Punishment in the colony. What is SUS, PKT, EPKT, BUR, SHIZO

Places of imprisonment are a serious punishment for the convicted person. However, while serving a sentence, a person may behave far from what is prescribed by the rules - drink alcohol, use drugs, contradict or even attack correctional officers.

If such violations are repeated repeatedly, and reprimands and fines no longer stop the prisoner, a special type of punishment is used, the so-called “prison within a prison.” Depending on the type of imprisonment and the specifics of the violation, the convicted person may be locked up in one of these harsh places. Let's talk about their varieties, what these places are, and also learn the decoding of such abbreviations in the zone as SUS, PKT, BUR, SHIZO, DIZO and others.

Strict conditions of detention

SUS are special conditions of detention that make life more difficult for a prisoner in a general regime correctional colony.
Contrary to the widespread belief among “inmates”, the definition of SUS is not a special type of cell room. This is a set of conditions for the convicted person, which lawyers and human rights activists also call strict. The SUS does not involve judicial proceedings regarding the violation of rules by a prisoner.

The specifics of the conditions are reflected in Article 121 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation. Prisoners who have received a strict regime are kept in a separate room, visually no different from the usual one, however, they cannot leave it of their own free will.

Unlike normal conditions, in which people move quite freely around the territory of the colony, the premises of the SUS are locked . Prisoners on a special regime have only one and a half hours for daily walks; with good behavior, the authorities can increase this time to three hours.

The amount for which a prisoner can please himself by purchasing additional food at a local stall also differs. If a prisoner with a normal regime can spend no more than nine thousand rubles a month, then for the SUS this amount is equal to seven thousand eight hundred rubles. The money is debited from the prisoner’s account directly; cash is not used in prison. Staying on the SUS excludes the possibility of parole .

Why can conditions of detention of a convicted person be tightened?

Punishment can be imposed for any violation of the regime, but colony staff often turn a blind eye to all sorts of little things or do not punish them too severely. However, they are formally obliged to respond to any violation. Unfortunately, there are also cases of prejudice: what one person constantly gets away with, another periodically lands in a PKT or a punishment cell.

The list of malicious violations that inevitably lead to punishment looks something like this:

  • consumption of alcohol, psychotropics and drugs;
  • petty hooliganism;
  • threats, insults, disobedience to correctional officers;
  • organization and participation in actions of disobedience;
  • production, transfer and storage of items included in the list of prohibited items;
  • refusal to work or termination of work in the absence of valid reasons;
  • homosexual relationships;
  • failure to comply with medical orders (refusal to undergo tests or treatment) and so on.

Conditions of detention may be tightened for various reasons. A small knife for cutting sausage, a banknote or a telephone SIM card is already a violation of the regime (these items are included in the list of prohibited items).

If the actions of the convicted person contain elements of a crime, a new criminal case is opened against him, then he is transferred to court.

And then, hello, a new term in addition to the old one.

Special room or barracks

PKT – stands for cell-type premises; it is used in correctional colonies, both general and strict regime. It is located directly on the territory of the colony, in contrast to the EPKT - a single cell-type room. This type of cell is already considered an independent penitentiary institution, and prisoners are sent there in stages.

Violators of the regulations are accommodated in PKT and EPKT with several people per room. The former name of the PKT was a high-security barracks, that is, BUR. In some colonies this name was retained as an unofficial name.

According to Article 118 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, residents of a cell room have the right to only one parcel and one parcel every six months . In one month, a prisoner in a PKT can spend only five thousand rubles from his account. One and a half hours a day is the duration of a walk for a person sentenced to PCT or EPCT. Sometimes the head of the colony can increase this time to three hours if the prisoner approximately complies with the internal rules of the correctional institution.

The furnishings of the PKT are modest - folding beds and benches, according to the number of inhabitants of the room, a table firmly attached to the floor, and a bathroom behind a meter-long partition. The walls are covered with a layer of light-colored plaster, and the floor has wooden flooring on top of concrete. Access to the window is blocked by a fine-mesh steel grille; heating radiators and lamps are located in niches fenced off with the same mesh.

