Welding equipment - what it is, types of welding equipment, where it is used

Improvements in metal welding technologies and equipment have expanded the circle of people performing welding work. If previously this was done exclusively by professionals, today joining metals is also available to amateurs. Responding to their demand, manufacturers have flooded the market with a variety of equipment models. Low cost, varied functionality and a huge range of welding machines do not simplify the choice at all and become a serious obstacle for the inexperienced user.

A detailed analysis of the features of the most popular models will help beginners make the right choice and buy the most suitable option for themselves. This review is aimed at hobbyists who use welding machines for their own purposes. The group of products for commercial use is not considered here. So, we bring to your attention the ten most popular welding inverters in the price range up to $250 as of the beginning of 2022.

Eurolux IWM190 – the most inexpensive welding inverter

As is clear from the subtitle, the main advantage of the model is its low cost. It varies within a wide range of values: from 3.5 to 6.5 thousand rubles, depending on the region of residence. A large share of costs consists of logistics costs, which determines such a significant price range. Naturally, budget models use cheap components and equipment breakdowns are not excluded. To be fair, it should be noted that by that time the inverter will have already returned the money invested in it.

Who might be interested in this offer? The device is specially designed for beginners who plan to master the basics of the profession. It deserves the attention of all users without exception for whom performance is not a determining parameter. Eurolux IWM190 can not be used for a long time without fear of reduction or loss of functionality. The reason for this is the minimum set of technical capabilities of the device. There is also a significant drawback: the holders, clamps and cables included in the kit are of poor quality. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase accessories of the best level of performance.


  • Adjustment 10 - 190 A.
  • Manufactured on the basis of IGBT transistors.
  • Welding speed is high.
  • Ventilation holes in the case for cooling.
  • Operates at a voltage of 160 - 245 V.

An excerpt characterizing the Inverter welding power source

“Long time no see,” he said, “thanks for coming.” I’ll just get home and Ilyushka will appear with the choir. “I came to see you,” Rostov said, blushing. Dolokhov did not answer him. “You can bet,” he said. Rostov remembered at that moment a strange conversation he once had with Dolokhov. “Only fools can play for luck,” Dolokhov said then. – Or are you afraid to play with me? - Dolokhov said now, as if he had guessed Rostov’s thought, and smiled. Because of his smile, Rostov saw in him the mood of spirit that he had during dinner at the club and in general at those times when, as if bored with daily life, Dolokhov felt the need to get out of it in some strange, mostly cruel, act . Rostov felt awkward; he searched and did not find a joke in his mind that would respond to Dolokhov’s words. But before he could do this, Dolokhov, looking straight into Rostov’s face, slowly and deliberately, so that everyone could hear, said to him: “Do you remember, we talked to you about the game... a fool who wants to play for luck.” ; I probably should play, but I want to try. “Try for luck, or perhaps?” thought Rostov. “And it’s better not to play,” he added, and cracking the torn deck, he added: “Bank, gentlemen!” Moving the money forward, Dolokhov prepared to throw. Rostov sat down next to him and did not play at first. Dolokhov glanced at him. - Why don’t you play? - said Dolokhov. And strangely, Nikolai felt the need to take a card, put a small jackpot on it and start the game. “I have no money with me,” said Rostov. - I’ll believe it! Rostov bet 5 rubles on the card and lost, bet again and lost again. Dolokhov killed, that is, he won ten cards in a row from Rostov. “Gentlemen,” he said, after spending some time, “please put money on the cards, otherwise I might get confused in the accounts.” One player said he hoped he could be trusted. – I can believe it, but I’m afraid of getting confused; “Please put money on the cards,” Dolokhov answered. “Don’t be shy, we’ll get even with you,” he added to Rostov. The game continued: the footman, without ceasing, served champagne. All Rostov's cards were broken, and up to 800 tons of rubles were written on him. He was about to write 800 thousand rubles on one card, but while he was being served champagne, he changed his mind and wrote the usual jackpot again, twenty rubles. “Leave it,” said Dolokhov, although he did not seem to look at Rostov, “you’ll get even sooner.” I give to others, but I beat you. Or are you afraid of me? - he repeated. Rostov obeyed, left the written 800 and placed the seven of hearts with a torn off corner, which he picked up from the ground. He remembered her well afterwards. He placed the seven of hearts, writing 800 above it with a broken piece of chalk, in round, straight numbers; drank the served glass of warmed champagne, smiled at Dolokhov’s words, and with bated breath, waiting for the seven, began to look at Dolokhov’s hands holding the deck. Winning or losing this seven of hearts meant a lot for Rostov. On Sunday last week, Count Ilya Andreich gave his son 2,000 rubles, and he, who never liked to talk about financial difficulties, told him that this money was the last one until May, and that is why he asked his son to be more economical this time. Nikolai said that this was too much for him, and that he gave his word of honor not to take any more money until spring. Now 1,200 rubles of this money remained. Therefore, the seven of hearts meant not only a loss of 1,600 rubles, but also the need to change this word. With a sinking heart, he looked at Dolokhov’s hands and thought: “Well, quickly, give me this card, and I’ll take my cap, go home to dinner with Denisov, Natasha and Sonya, and I’ll certainly never have a card in my hands.” At that moment, his home life, jokes with Petya, conversations with Sonya, duets with Natasha, a picket with his father, and even a calm bed in the Cook's house, presented themselves to him with such strength, clarity and charm, as if all this were long past, lost and priceless happiness. He could not allow that a stupid accident, forcing the seven to lie first on the right than on the left, could deprive him of all this newly understood, newly illuminated happiness and plunge him into the abyss of an as yet unexperienced and uncertain misfortune. This could not be, but he still waited with bated breath for the movement of Dolokhov’s hands. These broad-boned, reddish hands with hair visible from under the shirt, put down a deck of cards, and took hold of the glass and pipe being served. - So you're not afraid to play with me? - Dolokhov repeated, and, as if in order to tell a funny story, he put down the cards, leaned back in his chair and slowly began to tell with a smile: - Yes, gentlemen, I was told that there was a rumor in Moscow that I was a card sharper, so I advise you to be careful with me. - Well, swords! - said Rostov. - Oh, Moscow aunties! - said Dolokhov and took up the cards with a smile. - Aaah! – Rostov almost shouted, raising both hands to his hair. The seven he needed was already at the top, the first card in the deck. He lost more than he could pay. “However, don’t get too carried away,” said Dolokhov, glancing briefly at Rostov and continuing to throw. After an hour and a half, most of the players were already jokingly looking at their own game. The whole game focused on Rostov alone. Instead of one thousand six hundred rubles, a long column of numbers was written down behind him, which he had counted up to the tenth thousand, but which now, as he vaguely assumed, had already risen to fifteen thousand. In fact, the entry already exceeded twenty thousand rubles. Dolokhov no longer listened or told stories; he followed every movement of Rostov’s hands and occasionally glanced briefly at his note behind him. He decided to continue the game until this entry increased to forty-three thousand. He chose this number because forty-three was the sum of his years added up with Sonya's years. Rostov, leaning his head on both hands, sat in front of a table covered with writings, covered in wine, and littered with cards. One painful impression did not leave him: these broad-boned, reddish hands with hair visible from under his shirt, these hands that he loved and hated, held him in their power. “Six hundred rubles, ace, corner, nine... it’s impossible to win back!... And how fun it would be at home... Jack on n... it can’t be!... And why is he doing this to me?...” Rostov thought and recalled. Sometimes he would play a big card; but Dolokhov refused to beat her, and he himself nominated the jackpot. Nicholas submitted to him, and then prayed to God, as he prayed on the battlefield on the Amsteten Bridge; then he wished that the card that would be the first to fall into his hand from a pile of curved cards under the table would save him; either he calculated how many laces there were on his jacket and with the same number of points he tried to bet a card on the entire loss, then he looked around at the other players for help, then he peered into Dolokhov’s now cold face and tried to understand what was going on inside him. “After all, he knows what this loss means to me. He can't want my death, can he? After all, he was my friend. After all, I loved him... But it’s not his fault either; What should he do when he is lucky? And it’s not my fault, he told himself. I didn't do anything wrong. Have I killed anyone, insulted anyone, or wished harm? Why such a terrible misfortune? And when did it start? Just recently I approached this table with the thought of winning a hundred rubles, buying my mother this box for her name day and going home. I was so happy, so free, cheerful! And I didn’t understand then how happy I was! When did this end, and when did this new, terrible state begin? What marked this change? I still sat in this place, at this table, and still chose and pushed out cards, and looked at these big-boned, dexterous hands. When did this happen, and what happened? I am healthy, strong and still the same, and still in the same place. No, it can't be! It’s true that all this will not end in anything.”

