How to make a machine gun from wood - a guide to creating a weapon model + useful tips for creating a fake machine gun

If you are a fan of small arms and have long dreamed of adding an unusual item to your home collection, you can make the popular Desert Eagle pistol model from wood with your own hands. You don’t need to have special skills or talents – all you need is desire and a little effort.

How to make a weapon from wood? Homemade weapons made of wood - drawings

Today, toy stores offer such a large and colorful selection that parents are clutching their heads and children are drooling.
Unfortunately, the economic situation and one’s own capabilities do not always allow one to have enough income to please one’s own child with a good gift. Hands and head help us! You can always make some of the toys yourself. Many craftsmen cut cars, horses, whatever they want out of wood and sell them. Wood is a very convenient material; with minimal skill in handling it and the necessary tools, you can do a lot. For girls, you can cut out dolls, furniture, dishes from it, and for boys - a car, a gun, a sword. The question of how to make weapons from wood is of great interest to them!


This may be familiar to you because many of us played with it in our youth. Some of us might even break the window glass of our house by doing this. As you can see, it has the potential to be an effective personal protective equipment, and just like in the old days, we can still make one for our protection and safety. It's actually very easy to do and only takes a few steps to start using this effective weapon to protect yourself. Prepare Y-shaped wood, 1 x 2 inches of leather, rope, and a piece of rubber/surgical tubing.

Find a Y-shaped tree, but you can also get any tree and cut it. Take your gum and then attach each end to the ends of the tree using string. Make sure you tie them well and then cut the center of the rubber. The next thing to do is drill two holes at the end of your leather before cutting the rubber where you cut both ends. Attach them with your chain. For a projectile, small rocks work very well. This weapon can be taken anywhere with you, ensuring that you have a small weapon to help you defend against an attacker.

Wooden weapon options

In fact, you can do a lot, the main thing is, why do you need a specific thing? For a child who will play in the yard, for using weapons for their intended purpose, for role-playing games, for hunting, or maybe for a costume? Homemade weapons made of wood will take the shape and appearance that you desire.

If the main purpose is a game, then the main thing in this case is durability. All paint and thin fragile parts will fall off in a few days, if not immediately. When schools hold military training camps, and schoolchildren are given wooden Kalashnikov assault rifles, 50% of the guys tear off magazines on the first or second day. But these machines are made in bulk, not really caring about beauty, painting them in one color and trying to make them stronger. How to make a weapon out of wood that won't break, you ask? No way, the item will remain intact only if you do not use your product.

For roleplayers, the situation is much more complicated; they need weapons that are both beautiful and durable, so they often use other materials. If it is wood, then they make two swords or knives, one beautiful, the other durable.


This product is not just for beauty because you can use its flammable materials to start a fire. What you need to do is use a lighter to light the fire before spraying fire with hair spray on the aggressor's face, making it a perfect flamethrower that can save your life.

You can easily store this homemade weapon in your pocket or bag and take it out when you encounter danger and want to deactivate and/or blind an attacker. But make sure that the container does not get too close to the fire, as it may also explode and harm you.

Material selection and processing

The choice of material determines how much processing time will be required. Birch is a very strong and unyielding tree; it is good for making a club; without special treatment the product will be heavy. Aspen, poplar, and pine are softer and easy and pleasant to work with. Oak is rare in many regions of Russia, but if you decide to make a weapon with your own hands from wood, you are unlikely to find better material. It is easier to process than birch, lighter in weight and stronger than pine, and retains its quality well over time.

The wood for products must be free of knots, wood holes, rot, with a uniform direction of fibers, and without curvature. It is necessary to dry it, preferably in a dry room or under a canopy. It is necessary that the wood dries evenly without direct exposure to sunlight, otherwise it will begin to crack and bend.

What do you need to know before you start?

Even if you're making a bow and arrow for fun or as a gift for a child, there are a few things to consider:

Swing by handArm lengthArc length

The classic version of the arch consists of:

  • Shoulders
  • Bow string
  • The main part, namely the handle

After making the bow, it is necessary to ensure proper care. Don’t be alarmed, leaving is easy and won’t take much time:

  • The bowstring is only put on when shooting, so it is immediately removed. Before shooting, you need to “click” the bow and pull the string.
  • Store only in a dry place, preferably in a case.
  • Onions should be stored in an upright position.
  • You can't pull the bow.

Making a Club

The simplest wooden weapon is a club or stick. What could be simpler, break off a branch and you're done. But if you suddenly decide to take this issue seriously, you want to make a durable, light, comfortable product, then you are faced with the question “how”. Making a weapon out of wood according to all the rules is not easy.

