Carbon steel grade 08PS: characteristics, application, analogues

Steel alloy 08PS

This grade is classified as high quality carbon steel for structural purposes.
The material contains chemical elements - manganese, copper, arsenic, nickel, sulfur, carbon, phosphorus, chromium, silicon. The technological and physicochemical characteristics of steels and alloys may differ due to differences in their composition. This feature is also important when alloys are produced for various needs, and it is used to the fullest. For example, in order to significantly expand the areas of standard applications, technology exists that makes it possible to modify the standard properties of ferrous metals, primarily iron. As a rule, it is possible to add ductility or, conversely, strength to the alloy, as well as corrosion resistance. Certain technical requirements are imposed on alloys that are used as a base, since in order to produce units and parts, certain types of loads are required, as well as certain operating conditions.

Steel grade 08ps can serve as a convincing example. Products that are made on the basis of this alloy, together with a certain combination of other elements, can be used under conditions of chemical exposure or processing, and they can also be used in conditions of high temperatures.

Characteristics of steel grade 08ps

08ps — High-quality structural carbon steel, weldable without restrictions, welding is carried out without heating and without subsequent heat treatment, welding methods: manual arc welding, automatic submerged arc welding and gas protection, KTS, ESW.
For welding with a thickness of more than 30 millimeters, heating and subsequent heat treatment are recommended; it is not prone to flake sensitivity, and there is no tendency to temper brittleness. Cutting machinability in the hot-rolled state at НВ 131 and σв=315-410 MPa, Kυ hard alloy. = 2.1 and Kυ = 1.65, has found its application in load-bearing elements of welded and non-welded structures and parts operating at positive temperatures, and is actively used in general construction solutions. This grade of steel is used to produce spare parts and parts that are subjected to chemical-thermal treatment and constant mechanical loads. Also, washers, forks, bushings, lugs, rods, various gaskets, electric-welded pipes and elements for them, cold-rolled strip, low-carbon steel wire, as well as medium- and high-carbon steel are made from it. In addition, the alloy is used as a cladding layer.

Note. The metal can be strengthened by subjecting it to hardening treatment using regulated or controlled rolling and accelerated cooling. Hardening does not have any negative consequences for the alloy.

Forging is carried out at temperatures from 1250 to 800 0C, cooling is carried out in air.

Interpretation of steel grade 08ps

Interpretation of steel: Structural high-quality carbon steels are produced in converters or in open-hearth furnaces. The designation of these steel grades begins with the word “Steel”. The next two numbers indicate the average carbon content in hundredths of a percent; the numbers 08 indicate a carbon content of about 0.08 percent. The letters after the carbon content indicate the degree of deoxidation: ps - semi-calm. Semi-quiet steel is an intermediate link in quality indicators between boiling and calm steel; it crystallizes without boiling with semi-deoxidation indicators.

Delivery 08ps

Long and shaped rolled productsGOST 1133-71; GOST 10551-75; GOST 2879-2006; GOST 9234-74; GOST 2591-2006; GOST 11474-76; GOST 2590-2006;
Sheets and stripsGOST 82-70; GOST 19904-90; GOST 16523-97; GOST 14918-80; GOST 19903-74; GOST 103-2006;
RibbonsGOST 3560-73;
Long and shaped rolled productsGOST 8560-78; GOST 10702-78; GOST 8559-75; GOST 1050-88; GOST 7417-75; GOST 14955-77; GOST 1051-73;
Sheets and stripsGOST 4405-75; GOST 1577-93; GOST 13345-85; GOST 4041-71; GOST 9045-93;
RibbonsGOST 503-81; GOST 10234-77; GOST 19851-74;
Steel pipes and connecting parts for themGOST 20295-85; GOST 3262-75; GOST 10705-80; GOST 10704-91; GOST 10707-80; GOST 24950-81;
Low carbon steel wireGOST 5663-79; GOST 1526-81; GOST 792-67;
Medium and high carbon steel wireGOST 3920-70; GOST 7372-79; GOST 9389-75; GOST 26366-84; GOST 9850-72;

Chemical composition of steel 08ps

0.05 — 0.110.05 — 0.170.35 — 0.65up to 0.3up to 0.04up to 0.035up to 0.1up to 0.3up to 0.08

