Which diamond blade to choose for cutting porcelain tiles

Getting rid of dust

One drawback of an angle grinder is the huge amount of dust generated during sawing. Here are a few “life hacks” to reduce dust:

  • Do not cut through the entire thickness of the tile - just make a small groove, and then simply break the tile along the cutting line.
  • Use wet cutting or water cooling, which will prevent debris from flying away.
  • Get a vacuum cleaner designed for construction needs.

There is an option to use a vacuum cleaner without an assistant. Masters suggest constructing an impromptu hood from a container and a vacuum cleaner:

  • Cut off the top of the plastic canister.
  • In the side part, cut a round hole for the vacuum cleaner hose.
  • Place the workpiece and grinder over the container.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and make a cut over the hood.

Solid dry cutters

Unlike segmented ones, these circles have a flat surface, which makes them universal. With a grinder with a solid nozzle, there is an option not only to make cuts, but also to process the edge of the tile with the side of the disc. The absence of slots makes the circle incapable of continuous operation - it can spin for a maximum of 15 seconds, after which a break of half a minute is required. If you need to cut tiles longer, it would be advisable to use water cooling.

There are three options for supplying water to the work area:

  • attract an assistant who will pour liquid from a plastic bottle;
  • attach a special attachment to the body;
  • Using clamps, screw the reinforced hose connected to the water supply to the casing.

Disc for fine work

For those parts of the tile where it is necessary to achieve high precision and a specific cutting configuration, it is recommended to select the disc more carefully. It is better to use a circle of small thickness - about 1.5 mm. It will make it easier to manipulate the grinder, will not make a wide cut and will not even damage fragile tiles.

The result of the work largely depends on the cutting technique. To create round shapes, use a grinder to make short cuts tangentially to the outer contour, trying to cut off excess areas.

Using a mechanical tile cutter

A device that successfully copes with tiles is not always capable of cutting even thin porcelain tiles efficiently - the tiles often break not along the cut line.

But still, if you decide to try the existing tile cutter, pay attention to the following points:

  • It is better to use a cutter with a roller of small diameter, preferably 6 mm;
  • before installing the cutter into the tile cutter, lubricate the roller with machine oil;
  • the cut is performed in one pass along the front surface;
  • the tile itself must have a flat surface - it is impossible to make a high-quality cut on a convex or concave surface;
  • before pressing the lever of the device that breaks the porcelain stoneware, move the carriage slightly back so that the force is not directed at the very edge of the tile, but at the same time the cutter roller must remain outside the tile, otherwise it can be damaged;
  • if the base of the device bends as a result of pressure when breaking the tiles, the porcelain tiles will not break along the cut - in this case, you can try to break the porcelain tiles; by inserting a wire into the cut and stepping on the free edge of the tile, firmly pressed to the block.

A professional mechanical tile cutter allows you to cut porcelain stoneware up to 10 - 12 mm thick even into narrow strips, providing high quality cuts that cannot be achieved when using hand-held power tools.

How to choose the right disk?

Depending on the modification of the disc, the grinder is capable of processing a wide variety of materials - metals, wood, porcelain stoneware, reinforced concrete, stone, etc.


Combination wheels combine the capabilities of dry and wet cutting. This attachment is a cross between solid and segmented discs. In terms of cut quality, it is inferior to solid modifications, but outperforms segmented ones. As for the time of continuous work, he asks for breaks more often than segment breaks, but less often than continuous ones.

It is prohibited to use water cooling on a combination disc. It does not withstand temperature changes well, and under the influence of water it expands unevenly, which can lead to rupture.

The electronic tile cutter is easy to use. What remains for our client to do is to move the porcelain tiles under the cutting element of the tile cutter immediately with fairly smooth movements. The pressure force here mainly depends on the features of the tile itself. When the blade itself comes into contact with the surface of the porcelain stoneware, it is worth reducing the force to a minimum. As the tile advances, the pressure should be increased. Closer to the end of the tile, the pressure should also be loosened. This will avoid chipping on the edges of the porcelain stoneware.

Experienced specialists categorically do not advise pressing the tile cutter on both sides of the porcelain tile at once, because this can ultimately lead to the tiles rolling over on one side. At this point, there is a risk that the blade will simply get stuck on half the tile. And, of course, in this way, you will protect yourself from possible fragments.

How to remove chips on a cut rib

Even good craftsmen are not always able to make a perfect cut. Sometimes the reason for this is the structure of the tile itself, sometimes it’s the low quality of the cutting tool.

