What is a jigsaw, what does it look like and what is it needed for, as well as an overview of all types and their structure, from manual to electric

A jigsaw is a multifunctional tool that can be used to make straight, angled and carved cuts. Works with common materials: metal, wood, plastic, ceramics and glass. Easy to use, allows you to solve a wide range of both household and professional problems. The device has a simple structure, due to which minor repairs can be carried out on your own. Knowledge of the design features will make it easier to regularly work with the tool and select the appropriate model.

The design of electric jigsaws and their malfunctions

The design of jigsaws from different companies differs little.
It consists of a body, a sole, a saw blade, a cutting tool mechanism, a gearbox and an electric motor that drives the working part of the tool. The difference in models from one manufacturer or another lies in the design features of some components. It is natural that the malfunctions and the reasons for their occurrence are also identical.

Knowledge of the most common failures of power tools and preventive measures to prevent them will help both the novice master and the experienced professional.

Typical failures of electric jigsaws include:

  1. Sawing curvature.
  2. Change in shape or destruction of the support roller.
  3. Breakage of the cutting tool mounting unit.
  4. Damage to the gear wheels of the gearbox.
  5. Destruction or bending of the support rod.
  6. Broken teeth on the jigsaw collet.
  7. Early wear of the armature worm gear.

Tool prevention

The long service life and constant efficiency of the tool depend not only on the characteristics of its operation, but also on timely care of its mechanism. Regular preventative measures will significantly reduce the wear of parts, reducing the likelihood of serious breakdowns.

Carrying out such a procedure requires only a screwdriver, a piece of rag for cleaning and a little grease. The whole process takes no more than an hour and consists of disassembling the jigsaw and carefully cleaning its parts. The gearbox and rod assembly must be cleaned and lubricated most thoroughly. Prevention should be carried out as the tool becomes dirty, based on the frequency of its use.
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Stationary design for intensive use

If you are a professional sawyer, you can make a more complex and reliable design. We select durable and hard materials for workpieces to reduce parasitic vibrations during operation.

  1. The bed is cut out of a heavy chipboard (you can use old furniture), the stand for the lever structure is made of textolite or hardboard. The levers themselves are made of square steel pipe. It is not necessary to buy blanks; they can be found in your garage (shed) or at recycling collection points
  1. Fastening elements for the blade can be made independently or picked up from an old jigsaw (metal hacksaw). Use regular saw blades for a wood jigsaw. You can secure the clamps with screws, or using tin and a soldering iron.
  1. It doesn't matter which device you take the drive from. The main thing is a working electric motor and a working gearbox. You don't need power, torque will be provided by gear ratios

The structure is assembled from standard gearbox elements. If necessary, the connecting rod fastening can be strengthened with an additional metal insert. All racks and fastening elements are made of metal. This way there will be less vibration and there will be no wear.

  1. The material of the countertop does not matter, the main thing is rigidity and smoothness. It is necessary to provide for rotation around the longitudinal axis. Therefore, the working slot must be long
  1. To keep your hands free while working, it is better to start the electric drive using a foot button or pedal. You can use an old sewing machine attachment or make a button yourself
  1. In order to make a jigsaw more accurate, it is necessary to eliminate the backlash of the blade at the cutting point. To do this, install a roller guide

You can make it yourself, again from scrap materials.

The lever supporting the guide is made movable so that the device can be used only when necessary.

  1. The tension of the web in this design is carried out by a spring. The lower lever provides reciprocating movement, and the upper one is needed only to support the saw blade

Bottom line: you can make a jigsaw yourself without large financial costs. The main thing is to decide on the tasks and choose the optimal design.

Alexander made a very interesting homemade jigsaw. For a step-by-step description and explanation of the dimensions of the parts, see this video.


There are several types of jigsaws depending on the design and scope of the tool. Separately, we consider professional (locksmith) and household models, which differ in power, frequency of movement of the saw, and variability of materials for work.