Temperature of critical points 08ps

Critical pointTemperature

Mechanical properties of steel 08ps

Mechanical properties of steel 08ps according to GOST 535-2005 regulations is sold in the form of soft strip and rolled sheets with a cross section of up to 4 mm, from 0.05 to 1.5 mm, from 1.5 to 2.0 mm, over 2 mm to 2.9 mm, as well as from 3.0 to 4.0 mm. Rolled thickness: 0.05-1.5 mm, tensile strength: 310-440 MPa, relative elongation: >17%. Rolled thickness: 1.5-2.0 mm, tensile strength: 310-440 MPa, relative elongation: >18%. Rolled thickness: 2.0-2.9 mm, tensile strength: 310-440 MPa, relative elongation: >20%. Rolled thickness: from 3.0 to 4.0 mm, tensile strength: 310-440 MPa, relative elongation: >24%. Below is the data in a tabular version according to GOST 16523:

GOSTDelivery statusSection, mmσ0.2 (MPa)σв(MPa)δ5 (δ4)(%)ψ %
no less
1577-93Normalized bands6-251752953560
16523-70 (Transverse samples)Hot rolled sheetsUp to 2275-390-24
Cold rolled sheetsUp to 2275-390-25

Mechanical properties of steel 08ps at a temperature of 200C

GOSTDelivery statusσв(MPa)δ5 (δ4)(%)ψ %NV
no less
4041-71 (Transverse samples) 9045-80 (Transverse samples) 10234-77 503-81
Heat-treated sheets: 3rd category cold-rolled Flattened strip Cold-rolled strip: extra-soft soft semi-hardened cold-worked Calibrated and calibrated steel with special finishing: after annealing or tempering after spherodizing annealing cold-workedNo more than 365 255-365 No more than 450 245-390 315-440 370-510 440-590 310-410 290-390 37036 (28) 20 (23) (17) (7) (4) — — 8— — — —
60 60 60
98 — — —
131 131 17

Physical properties of steel 08ps

TemperatureE 10- 5a 10 6lrCR 10 9
0CMPa1/GradW/(m deg)kg/m3J/(kg deg)Ohm m

Technological properties of steel 08ps

Weldability:no limits.
Flock Sensitivity:not sensitive.
Tendency to temper brittleness:not inclined.

Grade strength group 08ps


Hole depth for extrusion test

Hole depth, no less, for rental
deep drawing strength groupsnormal drawing of strength groups
Rolled thicknessK260V, K270VK310B, K330V, K350VK260V, K270VK310B, K330V, K350V


  • 1 For rolling of intermediate thicknesses, the norms for the depth of the spherical hole are taken according to the nearest smaller thickness given in the table.
  • 2 When tested on an automatic machine, it is allowed to reduce the depth of the spherical hole by 0.3 mm

Technological properties

Steel is highly reliable; this ensures the absence of defects during casting, has excellent weldability, and is not prone to brittleness.

These properties make it possible to use methods of bending the material both manually and on specialized machines.

Tempering brittleness

Steel 08 PS is not prone to temper brittleness, since its hardness is HB 10-1 = 131 MPa. In addition, the material does not react to flocking.


The steel is characterized by excellent weldability properties in the absence of preheating, and microcracks do not occur on the plane.
In welding work, any technique can be used. If the thickness of the sheets is large, multilayer welding will be used.

Corrosion resistance: does it rust or not?

In general, 08 PS steel is corrosion resistant and does not rust for a long time. But if the manufacturing technology is broken, corrosion will appear in the near future.

Characteristics of the quality of surface finishing of cold-rolled steel

Finishing groupMode of productionCharacteristics of surface finishing quality
IICold rolledDefects are not allowed on both sides of the rolled product, the depth of which exceeds 1/2 of the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness and taking the rolled product beyond the minimum dimensions in thickness, as well as tarnished color at a distance exceeding 50 mm from the edges. On the front side (the best surface quality) scratches and scratches longer than 50 mm are not allowed
IIICold rolledDefects are not allowed on both sides of the rolled product, the depth of which exceeds 1/2 the sum of the maximum deviations in thickness and that would take the rolled product beyond the minimum thickness dimensions
Tarnished colors are not allowed at a distance of more than 200 mm from the edgestarnish colors are allowed over the entire surface of the rolled product

Technical properties

Since the material itself is very strong and hard, it behaves quite adequately against the background of various loads.