A recorded violation is a delay in meeting the desired freedom

There is Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated December 16, 2016 N 295, approving the Internal Regulations of correctional institutions. It sets out in detail the rights and obligations of both colony employees and persons serving sentences in them.

Any violation of the rules may entail penalties in accordance with Article 115 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation.

Not too serious violations, especially those committed for the first time, are punished, one might say, fairly: often the matter is limited to an educational conversation, or, in extreme cases, a reprimand or a fine. But systematic and malicious violations of the regime usually entail much more serious consequences in the form of tougher conditions and detention in special premises.

The regime of detention in such premises is regulated by Article 118 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. However, only general provisions are indicated there: conditions of detention largely depend on the policies of the administration of the correctional institution or institution, as well as local realities.

For example, in some colonies there are special “courtyards” - small rooms that do not have a formal status. They are extremely small, you can only stand or squat there. However, convicts are sincerely happy if the case ends in a “yard” - the “paper” for the violation was not drawn up, therefore, it is not documented. This means that hope for parole remains, like other prison “goodies”: visits, parcels, officially authorized telephone conversations, and so on.

Deprivation of hope for parole is one of the most unpleasant consequences of violating the regime.

According to the law, a person convicted of a minor or moderate crime can be placed on parole after 1/3 of the term has expired (but not less than 6 months), a serious crime - after half, and a particularly serious crime - after 2/3 of the term.

The most severe room

A person forced to serve his sentence there is deprived of all the little joys necessary for a prisoner - he is not entitled to visits, phone calls, walks and parcels. It is not allowed to take anything other than the simplest hygiene products from personal belongings in the punishment cell .

Spending money from your personal account on additional food is also prohibited. At the same time, the norms of food provided are reduced compared to usual.

True, the period of stay in the isolation ward cannot exceed fifteen days. Nevertheless, there are many cases when those who especially maliciously violated the rules established in the zone and ignored the penalties of the prison authorities were sent to the punishment cell, term after term.

The isolation room is extremely cramped - on nine square meters there are from two to four bunk “shelves” without any mattresses or blankets. There is either no window or a small barred window right under the ceiling.

At night, the sleeping bunks are leaned against the wall and locked. Sometimes small shelves are attached to the back of them so that the prisoner can sit during the day. In some colonies, these seats are located at an obtuse angle to the wall - this does not allow you to sit down fully, and the person is forced to be in an average position, between sitting and standing.

The only opportunity to change the environment is an hour-long walk once a day, if the management of the correctional institution allows. Often there are several prisoners in a punishment cell and there are not enough bunks for everyone - people have to take turns sleeping. At the same time, prison guards do not allow you to nap during the day.


To play Bura, a regular deck of 36 cards is suitable. The preferred number of “drillers” (bora players) is two or three. Although the number of participants is limited only by the number of cards in the deck, with a larger number of players the game largely loses its attractiveness, since the result in this case is determined by the initial layout of the cards when dealt.

Before the start of the game, all participants put the same amount into a common pot. Then the dealer is determined - at the beginning of the game by lot, then the winner deals the cards. Each player is dealt one card until the players have three cards. The last card in the deck designates and reveals the trump suit, it is turned face up and placed under the deck.

Aces in the storm are senior and are valued at eleven points, ten at ten, king, queen and jack at four, three and two points respectively. Moreover, the ten is higher than the king, queen and jack. The remaining cards - nine, eight, seven and six - are worth nothing. The suits of the cards also do not matter when calculating points.

The first move after the cards are dealt is made by the player next in the sun (or clockwise) after the dealer. If there are only two players, then the one who did not deal starts. You can enter with any cards up to three at a time, but placing several cards on the table is only allowed if they are cards of the same suit.

All other players must beat the cards with their own: a card of the same suit is beaten by a card of a higher value of the same suit or a trump card. If a player does not have any beating cards on the table, he simply discards any cards (according to the number of turn cards) face down. To beat a combination of two or three cards, you need to beat each card individually. For example, imagine: the trumps are diamonds, the player puts in a queen and the seven of spades, player A puts the nine of diamonds and the jack of spades, which beats the player’s combination. Let's say that player B has a king, an eight of diamonds and a nine of spades. To beat player A, player B will have to play both of his trumps, or he can throw the eight of diamonds and nine of spades, leaving the trump king for the next turn and giving that trick to player A.