KRÜGER WIK-250/WIK-300 for practicing welders

The KRÜGER WIK-250 and WIK-300 welding machines belong to a generation of modern inverters designed for experienced professionals. Only they will be able to appreciate all the development capabilities of German engineers. In addition to the traditionally high build quality, they are also endowed with excellent reliability. The devices operate reliably even in conditions of unstable power supply. Users have access to the “Anti-stick”, “Arc Force” and “hot start” functions. Thanks to this, all work can be completed at a decent level.

The operating range of the WIK-250 model ranges from 20 to 250 amperes, which makes it possible to perform the vast majority of welding work. If you need more power, then you should pay attention to a more productive analogue - WIK-300, the upper amperage of which is 300A.

Both models of the famous Kruger brand are based on IGBT transistors. This ensures fine-tuning of the equipment and its uninterrupted operation in almost any conditions. The durable case reliably protects the interior from shock, excess moisture and dust. It would not be amiss to recall that the generally accepted quality standards in Germany apply not only to expensive, but also to products that are affordable to customers. Quality assurance has long been the hallmark of German manufacturers.

Among other advantages of the WIK-250 and WIK-300 welding inverters, it is necessary to highlight their small size. The welder will become an indispensable assistant for specialists with a traveling nature of work. This is also facilitated by the relatively small weight - only 5 kg. The price will also please buyers: 5000-6000 rubles. It is acceptable not only for professionals who earn money by welding, but also for beginners taking their first steps in this field. The maximum configuration should also be emphasized. The price of the offer includes powerful cables, a shoulder strap for easy carrying, a hammer brush and a mask. Among the shortcomings, consumers note only the lack of a transport case.


  • Current adjustment in the range of 20-250A.
  • Easy arc start.
  • Stabilization of the welding arc during operation.
  • Protection against electrode sticking is provided.
  • Automatic against short circuit, current or power overload.
  • Automatic power and current control.


