Review and test of the plucking attachment for a drill. Feather drum for plucking chickens and geese.

Rural residents, as well as farm owners, often wonder how to simplify the process of plucking poultry. A pen-removing attachment for a drill was invented specifically for such purposes. If you need to pluck one or two carcasses, then there is no point in buying such a device, but when you have to handle more than a dozen birds, then it will be difficult to do without a special device.

Feather-removing nozzles for plucking poultry have the form of a drum made of various types of steel (less often plastic). Beating fingers are installed on the outer part of such a drum. The hammer finger is a rubber base that has a ribbed or grooved shape. The different lengths of such fingers indicate what type of birds the device is intended for.

Appearance of the pen removal attachment for the drill

This is interesting! The plucking attachment has not only different lengths of beating fingers, but also their number.

Such a device is called a nozzle because it is only a working body. This organ is driven by a drill or screwdriver. Screwdrivers are rarely used for such purposes, since they have an insufficient number of chuck rotation speeds. The speed of obtaining the final result depends on the number of revolutions.

Components of the nozzle

The length of the beating fingers indicates what species of bird they are intended for. The sizes of rubber fingers for removing feathers from poultry or wild birds are:

  • For small birds - 5 cm
  • For large carcasses - from 9 cm

The number of fingers on the drum can vary significantly and range from 12 to 24 pieces. The larger the carcass, the longer the beating fingers should be. Thanks to the feather removal attachments on the drill, the plucking procedure becomes easy and quick.

Application area of ​​the nozzle

Anyone who has tried to pluck a bird's feathers by hand has found that it is quite a troublesome task.
If you had to pluck two or three birds in a row, you will agree that this is quite a labor-intensive task. To begin with, the bird must be scalded with boiling water, then plucked by hand to remove fluff, feathers and newly growing feather stumps. After the second or third bird the fingers no longer obey. And if there are more than 10 pieces, this is work for a couple of days, no less. This applies to both hunters and small farms that raise chickens for sale.

Large poultry farms have resolved the issue of feather removal long ago; they use mechanisms for removing feathers on a conveyor belt, which were created relatively long ago. Small farms and hunters use special drill attachments, which are very effective in their work.

Of course, there are also special devices for plucking poultry on sale, but they are practically disposable. Therefore, the invention of such an attachment for a drill, screwdriver or lathe came in handy. Moreover, it is convenient to use it when plucking chicken or quail, as well as musky duck or goose.

Popular types of attachments for plucking poultry

Feather stumps are also plucked, regardless of the age of the bird. And this is a rather slow activity, which simply makes your fingers go numb. Imagine a bottle brush - this is a primitive prototype of an attachment. Only instead of a fishing line, rubber fingers are used, and the attachment is put on a drill.

If you take, for example, a chicken, it takes about 2 minutes to remove feathers without first scalding and with sufficient skill with the nozzle, and the carcass is practically not damaged. A large bird, such as a goose, can be plucked using a nozzle in 10 minutes.

It can also be used to process ostrich carcasses; here the processing time will be about 20 minutes. The most important thing is that steam treatment is not needed in this case.

Centrifuge-based plucking devices

A device for plucking poultry, operating on the principle of a centrifuge, is a predominantly round container, on the inner side surface and bottom of which the beating fingers are fixed. The bottom of such a container rotates at high speed during the plucking process, which ensures constant contact of loaded poultry carcasses with the beating fingers. As a result, the bird quickly frees itself from the feather. In order for such a device to work more efficiently, during the plucking process, water is supplied to its internal part, which, in addition, washes away the feathers that have already been plucked and protects bird carcasses from damage.

Quill centrifuges are available in various designs

Depending on the dimensions and technical characteristics of the centrifuge plucker, this device can be used to process poultry carcasses of various sizes. Thus, small devices are suitable for plucking chickens, quails and ducks, while larger pluckers, which consume more electricity, are used for processing geese and turkey carcasses.

It is advisable to purchase machines that operate on the principle of a centrifuge for small farms, and other types of devices are used to mechanize the plucking of poultry carcasses at home.

Description of poultry plucking attachments

Why is the device called a nozzle? It’s just a working element that works when it is mounted on a drill chuck. The nozzle body is made of stainless metal, round in cross-section, and must be strictly centered. The fingers themselves, which are mounted on the body, are made of rubber, their size and number depend on the type of bird being processed. For example, for plucking the carcasses of small birds, fingers are taken measuring 5 cm; for a large goose, for example, fingers measuring 9 cm are taken.

Sizes and types of nozzles

The body is made of stainless steel and does not rust in a humid environment. It is usually made from medical grade stainless steel.

What does the nozzle consist of?

The fingers themselves do not damage the delicate skin of the bird and, at a good engine speed, clean the carcass carefully and completely.

Of course, they wear out in the process, but worn out fingers can be easily replaced by ordering a spare set from the online store or replacing, if necessary, with a different size.

To learn how to pluck correctly, all you need to do is watch a video on the Internet once on how to learn how to use a feather removal attachment on a drill for plucking poultry.