It doesn’t matter why your porcelain tiles have chips. If this edge is visible, it becomes necessary to grind this edge, make a chamfer, or in some other way get rid of this small defect

First, you can remove the layer with a rough stone cutting wheel (not a diamond one), and then polish tenths of a millimeter with a diamond grinding wheel, which is popularly called a turtle wheel.

Depending on the grain size, these wheels are marked, just like sandpaper. They can not only sand, but also polish your edge to perfection. In some cases, for example, if the cut has a concave shape, it is difficult or impossible to process the end of the cut with a grinder. Then a diamond-coated sponge will come in handy. By slightly moistening its surface, using circular movements, you can bring the end of the product or chamfer to high quality.

Safety precautions

To ensure safety when cutting tiles, the following requirements must be followed:

  • use a protective cover;
  • hold the grinder firmly, do not turn it vertically;
  • use appropriate personal protective equipment - protective clothing, goggles, respirator, gloves, etc.;
  • work outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Now, it is necessary to observe electrical safety precautions, not to use faulty equipment with damaged insulation of the case and wires. Before cutting tiles with a grinder, you should prepare the work area and provide appropriate conditions - lighting, ventilation, etc. Following these simple rules will allow you to avoid injuries and complete the job without harm to your health.

READ How to cut wood at home

Porcelain stoneware is a fairly popular material now. During its use, from time to time situations arise when it is necessary to cut or adjust individual porcelain stoneware tiles to certain sizes. Already at this moment, it happens that you need to make curly edges of the tiles.

Modern craftsmen use certain tools to cut porcelain stoneware. Almost always it is an electronic tile cutter or grinder, working in tandem with a diamond blade on tiles.

Cutting porcelain stoneware with a grinder

The question of what, with what and how to properly cut porcelain tiles is of concern to many. A grinder with a diamond blade is the best option, which is recommended by specialists who do not exist. At first, it is simple during implementation; any man, even one who does not have any experience, will be able to cope with it.

You need to use a grinder with a diamond blade to cut tiles, and similarly to create shaped cuts. It is worth taking into account in the course of similar work that the so-called figured edge can turn out to be completely not figured, but jagged and not at all aesthetic. If the edges of the tiles are covered, then you should use a grinder. If we continue the topic of the disadvantages of using an angle grinder, then it is necessary to note the unlimited amount of dust that permeates the work process. Specialists probably also attribute very high disk speeds to natural and undeniable shortcomings. You should work with this electronic equipment very carefully, as it is easy to destroy a real finger. Be sure to wear safety glasses while working.

angle grinder

The first thing that comes to mind in this case is an angle grinder, or grinder. Any master most likely has this tool in stock.

Here it is worth clarifying that the grinder is suitable for the average thickness of porcelain stoneware: from 5 to 15 millimeters. A small grinder is better suited for this work. This is because each cut will take longer and holding a heavy tool in your hands will be tiring. In addition, a small grinder has a higher rotation speed, but a smaller diameter of the cutting wheel, so there is less chance of beating and vibration, which can lead to chips on the surface being cut when dry cutting porcelain stoneware. And also the small grinder is easy to hold with one hand. You can hold the tile being cut with your other hand.

Perhaps the main disadvantage of this method is that it is quite difficult to make a perfect cut, but for small cuts, cutting porcelain tiles at home is quite possible.

Since the grinder involves dry cutting of porcelain stoneware, a question arises regarding the diamond wheel. Can regular tile blades be used for dry cutting? Yes, you can use these circles, but the size of the chips will be larger. The increased strength of the material does not eliminate this drawback (note that these should be discs for porcelain tiles, not concrete). In addition, you should be careful about overheating of the circle, especially if the thickness of the porcelain stoneware is large. If you wait a little longer, overheating will lead to deformation of the circle and strong vibration. If the cut edge is hidden behind other tiles or moldings, then the resulting chips will not be a big problem. If these surfaces remain visible, the master’s reputation may suffer significantly.

When cutting with a grinder, experienced tilers recommend using discs for wet cutting of porcelain stoneware. Yes Yes!

When dry cutting porcelain tiles, it is better to use wet cutting wheels.

These wheels have a finer grain diamond coating. Because of this, you will have to put a little more pressure on the tool and be even more careful about overheating, but the quality of the cut will be better, the chips will be much smaller, and the width of the cut will be smaller.

The method for cutting porcelain tiles is as follows: first you will need to draw a line (with a carbide-tipped scriber or a thin marker), then run a power tool along this line, going only 1-2 millimeters into the tile. After this, you should repeat the passage along the line, going a little deeper each time. Closer to the edges of the tile, you should be more careful, especially if the cut is not made at a right angle to the edge of the tile.

  • The advantage of cutting with a grinder is the ability to cut even along a curved line.
  • The disadvantage is a large amount of dust when dry cutting porcelain stoneware.

