter of the figure.
  • Through cuts are made in the middle of the rectangle (along or across, preferably diagonally).
  • Next, the cut piece is broken in any way, you can even hit it with a hammer. The main thing is not to break the outer edges.
  • Now use wire cutters or pliers to straighten the edges.
  • After which you can use a file to remove sharp pieces protruding beyond the contour.

How to make a hole

Depending on the required diameter of the hole for a pipe, sink, or just a dowel, one or another drilling option is selected. Some of them can only be used if it is necessary to obtain a hole for a nail.


The principles of cutting tiles are similar in all cases, but has its own characteristics depending on the chosen tool. The main thing is compliance with safety precautions.

Drill for ceramics

Let's look at the drilling options:

  • Gradual increase in drill diameter. The advantage is that the risk of chipping is minimal. Stages:
  • We take the smallest drill diameter.
  • Drill slowly, avoiding overheating of the drill. To do this, moisten it with water.
  • After digging into the surface, when the tool does not slide so much, also spray the tile with water.
  • After obtaining the first hole, take a drill of a different, larger diameter.
  • When there is only a thin drill. Stages:
  • Drill several holes along the contour of the future hole for the pipe.
  • Next, without making much effort, knock out the center.
  • Sand any existing irregularities using sandpaper.

To begin with, take coarse sandpaper and gradually reduce the grain size. This will ensure the smoothest inner surface possible.

Carbide drill for concrete

A carbide drill is also used for drilling tiles. Sold in construction stores as a drill with a pobedit tip. When working with it, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Drill at low speed.
  • The use of a striking mechanism is not permitted.
  • The pressure on the drill during operation is minimal.
  • Turn on the impact mechanism only after obtaining a through hole in the tile, when the drill touches the concrete. At this time, you can increase the speed of the drill.

Diamond-coated crown

The diameter must be selected according to the size of the future hole. Drilling order:

  • Masking tape should be applied to the tiles.
  • Make markings.
  • Start working with the drill at low speed. To prevent overheating, the crown should be moistened with water.

Circular tile drill/ballerina drill

There are special attachments on the market for making holes in tiles - ballerinas. Essentially, this is a drill with an additional cutting element.


  • Make a recess in the center of the future hole using any method.
  • Secure the center drill into the hole you made.
  • Work with the drill at low speeds at first. Gradually going deeper, the side nozzles will begin to scratch the tiles.
  • When half the work is done, you should turn the tile over and perform the same steps until the center falls out.

Using self-tapping screws with a LM tip

In cases where a hole needs to be made urgently, and there is no drill with attachments or drill bits at hand, use self-tapping screws with a LM tip. Operating procedure:

  • Outline the diameter.
  • We screw in screws along the inner contour at small intervals and unscrew them.
  • We squeeze out the center and smooth out the irregularities with sandpaper.


To make through holes in the tiles before installing them or cutting them into shapes, a grinder is most often used. How to use the tool:

  • Outline the contours.
  • Install a diamond dry cutting blade.
  • Make a hole gradually. The tool should be smoothly moved away from you. Take care of your fingers. Hold the tile to prevent it from slipping.

The work is carried out on the front side of the tile to avoid chipping.


Used to make holes of various shapes at the edge of the tile or in its center.


  • Marking. Produced from the front side.
  • Need to cut from the edge of a tile? You can start working.
  • Need to make a hole in the center? A small hole is made with a drill to fit the cutting area of ​​the jigsaw through.
  • Place the tool on the border of the cutout.
  • Slowly, we move the jigsaw along the markings.

It is recommended to make a small indent from the marked line deep into the tile so as not to catch the excess area.

Under the pipe

All options considered are suitable for making a hole. An exception is the method of drilling through ceramics with a gradual increase in diameter, since there is no tool of this size.

For the great snipe

You can make a hole for the dowel using almost any method considered. However, options such as using a jigsaw and ballerina are considered inappropriate in this case. It is best to use a ceramic or tile drill.

