Diamond tools, classification and scope of application

A diamond tool is one of the types of abrasive equipment, with the help of which parts are shaped or the required surface cleanliness is achieved. The workpieces are strengthened in manual mechanisms or on machines. In isolated cases, human physical efforts are used. If a tool is worn out, it is repaired or updated.

Diamond tools are used for cutting operations (cutting, drilling, countersinking) and finishing operations: grinding and polishing. The products are used in the military, mining, and metallurgical industries. And also in medicine, construction, everyday life, in the manufacture of cars, electrical appliances, ships.

Benefits of using diamond tools

The introduction of abrasive products with diamonds improves working conditions, improves the quality of products and reduces production costs. The list of advantages includes an optimal balance of strength, fragility and price.

The advantages of introducing diamond tools include:

  1. accuracy of dimensions and surface roughness;
  2. increasing the wear resistance of equipment;
  3. cheaper production;
  4. significant acceleration (by 50%) when processing brittle and hard materials.

The disadvantages depend on the composition of the diamond-containing layer and production technology. The list of disadvantages of metal-bonded products includes clogging; for rubber-based products, low heat resistance. If the tool is made by soldering, a characteristic defect is the loss of diamonds from the working layer.

How to choose a file

The tool is selected for a specific job. It must satisfy a number of requirements:

  1. It is necessary to match the geometry of the tool and the task ahead. Its shape is a defining feature. Working with planes selects a working part similar in outline. When cutting round holes, the same selection principle applies; for rectangular grooves, a square file is used, saws are sharpened with a triangular one. If you are going to create a complex configuration with sharp internal corners, then a diamond shape is best suited. These devices are used to process the teeth of various gears. The surface treatment of large radius cylinders from the inside is performed with semicircular or oval tools.
  2. The length and width of the working part must correspond to the nature of the task and take into account the dimensions of the part. Large teeth improve productivity, while fine teeth provide increased precision.
  3. The surface quality requirements determine the decision on the cut number. For primary processing, class 1 hog files with numbers 0 and 1 are useful. Personal grades. 2 marked 2 and 3 are used in the final stages. Velvet 3, 4, 5 and 6 and with numbered notches 4 and 5 are chosen if it is necessary to obtain jewelry quality of the product.
  4. In accordance with the material intended for processing, the composition of the steel from which the tool is made is selected. The higher the hardness of the material of the part, the more carbon the steel should be. Grade U13 contains 1.3% carbon. Hardness values ​​for files for metalworking work range from 64 to 66 HRc, for sharpening work values ​​are needed from 65 to 67 HRc, for rasps for working with soft materials the hardness is from 53 to 56 HRc. Heat treatment of the file is carried out in a mode that ensures the creation of a workable surface and a softer core. This ensures the fracture strength of the device. To work with high-alloy steels and ceramics, files with a diamond coating on the working part are used.

Professionals advise buying instruments made in Russia. Such a purchase will cost much less than imports without deteriorating technical properties. Excellent performance indicators are regulated by the standards prescribed in the state standard GOST 23726-79 “Metal-cutting and wood-cutting tools.”

GOST 23726-79 Metal-cutting tools. Acceptance rules

1 file 1,022.93 KB

A true master's arsenal should include the entire range of file sizes.

Classification of diamond tools

The main purpose of the products is the processing of hard, dense and brittle materials. Examples: metal, stone, glass, ceramics, concrete.

Based on the design, most of the products are rotating bodies: cutting wheels, discs, cups. There are diamond tools of elongated and non-standard shapes: ropes, heads, pencils, needles, needle files, whetstones.

Depending on the design, fixed in a machine or a manual device, the equipment performs a rotational or translational movement. Based on the hardness of the base, rigid and flexible products are distinguished; prefabricated nozzles are also available.

The consumer characteristics of a diamond tool are determined by the technology of applying the working layer to the product frame. The main methods include:

  1. soldering;
  2. cold pressing of the binder and diamonds in a mold, followed by heating the tool in an oven with hydrogen and further holding at this temperature;
  3. hot pressing in a mold;
  4. galvanic method of applying powder with abrasives.

If we take into account the features of using diamond tools, we distinguish between products intended for universal and specialized equipment. The determining factors include:

  • scale of production: single, serial;
  • manufacturing technology: with cooling (using liquid) and without forced temperature reduction in the working area.

