A useful device from a small turbine for a large smoke generator

The fourth review of necessary and useful things for crafting meat delicacies The first part Thermostat for a home sausage “workshop” or sous vide from improvised means The second part A wireless thermometer for a sausage maker or carbonated meat in an air fryer The third part A ten-segment LED indicator (for a smokehouse) – a kit for self-assembly

Today I will assemble a design that is already quite well-known and popular among smokers on the Runet - a compressor for a smoke generator. As I understand it, this similar design was initially proposed on the resource inpast.ru, then it was modified by Vitaly Pavlov. Well, I’ll bring something of myself so that it doesn’t look like pure plagiarism. Initially it was planned to make two sets, but then two more joined in as the play progressed. Therefore, some spare parts did not arrive in time for everyone, and some did not arrive at all. They collected whatever they could. The happiest part of the day was running around the city and looking for components. Since four compressors from different kits were assembled at the same time, there may be different boosters in the photographs. Do not pay attention: I chose more or less high-quality photographs that depict the assembly stages in as much detail as possible

Smoke generator with compressor: how the device works

A smoke generator paired with a compressor operates as follows. The smoke generator is connected to the smoking chamber using a chimney. Sawdust or dry wood chips are poured into the housing (combustion chamber) of the generator. Next, a tube or hose leading to the air compressor is connected to the inlet fitting of the smoke generator, after which the previously filled sawdust is set on fire. Thanks to the air flow created by the blower, a vacuum is created in the smoke generator ejector. Under the influence of the latter, the smoke begins to move intensively towards the chamber where the products are located.

The compressor for the smoke generator affects the functioning of the entire system as a whole, since the final quality of the product depends on the pressure of the smoke entering the smoking volume. Fuel consumption also depends on the compressor power. The more powerful the air flow, the more fuel will be consumed.

A compressor for connecting to a smoke generator can be purchased ready-made. But the price for this unit is quite high and may exceed the cost of the entire smokehouse. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to make this unit themselves, literally from scrap materials.

Before you start making your own compressor, you need to know the basic requirements that apply to it.

  1. The device must withstand long-term continuous operation, since cold smoking of products involves treating them with smoke for 24 hours, and sometimes more.
  2. The unit must be economical, not only in terms of energy consumption, but also in terms of the cost of spare parts for it.
  3. The compressor must be equipped with an air flow regulator. The strength of the air flow determines the taste of the finished product and its ability to be stored.


This component is a set of standard metal pipes. They have a small diameter. They can be mounted by welding or threading.

Chimney position options:

How to make a hot smoked smokehouse

  1. On the bottom side of the firebox. This version is good for a cold smoked smokehouse that is modest in size. Smoke may be supplied intermittently. For this reason, an accurate calculation of the firebox height is necessary. If the calculation is poor, the automatic operation of the unit will last less. With this position of the chimney, smoke will not circulate normally. Reason: the smoking and combustion chambers are arranged parallel to each other. No traction. The smoke is directed into the smokehouse only thanks to the compressor. This is often not enough for the system to be productive. And if the pump turns off, no smoke is supplied at all.
  2. At the combustion chamber cover. With this position there are no indicated disadvantages. The draft forces the smoke into the smokehouse automatically. Only here the smokehouse should be positioned above the smoke generator firebox. Therefore, it is usually placed on a stand.

How to make a compressor for a smokehouse with your own hands

To pump air into the smoke generator, you can use any device capable of creating a flow. In this case, a device with a power of 4 W will be sufficient.

From PC cooler

The cheapest and simplest version of the compressor, which will provide the smoke generator with air, can be made from a cooler, that is, from a regular computer fan. Moreover, any fan with dimensions from 40x40 mm to 120x120 mm is suitable.

Advice! It is better to choose a cooler of the maximum size to ensure good performance of the smoke generator.