After each player makes a move, the circle ends. The player whose cards are not beaten, or the player who beat the cards, takes all the cards from the table as a trick. The won trick is placed suit up in front of the winning player. After playing the next trick, players draw cards from the deck one at a time in a clockwise direction. The one who wins the trick takes the first card, and he also enters first. If there are not enough cards in the deck for everyone, then players finish the game with the cards remaining in their hands.

The game continues until someone scores 31 or more trick points. They announce this only on their turn (usually with the word “opening”). It is important to remember that players should not look at the cards taken for the purpose of counting points, they must remember the number of points from the tricks. After a player declares the end of the game, his tricks are revealed and the points are recalculated. If the count is correct, then the player takes the pot. A player who incorrectly calculates the number of points and stops the game is considered a double loser, since he doubles the pot. If by the time all the cards are played no one has scored 31 points, then there are no winners in this con, then the cards are shuffled, everyone adds money to the pot, and the cards are dealt by the same player as in the previous con.

The game is interesting because of its speed, since you can score 31 points very quickly.

For minors

According to Article 137 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, the conditions there are very similar to a punishment cell, but somewhat softened.

Article 137 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. The procedure for applying penalties to those sentenced to imprisonment in educational colonies

  1. Convicts placed in a disciplinary detention center are prohibited from long visits, telephone conversations, purchasing food and basic necessities, receiving parcels, packages and parcels, using board games and smoking. They have the right to enjoy a daily walk of two hours.
  2. All penalties may be applied to convicts placed in a disciplinary isolator, except for placement in a disciplinary isolator.
  3. For educational purposes or for medical reasons, the early release of a convicted person from a disciplinary detention center is permitted by order of the head of the educational colony or his deputy.

With the permission of the head of the correctional institution, short-term visits are allowed to a juvenile offender - but no more; parcels, parcels and telephone conversations are also prohibited.

The daily walk of prisoners in the pre-trial detention center is two hours. To continue their education, minors are allowed to have the necessary textbooks and notebooks in the detention center. But board games and cigarettes are not allowed in the DIZO.

In contrast to the maximum fifteen days in a punishment cell, you can only put the offender in a pre-trial detention center for ten days. But remember how harsh the prison authorities can be - after “resting” in a regular cell for a couple of days, the prisoner can again be sent to the isolation ward.

You can learn more about the nuances of keeping minors in educational colonies in a separate article.

Disciplinary detention center. DIZO

DIZO ( disciplinary isolator ) is a variant of the punishment cell in a juvenile colony (“in juvenile detention”). Conditions there are far from easy, there are a lot of restrictions. But compared to the punishment cell, there are some concessions:

  • short-term visits are allowed;
  • you can have textbooks and notebooks;
  • the duration of the walks is 2 hours;
  • The term of placement in an isolation ward is 10 days, and it is impossible to immediately receive a second term of pre-trial detention center (for adults, there is no similar clause in the new version of the law).

Telephone conversations, parcels and small “joys of life” like smoking are also prohibited.

Complete social isolation

Solitary confinement is considered as a place of detention for a prisoner only in exceptional cases. According to Article 131 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, solitary punishment is typical only for prisons . There are only two prisons with such cells in the Russian Federation.

A person doomed to be alone can see his relatives only twice a year on short-term visits. Money from the personal account of the punished person is not spent; in the cell it is allowed to have a standard set for personal hygiene, religious literature and the latest newspapers issued to prisoners.

The cell itself has one sleeping place. The window is either missing or located at a height inaccessible to view. The round-the-clock darkness of the cell is cut through by a single source of light, isolated by bars, like the window. Also in the cramped room there is a bathroom and a table with its base embedded in the floor.

