How to open a blacksmith shop with a budget of 150,000 and 200,000 rubles.

More and more people are doing business, and fewer and fewer niches remain vacant. As a rule, growing like mushrooms after rain, these business ideas are located on the Internet and are related to the resale of goods or the provision of services. But there is one area in which there are not yet many competitors, and almost every boy, young man or man would like to engage in it. This is blacksmithing!

A resident of the city of Sergiev-Posad, Andrei Bobunin, who has been engaged in blacksmithing for the fifth year, agreed to tell Reconomica his story of the opening of the forge

Organizing this business from scratch

Before organizing a forge, it is necessary to go through the process of transformation from an ordinary person into an individual entrepreneur.
This miracle happens in the Federal Tax Service department of your city after paying a state duty of 800 “wooden” to the royal treasury and writing the corresponding petition (statement). After completing these steps, you will be presented with a special “letter” - a OGRN certificate, which will officially confirm your new status. Next, you should worry about finding a suitable room for a forge. Its area must be at least 100 square meters. meters, so that it could comfortably accommodate two departments - a hot casting workshop and a cold forging workshop. In time immemorial, master blacksmiths made their best things exclusively using the hot casting method. In modern times, to simplify the production process, cold forging is more often used.

The forge should be located as far as possible from the residential areas of the city, since the noise from its work sometimes exceeds 100 decibels. It is desirable that there be a spacious courtyard on its territory for storing finished products and materials

When arranging a room, you need to pay special attention to the ventilation system, because without good ventilation it will be physically impossible to work there. It is also necessary to settle all issues with the fire service - this body always closely monitors the activities of potentially fire-hazardous industries

An equally responsible approach is needed when recruiting workers for the forge. The optimal number is four people. One foreman in each of the workshops, as well as three general workers to help them. It will be useful to purchase transport for the delivery of large-sized products.

At the initial stage of the forge shop, emphasis should be placed on the production of the following types of the most popular products:

  • Fences and fences.
  • Furniture for the garden and vegetable garden.
  • Artistic gates and bars on windows.
  • Forged parts of garden gazebos.
  • Accessories for fireplaces.
  • Carved candlesticks and lamps.

The production of the above products will allow your business to reach high profitability rates as quickly as possible.

Purchasing a franchise

A business with an investment of up to 50 thousand can also start with the acquisition of a franchise. Many popular brands provide a budget option for services, taking care of all issues with advertising, room decoration, training and supply of raw materials.

With the help of the franchisor, sales outlets are opened:

  • live beer;
  • luxury clothing;
  • meat products;
  • confectionery products.

When selecting a company to purchase a franchise and future cooperation, it is important to pay attention to the monthly percentage of income that it will need to pay and the services included in the package. This way you can choose the most suitable option for yourself. Of course, the entrepreneur does not receive the long-awaited independence, since he will be under the control of the parent company, but it is quite possible that his income will be significant

Of course, the entrepreneur does not receive the long-awaited independence, since he will be under the control of the parent company, but it is quite possible that his income will be significant

Of course, the entrepreneur does not receive the long-awaited independence, since he will be under the control of the parent company, but it is quite possible that his income will be significant.

Mini production at home

We provide you with some business ideas up to 50,000 rubles related to home production:

  1. baking cakes to order;
  2. growing flowers, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms;
  3. mini-studio for knitting and tailoring;
  4. breeding of domestic animals: cats, dogs, decorative rabbits, parrots;
  5. making bouquets of chocolates;
  6. applying drawings and inscriptions to pillows, cups, caps, T-shirts;
  7. production of souvenirs and decorative items: magnets, figurines, boxes, dolls;
  8. production of wedding paraphernalia: decoration of glasses, making chests for money, duplicate bouquets.

All these ways of earning money, of course, require appropriate skills and creativity, but minimum costs. In this type of business, advertising will cost the most while you build a customer base.


