How to cut wave or flat slate at home

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Vadim December 9, 2017

Roofing asbestos-cement slate is perhaps the most popular material in the CIS. However, for many young roofers, cutting sheets accurately and quickly remains a challenge to this day. A slate sheet is strong, but fragile, and both the tool and the technology are important for proper cutting. Therefore, next we will talk about 3 cutting methods and try to sort out rumors about the harmfulness of the material.

In roofing work, cutting sheets is indispensable.

Features and properties of slate

Slate is a rather fragile material, so it must be cut carefully.
Depending on the number of waves on the surface, there are 5-, 6-, 7- and 8-wave products. They differ in profile thickness, ridge parameters, length, width, weight, color, physical and chemical characteristics.

Flat and corrugated sheets are produced using the same technology; the composition includes Portland cement, asbestos fibers, and water. Properties depend on the volume of cement and the amount of chrysolite asbestos.

Material characteristics:

  • slate is produced in thicknesses from 5.2 to 8 mm, width 980 – 1130 mm, length 2000 – 2800 mm;
  • Pigments are added to the raw material mass, so products of different colors are obtained; surface coloring additionally increases moisture resistance and improves strength properties;
  • the slate layer can withstand a weight of up to 200 kg per square surface, so people can walk on the roof during installation and repair;
  • density at the level of 1.6 - 1.7 g/cm³, as the indicator increases, the strength and weight of the products increases;
  • frost resistance at the level of 25 cycles of grades 54/200 (wave height 54 mm, pitch 200 mm) and 40/150 (wave height 40 mm, pitch 150 mm) with a thickness of 6 mm;
  • material with a thickness of 7.5 mm of the specified parameters can withstand up to 50 cycles of freezing and thawing without destruction or deformation.

Slate is durable, its use is designed for 25 - 40 years of operation. The material does not conduct heat and soundproofs the room.

The disadvantages are the large mass of the panels, so the truss structure needs to be strengthened. But under slate you can use a sparse lathing system, which saves wood. Moss may grow on the surface of the coating, which must be cleaned periodically.

Disadvantages of slate beds

There are also disadvantages of fencing made of asbestos-cement material:

  • in summer, overheating of the slate is possible, which will accelerate the evaporation of moisture from the soil;
  • Since precipitation often erodes the soil, asbestos-cement strips tilt, forcing the owner to constantly adjust them.

Many, having read about the dangers of asbestos, are afraid to install slate fences. In fact, only asbestos-cement dust is dangerous for our body. And the slate itself is a pressed sheet that does not pose a threat to humans.

The need to cut roofing slate

The dimensions of roof slopes vary, so when installing piece roofing elements, they need to be cut to the required size. Slate can be cut using different methods; the choice of tools depends on the physical properties of a particular sheet model.

Properties of slate regarding cutting:

  • asbestos or mineral fibers in the composition are easy to cut even with a knife, they are pliable;
  • The hardened binder cement gives the material strength comparable to that of dense oak and teak wood.

Slate slabs are cut along the grain if they do not fit across the width of the eaves overhang. You can also saw slate along longitudinal lines if the distance from the ridge to the overhang is not a multiple of the length of the sheet.

Alternative options

  • Sometimes there are tips to cut slate with a hacksaw for wood or metal. So, if you value your instrument, then I do not recommend you do this. More precisely, you can cut ondulin this way, and on asbestos-cement slate the canvas will “sit” very quickly;
  • There is an option to use a jigsaw to cut sheets. The option is working, but in this case you need to stock up on replacement jigsaw blades, as they will deteriorate very quickly.

A hacksaw and jigsaw cut ondulin well, but quickly shrink on asbestos-cement sheets.

Basic cutting rules and dust-free work methods

You need to cut slate outdoors, using personal protective equipment, since the material emits asbestos dust.
Regardless of the choice of method for cutting panels, you must follow the recommendations for the use of tools. This is especially true for electrical types, since this produces a lot of dust. Slate based on asbestos fibers is harmful to health, because the smallest particles have a bad effect on the respiratory system.

In most cases, such fibers are fastened with cement grains, which securely hold the threads and prevent harmful emissions from spreading. There is little harmful effect from the coating on the roof, since the material is in a restrained state. To enhance safety, it is recommended to paint the slate profile. But if the integrity of the fabric is damaged (cutting), fiber particles are released into the air and have a harmful effect on health when inhaled.

Conditions that need to be created to cut slate:

  • the work is carried out outdoors, because dusting in a closed hangar or shed is not permissible;
  • it is advisable to position the workplace so that the wind carries the dust stream away from the master and nearby rooms;
  • wet material emits much less dust, so the cut area must be moistened with water, using rags, brushes, and watering cans.

