Artistic plasma. cutting How to prepare a drawing for CNC? My way

In a nutshell, plasma cutting of metal is a type of metal processing in which a plasma jet is used as a cutting tool. Gas is supplied to the nozzle of the plasma cutter, and an electric arc is ignited between its electrode and the metal being cut. It turns the gas into a plasma jet with a temperature T = 5000...30000 °C and a speed of 500...1500 m/s, which can cut metal with a thickness of ≤ 200 mm (however, in practice, it is more economical to cut extreme thicknesses with oxygen).

All details can be found in the article “Plasma cutting. Principle of operation" and other articles on the site (we recommend looking at the links).

Modern equipment allows us to perform artistic plasma cutting work efficiently and quickly in accordance with the customer’s sketches and drawings.

The process of figure cutting of metal using a plasma cutting machine MAXILITE 3000

Let's take a look at the MAXILITE 3000 plasma cutting machine in its basic configuration. MAXILITE 3000 is a machine that is used for cutting metal with a thickness of 0.3 to 20 mm with good speed and high quality. The thickness of the metal that our machine can cut depends on the power of the plasma source. The machine has a modular design, so transporting it to the desired location is not difficult. So, we list the main distinctive features of the machine:

  • lightweight collapsible frame
  • portal made from a rectangular profile, also lightweight
  • CNC control rack has a very “grown-up” look
  • integrated desktop
  • for stable work with thin sheet metal there is a mechanical control of the burner height
  • optimal cost with decent characteristics

We can select a device and a plasmatron for you to suit your tasks, for example, you can reduce the size of the desktop, if necessary, and, accordingly, this will affect the cost downwards.

Please note that to operate the machine separately you will need the following equipment:

  • exhaust fan with an impeller of at least 200 mm;
  • air compressor with a capacity of at least 400 l/min;
  • refrigerated compressed air dryer;
  • main filter for class 1 air purification from solid impurities, oil and water.

In order to start working, the machine must be correctly installed, connected to power and be sure to properly organize an exhaust hood to remove smoke from particles of burning metal

This is important because a lot of smoke is generated during work, and breathing these fumes is not very good for health. The software with which the machine is controlled is available in the basic version, this is Pure Motion from the Russian company Purelogic

In the following articles we will try to analyze this software in detail, since it is still not as simple as we would like.

So, in order to cut out any detail, you will need to draw it first. You can use any software that allows you to export or save any drawing in DXF format. These can be programs such as AutoCAD, Compass, Corel Draw, etc. They, of course, are not included in the kit.

You will also install the SheetCAM program, with the help of which a special G-code will be generated, which will need to be transferred to the Pure Motion program.

It turns out that the procedure is such that first in a third-party program you draw the necessary artistic element, save it in .dxf format, import it into SheetCAM, save the generated G-code, and then import it into the Pure Motion program and it transfers it directly to cutting table with all necessary actions and coordinates.

You will also need to correctly configure the Pure Moiton program because when working with different thicknesses and metals, the speed settings, plunge height and working height of the torch will also be different. In one of the following articles we will also look at these settings in detail.

Artistic cutting of metal with plasma is performed with a plasma jet, which is used as a cutting tool. After you press the button to start the process of cutting the product, an electric arc is formed (between the metal and the electrode), the ignition of which occurs due to a pulse or short circuit; gas under pressure is supplied from the nozzle; under the influence of an electric arc, it turns into a plasma jet, the temperature of which reaches 30 thousand degrees and the speed of 1.5 thousand m/s. The cutting speed depends on the thickness of the metal, the power of the plasma source, and the complexity of the cut pattern. During the process, the drawing you drew in the program will be cut out of a sheet of metal.

It may seem that working on a CNC plasma cutting machine for figure cutting of metal is very difficult, but this is only at first, as in any other business, at first there will be mistakes, you can’t do without it, but then you will get the hang of it and get an inexhaustible source of realizing the most bold creative decisions.

About special programs and working with drawings

Thanks to modern laser machines, as well as programs for CNC plasma and drawing creation, you can easily process workpieces from any materials, ensuring high intensity of the process along with quality. But modern technologies have by no means contributed to the fact that humans are completely excluded from the technological chain.

Operators are only freed from participation in the workpiece manufacturing process itself.

In order to obtain the required result for CNC, it is necessary to comply with the main conditions, which include the proper level of production preparation and the development of machine control programs.

The essence of any software used in control is the creation of a set of codes that undergo transformation inside the CNC microcontroller, and then become pulses when they enter the execution mechanisms. The function of the latter is transferred to stepper motors or servomotors. But the latter option is used only for some machine models. It is important to choose the right program for creating a drawing.

Electric motors are used during the transformation of impulses, after which the latter become mechanical movements for the instrumental part. The supporting spindle and cutter are involved in the same process. A unique route is laid inside the program, which is subsequently implemented by the machine. How the cutter moves relative to the future workpiece depends on this.

Thanks to modern technologies, it becomes easy to provide the required speed and cutting force. Flame processing also makes the process easier.

A separate file is created inside the control program, which must be processed further. What does the choice of modern software imply? But you need to create a preliminary sketch of the future product, because the route cannot appear out of nowhere.

Sketches for plasma cutting

Both in the city and in the countryside, the tradition of decorating your own space with original things, made to order or with your own hands, is returning. Expressing your aesthetic needs in decorating your home or garden has become easier with the advent of plasma metal cutting.

Unlike hot forging, which has been used for centuries to create fences, porch canopies, weather vanes, fireplace and stove doors, the plasma cutting process requires less physical effort. Artistic cutting of metal with plasma is a faster manufacturing process, forging, and the design is more delicate and delicate.

Heating the metal to very high temperatures does not in any way affect its technical characteristics due to the short-term contact of the processed material with the flame. Due to this, no sagging is formed on the cuts, which means that the finished product will not require sanding.