The simplest type of jigsaw. Consists of a frame, a saw with teeth, and a fastening mechanism. It has a low sawing speed; the blade often fails due to inconsistent load speed. Best suited for small jobs, creating decorative items (souvenirs, crafts and small decorative elements).

It has a low price. The service life and wear life of the main structure is not limited. It is recommended to purchase models made of durable metal alloy coated with anti-corrosion material. Allows you to make shallow cuts up to 15 mm thick, which is enough to solve most household problems.


Figure 3 – jigsaw device

A modern version of a conventional hand jigsaw with expanded functionality.

Consists of electrical and mechanical parts.

Powered by an electric motor that drives the gearbox.

It provides the force and frequency of movement of the saw. Design elements:

  • guide plane;
  • rollers for moving the working surface;
  • frame;
  • file;
  • clamping mechanism.

An electric jigsaw can be equipped with additional parts and options. These include a pendulum stroke (increasing the movement of the blade), a pipe for connecting a vacuum cleaner, and a lock for the angle and rotation of the file. To improve the visibility of the cut, manufacturers integrate a laser pointer, backlight, and a protective plastic screen. The tool operates from a removable battery with the need for constant recharging, from a direct current source (220 V mains).

Unlike the manual version, the electric analogue is capable of cutting dense, thick materials. It has an increased operating speed, the file moves at a constant frequency, thereby increasing its service life.

Techniques and safety rules when working with a jigsaw:


A type of electric jigsaw. Stationary models are the optimal solution for enterprises and carpentry workshops. The tool is securely attached to a horizontal surface, which increases not only its power, but also safety. The machine is equipped with a pipe for blowing off chips and a guide surface for precise cutting of workpieces.

Tabletop models demonstrate the quality of the cut; with proper use, the file lasts longer. Disadvantages - high cost, binding to a specific place in the workshop. Jigsaw machines are capable of sawing almost all types of materials, but it is necessary to change the blade depending on the tasks.


The most compact type of jigsaws. Required for carrying out minor work, for example, when creating or repairing jewelry and watch mechanisms. Externally, the design is similar to a classic hand tool, but differs in its small size. There are models capable of cutting metal or wood under a microscope. The blade is thin, and thanks to the tension after fastening, it is capable of cutting even dense types of metals.

A jigsaw is a tool for carved, figured sawing of materials of various densities. Can be manual or electric. Depending on the design features, desktop (stationary jigsaws, or machines) and jewelry varieties are distinguished separately. Allows you to make precise cuts where it is impossible to use a classic or circular saw or grinder.

How to use a sewing machine?

It's hard to believe, but it can also be converted into a jigsaw. How can this idea be brought to life?

  • We remove the part that ensures weaving of threads (the lower part of the machine).
  • We remove the cotter pin and drive shaft.
  • We remove the upper part, which protects the mechanism from mechanical damage.
  • We expand the part for the needle for the file.
  • Let's modernize the file. The file should not be longer than the needle.

It allows you to create even the most complex patterns and turns. However, this design has its drawbacks:

  • The leg may get tired from working with the pedal;
  • Vibrations may occur that complicate work.

If it is not possible to purchase an expensive design, you can get by with small losses. A jigsaw - a machine made independently can be an excellent solution. The main thing is to follow the instructions exactly when working and conscientiously fasten all the elements together.

Consider a table base so that it becomes a reliable support for the mechanism

It is important that the table does not rock or vibrate when the mechanism is running.

The more static all elements are in the end, the easier it will be to work, avoiding unnecessary movements and mistakes. And mistakes in such a matter are most often not acceptable.

A homemade jigsaw machine with your own hands is not such a complicated story as it might seem at first. After studying the article, understanding the basic elements and how to create your own tool, you can get to work.

It is worth noting that very often such a homemade machine is much more convenient than a purchased one. This saves money, but most importantly, this table is personalized. It will perfectly suit your workplace, your height and weight.