But if the load is too high, the steel can be deformed, which is subsequently leveled out. This should be kept in mind.

Rockwell hardness

The measurement takes place using a specially marked scale: 60, 100, 150 kgf.

Essentially, the method is based on measuring the depth of penetration of a diamond cone into the test material. The shallower the depth, the harder the material.

Unit of measurement HRСЭ, HRB. Thus, the Rockwell hardness of steel is 10 – 1 = 131 MPa.

Brinell hardness

A steel ball d = 2.5 is pressed into the material being tested; 5 and 10 mm. Unit of measurement HB. In the melting state, the hardness of the metal changes and becomes equal to 196 MPa at 20 degrees (up to 175 MPa in proportion to the increase in temperature).

What is the density of the material?

The density of the alloy ranges from 7846 to 7602 kg/m3. These values ​​are typical for mild steel.

But the value is approximate, it is not recommended to use it for design purposes.

Explanation of the name

The steel grade is 08PS, where 08 (0.8%) is the designation of carbon content. DP is the degree of deoxidation. There are three degrees: boiling material, calm and semi-calm. 08Ps is a semi-calm alloy that combines the positive qualities of boiling and calm alloys.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of steel is regulated by GOST 1050-88 (also GOST 4041-71 and GOST 9045-93). The composition includes the following elements:

  • Carbon (min 0.05 max 0.11%). The degree of hardness of the metal, its strength and weldability depend on the carbon content. The remaining components affect the characteristics of steel during operation.
  • Silicon (Si) (min 0.05 max 0.17%).
  • Manganese (Mn) (min 0.35 max 0.65%).
  • Chromium (Cr) (max 0.10%).
  • Arsenic (As) (max 0.08%).
  • Nickel (Ni) (max 0.3%).
  • Sulfur (S) (max 0.4%).
  • Phosphorus (P) (max 0.035%).

Tensile strength

The tensile strength of steel is in the range of 270–412 MPa.

Yield strength

The yield strength means the magnitude of the load, under the influence of which the shape of the sample changes by 0.2%.

The yield strength is prescribed in the case of long rolled metal.

For steel 08 PS it is 196 MPa at 20 degrees.

Operating temperature

The initial operating temperature of steel is 1250 degrees. The final one is 800 degrees. High-temperature processing improves the properties of the material.

In this case, there is no need to add other chemical elements. This treatment is used in the production of load-bearing structures or to impart strength to the alloy.

To lower the temperature of steel, water or oil is used. Sometimes cooling occurs simply in air. This hardening imparts hardness. During annealing, the structure of the material is leveled and increased plasticity is removed. Tempering eliminates the stress inside the alloy.


When marking, certain standards may be applied that allow one to determine the basic performance characteristics of the metal. Steel 08PS (GOST is used to designate metal produced in the CIS countries) is deciphered as follows:

  1. 08 indicates the amount of carbon - 0.8%. The main qualities of 08PS depend specifically on this chemical element. Therefore, it is indicated when marking the material
  2. SP indicates the degree of deoxidation of the alloy; in the case under consideration, it is semi-calm.

St08PS stands for structural carbon metal. It can be characterized by three degrees of deoxidation. Semi-quiet metal, which is characterized by the positive qualities of boiling and calm alloys, has become quite widespread. Decoding in this case does not allow determining the concentration of other chemicals; their quantity is regulated by GOST.


Steel grade 08PS can be subjected to various types of processing. We are talking about both thermal and mechanical operations. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.


Heat treatment of material marked 08PS helps improve its characteristics. In this case, there is no need to introduce other additional components into the alloy. Upon completion of the procedure under consideration, the strength level of the metal increases noticeably. Heat treatment is often used for those workpieces that are planned to be used in load-bearing structures in the future. For the steel processing under consideration, steps such as hardening, tempering and annealing can be used.

The hardening operation helps the material obtain the required level of rigidity. When the hardening stage is completed, the workpieces are allowed to be cooled under various conditions. Both water and oil media are suitable.

To eliminate the excess stress that appears inside the metal structure, they resort to an operation such as tempering. Upon completion of this processing stage, products made from 08PS alloy become much harder, and their strength level also increases. To effectively align the internal structure, as well as get rid of excessive levels of ductility, the alloy undergoes an annealing operation.


