How to unscrew a bolt with torn edges: the most effective tips

Use abrasive powder

As with steel wool, the more grip between the screw head and the screwdriver, the better. You can sprinkle the surface of the screw with a small amount of abrasive scouring powder or fine sand, then apply a screwdriver to the screw and try to remove it. In many cases, powder or sand is enough to keep the bit from slipping off the screw.

Rusted nut

Another problem that is familiar to car enthusiasts (and not only) is a rusted nut and/or thread. In this case, you should not make heroic efforts to unscrew the fasteners. Your edges will simply “stick together” and another problem will be added to the boiling thread. If after a couple of attempts you can’t unscrew it, try the following methods one by one:

You can also fight rust with lubricant. Try filling the joint with fluid universal lubricant (available in WD40 cans). After waiting a couple of hours, we try to work with the key. If it doesn’t work, we try other methods one by one.

Drill the screw

Select a drill bit that is slightly smaller in diameter than the screw head. Place it in the center of the screw head and drill slowly to create a hole 1 to 3mm deep. Remove the drill from the screwdriver and install the cue ball. Often the hole will help the screwdriver go deep enough into the screw, which will improve the grip between the cue ball and the screw.

Causes of damaged bolts

Problems with bolts are usually due to the following reasons:

  • The considered method of attaching parts is considered reliable, but in some cases it does not prevent their displacement under mechanical influences. The result is misalignment or damage to the fasteners.
  • The mechanic who tightens the bolts sometimes does it too hard. If they are not untwisted for a long time, it may require considerable effort later.
  • A common cause of boiling bolts is rust. It can fasten parts so that it will be impossible to unscrew.
  • When working inaccurately, sometimes a larger wrench or other ill-suited tool is used. This can lead to the edges of the bolt licking off.
  • When connecting for a long time, diffusion phenomenon may occur. In this case, metal atoms gradually penetrate into adjacent parts of the fastener. This attachment develops slowly, but within a few years it becomes strong.

For these and other similar reasons, connections arise that cannot be processed immediately. In such situations, you need to know how to unscrew a bolt with a broken head.

Drilling a bolt using a drill Source

Use elastic bands to grip

Wide rubber bands work well to ensure that the screwdriver has enough grip on the stripped screw. Cut the rubber band with scissors and place it on the head of the screw. Place the screwdriver on the rubber band and press firmly while turning the screw counterclockwise.

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Preparing for extraction

Before unscrewing a bolt with torn edges, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation. The following methods can be used here:

  • There are special liquids that easily penetrate cracks in metal and allow you to remove rust. An example of such a product is WD-40. It contains mineral oil, as well as white spirit and gasoline, which belongs to the light fractions. This treatment significantly reduces friction, allowing the bolt to be easily removed. Before unscrewing the stripped bolt, it is also possible to use kerosene. Brake fluid is used in the same way.
  • Lightly tapping with a hammer can reduce the bolt's grip. In this case, you need to make sure that the blows are not too strong. Otherwise, the risk of damage to the object increases.
  • Sometimes warming up helps. This can be done using any available means that provide heat. One of the popular tools in this situation is a gas torch. Heat treatment will help remove contaminants and remove rust, reducing the adhesion of the part.

It is convenient when there is sufficient space in the immediate vicinity of the problem screw so that the appropriate tools can be used.

Bolt with damaged edges Source

Alternative Methods

One such method is to weld a nut onto the broken part of the rod. It is quite effective if part of the bolt is located above the surface of the part. To implement this method, you will need a hammer, a welding machine, a grinding tool (manual or mechanical), and a nut of the required size.

At the initial stage, preparatory work is carried out. They consist of processing the remaining part: cleaning, removing traces of corrosion and degreasing. Using a tool, fix the nut in the center of the rod. It is welded to the top using a welding machine. The assembled structure is carefully unscrewed from the hole.

The simplest and least labor-intensive method is the preliminary chemical treatment of a threaded connection.

This method is used if the reason for the bolt not being unscrewed is accumulated corrosion or the so-called welding of the bolt to the body of the part. To implement this method, various solutions are used. They consist of acid (for example, sulfuric) and various additives. Recently, a special composition of WD-40 has gained wide popularity. In many cases, it becomes a good assistant for solving the problem of unscrewing “difficult” or broken bolts. It is advisable to use this composition with all the methods considered, except thermal, since it is quite flammable.

Video description

How to unscrew a rusty nut?
Penetrating liquid test. Interestingly, phosphoric acid is included in the Coca-Cola drink in very low concentrations. As a result, in simple cases it can be used as a weak reagent. Please remember that processing may take longer.

To unscrew the nut, rubbing with kerosene will help Source

We use pliers

They are always at hand for any business person. Having a multifunctional purpose and a hinged pliers design, the pliers combine pliers, side cutters and a sharp cutter at the base of the jaws. They can clamp and grip small-diameter pipes, hold cylindrical parts, and cut through metal rods.

To trim a bolt, do the following:

  1. Measure the required length.
  2. Use a small needle to make a notch in this place.
  3. Grab the excess tightly with sponges and break it, or bite it with wire cutters located in the area of ​​the hinge mechanism.

Preventive measures

If the bolt's edges are damaged, then to unscrew it, you can use the methods outlined in the text. However, it is important to prevent fastener damage or at least reduce its likelihood. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • You need to buy high-quality and reliable hardware. It is advisable to first verify its suitability.
  • When tightening, you must use a tool that is exactly the right size. It should not slip and damage the edges of the head.
  • You should only use the right tool. If the edges of the wrench are damaged, it will cause the formation of poor-quality fasteners.