Such a design will fully meet the objectives, because the most convenient mechanism can be created only by the person who will use it in the future. In addition, in case of minor breakdowns, it will be clear how to repair and what can be fixed.

For a purchased sample, you will have to look at the instructions and study forums in search of a specific model and its characteristics. Have fun creating, and let the new jigsaw give you confidence and the desire to start a new renovation!

The structure of the electrical part of a jigsaw

The electrical part of the jigsaw looks like this:

  1. Motor stator winding
  2. Copper winding terminals
  3. Rotary collector plates
  4. Rotor
  5. Brush holder with graphite brush
  6. Stator (electrical steel core).

As you can see, the tool uses a commutator electric motor, the main elements of which are: stator, rotor, carbon brushes. The stator is made of electrical steel and has a rectangular shape with grooves in which the stator windings are located. There are two stator windings - they are located opposite each other.

The motor rotor is a shaft (located inside the stator) with special grooves in which the so-called armature windings are located. From these windings come leads connected to the collector plates. The collector itself is pressed onto the end of the rotor shaft.

During operation of the electric motor, graphite spring-loaded brushes move along the commutator plates. Thanks to the latter, electrical voltage is supplied to the armature windings

By the way, when repairing any power tool, priority attention is paid to the condition of the brushes.

The last thing to consider about the jigsaw and its electrical part is the button and capacitor. The jigsaw button is a rather complex element in terms of functionality. With its help, voltage is supplied to the engine and the rotation speed of the armature shaft is regulated. The shaft rotation speed is adjusted using a rheostat built into the button. In other words, using the rheostatic button, the user can manually speed up or slow down the movement of the cutting file.

As for the capacitor. The main purpose of this element is to remove residual voltage from the windings after turning off the jigsaw. In addition, the capacitor smoothes out ripples that occur in the electrical network due to the operation of the tool.

We've sorted out the electrical part, let's move on to considering the mechanical component.


To make using jigsaws as comfortable as possible, you can use various additional devices. Work with the use of replaceable plates, extension, work table, guide rails becomes easier and faster.

Many models of jigsaws are equipped with replaceable plates, the main purpose of which is to improve the sliding of the saw parts along the bodies of the workpieces. You can purchase a high-quality extension cord in many stores and at an affordable price. Difficulties may arise when choosing a desktop. This item can facilitate the processing of small workpieces, as well as increase the quality of sawing large parts.

The jigsaw table can be assembled by hand. First you need to prepare the tabletop using a 0.8 cm thick MDF sheet. The optimal dimensions are 35 by 35 or 40 by 40 centimeters. After preparing the tabletop, it is worth making a hole in its center with a diameter that would not interfere with the passage of a thick saw with long teeth. The optimal hole width is 20 by 25 centimeters.

The jigsaw is secured to the table using slats. The latter, in turn, should cover part of the sole on three sides. The fastening of the slats should facilitate the longitudinal movement of the sole. The table legs are made of multi-layer plywood. At the bottom of the table it is worth equipping a connection, for which it is also worth using a plywood sheet.

The next step will be to install and secure the tool. It is worth installing a small gasket under the handle of the jigsaw, the best material for which will be plastic. Thanks to this gasket, the fastening will be improved and will also serve as a spacer. The spacer performs the function of reducing the load on the fastener and reduces the vibration level.

The jigsaw guide bar is the ideal tool for making angled cuts on edges. This addition promotes neat and even cuts. The part, which is processed with a jigsaw with a guide bar, is protected from damage thanks to rubber pads. The device is easy to install and fix.

Device classification

Experts classify jigsaws by type of design. The design features of the mechanism determine the processing capabilities of wooden products.

The classification is carried out depending on the design of the jigsaws.

Device types:

  • With lower support.
  • Double-support.
  • On a pendant.
  • With degree scale and stop.
  • Universal.