To obtain rolled steel parts, it is advisable to thoroughly clean the surfaces from scale, as well as oil traces and other similar contaminants. For this purpose, it is allowed to use both brushes with metal bristles and components of small-scale mechanization. For example, you can use a grinder.

In the procurement areas of production that use rolled metal from alloy 08PS, special guillotine-type shears are used, as well as special Geller sawing machines, press shears and other similar technical equipment. With such equipment it is possible to cut rolled metal. We are talking about both profile and sheet products.

The technological features of 80PS make it possible to use this raw material for the production of parts using bending methods. This operation can be performed using a variety of devices. Both simple manual models of bending machines and specialized high-tech machines are suitable. Of course, working with the latter is much easier, and much less time is spent bending steel.

To process mechanical parts and parts made from raw materials marked 08PS, you do not need to use any special specialized tools or devices.

It is allowed to carry out the operations under consideration using hard alloys, for example, T15K6.

Production Features

The properties of the finished material are determined by the substances that make up its composition and largely depend on what technologies were used in the production of a particular alloy.

The basis of the steel alloy is ferrite. It is a component of iron-carbon alloys. It is, in fact, a solid solution of carbon and alloying components. To increase its strength, the melt is saturated with carbon.

Impurities from which nothing but harm can be expected include phosphorus and sulfur, as well as their derivatives. Phosphorus, reacting with ferrite, reduces the ductility of the alloy when exposed to high temperatures and increases brittleness when exposed to cold. During the melting process, iron sulfide may be formed, which can lead to red brittleness. St3 steel contains no more than 0.05% sulfur and 0.04% phosphorus.

For the production of structural steels, two steelmaking technologies are used:

The parameters of the St3 grade, obtained by one or another method, differ little from each other, but the converter technology is simpler and cheaper.

Deoxidation of St3 steel

The deoxidation process is performed to remove excess oxygen, which reduces the mechanical properties of steel. For this purpose, silicon or aluminum is used. They neutralize oxygen, and the resulting oxides serve as a stimulus for the formation of crystallization centers and thereby contribute to the appearance of a fine-grained structure. Steels that have undergone this operation are divided into three types:

  • calm - sp;
  • semi-calm - ps;
  • boiling - ks.

What are their differences from each other? Calm steels get their name because they do not boil when poured. They have a more uniform structure, are better processed by welding and exhibit good resistance to dynamic loads. But, on the other hand, they are more expensive and that is why semi-quiet ones have become more widespread. They occupy a place between calm and boiling alloys. By the way, semi-quiet steels are most often used to create structures for various purposes. To obtain it, a smaller amount of deoxidizing agent is used, mostly silicon.

An example is the use of St3 PS steel to create building structures.

It should be noted here that the steel must meet the requirements of GOST 380-71. When purchasing this brand, the supplier must provide documents with the results of testing the material for chemical composition, strength characteristics, tensile strength, etc.

Main characteristics and properties of steel 08PS

Negative in the floc sensitivity category.

It has increased strength and there is no risk of brittleness during tempering. There are no restrictions when carrying out the process of welding parts, which does not require heating and further temperature treatment.

The following types of welding are possible:

KTS, RDS, ADS, provided by the use of gas. Since 08ps steel is difficult to weld, in order to achieve the required level of connections that are created by welding, it is necessary to resort to additional measures. The metal must be heated to certain temperatures - from two hundred to three hundred degrees - an important condition of the technological process, after which an annealing operation and additional heat treatment are provided.

The forging temperature of steel is 08 ps: at the start - 1250, at the end of forging - 800. Sections up to 300 mm are cooled in air.

Steel 08 ps, being a fairly strong, reliable and hard metal, is capable of withstanding quite large loads, without losing its shape or deforming. Thanks to these features of steel 08 ps, it is highly valued and used in a wide variety of parts, tools, designs. Under a certain load on steel 08ps, the metal can “react” in different ways: without changing

The shape either becomes slightly deformed, accepts the load and returns to its original state after the load is removed, or maintains the changed shape after the load is removed. In this case, the shape of the changed part must remain constant, and the state of the metal part itself will become “stressed”.

Classification of material and application of grade 08ps

Brand: 08ps Material classification: High-quality structural carbon steel Application: for gaskets, washers, forks, pipes, as well as parts subjected to chemical heat treatment - bushings, lugs, rods.