Video of how to cut tiles with a grinder without dust

Features of cutting porcelain stoneware

To properly cut porcelain tiles on your own, you need to use a solid diamond blade. It will allow you to get a clean cut with a minimum number of chips. It is necessary to choose a tool with a large diamond layer width - it is more efficient and heats up less. Let's look at how to cut porcelain tiles with a grinder without chipping:

  • The tiles are laid on a flat base, with narrow polystyrene foam or similar material placed under it, and secured with clamps.
  • Place masking tape on the front side and draw a cutting line.
  • Cut in the direction away from you, guide the tool so that it remains possible to finish the edge.
  • Remove the remaining tape and sand the edge of the tile until the surface is as clean as desired.

When cutting porcelain stoneware, you experience increased chipping, so neglecting to stick masking tape along the cutting line is not recommended. A more risky type of material here is glazed tiles, which should be cut a few mm away from the intended mowing line in order to later clean up the edge and at the same time adjust the size.

What is porcelain tile made of?

The composition of porcelain stoneware remains unchanged. It is a composite material of quartz, kaolin, quartz sand and feldspar. The mixture is sintered into a monolithic, very durable slab with a minimum number of pores and low water absorption. From year to year, technologies are improved, the hardness of the material becomes higher, and the thickness becomes smaller. It can be difficult for an inexperienced craftsman to choose a tool for the job. Glass cutter, tile cutter, grinder? An uneven cut, chips, dust in the eyes - all this can and should be prevented.

“Cersanit porcelain stoneware is a water-absorbing material of group BIa, resistant to reagents and having a wear resistance class of at least third. Low water absorption (less than 0.5%) increases the frost resistance of the material. Having virtually no pores, porcelain stoneware does not crack or delaminate. Tests show that Cersanit porcelain tiles can withstand 100 freezing and thawing cycles. That is why the brand’s products are chosen for finishing open spaces - balconies, terraces, building basements. The degree of water absorption, in turn, allows them to decorate swimming pools, shower areas, saunas, kitchens and corridors - places where it is usually humid"

,” Elena Podolskaya, Deputy Director for Quality at Cersanit, shares her experience.

There are several classes of wear resistance of porcelain stoneware. The first is low, the fifth is high. For example, station platforms are finished with fifth-class porcelain tiles. It is almost impossible to scratch, split, or spoil such material. That's why the tool for cutting it must be special.

Cutting paving slabs

Technically, such tiles consist of concrete filled with crushed granite stone. Therefore, in order to cut paving slabs correctly and evenly, you should use a segmented or combined diamond blade designed for hard materials. Working with paving stones generates a lot of dust, so cutting must be done outdoors.

It is recommended to select an area at some distance from the place where paving slabs are stored or laid, so that settling dust does not spoil the color of the material and does not even require cleaning. Also make sure you have the appropriate clothing and protective equipment - goggles and a respirator. In fact, the cutting process does not present any major difficulties - the usual method of continuous cutting or notching followed by splitting is used (if the thickness of the tile is very large for through cutting).

Important nuances

The grinder needs to be set to low speed so that you can control and adjust its actions. If you have the option to secure the tool, be sure to do so as this will make the job easier. Having secured the grinder, you will only need to move the tile along the desired path.

If there is no possibility of fixing, then the best place to work will be the floor. It is necessary to place blocks or lumber under the slab. It is important to note that a low speed should also be set because this will prevent the blade or disk from being thrown back upon contact with the surface.

By turning on the maximum speed, you will probably simplify the cutting process, but this increases the risk of damaging the tiles, which can simply fly into pieces. The easiest way to cut is to use a straight cutting line, since even a beginner can handle this work. If we are talking about curves, then more effort will be required. If you have not encountered such work before, we recommend that you first try your skills on defective material.

You can protect the tiles from chips by using a special grinder or sandpaper. This work is not difficult, but it will significantly improve the quality of the cut. This way you can get rid of existing defects.

If you decide to choose a sander for this job rather than sandpaper, then you need to work at minimum speed.

Be sure to follow these guidelines:

  • you need to work in special clothing;
  • Safety glasses are required;
  • It is recommended to use earplugs when working;
  • all equipment used must be in good condition;
  • the work can only be performed by adults who know the safety rules for using cutting tools;
  • when processing wet, make sure that the sander does not fall into water, as this may lead to electric shock;
  • slices cannot be processed at maximum speed;
  • You need to work in a room with good ventilation.

To maintain your health, it is extremely important to follow these recommendations.

Next, watch a master class on cutting tiles with a grinder.

What's special?

The introduction of a tile cutter is not complete without subsequent finishing of the edge with sandpaper or a block.