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A punishment cell is typical only for prisons , despite the fact that prisoners in colonies often call a punishment cell a punishment cell, formally these concepts are not equivalent. There are only eight prisons operating on the territory of the Russian Federation; not every prisoner is “lucky” to get there; it is much easier to get into one of the many colonies.

According to the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, the characteristic methods of punishment for prisons are solitary confinement and strict regime; there is no official mention of punishment cells.

The word “punishment cell” itself literally means a dungeon. The furnishings of the room are reminiscent of a punishment cell - a folding shelf-bed, a symbolic window under the ceiling is covered with bars. The very essence of a punishment cell is not deprivation of amenities, but isolation from communication with other prisoners .

However, there are also standard “dungeons” - concrete closets without windows with a conventional light bulb, insufficient to illuminate a damp basement. Among the amenities, the prisoner is provided with a bucket. Formally, it is not recommended to keep people in a punishment cell for more than fifteen days.

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Since Part 1 of Article 117 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation looks somewhat vague due to its saturation with general phrases, penal system officers impose completely different penalties for the same type of offense.

Therefore, recently, more and more often, strict penalties are subjectively applied to prisoners and regimes are strengthened, guided not by current legislation, but by personal relationships.

Thus, the lack of specific legal grounds for placing a person in solitary confinement (in a PKT, a punishment cell, an EPKT) has resulted in a problem that requires elaboration.

What is PCT and PCT? Let's look at it in this article.

Solitary confinement

“Single solitude” is exclusively a prison reality; there are no such “apartments” in the zones. The worst thing here is not the conditions of detention (often “solitary confinement” is more comfortable and “fresher” than general cells), but complete social isolation, which has the most detrimental effect on the mental state of prisoners.

There are several conditional types of “loners” :

  • A punishment cell in a pre-trial detention center. In fact, this is an analogue of a punishment cell in a colony, but with complete social isolation. There is no term “punishment cell” in modern legislation of the Russian Federation – just “solitary confinement.”
  • Solitary confinement, special regime. In extreme cases, persistent violators of discipline serving a sentence in a special regime penal colony are subject to punishment in the form of placement in solitary confinement for up to six months.
  • Solitary confinement for the entire term. There are several prisons in the Russian Federation where particularly dangerous repeat offenders, serial killers, terrorists, maniacs, cannibals and similar “nice” individuals are kept. Many of them were sentenced to life imprisonment or the death penalty (the sentence was not carried out due to a moratorium). Particularly dangerous people are kept in solitary confinement at all times.

Residents of solitary confinement have the right to an hour and a half daily walk (in a small courtyard, strictly alone), purchases worth 5 thousand rubles from a personal account, one parcel, a parcel post and a short visit (with the permission of the administration) once every six months.

Any penalty is not a piece of cake, and there is no need to complicate the already difficult life in the MLS with “unnecessary” violations. It is clear that it is almost impossible to survive without violations of the regime in the zone, but you must at least try not to commit them out of stupidity, ignorance, or for company.

What is EPCT in prison?

Until July 1997, legislation provided only PCT as an additional punishment for disobedient people.

Thus, the first EPKT was created in Solikamsk in 1980 for an experiment. The prisoners called him very poetically - the White Swan.

Who can be transferred to a cell-type premises as a punishment? In most cases, prisoners are sent to the EPKT or PKT as a strict disciplinary measure in case of malicious (active) disobedience to the internal rules of the correctional institution.

Explanation EPKT - “single chamber-type room” . EPKT is a separate institution in the field of foreclosure execution in the entire region.

What is the difference from a punishment cell? Cell-type premises, as well as single cell-type premises, are also isolators in which the regime is considered milder than in a punishment cell.

What is the difference between EPKT and PKT?

Cell-type premises (CPT) are a department of a correctional authority (a prison in a colony). In other words, PKT are cells with a more brutal regime for convicts.

In turn, if a convicted person is sentenced to an EPCT, then in this case he must be transferred to another city or even to another region.

However, when a prisoner is assigned to a PCT, he is simply moved to another building on the territory of the same correctional institution. He is supervised by the same squad leader (educator), his postal address does not change.