  • Electric arc Manual arc ·

    Gas shielded arc
    submerged arc

    Pressure welding Kuznechnaya ·

    Gas press
    Magnetic pulse

    contact welding Spot ·


    Other types of welding Gas ·

    Electron beam

    Equipment and equipment Welding electrode ·

    Welder suit
    Welding transformer
    Welding unit
    · Welding inverter

    Occupational diseases Electroophthalmia ·

    Manganese poisoning

    Professional organizations Electric Welding Institute named after. E. O. Paton ·

    Department of Welding, Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman
    American Welding Society

Budget model FUBAG IR 200

Despite its modest cost (on average about 8 thousand rubles), the inverter “gives out” up to 200 amperes. It is advisable to use it not only for welding, but also for cutting metal workpieces. In work, you can use electrodes with a diameter of up to 5 mm, which makes it possible to perform almost all work on a personal plot or in an apartment. The power unit works well even in conditions of unstable power supply.

Among the additional functionality, users will be able to take advantage of anti-sticking, arc force and hot start. All of them will be useful for both beginners and experienced welders. The equipment's inclusion in the rating list was greatly facilitated by good assembly and high-quality components. There are few disadvantages, but they exist. The most significant is the short period of continuous operation - 4 minutes. After this, you need to let the inverter cool for 6 minutes and you can continue. So the unit is not suitable for commercial use.


  • Light weight.
  • Efficient cooling.
  • Good seam quality.
  • Powerful welding cables.

MMA VRD 200 from Wester

As opposed to the previous model, the VRD 200 is capable of working without “smoke breaks” in a mode of up to 120 amperes of welding current. In other words, the equipment will be of interest to those who have to work long and often. It is worth considering that this rule does not apply to operations with electrodes with a diameter of 5 mm. In this case, you will have to find time for breaks.

The maximum current is 200A. Additional functions include a standard set typical for most devices of this class: anti-sticking, hot start and arc force. In addition, manufacturers have improved the safety of the design. The terminal voltage is reduced to a minimum level in situations where the inverter is connected to the grid but not in use. And only in case of load the voltage increases sharply to operating parameters.

Based on the operational parameters and cost (approximately 11 thousand rubles), the Wester MMA-VRD 200 can be safely classified as an amateur, but quite reliable and functional model.

Resanta SAI 220 for the dacha

The well-known Latvian brand has long earned a reputation in the domestic market as a manufacturer of affordable and fairly high-quality welding equipment. Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of a particular model. The welding inverter SAI 220 is popular among amateurs and novice welders. Low cost (only 8,000 rubles) plus good assembly and good quality components are the main reasons that make the model in demand.

The maximum that the welder provides is 220 amperes. This is enough to use electrodes with a diameter of up to 5 mm, as well as cut metal of medium thickness. Without a break, he can work 7 minutes out of 10, i.e. It runs for 7 minutes and cools down for 3 minutes. And so on through the cycle. However, the model was nicknamed “dacha” for another reason. It works perfectly with unstable voltage in the power supply network and can withstand fluctuations from 160 to 260 volts.

However, buyers have noted a decline in the build quality of inverters in recent years. Another disadvantage is the demanding equipment. It is undesirable to allow it to become waterlogged or overcooled, as this can lead to rapid failure of the components. Despite such significant disadvantages, SAI 220 remains on the list of the most popular welding machines and rightfully takes its place in the compiled rating.

Welding equipment - what it is, types, features

Metal welding is used in many industries, construction, and even in solving small household issues. To make an even seam, you need to have skills and equipment. Welding equipment is everything that a welder needs to work. These include special welding devices, protective elements, and consumables. Using all this, it is possible to combine most metals at the molecular level. The final product is durable and will last a long time. The welding technology that the worker must master depends on the type of welding machine. The choice of welding method depends on the task at hand.

Resanta SAI 190PROF

Another representative of the same brand, the demand for which is not decreasing, but only growing. This is one of the best-selling models in the SAI line. Its performance characteristics are more than sufficient for household equipment, and its relatively low cost makes the installation in demand among different categories of users.

Compact, easy-to-use welding inverter produces pulses with a power of 190 amperes. The main difference, which is highly appreciated by customers, is the ability to perform welding work with a voltage of only 100 volts. It was this technological solution that made it possible to bring the model into the rating category. It is so successful that even the fairly high price for the household segment of 15 thousand rubles did not reduce consumer demand to a critical level. The ability to weld in poor power conditions has become more important to potential buyers.


  • Light weight.
  • Compactness.
  • Voltage range 100-260V.
  • Operating temperature from -10 to +40 degrees.
  • Anti Stick, Hot Start and ARC FORCE functions.
  • Shockproof housing.
  • Smooth adjustment of welding current.
  • Easy ignition.

Forsazh 161 - inexpensive and high-quality welding inverter

An excellent choice for beginners and those who love working with metal. Everyone who has had to deal with this model notes the excellent price-quality ratio. Indeed, these are one of the most reliable devices in the price range up to 10 thousand rubles. The inverter is unlikely to interest buyers with a particularly attractive design or unusual performance characteristics. But for relatively little money, every buyer will receive a reliable unit for MMA or TIG welding.