The lower frame contains a controller, an electric motor, a final drive, and an on/off button. This machine allows you to work with any materials and any size.

The presence of two supports in a jigsaw is advantageous in that the upper half of the bed has an additional rail. This jigsaw is ideal for cutting small parts. The thickness of the workpieces on both models should not exceed 8 cm. The worktable of such machines, as a rule, can be adjusted in height and angle of inclination.

Suspended devices do not have a fixed frame, but are distinguished by their mobility. The material being processed is set motionless, and the master moves the working module. since the latter is attached to the ceiling, the thickness of the material is not limited. The tool is moved manually, regardless of the bed. This allows you to make patterns of complex shapes.

The presence of a scale of degrees and stops is suitable for those craftsmen who carry out processing according to the drawings. Marking allows you to avoid errors when working. There are universal models of machines on the market that allow you to perform several operations. This machine allows you to perform drilling, cutting, polishing and grinding. The cost of such devices will be much higher, but working with them will be more comfortable. These are industrial specimens.


The next subject of description is the soles and their adjustments.

In inexpensive models, the plate is usually stamped from a thin sheet, so it is not too rigid. During the sawing process, when the support area is large, this may not be noticed. But at the very beginning of cutting, when only the front legs are involved, you experience certain inconveniences.

A truly good feel for the tool occurs when working with a jigsaw with a cast sole. The main material is aluminum, but it is a rather soft metal and, of course, is not used in its pure form

Added additives (Mr and Md) give the alloy hardness, but at the same time brittleness, so care must be taken during operation

As already mentioned, it is not often necessary to adjust the tilt of the slab. But this does not mean at all that the level of execution of the mechanism is secondary. If the fastening is done “anyhow”, the selected installation will be lost. The vast majority of models have a plate secured with screws

Two or one – it doesn’t matter; it is important that there are additional, precisely made latches in the zero position. Often they are provided for other positions (15, 30 and 45 degrees). For professional-class jigsaws, the plate is screwed to the metal gearbox housing, or less often to the plastic drive casing

The second option is worse (by the way, it is also typical for the vast majority of household models)

In professional-class jigsaws, the plate is screwed to the metal gearbox housing, or less often to the plastic drive casing. The second option is worse (by the way, it is also typical for the vast majority of household models).

At any level of performance of the unit, regardless of the presence of “rigid” clamps, before critical work it is necessary to control the position of the slab with a square or a protractor.

ATTENTION! When the supporting sole is made of thin metal, and especially when its front part does not have a transverse bridge, difficulties arise when starting to cut: depending on the pressure, the jigsaw “plays”.

Replacing the saw holder

Replacing some types of fasteners is much easier than finding these parts. To perform a similar operation with block and screw clamps, you do not even need to unscrew the tool body. Saw holders of this type are attached to the end of the rod using one or two screws, which makes it quite convenient to change them. In the case of some screw fasteners, replacement will require removing the rod to more conveniently and securely fix the holder.

The video below about repairing a jigsaw with your own hands clearly demonstrates the process of replacing the shoe-type fastening.

If things are relatively simple with simple saw holders, then replacing a quick-clamping one can cause some difficulties, especially for an inexperienced craftsman. Let's start with the fact that these types of fastenings, according to the location of the levers, are divided into radial, lateral and frontal. The first type is the most common and spare parts for its repair can be found, but the last 2 are unique, which can be ordered directly from the manufacturer. In the case of a radial type of fastening, you can purchase a repair kit and try to sort it out yourself, but it would be best to buy it assembled, along with the rod.

Jigsaw Metabo: ideal in quality, but difficult to repair

One of the best jigsaws on the world market are models from the German company Metabo. Everything about it is good. High power, aluminum body, pendulum device. In addition, the tool is equipped with electronics that allow you to configure the jigsaw to individual programs for each type of cut. And the cut is simply perfect both in quality and straightness. The Metabo power tool is the best jigsaw to date.