The most painstaking work in the artistic cutting of metal with plasma is creating sketches for cutting. Not being an artist, you will have to use the method of enlarging the drawing you like to the required size, projecting it onto a sheet of metal using a light bulb placed in a box located behind the image on paper. This homemade enlarger is used if there is no slide projector in the house from ancient times. The size of the image is varied by moving the pattern towards the beam of light or removing it to the required distance.

Artistic metal cutting can vary in cutting technique. To create a garden sculpture, you need a clear outline of the object. It is better if the cutting takes place in long, clear lines. Also, this method of guiding a cutting arc along the contour of an element is necessary for cutting out large elements in a fence, on gates and other decorative details. Small cuts are created by short "strokes" of flame across a sheet of metal.

Advantages of artistic cutting on a plasma machine

Using this technology, products of the required shapes and sizes are obtained, and at a very affordable price. provide high accuracy of shaped parts made according to an existing catalog or cut to order, according to individual sketches or drawings.

The advantages of plasma artistic cutting are as follows:

This technology makes it possible to obtain inexpensive barbecues made using plasma cutting. Plasma equipment makes it possible to quickly and efficiently cut out the parts of the barbecue, both the box and the shaped holes that serve to blow in air, ensuring good combustion of the wood.

Also today, in the wake of patriotism, the Russian coat of arms for plasma cutting has become popular. Owners of such equipment quickly and in the smallest detail cut out the Russian state emblem from metal, satisfying the increased demand among Russians, thereby receiving a decent profit.

How to make a plasma cutter from an inverter - instructions

If desired, any owner can make such equipment with his own hands. However, in order for a homemade plasma cutter to do its job effectively, all the rules must be followed. In such a case, an inverter will be practically irreplaceable, since with the help of this device a reliable supply of current will be ensured. Due to this, there will be no interruptions in the operation of the plasma cutter, and it will also be possible to reduce energy consumption. However, it also has disadvantages: it is designed for cutting material of a smaller thickness than when using a transformer.

Selecting elements

If you decide to make a plasma cutter yourself, then you should prepare the necessary materials and equipment:

An inverter or transformer with the required power. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing this device, you need to tell the seller in the store about the thickness of the material you plan to use it for cutting. Based on this, the selection of a suitable mechanism will be made. Considering that cutting will be done manually, it is advisable to purchase an inverter, which is associated not only with its lightness, but also with its ability to reduce energy costs.

Plasma cutter or plasma torch point. When choosing it, you must rely on the same criteria as in the case of an inverter. The important point here is that direct impact equipment is designed to work with conductive materials, while an indirect impact plasma cutter is more suitable for working with products that are not capable of conducting electricity.

Compressor for air circulation

Here you should pay attention to its power, according to which it should be correlated with other selected components.

Cable-hose package. His task will be to combine all the above-described elements.


Even before you start assembling a homemade plasma cutter, it doesn’t hurt to find out whether the components you purchased are compatible with each other. If you have never made a plasma cutting machine with your own hands before, it is advisable to seek help from more experienced craftsmen. After analyzing the power of each element needed, they will give you their recommendation. You should definitely make sure you have a protective set of clothing. You will have to use it when the time comes to test the performance of a homemade plasma cutter. If we talk about the procedure for assembling plasma cutting equipment, it includes the following steps:

At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary elements for assembly and protective clothing.

Next, you should resolve the issue with an uninterruptible power supply.

Then you need to take an inverter or transformer, as well as a cable of suitable thickness and electrodes

Pay special attention to the last element, which should be made of beryllium, zirconium, thorium or hafnium. Such materials are considered the best choice for air plasma cutting

Hafnium may also be considered as an alternative because it will provide greater safety to the welder or craftsman who will be doing the work of separating the sheets. The listed elements must be connected to each other in order, the result should be an electric arc.

Next, a hose is connected to the compressor. It is through this that air will flow into the plasma cutting machine. The second edge must be connected to the plasma torch.

Take a small piece of aluminum and test the operation of the device you have made. Pay special attention to the security of connections.

Regardless of whether you plan to make a plasma cutter with your own hands or buy it in a store, you should first study all the models, get acquainted with the principles of their operation and design options. An important point is the type of material that is planned to be cut using this equipment in the future. You can simplify your selection task if you first watch a video that shows the operating principle of a manual plasma cutting machine and the technology for working with it.

How to make a drawing for laser cutting correctly

Programs for processing sheet material using laser cutting methods work with vector graphic files in dwg, dxf formats. They store drawings for laser cutting. However, if your designer is working with a different vector graphics package, that's okay. Just before downloading the drawing should be recoded from the existing format to the desired one.

Today, a great variety of programs have been created that carry out such conversion. You will definitely find the utility you need. It is worth considering that when converting a drawing, some distortions or accidentally added construction elements may sometimes occur. Keep an eye on this so that you can correct them in a timely manner.

So, in order for your drawings to be laser cut or engraved, it is enough that the drawings themselves are supported by the formats of the AutoCAD or CorelDraw software packages.

The basic requirements for AutoCAD drawing files are as follows:

  • Version – not lower than AutoCAD 2000.
  • The scale of the finished document is 1:1, the type of coordinate system is World, flat 2D representation.
  • Composite elements must have closed lines (not splines). Line types: Arc or Line.

The basic requirements for CorelDraw drawings and documents (files) are as follows:

  • Text inserts and individual characters must be converted to Curves.
  • In all drawings, the width of curves must be fixed by the Hairline constant.
  • Scale – 1:1.
  • All contours, including holes, must be created using one closed fragment.
  • The versions of CorelDraw used are from 6 to 14.