In addition to products with a stable shape, manufacturers produce thick formulations and fine dry mixtures. In the first category, the following are in demand: GOI, CBN and diamond pastes. In the second - grinding powders and submicro-powders.

A set of needle files – how not to get confused when choosing?

There are quite a lot of companies producing the tool in question, including domestic manufacturers: Metallist OJSC, Zubr, and imported ones: Vallorbe, Bahco, FIT, Jonnesway, MATRIX, Stanley, STAYER, Sturm. Domestic ones are in stable good demand due to their low cost. Imported ones, in particular Swedish and Swiss Vallorbe, Bahco and others, are a little expensive, but they definitely justify their performance. STAYER, Sturm, MATRIX are not favored by masters because of their low durability. And, of course, needle files made in the USSR are quite popular, as they say - the optimal price/quality ratio.

A set of needle files, both diamond and plain, consists mainly of 6 or 10 tools. A set of 10 pieces includes all produced sheet shapes. Sets of 6 pieces have only basic shapes; as a rule, they are enough for home use, but in any case, the exact configuration needs to be clarified. Indications of the length and type of notch are applied to the packaging; in expensive imported copies that are sold individually, these data are contained directly on the needle file blade.

You can evaluate the quality of the working part of the tool by taking two needle files, pressing lightly, and running the working part of one along the blade of the other. A high-quality notch will not bend or wear off, while the color of the canvas at the test site will not change, well-applied diamond dust will not crumble or crumble. On the market you can also find unusual grooves that are not very common in our country. These are curved needle files used in processing internal, hard-to-reach curved grooves of parts. As a rule, they have a notch on both ends of the tool, and the middle part protrudes as a handle.

Photo of a set of handles for a needle file, petrofort.com

Photo of needle file handle, petrofort.com

Photo of using a file, petrofort.com

Photo of a round needle file, petrofort.com

Photo of a triangular needle file, petrofort.com

Main characteristics of the tool

The equipment consists of a base on which a layer of powder is applied. The requirement for the selection of products for surface treatment is that the hardness of the tool should be higher compared to the workpiece.

If the difference is significant, overheating and thermal defects are possible. A small difference leads to tool failure or reduced productivity.

Features of the diamond-containing layer

The weight of a solid mineral is measured in carats. One carat is equal to 0.2 g. The grains are intergrown diamond crystals. The main characteristics of products include the size and density of particles. To hold diamonds in the working layer, binders are used, of which there are three main types.

Organic components emit little heat and are practically not salted. The advantages of the binder include strong retention of grains, including the fine fraction, which is why the equipment is used for finishing operations. The disadvantage is increased wear resistance.

Metal particles give the working layer strength; upon contact with the part, the powder heats up. Equipment with a bond made of bronze, aluminum, copper and other metals is prone to clogging and requires frequent editing.

The peculiarity of using tools with ceramic powder is for finishing viscous materials. Abrasive products are used for simultaneous processing of steel and hard alloys.

Uniformity and grain concentration

When producing powders, the compositions are divided into fractions. For this purpose, sieves with special cells are used. Product labeling is a fraction. The numerator is the size of the sides of the holes in the upper sieve, the denominator is the parameter of the lower cells.

When processing round parts, the contact point with the tool is minimal. In this case, choose abrasive products in which the working layer contains a high concentration of solid inclusions.

The uniformity and mass fraction of the abrasive affect labor productivity, the cutting ability of the tool and the surface cleanliness of the part.

So this is a file?

A diamond file is a small file or miniature saw. The working surface of the tool is covered with a thin layer of diamond coating. Thanks to this, the needle file not only cuts the material during operation, but scrapes it, removing the thin top layer.

Diamond is one of the most expensive natural minerals. It would seem, why use it to create a banal working tool? In fact, artificial diamond is used in production. Due to the high strength of artificial diamond, tools based on it can work with materials such as glass, ceramics, durable steel and other high-strength alloys.

The needle file consists of several elements. The basis of the tool is durable carbon steel, and the coating is diamond. Diamond chips are held on the base due to nickel, which is applied to the tool using the galvanic method. An ordinary manicure file, which every girl has in her cosmetic bag, is a kind of needle file.

