(+20 photos) How to make a drill for poles with your own hands

Updated: 02/19/2021 18:37:09

Expert: Andrey Nikolaevich Kuznetsov

*Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Garden hand drills are used to create holes for planting seedlings or installing fences. The cost of hand tools is cheaper compared to motorized ones, so for a summer house or a small garden in the courtyard of a private house, this is the best option. Let's figure out how to choose a garden auger based on key parameters and which models are considered the best among buyers. This will narrow your search and help you understand more clearly what to look for when purchasing.

What it is?

The device is a metal rod with sharpened blades located around the perimeter. To drill, the tool is screwed into the ground using a person's own strength. After which, the user forcefully removes the drill along with the earth that remains on the blades. It turns out to be a beautiful and neat hole where you can plant a seedling.

Although they all look the same, there are dozens of species from different representatives on the market. Some are distinguished by the quality of the material, others by the convenience. In addition to hand-held instruments, there are mechanical drills, which, if purchased, will require a minimum of effort to create new holes. Those who are not ready to pay for this tool should know that you can create it yourself using only available tools.

Most often, a drill is used in cases where it is necessary to create a beautiful hole with neat, even edges and an exact diameter. For summer cottages, the device is used to perform drilling of any complexity:

  • Install a columnar foundation;
  • Drilling holes for subsequent installation of the fence, which is a convenient solution and does not take much effort, unlike a shovel;
  • Create holes for planting bushes;
  • For digging wells or compost pits;
  • For loosening the soil around growing trees.

It is also important to understand that the design of an industrial device will differ from the garden version. Because a country tool depends on the purpose, while a professional one is almost universal.

When you come to the store you need to pay attention to:

  • Number of blades around the perimeter;
  • Diameter of cutting elements;
  • Rod length;
  • Workmanship.

The main advantage of a garden auger is its weight and ergonomics.

Effective work

In order for drilling to be effective, you should remember some nuances.
For example, you need to make a large number of holes for a fence, but you need to save money. In this case, it is better to choose a garden auger, but with a well-sharpened cutting part. The tip and side edges also need sharpening. Only after this can you proceed to work. In a pre-marked place, the drill is placed in a vertical position, after which holes are drilled for the fence posts. When there is a lot of clay and sand in the ground, then after a few turns it will be difficult to drill. To solve the problem, you need to pull out the drill and pour a bucket of water into it. After 15 minutes, you can continue drilling the hole under the pillars. Then the work will be much easier to do. If the drill is stuck in the hole, it must be loosened from side to side and then pulled out. It will be easier to do this. There may be a lot of soil on the auger. You need to remove it with a knife, then add more water and continue drilling. This is interesting: how to make a drill for the earth with your own hands.

Main types of drilling devices

Mechanized tools for loosening or creating holes are powered by an electric or gasoline engine without user effort. In addition, there are models that operate with a tractor, but these are more professional models. Manual mechanisms are used to make small holes and last for a long period unless subjected to extreme stress.

The first way these models differ is the type of engine. So there are gasoline designs and those running on electricity.

The first option is preferable if a person is going to plant a tree garden or installs a fence or other fencing structures on his own. It operates from a gasoline engine, which also varies and can be:

  • Wheel type. This option is intended for complex work, as it has high power, large dimensions and weight.
  • Manual models. Compact devices that fit perfectly into a country house interior and allow even a girl to carry out heavy work.

A gasoline drill works as follows:

  • The engine is started. Afterwards, you need to wait until the device warms up at idle; there is no need to rush, as this will not take much time, usually 3-5 minutes.
  • Next, the tool is installed in the selected location and the user presses a special button, which starts the auger.
  • After turning off the engine, the “drill” continues to rotate, gradually reducing the speed to a minimum.

Modern devices are equipped with excellent protection against collisions with unexpected areas, such as hard ground or rocks. As soon as the tool begins to experience resistance, it stops immediately.