A grinder (angle grinder) speeds up the process and gives a clean cut, but for this purpose you will need to use the correct working techniques.

The speed of rotation of the circle is decisive.

The higher it is, the smaller the size and number of small chips will be. A common mistake is introducing a tool with a large diameter disk. According to the craftsmen, using a small grinder is easier and safer, especially when making curved cuts.

The quality of the edge depends on several circumstances:

The cutting design depends on the characteristics of the material, the thickness of the tile and the configuration that needs to be given. It is easier to make a straight cut; to give a curved shape you will have to use special working methods.

Dimensions of the circle and the best way to cut

electric tile cutter
Typical sizes 115-400 millimeters - the limits within which the size of the disks can be. When cutting with a grinder, the tools are most often used. The average thickness reaches 2.2 millimeters. An electric tile cutter works best with tiles and all types of tiles. Such devices are equipped with devices that ensure a constant supply of water. The result is a surface without chips or other similar defects.

Diamond wheels are produced for amateurs or professionals. The main difference lies in the cost, the last variety is the most expensive. Household use together with an angle grinder suggests that a regular tool is enough to perform a variety of tasks.

How to choose a disc on a tile

A tile cutter cuts tiles using saw blades, which are considered universal for various types of surfaces. A diamond disc is an ideal option here, since porcelain tiles are denser and harder than ordinary tiles. Experienced craftsmen always advise stocking up on several discs for different surfaces.

Speaking about the design of the electronic tile cutter, it is represented by the connection of the retractable table and the cutting element itself, or, in other words, the blade. It should be remembered that the tile cutter requires repeated cooling during operation. Water in the presented version will be your real salvation. There are even models where a certain part of the blade is specially immersed in a container of water. As a result, timely lubrication of the blade and working surface of the tile cutter will not hurt. For professional use, we advise you to take a closer look at tile cutters equipped with a pump that supplies water to the pan. But, as experienced specialists say, sometimes they use this function, replacing it with water supply from an ordinary hose. Cooling the blades with water can significantly extend the service life of the tool by approximately two, and savings of up to three times.

READ How to cut porcelain tiles with a manual tile cutter

Why is porcelain tile so difficult to process?

The structure and physical and mechanical properties of porcelain stoneware do not allow it to be processed with a wide range of tools. Despite the absence of the usual glaze on the surface, during the cutting process it is very likely that chips will form, spoiling the appearance of the edge.

In production, the highest quality brands of porcelain stoneware undergo rectification: the tiles are driven “to size” using waterjet cutting, eliminating size discrepancies and curvilinear edges. The same method can also be used for cutting porcelain tiles at the installation site, for which it is very convenient to use electric tile cutters, in which the lower part of the diamond blade is immersed in a bath of water.

An alternative method involves using a special type of manual tile cutter. Don’t be surprised, but even with a thickness of porcelain stoneware of 30–40 mm, such a tool copes well with its processing, forming a smooth edge without chips. This is because the material has a highly homogeneous structure and, after applying the notch, behaves in the same way as ordinary ceramic tiles.

Both methods described above have a significant drawback: they require the use of special equipment, which costs a lot of money and cannot be used anywhere else. Therefore, for a home craftsman who intends to lay out an entrance island in the hallway from porcelain stoneware, buying a tile cutter is not an option.

Execution method

The cutting technique depends on the material, thickness and configuration of the cut. It is much easier to divide the tiles into two parts in a straight line. To perform curvilinear closed or open cuts, you will have to strain yourself and perform more labor-intensive procedures.

Let's look at how to cut tiles with a grinder in a straight line:

  • The cutting line is marked on the front surface with a marker.
  • The tile is fixed on a flat, hard surface so that the cutting line passes over the edge of the base. This will help break off part of the tile after making a cut of the appropriate depth.
  • Turn on the angle grinder, wait a couple of seconds to gain a higher rotation speed.
  • Carefully make the cut, moving the grinder towards you. The disk touches the surface from the outside so that the thickness of the tool does not reduce the width of the tile.
  • The tool should be held firmly and not allowed to vibrate or swing from side to side. This will ensure an even and clean cut without chipping.

It is often necessary to make an inclined cut to bring the surfaces together tightly when facing the outer corners of walls. Let's look at how to properly cut clay tiles at an angle of 45° using a grinder on your own:

  • Mark the cutting line with a marker.
  • Fix the tile on a flat and rigid base so that the cutting line is outside the table.
  • Cut the tile straight.
  • Turn the grinder at an angle and carefully work the edge until a suitable bevel is obtained.
  • Perfectly bring the edge to the desired state using a sharpening stone (whisker).