The most expensive part of the plan is purchasing equipment. You should not save money and choose cheap Chinese equipment. Remember - good tools will last longer and will affect the quality of work. Approximate costs for forging equipment for cold forging of metal plus hot:

  • electric hammer – 180-200 thousand rubles (used – 60-90 thousand rubles);
  • forge – 70-100 thousand rubles;
  • anvil - 10-12 thousand rubles;
  • vice - 10-30 thousand rubles;
  • grinder - 4-8 thousand rubles. (it’s better to buy several);
  • assembly table – 20-26 thousand rubles;
  • drilling machine – 15-20 thousand rubles;
  • drill (manual or electric) – 4-10 thousand rubles;
  • blacksmith pliers – 5-30 thousand rubles. per set;
  • machines for cold forging - 10-20 thousand rubles;
  • hammers – 1.5 – 4 thousand rubles.

Forging methods

  1. Manual;
  2. Stamping;
  3. Forging with hammers.

Forging is carried out using hand or mechanized tools. This can be either a sledgehammer or a press powered by different types of drives, for example, pneumatic.

This operation allows you to obtain parts with different dimensions, weights and shapes.

The use of forging increases the mechanical parameters of steel and improves its internal structure. That is why especially critical parts are processed using the forging method. For example, connecting rods installed on internal combustion engines.

Forging is divided into two large groups - hand and machine. For the first, a hand-held percussion tool or specially manufactured forging and pressing equipment is used. Presses and hammers are used for machine processing. Heavy and large parts are processed on presses, smaller parts are processed on mechanical hammers.

Hand forging should only be carried out in a specially equipped workshop. In addition to the heating forge, the workshop must be equipped with a ventilation system and an anvil. It is a significant piece of metal on which technological devices, for example, a horn or a matrix, can be mounted to produce calibrated parts. For the production of anvils, 45L steel is used.

With the help of an anvil, the forging of blanks is done by hand and gives them the desired shapes and sizes. Having a flat surface on the anvil allows you to machine flat parts.

Metal processing using impacts is divided into free forging and processing in dies.

The essence of free forging is to enclose the workpiece between the hammer (press) and the base. The required shape and dimensions are obtained by the machine operator using an auxiliary tool.

During stamping, the metal receives the shape and dimensions within the limits of the tool used for processing. To release the part, a new stamp is required. Stamping is an intermediate technological operation, after which the resulting semi-finished products are sent for additional processing, such as welding or drilling.

Production of bath brooms


30 thousand rubles

The business of producing bath brooms is one of the simplest and most budget-friendly niches. The demand for brooms is growing against the backdrop of the popularity of saunas and baths. Therefore, you can easily sell your products. There will be no problems with raw materials - because... you can independently collect birch, oak, linden leaves and twigs. It is better to start a business in the summer, when the trees are green and you can reap the “harvest.” Preparations are made from June to August. But you can sell brooms at any time of the year.

For this business you do not need to purchase expensive equipment and tools. You only need a few household tools to prepare brooms and secure them. In addition to brooms, you can sell medicinal herbs or herbal tea. This will help increase profits. To sell goods, you can contact city baths and saunas, health centers, and recreation centers. You can go sell brooms at the market or, the old-fashioned way, from your car on the side of the road. The average cost of one broom is 150 rubles. It’s quite possible to earn 50-100 thousand rubles in a month. Business profitability is about 100–150%.

Technological features of artistic forging

In the process of artistic forging, experienced blacksmiths adhere to certain manufacturing technologies, which can be conditionally classified into the following types:

Upsetting - this technology is carried out when it is necessary to reduce the length of the workpiece material and increase its cross-section. In order to carry out the upsetting, it is necessary to heat the workpiece, place it vertically and hit it with a sledgehammer while holding it firmly with tongs. During these actions, it is necessary to ensure that the workpiece does not bend.

Hood – allows you to increase the length of metal products and reduce their cross-section. Extraction is carried out on an anvil by striking a hot rod with a sledgehammer.