Electric drills are useful in a completely different way; they are used only in cases where it is necessary to dig a well or loosen the soil. Although the operating principle of both devices is the same, the electric option is preferable when carrying out heavy drilling. This is due to the fact that:

  • The drill has a high drilling speed;
  • It is possible to change attachments that are suitable for the current situation;
  • You can work with both ordinary soil and complex soil, even ice.

Disadvantages of such models:

  • High weight for manual options;
  • Big sizes;
  • Requires constant connection to the network.

Drilling holes with maximum effect

Finished hole for installing the support

Let's say you need to drill a large number of holes for fence posts and save money at the same time. Then it is better to choose a garden auger with sharpened blades. In this case, the tip and edges of the drill must also be sharpened, and only after that can you start drilling holes. In pre-marked places, the drill is placed vertically. After this, it is turned by pressing the handle.

If the soil is clayey, then after 35–40 cm it becomes difficult to turn the drill. Then you need to pull out the drill and pour half a bucket of water into the hole. After 5-10 minutes the soil will become soaked and it will be easy to deepen the well. If suddenly the drill gets stuck tightly in the hole, you need to slightly rock it from side to side. After this, the tool can be easily pulled out. Adhered dirt can be removed with a knife, and while the auger is cleared of dirt, more water is added to the hole. To speed up the process, you can start several holes and fill them all at once. This way you can save a lot of time, and the soil soaks better.

The main differences between tools by type of attachment

Regardless of the number of models that the modern market can offer, there are only two types of nozzles: disk and auger.

The auger is a rod of different sizes (depending on the user's requirements), around the perimeter of which screw blades are installed. This device makes it possible to dig a small hole of small diameter. Most buyers prefer this option for installing poles or landscaping the area. Because despite the small diameter, great depth is achieved.


  • Convenience and ease of screwing;
  • The top layer of soil is removed automatically.


  • A person will not be able to create a hole of large diameter;
  • Cannot be made at home.

Disc blades

This model has a pointed rod to which sharpened discs are mounted; their thickness is 2 mm. To ensure greater reliability, these elements are either bolted, applying force, or welded. The disks are located in front of each other at an angle of 25 degrees. The efficiency of the device depends on the correct assembly. So, if the angle is maintained, then the blade will enter the ground without any problems when screwed in, and the excess soil will be extracted at the exit. The number of rows depends on the density of the soil where the work takes place.

Hand and industrial drills

A standard hand drill for a summer residence also differs into disk and auger. The only difference is that the rod is not connected to the motor and the entire process occurs through the user's effort.

But besides this option, you can find other types of drilling devices:

  • Shock-rope installation. This option is in wide demand in the construction industry or when it is necessary to drill wells. Its use in summer cottages is rare. The device is a pipe that is placed in a tripod. The movement occurs thanks to the shock rod.
  • Coronal instrument. Industrial version that is suitable for complex tasks. For drilling, a pipe is used, where on the lower base there is a toothed crown made of durable metal that will withstand soil of any density. To carry out the work, special equipment is required.
  • Chisel bit. This model is in demand when drilling on dry or hard soil. The device is activated using the impact method with simultaneous rotation of the tool.

The design of the drill is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. To make a simple home model, you need to have the skills of a mechanic and welder at an entry level. The most important thing is to make an ergonomic handle during construction and correctly calculate the design of the blade. Then the person will perform drilling quickly, efficiently and with maximum comfort.

Drawings and dimensions

The product diagram is a template and allows you to visually estimate how the stages of the manufacturing process of the future tool are located. The dimensions of the garden auger can be as follows:

  • handle (if the product is handmade) - crossbar 0.5 m long;
  • rod – about 1 m (without additional sections);
  • the diameter of the disk cut into pieces is 15-25 cm (reference point is ready-made saw blades for an angle grinder);
  • tip length – up to 10 cm (peak or drill);
  • the distance on the axis given for the installation of disks (taking into account the slope), after a peak or drill - up to 15 cm;
  • The upward tilt angle of the knives is up to 30 degrees.

In an auger drill, the length of the “screw” (a monoblade with several turns) can reach up to half a meter. The tilt of the screw stroke can reach the same 30 degrees (at any point of the monoblade). The remaining parts of the auger drill are the same as those of a simple two-blade drill.