For the club, choose a young tree of suitable size. They cut down closer to the root, since at the butt the fibers begin to intertwine, making the material even more durable. Then, carefully, so as not to damage the top layers, remove the bark, cut off the knots, give the desired shape to the handle, and if necessary, soak the workpiece in water or special brines for a day. Then the drying begins, a fire is lit and, using the smoke, protecting the future club from the flames, it is dried. As soon as the tree has turned black, the blackness is removed with fine sand or hard grass. This is repeated six times, the surface becomes smooth and dry. Even if birch was chosen, the final product will be light and durable. Such wood does not rot.

Shoulder gluing

A wedge-shaped notch is drawn on one of the shoulders (exactly on his back). The diagram can be found on the Internet. The cut should be 10-15 cm long. The marked fragment is cut out.

If something went wrong, it needs to be fixed. The second lever is sharpened for a cut wedge. First with an ax or saw, then with a wooden file. It is important to adjust both shoulders so that (when viewed from behind) they form a straight line.

You can help yourself by drawing an axis of symmetry on them. Then three nails are driven superficially along these axes: one near the future connection and two on the griffins.

If all three “coincide” with each other, the arc is straight. Epoxy resins are best suited for gluing. After joining, everything is twisted using carpenter's clamps or rope or twine.

Shield and sword

How to make weapons from wood for role-playing games and historical reconstructions? If for beauty and ambience, then it is very convenient to cut out a shape from plywood with a jigsaw, smooth the edge, varnish, paint, and insert decorations. If the paint is good, without holding the item in your hands, it will be difficult to determine what material it is made of. For combat, it is worth making a weapon from thick, durable wood, with a comfortable handle, so that the vibration from the impact is less transferred to the hand, otherwise you can damage the hand or simply drop the object during the first hard collision.

The shield can be made perfectly from plywood, but for combat it is better to use iron-bound or steel versions with a shock-absorbing lining. During reconstructions they usually show a wall-to-wall battle, in which it is extremely difficult to strike a strong blow to the shield. A good and durable one is needed for individual combat; for all other cases, plywood is suitable.

[edit] Trivia

The same fragment from the movie Battle Angel Alita The type of designs ranges from complete crap, which is found a little less often than always, to quite decent and reliable samples. Contrary to the popular belief about crime bosses who carry out arson, 95% of the authors of these guns are schoolchildren from the early 2000s who watched the movie “Brother.” The current one has played enough of Fallout, Call of duty or Postal. Since a schoolchild’s chance of getting a real gun approaches zero, and the desire to rattle weapons is off the charts, guns made from water pipes, wire and wood are born. The remaining five percent consist of underground left-handers who went and want to convert someone to Islam, become a hero, or get a real Valyn with his help.

Firearms mockups

No matter how much you would like to, it is impossible to make a homemade firearm out of wood that will shoot. Maybe for one or two shots, and it’s not a fact that the weapon won’t explode when the gunpowder explodes.

All self-propelled schemes come down to one algorithm. The tree is a frame to which the barrel is attached, a trigger with a striker, and sometimes a magazine is added. Inconvenient, short-lived, but cheap and cheerful.

What is an onion?

A bow is a throwing weapon designed to fire special arrows. The shooting process is extremely simple and requires the shooter to nock the arrow, shoot and release the string. Thus, the energy stored in the recurve bow of the weapon is transferred to the arrow, which hits the target.

Despite the simplicity of the bow design, shooting from such a weapon requires a number of specific skills:

  1. First of all, the shooter must have enough strength to pull the bowstring.
  2. There is no place in classic and traditional models. In addition, the aiming process is somewhat complicated by the need to keep the bowstring taut.
  3. Archery requires a number of steps, from correctly positioning the arrow on the bow to lowering the string. Without perfection of actions in this case, there can be no talk of any goal.

The next stage in the development of this weapon was the crossbow, built around the 4th century BC. The shooter does not require physical strength or special skills. However, the bow has a simpler design and a high rate of fire, so it was not forgotten even with the advent of firearms.

Hunting weapon

Do you remember running around the yards with slingshots as a child? If you haven't run, be sure to try it, you will like it. Modern elastic materials impart such striking power to a small metal ball or pebble that, with proper skill, you can knock down targets from thirty paces. But the frame of a slingshot can be easily made from wood.

Drawings of weapons made of wood for hunting are quite common. This is how crossbows and bows are made. It's not that difficult to make a wooden frame; it requires sleight of hand and no magic. But there is an important detail that is necessary to make small arms lethal and effective over long distances. For this you need shoulders that are flexible and strong, as well as a bowstring. There are old technologies for making shoulders, but nowadays it is too labor-intensive and difficult to implement at home. It is easier to use modern materials such as plastic.