Shearing is the process of separating a forging into two separate parts. To carry out cutting you need a chisel and a hammer. Quite often, hand forging involves partial cutting, thanks to which the cut parts can be turned into artistic elements: a petal, flower or other decorative shape.

Bending is a fairly common operation when creating artistic forging products. As a rule, in order to create an arcuate bend, it is necessary to place the workpiece on the horn of the anvil, preheat it, and perform direct bending.

Twisting and curling is a technology for creating blacksmith forging by rotating one end of the workpiece around its axis relative to the other.

Smoothing – carried out using a hammer and allows you to make the surface of the workpiece perfectly smooth

However, in places where the products bend, it is very important to leave light edges, thanks to which the workpiece will be natural and picturesque.

Cutting patterns - to implement this technology, the workpiece is preheated and strokes, fonts, artistic silhouettes, and broken lines are applied using a chisel. Assembly is the technology of connecting individual parts into one whole product. Assembly can be carried out using forge welding or riveting.

NIGHT DPO "Russian Academy of Crafts" (CAO)

Address: metro station Kurskaya, Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya street 11, building 52, floor 6, office 1 Website: Phone: 8 (499) 343-9721 Cost: distance learning (144 hours) - 30,000 rubles. , weekday group (144 hours) - 55,000 rubles, weekend group (144 hours) - 55,000 rubles.

Course “Blacksmith of artistic forging”

For those who want to learn how to design and make forged metal objects for both interior and exterior. The final works of students are real works of art created by themselves.

Students learn design and basic metal processing skills under the guidance of experienced master artists. Theory - 34 hours, practice - 110 hours.

What is included in the training program for artistic forging courses:

  • Introduction to the specialty, familiarization with forge equipment, labor protection, safety precautions
  • Materials Science
  • History of styles
  • Drawing and design
  • Practical mastery of basic forging operations: bending, broaching, upsetting (upsetting), torsion, straightening, cutting, piercing, riveting, applying texture to the metal surface
  • Mastering primary skills in making hand-held blacksmith tools
  • Methods of surface treatment of forged products, coating methods

Document issued: certificate “Hand-forged blacksmith” with assignment of rank.

Business relevance

In the minds of many people, a blacksmith is a profession from the past. Indeed, there are few real specialists in their field left, but the demand for forged metal products remains quite large.

To open your own forge, you do not have to graduate from the Stroganov Academy of Applied Arts. The main thing is desire and physical strength. It is much more profitable to open your own forge, since craftsmen in most cases do not receive more than 20% of the total profit while working for other companies. The threshold for entering this business is approximately 5-30 thousand dollars.

Forging production is a specific segment that is not without risks and disadvantages. But with the proper preparation of a business plan, construction of a development strategy and market analysis, you can create a profitable business that will quickly recoup the initial investment.

Study of technology and business features

“Everyone is looking for a shortcut to money, but they forget about the shortest one - through work!”

G. Ford

As strange as it may sound, in order to get an idea of ​​​​the production of artistic forging products, it is best to get a job in the nearest workshop or workshop. Here you can gain skills in cold metal processing, understand what products are popular, what equipment will be needed first, and many other nuances that cannot be learned by reading theory. Such training is mandatory when working independently with metal.

However, the main thing is that after completing such courses, a detailed understanding of the technological chain will appear. Of course, if you plan to open at least a factory or a large workshop, then you can hire a technologist. A master of artistic forging will quickly organize the entire process. But to what extent such costs will be justified at the initial stage is unknown.

So, the production of artistic forging products to order has been studied thoroughly, a place for a workshop has been found, and reliable suppliers of material have been found, it is worth purchasing suitable equipment. But, first of all, you need to understand what elements of cold forging form the basis of such production.


When developing a business plan for a forge, do not forget about the requirements for employees. The minimum staff of such an enterprise should consist of two people: a chief foreman and his assistant. It is also advisable to hire a qualified welding specialist who will assemble the finished products.