Let's look at one example in which the use of a needle file is necessary. Imagine that you need to make a kitchen apron, and you plan to place ceramic tiles end to end. A regular steel file is not suitable in this case. The fact is that it will wear off very quickly, because ceramics are an abrasive material for it. But a diamond needle file will ideally perform this type of work.


The smaller the grain, the higher the accuracy (lower the quality). The process of processing rough surfaces consists of 3-4 stages. For the “grinding” operation, a nozzle with a coarse abrasive fraction is used.

When moving to the next step, choose a diamond tool with a finer grit. At the final stage - polishing - products with fine-grained abrasive are used.

When choosing round tools, consider the following parameters:

  • ratio of the sizes of the nozzle and the workpiece: the smaller the circle, the greater the number of revolutions the disk makes, as a result, it heats up more and wears out;
  • plasticity of the binder in the diamond-containing layer: with increasing viscosity, the finishing process slows down;
  • conditions in the work area: an increase in temperature leads to burning of the base; to reduce the risk, use cooling.

Diamond core bits and drills

Using core drills produced by sintering, builders lay communications in walls and make recesses for sockets and switches. Ring equipment with galvanic coating of a diamond layer is used:

  • for adjusting tiles to shape;
  • for excavating large holes (in isolated cases).

Horseshoe-shaped diamond drills are made by pressing. The purpose of the tool is to make holes of small diameters (1.5-8 mm) in products made of ornamental stones, ceramics, quartz, and ferrites. A prerequisite is cooling of the contact zone.

The design of the working part of the countersinks is selected according to the shape of the part. To make a ream or cylindrical recess, spherical, cylindrical and canonical (for glass) drills are used. Working tools are grouped by purpose:

  • for universal mechanisms (angle grinders);
  • for specialized equipment (drilling machines).

The countersink ensures dimensional accuracy and hole alignment. These properties are achieved due to hardened material and an increased number of cutting edges. Manufacturers produce drills in one piece, prefabricated and welded, there are products with inserts. The equipment from the first group is called a countersink drill.

Diamond cutting discs

The products are used to work with asbestos, stone, and reinforced concrete. The scope of application of diamond cutting discs is in the construction and dismantling of buildings, road construction work, mining and processing of minerals. The equipment ensures high labor productivity and high-quality cuts.

Diamond cutting discs are grouped into tools for universal use and depending on the type of material: for granite, concrete. Important criteria include:

  1. operating conditions: with cooling or for dry operation;
  2. belonging to mechanisms: gas cutters, grinders, units for laying seams, machines for processing tiles or stone.

Diamond grinding wheels

The purpose of the products is to bring the workpiece design to final dimensions and the required roughness. The most common type is straight profile equipment. The working parts of the universal tool are flat surfaces and ends.

Diamond wheels are designed for:

  1. grinding and polishing using traditional and centerless methods:
  • conical and flat surfaces;
  • external contour and recesses in round blanks;
  1. sharpening cutting, piercing and other tools.

A special feature of a three-sided product with a straight profile is the removal of part of the base at the boundary with the diamond-containing layer. The improved design of the tool allows you to grind grooves.

The cup grinding wheel is used for operations:

  • removing the paint layer before further processing;
  • sharpening knives, cutters, cutter teeth and saws;
  • finishing the end surfaces of round parts, for example, guide elements from machine tools and presses.

Disc-type grinding wheels are designs with small recesses on the planes. The advantage of the tool is a reduction in labor intensity by 35-50% (compared to using straight profile equipment). Grinding wheels are used to process surfaces that are difficult to approach, for example, sharpening circular saws.

Flat-shaped equipment with one- and two-sided recesses is used in the manufacture (sharpening) of threads and gear teeth. Diamond grinding wheels with a sophisticated design allow you to combine the following operations:

  • end trimming;
  • grinding.

Abrasive products are in demand in agriculture, instrument making, medicine, and metallurgy.