The dimensions of the drill for planting seedlings, such as tomatoes, generally coincide with the dimensions of the working part of an ordinary bayonet shovel. Its cutting edges are trimmed so that the bayonet of the shovel goes from round to straightened and pointed at an obtuse angle. The leaf fold is cut off from the opposite (upper) edge. A long (more than half a meter) concrete drill can be welded into the hole from which the handle is pulled out (under the universal hammer drill clamp). It is advisable to use a drill made from a shovel bayonet with a drive, since for manual drilling it requires more effort than the inclined screw of an auger or half-disc of a conventional garden drill.

A drill of any type can be equipped with additional sections. Each of them increases the depth of soil drilling by a meter. These extension sections are used when the owner decides to drill a well for water himself. One such section is used when the ground is soft. These can be posts for fences and other non-permanent structures, buried to 1.4 - 2 m.

Having decided what kind of hole drill you need, cut out a sketch for the blades from cardboard. It made cutting sheets easier and faster.

Rating of the best hand drills

Garden auger BISON

A good hand tool designed for drilling holes for constructing pile foundations and installing distressed structures. In addition, it can be used to create holes for seedlings or to drill deep holes for applying fertilizers, which is used to feed the root zone of shrubs or trees.

Ergonomics are performed at the highest level and are fully consistent with the money spent. High-quality metal was used in the manufacture, which even penetrates rocky soil without any problems. The design of the drill is completely collapsible, which allows it to be transported with maximum convenience.

Sold at a price of 5,500 rubles.

Garden auger BISON


  • High efficiency;
  • Quality of work;
  • Comfortable handle that does not burden the hands;
  • Assembly at the appropriate level.


  • Product cost.

ROS 77241

A domestically produced hand drill that will fit perfectly into the interior of any cottage and will delight the user with its effective work. It can be used for more than just digging holes for trees or bushes. In addition, some users use it for more complex activities.

The body and main elements are made of tool steel. Therefore, it is better not to use it when working with dense soil, since the metal will not withstand such a load and will bend or burst (depending on the force applied). A big advantage is the ability to change attachments, which will allow you to adapt to a specific area. The device also has an increased service life if used for its intended purpose and not subjected to extreme loads.

The average cost in stores is 800 rubles.

ROS 77241


  • Nice handles;
  • Affordable price;
  • High-speed replacement of nozzles;
  • Durability.


  • Poor quality material.


One of the best drills for home use, which will allow you to carry out work of light and medium complexity without any problems. With the help of such a tool, the garden will come to life with new life, and the site will take on a fresh look. Used to construct holes that will allow the introduction of fertilizers.

The handles are ordinary, there are no rubberized elements for convenience. Therefore, if a person often works with a drill, then he needs to independently think about the possibility of upgrading this unit. Then comfort will increase, and with it productivity. The rod and cutting elements are made of high-quality metal that will withstand light loads. It is important to remember that this drill is not protected from corrosion, so it must be stored in certain conditions to avoid its formation.

The average price is 1,500 rubles.



  • Quality;
  • Good performance;
  • The cutting elements are smoothly screwed into the soil;
  • The paint does not peel off after a month of use.


  • Inconvenient handles;
  • Vulnerable to corrosion.

Tornado PROS

An excellent hand-held drill from the budget segment that will help you complete all your dacha work with maximum efficiency. Drilling to a depth of 140 cm occurs without much effort. The handles also do not have an additional element that will improve ergonomics, but even without this, according to buyers, such a device copes well with the tasks.

The case is well made, of course the metal is thin and tool steel was used in manufacturing, but when used at home, a person will not notice this. To carry out professional work, it is better to buy an appropriate device that will make drilling several times easier. Tornado PROFI is designed for careful use; after completion of work, it must be cleaned, washed, and then put in a box and stored in a dry place. Compliance with all rules guarantees the user durability and reliable operation.

Sold at a price of 1,000 rubles.

Tornado PROS


  • Practicality;
  • Compactness;
  • Can carry out drilling with a maximum depth of up to 180 cm, but it will take some effort;
  • Reliability;
  • Price.