To assemble an air blower for a smokehouse, you will need to prepare the following components:

  • cooler of suitable power and size;
  • plastic container with a volume of 5-10 liters, you can use a plastic bottle or canister;
  • plumbing fittings;
  • polypropylene, copper or stainless steel tube about 25 cm long and 25 mm in diameter;
  • variable resistor or power supply with voltage regulator;
  • self-tapping screws

The method of making an air blower is simple.

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  1. Cut a hole in the container that matches the size of the cooler. If a plastic canister is used, the hole can be cut using a jigsaw.
  2. Insert the cooler into the hole and secure it either using a glue gun or with screws or bolts.
  3. Next, make a hole in the lid of the container to install a pipe into it, to which the tube leading to the smoke generator will be connected. All connections must be as tight as possible.
  4. Using water fittings, secure the tube to the lid of a canister or plastic bottle.
  5. Connect the fan to a 5-12V power source.

Advice! To adjust the cooler speed, you can use a regular variable resistor, which is installed between the power supply and the fan. An ideal option is a power supply that has a voltage regulator, for example, from a television antenna.

To increase the power of air flow, you can make a fan unit consisting of several coolers.

From the vent fan

You can also make a compressor for a smokehouse from a vent fan. The manufacturing process is not much different from the same steps using a PC cooler.

Only instead of connecting the device to the power supply, the vent fan for the compressor is connected to a 220 V network. As an alternative to the vent fan, an exhaust cooler for the bathroom is suitable.

Advice! To change the intensity of air supply, you can use a speed controller (220 V), purchased in China at a price of about 270 rubles. (see photo below).

From an aquarium compressor

For a cold smoked smoke generator, an aquarium compressor can be used as an air blower. But you should know that only a certain type of device is suitable for this purpose, that is, an active compressor . This type of device is characterized by external installation and has one or 2 outlet tubes.

Important! A submersible air blower for a smokehouse will not work.

Connecting the device to the smoke generator is very simple: just insert the output hose of the device into the fitting of the generator ejector and turn on the device. If 2 tubes come out of the aquarium compressor, then they should be combined in one channel and the latter connected to the fitting. It will be good if the aquarium blower is equipped with an air supply regulator.

From the compressor from the refrigerator

If desired, an air blower for a smoke generator can be made from a compressor from a refrigerator. But in this case, you will need to connect a storage tank (receiver) to the unit, which can be made from a large-diameter metal pipe, an old fire extinguisher or a gas cylinder.

Important! To automate the operation of the compressor, you will also need to install a pressure switch (pressostat). The relay sets the minimum and maximum pressure values ​​in the receiver at which the compressor will turn on and off.

Air is supplied to the smoke generator from the storage tank via a pneumatic hose.

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From an auto compressor

To ensure air flow into the ejector, you can use a regular automobile compressor. But this unit has one drawback: it cannot work for a long time without stopping due to severe overheating.

But it is still possible to adapt an autocompressor to work with a smoke generator. You will need to connect a receiver with a pressure sensor to the device, as in the case of a refrigerator unit.

After raising the pressure in the receiver to a certain value, the pressure switch will turn off the engine of the device for a while until the air is consumed, and start it again to accumulate air in the tank. In this mode, the auto compressor will not overheat and will be able to provide the smoke generator with air flow for a day or more.

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There are many videos on Instagram and Youtube that describe in detail the procedure for making a homemade smokehouse along with smoke generators. These videos focus less on fans, which are essential for efficient operation. To make a cooler for a smoke generator with your own hands, you will need a minimum of time and parts. Most components can be found in specialized stores or ordered online, for example, on Aliexpress.


This is perhaps the simplest version of a smoke generator. But it has a number of disadvantages, which will be discussed later.

To make it you will need:

  • metal sheet meter by meter;
  • the same sheet of perforated metal (the smaller the holes, the better);

To assemble we do the following:

  1. cut the perforated metal into strips 20–25 cm high;
  2. bend the bottom 5 cm strips at an angle of 90°;
  3. make holes in the bends;
  4. we form a spiral labyrinth of cuts on a sheet of metal (the clearance between the walls should be 20 - 25 cm);
  5. we drill holes in the sheet for fastening the walls of the labyrinth;
  6. We connect the structural elements with bolted fastening.