Finding good blacksmiths is not easy; this is the main problem of this type of activity. In serious forges, in addition to workers, there is also an artist on staff who creates sketches of future products. He also designs all the decorative elements.

A business plan for a forge should be carefully thought out and reflect the purpose of your project and the type of products being manufactured. It should include information about the requirements for the premises, the number of workers, the type of ventilation, production capacity and other important points. The production technology of the products should also be considered in a separate section.

DIY forged elements: where would we be without advertising?

Any business, big or small, needs advertising support.

You can use local media for this purpose by posting photos of products, your interview, customer reviews, or a large article about your business.

Advertising banners next to the workshop, on a nearby highway, in individual development villages (after all, small advertising sheets on poles with color photos of products too).

Use the Internet. For example, at least just submit ads on Avito.

The best thing is to place your products. So, you can propose to the municipality to place a wrought iron bench in a prominent place in the city.

Good advertising is participation in all kinds of exhibitions, and not only blacksmithing ones; Even a flower exhibition would be suitable, where you can display a wrought iron stand.

Many large and small cities hold festivals of folk crafts, including blacksmiths, on City Day. (For example, annually in August such festivals are held in the ancient city of Ustyuzhna, Vologda region, where blacksmiths come even from abroad).

Advice for aspiring entrepreneurs

In conclusion, I would like to give a couple of tips for beginning entrepreneurs in this area:

  1. By opening a business with friends, you are deliberately taking the step of reducing productivity at work, since non-work relationships make subordination impossible.
  2. When calculating the cost of an order, it is necessary to take into account all cost items, not forgetting about coal or gas, electricity, primer, paint, patina and delivery.
  3. Post information about your activities on free resources, message boards and get to know potential customers as much as possible. Drive around your area and knock on private houses without feeling any embarrassment, because this is what your income depends on. Once we realized this, things took off.
  4. Customers often don’t know what exactly they want and when, they just sit at their dachas and dream of a beautiful canopy, bench, railing or garden decor. Offer your services, make a folder with sketches or photos of products that you can make (for starters, you can download them from the Internet).
  5. Everyone makes mistakes at the beginning, and it is better to be two months late than to do it poorly. A quality product is your word of mouth. The delay will quickly be forgotten, but the product will remain.

Service business

In the range of up to 100 thousand rubles, the most profitable option is to open a service center for servicing computer equipment. Moreover, the scheme of working with a visit to the customer’s home is no longer so popular today - competition is high, and such “specialists” do not carry out complex repairs, which affects their final earnings. All work of the service center should be focused on component repairs, that is, those associated with soldering microcircuits and replacing microcontrollers. The services of such specialists are expensive, and for the work you will literally need a soldering iron, flux, and a minimum set of hand tools. 100 thousand is enough to buy a small IR soldering station, which significantly increases the income of the service center (up to 150 - 200 thousand rubles per month in large cities).

You can also consider opening a service station for business. Moreover, experts recommend choosing a narrowly focused niche, for example:

  • tuning using phosphorized paints;
  • installation and maintenance of alarms;
  • setting up on-board computers, reprogramming them (flashing);
  • modernization of lighting systems (using LED strips and neon lamps).

Another profitable niche is construction and renovation.

But before you begin, it is important to assemble an experienced team of specialists. A basic set of tools will cost about 60 – 70 thousand rubles

A complete set (with a gas gun for suspended ceilings, a reciprocating saw for aerated concrete and wood, a vacuum cleaner for construction waste) - about 150 thousand rubles. Here, profitability depends directly on the reputation of the construction team and their portfolio. Possible income – up to 400 thousand per month.

Basic Rules

There are many men who equipped a small room in a residential building as a forge. Most often they used the bathroom for this, which is completely wrong! A forge is a place where basic fire safety rules must be observed.