  • When used correctly, there are none.

FISKARS Quikdrill

A beautiful and productive tool that is distinguished by high performance and ergonomics. Thanks to this decision, a person will bring all his ideas to life and decorate his country house. FISKARS Quikdrill will allow you to drill with ease and safety.

The body is made of high-quality steel that will not crack or soften over time. The manufacturer also equips the device with a beautiful and unique design. You don't need gloves to work with, since the handle is equipped with a proprietary material that won't chafe your palms. Therefore, a person will be able to do much more work without arm fatigue.

Sold in many specialized stores at a price of 4,300 rubles.

FISKARS Quikdrill


  • Beautiful design;
  • Performance;
  • Assembly at a premium level;
  • Reliability;
  • Safety of use;
  • Comfortable handles.


  • Not detected.

Kramas BR-2

A universal tool that can solve almost any professional and household problem. Installation of pillars, preparation of supports, drilling of wells, etc. A hand drill will cope with these tasks with 5 points.

A special feature of the device is the ability to disassemble, while the strength remains at the highest level. Thanks to this solution, you can easily transport the earth drill to a convenient location.

The work does not require any physical effort, which makes it possible to carry out complex operations without outside help. Drilling is carried out using replaceable nozzles with a diameter of 80 to 450 mm.

Average cost: 2,900 rubles.

Kramas earth drill BR-2


  • Versatility;
  • 3D sharpening of teeth with a nozzle diameter of 150 mm;
  • Assembly does not exceed 4-5 minutes;
  • Efficiency;
  • Compactness;
  • Comfort;
  • Suitable for beginners;
  • Adjustable length.


  • Not found.

How to drill the ground for pillars

There are really a variety of ways to make a well for a supporting element. The work is carried out using several types of tools, from a simple, well-known shovel to a drilling rig equipped with a special drive. It is recommended to carry out calculations first, then proceed to complete the task.

Why do you need to drill holes for a fence?

The fence consists of facing material, frame, and support posts. Square metal pipes are often used to form the frame.

Wooden posts may occasionally be used; it is important to protect them from the negative effects of the environment. It is recommended to use special antiseptics and wrapping materials

Wooden products and metal ones are also processed. The metal profile is damaged by groundwater, periodic or constant exposure. They trigger a harmful process – corrosion. If the surface is damaged, the service life is significantly reduced. Properly carried out protective work increases the service life of the fence significantly. Repairs or replacements will need to be carried out after a long time. The supports support the weight and load of the fence; it is important to fix it as securely as possible. It is enough to bury the fence support elements underground. Drilling is carried out using special equipment. The pit will ultimately be smooth and the edges will be strong.

Rating of quality mechanical drills


An excellent electric drill that will allow you to carry out various operations with maximum efficiency. In one minute, the device makes over 200 revolutions, which has a positive effect on overall productivity and will allow you to complete most of your ideas within a couple of days. The maximum drill diameter is 120 mm.

The device is made of high-quality components that have an increased service life. Its weight is 6.7 kg, so transportation requires a little effort. The main power element is the rechargeable battery.

Sold at a price of 13,000 rubles.



  • Performance;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Autonomous work;
  • Performance;
  • Comfortable handles.


  • Not detected.

StrikeMaster Lithium 40V

This is an excellent professional electric drill that will allow you to carry out work of any complexity. It can be used for industrial drilling or purchased by people who plan to carry out such work themselves. If you have certain drilling skills, its cost will pay off after 2-3 months of active work.

The case and other elements are of premium quality, which guarantees reliability and safety. Having purchased such a tool once and carried out timely maintenance, it will last for more than ten years and will benefit not only the owner’s site, but also the neighbors, if they want it.

The average cost is 50,000 rubles.

StrikeMaster Lithium 40V


  • Excellent professional equipment;
  • Efficiency at the level of industrial devices;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Can be used for fishing and at home.


  • Price.


