How to make a wooden gate with your own hands: photo and drawing

The owner of a dacha and a private house is trying to put up a reliable fence and make a beautiful gate. When you make a wooden gate with your own hands, it turns out to be individual and unique. Soft and pliable wood is easier and more pleasant to work with than hard metal and brittle plastic. Environmentally friendly material does not emit harmful substances when heated. A wooden gate can become a decoration of the fence and protect the yard from the entry of strangers.

In the country

Features of a wooden gate

Wood is a traditional and popular material for fences, from which it is easiest to make a gate with your own hands. The simple design does not require special tools or special skills.

With the help of impregnations you can give any shade

Everyone has a hammer, a hacksaw and nails in their country house and garage. The owner himself decides whether to make the entrance the same as his neighbor’s, or to come up with his own shape and decor for the canvas, taking into account his own preferences. Decorative loops and a beautiful handle, forged elements are suitable as decoration. You can also use wood carving.

Do-it-yourself wooden gates have many advantages over products made from other materials. The photo clearly shows that each owner comes up with his own version, unlike the others.

Carved design with a pattern


Classic material has not lost its relevance. Wooden structures in dachas and urban fences have the following advantages:

  • harmoniously combines with fences of any type;
  • the material is easy to process;
  • the boards have a unique pattern and shade;
  • environmentally friendly material does not emit harmful substances;
  • combines with the surrounding nature;
  • light weight and low price.

The photo shows that the wooden structure looks like part of the garden and decorates the dacha yard.

Wickets with lining in a wooden frame

Fence slats coated with clear varnish show off the natural beauty of the wood. The tree looks good against the backdrop of massive stone pillars, black forged rods and cold, glossy metal profiles. It can be painted in any color and covered with transparent varnishes.

When choosing a material, the low cost of boards and timber plays a decisive role.

There is no need to use a complicated power tool. Every man who does simple things on his own has a hand hacksaw, chisel and hammer.

Appearance and sketch of a simple door


The main negative qualities of wood are associated with the reaction to the influence of natural factors:

  • even treated with protective compounds, wood begins to absorb moisture over time, dry out and fade;
  • fire hazardous – flammable material;
  • destroyed by sharp objects;
  • does not withstand impacts and pressure from large masses;
  • short service life.

Slatted entrance group

With good care, a wooden structure will last 10–15 years, then it must be partially or completely replaced. Without a special coating, it will lose its appearance within a year: it will swell from rain, crack, and dry out. In cold weather, moisture will turn into ice and begin to destroy it from the inside, tearing the fibers. In the sun, the boards will change color and dry out.

Wood is also dangerous if it catches fire. It not only supports combustion, but quickly ignites, even coated with special compounds, and blazes.

Protecting wood from moisture

If strangers want to enter the area, the wooden door can be easily broken. In strength it is inferior to metal profiles and forged fences.

Types of structures

Let's look at the differences in fixation and opening systems.

Users are often interested in:

  • Fence made of trees and bushes
  • Wooden lattice fences


Universal type, easy to use. Strong protection of the estate from intruders. It won't cost much.

This system is less prone to breakdowns than any automated design. It consists of supports on which hinges are attached, and to them wicket doors and gates. Since all the parts are closed, it is difficult to break into such a structure.

Photo: carved gate in a rustic style

To extend the service life of the swing sash, it is possible to install a special pipe-screed, which is welded to the racks.

Experienced builders recommend making sure that the entrance gate opens inward. Firstly, you won’t have to back away when opening, and secondly, otherwise the hinges with hinges will be installed outside, which makes it much easier for intruders to enter the estate .

If internal opening is impossible, you need to choose anti-burglary hinges and install an intercom with a surveillance camera at the entrance.

The finishing of a swing gate is carried out with corrugated sheets, a welded lattice frame with forged elements, a threaded picket fence, and wooden panels.

The only disadvantage of this system is that when opening and closing the doors take up a lot of free space.


The video below shows an example of such a gate.

Complex design. For high-quality installation, you often have to turn to specialists. The system is fully automated, operates on electric drives, and is controlled by a remote control. A good option for areas with a small area.

Important advantages of sectional systems:

  • tightly close any openings;
  • excellent burglary protection;
  • saving free space;
  • have good heat and sound insulation.