The “labyrinth” works very simply. A thick layer of wood chips is poured into it and set on fire. Air penetrates through the walls with difficulty, so the wood slowly smolders and does not burn. During this, a large amount of smoke is released.

  • The main disadvantage of this design is the need for a smokehouse in the form of a separate room. After all, there are no smoke injection devices here. The smoke generator is placed in one corner of the smokehouse, the products are hung in the other. This avoids excessive heating.
  • The second significant drawback is the high consumption of wood chips. To fill a room equipped with a smokehouse with smoke, you need to burn quite a lot of wood.
  • Finally, the third disadvantage is low efficiency. The smoke will not be as concentrated as in the other two designs. This means that the smoking procedure will take several times longer.

Therefore, the “labyrinth” is suitable for those who:

  • has a separate room for a smokehouse;
  • is not afraid of the cost of wood chips (or gets it for free);

Basic requirements for a compressor

In order for the device to perform its functions properly, the following requirements for the fan should be taken into account:

  • Desktop air humidifiers: descriptions of popular models and secrets of selection
  • continuous work for 7-8 hours or more.
  • consumption of a small amount of electricity.
  • presence of a work intensity regulator;
  • unpretentiousness in repair and maintenance;
  • low price.

On foreign websites, such as aliexpress, you can find entire installations, but their cost is impressive. An alternative is to purchase individual parts and assemble a homemade cooler for the smoke generator.

Despite the large number of requirements, in any ETM online store, for example, online on coptico, you can purchase a fan unit, a smoke generator and other components. The manager will be able to answer all questions and select the optimal model according to its parameters.

What you can use and how to make a compressor for a smokehouse with your own hands

A do-it-yourself snail fan for a smoke generator is an effective and economical option. You can build such a device using simple improvised means. The main element can be a computer cooler or a compressor from a refrigerator or car. Even with the help of a self-made snail fan for a smoke generator, the smoking apparatus will have the necessary power for effective smoking.

From a bathroom fan

A simple version of a snail is made from a bathroom fan or a vent hood. In this case, the device is cut into a plastic container and sealed. On the other side, an output is provided for connecting the supercharger to the ejector. When such a fan is connected to the network, the necessary conditions are created for the movement of smoke into the smokehouse. If you have questions about adjustment, you can purchase a ready-made regulator online, with which you can easily control the intensity of air injection.

From PC cooler

A snail fan from a computer cooler is the most common option for DIY assembly. The detail is freely available. It can be powered from a USB air blower or from a PowerBank. You can make a fan for a smoke generator from a cooler for a smoke generator with your own hands according to the following scheme:

  1. A hole is made in a plastic bottle or canister, equal in size to the cooler. This is important to achieve complete tightness. It is convenient to do this with a jigsaw.
  2. The cooler is inserted into the hole and secured with glue or bolts.
  3. A hole is made in the lid where the fitting is attached.
  4. A pipe is attached to the adapter, to which a flexible tube leading to the smoke generator is attached.
  5. All connections are completely sealed.

After assembly, the device is connected to a power source and put into operation. A properly assembled snail fan with your own hands will have enough power for smoking at home.

From an aquarium compressor

The advantage of using an aquarium compressor is that most models have a ready-made system for adjusting the air supply intensity. For the manufacture of a fan, only an active unit is suitable; a submersible unit is not used for this purpose. A tube comes out of the blower, which must be connected to the smoke generator through a fitting. If there are two tubes, then they must first be connected. Smoke distillation will begin immediately after the device is turned on.

From the compressor from the refrigerator

From a refrigerator, the compressor can also be used in a home smokehouse. With your own hands, you additionally make a collection in which air will accumulate. This will allow the unit to shut down temporarily to avoid overheating. As soon as supplies start to run out, the device will turn on again. To achieve this functionality, a pressure switch is installed on the device, which will respond to changes in indicators by turning the fan on or off.

