How to make sodium tetraborate for slime with your own hands

Sodium tetraborate is an antiseptic with boric acid, soda in the composition, mixed with glycerin, used by slimers as a thickener. It stabilizes all types of working glue.

The drug is sold in pharmacies at a price of 25 rubles. for 30 ml. It can be added to slimes in pure form or with water. But there are substances similar in composition to pharmaceutical sodium tetraborate. You can also make a similar activator yourself.

From soda

The main ingredient of this recipe must be purchased at the pharmacy, and soda is sold in the grocery departments of stores. The amount of the latter is calculated here. But if more soda is used than necessary, it’s not a big deal. Boric acid simply will not absorb the excess volume; the food additive will remain at the bottom in the form of sediment.

Ingredients for preparing the activator

  • 30 ml of boric acid alcohol mixture,
  • 1 tsp. baking soda.

How to make sodium tetraborate with your own hands

  1. Boric acid must be poured into a deep container.

  2. Then the required amount of soda is added to it.

  3. The components must be mixed until most of the grains are dissolved.

  4. Then the liquid must be filtered through a thick cloth or napkin to remove undissolved soda, and the thickener is ready.

Watch in this video how to make sodium tetraborate at home from soda:

Description and external signs

Borax mineral is an aqueous sodium borate with hydroxyl. It is also popularly known as boric salt. In Asian countries it is called tincal. This substance resembles almost colorless crystals. Origin of the name: from the Arabic word bauraq - translated as “white”. The form of release of borax in pharmacies and hardware stores is a white fine-crystalline powder.

Chemical composition

The components of borax are the sodium salt of boric acid and a strong base (water, sodium). Chemical formula: Na2(B4O5)(OH)4 8H2O

The practical significance of borax is to serve for the extraction of boron.

Molecular weight of the substance: 381.37; Density: 1.7; Specific gravity: 1.69 – 1.8; Maximum birefringence: δ=0.025; IMA classes: borates.

Of water

In this recipe, before mixing, the water should be slightly warmed up so that the soda dissolves in it better and faster. It is more convenient to place all components into the bottle through a funnel. Then the entire measured amount will be used and not spilled or spilled.

Proven recipe

  • 1 tbsp. l. water,
  • 1 tsp. soda,
  • 1 tbsp. l. boric acid.

Cooking method

  1. The specified amount of soda must be poured into a plastic bottle.

  2. Water is also poured there.

  3. Another essential component is boric acid.

  4. The bottle must be closed and shaken to mix both liquids and dissolve the soda in them.

  5. Then the composition is filtered through a cotton pad to get rid of the remaining particles of soda, and the activator can be used.

Watch this video for a DIY recipe for sodium tetraborate from water:

Soldering brass - a reliable connection at home

A weighed portion of technical borax 0 4596 g, titrated with a solution of HC1 with R0 1062, 21 20 ml was consumed. [4]

Industrial drill supplied by industry contains hygroscopic and crystallization moisture, which, when entering the weld pool, sharply increases the gas porosity of the weld metal. In addition, part of the borax, when moisture evaporates from it, foams and is blown out by the flame, as a result of which areas of the metal are exposed and oxidized. [5]

Borax is obtained from common technical borax (Na2B4O7 - 10H2O) after calcination in an oven at a temperature of 700 - 800 C on a stainless steel baking sheet or in an open fireclay crucible filled with ciu in height at V, due to the strong swelling of borax when heated. After calcination, the borax is ground in a mortar or ball mill. This borax should be stored in a hermetically sealed jar. [6]

For the production of 1 ton of technical borax containing 99 0 - 99 8% Na2B4O7 - 10H2O, 0 9 - 1 t of boron-calcite (40 - 42% B2O3), 0 14 - 0 18 g of soda, 0 10 - 0 15 t of bicarbonate are consumed and 0 01 g of bleach. [8]

To obtain calcined borax, technical borax is poured into an open porcelain or fireclay crucible at 1/10 of its height and placed in an oven at 700 - 750 C. After swelling and settling, the borax is ground into powder in a ball mill or mortar and stored in vessels with an airtight lid before use. [9]

Experimental work carried out at TatNIPIneft showed the possibility of using technical drill as an indicator element for identifying oil-bearing reservoirs flooded with injected fresh or formation water based on different rates of dissolution of the penetration zone. [10]

The temporary compressive strength of gypsum NBSS samples with the addition of 2 25 and 2 50% technical borax is given below. [eleven]

To sustainably maintain the pH value of the drilling fluid, starting from a depth of 5600 m until the end of drilling, it was decided to use technical borax, and soda ash to precipitate calcium and magnesium ions. [12]

Sulfonol, Progress, ANP-2 and a mixture of surfactants (OP-7 sulfonol), reagents (CMC and KSSB), as well as technical borax were tested as retarders for the gypsum solution. However, only with the introduction of borax was the required strength of the gypsum stone obtained. [14]

They produce technical and food grade borax. Technical borax is obtained by reacting boric acid and soda in a boiling solution. After separating the sludge on a filter, borax crystallizes from the cooled solution, which is separated in a centrifuge and washed. Food grade borax is obtained by recrystallizing industrial borax. [15]

Read also: Attachments for a hammer drill for removing tiles

From boric acid powder

This recipe produces a weaker activator than traditional sodium tetraborate. It works primarily with thick office glue and is added in fairly large quantities. The slime will need to be kneaded for a long time and excess liquid squeezed out of it.