For laser cutting, it is permissible to use a schematic drawing of the part in computer form. The following formats are applicable for this: CDR (working document of CorelDraw 14 or later versions), DXF or DWG files (store the results of AutoCAD versions 2007 or older). The part sketch must be a schematic object with a closed outer contour. It may have holes and slots (open cut).

Quality of parts

Comparing the quality of the resulting parts and based on the cost of consumables, we can come to the conclusion that laser cutting is more effective than plasma cutting for thinner sheet materials, and plasma cutting for thicker ones. It should be taken into account that operating costs for both types of cutting vary widely and are largely determined by the geometric parameters of the workpiece, the number of holes in it, and the type and thickness of the material being cut.

OptionsLaser cuttingPlasma cutting
Cutting widthThe cutting width is constant (0.2 - 0.375 mm)The cutting width is not constant due to the instability of the plasma arc (0.8 - 1.5 mm)
Cutting accuracyTypically ±0.05 mm (0.2 - 0.375 mm)Depends on the degree of wear of consumables ±0.1 - ±0.5 mm
TaperLess than 1°3° — 10°
Minimum openingsIn continuous mode, the diameter is approximately equal to the thickness of the material. For pulse mode, the minimum hole diameter can be one third of the material thickness. The minimum diameter of the holes is 1.5 times the thickness of the material, but not less than 4 mm. Pronounced tendency towards ellipticity (increases with increasing material thickness).
Internal cornersHigh quality cornersSome corner rounding occurs and more material is removed from the bottom of the cut than from the top.
ScaleUsually absentUsually present (small)
BurnsInvisiblePresent on sharp outer edges of parts
Thermal impactVery littleMore than laser cutting
Metal cutting performanceVery high speed. For small thicknesses, usually with a noticeable decrease as the thickness increases, prolonged burning of large thicknesses. Fast burn; very high speed at small and medium thicknesses, usually with a sharp decrease as thickness increases.

Gates and fences using laser cutting technology.

When buying housing in a good, geographically conveniently located area, we make sure not only that the layout of the apartment matches expectations, but also the general improvement of the area. The cleanliness and tidiness of the courtyards, the presence of flower beds and playgrounds, the presence of nearby green areas, ample parking - after all, your guests begin to form their opinion about the apartment not from the doorstep, but from the yard. A beautiful and well-kept yard can be called the business card of your apartment - even before looking at your home, a person will already begin to form a positive opinion. However, in urban conditions, the infrastructure and improvement of the area is usually handled by the developer himself, limiting your influence only to voluntary participation in community cleanups and maintaining the original plan in proper form. So even the greenest and most comfortable area will only indicate your selectivity when choosing living conditions, but will not convey your individuality.

Types of artistic metal cutting

Shaped metal cutting is performed in one of four main ways, which are based on the following technologies:

  • laser;
  • plasma;
  • waterjet;
  • guillotine

Each technology has advantages and disadvantages. The first two are considered the most modern and therefore progressive and widely used.

Laser cutting

Metal laser cutting uses a powerful laser to process and cut the material. More often, this technology is used on an industrial scale, where the laser beam is controlled by a special computer program. As a result of a narrowly targeted effect, the material in the area being cut rapidly heats up, melts, and then evaporates or blows out. At the same time, the technology makes it possible to obtain a narrow cut with an extremely small area of ​​influence on the surface being processed.

Laser cutting has a number of advantages:

  • relatively low level of costs (compared to most alternative technologies, with the exception of plasma cutting) when processing hard alloys;
  • the ability to work with brittle alloys that are easily deformed;
  • safety of technological processes (when using serviceable equipment);
  • absence or extremely small deformation of the material, which is achieved through highly targeted processing;
  • the ability to create a wide variety of complex contours;
  • no need for subsequent finishing or surface treatment.

Thanks to the peculiarities of the technology, using laser cutting it is possible to create designs of any complexity without requiring additional processing, since the edges and edges are immediately smooth and even.

The disadvantages of laser cutting include the inability to work with aluminum and its alloys with stainless steel. This is caused by the reflective properties of the material. It can only be processed using particularly powerful laser equipment.

Artistic laser cutting of metal is a high-quality way to create a pattern with the least amount of material and time.

Plasma cutting

  • an electric arc is formed (between the nozzle and the electrode or between the metal and the electrode), the ignition of which occurs due to a pulse or short circuit;
  • gas under pressure is supplied from the nozzle;
  • under the influence of an electric arc, it turns into a plasma jet, the temperature of which reaches 30 thousand degrees and the speed of 1.5 thousand m/s.

Plasma cutting of metal has the following advantages:

  • the ability to create drawings and figures of any complexity;
  • high-quality, clean and smooth cut;
  • ability to process all types of metals;
  • speed and performance of the equipment used;
  • no deformation of the material;
  • safety of technological processes (if the equipment used is in good working order).

Artistic plasma cutting can be applied to materials with rust or contamination, which does not lead to deterioration in the quality of processing. Compared to cutting using laser equipment, plasma has greater productivity and a range of materials that can be processed.

The disadvantages of this cutting method include:

  • a cone formed on the edge caused by a technology feature;
  • slightly larger cutting width compared to laser cutting.

In general terms about the technology of plasma cutting of metal

In the process of plasma cutting of metal, the cut site is locally heated and then melts. Significant heating is provided by plasma jets, which are formed using special equipment. High-temperature plasma jets are obtained as follows.

  • Initially, an electric arc is created with a temperature of about +5000 °C, which passes from the electrode of the plasma equipment to its nozzle or from the electrode to the metal being cut.
  • Then gas enters the apparatus nozzle, due to which the arc temperature rises to +20,000 °C.
  • The interaction of the gas with the electric arc leads to its ionization and, accordingly, to its transformation into a plasma jet with a temperature of the order of +30,000 °C.