It is best to make the main frame from wood, and the shoulders from flexible, rot-resistant plastic; a synthetic cord will go to the bowstring. A little decoration and paint, and you’ll get a very attractive and effective bow.

Part Two: Shooting

To be honest, I have a mixed attitude towards very powerful air rifles in general and huge calibers in particular. The fact is that air rifles occupy a certain and very specific niche. Usually they use pneumatics to hunt crows and rodents. Miracles do not happen: powerful pneumatic guns bang quite loudly (although quieter than a firearm). Pneumatics take their toll on accuracy, not power.

For such hunting, air rifles are perfect, the initial speed of which reaches 300 or more meters per second.

Hunting pneumatics are used more often in pursuit of other animals and birds. Pneumatics for hunting are often used for catching birds.

Pheasant or duck hunting is carried out only in the few forests and swamps where they are found, but pistols can also be used for them.

Noble Chronicles

Yes, indeed from pneumatics, according to. Law on “Hunting”, hunting is PROHIBITED! Even if you just walk around with pneumatic guns at the ready in hunting grounds (at least during the hunting season), when you meet a huntsman there will be problems - a fine with all that it entails. You can hunt with a “hunting” weapon; pneumatics do not initially fall under this category.

Weapon world map

Do you think there will be enough pneumatics for these purposes? And what is the minimum price I can meet? And the desire disappeared again... Do you think it’s possible to hunt game with a regular Gamo Hunter 1250 rifle without the “F” marking and I heard that there are some permits for hunting with air guns??? About hunting with pneumatic weapons - in the latest edition of the federal law on hunting, I don’t remember clause 1, it says “hunting with pneumatic weapons classified as hunting”, nothing about caliber.

Here is the promised second video. In it you will see shooting. Subscribe to the channel, there will be many interesting videos. Not only about this pneuma, I will soon make a new one, I will film and post everything.

For this, a caliber of 5.5 millimeters and a power of forty joules are sufficient. Making more powerful air rifles and hunting mammoths and dinosaurs with them makes me think of perverts. This is akin to the pointless production of cakes weighing a ton and sausages a kilometer long.

The most important thing is that it is quite effective and QUIET. Some of the models of air guns described can be bought in Russia without a license. For those who hunt long distances, you can increase the speed to three hundred and twenty meters per second.

But this is difficult, especially for a 4.5 mm caliber, it leads to excessive air consumption and, accordingly, problems arise with the volume of the shot.

As I already wrote in the article about the most powerful pistols, the most powerful models of air rifles are usually homemade or very few in production.

A rifle in 308 caliber, with a five-liter high-pressure tank, allows you to fire four shots with a constantly decreasing power. At the first shot, a bullet weighing 8.5 grams accelerates to two hundred and sixty meters per second.

But with a caveat, pneumatics are a delicate and at the same time powerful thing, that is, I want to say that each gun corresponds specifically to certain goals and objectives

The calibers of homemade barrels are limited only by the designer’s imagination. It is possible to buy it, but I can’t imagine where it can be used in Russia. In a caliber of 6.35 millimeters, a bullet weighing 1.97 grams flies somewhere far beyond sound. True, the rifle has a power regulator and a decent silencer.

Homemade pistol made of wood - how to make a wooden weapon that fires cartridges with your own hands

This toy gun fires spent 9mm pistol casings and is powered by rubber bands and springs. How to make a homemade shooting pistol from wood and scrap materials.

The pistol is automatic. It has a built-in magazine that is loaded with seven rounds that are automatically fed into the chamber during firing.

Any 9-10 mm copper or wooden blanks can be used as pistol bullets. Depending on the installed spring, bullets fly at a distance of 3 to 6 meters.


A bow must first shoot well and only then look good. Therefore, you should wait a little with decoration. It's better to shoot and test the bow first.

It is possible that after a while you will have to make small changes. Its handle and griffins can be shaped using a sharp knife and small files.

Alternatively, leather tape or linen cord can be wrapped around the handle to disguise the gluing area. One of the decoration ideas is to make an original inscription on the shoulders.

Good. The wooden arch with your own hands is ready!

[edit] Links

  • Khabragan.
  • Recursion.
  • 3D homemade.
  • Moar of pictures.
  • An article about self-propelled guns.
  • Samopal 12 gauge.
  • A couple more types of designs.
  • Playlist of bourgeois self-propelled guns.
  • Suicide with a self-propelled gun loaded with a pencil.
  • Criteria for classifying a homemade firing device as a firearm.
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[edit] Gallery

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