The maximum welding current is 160 amperes, but without interruptions to cool down the equipment, you can weld at a value of 100A. no problems will arise if the network voltage drops down to 140 volts. It is worth emphasizing that the inverter holds the arc perfectly, and it ignites very easily. This feature will be of great importance for beginners and few practicing welders.


  • Compact, lightweight device.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Power supply from autonomous power plants with a capacity of 9 kVA.
  • Connecting the inverter to a network from 160 V.
  • Argon arc welding.
  • Easy arc ignition.
  • Mobility.
  • Possibility of working with electrodes with a diameter of up to 4 mm.
  • Switching off welding in case of power surges and overheating.
  • Additional functions “Arc force”, “Hot start”, “Anti-sticking”.
  • Maximum power - 5.5 kVA.
  • Long service life.

Welding transformer: device and principle of operation

A classic transformer consists of:

  1. The primary winding is made of insulated wires that receive electricity from the network.
  2. Secondary non-insulated winding.
  3. Core (closed magnetic circuit).
  4. Suspension system for transformer elements.
  5. A control system that controls the location of the windings and the size of the air gap between them.
  6. Air gap control screw.
  7. Propeller control handle.

The transformer core directly transforms the voltage from the network to the desired level. When a device is connected to the network, electricity first flows to the primary winding, where a magnetic field is created by specifically placed turns. Further, taking into account dissipation, the field is transmitted to the secondary winding, with turns, the number of which differs. The distance between the windings determines the voltage level: the further they are located, the lower it is. Since the secondary winding ends at one end of the electrical holder, the required voltage is supplied there.

Steadily in demand Svarog PRO ARC 160 (Z211S)

In the same price segment there is another very reliable device - SVAROG PRO ARC 160. The brand has been represented on the domestic market for more than five years and is one of a small number of companies that provide a five-year warranty on their products. In addition to the low price (around 10 thousand rubles), the device is characterized by good functionality and build quality. It generates current up to 160 amperes and is immune to power surges.

The model under consideration is used for MMA welding or metal surfacing. But if necessary, it can also be used for TIG welding, equipped with a valve torch. Other advantages include anti-stick electrodes and hot start. The digital display provided on the case has a sufficient degree of brightness, and the information is easy to read even in sunny weather. All the advantages of the inverter allow it to remain in the top of the best among budget offers.


  • Argon arc welding.
  • Easy ignition and arc forcing.
  • High arc stability.
  • Light weight and size.
  • Carry using a shoulder strap.
  • Efficiency - 85%.

The history of welding methods

Welding joints began to be used in ancient times by fusing gold items that were found in the Egyptian pyramids using tin soldering. In Pompeii, during excavations, lead water pipes with a soldered seam (transverse) were discovered.

We also know that ancient craftsmen, during forging, connected parts of the product by heating the metal to a plastic state. This is how blades and swords appeared, consisting of several strips of metal. In the Middle Ages, large artillery cannons were made in a similar way, reinforcing a forged pipe with outer rings that were connected to it using forge welding. Ancient buildings built during the Renaissance contain steel connections to support load-bearing structures.

The progress of the 19th and 20th centuries gave a new impetus to the use of welding technologies. The study of direct current contributed to the emergence of new approaches, one of which was electric welding. The first to use such a method was Petrov, a professor at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy, who discovered the arc discharge in 1802. And he later used the electric arc method to melt metals. At first, non-consumable carbon electrodes were used in such welding, and then, in 1988, metal electrodes were used for the first time. Unfortunately, the arc temperature was uneven, so the seam itself was uneven and porous. Only with the use of fluxes has the welding process become more stable and of higher quality.

The twentieth century was marked by the emergence of many devices that improved and simplified the work process. Welding machines were one of these units. Although the technological level of the devices differs from the earliest ones, the operating principle remains the same.

The first welding machine with an oxy-acetylene welding torch was designed in 1903, and in 1906 acetylene generators for industry appeared. In 1940, the first use of a tungsten electrode using helium was made, and since 1946, a safer and cleaner gas, argon, began to be used.

Since the early 60s of the 20th century, several new welding technologies have appeared: using multiple electrodes, using a powder electrode, gas laser cutting.

Cedar MIG 160GDM for various works

Among the best devices in terms of price and quality ratio is the Kedr MIG 160GDM. Semiautomatic is used to perform a variety of tasks. It can be used in MIG or MAG modes in conjunction with filler wire. If there are jobs where you can’t do without argon TIG welding, then you don’t have to look for any other inverter. The MIG 160 GDM copes well with these tasks. And for all these features the buyer will have to pay about 10 thousand rubles.

But it should be noted that it will not be possible to work with aluminum or aluminum-containing metals. Only TIG DC mode is implemented here, and AC is required for aluminum. The arc parameters are set automatically by the equipment without operator intervention, based on the welding mode. This feature will especially appeal to beginners, who at first will not have to select settings to perform a specific job.

Among the disadvantages, you should pay attention to the small cycle of continuous operation. This applies to cases when electrodes with a diameter of 4-5 millimeters are used. You can, of course, work continuously with 3 mm electrodes. But then the capabilities of the device are significantly reduced. Nevertheless, the Kedr MIG 160GDM can easily be considered one of the best units presented in this rating.


  • Power consumption - 6.1 kVA.
  • Voltage adjustment.
  • Configure parameters with one button.
  • Microprocessor.
  • Arc force.
  • Hot Start.
  • High build quality.
  • Long service life.