There are also more simplified designs on sale that operate on a spring mechanism. In terms of quality of protection, they are not inferior to automated ones and are cheaper.

For cladding, panoramic canvases or sandwich panels of any shade are used.


It is in high demand among residents of the private sector. Its second name is console or sliding.

The principle of operation is to smoothly move along the guide bar of the sashes to the left or right.

Photo: wooden swing gates on a barn

When opened, such devices do not take up much space. When equipped with automation, they can be controlled remotely from a control panel.

The sliding system can also be made at home. To do this, it is important to correctly assemble the frame and embedded elements. Otherwise, the processes are similar to creating a swing system. Any types of materials, including wood, are suitable for finishing.


Refers to rollback systems. The design is complemented by rollers and rails built into the ground, due to which the doors move. The upper part of the posts is also equipped with rollers so that the gate with a wicket is fixed horizontally.

An important feature of the rail system is the mandatory presence of a solid foundation. It is durable, impact-resistant, and takes up little space.

Photo: sliding gates with rail guides

The disadvantage is the need to constantly clean the rails, especially in winter, otherwise any movement of the doors will become impossible.

Material selection

Many types of hardwood and softwood are suitable for gates:

  • pine;
  • cedar;
  • larch;
  • birch;
  • aspen;
  • poplar;
  • oak.

The choice depends on the desire to spend a minimum of money, quickly get the job done, make a strong barrier, create fabulous beauty, as well as many other factors.

Breed selection is largely based on the owner's budget.

Oak is known for its hardness and durability. It is able to resist fire for a certain time. The disadvantage of oak is its cost and inflexibility.

A do-it-yourself gate made from an oak board looks beautiful against the background of a wrought-iron fence around a site with a permanent house within the city or a residential village. Forged elements against the background of oak look harmonious, the gate will be strong and impregnable.

Without experience working with hard wood, it will be difficult to make selections for hinges and tighten screws. Decorating a canvas with carvings will take a lot of time and effort. The oak board material makes the structure heavier and gives it a more impressive appearance. If oak slats are available, it is better to make a frame from them and cover it with lighter boards.

If you want to perform cutting, you should choose the optimal wood for this purpose.

Aspen is easy to process, it is also resistant to moisture and temperature changes and does not form cracks when dried in the sun. A large number of knots reduces the strength of wooden parts and the uniformity of the continuous sewn fabric.

When making a durable gate, cedar is chosen. Its dense wood resists the formation of fungi and mold. Cedar does not rot or crack. In the photo it is difficult to distinguish it from light oak. Cedar is used by those who like to make complex options with figured inserts, carvings, and arches.

A pine structure is suitable for a summer cottage. Resinous wood is resistant to moisture, has a golden color and a beautiful pattern. Pine boards and slats can be purchased freely at a budget price.

Coniferous trees are less susceptible to moisture due to the presence of resin

Cheap wood species include poplar and birch. The wood is easy to work with a chisel and is soft. You should choose well-dried boards and immediately after cutting they must be primed, covering the ends and filling the holes. After assembly, the entire structure should be coated again with a primer and 2-3 layers of varnish or paint. Surfaces swell and collapse when moisture enters through small unprotected areas, and also fade in the sun.

Larch is an ideal option for those who want to make a beautiful, durable gate and decorate it with carvings, as in the photo. The wood has a dense structure, is easy to cut with hand tools, and does not warp from rain. Externally, larch looks like bleached pine with a weakly expressed pattern.

When choosing boards, you should pay attention to the absence of sapwood and fragments of ingrown bark.

An example of the presence of bark beetle cuts and resin pockets

What is important to consider

What else should you pay attention to when looking for the perfect garden gate?

  • The gate should be selected taking into account the individual preferences of the household. Someone will choose a transparent model, thanks to which the garden will be “open to the world,” while at the same time abandoning the atmosphere of intimacy. Others will prefer a model that will create an enclave of peace and relaxation in this space, hiding the territory from prying eyes.
  • It is important to saturate the wood from which the gate is made, because its durability and strength largely depend on this.
  • Simultaneous reinforcement of the model's frame with horizontal and vertical elements allows us to obtain a durable structure that will last for many years, remaining in excellent condition.

Preparatory work

Preparations for creating a wooden gate begin before purchasing materials for it.

