How to cut tiles without a tile cutter: step-by-step instructions with photos and descriptions of how and how to cut tiles at home

When laying tiles, you often have to cut off pieces of material. For this purpose, there is a special device used by professional craftsmen - a tile cutter. It is not necessary to purchase it for one-time use. A handy home craftsman can easily get by with the tools at hand.

It all depends on the type of cut, which can be straight, round, figured or mosaic. The simplest and most popular straight cut; less often in repairs you have to use the round cut. And figured or mosaic are used for special design solutions.

The nuances of cutting tiles without a tile cutter

Ceramic or porcelain tiles. These materials are found very often in various works. However, if you need to cut them, you find that these materials are very durable.

  • Their properties can be compared to the properties of glass. Therefore, the principle of cutting tiles is similar to the principle of cutting glass.
  • However, not all materials can be cut using an alternative method. Moreover, even a glass cutter in some cases cannot cope with the task.
  • This happens if you try to cut tiles with a raised texture.
  • The cut can be considered high quality if there are no chips left and the cutting side is smooth.

However, you don’t have to worry about evenness if the cut side of the tile is subsequently hidden under the baseboard. In this case, you can safely use a grinder with a diamond cutting disc. The main thing here is to prevent chipping.

In any case, you need to handle the tiles carefully when cutting them. There is always a chance to hit the workpiece and break something in it. The workpiece must be securely secured to prevent it from moving.

Glass cutter

How else can you cut tiles without a tile cutter if you don’t have a grinder? If you have a glass cutter, then this should not be a problem. This is probably the easiest and most affordable way. It works on the same principle as a mechanical tool, but all operations are performed by hand.

It is better to use a diamond tip or a roller made of a tungsten-cobalt alloy.

Application of manual glass cutter:

  1. To cut the material, you must first draw a line along the front side.
  2. Attach a ruler and place the glass cutter on the edge farthest from you.
  3. Apply pressure and draw the line in one firm motion. There will be no more attempts. Do not press the cutter too hard.
  4. Tap the crack with a wooden handle.
  5. Align the tile so that one part of it is exposed.
  6. Press down on the edge of the tile and break it along the drawn line.

If you managed to make a deep enough cut, the edge will be smooth and neat, without chips on the front side.

Glass cutter is the easiest and most affordable way to separate tiles at home

It is not advisable to use such a tool for large volumes of work.

Features of various instruments

  1. Grinder with a large disc. It is better to use one that has diamond coating on the disc. The store's assortment includes discs suitable for different situations. You can also choose discs with different coatings in the store.
  2. Jigsaw. Using an electric jigsaw, it is quite easy to achieve a clean cut, since this tool is easy to use and practical. However, to work effectively, he needs a tile file, which is sold in any store.
  3. Manual glass cutter. Its area of ​​application is tiles with a glazed coating.
  4. Drill. With its help, the process of drilling holes occurs. This is a fairly convenient way.

Porcelain tiles: what and how best to cut it

Solid as a rock. It’s not surprising: porcelain stoneware is a composite material that combines the best properties of natural stone and ceramics. It does not crumble, does not absorb water, and does not even scratch. You won’t be able to work with it the same way as with tiles, but you can adapt.

A mechanical or electric tile cutter and grinder will help out. The procedure is standard: place the part on the bed → mark the cutting line → and act depending on the tool:

  • to cut with a machine tile cutter, press on the carriage, moving it away from you → release the handle → break the tile along the line;
  • an electric tool simplifies the work: we start the unit at low speeds → gradually increase the speed and do not confuse: on a unit with an overhead cutter, we lay the tiles with the facing up; with a lower disk position - down;
  • It’s even easier with a grinder: we put a metal corner on top of the tile and fix it with clamps - for an accurate cut. We start the grinder → direct it “away from us” → grind the end. Or we simplify: we make a cut, not a cut, then with a sharp movement we break the tile.

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Cutting methods

  • Electromechanical. If it was decided to use the electromechanical method, then you need to use various tools, drills or discs during the cutting process. The method involves performing the task strictly according to the ruler.
  • Mechanical. The method involves the use of tools that do not require access to electricity. Hand tools are mainly used. The work is carried out thanks to the physical strength of the worker.
  • Hydromechanical. This cutting method uses a powerful stream of water. However, the water here is not simple, but with an abrasive mixture. The quality of the finished result is high.

Cutting with a grinder

If you decide to use a grinder with a diamond blade, then you don’t need to drive it sharply over the material, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the finishing part. Also, while working, you cannot do without protective equipment in the form of a mask and goggles.

Splinters and dust can cause significant damage to health. The tile must be firmly fixed and the stone must be moved from the near edge. It is necessary to make sure that the stone runs over the front side.

Cutting with a jigsaw

Unlike other tools, a jigsaw is convenient for creating curved cuts. To get an even cut, you don’t need to buy any additional equipment: just use a regular ruler.

The cut may be rough. To avoid this, you need to slowly move the tool along the tile.

Cutting with any pointed tool

Unlike other tools, this method only allows you to cut the top of the tile, and then you have to break it. If the facing layer is strong, then the finished result will be smooth.

However, if this layer turns out to be loose, then the layer will not be even. In this case, you will have to remove the irregularities using a needle file.

Some tips about forgotten technologies

Are you going to lay the tiles yourself? Please note that the process is very labor-intensive and will require certain experience from the contractor. Beginners should be given some practical advice: if you use a grinder to cut tiles without a tile cutter, then you should not make sudden movements, because the diamond wheel will damage the part that should remain clean.

Also follow safety precautions, always use personal protective equipment against dust for the respiratory system and eyes. Shards can very quickly and easily damage the cornea, and dust can clog the airways.

Round holes

There are crowns that are designed to create circular holes in tiles. The maximum and minimum diameter of the finished hole when using crowns is quite small.

  • The first value is three centimeters, the second is 8 cm.
  • If you need a larger diameter, you can use a grinder or a ballerina drill.
  • The crowns, as well as the grinder discs, have diamond coating.

Hand jigsaw with diamond-coated file

A hand jigsaw is convenient for making curved cuts, but to work with durable ceramics you need a diamond-coated file. This tool can be used to process both wall and floor ceramics.

Hand jigsaw with tile file.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to cut tiles with a hand jigsaw:

Step 1. Marking.

Done with a marker on the surface.

Step 2. Fixation.

When working with a manual jigsaw, you can hold the tile product with your hand.

Step 3. Cut.

Part of the whole is sawed off in the standard way. You can pre-stick paper tape over the cut area - there will be less chipping and dust.

Step 4. Revision.

Final sanding of the edges after cutting is necessary.

Using an angle grinder

The tiles can be cut using an angle grinder. This tool helps to make a perfectly even cut with precise dimensions.

However, to get such a good result, you need to buy the right disc for the machine. There are many models on the market, but you need a disc coated with diamond chips.

The main thing is that the size of the crumbs was as small as possible.

Carrying out waterjet cutting

This cutting method appeared not so long ago, but it has already gained some popularity among users.

  • Its essence is to use water to cut the tiles.
  • A powerful jet of water easily cuts the material, while the tiles are not subject to temperature changes.
  • Thanks to this, it is not damaged.
  • Also, the result will be accurate and smooth.

By using alternative tile cutting methods, you can get the job done without purchasing expensive equipment.

Photo instructions on how to cut tiles without a tile cutter

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