How the market of welding equipment and technologies works and lives in Russia.

Welding is a reliable and technologically advanced, and often the only possible and most effective way to create permanent joints of structural materials, which determines the development of welding equipment, materials and technologies. The main material used in various industries and construction is still steel, despite the introduction of light alloys, polymer materials and composites. And about 2/3 of the rolled steel produced in Russia is used for the production of welded structures. The positive growth trend in global steel production, despite a slight slowdown in recent years, determines the growth in the volume of welding production and production of welding equipment, as well as the volume of scientific research and development to create new and improve existing equipment and technologies. At the beginning of the 21st century. The volume of welding production was estimated at approximately $40 billion, of which about 70% was welding materials and about 30% was equipment. In terms of breadth of application and gross volume of the final product, welding processes occupy half (!) of all production work. It is difficult to name a branch of the national economy where welding is not used. Welding in the future will continue to be the most popular process in industry and construction with high productivity based on the use of automation, robotics, computer technology and simulation processes. Let us consider the trends and development paths of welding and welding production for the near future.

Development trends of welding equipment

In the global and European welding markets, there is an increase in the share of materials and equipment for mechanized welding methods and a decrease in the share of manual welding. Thus, in the global welding industry, the leading positions will be occupied by semi-automatic and automatic types of arc welding, mainly due to the reduction in the share of manual welding. At the same time, there is a decrease in the consumption of coated electrodes for arc welding (in the future, their number will decrease by 15–20%). However, the position of manual arc welding in installation and repair work will remain even with the increasing consumption of automatic carriages ( Fig. 1 ) and trolleys. Technological equipment for manual welding is being developed and improved mainly through the use of thyristors and inverters. In connection with the increase in the volume of mechanized and automated welding methods, there is an increasing need to create new welding machines, primarily with reduced weight and dimensions, which will expand the possibilities of their practical application. It is expected that new mechanisms will be used, based on different principles than those previously used, such as the use of converters with an increased number of phases of electric current, increased efficiency and power factor, fully controlled remotely with synergetic equipment and process control using a computer. Developments in robotics will further automate joining processes. For example, in Fig. Figure 2 shows the CMT Twin robotic tandem welding system manufactured by Fronius with two independent microprocessor power supplies ( Fig. 2 ). New semi-automatic and automatic devices with a welding control system will expand the possibilities of their practical application. An example is the ADF-1000 welding heads from ITS ( Fig. 3 ), equipped with a tracking and video surveillance system for the welding process.

Rice. 1. Use of an automatic welding carriage Railtrac‑1000 (ESAB) with remote control during installation

Rice. 2. Use of robots in welding production

Rice. 3. Welding head ADF-1000 (ITS company), equipped with a joint tracking system (2) and a video surveillance system (3) Currently, domestic ones, Uraltermosvar, Ryazan Instrumental, Elloy and etc., as well as foreign companies ESAB (Sweden), Kjellberg and EWM (Germany), Kemppi (Finland), Fronius (Austria) and many others. Leading foreign companies are trying to be as close to the consumer as possible. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the representative office of the Finnish company Kemppi OY. A year ago, a representative office of the famous Chinese company was opened. On June 16 of this year, the ESAB technology center began operating, where the most modern and technologically advanced equipment was located on an area of ​​1200 m2. An important task is to create a market infrastructure for welding production and protect the market from unscrupulous participants, interaction between enterprises producing welding equipment, and creating information openness of the results of their activities. The volume of equipment for gas welding and cutting will be reduced, although its share will remain significant, especially when welding long, small-diameter pipelines.

Rice. 4. Welding tongs Delta Spot - Fronius The use of resistance welding in relevant industries is not decreasing. The development of equipment and technologies for this type of welding will continue. The welding equipment market offers a large selection of resistance welding equipment. In Fig. 4 presents the new Delta Spot equipment from Fronius for resistance welding, which significantly increases the service life of electrodes, improves the quality and productivity of welding of sheet structures.

Application of welding technologies to new materials

In many industries and construction, light metals and their alloys, as well as composite materials, are increasingly being used, the introduction of which into various industries required the development of new modern welding technologies and the improvement of existing ones. For these alloys, not only arc welding is used ( Fig. 5 ), but also the use of laser, electron beam, plasma arc and microplasma welding is being mastered. These types of welding are used, as a rule, in thin metal joints in the electronics industry, instrument making, as well as in aircraft and rocket manufacturing and other industries. For example, Russian companies, Group, Bulat, Lagen, Center for Laser Technologies, ILIST, TsTSS, as well as Trumpf (Germany), Aramis (Czech Republic) are successfully working in the production of equipment for laser welding; for electron beam welding - “TETA”; plasma welding - “Multiplaz”, “ASpromt”. Significant progress has been made in the use of such types of welding as diffusion welding, friction stir welding ( Fig. 6 ), etc., as evidenced by the expansion of their use in many areas of industry.

Rice. 5. Argon-arc welding of titanium alloy products

Rice. 6. Friction stir welding of aluminum alloys Currently, composite materials are increasingly used, and their areas of application are constantly expanding. To connect elements made from these materials, appropriate technologies are required, which in most cases are still under development. Therefore, work in the field of production of improved equipment for welding new materials is necessary and relevant.