The resulting plasma jet is characterized by a bright glow, high electrical conductivity and exit velocity from the apparatus nozzle (from 500 to 1500 m/s). With the help of such a jet, the material in the processing zone is locally heated and melted, after which it is cut.

Automatic cutting

We create our products from sheet metal. The task is to accurately and efficiently cut out the required design on the sheet. For processing, we use metalworking machines that allow us to quickly and accurately create almost any picture. The main working element of the machine is the cutter, which can automatically move over the sheet of metal being processed. The sheet itself is fixed on the coordinate table, and the cutter moves along the X, Y axes of the coordinate table with high accuracy and a given speed. Also, the cutter can rise above the sheet of metal and fall closer to it (along the Z axis). The software sets the cutting parameters and movement of the cutter; this software can be used to produce metal products with very complex geometric patterns. The size of the finished product is limited by the dimensions of the coordinate table. The positioning accuracy of the cutter and the cutting parameters determine the quality of the finished product. When cutting, you can use different (according to the physical principles of their influence on the material) cutters. Waterjet and laser technologies are widely used. Waterjet cutters

They act on the metal with a thin stream of water supplied under pressure containing particles of an abrasive substance.

With this effect, microparticles are torn out of the metal (or other material) and washed off with water. This creates a cut. The water supply speed, the abrasive material itself and the size of its particles determine the cutting parameters.

With laser cutting

The determining factors are the radiation power and the diameter of the laser beam. The laser beam can be several microns in diameter, and in this case the accuracy can be very high.

These technologies have a number of advantages that allow them to be used to solve complex production problems. Our company uses air plasma cutting

. Let's look at its features in a little more detail.

What gases are used for plasma cutting of sheet metal

Let's take a closer look at the gases that are used in the process of plasma cutting of metals.

1. Air plasma cutting.

This technology involves the use of air to form plasma. This method can be called the cheapest. Using air, you can cut almost any metal - black and stainless steel, copper, brass, etc. Average quality and cutting speed allow it to be used by most users of this type of processing.

2. Plasma cutting using oxygen.

Professional plasma metal cutting machines, which provide higher quality and cutting speed, use oxygen. Quality in this case is expressed in the perpendicularity of the cut and the minimum amount of slag (burst) on the underside of the processed elements.

3. Plasma cutting of metal in a protective gas environment.

Modern professional installations require cutting in a protective gas environment. The cost of such equipment ranges from 5 to 12 million rubles. The cutting gases are oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), argon (Ar) and air. Certain proportions allow them to also be used as a protective medium. Thanks to the use of protective gases, the quality of plasma processing of thick metals (up to 50 mm thick) can be compared with laser processing.

Features of decorative metal cutting

The thinner the metal sheet and the lower its melting point, the greater the risk that by holding the cutting arc a fraction of a second longer in one place, the element may not turn out clear. To create paintings with small, closely spaced elements using plasma cutting, it is better to create on CNC plasma cutting machines.

Plasma cutting can be carried out on metals of different thicknesses. Some devices for plasma cutting provide a flame heating temperature of up to 30,000 °C, and their cutting depth reaches 20 cm. Figure cutting with such equipment parameters can be used not only to create stencil sculptures, but also for convex ones. It is more expedient and more economical to cut thick sheets of metal with oxygen rather than with a plasma torch, despite the rather high cutting speed.

Plasma arc cutting is characterized by high speed and controlled flame heating. Figure cutting is performed by a plasma jet, and not by a hard cutting object, which gives cuts without jagged edges. For some types of alloys, strong heating causes destruction of the metal structure. This is unacceptable for shape cutting. Due to the fact that when processing with a plasma cutter, a very thin section is heated and cooling occurs quickly, the structure of the metal does not change.


The choice of metal cutting technology begins with drawing up technical requirements. The thickness, material properties, and configuration of the workpiece are taken into account. Based on this, the optimal cutting technique is determined.

The next important point is the formation of a cutting map. It should make the most efficient use of the entire sheet area and ensure the minimization of non-business waste. To perform this task, specialized software systems are used.

The setup and technical condition of equipment and cutting machines directly affects the quality of the work performed. It is necessary to periodically carry out diagnostics, scheduled repairs and replacement of components.

To effectively cut metal, all factors should be taken into account - from the choice of technology to the actual condition of the equipment. This is important not only for mass production, but also for the manufacture of piece products.

Main technical parameters of plasma cutting, advantages

Plasma cutting is carried out using a plasma torch. All process characteristics depend on the parameters of the gas or liquid stream

Main technical parameters that are worth paying attention to:

  1. Speed. When cutting a metal sheet with a plasma jet, it is directed under high pressure onto the metal sheet. The principle of the whole process is to heat the metal to the point where it starts to melt, and then blow out the residue. The optimal speed for this is from 1.5 to 4 km per second.
  2. Temperature indicators. To form plasma, the air must be heated to 5-30 thousand degrees. This temperature is obtained due to the formation of an electric arc. After reaching the required temperature parameters, the air flow is ionized and ultimately changes its properties, acquiring electrical conductivity.
  3. There must be an electrical circuit. The work includes plasma torches with indirect and direct effects. When a direct impact device is used, it is necessary that the metal transmit electricity and be included in the general network, but for indirect impact devices, this parameter is not required.

Plasma cutting is popular because it has a number of obvious advantages:

  • has much higher productivity compared to simple laser cutting;
  • versatility – plasma cutting is suitable for a wide variety of metals;
  • precision and high quality of cutting - “clean” edges without overheating and with a minimum cutting width;
  • safety, since there are no explosive cylinders;
  • low level of environmental pollution.

Nuances of plasma cutting of various metals

Using plasma cutting, you can work with almost any type of metal, however, different materials require certain nuances that must be taken into account during the processing process. Let's take a closer look at the most commonly used metals.