Chemical composition of the material 08ps in percentage terms

0.05 — 0.110.05 — 0.170.35 — 0.65up to 0.3up to 0.04up to 0.035up to 0.1up to 0.3up to 0.08

Mechanical properties 08ps at a temperature of 20oC

AssortmentSizeEg.sTd5yKCUThermal change
Heat treated sheet, GOST 4041-714 — 8270-41032
Pipes, GOST 10705-8031419625
The rental is calibrated. cold-worked, GOST 10702-78 370860
Calibrated steel, GOST 10702-78314-41260Annealing
Strip, GOST 1577-936 — 602901753560Normalization

Technological properties 08ps

Weldability:no limits.
Flock Sensitivity:not sensitive.
Tendency to temper brittleness:not inclined.

Explanation of symbols, abbreviations, parameters

Mechanical properties :
— Short-term strength limit, [MPa]
sT— Proportional limit (yield strength for permanent deformation), [MPa]
d5— Elongation at break, [%]
y— Relative narrowing, [%]
KCU— Impact strength, [kJ/m2]
HB— Brinell hardness, [MPa]
Physical properties:
T— Temperature at which these properties were obtained, [Deg]
E— Modulus of elasticity of the first kind, [MPa]
a— Coefficient of thermal (linear) expansion (range 20o-T), [1/degree]
l— Thermal conductivity coefficient (heat capacity of the material), [W/(m deg)]
r— Material density, [kg/m3]
C— Specific heat capacity of the material (range 20o-T), [J/(kg deg)]
R— Electrical resistivity, [Ohm m]
no limits— welding is performed without heating and without subsequent heat treatment
limited weldability— welding is possible when heated to 100-120 degrees. and subsequent heat treatment
difficult to weld— to obtain high-quality welded joints, additional operations are required: heating to 200-300 degrees. during welding, heat treatment after welding - annealing


Mechanical properties


Brinell hardnessImpact strengthRelative narrowingElongation at breakYield strengthShort-term strength limit


Difficult to weldHeatingHeat treatment
No limitsNoup to 100–1200С200–3000С
Welding with restrictionsNoThere isannealing

Physical properties


Ohm mResistivity
J/(kg deg)Specific heat
W/(m deg)Coefficient of thermal conductivity
1/GradLinear expansion coefficient
MPaElastic modulus

Chemical composition

Decoding the steel grade 08ps indicates the chemical composition and structure of the alloy:

  • the first two digits indicate the approximate mass fraction of carbon in the alloy;
  • the sign “ps” is one of the indicators of the degree of deoxidation of steel, which in this case stands for “semi-quiet”.

Deoxidation is the process of removing oxygen dissolved in liquid metal, as a result of which its harmful effects are reduced:

  • mild steels have the highest degree of deoxidation;
  • boiling – characterized by fragility and low rates of weldability and corrosion resistance;
  • semi-quiet alloys occupy an intermediate position in terms of quality indicators.

According to GOST 1050-88, the content of each element in the alloy in mass fractions is expressed by the following figures:

  • carbon – from 0.05 to 0.11, the surface hardness and structural strength of the metal depend on this element;
  • silicon, which increases elasticity and resistance to oxidation – 0.05-0.17;
  • manganese - 0.35-0.65, it improves the quality of steel, helping to reduce the concentration of oxygen and sulfur.

Small amounts of random impurities are present in the alloy:

  • chromium – 0.1;
  • nickel – up to 0.25;
  • copper – 0.25;
  • arsenic – up to 0.08.

Their main source is steel scrap. Random impurities can have a significant impact on the properties of the alloy, so their content is limited depending on the specified properties.

Sulfur and phosphorus are permanent impurities whose presence is inevitable. But their quantities are so small that they do not have any significant effect on the properties of the metal:

  • sulfur – 0.04;
  • phosphorus – 0.035.

Chemical composition

Steel grade 08PS is classified as structural carbon steel. The chemical composition is regulated by GOST 1050 - 88. It determines the mass fraction of the elements that make up the 08PS alloy, the data is given below:

  • carbon from 0.05 to 0.11%;
  • silicon from 0.05 to 0.17%;
  • manganese from 0.35 to 0.65%;
  • chromium no more than 0.10%.


The name of steel 08PS is deciphered as follows:

  • 08 amount of carbon;
  • ps is an indicator of steel deoxidation, in this case it is semi-quiet.