Shape and marking of grinding wheels:

Needle file flat, triangular, round and others

A needle file is essentially a small file. Mechanics call the file itself a saw, due to the fact that the notch has the appearance of teeth, only they do not cut the body of the material, but scrape, i.e. clean off the top layer of its surface. It turns out that the file is a miniature saw. The purpose of the mini saw is metal processing. Therefore, the material from which needle files are made must be harder than simple steel. According to GOST 1435 and 5950, it is necessary to use carbon steels of the following grades: U12, U12A, U13, U13A or 13X. Hardness during testing must be at least 55-58 units on the HRC scale.

The following types of needle files are produced according to the cross-sectional shape of the rod:

  • flat blunt-nosed file;
  • flat pointed nose; square;
  • trihedral;
  • triangular one-sided;
  • round;
  • semicircular;
  • rhombic;
  • hacksaw (has the shape of an isosceles triangle with a very small base);
  • oval (there are two types: elliptical and rectangular with rounded edges);
  • grooved

Blunt-nosed instruments have the same cross-sectional size along their entire length; in sharp-nosed instruments, the cross-section of the rod gradually decreases towards the edge of the instrument; therefore, the notch at a distance of up to 3 mm from the edge is not controlled by the manufacturer. The notching itself is also performed according to standards. Firstly, only a double notch is applied to the main working parts of the file: main and auxiliary. Except for round and oval shapes, which can use single or spiral single.

Secondly, the number of notches per 10 millimeters of tool length determines its number. Manufacturers almost always indicate only the tool number: 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

It is important to understand that the larger the number, the greater the number of notches on the product, which means that smaller teeth and a smoother surface can be obtained during processing. A tool with large teeth is necessary when working with large surfaces or where it is necessary to remove a large layer of metal, for example, a triangular small file with a large notch is convenient for sharpening saw teeth on wood

The medium cut is more suitable for working with soft metals: brass, aluminum, bronze. These files can be used to polish the surfaces of water couplings for better joining, or to remove nicks without fear of accidentally “licking” part of the product. The smallest teeth are for filigree work; with such tools you can remove a small layer of material when fitting parts of machines and devices - increase the size of the groove for the wedge on the electric motor shaft, clean the burnt contacts of household current collectors: sockets, circuit breakers, etc.

The length of the working part of a small file is always half its total length. And there are only three standard sizes: 50, 60 and 80. This is where the fun begins, the number of the file notch depends on its standard size:

  • tools with a working part of 50 mm can only be with notches: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8;
  • tools with a working part of 60 mm can only be with notches: 0, 1, 3, 5, 7;
  • tools with a working part of 80 mm can only be with notches: 00, 0, 2, 4, 6.

It’s difficult to say why it was done this way, but we don’t create GOST standards, we just want to figure out what set of needle files by standard size exists. There is a special type of notch - when it is located along the body of the instrument, and not across, as usual. At the same time, the cross-section of the canvas is round; housewives use this file to sharpen kitchen tools; it has a specific name - musat. The sharpening process is more economical for the items being sharpened, and also much faster than with emery.

Photo of a set of diamond files, rinscom.com

Photo of a set of files, herraquim.com

Photo of needle files, fine-tools.com

Photo of diamond files, rinscom.com

Photo of a flat file, fine-tools.com

Diamond cutters and cups

The tool is used for grinding and polishing concrete surfaces, hard wood, and when peeling stone. The market presents diamond cutters of elongated shape and volumetric designs - in the form of a bowl.

The first type is commonly called diamond end mills. The most effective way to use elongated abrasives is to produce curved surfaces in hard and dense structures.

The peculiarity of diamond bowls is that the cutters are directed in one direction. The tool is used for polishing workpieces of complex shapes (trapezoidal products). By design, there are single and double row diamond cups . The second category of tools is chosen for mass production. Double-row tooling increases the processing speed of parts.

Taking into account the characteristics of materials, diamond cutters and cups are produced for processing granite, concrete, marble, sandstone and other structures. There is a tool for installation in angle grinders, disc surface grinders, and specialized units. For example, diamond equipment for mosaic grinding machines.

Using finger cutters, hard-to-reach areas are processed. As an option, an external contour and recesses located in different planes. Examples of using finger-type diamond cutters: grinding and polishing of threads, grooves, grooves, ledges.

Shapes of needle files and their application

Craftsmen often use a whole set of mini-files in a certain sequence.

Multi-stage processing of the part allows you to achieve optimal condition and correct all flaws without much difficulty.