Before you start talking about how to make a forge yourself, you should determine a place for it. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • Premises: separate, located away from a residential building.
  • Room area: from 15 m2 and above, depending on the purpose of the work.
  • Forge walls: built of wood or brick, covered with plaster.
  • Forge floor: any non-combustible material.
  • Door opening: outward.
  • Additionally: good lighting with insulated electrical wiring, ventilation.

A forge located at home may interfere with the sleep of household members, which should be taken into account before constructing or allocating premises. If the work is planned to be carried out only in the warm season, you should think about equipping a canopy. All the recommendations described above are followed regardless of the type of forge.

Purchase of equipment, forge and other tools

The choice and purchase of equipment and tools is one of the most important issues when opening your own forge. You need a lot of tools, and they differ in their purpose:

  • supporting;
  • punchy;
  • shock;
  • overhead;
  • doubles, etc.

Among the impact tools, there are sledgehammers - they will be needed in various sizes to work with large and small workpieces. You will also definitely need to buy anvils, which are related to support equipment. A blacksmith cannot do without various metal clamps and clamps that will hold the workpieces. You need at least 1-2 pairs of vices. Using an applied tool, metal products are notched or stuffed.

For a large-scale workshop, it is necessary to buy several copies of each tool. In addition to the above, these will include hammers, pliers, punches, chisels, electrodes, welding masks, and an assortment of gloves. It is quite possible that you will need a welding machine and an experienced welder. Another useful device is a spray gun, which will make it possible to paint finished products in your production.

Arranging a room for a forge

A forge business plan is a document according to which the project will be implemented. If we talk about the requirements for the premises for this type of activity, then first of all it should be noted that it should be spacious and bright. The ceiling height should be at least three to four meters with a total area of ​​40 square meters. m.

The main equipment of a forge is a one- or two-fire forge. It is necessary to equip a chimney for it. An anvil is installed at a distance of one and a half or two meters from the forge, and a vice is placed a little further from it. Along with the forge structure, it is necessary to install boxes for water, which is needed for hardening or cooling the tool.

The blacksmith tool should be in a convenient place. You can hang it on the wall or equip a special stand for it. Drilling machines, steel movable goats, lever shears, a pneumatic hammer - all this will help the master create high-quality blacksmith products.

How to choose a room

The best option for premises is a free forge. Many enterprises are abandoning ancillary production, and it will be easier for you to settle in a suitable location. If you have not found a ready-made site, select another suitable premises at the enterprise and rent it. It is convenient to work at an enterprise, since it is quite possible that production will be able to overload you with work. Over time, if things go well, you will be able to build your own workshop and expand your business.

Enter into a lease agreement for a period sufficient to achieve stable production volumes. A rental that is too short will lead to forced relocation, which means problems with transporting bulky equipment and extra costs. If your financial situation allows, you can buy space and invest money in equipment. The lease must be formalized legally.


The most expensive part of the plan is purchasing equipment. You should not save money and choose cheap Chinese equipment. Remember - good tools will last longer and will affect the quality of work. Approximate costs for forging equipment for cold forging of metal plus hot:

  • electric hammer – 180-200 thousand rubles (used – 60-90 thousand rubles);
  • forge – 70-100 thousand rubles;
  • anvil - 10-12 thousand rubles;
  • vice - 10-30 thousand rubles;
  • grinder - 4-8 thousand rubles. (it’s better to buy several);
  • assembly table – 20-26 thousand rubles;
  • drilling machine – 15-20 thousand rubles;
  • drill (manual or electric) – 4-10 thousand rubles;
  • blacksmith pliers – 5-30 thousand rubles. per set;
  • machines for cold forging - 10-20 thousand rubles;
  • hammers – 1.5 – 4 thousand rubles.

Popular types of business

Now let's look at what types of businesses you can successfully engage in by investing no more than two hundred thousand rubles. There are many interesting and useful ideas, among which you need to choose your own - that is, the one to which you can devote a significant part of your personal time with great pleasure.

