Amount of substance formula - examples of calculations for different substances

What is a mole

Before we talk about how to find the molar mass of a substance, let's define the concept of “mole”.
It was introduced as an artificial quantity to simplify calculations. This is the amount of substance that contains the same number of tiny particles as 12 g of one of the carbon isotopes - C12. For all chemicals this amount is the same and is Avogadro's number 6.02 1023. Avogadro's constant is denoted NA and is measured in mol-1.

Avogadro's number is the number of molecules, ions or other small particles in 1 mole of a substance.

NA = 6.02 1023 mol-1.

Historical reference

In 1811, chemist Amedeo Avogadro suggested that if you take two equal volumes of gases under equal significant conditions (at the same temperature and pressure), then the number of molecules in these volumes will also be the same. Based on his hypothesis, he determined the atomic and molecular masses of many substances, and also calculated the number of atoms in molecules of water, nitrogen oxides, etc. However, Avogadro’s hypothesis was not understood for a long time in scientific circles. It became generally accepted only in 1860.

Mechanical lever, moment of force

Archimedes spoke about a mechanical lever when he promised to turn the Earth upside down if only a suitable fulcrum could be found. It is a simple mechanism that helps lift weights attached to one end by applying force to the other end. In this case, the weight of the load greatly exceeds the applied force. In grade 7, physical formulas describing this process are studied in the same section of dynamics.

Lever arm - this is a kind of solid body capable of rotating around a fixed point of support, on one end of which a force is applied, and on the other there is a load.

The perpendicular drawn from the fulcrum to the line of action of the force is called the arm of the force.

A lever is in equilibrium if the product of the force on the arm on one side is equal to the product of the force on the arm on the other side.

What is molar mass

Molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance and is measured in grams divided by mole (g/mol). This value is the ratio of the mass of a substance to its quantity, which is measured in moles.

How is molar mass indicated: M.

, where is the mass of the substance, and is the amount of the substance.

Unit of molar mass: g/mol.

Let's remember!

It is correct to say molar mass, not molar mass.

Despite the fact that 1 mole of any chemical substance contains the same number of molecules (and it is equal to Avogadro's number), the molar masses of different substances differ. This is because the atoms that make up these molecules are different. In particular, the difference between them is the relative atomic mass (Ar) - for example, Ar(Mg) = 24, and Ar(Hg) = 200. Now it will become clear why this matters.

Measurement of physical quantities

By measuring is the determination, using tools and technical means, of the numerical value of a physical quantity.

The measurement result is compared with a certain standard taken as a unit. As a result, the value of a physical quantity is considered to be the resulting number indicating the units of measurement.

In the 7th grade physics course, they study the rules of measurement using instruments with a scale. If the scale division value is unknown, you can find it out using the following formula:

CD = (max − min) / n, where CD is the division price, max is the maximum scale value, min is the minimum scale value, n is the number of divisions between them.

Instead of the maximum and minimum, we can take any other scale values ​​whose numerical expression is known to us.

There are direct and indirect measurements:

  • with direct measurement, the result can be seen directly on the instrument scale;
  • with indirect measurement, the value of a quantity is calculated through another quantity (for example, the average speed is determined based on several speed measurements).

For convenience and standardization of measurements, the International System of Units SI was adopted in 1963. It regulates which units of measurement are considered basic and used for formulas. The designations of these units are also taught in the 7th grade physics curriculum.

How to determine molar mass

This quantity is closely related to concepts such as relative atomic and molecular masses. Precisely relative, because the absolute mass of a molecule or atom of a substance in chemistry is not used to solve problems - these are too small values.

The relative atomic mass of a substance (Ar) shows how many times its atom is larger than 1/12 of a carbon atom. This value for each chemical element can be seen in the periodic table.

The relative molecular mass (Mr) is the sum of the Ar of each atom in the molecule of a substance, taking into account the indices. It shows how much the mass of a molecule is greater than 1/12 of a carbon atom.

, where is the number of atoms.

Let's look at examples.

In a molecule of sodium chloride NaCl there is 1 sodium atom and 1 chlorine atom, with Ar(Na) = 23, Ar (Cl) = 35.5.

Mr(NaCl) = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5.

A NaNO2 molecule contains 1 sodium atom, 1 nitrogen atom and 2 oxygen atoms.

Ar(Na) = 23, Ar(N) = 14, Ar(O) = 16.

Mr(NaNO2) = 23 + 14 + 16 2 = 69.