To make a curly cut, you must:

  • Draw a cutout shape on the tile.
  • Secure the tile so that the cutout area is clear.
  • Use a grinder to carefully make several cuts along the contour of the figure. If necessary, make a deep cross-shaped cut along the central axes and moderately cut the inside, approaching the edges.
  • When the shape of the cutout is very close to the required state, final finishing is done using a file or sandpaper with a huge grain size.

Huge-sized holes (for sewer pipes, or other communications) are made like this:

  • The center of the hole is marked and a hole with a diameter of 3-4 mm is made using a special drill.
  • A circle is drawn on the front and back sides to be excavated.
  • On both sides, cuts are carefully made along the contour of the future hole. The depth of the cuts is 2-3 mm. It is simply not recommended to do so, as there will be a threat of going to another country of the circle and damaging the edges.
  • Through slits are made in the very center of the hole, then pieces of tile are carefully broken out using pliers along the cut line.
  • The edge of the hole is finished using sandpaper rolled into a roll.

Open cutouts in tiles are much easier to make using a fixed angle grinder. The technique is reminiscent of working on a grinding machine - the disk rotates in a vertical plane, the tile is fed to the tool and cuts are made along the edges. Later, the central part of the cutout is removed and its inner edge is cleaned.

The relevance of the classic tile cutting tool

For cutting ceramic products, mechanical or electrical devices are chosen - it depends on the desired quality of the cut, the scale of the work and the characteristics of the material being processed. So, for home repairs, three options are considered: cutting the tiles with a glass cutter, a manual tile cutter, or a grinder.

Cutting tiles with a glass cutterSource globus-baumarkt.de

Glass cutter

The glass cutter consists of a rod, at one end of which a monolithic or hollow handle for oil is fixed, at the other - a cutting element: faceted diamond, pobedite cutter, carbide roller. The permissible thickness of the glass to be cut is 10, 8 and 7 mm, respectively. Often, the supporting steel platform has rectangular grooves for breaking off the blade.

Working with a glass cutter will be effective only if a deep furrow is formed in one pass. This is possible if the surface of the tile is smooth, which is not often found with artificial stone. As a result, such a tool is difficult. It is possible to cut porcelain tiles in a straight line, but not in a curved line.

Manual tile cutter

This tool is essentially an improved modification of the glass cutter. There is also a cutting element - a carbide roller. Only to increase the force is a lever mechanism that moves along tubular runners. To break the tiles, there is a small protrusion on the stand, and in the area of ​​the cutter there is a lifting sole at a slight angle to the central axis.

Cutting tiles with a manual tile cutterSource bosch-do-it.de

Tile cutters are available in a wide range. The determining criteria for choosing a tool are:

  • physical parameters of the tile;
  • travel of the lever mechanism (dry, lubricated, on bearings);
  • backlash of the cutter, or rather its absence.

They also consider the quality of the materials from which the device is assembled. For professionals, the functionality of the device is important. In addition to straight cuts, additional options allow you to cut holes.

Cutting porcelain stoneware with a tile cutter follows the same principle as with a glass cutter. A marking is applied and the tiles are placed on the stand according to it. A roller is placed along the line, which, under the pressure of a lever, is rolled over the entire canvas. Finally, the pressing sole is lowered onto the furrow edge farthest from the master. Under pressure, the tiles split.

Smooth fracture of ceramic sheetSource sense-life.com

It is worth noting here that cheap appliances work well with wall tiles, but are more difficult with porcelain tiles. Especially when the surface is not smooth or it is necessary to cut off strips 15-20 mm wide. There may not be enough pressure to fracture or form a groove. In order to reduce prices, low-quality materials are used for production, so they quickly fail. This forces us to consider instruments that are no lower than the middle segment in terms of cost.

Angle grinder

A grinder with a replaceable cutting element in the form of a disk is considered a universal tool for cutting and processing various types of materials. The choice of device for working with porcelain stoneware is determined by its speed. Here, high power will have a positive effect only on the cutting speed, but not on the quality and accuracy of the resulting edge.

Discs on stone or concrete will break up the edge. Therefore, the cutting wheel is considered only with diamond coating. On trading platforms, such equipment is presented in two versions:

Solid for “wet” cutting. Here, cutting is carried out with periodic wetting of the disk with water or a special composition in order to cool it. The main advantage of such a circle is that porcelain stoneware can be cut without chipping (depending on the nature of the porcelain stoneware: thickness, texture, quality).

Solid diamond bladeSource beamtools.ru

Segmented diamond bladeSource allegroimg.com

Porcelain tiles are usually cut with a manual grinder. For it, equipment with a thickness of up to 2 mm is relevant. To obtain a better result, consider discs with a cutting edge wider than the height of the tile being processed. It is also recommended to check the play of the nozzle before each cutting, which should be minimal.