How to cut for a faucet

The size of the hole for the mixer is smaller in diameter than for the pipe. However, the drilling options are identical in both cases.

Under the socket

Sockets come in different shapes. Therefore, when choosing a tool, you should build on it. If the shape is round, then all options are suitable except for gradually increasing the size of the drill for ceramics. If it's square, the best solution is a jigsaw.

Special attachments for drill

In addition to basic drills, there are other drill attachments designed for working with materials such as glass and tiles. One of them is a ballerina. It is a drill with one or two additional cutting tools, with the help of which it is possible to cut a hole of large diameter.

A special attachment for a drill will solve the problem in a few minutes

How to make a round hole in a ceramic tile using a ballerina:

  • Drill a small recess exactly in the center with any drill;
  • Place the ballerina on the drill and secure it in the hole with the central drill;
  • Slowly start drilling the hole deeper. The side elements of the ballerina will begin to scratch the tile, outlining a circle , like a compass;
  • When half the work is done, turn the tile over and do the same on the other side until the center falls out.

Another type of attachment is a diamond-coated crown. Its diameter is selected to match the specific size of the required hole.

How to make a hole in a tile for a socket using a crown:

  • Apply masking tape to the ceramic tile;
  • Mark the outline of the hole;
  • Attach a drill with a crown and begin to go deeper into the tile at slow speeds;
  • Wet the nozzle with water to prevent overheating.

When purchasing drill attachments, pay attention to their price and quality. A good job can only be done with a good tool.


Using a jigsaw

Holes in tiles intended for placement of sockets or for installation of pipes can be made using an electric jigsaw equipped with diamond-coated wire. Such a device can be used both to start forming a hole from the edge of the tile, and for drilling carried out in the center of the workpiece. In the latter case, it is necessary to make a preliminary hole, for which an electric drill with a drill is used.

To cut tiles with a jigsaw, use special ceramic files.

The procedure for drilling a hole of significant diameter in a tile, for which an electric jigsaw is used, is performed in the following sequence:

  • On the front of the tile, the edges of the future hole are preliminarily marked.
  • If part of the resulting contour coincides with the edge of the tile, you can immediately begin processing.
  • If the contour does not coincide with the edge of the tile, then a small diameter hole should first be drilled in the workpiece, into which the cutting thread of an electric jigsaw must be threaded.
  • A circular or figured cutout is made along the inner contour of the marking. This will allow you to maintain the size of the hole being formed.

Secure the tiles with a clamp before cutting

Using the method described above, a shaped or round hole in a ceramic tile can be made using a regular hacksaw. However, in this case, the quality of its execution will be significantly worse than when using an electric jigsaw.

Tool selection

To make a hole in a tiled wall you will need a quality tool. You can rent what you need, borrow it from friends, or purchase it, because it will come in handy many times during the renovation process. One way or another, you need to get a good drill and hammer drill. They must meet the following requirements:

  1. The drill must support various drilling modes, be able to operate at low speeds, and have sufficient power. Pay attention to battery-powered models, which are easy to use due to their light weight; they are not “tied” to an outlet.
  2. It is not advisable to use a hammer drill to process tiles, as this impact tool creates vibration, which can lead to cracks on the surface of the tile. It is useful for drilling into the wall under the tiles.
  3. The master must be able to control the force of pressing and the speed of rotation of the drill. It is advisable to start work at low speeds, gradually increasing the rotation to 200 rpm.

Worth paying attention! A little trick: if you have an old hand drill lying around, do not rush to get rid of it, because a hand tool is ideal for drilling tiles, since it is driven by muscles and therefore does not vibrate.