According to the profile, the tool is divided into the following types:

  • triangular pointed-nosed (triangular). They have three equal faces, respectively, three working edges. This form is suitable for processing corners, placing corner notches, turning small grooves inside and outside;
  • trihedral obtuse. They resemble a triangle with equal sides and an obtuse angle. May have 1 or 3 edges of different textures. Used for processing corners, medium and large holes;
  • wedge-shaped. They have one edge and two working edges with a sharp end. Suitable for processing valves, small corners, casts, sawing notches;
  • rhombic. Convenient for products with different angles in shape. The working surfaces fold into a diamond shape with sharp edges. The tip is blunt;
  • semicircular. One side is flat, the other is oval. Notches all over the instrument. In cross-section - a segment. A universal type, since both round and flat surfaces can be processed. An essential tool for a jeweler when making rings;
  • flat, blunt-nosed. Rectangular, with four elongated sides. Two wide and narrow working edges. You can process a variety of grooves and even elements;
  • flat pointed noses. Rectangles with a sharp end. Application is similar to blunt-nosed, but more possibilities for hard-to-reach places;
  • square. They have a cross-section in the shape of a square. All surfaces are working. Used for filing backlashes, notches, grooves with right angles;
  • oval. Used for rounded parts and creating smooth lines. In cross section they look like an oval. The tip is often pointed;
  • round. Round working part, blunt or sharp tip. Notches all around. Ideal for correcting embossed, rounded surfaces;
  • grooved Very similar to the flat type of needle files. The main difference is the rounded ends. The nose can be sharp or blunt. Widely used for processing holes of various formats;
  • differently convex. Similar to a biconvex lens. There is a notch on both working sides, the nose is pointed. Perfectly aligns the shape of the rings from the inside;
  • knife-shaped. They look similar to a household kitchen knife. Most often they are used to clean parts from dirt, rust, plaque, fine sharpening, and adjustment;
  • needle-shaped. A distinctive feature is the short working part. A file without a handle is only 25 - 55 mm long. Square shank, sharp tip. Used by jewelers to polish surfaces. In other areas it is occasionally used for hard-to-reach places. Also called a gold file;
  • velvet. Needles of this type are used for the most delicate processing. In one stroke they remove 0.05 mm without visible marks. This effect is possible thanks to 25 - 80 cloves per centimeter of working surface;
  • riffles. Needles for special purposes. Mainly used by jewelers. The shape is curved like a sickle or hook, an alloy with a magnetic additive. They process chain links and gold rings. The magnetic component allows you to shake off metal crumbs so that debris does not interfere with extremely delicate work;
  • Needle files for sharpening saw chains, such as chainsaws. Manual versions have a guide plane and a working rod with notches. The shape and size are selected in accordance with the chain pitch. It can be quite difficult to maintain calibration with such a file. The electric or pneumatic version greatly simplifies working with a chainsaw. They look like belt sanders. The movement is carried out by a belt and a motor; the kits come with several attachments. Such devices are also actively used in the automotive industry, glass and aluminum turning;
  • double-ended. The handle of such instruments is located in the center of the length. Working surfaces are located on both the right and left edges. Often used by engravers and jewelers for small details.

It is very important to take into account the type of work when selecting a needle file. The quality of processing directly depends on freedom of access to the element, ease of manipulation, and the correct shape of the working part

Diamond segments

Sections with abrasive inclusions are an integral part of crowns, discs and cutters. The characteristics of diamond segments depend on the application. The equipment is made using two methods:

  • hot pressing;
  • pressure, after the operation the workpieces are sent for sintering.

Abrasive products are designed to work in harsh conditions: with reinforced concrete, asphalt, granite. In the technological process with diamond segments, experts recommend the following:

  • coolant connection;
  • take regular breaks to allow the working tool to cool down.

What shapes do needle files have?

Diamond needle files are available in 12 types.