In addition, the punishment in the form of detention in the PKT, as a rule, does not exceed six months for men, and 3 months for convicted women, while a convicted person can stay in the EPKT for no more than a year.

Some female prisoners cannot be placed in EPCT or PCT (for example, if they are expecting a child or only after giving birth).


Some card combinations may allow you to take the lead even if you did not win the previous trick. In descending order they are as follows: “borax” - a combination of three trump cards, three aces, “punch” (letter) - a combination of three cards of the same suit.

If a player has a “drill” combination, then the game is considered over in favor of that player. If two or more players have a bora combination on the same bet, then according to the usual entry rules they throw away their cards, the one whose bora is stronger wins. If both players have three aces or a pullet, the turn of the move is reserved for the one who had to move.

If one of the combinations is encountered immediately after the cards are dealt, the game is re-dealt without any consequences.

Peculiarities of keeping convicts in the EPCT

Punishment in the form of placing the convicted person in the EPKT for a period of up to 1 year is imposed by a decision of the head of the correctional institution or the person who replaces him.

What is a single chamber-type room? Practice shows that the conditions of detention of prisoners in the EPKT are similar to the conditions of a high-security prison.

What is a convicted person entitled to? Thus, persons who were transferred to single cell-type premises have the right to:

  • within six months, receive only one parcel or parcel from relatives;
  • spend money from your personal account every month to buy food and essential items only in the amount of 500 rubles;
  • every day take a walk in the fresh air for an hour and a half. If the convicted person did not violate the established procedure for serving his sentence in a single cell-type room, then the head of the prison may decide to increase the walking time to 2 hours a day for a period of up to 1 month.

Are dates allowed in EPKT? With the permission of the prison administration, the convicted person can come for a short meeting with a relative for a whole six months.

A convict who has been transferred to the EPKT is not allowed to bring any of his belongings except the following:

  • products;
  • toilet soap;
  • personal towel;
  • Toothbrush;
  • tooth powder, paste;
  • cigarettes and matches;
  • women are allowed to take necessary hygiene items;
  • toilet paper;
  • publications on religious topics.

In addition, such persons are allowed to take with them into a single cell-type room:

  • documents with the results of consideration of his statements of complaints or other proposals;
  • the court's decision in their case;
  • a simple pencil;
  • notebook;
  • writing pens;
  • postal envelopes, stamps and postcards;
  • various literature from the library of the correctional institution;
  • subscribed magazines, newspapers, books and other printed publications.

On the other hand, convicts who are studying at a school or college will not attend classes while serving their sentence. However, they are allowed to take textbooks with them, study independently and even consult with teachers.

Such convicts take food directly in their cell, and during work - at the workplace. In a single cell-type room, convicts are provided with bed linen only for the night's sleep.

To go outside the building, convicts are given a set of clothes that corresponds to the season.

At the request of prisoners in the EPCT, various clergy (at the choice of the convicted person) who represent legally registered religious organizations can be invited to them.

Prisoners in the EPKT must work separately from other prisoners . In addition, medical examination and outpatient treatment of persons in EPCT must be carried out in a room specially equipped for this purpose.

Sick prisoners should be placed in different cells according to their illnesses.

If the convicted person was transferred from the EPKT to a hospital of the executive system, then in this case the period of his stay in such a medical institution should be counted towards the term of serving the sentence.

If the convicted person intentionally caused harm to his health or feigned illness, then the period of his stay in the hospital will not be counted towards the term of serving the sentence.

Thus, in 2022, cell-type premises (PKT) and single cell-type premises (EPKT) mean isolators in which convicts can be kept for up to six months (PKT) or up to a year (EPKT).

They differ in that the PCT works for convicts of one colony, and the EPCT - for convicts of an entire region (located on the territory of a colony).

How the zone is structured from the inside.

Roughly speaking, any zone is divided into two main parts: a residential zone (residential zone, vein) and an industrial zone (industrial zone, industrial zone). The industrial zone houses production workshops and other various production facilities. Also, usually, the Zonov fire department is stationed in the industrial zone. A real fire department with a fire truck and crew, only prisoners serve in it.