So it could be:

  • traditional car wash;
  • dry car wash;
  • production of stamps and seals;
  • business producing designer mirrors;
  • a small cosmetics and perfumery store;
  • provision of services for treating tiles with anti-slip coating;
  • packaging of bee honey and its sale;
  • production of paving slabs;
  • finishing and landscaping of territories.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.

Professional car wash

Since the number of car owners is constantly increasing, and each of them wants to keep their vehicle perfectly clean, opening your own car wash can become a very promising business for you.

Particularly beneficial in this regard will be a mobile car wash, which can be located in any convenient place. For beginning entrepreneurs who want to try their hand at this, we can recommend mobile car washes with inflatable pallets - the average cost of such products does not exceed two hundred thousand rubles.

The right location is the key to success in this line of business. Therefore, it would be good to place a mobile car wash near large shopping centers, gas stations, and also near residential areas - it will be very convenient for motorists living here, and, accordingly, very profitable for you.

Dry car wash

If you think that you may face serious competition in your previous line of business, try an innovative solution such as dry car washing.

Unlike washing in the traditional way, this type of business has its own individual characteristics and advantages:

  • no need to connect water and electricity supply systems;
  • high speed of customer service;
  • car cleaning in the most convenient places for clients;
  • the use of high-quality products that are absolutely safe from an environmental point of view.

It is very easy to start this type of business even with a small start-up capital. Everything you need for this lesson includes:

  • a passenger car for travel to the place designated by the client;
  • special high-quality spray for ideal dissolution of dirt;
  • a set of microfiber cloths for cleaning.

The most profitable solution is to hire workers who own their own cars.

These days, this type of business is in great demand and is an ideal solution for busy clients who value their time very much.

Treating tiles with anti-slip coating

Tiles made from ceramics or porcelain stoneware are actively used in various rooms. It is very aesthetic, practical and durable, but still has a significant drawback - it becomes very slippery when drops of water or snow get on it.

That is why the business related to the sale of high-quality anti-slip tile coating products will always be very relevant.

To organize this type of business, you will need a small start-up capital - approximately 150 to 200 thousand rubles. This money will be used to purchase:

  • exclusive rights to open a dealership;
  • developed marketing plan for product promotion;
  • initial package of promotional materials;
  • samples of processed ceramic and porcelain tiles;
  • set of technical documentation;
  • starting stock of products to begin sales.

In fact, there are many wonderful opportunities to open a relevant and profitable business for 200,000 rubles. Choose the most interesting direction for yourself, develop your business and achieve maximum success in it!

Where to look for clients?

The first step in this direction is to create a website. To do this, you can turn to professionals or do the work yourself. Today there are many free editors that will help you create it without programming knowledge. The site will attract its first customers within a month, and their flow can be increased with the help of contextual advertising. It is easy to customize and will allow you to attract your target audience even with minimal budgets.

The second opportunity is cooperation with trade and service companies. Construction stores, utility services, funeral service agencies, interior design studios - these and other organizations actively use forged products in their work.

Word of mouth is another effective way to attract customers. Finished projects are the best advertisement for a workshop, which means that beautifully completed work will attract new customers.

Additional channels for finding clients can also be posting information on websites with advertisements (Avito, “From Hand to Hand”, etc.), placing an open workshop on public streets, or opening your own store of finished products in shopping malls.

Building a strategy

Any business is consumer-oriented - assess the level of demand for forged products. Are there cottage villages or private sectors nearby, are orders from the municipality possible? After that, evaluate competing organizations. These are not only colleagues in the workshop - private forges, but also:

  • highly specialized branches of large metal enterprises;
  • sale of forged elements from Turkish and European manufacturers;
  • Chinese products.

Before opening the forge, describe the following points:

  1. the number of workshops with a similar direction;
  2. level of demand;
  3. possible markets for products;
  4. approximate number of customers;
  5. seasonality of the business - is it possible to find buyers in the cold season;
  6. popular forged products that will be in demand;
  7. acceptable pricing policy;
  8. selection and organization of premises for the forge;
  9. purchase of equipment;
  10. hiring staff;

Only after finding a definition for all of the above points can you move on.