  1. Tools with three edges. They have a sharp or blunt end. This indicator determines the area of ​​use of the device.
  2. Devices made in the shape of a rhombus. They make it possible to play with notches at a certain angle.
  3. Wedge-shaped devices are used when working with castes and valves (jewelry elements), as well as with angles with small values. Wedge-shaped devices have both a sharp and a rounded edge, but the nose of the device is sharp.
  4. The flat diamond needle file has versatility of use. The area of ​​use depends on the size of the device.
  5. Grooved devices are similar to flat ones, but the edges on the sides are rounded. This makes it possible to treat hard-to-reach areas.
  6. Square devices are designed to work with grooves of a similar shape.
  7. With a semicircular shape. With their help it is possible to work with reliefs.
  8. Needle files with different convexities process the inner part of the ring.
  9. Oval fixtures are designed for holes.
  10. The round diamond needle file is able to work with rounded products. In addition, with their help, the required relief is created.
  11. The needle shape is fundamentally different from all other types. Firstly, it should be noted that these devices are miniature. The length of the working surface is 35-55 mm. Secondly, their tail is square.
  12. Another special type is the needle file. It should be discussed separately.

Devices with a blunt nose have the same cross-sectional size along their entire length. In pointed models, the cross-section of the rod decreases towards the edge of the device.

The notching itself is also performed in accordance with the standards. The main working parts of the tool have a double notch: main and auxiliary. Tools with a round or oval shape can have a single or spiral single cut.

Diamond flexible discs (Flexes, Turtles)

The purpose of the AGShK is grinding and polishing hard and brittle products at a speed of 1500-3000 rpm. Unlike durable structures, the diamond layer in AGShK is small. The binder composition is a plastic polymer.

Due to their ductility, diamond flexible discs are in demand when processing simple and complex surfaces. The tools are used for sharpening drills, saws and small workpieces.

During long-term processing, for example, when finishing a large workpiece, it is not advisable to use equipment. The working layer of flexible disks wears off quickly.

What is a needle file

The needle file can be safely called a brother of the well-known file and rasp, only of a much smaller size. Both of them are cutting tools for processing materials - filing, sharpening, etc.

However, unlike files, needle files are used for finer processing of parts, where the above tools simply cannot be reached.

There are different types of needle files in size and shape. As for the length of the tool, it can vary from 80-160 mm. The shape of the files can be: round, triangular, semicircular, oval and needle-shaped.

As mentioned above, the working side of the file has two notches, one of which is made at an angle of 25°, and the second at a 45° angle. On the reverse side, which is narrower, there is only one notch.

The type of file is usually indicated on its handle. For processing ceramics, glass and hard metal alloys, special diamond files are used.

Types of files

For each job, there are specific types of needle files. Each of them will be briefly discussed below:

A straight, single-end file has a long cylindrical tail and notches on the edge.

Double-ended needle file - has two ends with notches that allow surface treatment of materials.

Transverse needle file has many different variations, sizes and shapes. In the article, this type of needle file was already mentioned earlier. The length of the tool can be from 80 to 160 mm, and the shape is completely different.

Diamond needle file - used for fitting parts made of hard materials, such as high-carbon steel.

The difference between this type of files is the absence of notches on the working surface, the role of which is played by powder coating consisting of synthetic or natural diamonds.

Using a needle file

The needle file is a very important tool that every craftsman must have in his toolbox. The use of a needle file is inappropriate when fitting small parts or processing hard-to-reach places on them.

At the same time, to achieve a high-quality result when working with any type of needle file, proper technique is important. So, for example, a part processed with a needle file must be securely fixed in a vice or other mechanism.

The technique of working with a needle file is quite simple - movements with the tool must be performed with sufficient and uniform emphasis. To achieve the best result, the needle file should be held strictly horizontally in relation to the surface being treated.

Also, it is very important to use the entire length of the file while working, although in some cases it may be necessary to use only the “short stroke” of the tool, moving it evenly diagonally in different directions

Diamond heads

The scope of application of the tool is processing of deep holes. Diamond heads are secured in rotary machines, electrical or hydraulic fixtures.

Manufacturers offer different designs of profile heads: with cylindrical, vaulted, conical, hemispherical, angular working parts. The choice of abrasive product depends on the final shape of the part. With the help of heads, dies are finished, matrices and punches of stamps are processed.

Diamond pencils

The tool is designed for straightening straight profile wheels. Options for the arrangement of diamond inclusions - in the center and in layers. The advantages of diamond pencils include:

  • stability of operation (until complete wear);
  • possibility of pretentious shaped editing.