Tightening the bolts carefully will help reduce the likelihood of it sticking.

Sometimes warming up the fasteners helps Source

How to unscrew a bolt with broken hexagon edges

As a rule, fasteners can be made in various versions, so the methods for removing them are somewhat different.

Hex head bolts (asterisk)

The following bolts are removed:

  1. Flat screwdrivers. To do this, you need to make a notch cut on the cap in advance. The walls of the cut must be vertical so that the tool does not jump off.
  2. TORX sprocket with suitable size. It must be selected based on the principle that the splines do not fit into the hexagon hole, but also that it is not excessively large. With such an asterisk, a slot is cut through the head of the bolt when it fits tightly into the head. After this, the bolt is jerkily unscrewed to avoid breaking the spline on the sprocket. For such work, you should not use TORX sprocket models with center holes, since they may break off during the driving process.
  3. Drill, drill and special extractors. To extract, you need to drill a hole in the center and hammer the appropriate extractor into it. Then, using pliers, you need to unscrew it along with the fasteners. This is not difficult to do, since the extractor has threads cut opposite to the bolt threads.
  4. A drill with reverse and drills with left rotation, the diameter of which is less than the diameter of the damaged bolt. First of all, using a regular thin drill, a small hole is made, after which the drill is installed, and the drill is turned on in inversion rotation mode.

Hex Bolts

The following bolts are removed:

  • using a needle file, by enlarging the connector to the next hexagon size (this method makes it possible to reuse the bolt);
  • TORX sprockets of the appropriate size;
  • flat screwdrivers, if a notch has been prepared in advance on the head of the fastener;
  • through extractors that are screwed into a hexagonal hole.

Step-by-step instructions for unscrewing the hexagon

There are several options for step-by-step instructions for unscrewing a hexagon.

  1. On a bolt with a protruding hex head, the head is cut using a grinder or a hacksaw. It can then be unscrewed using a regular screwdriver. The cut must be made with the utmost care so that the screwdriver does not jump off it during operation.
  2. A suitable Torx sprocket is driven into the place where the hexagon is inserted. When driven in, it cuts through the head with splines and inserts into it. The bolt is pulled out with a strong jerk. If unscrewing is carried out slowly, the splines will break and the operation will have to be done all over again. Torx with a central hole cannot be hammered, since when hammered it is destroyed.
  3. Unscrewing the hexagon can be done using a drill and a regular drill, and various extractors that are purchased in the store. Using a core, a future drilling point is marked strictly in the central part of the bolt being processed, at which a hole is then drilled. With a little force, an extractor is inserted into the resulting hole with a hammer. Then, using a handy tool, it is unscrewed. The extractor can be reused after this procedure.
  4. Can be unscrewed with a drill with left rotation and a construction drill with reverse. A drill with a thin diameter drills a hole in the head of the element. Then a drill of a smaller size is taken compared to the diameter of the damaged bolt. The drill is inserted into the drill and set to inverse rotation. The speed of the drill should be low and the pressure strong. When the element is pressed firmly, the drill will screw into it and pull it out.

A bolt or hex screw can become damaged at any time. Various available tools can help in its repair, but the use of special tools may be required, without which it is impossible to unscrew the hex head of the damaged element.

Therefore, it is important to know all currently available methods for repairing this element. The hexagon is found in various types of indoor water faucets, in car spare parts

At the moment, these bolts are considered quite convenient fasteners, so they are widespread and found in many mechanisms.

Their use is advisable where a reliable power connection is required. This type of fastener is perfectly adapted to high loads and significant physical pressure. These bolts are especially often used in industries such as construction and mechanical engineering.

If we turn to the process of creating a hexagon, it becomes clear that the process of their manufacture is long and quite labor-intensive. These bolts are made from steel wire rod, which then softens after being in a hot oven for a long time. Then the wire rod is placed in a sulfuric acid solution for some time to completely remove rust particles. After being washed with water and treated with phosphates, the steel becomes resistant to rust and is then sent to be formed into a hex head element.

In the process of creating these products, many people are involved, providing the Russian market with modern, high-quality fasteners.

This problem often arises when the hex bolt is torn off and it is not possible to unscrew it with a wrench. The causes of this problem may be the sticking effect, displacement of the parts being fastened, over-tightening when installing hex hardware, as well as the use of inappropriately sized keys.

Extraction procedure

When a master sees a rusted screw with damaged edges, he must begin work with pre-treatment. With its help, it will remove dirt, rust, and reduce the durability of the bolt. Next, you need to directly proceed to the procedure of how to unscrew a bolt with a broken thread.

If the edges of the bolt head are smooth, removing it will require a strong grip on the tool being used. This is ensured by using a gas key. It can even unscrew fasteners with no edges, almost completely. It is important to consider that the handle is of sufficient length so that the procedure requires moderate effort.

Damaged bolt Source

Good grip can be achieved by using spanner wrenches. It should be borne in mind that its strength depends on the exact selection of the size of the tool. If the fastener uses a washer, then in some cases you can make it easier to unscrew by breaking it with a hammer and chisel.

Using these tools helps most of the time, but not always. If it was not successful, then other methods will need to be applied.

A set of tools that may be useful for unscrewing bolts Source

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