Improving welding materials

An important task is to ensure the quality of produced welding materials, as well as the development of new materials for both traditional welding methods and new advanced technologies. The growing role of automation and mechanization in welding dictates the need to increase the production of solid and flux-cored welding wire. The main factors determining the increase in the consumption of solid wire are its quality, the constancy of the chemical composition, and the qualitative condition of the wire surface achieved by copper plating or electrolytic plasma treatment. The products of the Prometey Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering and the Losinoostrovsky Electrode Plant (LEZ) have proven themselves well on the Russian market. At the latter, the production of welding wire is established using European technology and European equipment. The strength of the wire is ensured by guaranteed temporary tensile strength. The products are distinguished by the quality and reliability of their packaging, which ensures long-term preservation of the wire in various conditions without compromising its technological properties. The use of flux-cored wire significantly increases the productivity of the welding process (by approximately 30%), while spatter is significantly reduced. Recently, increasing preference has been given to the use of flux-cored wire, made by forming a cold-rolled strip of a given size into a round profile, which is then filled with a powder mixture. This wire has been developed for welding many grades of steel, including corrosion-resistant ones. The main factor determining the increase in the volume of its consumption compared to rolled wires that have an unsealed longitudinal joint is the quality, characterized by the absolute protection of the flux core from possible saturation with moisture from the atmosphere. The core remains dry during long-term storage even without packaging and does not require calcination before use. Welding with such wire is possible with semi-automatic machines designed for solid wire. The search for new opportunities also concerns shielding gases used in mechanized welding methods. For example, in industrialized countries, preference is given to mixtures of active and inert gases for mechanized welding of metal structures. For arc welding with a consumable electrode, a Corgon mixture consisting of argon and carbon dioxide in different proportions is widely used. Less common are ternary gas mixtures of argon with carbon dioxide and oxygen or helium. The addition of helium to the active shielding gas argon has a positive effect on the quality of welds, leads to an increase in arc voltage and an increase in its energy, which in turn improves weld penetration and its shape. Welding steel structures in mixtures of shielding gases based on argon and helium has advantages over welding in CO2 and a significant (6–8 times) reduction in spatter. In addition, there is an improvement in the formation of the seam, an increase in the mechanical properties of the weld metal and the metal of the fusion boundary, as well as an improvement in sanitary, hygienic and environmental conditions during welding. The companies Linde Gas (Germany), Air Liquid (France), which have production here, and others are actively working on the Russian market of gases and gas mixtures. The existing volumes of use of automatic submerged arc welding will continue in the near future, so the requirements for the quality of fluxes are increasing. Abroad, only ceramic agglomerated fluxes are used instead of fused ones. In recent years, their share in Western European countries accounts for 96% of flux consumption volumes. In Russia, they are also gradually switching to welding using agglomerated fluxes, using flux brands OK Flux 10.70, OK Flux 10.71 from Esab. In addition, the production of agglomerated fluxes has been established at the own production base of OJSC ETC Prometey, as well as at CJSC Electrode Plant in St. Petersburg and a number of other companies. Unfortunately, agglomerated fluxes are much more expensive than fused ones, and this hinders their use. Despite the decrease in consumption of coated electrodes for arc welding, they are still quite in demand for installation and repair work. Our country has built modern, highly mechanized factories that annually produce hundreds of thousands of tons of high-quality electrodes. It should be noted the successes of the Losinoostrovsky ( Fig. 6 ) and Zelenograd electrode plants (Mtsensk), where new types of electrodes are produced that provide high welding performance, have low toxicity, and are suitable for welding carbon, low-alloy and high-strength steels. The quality of seams made with domestic electrodes meets the requirements of the international classification MIS. In addition to Russian manufacturers of welding wire and electrodes, foreign companies Linde Gas, Lincoln Electric (USA), Bеhler ( Fig. 7 ), Esab, etc. are actively working in the market of welding materials and gases.

Fig.6. Electrodes of Losinoostrovsky Electrode Plant

Rice. 7. Böhler welding materials

Increasing the level of mechanization of surfacing operations

An important task facing welders is to further improve and increase the level of mechanization and quality of surfacing work. Surfacing creates the opportunity to produce products with a hardened surface layer that has strength, wear resistance and (or) resistance to corrosion. Of the total volume of welding materials, 8–10% of electrodes and solid wires, up to 30% of flux-cored wires and almost all sintered and flux-cored strips are used for surfacing. The recent use of flux-cored strips instead of wire electrodes in surfacing has proven to be very effective. The applied methods of applying hardening coatings using a plasma arc or electroslag surfacing also contributed to a significant increase in labor productivity and the quality of surfacing work.

Tightening quality control of welded joints

Ensuring the quality level of welded structures is one of the main tasks of welding production. The cost of correcting defects ranges from 3–5% in the factory to 15–20% during installation, but remaining defects can lead to failures in the operation of structural elements and even failures of the entire structure. Increasing the performance and durability of welded structures largely depends on quality control of both the weld metal and the base metal of the structure. Quality control of welded structures and their connections is necessary at all stages of manufacturing, both in the factory and during installation. The use of modern technical diagnostic tools to identify defects in welds is one of the main tasks in welding production. Currently, there are a huge number of control methods and means, such as visual measuring, acoustic, radiographic, magnetic, eddy current, vibration diagnostic and many others. The control process and the equipment used must be convenient to use and safe for personnel. Particularly important is work on the creation of portable equipment that would make it possible to accurately determine and describe defects in three-coordinate planes in automatic mode, which does not require special preparation of the metal surface and weld. An example is the portable flaw detector “A1212 Master” ( Fig. 8 ) for ultrasonic quality control of welds. The device provides identification of the type, size and location of internal defects in welds. An industrial electromagnetic-acoustic flaw detector is successfully used, in which ultrasonic waves are excited using an electromagnetic-acoustic transducer. This control method does not require special preparation of the weld surface and contact fluid. The method provides identification of the type, size and location of internal defects in welds and in the material of construction.