Diamond needles

The name of the group gives an idea of ​​the shape of products intended for applying images to solid materials. Diamond needles are used in the following cases:

  • manual stone processing;
  • installation of attachments in engraving and milling units, including those with CNC.

The abrasive tool is popular among jewelers and stone craftsmen.

Diamonds in settings

The tool is designed to eliminate chips and shape defects in polishing and grinding wheels of all types. The configuration of diamonds in settings is in the form of a cone or an elongated cylinder.

There are designs with one (or two) pointed ends. There are products with and without a head. In addition to the cylindrical shape, manufacturers produce conical and threaded equipment.

The holder angle of diamonds in settings is 90 or 120 C0:

  • a lower value is used when processing shaped wheels;
  • more - to eliminate defects in straight profile equipment.

Diamond needle files and files

The products are intended for honing and general work with stones, high-speed steels and hard alloys. Diamond needle files and files are in demand in industries where chamfers are made on glass, crystal, and ceramics.

Based on the shape of the surface being processed, the hand tool market offers triangular, oval, round, semicircular and rectangular products. Diamond needle files and files are used in the following cases:

  • sharpening of cutter edges;
  • mold processing;
  • grinding of stamp parts and measuring tools.

Diamond coated honing stones (ABH)

The abrasive tool is made on a metal bond. ABH honing stones are used for finishing holes in steel, cast iron, and ceramics. When metal workpieces are processed with a hone, the equipment becomes very hot. Cooling the honing stones is a must.

Diamond hand whetstones

Universal products are produced with one or two working sides. Diamond hand stones have round, angular and triangular sections. The binding components are metal, ceramic or organic particles.

The tool is used for manual editing of knives, saws, and blades.

Sets of abrasive products for surface finishing

In addition to individual products, the abrasives market offers kits designed for step-by-step processing: from rough grinding to polishing. There are sets of pastes, needle files, bars, circles and other tools on sale. The kits are designed for manual labor, installation in mechanisms or machines.

Dimensions, grit, marking of diamond files

The length of the files varies within limits close to 100-200 mm. Most often, tools with a length of 80 mm, 120 mm, 160 mm are found on sale. Moreover, the length of their working part is 50 mm, 60 mm, 80 mm, respectively.

Another important indicator is grain size, that is, the size of the grains of diamond powder. It is indicated using colored stripes or small marks. Such designations are applied to the handle of the instrument with indelible paint.

It is very easy to decipher the grain size designations. One red stripe or two small marks indicate that the grain size is in the range of 160/125 - 100/80. One blue stripe or one line indicates grain size 80/63 – 63/55. Well, the finest-grained files in this case do not have any designations at all. These include tools with grits 50/40 – 40/28 .

Diamond ropes

The working tool is abrasive rings located at a distance, attached to metal cables woven together. Diamond wires are installed on stationary or mobile rope machines, which are used to cut large objects:

  • bridges;
  • dilapidated buildings;
  • beams, ceilings.

The choice of products with a diamond-containing layer depends on the material: for metal, stone, reinforced concrete. In addition to dismantling, diamond wires are used in the mining industry and activities related to stone processing.

Making files

Manufacturing consists mainly of the following operations:

  1. cutting blanks,
  2. forging the tail and tip of the file,
  3. annealing,
  4. editing (straightening),
  5. turning, or grinding, planes,
  6. filing for personal and velvet files,
  7. chamfering,
  8. hen, or cutting, teeth,
  9. sock trimming,
  10. dressing (toe sharpening),
  11. hardening,
  12. cleaning,
  13. tail release,
  14. lubricant
  15. package.

File steel

The material for files is carbon steel containing 0.8-1.5% C; 0.10-0.30% Si; 0.25—0.45% MP; <0.04% S and <0.05% P. Carbon steel containing 0.7% C is used for the manufacture of rasps.

Some types, especially velvet and special purpose for working on metal after heat treatment, are made from alloy steel with a chromium additive from 0.3 to 0.7%. The carbon content in steel increases, the smaller the size of the file being produced.

Steel for manufacturing comes in the form of strips of a certain profile and size in accordance with the profile and size. Hardness of steel d.b. not higher than 300 according to Brinell. The first operation - cutting off blanks - is usually carried out on shear presses, and several blanks are cut simultaneously, the number of which depends on the cross-sectional dimensions of the rods being cut.