From an auto compressor

Automotive compressors are also used for similar purposes. These can be devices from any car: Etalon, Tata, etc. They are also prone to overheating, so the connection is made in a similar way to a compressor from a refrigerator. If you install the pressure switch correctly, the device will turn on and off independently, while ensuring uninterrupted air supply for 24 hours.

Useful tips

All materials used in this article for the design and assembly of the smoke generator are average, that is, approximate. Let's say, if you haven't found a steel pipe, you can use a milk can, an old fire extinguisher, a deep saucepan or any metal containers, even the lightest and softest metals.

The same applies to sizes. The drawings are approximate dimensions and you should refer them to your specific application. Everything will depend on the design of the smokehouse itself.

Also, do not forget that if your smoke generator is connected to the smokehouse with a long hose, then condensation will accumulate in it. The smoke comes out of the device hot and cools as it moves through the hose, so it will inevitably release moisture. If you do not remove it, it can completely clog the hose! Therefore, provide a tee on the hose through which water will flow into the bottle.

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Real cold smoked delicacies can be made at home. A smoke generator purchased in a store or assembled with your own hands will help with this. But to prevent the preparation of delicacies from causing unpleasant consequences, you need to clearly understand the operating technology of all components of the device, in particular the compressor.

Examples of making a compressor for a smoke generator with your own hands

When assembling a snail fan with your own hands, it is important to choose the right container and main element, since incorrect power or a small volume of a canister or bottle will lead to malfunction and the need to replace parts.

Self-assembly of the compressor - cheap and practical

In any case, the algorithm of actions is similar:

  1. A hole is made in the bottom of the container where the fan is attached.
  2. Another hole is made in the lid through which the device is connected to the smoke generator.

At the same time, there are some peculiarities when working with different containers.

From a plastic bottle

It is possible to use bottles for the snail fan from 2 liters, but the optimal volume is 10 liters. It is more convenient to work with such a capacity and has more functionality.

When making a fan with your own hands, you should take care of sealing all connections and strong fastenings, so for work you will need a glue gun, hardware, as well as rubberized gaskets for effective fixation.

From a plastic or metal canister

The use of canisters when making a supercharger with your own hands is complicated by the need to install a device for adjusting the speed. The resistor is connected using a soldering iron to the power supply. Also, to fix stainless steel or polypropylene tubes, it is better to use a gas wrench, which will make the fastenings more reliable.

A self-assembled snail fan will delight lovers of homemade smoked meats with its operating efficiency and smoking quality.

Products prepared using the cold smoking method will delight even gourmets who prefer food from expensive sous vide restaurants. Food from a home smoker will be so juicy, beautiful and healthy that it will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to make a smoke generator Making a simple compressor for a smoke generator

For various holidays and just for no reason, everyone, without exception, loves to enjoy smoked meat or fish. Indeed, along with incredible taste, such dishes also have a simply mind-blowing aroma. However, not everyone can afford to buy such delicacies in a store. In addition, in most cases, the quality of such store-bought products often leaves much to be desired. That is why many lovers of delicacies prefer to smoke meat themselves at home.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to spend large amounts of money on purchasing a smokehouse, but you can assemble such a device yourself from scrap materials. So, to arrange cabinets for smokehouses, any containers are used, from ordinary cans to the body of an old refrigerator.

Smoking options

There are two main methods of smoking - cold and hot. Designs of smoking installations are being developed for these methods. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is very difficult to say for sure which method is better.

For example, with hot smoking, the temperature is usually in the range from 50 to 120 degrees, and the main advantage is the speed of cooking. But, at the same time, such processing cannot be called “gentle”, since high temperature can destroy most of the beneficial vitamins and microelements contained in products.