1. Steel.

In this article we will not consider in detail the grades and compositions of steel, since the main criterion that is important for cutting is the carbon content in it. It is this that is the determining parameter that influences the quality of plasma cutting of metal.

  • Low-carbon steel is best suited for plasma cutting; it is this steel that is taken into account by all manufacturers of plasma sources when creating cutting maps and determining tabulated values ​​of current and cutting speed for steel of different thicknesses.
  • High-carbon steel (including galvanized steel) can also be cut using plasma, but in this case, you can get a high-quality cut by fine-tuning the equipment and experimenting with cutting modes.
  • In addition, it is possible to perform plasma cutting of alloy steels (including stainless steel). Since this type of steel is not often used in industrial production, manufacturers do not have tabular indicators for cutting it. However, it is worth noting that the difference in performance with cutting low-carbon steel differs in one direction or the other by no more than 20%.

For cutting high-alloy, thick-walled steel, a mixture of gases is more suitable. In this case, nitrogen, argon, and less often hydrogen are used, which makes it possible not to damage the metal structure in the processing zone.

2. Non-ferrous metals.

Cutting non-ferrous metals (aluminum, copper, titanium) is performed using the same mixture of gases, which includes nitrogen, argon and hydrogen. This choice is due to the high cost of the processed materials. Due to unstable cutting, workpieces may be damaged, which in turn will lead to significant financial losses. These metals can also be cut by air, but only when we are talking about small production volumes and average quality of the resulting edge.

Price list for plasma cutting of metal

S mmBLACK STEEL (rubles per square meter)STAINLESS STEEL (RUB per square meter)
Up to 1 mm20 rub.60 rub.
Up to 2 mm25 rub.70 rub.
Up to 3 mm30 rub.75 rub.
Up to 4 mm35 rub.80 rub.
Up to 5 mm40 rub.95 rub.
Up to 6 mm45 rub.100 rub.
Up to 8 mm50 rub.110 rub.
Up to 10 mm60 rub.130 rub.
Up to 12 mm70 rub.160 rub.
Up to 14 mm80 rub.230 rub.
Up to 16 mm90 rub.240 rub.
Up to 18 mm100 rub.250 rub.
Up to 20 mm110 rub.330 rub.
Up to 22 mm120 rub.420 rub.
Up to 25 mm200 rub.480 rub.
Up to 30 mm250 rub.570 rub.
Up to 32 mm300 rub.650 rub.
Up to 38 mm400 rub.780 rub.
Up to 40 mm450 rub.850 rub.
Up to 50 mm550 rub.1000 rub.
Up to 58 mm650 rub.
Up to 60 mm700 rub.
  • The cost is given in rubles including VAT per linear meter;
  • In the absence of technical documentation for the order, the agreed price may increase by 10% or more depending on the complexity of the project;
  • The work is carried out using CAD/CAM systems;
  • These prices are not final; the exact price is calculated separately for each order depending on the complexity, volume, and nomenclature;
  • Delivery of finished products by our vehicles is possible;
  • By agreement, cutting from our materials is possible;
  • Minimum order value – 3,000 rubles;
  • Order fulfillment time is from 1 day.

One of the most modern and highly efficient methods of metal processing is plasma cutting, which is significantly superior to traditional metal processing methods. It is more accurate and efficient, making it possible to quickly and efficiently cut any type of metal, both regular and shaped.

Common Mistakes

The main types of errors when cutting metal can be divided into calculation and technological. The first ones appear when the cutting pattern is formed incorrectly; the dimensions of the parts and the order of their arrangement on the sheet are not taken into account. These inaccuracies can be minimized using cutting programs. In paid versions, it is possible to organize stream production; business balances from previous cuttings are taken into account.

Examples of technological errors for various types of metal cutting:

  • Plasma cutting. Incorrect operating mode will lead to the formation of defects. Additionally, there will be severe wear of the nozzle, the consequences of which are stretching the arc and widening the cut.
  • Laser processing. Rapid passage of the beam can cause burrs to appear - hardening of beads on the edge. It is necessary to adjust the guide frame; its wear affects the accuracy of the cut.
  • Mechanical cutting. A common cause of edge bending is a dull edge of a disk, guillotine or blade. Also, sheet fixation is important for machining.

To optimize the process and obtain high-quality workpieces, several cutting technologies can be used. This is relevant for the manufacture of complex-shaped products or for organizing constant flow production. The main advantage of this approach is the reduction of waste, which has a positive effect on product costs.

Finished products according to drawings for plasma cutting

A huge number of bright ideas remain at the idea stage, without being implemented, only because their author does not have any skills. For example, he cannot transfer an idea into a drawing format or does not know how to cut a product according to a drawing. Our company will help you get the job done.

We will provide you with:

  • competent technical advice on technologies and materials;
  • translation of drawings into electronic form;
  • full production cycle from development to delivery of the finished product to the recipient.

We have all the necessary equipment for the production of metal products, so we take responsibility for solving the most complex and unusual tasks in the field of metalworking for you.

To work on an order we accept:

  • sketches;
  • blueprints;
  • design project.

We have all the necessary equipment for fast and high-quality cutting, ensuring high cutting accuracy, even when it comes to shaped and complex products.

Our company promptly fulfills orders from individuals and companies. The cost of the service remains low, and cost savings can be achieved through minimal energy consumption by the machine.

Examples of work: sketches

Below are sketches of models for plasma cutting in format (*.DWG and *.DXF).


Download sketch

Download sketch

Fire pit

Download sketch

Address plate

Download sketch

Download sketch

Download sketch

Download sketch

Download sketch

Download sketch

Download sketch

Advantages and disadvantages of plasma cutting

As with other methods of cutting or cutting rolled metal, plasma cutting has both advantages and some disadvantages.