There are three types of deoxidation, that is, removal of oxygen. Semi-quiet steel occupies an intermediate position between boiling and calm steel, while it contains all the positive properties of materials subjected to deoxidation by other means.


In general, this material shows good strength characteristics and hardness parameters. The positive features of 08PS include the fact that it is completely calm under the influence of various loads. If it does not exceed certain limits, then the product retains its original shape. But it should be noted that it may be deformed for some time with subsequent restoration. During the recovery period, the product will be in a tense state.

When choosing this material, it is necessary to remember that any material has a yield point, overcoming which the steel comes out of elastic deformation and begins to collapse.

Grade 8PS has good weldability. For welding operations, any existing technologies can be used. But we must take into account that after heat treatment, parts made from this alloy cannot be used for welded structures.


When choosing 8PS steel for the manufacture of structures, the designer must remember that it can always be replaced with its closest analogue - grade 08. There are also foreign analogues:

When choosing imported materials as a substitute, you must remember that the delivery package must also include appropriate certificates confirming the quality of the material and its compliance with GOST.


The steel alloy can be machined satisfactorily. When turning, it does not provide a clean surface, and when cutting threads, it does not allow high-quality execution of small steps. Therefore, to improve machinability, 08ps steel is often subjected to normalization and cold working.

It is widely used for the manufacture of products that do not require heat treatment, and for cladding bodies, machines and units. Also, 08ps steel is used for the production of cemented parts, the operating conditions of which require high surface hardness and wear resistance while maintaining the viscosity of the core. On an industrial scale, it is used to produce washers and brackets, rods and cups, lugs and stops, rollers and shells, disks and bushings, as well as other non-critical and unloaded parts.

Analogues and assortment

The closest domestic substitute for steel grade 08ps is alloy 08. Foreign analogues must come with certificates of compliance with standards. Among them the most popular:

  • A620, 1008, A622 - United States;
  • GC01, DC04GT, DD11, St12, StW24, UQSt36 – Germany;
  • SPHE – Japan;
  • DC01 – European Union;
  • 3C – France;
  • 08F – China;
  • 11304 – Czech Republic;
  • O – India.

The range of steel supplied to the rolled metal market is regulated by various GOSTs. It consists:

  • from ground and calibrated rod;
  • sheets of thin and thick;
  • ribbons and strips;
  • forgings;
  • silverfish;
  • shaped and long products;
  • pipes of different diameters.

Properties of steel

With an increase in temperature from 20 to 900 degrees, the physical parameters of 08ps steel change in one direction or another:

  • density – from 7846 to 7602 kg/m3;
  • elastic modulus – from 2.03 to 1.83*10-5 MPa;
  • linear expansion coefficient – ​​12.5-15.3 1/deg;
  • heat capacity – 60-27 W/m*deg;
  • beat heat capacity – 482-703 J/kg*deg;
  • beat electrical resistance – 178-1124*109 Ohm*m.

The alloy is characterized by high mechanical properties:

  • hardness HB 10-1 – 131 MPa;
  • yield strength of steel 08ps for elastic deformation at 20 degrees – 196 MPa;
  • short-term strength limit – 270-412 MPa;
  • temporary tensile strength – 310-410 MPa, depending on the thickness of the part;
  • elongation at break – 35%;
  • narrowing – 60%;
  • forging temperature range is 1250-800 degrees.

The conditional yield strength is taken to be the value of the load, under the influence of which the shape of the sample changes by 0.2%. This parameter depends on various factors:

  • shape and thickness of the product;
  • heat treatment mode;
  • amount of impurities;
  • production technologies;
  • temperature at which the parameter is measured;
  • type or direction of load.

Therefore, the yield strength is indicated for long rolled metal products, the production technology of which exactly corresponds to GOST. Technological properties include:

  • good weldability without preheating and cracking;
  • insensitivity to flocking;
  • lack of tendency to temper brittleness.

Any technology can be used in welding work. When the thickness of the sheets being welded is large, a multi-layer procedure is used. However, after heat treatment, the surface layer is saturated with carbon, which significantly reduces the metal’s ability to weld.

Features of heat treatment

The characteristics and application of 08ps steel depend on the type of product and the method of heat treatment. For example, the hardness index of NV is:

  • for calibrated rod – 143 MPa;
  • thick sheet – 131 MPa;
  • transverse samples – 98 MPa.