If the industrial zone is large, such as, for example, on the twelfth in Tagil, then in such an industrial zone there is also a canteen for those prisoners who work in production. The industrial zone is usually separated from the residential area by a fence with a checkpoint (checkpoint)

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In the residential area there is a dining room, a bathhouse, a medical unit, a club, a store, headquarters and barracks in which convicts live. The entire housing zone, in turn, is divided into many local areas (local areas), which are the same three-meter fences with a guard (checkpoint). Usually every barracks and, in general, every object in the zone is fenced with local networks. So convicts can move relatively freely only within these local areas.

In order to leave the local area, permission from the administration and an accompanying prisoner-activist are required, usually this is the detachment's supply manager or the detachment's orderly.

Who can live well in prison?

. And AA is a hell's angel. AGMD - Adolf Hitler is my friend. ALENKA - and you have to love her like an angel. ALLURE - I love anarchy with young love - joyfully. AMUR - TNMN - my angel left early - that’s how my misfortunes began. ARBAT - and Russia was, and now?

B BARS - hit the asset, cut the branch; beat up activists, kill informers. BERLIN - I will be jealous, love and hate her. BES - hit if you can. BJSR! - Beat the Jews, save Russia? BLITSS - take care of love and appreciate freedom. GOD - God will forgive sins; was convicted by the state; I'm afraid to stay hungry; I will rob again; be careful, robber; Fear the fire, you bastards. GODDESS - I will be the only one to be proud and enjoy. BOMZHIZ - protected by God, living and muzzled by prayer. BONS - was condemned by the people's sulem. BOSS - was convicted by a Soviet court; was condemned by the Soviet Union. BOTN - from now on I will be yours forever.

Come back to VERMOUTH if separation is already tormenting you. WIMBL - come back and it will be easier for me. WINE - come back and stay forever. VNTSC - a thief does not trade his honor. WOLF - here it is, what love; thief shortness of breath (shortness of breath) - kicking cover; The colonist loves freedom. VOR is the leader of the October Revolution. RAVEN is a thief - he is born of one hatred. WAX - the will will weaken - the end will soon; here it is, freedom, colonists. The university is an eternal prisoner of the zone; I will die a happy prisoner.

G HORN - the state doomed (to) slaves forever. GOTT - I'm only proud of you; ready to give myself only to you. GEESE - wherever I see him, I’ll immediately rape him. GUTOLIST - lips are tired of repeating about love and intense longing.

D DERPN - I tear, f..., I cut up party parasites. JOHN - nothing but misfortune awaits you at home; the souls of the Jews, they are misfortune. JONKA - nothing but misfortune awaits you at home - the whims of a drunk. DISSIK - crush Judas, sexots, bitches and communists. DMNTP - for me there is no one more beautiful than you. BOTTOM - give us a little rest, let us catch our breath.

E EVA - f... the whole asset. EUROPE - if a thief works, he is a fallen prisoner. TREE - his (her) caresses seem like a scent, if love is insidious - atas.

ZHERNE - life is slave bondage. VNPSM - I live in a garbage dump, save me. ZHNSSS - life will teach you to laugh through your tears. ZHOVM - one ass - there are many of you (applied by force). BEETLE - I wish you successful thefts; life was stolen (shortened) by the communists. JUR! - live luxuriously, urkagan!

CALL - know the thieves - they will teach you very cool things. ZEK - there is a convoy here. EVIL - a prisoner loves to relax, a testament to his beloved father; I knew love once, I will take revenge on the cops for everything. EVIL Oh - I will take revenge on the cops very painfully for everything. SNAKE - why a man - I am. ITCH - here they teach you how to fight. TOOTH! - great, urki-blatari! BISON - evil urks protect slaves.

And GAME - I’m going to smash and slaughter activists (the abbreviation is rare). IRA - I’m going to slaughter assets, I’m going to slaughter activists. IRAQ - I'm going to cut off the assets of the communists. IRIS is both a slave and an informer (inflicted by force). IRKA-CENTR - and separation seems like hell - if you are not around.