But not eternal. Breakdowns happen here too. The reasons can be very different. But as practice has shown, the weak point is the mechanics. After significant loads, and in particular, sawing metal, it may fail.

As a rule, the axle on the bearing bracket, lever and rod do not support. To restore the instrument, it is better to purchase all original spare parts and carry out the assembly at a service center by specialists.

When assembling a Metabo jigsaw yourself, you must apply Castrol LMX lubricant to all rubbing surfaces with the addition of RiMET grease in a 3:1 ratio.

Features of cutting round and oval elements

In this section we will talk about how to properly cut round or oval elements with a jigsaw. First you need to apply markings to the material. In most cases, a hole is drilled in the workpiece from which the product will be cut. The diameter of the drill should be slightly larger than the width of the saw blade. To cut curved elements, you need to take a narrow file designed for such work.

The jigsaw is brought slowly to the desired path. If you need to cut a circle of the correct shape, you can use an additional device - a circle cutter. To do this, you need to determine the center of the circle and, fixing the compass stop there, cut out.

For such work it is better to choose a narrow canvas. During the cutting process, you need to focus on the position of the blade, since elements that help in making a straight cut (guide flies, lasers) in this case will only confuse the direction.

To cut out non-standard shapes or patterns, the jigsaw is installed using special fasteners or a saw table in a stationary state, with the file facing up. In this case, you will have to operate not with a jigsaw, but with the workpiece itself, moving it in accordance with the markings. This cutting method provides maximum visibility of the work process, adherence to the cutting line, and control over the workpiece. Tool settings are set according to the material being processed.

Despite the fact that this type of work is one of the most common, if there is a lack of experience, difficulties may arise in how to evenly saw off any element with a jigsaw. It is recommended to opt for a file with a wide blade, designed for straight cutting, in order to better maintain the marking line.

During work, you should not make excessive efforts to move the jigsaw forward, otherwise this will lead to failure of the file or tool mechanisms. A worn-out blade should be replaced immediately, since a dull file causes increased load on the electric drive. The workpiece to be cut must be securely fastened.

You can use a rip fence or guide bar to make straight cuts.

First, the workpiece must be marked. After that? By installing the jigsaw in a special shoe, and then the shoe in the tire, the tool is positioned along the cutting line.

By placing the tool blade exactly along the cutting line, the guide bar is attached.

The tool is put into operation and guided along the tire. It depends a little on the operator. The quality of the cut will be much more influenced by the quality of the file and the jigsaw itself.

A parallel fence often comes complete with a jigsaw, but regardless of this, almost all models have a slot in the sole for attaching a parallel fence rod.

It is possible to make a high-quality cut using this device only in the following cases:

  • The supporting plane along which the shoe will move must be level and parallel.
  • The jigsaw must be of high quality and resistant to being pulled to the side.
  • The rip fence itself, i.e. its rod and shoe, must be strong and rigid.
  • The operator must press the shoe firmly against the supporting surface when moving the tool.

Bosch GST 8000E

This versatile tool can be used for almost all sawing jobs. At a price of 4200-4300 rubles. The jigsaw has a decent power of 620 watts. It is more than enough for everyday use and daily work for several hours. The PST 900-PEL model easily copes with both wood 90 mm thick and thin sheets of steel - the stated metal cutting depth is 8 mm. You just need to rearrange the desired file. Moreover, the model is also capable of sawing accurately, without going to the side and giving an even cut.

We will briefly list the remaining advantages of the product of the famous German brand:

  • comfortable ergonomics: the rubberized handle will not slip off even by accident;
  • smooth start and convenient speed adjustment button;
  • blade tilt switching regulator;
  • pendulum stroke, the presence of 4 stages allows you to adapt to the density of the material;
  • speed regulation: when the load increases, the speed does not decrease and the operating speed does not drop;
  • minimum vibration (although, of course, everything depends on the thickness of the blade, it is still not intended for sawing logs);
  • anti-chip insert;
  • ease of changing the file;
  • lighting equipment;
  • stamped steel sole;
  • the presence of a spacious carrying case, plus there is a small slot in the sole of the instrument in which you can store nail files - they will always be at hand.