Rice. 8. Checking the quality of the weld and pipe metal with an ultrasonic flaw detector A1212 Master In recent years, compact holographic devices have been created, with the help of which diagnostics of structures made of non-metallic and composite materials is carried out. Despite the fact that the labor intensity of control operations can reach up to 30% of the total labor intensity of manufacturing a welded structure, reducing diagnostic costs can lead to serious consequences.

Improving the vocational training system and increasing the qualifications of personnel

The introduction of progressive welding methods and improved welding equipment, the use of new materials increases the requirements for the professional training of welders. The qualifications of engineering and technical personnel and welding workers play a decisive role in ensuring the quality of welded structures and products. Currently, the welding industry in Russia is experiencing a chronic shortage of highly qualified welding workers. To fill the shortage of qualified personnel, it is necessary to organize a new system of vocational training for youth, retraining and certification of engineering, technical and production personnel that meets international norms and standards. The study of technical literature on welding technology and the theory of welding processes can play a big role in improving the qualifications and expanding the technical horizons of welding workers. Therefore, it is very important to publish textbooks, teaching aids and technical articles that highlight the experience of innovators, leaders in production, and also contain various practical recommendations and advice in solving various production issues.

Increased productivity

For the economic viability of production, it is necessary to increase labor productivity, which is achieved not only by modernizing production, using the latest assembly and welding equipment and high technologies, but also by motivating personal efficiency and awareness of the personal high social status of employees. The socio-psychological approach does not require significant material resources, but should be based on the need for competence and a sense of belonging to a common cause and self-esteem [1]. An important factor in increasing labor productivity is to ensure normal conditions: ventilation, heating, lighting, protective clothing. But first of all, it is necessary to update the welding equipment fleet and introduce new advanced technologies.

Environmental safety of welding processes

One of the main objectives is to ensure the environmental safety of welding processes and their minimal impact on personnel and the environment. Welding production is harmful, negatively affecting the health of workers and the ecological climate of the region where the facility is located. In economically developed countries, environmental safety and minimal impact of welding on the work environment and personnel are a priority. Unfortunately, Russia is significantly behind economically developed countries in terms of ecology. The creation of safe and comfortable conditions for personnel will be facilitated by the use of filter ventilation units that provide general and local ventilation, as well as protection from the harmful effects of welding aerosols and dust ( Fig. 9 ). The use of effective personal protective equipment - masks, helmets, protective clothing ( Fig. 10 ), gloves and shoes, in addition to creating personal safety, also helps to increase labor productivity in welding production.

Rice. 9. Welder workplace equipment

Rice. 10. Mask with an air supply system and protective welding helmets Products of SovPlym, EuroLux Group (Kemper), Konsar, Elstat, etc. - personal protective equipment, industrial ventilation and air purification systems are in constant demand in Russian and foreign markets.

Increasing the efficiency of welding production

The creation of highly reliable and economical welded structures in various industries and construction is the basis for the efficiency of welding production, which can only be realized through the use of the latest assembly and welding equipment, as well as high technologies and modernization of production [1]. An important condition for the effective organization and skillful management of welding processes is the economical use of electricity, careful handling of equipment, economical use of welding materials, and high-quality welds [1]. In addition, it is necessary to search for the most appropriate and economical engineering solutions for the production technology of welded structures and rationally selected welding technology. Increasing production efficiency is the creation of high-quality, competitive products with minimal labor and material resources. The priority areas for efficient production are resource-saving technologies for welding structures that reduce material consumption, metal consumption, energy intensity, as well as production labor costs. The development of computer modeling tools for welding processes and weld formation in order to select optimal welding parameters, operational control and process management takes welding production to a qualitatively new level. The introduction of computer technology will ensure improved product quality while reducing costs for fitting work and editing of finished products.


Welding remains the leading process in the manufacture of structures and products in almost all industries and construction. The growth of industrial production requires an increase in the production of welding equipment and welding materials, as well as the development of new welding processes. It is necessary to improve the system for training highly qualified welding specialists and organizing environmentally friendly workplaces, as well as ensuring efficient work and increasing labor productivity.

Literature 1. Parlashkevich V.S., Belov V.A., Vasilkin A.A./Ways to improve the quality of welded metal building structures // Industrial and civil construction. 2014. No. 9. p. 61–63.

The most expensive model in the rating: Torus 200C Super

Difficulties in choosing a purchase option are caused not only by the large assortment of goods, but also by prices. Sometimes they are unacceptably high. Especially when it comes to options capable of performing work in MMA and TIG modes. Such models on store shelves are accompanied by high price tags, and sellers and manufacturers in unison justify them by the additional functionality of the devices they sell.