Cold smoking, on the contrary, allows you to cook food in a more gentle way, preserving nutrients, unlike hot smoking. The smoke temperature at which cold smoking occurs ranges from 20 to 35 degrees, but the cooking time will not take 2-3 hours, but from one to three days. Such a long processing period allows the products to retain their freshness longer and be suitable for consumption for another 3-5 weeks after smoking. Therefore, people who want to cook food immediately for a long period of time choose the cold smoking method, and a homemade smokehouse with a smoke generator is suitable for this.

How does a smokehouse work?

There are a huge number of different models of smoking equipment. A classic smokehouse consists of several key components:

  • Smoking chamber.
  • Smoke generator.
  • Compressor.

Moreover, the normal functioning of the device and successful smoking largely depends on the operation of the compressor for the smoke generator. The main purpose of the compressor is to create ejection. In particular, this device provides air supply to the smoke generator, from which this air-smoke mixture enters the smoking chamber. Thus, thanks to this device the smoking process is ensured.

Other nuances

Before being placed in the machine, the product must be processed, soaked in salt and coated with spices. It needs to be dried. If it is too damp, the smoke will cool too much and the smoking process will be seriously delayed.

The smoke generator must be equipped with an automatic shutdown mechanism. It will work if there is a problem with the device.

Thoroughly protect all wires and other fragile elements from moisture and overheating. These components should be kept away from the heating component. It is better to place them in a special casing.

Heat-resistant thick steel is used to construct the combustion compartment. The unit can be coated with fire-resistant paint. This way you will extend its service life and improve the reliability of its operation.

The device must be placed on a surface that is resistant to extreme temperatures. Suitable options: concrete layer or brick stand (brick is fire-resistant).

Basic requirements for a compressor

Selecting the optimal compressor model for a homemade smoking installation is a rather difficult task, since this requires taking into account a lot of factors and nuances. To achieve maximum effect during the smoking procedure, the compressor must meet certain requirements. In particular, this device must:

  • Operate continuously in a certain mode for 7 – 8 hours.
  • Be economical and consume a minimum amount of electricity.
  • Have the ability to adjust performance.
  • It's quite cheap.
  • Easy and simple to install and repair.

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Of course, the average person, after reading the list of such requirements, may simply be horrified and completely lose faith in the possibility of independently implementing this idea. However, in reality, everything is much simpler than it seems, and if you have the simplest tools and basic knowledge in electrical engineering, you can assemble such a compressor unit very quickly.

Popular types of compressors

The most popular types of compressors for home smoking equipment are:

  • Aquarium compressor.

To connect such a device you do not need to do any additional manipulations. To install, you simply need to secure the hose and connect to the electrical outlet. The main disadvantage of such aquarium compressors is considered to be extremely low performance and poor maintainability. They are also not equipped with air supply regulators. However, for these purposes you can use a standard choke or clamp.

  • Compressor from a refrigerator or car.

The power of such devices is enough to smoke large volumes of products, and a 200-liter barrel or a box from an old refrigerator can be used as a container in these installations. In such a device you can smoke a huge amount of meat or fish very quickly. However, using such industrial smokehouses at home is unprofitable and impractical, but for conducting commercial activities, this equipment is simply ideal.

  • Computer cooler.

The most practical and cheapest compressor option for a smoke generator is considered to be a standard cooler from a computer system unit. Naturally, visually such a device does not look presentable, but in terms of performance it can give odds to many commercial models. In addition, such a compressor can be easily assembled at home yourself, without the help of craftsmen.

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Rules for safe operation

Despite the fact that the compressor is easy to use, you need to know and follow basic operating rules.

  1. The device is an electrical appliance, so when handling it you must adhere to electrical safety rules.
  2. It is important to place the device away from the smoke generator (as a source of smoldering) in accordance with fire safety standards.
  3. You need to make sure that the wires do not heat up; to do this, it is better to put them in a heat-resistant casing.
  4. If a receiver is used, it is worth remembering how to work with pneumatic equipment and pressure vessels.

So, a compressor for a smokehouse is an easy-to-use device that you can purchase or make yourself. Homemade devices are usually more functional, because during their manufacture you can take into account all the important nuances and ultimately make the compressor exactly the way a person needs it. And if you have doubts about your own abilities, it is better to purchase a ready-made device in a store, but you will have to spend money separately on the purchase of a pneumatic hose, an oil separating filter and a throttle.