About the benefits

  • Plasma cutting equipment is less expensive than laser equipment;
  • The plasma torch easily copes with thick-walled rolled metal, which is inaccessible for laser cutting;
  • Plasma can be used to cut any rolled metal, as well as conductive metals: steel, cast iron, copper, brass, titanium;
  • The thickness of the cut made by plasma equipment depends on the type of device and tips. Devices that have a minimum cutting thickness significantly reduce the percentage of metal loss with an increase in concentrated plasma flow;
  • the cut does not require additional processing;
  • it is possible to perform complex shaped cutting;
  • non-metallic materials can be cut with plasma;
  • safety of plasma cutting equipment. This parameter is ensured by the absence of cylinders containing compressed gas. They are the cause of explosions or fires;
  • with automatic cutting, especially with CNC machines, user intervention is minimal, which allows rational use of the labor of maintenance personnel.

With so many advantages, there are not so many disadvantages.

  1. Twenty centimeter thick metal is not available for plasma cutting.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the deflection angle, which should not exceed 50.
  3. One machine – one cutter. It is impossible to cut with two cutters at the same time.

What's in the plasma cutter review?

Enterprises in various industries use:

  • stationary models, among them there are portal machines; articulated; console type for cutting metal using plasma;
  • mobile or portable for the same purpose (vertical plasma cutting), equipped with CNC systems.

Today it is not difficult to make a choice of a plasma machine - there are many manufacturers specializing in the manufacture of devices of this kind. The range is represented by domestic and foreign models. Let us name and briefly describe at least some of them:

The PlasmaCut installation from the Russian company Unimash is aimed at being used in medium and small businesses. The Hypertherm plasma source is one of the most technologically advanced; it has a FOCUT mechanism that controls the torch height and powerful motors. It can be controlled remotely via USB and Ethernet from the rack on which the control panel is mounted.

The IGNIS CNC plasma cutting machine (Russia) has several modifications - IGNIS 2500, 3000 and 6000 with different dimensions, power of the plasma source and load capacity. All of them are designed for use with a metal thickness of 28 mm, have a stable demand and are applicable in the technical equipment of small-scale workshops and enterprises.

Powermax is considered a machine with unique properties, capable of performing plasma cutting of products of various types and shapes.

PlasmaBox is an excellent machine from a series of multi-axis machines, it has four motors operating with different powers.

РВ 6000, РМ 3000, PS 2500 – units that cut workpieces of different lengths and thicknesses.

All of these high-performance machines use an AMN CNC control system. In some models for industrial use, the plasma torch is cooled forcibly under the influence of liquid, while others have natural air cooling.

It should also be said that the weak point of computer-controlled machines is their vulnerability to the effects of electromagnetic radiation. This makes CNC devices demanding in terms of the method of igniting the electric arc. The safest option is pneumatic ignition, sometimes referred to in the names of device models as PN. The main feature of pneumatic ignition is a movable electrode, which moves towards the nozzle at the right moment. By reducing the distance to initiate the arc, high-frequency pulses are not required and interference to the electronics is minimized. Today there are not many devices with pneumatic ignition on the market; for example, it is implemented in the Triton CUT 100 PN CNC plasma cutter.

How to choose a plasma torch?

To cut metal with a plasma cutter yourself, it is important to buy equipment. Before making a purchase, it is recommended to take into account the properties and parameters of the device

They will have a great influence on the functions of the plasma torch. The price will also vary

Before making a purchase, it is recommended to take into account the properties and parameters of the device. They will have a great influence on the functions of the plasma torch. The price will also vary.

Plasma cutting can be done by two types of plasma cutting machines:

  1. Inventory - has a compact size, its operation requires a small amount of energy, the device is lightweight with an attractive design. At the same time, it does not turn on for long; voltage drops will negatively affect the device;
  2. Transformer - long switching time, if the voltage jumps, the plasma cutter does not fail. The size and weight of the unit are quite large; such a plasma cutter also consumes a lot of energy.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Gas (oxygen) metal cutting

When choosing a plasma torch for cutting with your own hands, it is recommended to pay attention to the parameters. Such a plasma cutter will be able to maximally satisfy the needs of the master and get the job done

Such a plasma cutter will be able to maximally satisfy the needs of the master and get the job done.


Depending on the characteristics of the product that needs to be cut, the power is selected. The size of the nozzle and the type of gas will also differ.

So, with a power of 60-90A, a plasma cutter can cope with metal 30 mm thick.

If you need to cut a large thickness, it is recommended to buy a plasma cutter with a power of 90-170A.

When choosing a unit, consider the current strength and voltage that it can withstand.

Time, material cutting speed

This indicator is measured in cm, which the machine can cut in 1 minute. Some plasma cutters can cut metal in 1 minute, while others can cut it in 5.

In this case, the thickness of the material will be the same.

If it is important to reduce cutting time, then it is worth considering the cutting speed. The devices differ in operating time - the duration of cutting metal without overheating

If it is indicated that the operating time is 70 percent, this means that the plasma cutter will operate for 7 minutes, after which it must cool down for 3 minutes.

If it is necessary to make long cuts, it is recommended to choose units with a long operating time.

Plasma cutter torch

It is worth assessing the material that will have to be cut. The plasma cutting torch must have the power to cut it efficiently.

It is worth considering that working conditions can be difficult and cutting can be intense.

Additional elements can be attached to the handles of such plasma cutters to support the nozzle tip at a certain distance. This makes the work much easier.

If a plasma cutter will be used to cut thin metal, then you can choose a unit whose burner receives air.

If you plan to plasma cut thick metal, you should prefer a plasma torch, the torch of which will be supplied with nitrogen.

External characteristics

When doing plasma cutting with your own hands, you most often choose portable plasma cutters, which are compact in size.