Actually, nothing else is required to calculate the molar mass.


The molar mass of a substance is numerically equal to the relative molecular mass. But these two concepts should not be confused - they have different physical meanings. Molar mass characterizes 1 mole, and relative molecular mass characterizes 1 molecule.


from 01/01/2017

This user (licensing) agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is concluded between the Limited Liability Company “ALECTA” (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”) and the User (an individual acting as the final consumer of the Product), collectively referred to as the “Parties”.

Please read the text of this Agreement carefully. It constitutes a public offer and, after its acceptance by you, forms an agreement between you (the User) and the Licensor on the subject matter and on the terms set forth in the text of the Agreement.

By accepting this Agreement, you agree to the terms, policies, and applicable terms of the license agreement set forth below.

1. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 1.1. Software product - copies of the KhiShnik computer program, consisting of the Server part (certificate of state registration of the database No. 2014621526) and the Client application (certificate of state registration of the computer program No. 2014661592), the rights to use which are granted in accordance with this Agreement . 1.2. Server part is a part of the Software Product located on the Internet and used for storing data in the Licensor’s database under the name “HiShnik” (hereinafter also referred to as the “database”), as well as for storing, processing, transferring User data between the database and the client application. 1.3. Client application is a part of the Software Product that is installed on the User’s computer or mobile device and allows access to the Licensor’s database, as well as User data stored in the memory of the Licensor’s server. 1.4. User (licensing) agreement – ​​the text of this Agreement with all additions, changes, appendices to it, posted on the Licensor’s website and available on the Internet at: 1.5. Conclusion of a User (licensing) agreement (acceptance of a public offer) - full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by the User by performing one (or more) of the following actions by the User:  registration and (or) authorization on the Licensor’s Website in the manner established by it;  making a payment for granting the right to use the Software Product;  the beginning of the User's use of the Software Product in any other form. 1.6. Licensor is a party to this Agreement that has the exclusive right to the Software Product and grants, under this Agreement, the User the right to use the Software Product, within the limits and in the manner specified in this Agreement. 1.7. User - an individual who installs the Client Application on a computer or mobile device and uses it. 1.8. Non-exclusive license - a license agreement providing for the right to use the Software Product while preserving the Licensor’s right to conclude a license agreement with other persons. 1.9. Role is a set of functions that are available to the User in the Software Product. This Agreement provides for the following roles: 1.9.1. Administrator is an employee of an educational institution who registers and provides access to the Software Product to Users who participate in the educational process in the educational institution. 1.9.2. A teacher is an employee of an educational institution who organizes and carries out the educational process through the use of the functions of the Software Product. 1.9.3. A tutor - a teacher who gives private lessons, can conduct both individual and group lessons by using the functions of the System outside the framework of the Educational Institution. 1.9.4. Student – ​​a student studying in an Educational Institution and (or) outside it, receiving and testing his knowledge through the System. 1.10. Profile is a record in a database containing identifying information about the User and his role. 1.11. Demo mode is a mode of using the Software Product for the purpose of familiarizing yourself with its functionality. 1.12. Productive mode – mode of use of the Software Product for the purposes of application in the educational process. 1.13. Registration key is a set of numbers and letters through which the User receives the right to use the Software Product in Productive mode with full access to the Server part. 1.14. Login is a unique identifier of the User in the database. 1.15. Password is a set of numbers and letters through which, together with the Login, the User gains access to the Client Application of the Software Product. 1.16. The Licensor’s website is 1.17. Content - all objects posted on the Site and in the Software Product, including design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, music, sounds and other objects and their selections. 2. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 2.1. The Licensor grants the User the right to use the KhiShnik Software Product under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license within the limits and in the manner specified in this Agreement, and the User undertakes to pay the Licensor a fee for granting the right to use the Software Product in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 2.2. The Licensor guarantees that he is the copyright holder of the exclusive rights to the Software Product and has the rights to enter into an Agreement. The Licensor is currently not aware, to the best of his knowledge, of the rights of third parties violated by this Agreement. 