Awareness of problems and mistakes

The following spring we began touring the area and looking for potential customers. They knocked on doors, left business cards, wrote personal messages to people on social networks and told everyone they knew, at every convenient and inconvenient moment, about our forge.

In the spring we forged roses and barbecues, in the fall - canopies and fences. We began to work at the “will” of the customer, offering specific seasonal products.

The Internet helped with the educational theory of sales - yet in the pile of rubbish, there were useful and effective tips. Sales began to grow, mostly due to acquaintances and people whose doors we knocked on.

Pet Photography

If you:

know how to take photographs and process photos, love pets.

What to do:

arrange photo sessions for pets.

Who needs:

pet owners.

Primary expenses:

from 0 rubles (if you already have photographic equipment).


from 3,000 rubles per service.


Offer pet owners not only a selection of successful and edited photos in electronic form, but also printed photographs, as well as images on pillows, badges, postcards, calendars, mugs, etc.

Books to help:

Birds in the Frame by David Tipling; "Finding the Frame" by Brian Peterson; "Take a Photograph Every Day" by Susan Tuttle.



from 20 thousand rubles

Although this business may seem strange to residents of rural areas, “green” tours are gaining more and more popularity every year. According to experts, this trend has every chance of becoming a hit in the near future. City dwellers are tired of the hustle and bustle and are eager to get out into the fresh air and enjoy nature. This is how entrepreneurs appear who can provide comfortable housing for rent and organize leisure time for tourists in the village.

This type of tourism involves immersing city residents in an atmosphere that is radically different from their normal life. What is commonplace for villagers is entertainment and exotic for city dwellers.

The idea is profitable and promising, but has certain difficulties. Firstly, not every village can establish such a business. Comfortable accommodation alone will not attract tourists. It’s good if the village has a clean lake, a beautiful forest or other interesting places. Secondly, this idea is suitable for owners of several houses with amenities and a beautiful large garden plot. Thirdly, it is necessary to think about how to organize leisure time for tourists (excursions, fishing, entertainment, etc.). Therefore, it is good to start such a business when there is already a basis. If you start from scratch, it will take a lot of money and time.

And yet the main thing is entrepreneurship. Even with minimal capital, you can open a business in this area. For example, offer fishing, mushroom and berry picking, boating, cycling, excursions, etc. Ecotourism is an interesting and promising direction. You can start with a small range of services and invest profits to expand your business.

How much can you earn from artistic forging: financial calculations

The financial section of the business plan reflects calculations of the forge’s income and expenses. By comparing them, you can find out how profitable this project is and when it will start making a profit.

Business Investments

Costs for opening a workshop:

  • registration – 800;
  • purchase of equipment and consumables – 300,000;
  • advertising – 20,000.

Total: 328,000 rubles.

Project maintenance costs

Monthly expenses include expenses for:

  • premises rental – 7000;
  • utility bills – 4000;
  • working capital for the purchase of raw materials and consumables – 50,000;
  • transport costs – 4000;
  • advertising – 6000;
  • tax deductions – 6% of income.

Total: 71,000 plus tax.

Workshop income and expected profit calculation

The cost of 1 m2 of forged grating is 3,000 rubles, and its cost is 1,000 rubles. Having produced 100 m2 of products in a month, the entrepreneur will earn 300,000 rubles. To calculate profit, you need to subtract tax deductions and workshop expenses from this amount:

  • 300,000 x 0.06 = 18,000 – tax 6%;
  • 300,000 – 71,000 – 18,000 = 211,000 – net profit for the month.

It is important to try to reach the planned sales level by the end of the first quarter, in which case the initial investment in the business will pay off in 5–6 months. In the future, you can think about the prospects for the development of the project and purchase the missing equipment to speed up production

This will improve profitability and generate greater profits.

