Drilling square holes - Watts drill and the Reuleaux triangle principle

Almost everyone knows how to drill a round hole, but not everyone knows about a drill for square holes. Meanwhile, you can drill a square-shaped hole both in soft wood products and in harder metal parts. To solve this problem, special tools and devices are used, the operating principle of which is based on the properties of the simplest geometric shapes.

Watts drill

Operating principles and design

In order to drill a square hole, a Watts drill is usually used, the design of which is based on a geometric figure such as the Reuleaux triangle. One of the most important features of such a figure, which represents the area of ​​intersection of three equal circles, is the following: if a pair of parallel reference lines are drawn to such a triangle, then the distance between them will always be constant. Thus, if you move the center of the Reuleaux triangle along a trajectory described by four ellipsoidal arcs, its vertices will draw an almost perfect square, with only slightly rounded vertices.

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Property of the Reuleaux triangle

The unique properties of the Reuleaux triangle made it possible to create drills for square holes. The peculiarity of using such a tool is that the axis of its rotation should not remain in place, but move along the trajectory described above. Naturally, this movement should not be hindered by the equipment cartridge. When using such a drill and the appropriate equipment, a square hole is obtained with perfectly straight and parallel sides, but with slightly rounded corners. The area of ​​such corners not processed with tools is only 2% of the area of ​​the entire square.

And of course, just a jigsaw!

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> Usually all the corners are drilled and from there they either use a saw or a jigsaw to go from hole to hole.

And yes, the diameter depends on the files, if we are talking about a jigsaw. You should also take into account that the saw blades swing, although usually on jigsaws the swing can be turned off. 8-10mm behind the eyes

Thank you. But does this mean that at the corners the hole will be slightly larger than the specified 100 cm?

By the way, what size are the saws for hand jigsaws?

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> This is what happens when schoolchildren are not taught labor lessons...

We conducted them in the computer science classroom.

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>Drill a hole and saw from it?

two holes

so that the blade fits

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This is how I made holes for the sink in the countertop. you take a drill with a large diameter, 10 somewhere, and make holes in the corners of the rectangle. Then you use a jigsaw to go in a straight line and connect the holes.

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Good prices. But why Germany for one-time work? So that it would then lie on the shelf and take up space at such a cost? It's not like building a house.

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Operating principles and design

In order to drill a square hole, a Watts drill is usually used, the design of which is based on a geometric figure such as the Reuleaux triangle. One of the most important features of such a figure, which represents the area of ​​intersection of three equal circles, is the following: if a pair of parallel reference lines are drawn to such a triangle, then the distance between them will always be constant. Thus, if you move the center of the Reuleaux triangle along a trajectory described by four ellipsoidal arcs, its vertices will draw an almost perfect square, with only slightly rounded vertices.

Property of the Reuleaux triangle

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The unique properties of the Reuleaux triangle made it possible to create drills for square holes. The peculiarity of using such a tool is that the axis of its rotation should not remain in place, but move along the trajectory described above. Naturally, this movement should not be hindered by the equipment cartridge. When using such a drill and the appropriate equipment, a square hole is obtained with perfectly straight and parallel sides, but with slightly rounded corners. The area of ​​such corners not processed with tools is only 2% of the area of ​​the entire square.

Re: This is what happens when schoolchildren are not taught labor lessons...

> Maybe you’ve never worked on a lathe?

Actually, I had a choice of what to write on my certificate: turner or PC operator

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