They are not difficult to operate without sufficient experience; shape cutting is available.


Stationary units are heavy and are designed for cutting thicker materials; their price will be correspondingly higher.

Features of manual processing and plasma cutting of metal using CNC machines

1. Manual plasma arc cutting of metals.

To perform manual plasma cutting of metal, portable (mobile) plasma cutting machines are used, which include:

  • The main apparatus, consisting of a transformer and a rectifier substation.
  • Power cable.
  • A hose package that connects the device and the plasma gun. The hose package consists of an air hose and a power cable.
  • Plasmatron (plasma gun) in which plasma is formed.

Manual plasma cutting of metal is performed in one of the following ways:

  • Indirect cutting with a plasma jet.
    This technology allows you to work with non-metallic parts. The electric arc necessary to create plasma occurs between the electrode and the nozzle of the plasmatron. The material being processed does not take part in the creation of plasma; the parts are separated using a plasma jet coming from the cutter.
  • Direct plasma arc cutting.
    This technology is discussed in our article, since this is how metals are cut.

The technology can be either manual or mechanized. An electric arc occurs between the electrode and the metal being cut and, connecting with the air flow, forms plasma. The resulting plasma jet is so powerful that the metal evaporates during cutting.

Almost all enterprises that have metalworking shops use plasma arc cutting. The mobility of hand-held devices, allowing them to be moved in the hands or using a shoulder strap, allows us to provide plasma metal cutting services on-site.

Plasma devices differ:

  • Mobility and portability (the weight of hand-held devices with low and medium power varies from 10 to 25 kg).
  • Availability of application (to operate, a voltage of 220 V is required, the current strength may vary depending on the power of the device).
  • Versatility (the ability to process various types of metals).
  • Affordable price (the cost of hand-held plasma cutting machines made in Russia varies from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles).

2. Plasma cutting of metal on CNC machines.

After the advent of manual plasma cutting machines, the technology began to be used with CNC (computer numerical control) machines. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to cut sheet metal, round and profile pipes with high accuracy (from 0.25 to 0.35 mm) and speed (up to 7 m/min).

Most often they resort to automatic plasma cutting of sheet metal. Using plasma devices with medium power, it is possible to cut metal sheets up to 30 mm thick for breakdown. The use of more professional and powerful equipment allows for high-quality cutting of metal, the thickness of which reaches 70 mm.

The same plasma cutting machine can perform both manual cutting and automatic cutting. The only exceptions are plasmatrons, which can be manual or mechanized.

CNC cutting basically involves the use of more powerful plasma equipment than what is used in the manual cutting process. The greatest demand is for devices whose power varies from 65 to 125 A, and requires a voltage of 380 V for power supply.

CNC machines can cut high-quality metals up to 60 mm thick.

What metals can be cut?

Using plasma technology, almost any metal can be processed:

  1. Cutting and cutting of sheet metal from steel, titanium, non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminum, etc.) and their alloys (including bronze, brass, etc.).
  2. Cutting steel of different thicknesses and workpiece shapes. Processing of carbon and alloy steels of almost all grades is provided, incl. high alloy stainless steels. Plasmatrons can be used to cut strips (narrow long steel strips) and cut rolled steel.
  3. Cutting cast iron. Plasma ensures deep cutting, which makes the method more effective compared to other technologies.
  4. Cutting and processing of pipes of different diameters. Special pipe cutters with centralizers are used. In addition to cutting, you can process the surface of pipes, chamfer, clean welds, and process edges.
  5. Formation and processing of holes.
  6. Shaped cutting of metal blanks. Special equipment even allows for artistic carving and production of parts of complex shapes.

Automated plasma cutting of metal: machines and their design

Modern modular equipment for plasma cutting of sheet metal includes:

  • a work table equipped with guides and built-in exhaust gas removal systems;
  • movable portal frame with plasma head;
  • a compressor that creates the appropriate operating gas pressure;
  • power and gas supply cables, which are placed inside protective fire-resistant boxes;
  • cooling system;
  • coolant supply pump;
  • mechanical drive for moving the portal, which is equipped with digital control of motors and transmission mechanisms;
  • computer control and diagnostic complex equipped with a monitor that allows visual control of processing modes.

The functionality of this kind of complexes is increased by equipping them with additional modules, including drilling units, edge cleaning systems, etc. Plasma cutting of pipes requires installation of working head rotation units on the equipment.

Machines with two working heads are characterized by higher productivity. Thanks to sensors that allow you to control the height and contact of the burner with the materials being processed, they independently function in both axes.

The complexes produced for plasma cutting of metals are designed for intensive operation, due to which the separation of processed materials is carried out with high precision, and the service life of the equipment is increased.

Plasma cutting machines for metals are successfully used in various industries. They help process not only metal parts, but also elements made of plastic or natural stone. Their unique capabilities and versatility allow the installations to be used in mechanical engineering and shipbuilding, in advertising and repair areas, and in public utilities. A significant advantage of the complexes is a very smooth, thin and precise cut, which is often one of the most important requirements in production.

Types of cutting tinplate

Sheet metal cutting can be done in two main ways: manual and automatic. The manual method is aimed at cutting strips, blanks along the contour, grooves using scissors or hacksaws. This process is very labor-intensive and takes a lot of physical effort. When cutting, you should follow safety precautions to avoid getting splinters in your eyes.

Cutting on automatic lines is a priority and more in demand. The equipment consists of several devices:

  • Serving;
  • Unwinding;
  • Cutting block;
  • Control panel.

All operations are carried out automatically without the involvement of workers, which is very convenient. Only one operator controls. After cutting, finished blanks are stacked in packs of up to 2 tons and sent to wholesale and retail customers.