Drill Bosch

Selecting a drill and auger

You need to take care of purchasing a special drill and a drill suitable for working with tiles. They must be very hard and sharp, usually professional finishers, to make a hole in ceramic tiles, use:

  • Spear drills made of tungsten carbide.
    The best option if you need to make several holes in the tiles. It is more expensive than pobedit drills, but it has greater hardness, so it drills more efficiently. Spear drill (photo)
  • Pobedit drills.
    The cheapest option. We do not recommend relying only on a pobedit drill if you need to drill more than 1-2 holes, because each one can take more than an hour. Pobedite drill (photo)
  • Diamond drills.
    The hardest glass, the hardness of which is much greater than that of tiles. Therefore, drilling with them is a pleasure. However, the high cost makes the purchase impractical for one-time use. Diamond drill

Very important! The diameter of the drill is selected to match the size of the dowel, and the diameter of the drill for the hammer drill should be several mm smaller so as not to touch the edge of the tile during operation, otherwise vibration will damage it.

Purchasing a low-quality, unsuitable drill is a dubious saving that can come back to haunt you with chips, cracks and much higher costs.


You can drill small holes (up to 15-20 mm) using a drill by inserting a conical or spiral drill bit of the appropriate diameter into it.

Drilling is convenient if the tiles are already glued. But usually a hole must be drilled before the tile is glued in order to route the wire through it or put it on the pipe. Therefore, the tiles must be well fixed on a flat surface. Drywall or chipboard sheet is used as a substrate. To reduce the risk of the ceramic breaking during drilling, it needs to be wetted. It is recommended to fill the slats onto the chipboard to form a box. The slats are glued with silicone. The tiles are placed in the box and filled with water. They drill ceramics right in this box. The water will soften the tile, there will be no internal tension in it, and the drill will be constantly cooled.

The technology for performing drilling work in tiles is as follows:

  • The first problem is that during the first revolutions of the drill, the drill slides along the smooth surface of the tile. Adhesive tape, which is glued to the drilling site, will come to the rescue.
  • Mark the drilling point. It should be on tape.
  • Drilling begins with slow rotations of the drill, so that the jerk does not cause the drill to float across the glaze and make a scratch.
  • After the drill has caught on the tile, the drilling site is moistened with water. As you operate the drill, you must ensure that the work area always remains moist.

Using a drill, you can make a large diameter hole for a sewer pipe. But this method can be used when you need to make one or two holes, since the process is labor-intensive and the quality leaves much to be desired.

To do this, many holes are drilled along the contour of the cutout with a thin drill. Thus, a perforated contour is obtained. After completion, the inside of the hole is knocked out, the remaining teeth are cleaned with pliers and smoothed with sandpaper.

Correction of defects

If the tiles are glued incorrectly or simply crack as a result of use, there is a need to restore the integrity and appearance of the finish. To work you will need a few tools:

  • marker or pencil for making marks;
  • hammer drill or drill;
  • a set of drills for working on tiles and concrete.

The choice of tool determines the quality of the work performed. It is preferable to drill ceramics with a hand drill, which does not exert strong pressure on the surface. In addition, you will be able to fully control the impact force of the drill and the pressure it exerts on the surface. And the absence of vibration will preserve the integrity of the fragile material. But if you don’t have a hand tool in your toolbox, then it’s perfectly acceptable to use a regular electric drill, but at very low speeds. However, you can also make holes with an electric drill without damaging the coating.

The main thing is to act carefully. Drills need to be purchased in a store in order to be able to consult with the seller about its parameters and technological properties

Drills for working on ceramics are glassy and have diamond chips. Moreover, glassy instruments are just as durable as diamond ones, but are much cheaper. If you do not plan to use such a drill in the future, there is no need to spend extra money.

If you do not find such tools, you can use a pobedit drill with a well-sharpened tip. To create large holes, use circular adjustable drill bits with a cutter designed for working on tiles, since the groove must pass through the tile and grip the wall. If it is made of concrete, then a drill is not enough; you will need a more powerful hammer drill with a special tip.

These are the basic principles of working on tiles. After studying them, you will understand that you should not be afraid to drill holes in it. Even if you do not have sufficient experience, you can cope with the task if you wish. The main thing is to follow the rules, be confident in yourself, and everything will work out.

Straight Tile Cutting Tool

When carrying out tiling work, ceramics are cut in a straight line using the following special tool.