Features of installing a compressor from a computer cooler

Subtleties of fan selection

In order to assemble a compressor for a smoke generator and develop a step-by-step plan for the implementation of this project, you should take into account its basic operating principles and the tasks for which this device is intended. The main task of such a device is to generate a constant low-pressure air flow necessary to create an injection effect in a smoke generator. Moreover, its performance directly depends on the volume of the combustion chamber. For example, if its volume is less than 3 liters, then 1–2 m³/min is sufficient for the normal functioning of the smoke generator. In this case, a fan with a power of 100–300 W is ideal. Of course, a large-volume camera will require a much larger fan.

Axial models of computer coolers in a special case are ideal for these purposes (they can be installed much easier and faster than their radial counterparts). These fans come in standard sizes, which are:

  • 40X40;
  • 60X60;
  • 70X70;
  • 80X80;
  • 92Х92;
  • 120X120.

At the same time, to achieve maximum performance of the smoke generator, it is necessary to use the largest size coolers.

Tools and accessories

To assemble such a simple device, you must first acquire:

  • Computer cooler (of specified power).
  • A plastic oil canister.
  • Sealed container with a volume of about 10 liters.
  • Coolant.
  • Variable resistance resistor.
  • Plumbing fittings.
  • A tube made of polypropylene, copper or stainless steel, 25 mm in diameter and 20–25 cm long.
  • Several bolts (2–3 mm in diameter).

Also during the installation process you will need to perform certain manipulations:

  • jigsaw;
  • soldering iron;
  • electric drill;
  • gas and open-end wrench;
  • screwdriver

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Installation subtleties

  • First, in a canister or some other container, using a jigsaw, you should cut a hole to the size of the cooler.
  • Then insert the fan into the hole and secure it firmly to the container with bolts. In order to avoid unwanted vibration during operation of the device, it is necessary to ensure the maximum level of tightness of the connection. You can install the cooler on any side of the container, but experts recommend doing it on one of the narrow sides. In this case, during operation the device makes virtually no noise and functions stably.
  • Next, you need to make a hole in the container to install a flexible outlet pipe, which is connected directly to the smoke generator. In order to ensure proper operation of this unit, it is necessary to ensure maximum tightness of the connection. Also, for designs with high productivity, you can use a metal tube for these purposes, which will need to be connected to the generator housing using bolts.

If the generator power does not meet the required parameters, it is recommended to install an additional cooler on the tank or change the fan to a more efficient model. You can also supply a container with a smaller volume.

Selection of raw materials

The smoke generator can effectively smoke food on sawdust. Their sizes should not be very small. Softwood sawdust is not suitable. When they burn, they create smoke, which spoils the taste of the food.

The use of large sawdust does not prevent smoke from passing upward

The temperature data of the resulting smoke can be varied. For this task, the length of the tube that connects the smoking compartment to the smoke generator is adjusted.

How to properly adjust cooler speed?

To regulate the speed and, accordingly, the performance of the compressor, a variable resistance resistor connected to the cooler power system is best suited. Installing such a regulator will not be difficult for anyone who has the slightest understanding of electrical engineering. Some fan models have standard operating modes L, M or H, for adjustment of which a pulse-width modulation system is used. However, for normal operation of the smokehouse, an ordinary resistor is also perfect.

Thus, if you wish, you can independently make a compressor for your home smokehouse without any effort and significant financial costs. Moreover, to solve this problem you need to have several very simple tools and have basic skills.

Sources used:

  • https://tehnika.expert/dlya-sada/nasos/kompressor-dlya-dymogeneratora.html
  • https://1pokopcheniyu.ru/dymogenerator/kuler-dlya-dymogeneratora
  • https://zenplanter.com/kak-sdelat/izgotovlenie-prostogo-kompressora-dlya-dymogeneratora/
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