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The new art direction was first demonstrated in 1984 by artists from Cape Town. Today, metal paintings made using the steelgraphy technique have gained great popularity not only in the design of residential and office interiors, but also for decorating the external walls of buildings, terraces, fences, and billboards. The contour, skilfully cut from sheet steel, reproduces the graphic design in detail against the background of a light wall. The impression of a three-dimensional composition is created as a result of the tonal contrast of the foreground and background with the penumbra between them.

Modern equipment - high-precision plasma cutters - allows you to make filigree cutting from a single steel sheet, practically not limited to geometric shapes. The role of a cutter is performed by a plasma jet, which can cope with any metal up to 200 mm thick. Therefore, despite the refined detailing, a painting made from a sheet of metal turns out to be very durable.

This type of decorative and applied art continues to develop, and artists find new, sometimes unconventional ideas to embody creative ideas. The pioneers of steelgraphy made paintings in black, where a light wall created a contrasting background on which the shadow was well defined. Now craftsmen use metals of different colors and combine several methods of processing the material.

Working principle of a plasma cutter

A plasma cutter with a computer numerical control (CNC) system is used for high-precision metal processing and manufacturing of parts. Plasma machines are among the equipment capable of performing the most complex tasks, and therefore are indispensable in modern production.

Plasma cutters are used when cutting electrically conductive materials is required. In general, their main purpose involves the production of metal parts, but sometimes plasma cutting devices are used in the production of wood and plastic blanks.

Plasma machines differ from each other in the method of arc ignition and the power of the cooling system.

From the point of view of the method of application, machine tools for plasma cutting are divided into devices that work with:

  • protective reducing gases;
  • oxidizing, oxygenated gases;
  • mixtures;
  • gas-liquid stabilizers;
  • water and magnetic stabilization.

By type of equipment, machines are divided into:

  • inverter;
  • transformer

The first group includes budget devices for plasma cutting of metal sheets whose thickness does not exceed 3 cm. This equipment is light in weight and ensures stable arc burning. In terms of efficiency, plasma cutters of this type are superior to their transformer counterparts, but they are only suitable for work in private workshops and small enterprises.

We recommend articles on metalworking

  • Steel grades: classification and interpretation
  • Aluminum grades and areas of their application
  • Defects in metal products: causes and search methods

Transformer devices have a higher price, but they cope with cutting metal workpieces up to 8 cm thick. The energy consumption of such equipment is much higher than that of inverter equipment. But it is characterized by increased reliability, since its signal is resistant to voltage surges in the network.

In addition, machine-tool plasma devices are divided into two categories based on the type of contact. They can be:

  • contact;
  • contactless.

The operating principle of contact-type CNC plasma cutting machines is that the plasma comes into contact with the metal surface. Such devices are capable of cutting through metal to a depth of no more than 1.8 cm. While systems of the second type can easily produce any product due to the maximum allowable cutting depth.

VT-metall offers services:

If a plasma cutter is used for domestic purposes, it requires an electrical network with a voltage of 220 V. Industrial analogues are powered by a three-phase network of 380 V. However, if you are going to use such a device, you need to understand that even household appliances for plasma cutting place a serious load on the electrical wiring. This is due to the fact that not only the plasma cutting machine works, but also the cooling system. Therefore, before starting work, be sure to use special equipment to make sure that you have good electrical wiring that can cope with heavy loads.

Today, plasma cutters are firmly established in the industry; their popularity is associated with such advantages as:

  • possibility of automatic cutting in autonomous or semi-autonomous mode;
  • high accuracy of work;
  • long service life;
  • the highest performance among similar devices;
  • easy to use.

The control program allows the CNC machine to produce a large number of parts at once according to one drawing for plasma cutting of metal.

Another advantage of this machine is the ability to process even the hardest types of steel. The minimum thickness to which a plasma cutter is immersed in a sheet of metal is 0.5 mm, and the maximum reaches 15 cm. In the process of plasma cutting of metal, an even cut is formed in accordance with the drawing. However, the workpiece practically does not heat up during operation.

When cutting metal with this tool, the likelihood of failures is very low. To prove this, let’s take a closer look at the stages of operation of the plasma cutter. The production process begins with the preparation of drawings. After the required program has been set, the machine receives a signal; it is now ready to start cutting after pressing the power button.

Next, the plasmatron begins to receive current and forms a working arc, whose temperature exceeds +1,000 °C - it is under such conditions that cutting any metals is possible. Pressure is built up, due to which air enters the chamber. Under the influence of high temperature, the air heats up and ionizes, and begins to conduct current.

Entering the nozzle, the air turns into plasma and is supplied to the workpiece. As soon as the plasma and the metal surface come into contact, the arc of the working tool lights up and begins to melt the metal along a predetermined trajectory. This is how plasma cutting of metal is carried out according to drawings.

Features of laser cutting

To obtain a clear contour in the cut-out pattern, it is necessary to ensure a constant cutter speed. If you hold it in one place for even a fraction of a second, then this element will not be clear. That is why, to create complex compositions with a large number of small and closely spaced parts, you should use machines whose operation is controlled by automation. A special feature of the CNC machine that performs artistic metal cutting is that the work is carried out in several places at once. The cutter constantly moves along the metal sheet from one end to the other. This is explained by the need to cool the metal during operation. Artistic technology is essentially no different from the processes of industrial metal cutting and sheet metal cutting. The design project is converted into vector format and the file is loaded into the computer of the laser machine. Further processing is carried out automatically, under the control of the operator. In our production we use the LK 6020 model complex

with a maximum power of 3000 W, which allows you to process sheets up to 6 meters long and up to 2 meters wide. The thickness of sheets made of carbon steel grades such as st. 3, 20, 09G2S and others can reach up to 20 mm, the thickness of the processed stainless steel sheet (12Х18Н10Т, AISI 321, etc.) is up to 12 mm.

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