  1. The width of the passage and the height of the canvas are measured.
  2. The type of frame is determined.
  3. Drawings of the frame, panel covering and fastening diagrams are made.
  4. Beams, boards and fittings are purchased.

Creating a drawing is a mandatory step

The maximum width of a wooden swing gate is 1200 mm. The wide fabric turns out the fastening with its weight, so the hinges must be massive or 3 pairs. Experts advise making the canvas 1000 mm wide. This is enough to walk freely in warm outerwear. A garden gate for a seasonal dacha can have a width of 800 mm.

Recommended sizes

The average width of a sash without hinges or bolts is equivalent to interior doors - from 75 to 100 cm. It is not worth making the leaf narrow, since people in outerwear will pass through the opening, and a wide, unlocked gate with a strong gust of wind can lead to the hinges being turned out.

The height of the sash is chosen equal to the height of the entire fence, in some cases slightly lower. The average value is 1.9-2 m.

The minimum distance from the canvas to the support on which it is attached is 6 mm (from the hinge side), from 2 mm from the other sides, from 80 mm from the ground.

A popular practice is to install one post between the wicket and the gate, where hinges for the wicket are mounted on one side, and for the gate on the other. The single support option is also possible when the leaves are built into the gate.

Making and installing a gate with your own hands

To understand how to make a gate, you need to look at this question step by step. The creation of a wooden structure begins with the frame.

Frame sketch options

It can be metal, from a profile pipe. Such a strong base is needed when making a combined structure decorated with forging or metal elements. In all other cases, the base is made of wooden beams 20–40 mm thick and 80–100 mm wide.


There are main types of frames for wooden gates:

  • frame;
  • rack Z-shaped;
  • arched;
  • with a portal - a canopy over the entrance.

Components of the entrance group

Light slatted wooden structures are made for a summer cottage and placed in the garden fence. Capital strong doors require a rigid base in the form of a reinforced frame.

Frame frames

Frame frames are a rectangular frame with a lintel. The frame is assembled using metal brackets - a perforated strip bent at a right angle. The bars are cut to size and laid out on a flat area, as indicated in the drawing. Brackets are installed in the corners from the inside and screwed with self-tapping screws or bolts. The boards are laid on top and the fabric is sewn up.

Idea for creating a frame

Connection at the corners is possible using the tongue-and-groove principle, if the level of skill allows and a router is available.

To create a three-dimensional frame, slats are nailed along the front side of the canvas along the perimeter, or grooves are cut in the horizontal beams of the frame and boards are inserted into them. The frame with this base option is assembled without a top crossbar. It is placed on top of the ends of the boards and screwed after covering the base.

Drawing for creating a steel base

The frame frame serves as the basis for more complex types of gate designs: with arches, combined inserts, portals. It is strengthened with spacers and struts.

Slatted base

Fences separating a garden from a yard often use a Z-frame. Two horizontal beams with an inclined bridge (strut) do not always represent an independent part. They are fastened together with sheathing boards in the manufacture of lightweight garden structures.

Frame mounting procedure

To create a strong Z-shaped frame, the following operations are performed.

  1. Horizontal beams are cut to a length 5 cm less than the width of the opening.
  2. They are laid out to size on a flat surface.
  3. The brace is noticed after the fact. The ends of the plank are cut at an angle and screwed with long screws.
  4. The frame is covered with boards.
  5. Canopies are screwed onto the crossbars from the rear side. On the other edge, a latch or latch is attached to the upper horizontal bar.

Decorative canopies with shaped strips can be attached to the front side and decorate a wooden structure, as in the photo.

Exterior design option with decorative elements

Arched and carved products are complex in execution and require a high level of craftsmanship, as well as special electrical equipment. They are not suitable for amateurs.


The planks are cut to size according to the drawing, taking into account the gap at the bottom. They are laid out on a frame with a gap or completely, as the design is intended. When the boards are of different lengths, the top is shaped. The actual width of the created gate is checked, the size is adjusted due to the gaps.

Scheme of cladding the entrance group with dry planed boards of class AB

For a solid canvas, the board is immediately ordered with the calculated width so that you do not have to trim the edge strip and there is no gap left between the post and the gate leaf. The boards are sewn with a gap of 1–2 mm, for thermal expansion, so that they do not warp, resting against each other with their ends. This does not affect privacy, since nothing is visible through the gaps. The video clearly demonstrates the ease of making a frame wooden gate.

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