The domestic drill attachment Ruff for plucking poultry is also very popular. The Yorsh-2 modification has up to 40 fingers and a larger size of the nozzle itself - 100 mm. The rotor of the nozzle is made of polypropylene, which is very easy to clean and is approved for use in the food industry.

Nozzle Yorsh-2

Attachments from Ukrainian manufacturers have also proven themselves to be quite good, for example “Plaker”, which are made for both small and large birds, as well as “Perun”. Their body is made of food grade stainless steel.

Nozzle for processing poultry Perun 110

The only problem is that buying such an attachment for a drill for plucking poultry is quite problematic; it is ordered through an online store. When ordering any attachment, you need to make sure that it has a locking ring and a lock nut that prevents the attachment from coming off during operation. The price of the nozzle depends on the model. For example, Yorsh-2 costs 2,600 rubles, there are cheaper models for 1,200 – 1,600 rubles. Ukrainian nozzles cost around 1000 rubles. All prices do not include delivery. The cost of delivery is decided with each supplier separately.

Do-it-yourself plucking machine for geese: step-by-step instructions

Simple manual labor can be easily replaced with automated one. Thus, plucking geese can be entrusted to a special device - a plucking machine. You can either purchase it or make it yourself.

It is difficult to deny the value of goose meat and feathers. Many people can handle cutting meat, but not everyone knows how to properly pluck a bird so as not to spoil the feathers themselves and not leave stumps on the carcass, which will reduce its value.

On a large farm there is no time for such a long procedure as plucking. However, it is quite difficult, so it is better to use a plucking device. The process of its creation lasted a relatively long time.

The main element of the device for geese is a drum in which oblong elements for plucking, called fingers, are placed.

In the middle, friction is provoked, which causes the fingers to cut into the carcass and tear out feathers. The drum is mounted on a moving axis.

The goose feather removal machine not only saves time, but also improves labor productivity. If you have a small number of poultry, then there is no point in buying an expensive machine; it is better to make it yourself. The devices differ:

  • Dimensions;
  • Power;
  • Number of fingers.

If you make the apparatus yourself, you need to take into account the average size of poultry. A container that is too large will not work, since your fingers simply will not be able to reach the carcass.

Diagram of a homemade pinching machine

A homemade geese machine consists of:

  • Drum;
  • Fingers;
  • Engine;
  • Lower disk.

Working with a goose tweezer consists of the following steps:

  • After slaughtering poultry, leave the carcass for a couple of hours;
  • After this, dip it in warm water for 2-3 minutes;
  • Comb all feathers thoroughly. Immerse in boiling water for 2 minutes. The main thing is not to keep it for too long;
  • Place the carcass in a preheated machine;
  • During the automated plucking process, pour boiling water over the goose. Take it out and rinse with cool water;
  • Clean areas where feather cover has not been completely removed.

Reviews of drill attachments for plucking poultry

Judging by the reviews, the attachment really justifies itself. The most common manufacturers are China and Ukraine. There are both European and Russian manufacturers. Chinese baits are generally of very poor quality; they can only be purchased by hunters for small amounts of game. Basically, in terms of price and quality, Ukrainian and Russian nozzles are most used; European ones have excellent quality, but they are more expensive and more difficult to order.

Makita drill attachment

The service life of the metal part of the case itself is 10 years. The fingers themselves also have a good service life, and they can also be replaced. Judging by the reviews, up to 80-90 carcasses per season can withstand processing, after which some need to be replaced. Spare fingers can also be ordered through the online store. In addition, by purchasing such an attachment from a Russian or Ukrainian manufacturer, you can easily learn the plucking process using the instructions. Everything is described in sufficient detail, with drawings and photographs.

Nozzle packaging with instructions

As always, there are consumers who saved money and bought products from a Chinese manufacturer. As a rule, although there are exceptions, the desired result cannot be achieved during application and another negative review appears on the Internet that the attachments are ineffective and spoil the appearance.

Excellent reviews are written about English, French and Italian devices. This, naturally, depends on the number of birds; the device must pay for itself, although you also need to spare your hands.

How to use the nozzle

Additional reasons to buy one include the following: Mechanical rubber fingers remove feathers, fluff and stumps gently without damaging the bird's outer skin. One of the conditions for using this attachment: the bird should not be wet. It is advisable to use the device in a room where fluff and feathers can be collected. Also wear clothes to which the fluff does not stick too much. It is better to pluck the carcass about an hour after slaughter, when the blood has drained, but it is better not to cool too much, although it can also be used for frozen poultry.

It is still advisable to pull out the large feathers on the wings and tail of a large bird by hand so that the plucked carcass has an attractive appearance. Then it is better to treat them with steam or boiling water. Users of attachments emphasize that for the drill to work best, it must be protected from fluff getting on the working parts, which disables it.

You also need to use a drill with a speed of at least 1300 rpm, otherwise the skin of the bird will be damaged. If you fix the drill to the table, your hands will be free and processing the carcass will be even easier.

As an advantage, the attachment can be used in any place where there is electricity or you can use a drill or screwdriver with a battery, if necessary.

After treatment, it is suggested to lower the nozzle into a container with a washing and disinfectant solution and turn on the engine for 3-4 seconds. The nozzle will be cleaned and disinfected. And ready to go again.

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