K KAT - heavy convict prisoner; convict. KENT - when f..., you have to endure. KISBT - how my heart yearns without you. MAPLE - I swear to love him (her) forever. WEDGE - when you love, punish betrayal. WEDGE-BOZ - how I love and hate - only God knows about (this). KLOT - I swear to love one (one) you; when you love, you endure insults. COMS? - how painful it is alone, do you hear? KOSUM - when happiness will smile on me again. CAT is a native inhabitant of the prison; how difficult it is to be alone; who will warm up the melancholy. CROSS - how to stop loving if your heart is sad. KTYABNN - like you, I won’t find it again. CUBE? - who will die faster? CUBA - when you leave, the pain is hellish. KYASOD? - how much do I miss home? how I miss the children!

L LBJ - I love you more than life itself. SWANS - I will love her, even if I cheat on her. SWAN - I will love her even if she leaves forever. LEO - I love her forever; I love f... funny ones; kicking f... fun ones. LADY - I love you, even if I cheat. FOREST - I love her very much. SUMMER - I love only one. LEMON - tired of loving and suffering alone. LIR - love and separation, love and cutting. FOX - love and death. LEAF - I love and miss you very much. LEAH - love and me. CROWBAR - love me alone, darling, let me go. LON - I love the company of drug addicts. LAURA - love once gave birth to an angel, love bypassed the prisoner slave. LORD - my own children will take revenge on the cops, love is given once, camp eagles make friends happy, love, father, my own children, I love one home. LOT - I love you alone; you are very curious. LOTUS - I love one (one) you very much. LSD - love is expensive. LSKCHV - love freedom like a seagull loves water. LTV - love the will, comrade, I love only the will; love you forever; I love only free people; I like to steal quietly. RAY - a loved one has passed away. LYUBA - the love of youth was angelic.

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M MAG is my Adolf Hitler. MAGNET is a sweetheart, and her eyes are tirelessly looking for you. MJ is a sweet fool. MEL is my only love. MZDVA - they've been waiting for me in hell for a long time. PEACE - shooting will correct me.

MNSZS - I'm not ashamed of myself. I am SILENT - my obsessive love (and) feelings have died. MORS - we are parting happy again. MTK-N - the cops are stupid assholes of the people. MTS - the cops are stupid brutes.

N SKY - don’t (sad) if you’re alone. SKY-ZYAVR - don’t (sad), if you’re alone, know that I’m always there. NEAL - You can’t cheat on your loved ones. NINA is not (was) and will not (be) an activist. NINS - I can never change.

Oh, my only consolation is you, it’s hard to leave me. OPLNZ - ​​I fly over the earth like an eagle in heaven. ORVEA - The October Revolution is the greatest Jewish adventure. OSA - leave death to the activists. OSMN - stay with me forever. OST - I will be yours again. ISLAND - stay with (me), your joyful island in (me); The fanned fire in (me) yearns with desperate passion.

P PAPA - p...t activists, hello to anarchists. PVA - I despise your asset. PVRS - let the slaves of the Soviet of Deputies work hard. The DOG didn’t listen to her well. BEER - forgive and come back. PILOT - I remember and love one (one) you, remember, I love one (one) you. PENGUIN - forgive and don’t be sad, no need to look for someone to blame. PEOPLE - first and last love. GO - remember (me) - I hate you, Judas. POST - I'm sorry, father, this is fate. RULES - the government decided to arrest everyone and deprive them of amnesty. RDMVSNN - born for torment - I don’t need happiness. RHYTHM is my joy and longing. ROKZISM - Russia is drenched in the blood of prisoners and the tears of mothers. GROWTH - I was left an orphan of a tyrant early on, my only joy is to shoot tyrants.