The exception to this unpleasant rule was the Torus 200C Super welding inverters. They are designed to operate in both modes, generate a welding arc of 200 amperes and cost about 15,000 rubles. The manufacturer declares the possibility of continuous long-term operation even at maximum loads, provided that the metal being welded is not thick. And experienced welders leave positive reviews on various forums about the functionality and reliability of the device.

The model will interest not only beginners, but also experienced craftsmen. It lights the arc easily and keeps it stable throughout the entire cycle. In this case, it does not matter at all which mode is set by the regulator - TIG or MMA.


  • Light weight and dimensions.
  • Resistance to voltage changes - 165-242 V.
  • Use of electrodes with a diameter of up to 5 mm.
  • D.C.
  • PV - 100% at 200A.
  • Thermostat and air cooling.

About categories and prices

All inverter manual arc welding machines working with consumable electrodes, designated MMA, can be divided into two large groups:

  • Household - for occasional use and simple work. If you are not planning a large-scale construction project, you will need the device once every two to three months to repair something, weld something, etc., then the working life of the units of this group is sufficient. These are the cheapest of the inverter welders. They cost 3-5 thousand rubles or so, produced in China.
  • Professional - for long hours of daily work. This is an option for those who will use an inverter in production or are planning large-scale construction: build a dacha or house, weld a metal fence and stairs. The cost of these units is about $300-400.

There is also an intermediate class - semi-professional. In terms of characteristics and price, they are approximately in the middle. This is a good choice for those who love to make things and also love a good tool. All gradations are very arbitrary, but if you tell the seller what class you want the device to be, he will understand you and offer several options.

The assortment even in an ordinary hardware store can be confusing, but in a specialized one...

There are also universal or combined welding inverters. They can weld in several modes, one of which is usually manual arc welding. These units belong to the professional class and are convenient for their versatility - some can also work as a cutter, as well as cook in an environment of inert gases, which allows you to weld thin metal and stainless steel without any problems. This equipment will be useful if you also have a car - you can do repairs yourself, as well as cook all sorts of small things around the house.

Simple and reliable BLUEWELD Prestige 186 PRO

The semi-automatic BLUEWELD Prestige 186 PRO is not by chance in the ranking of the best budget welding inverters. It has the ability to operate in two modes - MMA or TIG, and is characterized by simplicity and reliability of operation. But it is more suitable for work that requires MMA mode. Therefore, it is perfect for those specialists who rarely have to resort to TIG welding in practice. Otherwise, you will have to face the problem of low quality seams obtained in this operating mode.

The maximum power of welding equipment is 160 amperes. Under maximum load conditions, it can perform 60% of the cycle. That is, 6 minutes are spent on welding work, and 4 minutes are spent on cooling the power plant. The tool is convenient for specialists with a traveling nature of work, since its weight is only 5 kg.

At first glance, one is struck by the relatively modest functionality of the unit and the not-so-modest price for a budget model, amounting to approximately 14,000 rubles. But there is one important circumstance that explains this paradox. The fact is that the model is assembled in Italy, and high-quality components are used in its production. So, unlike Chinese analogues, the price also includes payment for European quality standards. Judging by user reviews, this is true. The device has good build quality and reliability.


  • Light weight and dimensions.
  • High stability of welding current.
  • “Arc Force”, “Hot Start”, “Antistick” function.
  • Practicality and ease of use.

Welding rectifiers

The operating principle of rectifiers is simple. First, the device reduces the 380V network voltage to no-load voltage, then converts alternating current to direct current. Controlled welding current can be used during welding work. The main difference between a rectifier and a transformer is that the former uses direct current to create a weld, while the transformer uses alternating current. In other aspects, both types of welding equipment can be called similar. Some welders even claim that a rectifier is the same as a transformer, only simpler to use. The advantage of the rectifier is the ability to operate in any conditions. The same inverter is not designed to work in dirt and dust, and for a rectifier such circumstances do not matter. It is also great for difficult welding jobs such as welding stainless steel or non-ferrous metals. In skillful hands, the arc burns stably, which makes it possible to make even and neat connections. Most welding technologies can be used with rectifiers: MMA, TIG, MIG or MAG. Another plus is the ability, using only one rectifier, to create several welding stations, which will allow several specialists to work simultaneously. However, rectifiers have three significant disadvantages:

  1. Heavy weight. This often prevents you from moving the equipment yourself.
  2. High cost of additional elements. The rectifier itself does not cost very much, but a complete set of all the necessary equipment can cost a considerable amount. You also need to prepare for high energy costs.
  3. The need for a certain dexterity of the employee. Beginners will not be very comfortable working with such a device, but after constant practice with a rectifier, a novice specialist will be able to master any welding equipment.

The best choice for home use. Most often, they are also equipped with functions for recharging the car battery. Sometimes the kit includes devices for feeding wire, which is required for MIG/MAG welding (semi-automatic). Such welding devices do not require a lot of electricity. They are very practical. Such devices usually have three operating modes:

  1. Charging batteries. Voltage 12 or 24 V.
  2. Starting a car engine. The maximum starting current is 250 A for 12 V and 200 A for 24 V.
  3. Welding. The current is adjustable from 30 to 180 A, the intermittency coefficient of modern welders is measured as a percentage. That is, a coefficient of 60% means that the arc will burn continuously for 6 out of 10 minutes.

Most welding equipment has overload protection and digital ammeters.

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