The next operation is to forge the tip of the file (its end part). This operation is carried out either on a driven spring hammer with a weight of the falling part (shaft) from 15 to 45, depending on the cross-sectional dimensions of the file being forged, or in strikers with grooves corresponding to the cross-section and size of the part being forged. It is more rational to forge flat, triangular and semicircular parts on forging rollers, which gives a smoother surface of the forged part. Heating before forging is carried out in spectacle-type flame furnaces, operating both on oil and coal.

A diagram of testing a number of files on Herbert machines is shown in Fig. 19, it depicts the volume of sawn material as a function of the number of file strokes; Thus, the height of the rise of each individual curve of a given file before it transitions to the horizontal direction (which indicates the final dullness of the file) characterizes the durability of the files, and the tangent of the angle of inclination of the curve to the horizontal axis is proportional to the sharpness.

It should be noted, however, that the test results on the Herbert machine are only comparable to each other when the tested files are under absolutely identical conditions, both in terms of the notch pitch of the pressing weight, and in the sense of the uniform structure and hardness of the test bars.

Sanding powders

The main characteristics of dry compositions include the concentration, size and shape of diamonds. Solid inclusions are divided into fragments, intergrowths and whole crystals. Based on the grain size of the main fraction, dry compositions are grouped into categories:

  • grinding;
  • grinding powders;
  • micropowders;
  • submicropowders.

Dry compounds are used in the production of diamond tools with all types of bonds. Grinding powders on metal components are used for rough processing of metal and hard surfaces. Particles of organic origin make it possible to edit brittle and super-hard materials: glass, granite, sapphire, ruby, reinforced concrete.

Grinding powders of different fractions are used in the mining, jewelry and engineering industries.

Features and types of instruments

A tool that grinds down a surface layer by layer. Outwardly, it resembles a block, but with a handle. Notches are applied to the working surface, which ensure uniform grinding of the base.

Expert opinion Dmitry Konstantinovich Levin

There are several types of files, which should be taken into account when choosing devices.


This is a universal tool that can be used for different types of bases. Mechanic's files, in turn, are divided into two types - general use or narrow purpose. The former are recommended for use both in production and at home. Tools for narrow purposes are used for turning grooves, curved bases, non-ferrous metals and non-metallic surfaces.


Products that are small in size and have small notches. They are recommended for use for processing small parts or surfaces in hard-to-reach places. There are two types of such tools - conventional and diamond-coated. The former are used for processing wood or metal, the latter – glass, ceramics, stone, etc. Needle files are mainly used in jewelry, engraving, etc.


These are highly specialized tools. The devices are recommended for use for sharpening saw chains, hacksaws, etc.


This type of file has large teeth. This provides high productivity, but has a negative impact on the quality of work. The tool is recommended for use with non-metallic materials, namely plastic, stone, wood.

Diamond and CBN paste

The compositions are used for fine grinding, pre-polishing and final finishing of surfaces. The principle of operation of the diamond, cubonite mixture and GOI paste is similar. The working component is abrasive grains mixed with filler.

Diamond and CBN paste are classified according to the main parameters:

  • graininess;
  • consistency;
  • type of flushing fluid.

Abrasive mixtures are used for mechanical processing of workpieces and manual finishing. CBN paste is used when working with alloyed and hardened steels, more often with chisels, knives, and drills. Diamond compounds are in demand for finishing and lapping of flat and round parts and workpieces in the form of drills.

Purpose and scope of application

In appearance, a needle file is a small file. The working part of the tool is made of carbon steel, onto the surface of which diamond grains of natural or artificial origin are galvanically applied. This design allows the file to be used not only for grinding, but also for scraping out grooves and recesses, and for precise manual processing of hard surfaces:

  • hardened steels;
  • high-strength alloys;
  • ceramic and porcelain products;
  • glass or plexiglass.

A diamond-coated needle file is indispensable when it is necessary to process small elements, model parts of small structures, and fine-tune molds. The file is also used in places where the use of a larger and more powerful tool is not possible due to possible damage to the treated area or inaccessibility of manipulations.

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