Work begins by applying markings to the front side. The canvas must be placed on a flat, solid base and secured. Before cutting porcelain tiles in order to minimize the number of chips, first form a starting groove up to 3 mm in the direction away from you. When the cutting requirements are low, it is enough to make a cut to a depth of half the height of the tile and break it.

Cutting ceramics with a grinderSource protifofas.ru

Cutting porcelain stoneware with a power tool

If you need to cut a large selection of porcelain stoneware, it is even more convenient and productive to use electric tools. One of the most comfortable options is an electric tile cutter with water cooling. Its diamond blade simply cuts through the toughest porcelain tiles, while the water cools the blade and significantly reduces the amount of dust.

Start working with markings by applying the line of the future cut to the tile. Turn on the tool and place the porcelain tile on the workbench so that the disc is opposite the marked line. The workpiece must be fed onto the disk smoothly, holding it with 2 hands.

Despite what remains to be done for our client with the convenience of an electric tile cutter, it can hardly be called a universal tool. Therefore, some people prefer to cut porcelain stoneware with a grinder, which has an unlimited number of uses. Its undeniable main advantage of gaming slots is the ability to make curved cuts.

To cut clay tiles, you need a diamond-coated blade designed for dry cutting. Prepare for most dust. After marking the workpiece, place it on a sheet of plywood, also called chipboard, so as not to damage the surface of the table or floor. It is better to fix the tile so that you can hold the tool with 2 hands.

Do not try to cut the tiles in one pass, otherwise you may damage them. First make a shallow cut in the top layer. The resulting groove will prevent the grinder disk from jumping off and will simplify the work, playing the role of a guide. When working with an angle grinder, be sure to follow safety precautions! Do not remove the protective cover, do not install a larger disc and use glasses - a piece of porcelain stoneware can injure your eyes.

Stone discs

Stone discs are a couple of times cheaper than dry cutters, but they wear out during operation and are replaced with new ones. Now, they are thicker than dry cutters, so the thickness of the mowing line when cutting with a stone attachment is wider and, accordingly, dust arises during operation.

During cutting with a stone nozzle, you need to monitor the condition of its cutting edge - if a chip or another burr has formed on the edge, the disk must be immediately replaced, since such damage can lead to destruction of the nozzle and injury.

You can use a dry cutter to cut clay tiles without water cooling, but the duration of the first continuous cut should not exceed 1-1.5 minutes, after which the disc is cooled while rotating idle. When purchasing a dry cutter, they prefer a tool with continuous diamond coating.

READ Grinder holder for metal cutting

Steel cutters for cutting stone

Which discs are best suited for cutting tiles and porcelain stoneware!

If, at the time of cutting, a continuous luminous spark-strip appeared on the cutting edge of the dry cutter - the phenomenon of “licking” the metal, then the temperature at the point of cutting the tile under these circumstances increases sharply, which is fraught with damage to the material. In this case, a rotating dry cutter will make several cuts on any abrasive surface (concrete, plaster), and the disk will return to working condition.

Dry cutters are divided into 4 types:

Material Features: Durable finish to last?

One of the innovative facing materials is durable and hard porcelain stoneware, the popularity of which is only gaining momentum today. The cost of such material is an order of magnitude lower than natural granite, and even more so marble, but in terms of its technical characteristics it is significantly ahead of its natural “competitors”, which is why the demand for it is great. However, due to the low porosity, that is, the revolutionary density of the material, the question arises of how to cut porcelain stoneware, since most improvised means always at hand will be powerless in front of it.


Porcelain tiles were invented quite recently, around the seventies of the last century. It is made by dry pressing under high pressure from a mixture of clays, quartz sand and feldspar. To give a variety of colors to the material, additional components are added to the composition, for example, metal oxides. Porcelain stoneware was developed as a replacement for natural stone and it copes with this task perfectly.

Advantages of porcelain stoneware

Most consumers choose porcelain stoneware for floor coverings precisely because of its technical properties and characteristics, but we should not forget about the appearance. This cladding will closely resemble natural stone and will make your renovation stylish and rich. But this is not all you need to know when figuring out how to cut porcelain tiles for floors and more.

Strength and wear resistance are the main advantages of this material. The finishing made from it will last for a very long time, practically without losing its appearance. However, precisely because of its special strength and resistance to mechanical damage, cutting it is significantly difficult. Creamogranite does not form stains that cannot be wiped off, and it is not at all afraid of aggressive environments. The material is environmentally friendly, because only natural ingredients are used in its composition and in its production.