A prisoner is happy with a MINE MINE after his execution. SATURN - you hear, but it’s already impossible to stop loving you. MATCHMAKER? - freedom will return, and you? LIGHT - passion fizzles out - if anxious. SGV - Northern Group of Forces - army tattoo). SEPTEMBER - tell me if you need it, I’ll be there. SLICHZHVR - death to cops and security officers, life to repeat thieves. SLZHB - death for cops, life for thieves. SLZHN - death by cops - there is no life. ELEPHANT - with your beloved one forever; death by a cop from a knife, from a (young) age there are only misfortunes, the heart loves one forever, bitches love one boss. SNOW - I really like the single eyes. DREAM - with (me) only misfortunes; happiness bypasses the unfortunate; the most mischievous impudent one. SON-VH is the most mischievous impudent one - he always wants. SOS (505) - save from trial; I'm saving myself from bitches; I'm saving myself from syphilis; bitches took away freedom; save your son, father. SS (55) - retained his conscience. SO-KGB - sons of bitches - codla of state bandits. SS-MM - super sex - my dream; superseksotov - I can (pee) silently. SP - death to shoulder straps. SPV - glory to the fallen thieves. MOAN - there are only misfortunes with you; happiness drowns from the unclean; the heart needs you alone. STOP - happiness to the one who benefits. TWILIGHT - I will be able to protect my dear one if separation is a test. SCHAK - bitches are often activists. SIR - freedom is heaven.

T TENNIS - you are - tenderness and tears. TIGER - prison - toy; I am ready to tear you, a traitor, to pieces; Comrades, let's go rob the restaurant. TIN - you or no one. TIND - you and no one else. TMJ - prison interferes with life. TMON - I really like you. TOBOL - you alone are sick with cold love. TOMSK. - You alone touched my heart. TOKHIS - you are very good and glorious. THRONE - you are one joy forever. ACE - prison is fun for us; prison teaches the law; the prison is already familiar; prisoner ACE - S S - you already know - super sex. TUMR - the taiga will shelter me, dear.

UZ: VUEK is a prisoner of the zones: Vorkuta, Urals, Siberia, Kolyma. MORNING - he left the path of his own father.

X BREAD - I will keep my only love. Christ cherishes the poor. KHMBIS - God and fate protect me. CHRIST? - If you want, I’ll give you joy and tears, do you hear? HTKPT is a hell of a hell to whoever invented prison. TsLIBIS - appreciate love and take care of true freedom. CMOS - my goal is justified by the means.

SH SHA! - shawls, prisoner! CHAMPAGNE? - a joke, or maybe just a hellish mockery, tell me how to evaluate it? SHPDZM! - shawls, boy, just in moderation?

E EVJMS? - the elixir of eternal female youth - sperm? ELECTRON - this is the only love that you kindled, will remain forever. EPRON - Eros, give joy to one insatiable one. STAGE - excursion of taiga prisoners. ECHO! - Eros, I want to give myself up! oh, it would be good to overeat! one is enough!

Yu YuV - VTK - young pupil - educational and labor colony. YUDA is Adolf's young friend. YuDV is a young friend of thieves. YUG - young robber; southern robber; young thug; young guest performer.

I AM APPLE - I will love one, as I promised. JAVA - I view... asset. YAVTPK - I will drink you drop by drop. POISON - I will finish the treatment CORE - I give joy one day. YALTA - I love you, angel. YANIN - I have been taught treason forever. YANNA - I hope for amnesty. YNPTS - I am not a corrupt scoop creature. JAPAN? - I will forgive the insult, I will not change it, okay?; I forgive the insult, I will not betray you, okay? YAR - I - made up my mind. YARD - I decided to fight. YARDS - I was born for happiness. YARMO - I was born to suffer alone. YASSSSSVD - I ate my conscience with snot as a child. YAKHONT - I want one (one) forever you. YACHT - I want you. YACHT - I want you, angel.


If you have one or two trump cards in your hands, then you need to take care of them in order to catch the third one in the draw and make a “borax”.

If the opponent repeatedly discards the purchased card, which means he has two trump cards, and he catches the third, then you need to intercept the move and try to enter with two or three suited cards.

Carefully count your points and your opponent's points.

Watch carefully when your opponent buys cards, as he can imitate taking a card, and when you take the next card, he can blame you for someone else’s raise and the game will be lost.

If there is more than one opponent, you need to be vigilant, as there is always the danger of collusion between players and secret exchange of cards.

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