There are only two drawbacks, and they are insignificant:

  • the wire is too short and hard - in the cold season it will become even rougher;
  • insufficient airflow efficiency when connecting a vacuum cleaner: the hole is located too far away.

Frequent malfunctions

For a conventional four-stroke, four-cylinder automobile engine, an inductive sensor is used. Before troubleshooting a jigsaw, you will need to arm yourself with instruments such as a multimeter and a probe. This will make it even more straightforward. If we consider devices with control units, then the model will require a controller.

One of the main ones is the not so high accuracy of cutting samples if you work manually. Models with legs If necessary, you can make this jigsaw machine with your own hands.

The convenient thing is that, upon request, the machine, made in a short time, can quickly be disassembled, and you can use a manual jigsaw again.

Such a device can easily cope with the processing of small workpieces, the thickness of which does not exceed 30 mm. This type of damage can be eliminated by disassembling the button and cleaning the contact.

If the cut needs to be made at an angle, the support sole is shifted by the required number of degrees.

The design of electric jigsaws and their malfunctions The design of jigsaws from different companies differs little. There are models that operate from portable chargers. How to use a jigsaw correctly

For the “Simple power regulator” circuit

To eliminate the malfunction, you will need to rewind the electric motor or replace the faulty part - the stator or rotor. Button malfunction - if the tool motor is malfunctioning, it is possible that the cause of this is the switch. A jigsaw machine makes it much easier to work with shaped parts. It is also impossible to make the bending radius as small as when using a manual sample due to the peculiarities of fastening the file. The engine is started and stopped by the power tool switch, and when it is turned off, the device does not consume current and can remain connected to the network indefinitely. For each model of power tool, manufacturers indicate in the instructions the recommended types of lubricants for the gearbox. If a conductor breakdown is detected in the stator, it must be disconnected from the jigsaw body.

You can also reduce the movement of the file in a perpendicular direction to the movement vector. Moreover, in all types of structures, not only Dewalt and Holzstar, but also other manufacturers can provide sample rotations by degrees. There are a number of signs that you need to pay attention to: the case began to heat up too much during operation; when turning on and further operation, uncharacteristic sounds are heard; commutator brushes spark; the engine cannot be adjusted, other problems are observed.

The operation of the management node is described in detail in [I]. Different models have almost identical bushings. And files, in addition to length, can vary in width from 2 to 10 mm, type of shanks with or without pins, and thickness from 0.6 to 1.25 mm. The culprit was the quick-release fastening of the file. Previously, without such a device, working with manual samples was much more difficult. The homemade structure is attached to the workbench using clamps.

Jigsaw device, application, additional features

It may seem like you can do without it, but then you will have to constantly stop your work and brush away the sawdust by hand. Its width should not exceed 30 cm. The workpiece is mounted on the table, then, under the control of the master, the saw makes the cut. Basic malfunctions of the tool How to determine whether a jigsaw needs repair or preventive measures? Of course, the power of the jigsaw is an important criterion, but this is not the only thing you should pay attention to when purchasing.

Some experts make the hole after installing the frame. Previously, without such a device, working with manual samples was much more difficult.

Stop for 5-10 minutes every half hour. You will need to rewind the rotor winding or replace the part completely. Interturn short circuit - another cause of failure may be the presence of an interturn short circuit. Their mobility is often more expensive than the advanced functionality of this very machine. The optimal power, in our opinion, is in W. R7, C7, VD Design and maintenance of the Phiolent jigsaw, review

What is it and what is it for?

An electric jigsaw is a cutting tool that is electrically driven. Its difference from saws, cutters, and milling machines is considered to be significant accuracy when making cuts. A jigsaw is a universal device that cuts various types of material. Using the device, you can make not only longitudinal cuts, but also figured ones, not excluding cutting materials at an angle.