In addition, bacteria and microbes are reluctant to multiply on it, which is also important. The clarity of the cuts and edges of porcelain stoneware allows you to create the most monolithic surface without joints if necessary.

Disadvantages of ceramic tile coatings

If you are planning to learn how to cut porcelain tiles for floors and other coverings, it does not hurt to learn about its disadvantages.

  • Consumers consider the main disadvantage of porcelain stoneware to be its rather high cost, although compared to natural stone it is much cheaper.
  • Not everyone likes a cold floor with a stone finish either, but this drawback is easily solved by installing a heated floor system.
  • Another drawback is that the surface is really slippery, especially if water has dripped onto it. Therefore, for bathrooms it is better to take such material not with a smooth, but with a rough texture.

As you can see, there are much fewer disadvantages than advantages, and even those can be easily circumvented if you think carefully. All that remains is to figure out how to cut porcelain tiles at home, since this is not an easy task at all.

Figured cutting of tiles with a grinder

If it is necessary to cut a round shape from a clay tile, then make short cuts tangentially to the outer contour of the shape with a grinder to cut off small pieces of ceramic to be removed. At the end of cutting, the cut surface is refined with abrasive equipment until the lines are smooth and there are no chips.

When it is necessary to cut a shaped hole in a tile, cut the material with a grinder exactly along the contour, moving moderately inward from it and increasing the depth of the cut. After cutting through the tile, the edges of the hole are finished with coarse sandpaper.

Cutting porcelain stoneware with a grinder without chipping, perfect, clean cut of tiles.

Compliance with safety precautions and the use of the correct technologies when working with an angle grinder will make this commonly heard tool not only necessary, but also indispensable for home craftsmen.

Solid dry cutters

With this type of dry cutter it is natural not only to cut clay tiles, but also to process the edge of the cut with the working side surface. The absence of detonation of the tool during operation due to the solid shape of the disk increases the cutting speed, allows you to cut off a piece evenly and reduces the number of chips.

Useful tips

There are various models of attachments for grinders on sale, some of which provide connection of the vacuum cleaner pipe to the protective casing of the tool. At first glance, the thing is quite convenient, but it is better not to use such devices, since the hose greatly interferes with the work and often only worsens the quality of the seam.

In addition, when cutting porcelain stoneware, be sure to hold the body of the grinder with both hands, while the left hand should rest on the stand or guide rail, and the right hand should directly move the tool. This method not only provides partial relief for your hands, but also allows you to more accurately align the position of the cutting disc in the vertical plane.

Regardless of which disc or method you use to cut porcelain stoneware, after completion of the work the edge must be rubbed down with hand or belt sanding. In this case, you only need to slightly level the lower edge of the porcelain stoneware and under no circumstances touch the upper front edge with the abrasive, otherwise chips will appear and the quality of the seam will noticeably deteriorate.

CUTTING PORCELAIN TILE 1200mm with a grinder, cheap and cheerful


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How to cut ceramics with a grinder

One of the tools used for cutting clay tiles is a grinder - an angle grinder (angle grinder), commonly called a grinder.

The price range of various grinder models makes it accessible not only to professionals, but also to home craftsmen, so when using an angle grinder you need to know not only the capabilities of this power tool, but also the rules for handling it in order to avoid injury.

It is better to use a grinder with adjustable speed

At home they use a small grinder, designed to work with disks with a diameter of 100-125 mm and perform an unlimited number of operations. The tool you will like best is equipped with a rotation speed regulator.

Recommendations for choosing an angle grinder

It is preferable to use a small grinder with adjustable speed. Light weight will allow for more accurate operations. Great cutting power is not required. For any operations with tiles, a power of up to 1 kW is sufficient.

But in some operations it is desirable to be able to reduce the rotation speed. Reducing the rotation speed will reduce the likelihood of chipping and cracking of the tiles.

When choosing an angle grinder, it is recommended to pay attention to the possibility of adjusting the speed. The figure shows a close-up example of a speed controller.

In terms of seating, an angle grinder for 125 mm discs is optimal. In general, you can cut a circle with any diameter. Reducing the rotation speed is critical in certain situations, as will be discussed below. The smaller the cutting wheel, the more jewelry operations can be carried out; on the other hand, it is ineffective to use a small cutting wheel for a large amount of work - the wheel will quickly grind down. A powerful, heavy tool quickly causes muscle tension and, as a result, reduces accuracy and precision.

To summarize, a medium-sized tool with an adjustable rotation speed is best for tile work purposes.

Direct cutting of ceramics with a grinder

A cutting line is applied to the front side of the clay tile using an alcohol marker. The grinder is turned on and given a couple of seconds to set the speed data.