An excellent gasoline device that will cope with any soil in a short period of time. The device is equipped with a two-stroke engine with a maximum power of 1.9 hp. A big advantage is the translucent tank, which will give the user complete control over the current state of the liquid, which will allow timely refilling. You can use augers of different diameters; this is an effective solution that will make it possible to adapt to any type of work.

The build quality is at a decent level. No backlash or squeaks were noticed. The gas drill will last over 5 years without any complaints. Fuel tank capacity – 0.8 liters.

Sold at a price of 7,000 rubles.



  • Assembly;
  • Value for money;
  • The translucent tank provides the most thorough control over the current state of the liquid;
  • Power 1400 W;
  • The maximum drill diameter is 500 mm.


  • Weight 10 kg.


An excellent branded tool designed for high-speed drilling of holes in the soil. Used for light and complex construction and gardening work. The device easily works with augers of any diameter from 40 to 350 mm. Thanks to this device, a person will forget about the shovel for a long time, even to loosen the soil; this option is more suitable.

The design is made of reliable elements that have a long service life. The only drawback of this device is that it requires two operators to operate correctly.

Sold at a price of 12,000 rubles.



  • Efficiency;
  • Will cope with any soil;
  • Power;
  • Price;
  • Durability;
  • 8000 rpm.


  • Two operators required.

ADA GroundDrill-2

A lightweight and reliable device that almost anyone can handle. It is used for private use. Only one operator is required for control, which will help to correctly distribute forces. This gas drill will handle any drilling up to 2 meters when working with normal soil. The motor power is at a high level and makes it possible to use screws with a diameter of 200 mm.

The design is made with maximum comfort for the user. Transportation will not take much effort, since the device weighs 9.5 kg. Power – 1800 W. The volume of the fuel tank is 1.2 liters. The gasoline container is made of translucent material, which will allow you to add liquid on time.

Sold at a price of 9,900 rubles.

ADA GroundDrill-2


  • There is protection against accidental falls;
  • Power;
  • Performance;
  • Dimensions;
  • Weight;
  • Price.


  • Not detected.

Welding and finishing

The general sequence of actions for making a welded drill can be as follows:

  1. mark pipes and steel sheets according to the drawing (using a construction marker);
  2. cut them according to these marks using a grinder;
  3. make marks at the joints of the handle, axle and blades (the axle pipe of the future drill should fit into the newly cut blades without noticeable effort);
  4. Using a welding machine, weld these parts in the required sequence, observing the drawing proportions and dimensions.

The final processing of a homemade drill is as follows:

  1. Sand the drill - remove any burrs, straighten the welds (if any irregularities remain). The tool, when put in order, is easy to use, does not hurt your hands and does not cling to work clothes.
  2. Place pieces of hose onto the handle (if the drill is manual). The ends of the horizontal crossbar (gate) must fit into the hose with force.
  3. Sharpen the cutting edges. This will allow you to drill the soil more efficiently.
  4. Paint the instrument after production.

Any paint dries in a maximum of two days. The product is ready for use.

How to work with a motor drill correctly

Before drilling with a motor drill, you need to study the instructions for use and only then begin work. For effective use, you need to follow certain rules, no matter if the drill is used for installing poles or other work:

  • Use augers that are suitable in quality and diameter for the intended drilling location.
  • Hold the device firmly in your hands, do not touch the rotating elements.
  • A drill weighing 10 kg or more must be operated by two people.
  • Before drilling, the area where work is being carried out must be cleared. When rhizomes or stones are found in the well, you need to remove them by hand.
  • Don't neglect guidance. The fuel must be mixed in the proportion specified in the product data sheet, otherwise the engine will quickly break down.
  • Before storing the tool, it must be drained of fuel.

Drill for a hammer drill: selection of impact-cutting attachment, its purpose

When carrying out construction or renovation work on an object, you often have to make holes in a brick, stone or concrete wall. For this, a special electromechanical tool in the form of a hammer drill is used. It is equipped with a working replaceable nozzle, which carries out rotational and impact movements. The hammer drill is available in several versions. Therefore, when choosing a product, you should take into account its design.

Step drill: sizes and varieties, application (read more)

A hammer drill is a working impact-cutting replaceable part of an electromechanical tool.

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