2.3. The User does not have the right to fully or partially grant (transfer) the rights received by him under the Agreement to third parties, including selling, replicating, copying the Software Product, providing access to third parties, alienating in any other way, incl. free of charge, without obtaining the prior written consent of the Licensor for all of the above actions. 2.4. The Agreement provides the User with the right to use the Software Product while retaining the Licensor’s right to issue licenses to other persons. The User may use a copy of the Software Product only within the limits of those rights and in the ways provided for in the Agreement. The right to use the Software Product granted to the User by the Licensor is valid for the duration of the Agreement. 2.5. The KhiShnik software product, consisting of a Server part and a Client application, is a computer program designed to carry out the educational process. 2.6. The right to use the Software Product (non-exclusive license) granted to the User in accordance with this Agreement includes the right to use the Software Product in two modes: 2.6.1. Demo mode, limited to the right to install on a computer or mobile device, launch, configure the Client application and limited access to the Server part, for the purpose of familiarizing yourself with the functionality of the Software Product. 2.6.2. Productive mode, limited by the right to install on a computer or mobile device, launch, configure the Client application and full access to the Server part, for the purpose of using the Software Product in the educational process. 2.7. The right to use the Software Product is granted: 2.7.1. In demo mode - from the moment the Client application is installed on a computer or mobile device. 2.7.2. In productive mode - from the moment funds are received into the Licensor’s account. 2.8. The rights to use the Software Product are considered granted to the User: 2.8.1. In demo mode - at the time of installing the Client application on a computer or mobile device. 2.8.2. In productive mode - at the time a letter with a registration key is sent to the User by email. 2.9. The right to use the Software Product is granted both on the territory of the Russian Federation and on the territory of all other countries of the world, unless it contradicts the national legislation of these countries. 2.10. The requirements for computers (equipment) necessary for the operation of the Client Application are posted on the Internet on the Licensor’s website. 3. COST AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE 3.1. The amount of the Licensor's remuneration for providing the User with the rights to productive use of the Software Product is posted on the Licensor's Website. 3.2. The Licensor's remuneration for granting the rights to productive use of the Software Product is not subject to VAT on the basis of subclause 26 of clause 2 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. 3.3. Payment for the granted rights for the productive use of the Software Product under this Agreement is made by the User in the form of annual payments. 3.4. Payment method under the Agreement: non-cash transfer by the User of funds in the currency of the Russian Federation (ruble) to the Licensor’s bank account using the methods indicated on the Licensor’s Website. In this case, the User’s obligation to pay remuneration under the Agreement is considered fulfilled from the day the bank credits the funds to the Licensor’s account. 3.5. The Licensor has the right to unilaterally change the terms and amount of remuneration under this Agreement. The current remuneration amount is published on the Licensor’s Website. 4. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT 4.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its conclusion in accordance with clause 2.7. 4.2. The period for granting the right to productive use of the Software Product in accordance with the Agreement is 1 (One) year from the date of authorization of the User through the Registration Key. The agreement is considered concluded on the same terms for a new term equal to 1 (One) year, subject to the User making full payment for the extension of the right to productive use of the Software Product. The number of extensions is not limited. 4.3. Granting the right to demo use the Software Product is not limited in duration. 4.4. Termination of this Agreement is possible in accordance with the conditions specified in the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 5.1. The user undertakes: 5.1.1. Respect the Licensor's rights to the Software Product and not use the Software Product in other ways other than those provided for in this Agreement. 5.1.2. Do not attempt to obtain the source code of the Software Product for its further use, and do not extract database materials. 5.1.3. Timely pay the Licensor remuneration for granting the User the right to productive use of the Software Product in the manner and within the time limits established by this Agreement. 5.1.4. Provide accurate information, including your email address and other data requested by the Licensor. Moreover, if the User provides false information, the User assumes all possible risks that may arise in connection with the implementation of this Agreement. 5.1.5. Strictly adhere to and not violate the terms of the Agreement, as well as ensure the confidentiality of the Licensor’s commercial and technical information. 5.1.6. Do not install the Software Product on computers (equipment) that do not meet the technical requirements for the operation of the Software Product. 5.1.7. Make sure that the Licensor's rights to the Software Product are not violated by third parties in the territory of this Agreement, and is obliged to inform the Licensor about all violations that become known to him. 5.2. The user has the right: 5.2.1. Use the Software Product only by installing (recording) the Client Application of the Software Product on a computer or mobile device and setting it up to carry out the introductory or educational process using the database. 