The raw profile generates less dust during processing, and cutting slate moistened with water is much easier. Wet sheets gain additional elasticity and soften.

The panels are positioned so that the two parts that will be obtained after cutting have reliable support. Otherwise, when one half with a sharp edge separates, it may injure the operator.

Cut plywood with your own hands

Sawing technology:

  1. All procedures are carried out according to drawings that are drawn up in advance. This will avoid mistakes.
  2. The marked slab is laid in the prepared place. It is important to ensure free passage of the disk or saw and rigid, stable placement of the resulting fragments.
  3. The exposed stop is fixed with clamps.
  4. Based on the most comfortable position, the largest possible cut is made. It is important to ensure that the parts - especially the part being processed - do not sag or jam the tool. Whenever possible, cutting is carried out without stopping.
  5. Figure cutting is performed in a single section or fragments, the excess is removed gradually.

Electrical tools

To make slate less dusty, you need to moisten the cutting area with water.
Use a cutting saw with a disk for cutting stone. Preparation includes marking a line on a slate sheet and wetting the cutting area. When working, you should not allow a deviation from the intended line, drawing exactly along it.

It will not be possible to cut off a part at once, so after wetting, an additional line is drawn, simultaneously deepening it with a core. This way the disc wheel will not stray from the mark track. If using a circular saw, you need to make several approaches.

Use an electric drill with a drill bit that has a pobedite tip.

Work order:

  • the sheet is laid flat on a leveled surface, a dividing line is marked on it across the waves or along them;
  • holes are drilled on the marked line, as close to one another as possible, drilled until the end of the sheet, while trying not to move away from the line;
  • take a hammer and tap along the line of holes every 6 - 10 centimeters;
  • lift one half of the panel and carefully separate it from the second side of the sheet.

Some roofers additionally cut a line along the holes using a sharp ax blade. This procedure is not necessary, since the slab will split in the direction of the drilled holes. Do not use a drill with an impact effect (perforator) for work - such sudden forces will lead to the appearance of an oblique crack not along the intended line.

Cutting asbestos cement sheets with a grinder or jigsaw

A stone wheel or diamond disc is placed on an angle grinder to cut slate.

In the first case, a continuous supply of a water jet is organized at the point where the circle touches the slate surface in order to cool the working edge of the disc and prevent dust. For convenience, the work is performed with an assistant who uses a hose or a plastic bottle with holes in the lid. When working alone, the hose is fixed in a comfortable position.

Operating procedure:

  1. The sheet is laid on the floor; if you need to cut off a narrow edge, then a wooden block or board is placed under it.
  2. Make the first cut along the intended line on the protrusion of the wave from the beginning to the end of the panel.
  3. The plate is turned over, the cut location is in the concave area of ​​the sheet.
  4. Cut along the line, if everything is correct, the profile will be divided into two parts;
  5. Dust on the side surface of the disc is removed immediately with a wet cloth; if it hardens, the circle will have to be thrown away.

If you use a diamond blade on a grinder, you can cut the sheet in two directions and it is not necessary to turn the panel over. In winter, it is recommended to lay asbestos cement slabs directly on the snow - this way the released dust will mostly be absorbed into it. A diamond wheel is used to grind the edges of the material in a cutting pestle to increase resistance to negative factors. The disk is used to trim the corners of the profile if the sheet does not move halfway during installation.

You can cut flat slate and corrugated sheets with an electric jigsaw. To do this, insert a file with fine teeth into the tool and set the operating mode to a lower gear. When cutting, do not press on the slate with the jigsaw runners, so as not to crumble the material. Use a jigsaw for small jobs.

How to minimize the amount of asbestos dust?

Opinions today about the harmfulness of inhaled asbestos fibers are very different, and even completely opposite. Our compatriots, for example, who have worked all their lives in slate factories without any masks, do not have any health problems in the respiratory tract.

But British doctors say that you only need to inhale asbestos dust once to find out you have lung cancer 20 years later. Moreover, with one breath, up to 700 thousand harmful fibers enter the body at the same time!

Take one thing into account: asbestos dust is really harmful in the process of active work with slate - and this, first of all, is sawing it.

A little about asbestophobia

So let's start from the beginning. The most common slate, which has been covering the roofs of houses for several decades, consists of the following components:

  • asbestos;
  • water;
  • Portland cement.

In addition, some experts are of the opinion that only dust from amphibole-asbestos, which is mined in Africa and is not used in domestic flat slate, is carcinogenic (here only chrysotype-asbestos).