If you need to make a straight cut or with a complex trajectory, a high-precision cut with clean edges, rough cutting of a workpiece, cutting holes of different shapes and sizes, then in such a situation you cannot do without a jigsaw.

This type of tool should be considered a small saw, which is equipped with an electric drive. The jigsaw has found use in household work. During renovation of premises, it can be used for cutting laminate, ceramic tiles, plywood, and drywall.


Apartment renovation involves the use of sheet materials: plywood, laminate, plasterboard, fiberboard, MDF. Behind their inner surface, voids often form, which are used for laying electrical wiring and installing lamps, switches and sockets at different heights.

Cutting such sheets with a jigsaw file turns out smooth and is done quickly along the marking line. Rounding corners on homemade furniture and creating shaped cutouts without the use of complex cutters and templates are also within the capabilities of the home craftsman using this tool.

Special brands of diamond-coated files allow you to use an electric jigsaw to make shaped cuts on ceramic tiles while laying them on the floor or walls.

Beautiful openwork designs and patterns of various shapes from building materials can be easily made with a hand jigsaw.

Wood carving will give them additional reliefs and a decorative look.

A simple jigsaw, thanks to the availability of different types of files on sale, allows you to process parts not only from wood, but sheet metal and plastics.

What it consists of: additional functions

Modern jigsaws are equipped with a number of additional options. They expand the range of possible work with the tool and simplify the sawing process. The most common functions are:

Figure 3 – Additional jigsaw functions

  • Pendulum stroke (pumping). The ability to give the file additional movements in the return direction. Increases tool performance, cutting speed and simplifies working with loose material. Can have 1-4 speeds;
  • Connecting a vacuum cleaner (external pipe). Useful for long periods of work. Allows you to connect a vacuum cleaner to remove excess dust, sawdust, shavings. Helps improve cut visibility;
  • Rotate the blade. Using the option, the file can be moved at any angle from 0 to 360. A necessary function for making round cuts;
  • Blade angle lock. Allows you to secure the canvas at the required angle. Without this it is impossible to make figured cuts;
  • Backlight and laser pointer. They make sawing easier in dark conditions and help make more precise cuts.


Jigsaws have a wide range of characteristics and parameters, so they are divided into groups for home and professional use. In turn, each of these types has its own characteristics. Popular are manual options, for figured cutting, with adjustable speeds, and tape.

A worthy option for a quality tool is a mini jigsaw. It is able to simplify precise sawing and sanding of the model due to the high rigidity of the working parts. This product can be used not only by professionals, but also by beginners. The jigsaw is easy to use and is an excellent option for sawing a variety of materials. Purchasing a tool will make it easier to make a tabletop or drawer.


Jigsaws with professional purposes meet high requirements, which are determined by high functionality, productivity, reliability, and ergonomics. Such a tool can withstand heavy loads and function continuously for 7 hours. Functionality of professional jigsaws:

  • cutting wood material that has a thickness of 8 to 13.5 cm;
  • steel billet with a thickness of up to 1 cm;
  • aluminum plates – up to 2 cm.

The performance of such a tool is directly affected by the power reserve. The more powerful the engine the device has, the easier and faster the work is done. The reliability of professional jigsaws ensures their long service life and infrequent failures.


An electric jigsaw for home use is considered inexpensive. It is quite easy to use, so it can be used to perform various functions at home and in the country. Experts note the good power of the device, so it is capable of performing all assigned tasks. Features of household jigsaws:

  • low power;
  • availability of a choice of additional functions;
  • comfortable work with wood material that has a thickness of no more than 7 cm;
  • high-quality cutting of steel with a thickness of up to 4 cm;
  • the duration of operation should not be more than 20 hours per month;
  • low cost of goods.

If you want to purchase an electric jigsaw, you first need to decide on the features of its use.

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