5.2.2. Use the Software Product for any purpose of the User, except for the restrictions specified in the Agreement. 5.3. The Licensor undertakes: 5.3.1. Provide technical conditions for the functioning of the Server part and the Client application for the use of the Software Product by the User, including ensuring the possibility of obtaining and/or providing a distribution kit (installation files) of the Client application with the help of which the Software Product is used. 5.3.2. Protect the User’s data that became known to the Licensor in connection with the Parties’ fulfillment of their obligations in accordance with this Agreement. 5.3.3. Notify the User of the impossibility of using the Software Product due to maintenance work at least 48 (Forty-eight) hours in advance by sending a message to the email specified during registration. 5.3.4. Refrain from any actions that could make it difficult for the User to exercise the right granted to him to use the Software Product within the limits established by the Agreement. 5.3.5. Provide new versions (updates) of the Software Product by posting them on the Internet on the Licensor’s website or in the Google Play system with the ability to download. 5.3.6. Inform the User about new versions (updates) of the Software Product by sending a notification to the User's email address specified during registration and (or) authorization on the Licensor's Website. 5.3.7. Provide round-the-clock reception of requests to the Support Service at the email address: [email protected] 5.3.8. Process received requests and consultations through the Support Service, from 5:00 to 14:00 Moscow time, Monday to Friday, excluding weekends and holidays. 5.4. The licensor has the right: 5.4.1. Carry out service work that may result in interruptions in the operation of the Client Application. 5.4.2. If the User violates the terms (methods) of using the rights to the Software Product in accordance with this Agreement, deprive the User of the license to use the rights to the Software Product by closing access to the Software Product. 5.4.3. Unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the established procedure. 5.4.4. Refuse unilaterally to execute the Agreement in the manner prescribed by applicable law and/or this Agreement; 5.4.5. Exercise other rights provided for by applicable law, as well as this Agreement. 6. PROCEDURE FOR USING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT 6.1. To use the Software Product, the User is asked to install (save into the computer memory) and launch the Licensor's Client Application, a copy of which is downloaded by the User independently in one of the following ways:  on the Internet on the Licensor's website;  in the Google Play system;  from a flash drive provided by the Licensor (optional). 6.2. After installation (recording to the computer memory) and launch of the Licensor's Client Application, the User is granted the right to use the Software Product in Demonstration mode. 6.3. To use the Software Product in Productive mode, the User must enter the Registration Key in the Client Application, which the Licensor sends to the User to the email address specified on the Licensor’s Website in the request for access. The User independently uses the Software Product by launching and configuring the Client Application. 6.4. The Software Product is provided to the User on an “as is” basis, which means: the User is aware of the most important functional properties of the product for which the rights to use are granted, the User bears the risk of compliance of the Software Product with his wishes and needs, as well as the risk of compliance conditions and scope of rights granted to their desires and needs. The Licensor is not liable for any loss or damage, regardless of the reasons for their occurrence (including special, incidental or consequential damages; damages associated with lost profits, business or production interruption, loss of business information, negligence, or any other losses) arising from the use or inability to use the Software Product. 6.5. The software product is intended for personal, educational and other non-business needs of individuals. Use of the Software Product for commercial purposes is not permitted. 7. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 7.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with current legislation, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement. 7.2. The Parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment (improper performance) of the Agreement if such non-fulfillment (improper performance) was the result of force majeure circumstances, the occurrence of which the Parties could not foresee and prevent. A Party for which proper fulfillment of an obligation has become impossible due to force majeure circumstances is obliged to immediately notify the other Party about this. The parties have the right to refer to force majeure circumstances only if they have done everything possible to prevent and/or minimize the negative consequences of these circumstances. 7.3. The Licensor does not guarantee absolute uninterrupted use of the Software Product and does not guarantee that computer programs produced by third parties or any other means used in the operation of the Software Product are absolutely protected from computer viruses and other harmful components. The licensor agrees to carry out all reasonable measures to protect the user's information and ensure uninterrupted use of the software product. 7.4. The user independently is responsible for the content of the information transmitted by him or other person on the Internet and stored in the memory of the Licensor server, including its reliability and the legality of its storage and distribution. 