For example, amphibole asbestos was banned several years ago in large countries such as Germany and the USA. Billions have been spent on the search for artificial substitutes, and the competition for markets for new materials has become especially fierce.

Chrysotile asbestos is another type of roofing slate. Durable and fire-resistant material is produced and used in Russia to this day, and 50% of it is exported to other countries. Its price is low, and therefore it is difficult to talk about competition. Why are world media reports about the unexpected carcinogenicity of all materials containing not only amphibole asbestos, but also chrysotile asbestos, being perceived critically by most Russian scientists - as a common competitive attack on the international market. Although it is worth noting that the issue of banning the use of this raw material has now been raised quite high.

The problem is that asbestos fibers tend to irritate lung tissue - and constantly, which is why the body first produces benign tumors in such places, and these can degenerate over time. On the other hand, glass and cement can cause the same problems. Those. Almost every person can have microtumors in the lungs, but they degenerate into malignant tumors only in people predisposed to cancer. Therefore, be that as it may, the airways of all participants in the process must be closed.

Secret No. 1. We use construction tape

Secret No. 2. We pour water generously

Water will help significantly reduce the amount of dust - wet the slate before cutting. Moreover, moisture, in turn, will also facilitate the process itself, additionally protecting the tool used from dulling.

It will be easier for you to do this step by step:

  • Step 1. Run the disc along the wet cut line, but do not force it.
  • Step 2. Moisten the crack that appears again with water.
  • Step 3. Run the machine over it again, this time deepening the stroke, but again without force. The weight of the tool is quite enough.
  • Step 4. Moisten the risk again with water.
  • Step 5. Repeat all this three to four times.
  • Step 6: Easily break the slate along the finished line.

It’s good if you can take an assistant - you will cut, and he will wet the cut area with a stream of water from a bottle or hose. But another option to moisten the cut site without direct contact of water with electricity is to wet a rag and leave it on the future cut for half an hour.

Let's say this is the most accurate and health-safe cutting method. Wet slate will naturally emit much less asbestos dust than dry slate. The dust combines with water and a paste is obtained. Believe me, it’s better than paste - you don’t inhale it. Be sure to wash off the resulting dirt from water and asbestos dust with water from a hose - both from tools and from sheets. Otherwise, if it hardens, it won’t wash off.

On the other hand, water can damage the grinder itself, and therefore it is literally not worth flooding this particular tool. Naturally, when working with the electricity plugged in, there is no need to pour water under the tool - you just need to add it from a spray bottle. Just be careful: moisture causes the sheets to become not only more elastic, but also brittle. And keep in mind that water cannot cope with asbestos dust 100%, and therefore you need to work in a high-quality respirator and goggles.

Secret No. 3. We equip a dust collector

A regular vacuum cleaner will also help you cope with dust while cutting slate: just ask your assistant to place the pipe near the cut line and follow you.

Mechanical tools

You can use a hacksaw for metal.
Hand tools are used for small cutting volumes. If the work takes place in closed garages and other rooms, you can cut corrugated slate using improvised means.

Take a metal hacksaw, which has fine teeth, and it is possible to replace the blade. Spare parts will quickly become dull on hard cement, so they are stocked in advance. A hand saw is used if you have the skill of cutting without pressure and distortion, so that cracks do not appear on the slate. Hacksaw blades are made from high-alloy metals to withstand the physical stress of processing hard material.

The parameters that matter are:

  • Saw tooth size. For metal paintings, the size does not exceed a millimeter; such elements are more durable.
  • Sharpening angle. It is important that the lower flat parts of the teeth are sharpened, since steel is sawn on these surfaces.

A sharp knife or hand cutter is also used. Before using them, the markings are deepened exactly along the intended line; for this, a solid core is taken. After this, a cutter is used. It is important not to tilt your hand and make the cut exactly along the mark.

Break off a piece of the sheet after the knife has penetrated 2/3 of the sheet thickness into the material. For the procedure, a flat wooden block is placed under the panel at the incision site. Press the edges of the sheet with your hands, and it should separate along the line. Choose a sharp knife or cutter without burrs on the edge of the working blade.

If there are no suitable cutting blades or knives, you can use the old method of dividing slate along a line using roofing nails and a hammer. These nails differ from ordinary hardware with a soft, movable head to reduce the sharpness of the impact.

Operating procedure:

  1. A fault line is marked on the sheet.
  2. Holes are punched through it as often as possible and as close to each other as possible, from start to finish along the entire length of the cut.
  3. If the line runs along the wave, the panel is turned over so that the line is in the lower part (the depression).
  4. A wooden longitudinal lumber or any pipe is placed under the seam, pressure is applied to both edges of the sheet (preferably with an assistant), the two parts are separated along the cut line.

