Screw surfaces and threaded products. Carving, threaded products

Scope of application of threaded connections

Threads are used to connect components and assembly units into a single structure. In this case, the role of the nut can be played by the body.

As examples of the use of threads, consider the following:

  • construction of bridge structures;
  • joining together assembly units, for example, a gearbox and a power unit;
  • assembly of individual products, for example, bearing caps and gear housings;
  • inch type is used to create pipeline systems.

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Advantages and disadvantages of threaded connections

The connections obtained with its help are perhaps the most common among detachable ones. Unlike other types of detachable connections, they have the following advantages:

  • reliability;
  • ease of installation and dismantling;
  • low cost, which is due to the unification and mass production of fasteners. Both turning and knurling are used for production.

At the same time, the use of a detachable connection is associated with some disadvantages, in particular, the presence of depressions in the thread design leads to the appearance of areas of increased stress.

This accordingly reduces the strength parameters of the connection. Quite often, in units where threads are used, it is necessary to use additional devices to prevent self-unwinding. Of course, locking means are used based on the purpose of the unit, for example, a car wheel.

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