7.5. In case of licenser to be held accountable or imposed on him in connection with the user's violations of third parties, as well as the prohibitions or restrictions established by the law, the user must fully compensate the losses of the licensor. 7.6. In case of a violation by the User, the conditions and restrictions of this Agreement, he is a violator of the exclusive right to a software product. For a violation of copyright for a software product, the user is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 7.7. The total cumulative liability of the Licensor to the User in relation to the requirements of any kind arising from this Agreement will not exceed the amount of remuneration under this agreement, actually paid by the User for the software product in respect of which the requirement arose within 12 (twelve) months preceding the occurrence of the requirement . The above restrictions on liability are applied even if, with the help of the above method of protecting the right, it is not possible to achieve its main goal. 8. Personal data 8.1. The information provided by the user is confidential. 8.2. Providing his personal data to the licensor, the user agrees to process it, both using automation tools and without the use of automation tools, in particular collecting, storing, transferring to third parties and using information by a licensor in order to fulfill obligations to the user in accordance with this Agreement; User receiving personalized advertising; Checks, research and data analysis to support and improve the software product. 8.3. The licensor undertakes not to disclose the information received from the user. It is not considered a violation of the provision by the licensor of information, including personal data of the user to third parties acting on the basis of an agreement with a licensor in order to execute this Agreement. 8.4. It is not considered a violation of obligations to non -disclosure of information provided by the User, including the personal data of the User, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including in order to prevent and/or suppress illegal and/or illegal actions of users). 8.5. The user does not have the right to transfer his username and password to third parties. 8.6. The user undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of his login and password and is responsible for using the login and password by third parties. Under no circumstances, the Licensor is not responsible for the use of the Login and Password of the User. 8.7. In the event of an unauthorized access to the login and password and/or the user's personal page, or the distribution of the login and password, the user must immediately inform the licensor by filling out the feedback form presented on the site. 8.8. The licensor is not responsible for the use of anyone in public personal data of users. 9. Exceptional rights to content 9.1. All objects posted on the site and in the software product, including design elements, text, graphic images, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, music, sounds and other objects and their collections (hereinafter - content), are objects of exclusive licensor rights , all rights to these objects are protected. 9.2. Except cases established by this Agreement, as well as the current legislation of the Russian Federation, content cannot be copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, displayed in the frame, published, downloaded, transferred, sold, or otherwise used in unit without prior resolution of the copyright holder , except when the copyright holder clearly expressed his consent to the free use of content by any person. 9.3. User use of content, access to which is obtained exclusively for personal non -profit use, is allowed subject to all the signs of authorship or other notifications of authorship, preserving the author’s name in a constant form, preserving the work in a constant form. 9.4. Any use of content, except for the copyright holder permitted in this Agreement or in the case of the clearly expressed consent of the copyright holder, is strictly prohibited without the preliminary written permission of the copyright holder. 10. Other conditions 10.1. All disputes and disagreements arising in connection with the execution and (or) interpretation of this Agreement are resolved by the parties through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the sides of the disagreements through negotiations, the dispute must be permitted in the arbitration court at the location of the defendant with the obligatory compliance of the claims of disputes and disagreements. The deadline for the response to claim 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt in writing or in electronic form. 10.2. None of the provisions of this Agreement is and cannot be considered as the transfer (alienation) of exclusive rights to the intellectual property of the licensor. 10.3. In case of receipt of comments from the user to the software product provided under this Agreement, such comments are subject to consideration by a license at his request and are optional for accounting. 10.4. The terms of this agreement apply to subsequent versions of the software product, which are its updates. Conclusions of other agreements regarding the updates of the software product are not required. 10.5. In everything else that is not provided for by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 11. Address, details of the licensor of Alekta LLC Legal address: 630090, Novosibirsk, Academician Academician Lavrentieva 2/2. Postal address: 630090, Novosibirsk, Academician Lavrentiev Academician 2/2. OGRN 1025403657135 TIN 5408128408 KPP 540801001 OKVED 72.19, 62.01, 62.02, 68.20.2; OKPO 26335100; OKATO 50401384000; OKFS 16; OKOPF 65. E-mail