Glass cutter

The glass cutter is suitable for cutting wall tiles; it is quite difficult to cut hard porcelain floor tiles with it; work with a roller glass cutter is performed in the following sequence:

  • Place the product on a flat, hard surface and draw a line along the ruler with slight pressure towards you.
  • Break the tile against a sharp hard corner along the drawn line.

Manual tile cutter

A standard tile cutter is a bed with a rubberized surface, above which there are two guides - the cutting element mounted on the handle moves along them. The slab is placed inside the device towards the base, the cut is made by smoothly moving the cutting wheel along the surface with slight pressure. Upon completion of the pass, the handle lowers and a special lever presses on the slab, breaking it along the cutting line.

For convenience, each tile cutter is equipped with an angular ruler, which allows you to cut pieces of the same size; high-quality expensive tile cutters have a floating bed and one durable guide, which allows you to cut with high quality edges.

Rice. 10 Tool for cutting ceramics straight

Electric tile cutter

The main elements of the device are an electric motor, on the shaft of which a diamond-coated disk is installed, and a water pump, immersed in a cuvette with water and supplying liquid to the working surface of the disk during cutting.

An electric tile cutter is a rather expensive device; it is used for high-quality cutting of tiles at right and sharp angles without dust; it can be used to cut narrow strips less than 10 mm wide, which is difficult with a conventional mechanical tile cutter.

When cutting holes for a pipe, an experienced tiler needs only one grinder with a diamond disc for concrete. To drill deep through holes in walls, it is better to use special crowns or Pobedit drills for concrete. In domestic conditions, in the absence of an angle grinder, holes in soft tiles can be made using special drill attachments in the form of feather drills, ballerina drills and crowns, while the price of the latter is too high for one-time household use.

Methods for cutting holes in tiles

The choice of tools for cutting holes for sockets is large, so there are many cutting methods. The choice of drilling option depends on the availability of the tool and the personal desire of the carver.

Cutting with a crown

If there is a drill in the house, then the set must include special attachments, including a crown. Otherwise, you can buy it at any power tool store. Moreover, you should choose a crown to drill through tiles in accordance with the size of the socket being mounted. The seller will tell you the appropriate diameter.

Cutting with a hole saw into rosette tiles is considered the fastest way to make holes. The main thing is to use a drill, not a hammer drill, to avoid chips and cracks on the tiles. It is necessary to drill at minimum speed, approximately 2-3 minutes per hole. You need to cut on a thick wooden board for better hole quality.

To work with tiles, 3 types of crowns are used:

  • Diamond crowns. Usually used by professional craftsmen. They drill quickly and accurately, which leads to their high cost.
  • Pobedite crowns. They are inexpensive and can be used up to 20 times. It drills efficiently, in the same way as a diamond-coated .
  • Carbide crowns. They are not inferior in cutting quality to the two previous types, but cost 3 times less than Pobedit bits.

The drilling process is simple: insert the bit into the drill and press down. Then, according to the markings, drill a square or round hole, without pressing with much force. Cutting should be done on a flat board; it is better to use a diamond-coated crown. Uneven edges can be corrected with a file or emery.

Cutting with a ballerina

A metal bar with adjustable cutters and a drill is called a “ballerina”. This tool is similar to a nibbler and is an attachment to a drill. Usually a ballerina is enough for 20 cuts maximum, and it has a relatively low cost. The most difficult thing to do with a ballerina is to cut a hole in a tile, since you cannot change the inclination of the angle when cutting. Therefore, you need to install the drill on a special tripod.

The ballerina cutting process consists of 3 stages:

  • in addition to the usual markings, you need to mark the center of the circle;
  • set the guide drill to the center of the circle, and adjust the cutters to the diameter;
  • Drill slowly and carefully for up to 3 minutes at minimum speed.

Tungsten wire cutting

To eliminate any defects in the tiles when cutting, you need to use a tungsten wire. This method is only relevant for home use, since one hole takes from 20 to 30 minutes, which is impossible for industrial purposes.