Despite the outdated technology, this method has an advantage over using an electric tool. When the sheet is broken and pierced with nails, little asbestos dust is released, which is important for the environmental cleanliness of the workplace.

The evenness of the cut depends on the number of holes and the accuracy of the craftsman. To help separate the two pieces of sheet, you can tap the row of holes with a hammer.


Cutting asbestos-cement slate with your own hands is quite possible. I can assure you that the methods presented above work, the only difference is the quality of the cut edge. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

Slate is still considered the most popular roofing material.

December 9, 2022

Tools and materials, Roofing

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Features of cutting flat sheets

It is better to cut flat asbestos-cement slabs with an angle grinder, setting a stone circle on it.

Work schedule:

  1. By analogy with a wavy profile, flat panels are placed on a flat surface, the ground or floor.
  2. Place a board under the cut edge.
  3. The cut area is spilled with water.
  4. Cut in several passes, each time cutting through ¼ of the sheet thickness.

You can take a diamond disc. In any case, you need to work carefully, without unnecessary pressure and distortions of the blade away from the line.

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Safety precautions and recommendations

When cutting, be sure to wear respiratory protection to protect yourself from inhaling harmful asbestos particles. The effectiveness of gauze and paper masks is low, so it is better to use respirators in which the filter elements can be changed.

Brittle material produces a lot of small fragments that fly apart and upward under pressure, especially when working with power tools. To protect your eyes, wear safety glasses. Gloves and special clothing are used to protect hands and body.


The simplest tool that absolutely everyone has, but it is not the best solution. A laminate knife is only suitable if you want to make a small cutout for a ledge in the wall. While it is still possible to cut the lamella across, doing it lengthwise is almost impossible, because you will spend a lot of time and effort, and the cut will turn out to be of poor quality and crooked.

If you decide to use a knife, check its sharpness, because with a dull sheath you will make many more mistakes in your work than with a sharp one.

The best way to cut laminate flooring at home and where to cut it

A beginner can lay the floor much faster. To do this, choose a good and inexpensive tool. The boards need to be cut in another room.

  1. When laying laminate flooring, all cuts will go under the baseboards. This means that chips on them are not important to us. In this case, we use a jigsaw (it is not expensive) with any file. If you want to saw off without chipping, buy the right file. We cut from the right side;
  2. You can cut laminate flooring with a grinder. In this case, only a diamond blade will do. Cut from the side of the drawing;
  3. Holders of a circular saw also saw along the face of the board. And be sure to wear glasses;
  4. Vinyl slats are easy to cut with a utility knife;
  5. You can cut the laminate that is laid with a jigsaw or renovator.

General information

If you choose a wood-based floor covering, people often give their preference to natural parquet or a cheaper, but no less visually pleasing option - laminate. This material is characterized by increased durability and features that will even surpass natural solutions in terms of operation.

In construction stores you can find different laminate designs. World-class companies can offer end users a wide variety of textures that will imitate natural surfaces, for example, trees of various types.

This coating has become popular largely due to the fact that laminate flooring is very easy to install using a locking system. Also, such coatings are quite easy to dismantle and reinstall.

Laminate flooring is quite easy to lay and, if necessary, cut, armed with special tools

The coating is laid in rooms where there is increased traffic. This is largely due to the fact that laminate has increased wear resistance and is not afraid of loads. If you install it in a bedroom or living room, warm wood tones will create a cozy atmosphere, and thanks to its resistance to water, you don’t have to worry about fungus or bacteria developing in the kitchen.

Method 9. We cut metal with a multifunctional power tool (Renovator multitool, multicutter).

A new, widely advertised tool that comes with different attachments, including those used for cutting metal.

One of the promoted tool names is the Renovator multitool. True, other manufacturers (including Bosch, Dewalt, Makita, etc.) do not use this name. Due to its versatility, you should not expect serious capabilities for cutting large-sized metals from a renovator. Best used for trimming protruding nails, screws and other small metal cutting, especially in hard-to-reach places.

A circular saw

A hand-held circular saw has an impressive list of advantages. Among them:

  • ability to adjust cutting depth;
  • high purity of processing;
  • acceptable noise level;
  • relatively low hazard indicator, controllability;
  • no smoke or dirt is produced - only small sawdust.

To operate a manual-grade circular saw, you don’t need much skill. The recommended course of action for beginners involves installing a reliable support for the movement of the sole of the tool and working on a table.

By adjusting the plunge of the saw blade, you can cut laminate without damaging the surface of the workbench or other support. The main disadvantage of a circular saw is that not everyone has such a tool; it is irrational to buy it specifically for laying laminate floors.

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