Quantity of substance

From the previous formulas it is clear that the molar mass and the amount of a substance are closely related. Let's look at this connection in more detail. Let's start with the fact that the amount of a substance can be denoted by either a Latin letter or a Greek letter (nu). The international designation is , but do not be surprised when you encounter any of these letters in formulas.

In the formula for finding the molar mass, we denoted the amount of substance through:

, hence .

Using this, we can find the amount of a substance (in moles) if we know its absolute and molar mass.

Example 1

How to determine what amount of substance is included in 350 g of barium sulfate BaSO4?

Let's use the formula.

We remember that M = Mr (the value of the molar mass is equal to the value of the relative molecular mass).

Mr(BaSO4) = Ar(Ba) + Ar(S) + Ar(O) 4 = 137 + 32 + 16 4 = 233.

M(BaSO4) = Mr(BaSO4) = 233 g/mol.

Let's substitute the molar mass value into the formula:


There is another formula for the amount of a substance that allows you to find it if the number of molecules or other structural units is known.

, where is the number of structural units, is Avogadro’s number.

Example 2

Let's say a certain volume of CaCO3 contains 3.01 · 1023 molecules. How to find the amount of a substance corresponding to a given volume?

Let's use the formula mole.

Mechanical movement: formulas for grade 7

Mechanical motion is the movement of a body in space, as a result of which it changes its position relative to other bodies. The patterns of such movement are studied within the framework of mechanics and specifically its section - kinematics.

In order to describe motion, a reference body, a coordinate system, and an instrument for measuring time are required. These are the components of the reference system.

The study of mechanical motion in the 7th grade physics course includes the following terms:

  • The displacement of a body is a vector drawn from the starting point to the ending point.
  • The trajectory of movement is a mental line along which the body moves.
  • Path is the length of the body’s trajectory from the start to the end point.
  • Speed ​​is the speed at which a body moves or the ratio of the distance it travels to the time it travels.
  • Acceleration is the rate of change in speed at which a body moves.

Uniform linear motion means that a body moves along a straight line at the same speed. In this case, the displacement of the body and its path will be equal.

Formula for the speed of uniform rectilinear motion:

V = S / t, where S is the path of the body, t is the time during which this path is covered.

Formula for the speed of uniform curvilinear motion:

where S1 and S2 are sections of the path, and t1 and t2 are the time during which each of them was covered.

The SI unit of speed is meters per second (m/s).

Formula for speed of uniformly accelerated motion:

V = V0 + at, where V0 is the initial velocity and is the acceleration.

The SI unit of acceleration is m/s2.

Molar volume

Above we found the amount of a substance through molar mass, but for gases this can also be done through molar volume. According to Avogadro's law, an amount of any gas equal to 1 mole will occupy the same volume if the gases are considered at the same temperature and pressure.

Under standard physical conditions - temperature 0°C and pressure 1 atm or 760 mmHg, 1 mole of gas occupies a volume of 22.4 liters.

Molar volume is the volume of gas taken in the amount of 1 mole. It is designated Vm.

Under normal conditions, Vm = 22.4 l/mol.

The values ​​of the molar and actual volume of a gas help to find the amount of a substance.

, where is the actual volume of gas, and is the molar volume.

Example 1

How many moles are contained in 120 liters of gas under normal conditions?

Let's calculate using the formula mole.

Answer: 120 liters of any gas under standard conditions contain 5.36 moles.

But you can find out the exact weight of such products much easier on our website.

We bring to your attention a universal interactive mass calculator for independently calculating the mass of products of various shapes from cylindrical or sheet materials. Its peculiarity is that it allows you to find out the weight of a part or product not only made of rolled metal and alloys, but also any other materials: wood and MDF, plastics and polymers, paper, cardboard, rubber, concrete, brick. This can be done simply by entering the overall dimensions of the part, minus the sizes of holes and slots, as well as the density coefficient of the material from which the part is made. The exact data can be found in the adjacent table.

Relative density of one gas to another

Sometimes, to solve a problem, you need to know how to find the molar mass of a gas, for which only its density in air or another gas is reported. This is possible if you know the relative density formula, which is denoted by the letter D.

, where and are some gases.

Example 1

How to determine how many times carbon monoxide is denser than hydrogen?

First, let's find the molar mass of CO and H2:

M(CO) = Mr(CO) = Ar(C) + Ar(O) = 12 + 16 = 28.

M(H) = Mr(H2) = 2 Ar(H) = 2 1 = 2.


Answer: Carbon monoxide is 14 times denser than hydrogen.

Example 2

How to calculate the molar mass of a gas x, which is known to be 10 times denser than carbon dioxide CO2?

First, let's calculate the molar mass of carbon dioxide:

M(CO2) = Mr(CO2) = 12 + 2 16 = 44.

Based on the relative density formula, we will calculate the molar mass of the desired gas x.

M(x) = D(x/CO2) M(CO2) = 10 44 = 440 g/mol.

Answer: This gas has a molar mass of 440 g/mol.

Physics cheat sheets for 7th grade

It is difficult to cover the entire physics course in one article, but we covered the main topics for grade 7 and this is enough to refresh your memory. Download and print both cheat sheets - one of them (detailed) will be useful for thoughtful preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam, and the second (short) will be used for solving problems.



For those who are homeschooled or are forced to study the material on their own due to absences due to illness, we also recommend a textbook on physics by A. V. Peryshkin with formulas for grade 7 and easy, accessible explanations on all topics. It was written several decades ago, but is still very popular and in demand.

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