Cutting with a tungsten wire is performed as follows:

  • apply markings to both sides of the tile;
  • make a hole with a drill inside the circle;
  • insert the string into the hole made by the drill and cut the hole according to the markings.

Tungsten string can be purchased at any hardware store. It is inserted into the saw in place of the cutting blade. This method is neat but time-consuming.

Cutting with a thin pobedit drill

If urgent cutting of tiles for a socket is necessary, but there are no special tools, a Pobedit drill is often used, which is inserted into a drill and a hole is made.

Along the marked line, 15-20 holes are made on the tile using a Pobedit drill up to 8 mm in size, and then the remaining tiles are removed with wire cutters or pliers. Irregularities can also be easily removed with sandpaper or a small file.

Using a grinder

A grinder is often used to cut holes. This method is applicable when there are no tiles on the wall yet. Cutting is carried out along the front part of the tile material. Initially, as a rule, mark the outline of the cutout using a marker. Then they begin drilling with a grinder with a diamond disc in the direction away from themselves.

Drilling tiles during installation on the wall

If it is necessary to cut holes in the tiles for mounting boxes, pipes or a mixer in the process of laying ceramics on the wall, then they can also be drilled using different methods.

On the front side there are ceramics. tiles with an alcohol marker, draw a circle of a suitable diameter and along its contour, also without going beyond the boundaries, use a concrete drill to drill holes with a diameter of 3-4 mm in small increments. Then, using a grinder (grinder) with a disk 115 mm in diameter, designed for cutting stone, 2-3 through slots are made inside the contour and unnecessary pieces are cut out of the tile with nippers. The edges are treated with coarse sandpaper, mounted on a round blank of suitable diameter, until smooth and free of chips.

The next method is a circle in the tile by cutting a groove with a grinder along the contour of the circle applied to the glaze, after which through cuts are made crosswise inside the contour and small pieces are removed with nippers. Chips on the sides of the hole are removed with coarse sandpaper or file.

Drilling a hole using a crown is done by rotating it

Before laying, a round hole in the tile can also be made with a special device called a “ballerina”. The attachment is a movable cutter mounted on a rod, which rotates with the help of a power tool around the axis of the centering drill. The ballerina drilling process consists of the following parts:

  • marking the center of the circle;
  • setting the cutter to a suitable diameter of the circle to be cut;
  • glaze slot;
  • applying a groove on the back of the tile;
  • cutting the circle from the front side.

Thanks to the ability to move the cutter along the rod, the tool can be configured to cut a hole of the desired diameter within the limits of the length of the rod. This eliminates the need to take crowns of different diameters.

You can also make a hole for a socket in a tile using the knocking method. The outline of a circle is drawn on the tile with a marker and 2-3 holes located close to each other are drilled in its middle, after which the partitions between them are crushed with wire cutters. Then, using a hammer placed on the floor as an anvil, light blows with the blunt end of the chisel crush the edge of the hole in a circle, expanding it to a suitable diameter.

Mounting boxes for sockets and switches are square, and if it is necessary to cut not a circle , but a square, they use other tools and technologies. To make a hole for a rectangular socket box, draw an outline onto the glaze with an alcohol marker.

Examples of poor drilling of tiles for electronic sockets

To prevent the formation of cracks during the next cutting, it is necessary to drill through holes with a diameter of 8-10 mm in the corners of the square. Then, having secured the tiles to the board, using a grinder with a concrete disc, make through slots around the perimeter. The edges and corners of the square under the rosette are treated with coarse sandpaper or bastard ratfil.

Figures of complex shapes are cut out with a diamond-coated string inserted into a hacksaw.

On ceramic For large format tiles, not counting porcelain stoneware, complex cuts are made with a jigsaw and a diamond-coated file. Cutting in porcelain stoneware is done using a grinder with a diamond-coated disk.

Any hole in the tile using an angle grinder

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To avoid breaking the tile when drilling, the distance from the edge of the hole to the edge of the product should be more than 20 mm.

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