For heat treatment, standard procedures are used:

  • hardening gives the alloy increased hardness;
  • tempering helps relieve internal stress, thereby increasing the strength of the metal;
  • after annealing, the structure of the material is leveled and excessive plasticity is eliminated;
  • For cooling, the optimal medium is selected - water, oil.

Oil is often used as a cooling medium, as it helps to reduce temperatures evenly and prevents the occurrence of defects. Heat treatment modes are developed taking into account:

  • thickness or section of the part;
  • its purpose;
  • values ​​of critical points.

During heat treatment, all characteristics of 08ps steel are improved:

  • after tempering at low temperature, internal stresses disappear;
  • after annealing, the internal structure is leveled;
  • mechanical strength increases.

In the process of mechanical processing, the surface of products is cleaned from scale and various contaminants using metal brushes or a grinder. To cut rolled metal, mechanical cutting devices are used. Many parts are obtained using the bending method using manual or special machines. When machining workpieces, hard alloys can be used.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of structural steel 08ps is the ability to withstand high loads over a long period of operation without plastic deformation or changes in the internal structure. Its widespread use is associated with:

  • with high yield strength;
  • ease of welding by all methods before heat treatment;
  • significant surface hardness;
  • lack of flake sensitivity and tendency to temper brittleness;
  • affordable price.

Along with tangible advantages, there are also some disadvantages, for example:

  • difficult weldability after heat treatment;
  • the need for protection against corrosion when operating in conditions of high humidity.

Application area

Excellent technical characteristics combined with moderate cost have determined the widespread use of 08ps steel. It is in demand in the production of products that are intended for operation under conditions of high mechanical or thermal loads:

  • pendants;
  • washers;
  • connecting plugs;
  • gaskets and bushings;
  • pipes of different diameters;
  • fasteners;
  • mounting tape;
  • construction fittings;
  • rack profiles;
  • products having axial holes;
  • rods, the surface of which is treated in different ways.

Steel grade 08ps is a high-quality and at the same time inexpensive alloy that meets all established standards.



Find out prices for cold-rolled sheet GOST 19904

Opening (mm)steel grade
Sheet 0.5x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 0.6x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 0.7x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 0.8x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 1.0x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 1.2x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 1.5x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 2.0x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 2.5x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 3.0x1250x2500St08ps, St08kp
Sheet 0.5x1250x2500St08Yu
Sheet 0.6x1250x2500St08Yu
Sheet 0.7x1250x2500St08Yu
Sheet 0.8x1250x2500St08Yu
Sheet 1.0x1250x2500St08Yu
Sheet 1.2x1250x2500St08Yu
Sheet 1.5x1250x2500St08Yu
Sheet 2.0x1250x2500St08Yu
Sheet 2.5x1250x2500St08Yu
Sheet 3.0x1250x2500St08Yu

Cold-rolled steel sheet is a type of rolled metal produced by cold rolling of hot-rolled sheets to a given thickness.
The production of this type of sheet metal is regulated by GOST 19904-90. It can be said that the main area of ​​application of cold-rolled sheets is mechanical engineering. Using press and stamping, a huge range of parts are produced from such sheets. The high surface cleanliness of cold-rolled sheets is ideal for critical parts, such as car bodies. Also, this type of rolled product is perfectly weldable. Therefore, it is often used in construction.

LLC Group sells high-quality cold-rolled sheets for various production needs. Our prices will pleasantly surprise you.

Cold rolled sheets are produced in thicknesses from 0.35 to 5 mm inclusive. Depending on the form of delivery, they are divided into rolls or sheets, with unedged or trimmed edges. Recently, cold rolling of thin sheets is carried out mainly in rolls.

The main difference between cold-rolled steel is the processing of ductile metal by pressure. First, hot-rolled steel coils are produced. It is then etched. After this, the steel sheet enters the cold rolling mill. The process is carried out with the cooling of the rollers and the use of lubricant. Hardening of the metal, which makes further processing difficult, is eliminated using intermediate firings in bell-type furnaces. That is why the thickness of cold-rolled sheets is limited to 5 mm. However, their surface is much better and smoother. Subsequently, depending on its purpose, the workpiece is cut into sheets of smaller sizes or tape. Unfortunately, cold-rolled steel requires the use of more complex equipment and is characterized by high energy intensity. Accordingly, the price for cold-rolled sheets is higher than for hot-rolled sheets.

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