The disc on the grinder is expected to be secured correctly - using a special key and in accordance with the direction of rotation indicated here.

The best value for the rotation speed of a disk with a diameter of 100-125 mm when cutting clay tiles is 6-8 thousand rpm. The tile is placed on a flat wood surface, secured with a clamp through a rubber sheet gasket, or there is an option to simply press it to the board with the sole of your foot (shod in special shoes!).

Cutting clay tiles can be straight or shaped

An incision with a depth of 1-5 mm is made exactly along the intended mowing line, depending on the material and thickness of the tile. They start cutting from the edge of the material in a smoky manner; later the grinder is moved faster - this way the cut comes out smoother. After making the cut, there is an option to break the tile by placing a couple of nails under it opposite the beginning and end of the cut.

What to do when you need to make a hole in glass?

Many people probably know that glass or a mirror can be cut using a glass cutter. But often during finishing work in the bathroom there is a need to drill through glass or a mirror. If it is not possible to take the mirror to a glass cutting machine, you can drill a hole yourself in the following sequence:

1. Apply paper tape to the back and front of the mirror;

2. A ring with a side height of 2 cm is made from children's plasticine and attached to the front surface of the mirror;

3. Turpentine is poured into the plasticine ring to the middle;

4. Drilling in turpentine is carried out using pobedit drills with a diameter of up to 6 mm or a cast round copper or brass core. You can also use an old flat soldering iron tip.

Safety rules when working with an angle grinder

To avoid injury while working with an angle grinder, you must follow the following rules:

  • while working, use personal protective equipment - gloves, overalls, safety shoes, goggles, respirator;
  • The grinder can only be operated with a steel protective casing installed on the tool;
  • the length of the grinder's electrical cable should be 2 or more than 2.4 m, which reduces the risk of damage to it by the rotating disk during operation;
  • create cutting in the direction “away from you”, holding the tool with 2 hands;
  • the direction of rotation of the disk must coincide with the direction of the translational movement of the angle grinder;
  • cut the material by immersing the grinder disk into the cutting line by less than one third of the radius;
  • who the material should be processed with a suitable disk, in other words, clay tiles cannot be cut with a metal cutting attachment, and a stone cutting disk is not intended for grinding ceramics (grinding with a steel “dry cutter” is natural);
  • when working with an angle grinder, both very low and very high speeds should be avoided;
  • cutting material immersed in water with a grinder with the goal of reducing the amount of dust generated is prohibited due to the danger of electric shock;

Dust is explosive, so cutting or grinding material with a grinder should be done in a well-ventilated area.

Segmented dry cutters

} myth The type of attachments for an angle grinder is an iron disk with evenly spaced slots directed from the cutting edge to the center and dividing the disk into equal segments. The segmented nozzle can be used to cut porcelain stoneware and stone tiles. The slots between the sectors of the disk serve to increase the service life of the nozzle by improving the air cooling of the tool during cutting of the hard lining material, but they increase the formation of chips.


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Diamond blades for ceramics with continuous edge

Types of cutting wheels for cutting ceramic tiles:

  • Crown or solid circle. A tool that provides high-quality cuts. The crown is a universal circle with a long service life. Thanks to the high diamond layer, the tool is used for various materials, including those with relief glaze.
  • TURBO is a wheel designed for quick dry and wet cutting of ceramics and porcelain stoneware. In this case, the quality of the edge will be far from ideal.
  • The segmented cutting wheel works even faster than TURBO due to its design features. It is characterized by an increased resource and resistance to prolonged constant loads.
  • VIPER is a high-performance disk, which at first glance differs from TURBO in its reduced body thickness. Provides high cutting speed and good edge quality. Used for cutting porcelain tiles and durable floor tiles, as well as medium and soft marble.
  • J-slot is a new generation of cutting wheels. Provides high-quality cuts and good performance. Should only be used at right angles.
  • Esthete is a disc with an ultra-thin working layer for delicate work with ceramics that have a decorative, including glazed, coating.

Briefly about the types of tiles

Mosaic tiles, tiled or porcelain tiles are used for wall and floor cladding. In the case of the first, as a rule, it is enough to have a construction knife or scissors on hand to cut the mesh of the fabric formed at the factory. Cutting larger samples requires a power tool or a manual tile cutter. Let's look at what you need to know about the facing material before cutting tiles with a grinder.

Ceramic products are characterized by high hardness and strength. These can be samples in a solid or two-layer design (with a decorative coating). The main disadvantage of materials is fragility. A point mechanical load can cause the blade to burst and the edges to chip during cutting. These points are important to consider when choosing a particular tool.

Cut line with small chips Source yandex.net

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