Artistic forging is a relevant business idea with good prospects, since in large cities the demand for decorative elements made of metal is constantly growing. People love to decorate their homes with handcrafted wrought iron grilles, fencing, and lamps. This allows them to emphasize their individuality and status.

Blacksmithing is promising for the following reasons:

  1. Demand. The demand for the services of blacksmith workshops is growing - due to the growing demand for artistic forging among municipal organizations and individuals. City administrations are striving to improve the areas with wrought-iron benches, lanterns, fences and much more. Residents decorate private houses with openwork gates, balconies and staircases. All this provides orders to blacksmith workshops.
  2. Profitability. The opportunity to earn money by fulfilling exclusive orders of forged products: gates, fences, wickets, window bars, fences of various types and purposes, doors, canopies and canopies, bridges and stairs, barbecues and gazebos, forged furniture, hangers and much more. Another source of income for the workshop can be the manufacture and sale of standard forged products to nearby stores. To increase your income, you can organize the retail sale of forged elements produced on your equipment to blacksmiths.
  3. This niche is not oversaturated. There are few players in the market (competitors) compared to other types of business (car washes, catering establishments, tire fitting, etc.)
  4. Inexpensive entry into business. To open a blacksmith shop, you will need a small sum of money from 357,274 rubles (for the exact calculation, see the “Minimum Investment” table below).
  5. Creative self-expression. Blacksmithing allows a lot of imagination, and if you like to create something new, then this business will contribute to your creativity. Successful artistic products will be in demand among buyers, which will allow you to make money from your calling.
  6. Simplicity of business processes. Opening a workshop does not require complex and unnecessarily costly operations. All you need is to rent a working space, purchase the necessary equipment and materials, advertise and then accept and fulfill orders.
  7. A full-fledged forging production can be deployed even in a garage. This is especially true at first, when there is no money for a workshop, but there is a great desire to earn money.

What equipment is best to choose for the production of artistic forging?

The next investment is the purchase of equipment. Experts advise purchasing only professional forging equipment. You will need machines: for bending, twisting, shaping, cutting, forming and straightening rolled metal. In addition, you need a welding machine, a straightener, an anvil, one or two welding stations for assembling products, a cutting machine, an angle grinder for cleaning weld seams, a compressor with a spray gun for painting finished forged products, as well as a workbench with a vice. The total investment in such a set of equipment will be no less than 1.5 million rubles.

In order not to waste money on delivery of raw materials and materials, it is advisable to acquire a personal truck. Boo. a Gazelle van will cost 150 – 250 thousand rubles. On it, if necessary, it is possible to deliver finished products to the customer.

The total investment in the business will ultimately amount to at least 2 million rubles. No one can say the exact payback period for such investments - everything is very individual and largely depends on the organization of the business. You can make a profit after just six months of work. The average return on investment in blacksmithing is two to three years.

Drawing up a business plan for a forge

In order to assess the profitability of production, it is necessary to draw up a business plan, which will display all items of expenses and projected income.

So, in the process of organizing an artistic forge, it is necessary to provide for the following expenses:

  • For rent and maintenance of the premises (repayment of electricity bills, heating);
  • For the purchase of equipment, tools and forging machines;
  • For the purchase of metal (1 ton of metal costs about 7 thousand rubles on average);
  • To pay wages to workers;
  • To purchase office supplies and pay for the telephone;
  • Unexpected expenses;
  • For depreciation of equipment and its maintenance;
  • For marketing research and establishing a sales system.

When making financial calculations of key indicators, it is necessary to take into account the following data:

  • duration of the production cycle (production of 1 m2 of forging);
  • equipment load in one shift - 100%.
  • working hours: one shift or two shifts, two days off;
  • worker productivity;
  • delivery time for the customer’s equipment is 10 days from the date of conclusion of the contract;
  • loss percentage – 0.5%.

The average price for artistic forging products in Russia is about 15,000 rubles per 1 m2. Based on the above data, it is necessary to calculate the efficiency of production activities and its payback period.

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