  • 30 g boric acid powder,
  • 500 ml water.

How to cook

  1. Pour water into a container with a lid.

  2. Then boric acid powder is poured there.

  3. The container should be tightly closed and shaken thoroughly to dissolve the crystals.


  • After use, a deposit of salts forms, which must be removed mechanically;
  • It is necessary to choose storage areas that are free of moisture, since high humidity will cause the flux to deteriorate;
  • To prepare the material for use, you need to spend time and choose the right proportion, which can lead to errors.

Varieties of Borax

There are two main varieties that relate to the appearance of the material. The first option is the solid form. Borax soldering flux is supplied in the form of a powder with fine solid fractions. Thanks to this, it is easy to lay it on the metal surface before soldering in the required quantity and it will not spread at the same time. This variety is supplied in a special box that protects the material hermetically from the penetration of moisture and other foreign factors. Fractions are white.

From borax

Borax for this method of mixing the activator can be found at a hardware store or wherever repair supplies are available. Glycerin is available freely in pharmacies. To heat the mixture, you don’t need to use a microwave, but simply put a closed container with it in hot water for a few minutes. In principle, the activator will work without this. But if the liquid is heated, it will become more transparent.

What to make from

  • 1 tsp. drills,
  • 4 tsp. glycerin.

Making a thickener at home

  1. Borax must be poured into a mixing container.

  2. Then glycerin is added to it.

  3. Now the container needs to be closed and shaken several times so that the borax crystals combine well with the gel liquid.

  4. Then it is placed in the microwave for 30 seconds, after which it is shaken again, and the activator is ready.

From laundry soap

The soap should first be grated so that its particles are very small. But after adding the chips, you can also put the mixing bowl in the microwave for 30-60 seconds. Heat will help all components connect faster and better.

What is needed to prepare tetraborate

  • 200 ml water,
  • 5 g boric acid powder,
  • 2-3 pinches of shavings of 72% laundry soap.

Preparation method

  1. Place water and boric acid in one bowl.

  2. When the components are well combined, laundry soap is added to them.

  3. The liquid must be stirred with a spoon so that the last of the ingredients used dissolves.

Tetraborate analogues

Instead of sodium tetraborate, you can use products that also contain borates:

  • Spray, ointment, Teymurov's soap. Each of the preparations contains boric acid, so any is suitable for creating slimes. Spray has a liquid consistency, soap has a creamy consistency, and ointment has the thickest consistency. The concentration of the main substance in the preparations is lower than in sodium tetraborate, therefore the listed activators are used in larger quantities. They have a drawback - a rather strong smell. But you can buy the products at any pharmacy.

  • Liquid for lenses. Many of them contain a borate buffer. For slimes you should use Licontin, ReNu, Opti-Free, Biotrue. There are few borates in solutions for CL, so a large amount of one of them should be added to slimes. Another important nuance is that these activators must be combined with baking soda. A little food additive is added.

How dangerous is the substance?

It has cumulative properties, that is, it accumulates on the surface of the skin, causing allergic reactions. That is why the question is often asked: isn’t borax dangerous for the body?

Too frequent contact with licks and slime causes irritation and inflammation of the skin in children. If it gets into the stomach, it is necessary to urgently rinse it.

Attention! Young children should not be given these toys, as they have a habit of putting everything in their mouth.

Do not use if the drug's expiration date has passed. The danger lies not in sodium tetraborate itself, but in its constituent parts.

Do not mix it with phenols:

  • pyrogallol;
  • methanol;
  • resorcinol.

Gives a strong reaction when mixed with acids that are part of household chemicals.

Avoid contact with eyes; if this does happen, you need to rinse your eyes and apply eye drops, or better consult a doctor.

Slime with tetraborate from office glue

With this method of creating toys, you can improvise with the ingredients. For example, liquid soap is replaced with shampoo or shower gel. And if there is no lotion, you can add more nourishing cream. The activator is prepared from 2 tsp. sodium tetraborate and 200 ml of lukewarm water.

What to make from

  • 80 ml stationery glue,
  • 1 tsp. nourishing cream,
  • 1 tsp. liquid soap,
  • 1 pea of ​​toothpaste,
  • 0.5 tsp. body milk,
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • 0.5 tsp. dye,
  • 0.5-1 tsp. dilute sodium tetraborate.

Cooking method

  1. The glue is squeezed out of the tube into a large container.

  2. You need to add cream to it.

  3. The next ingredient is toothpaste in a small amount.

  4. The composition must be supplemented with body milk.

  5. It should also contain liquid soap.

  6. The volume of the slime will be greater if shaving foam is added to the composition.

  7. The next step is to mix everything.

  8. A homogeneous mass can be painted.

  9. All that remains is to add diluted sodium tetraborate.

  10. The base will stabilize after a few minutes of stirring with a spoon.

  11. The collected mass is kneaded with your hands.

Watch this video on how to make slime from office glue and tetraborate:

Benefits of use

Copper pipes as components of pipelines for various purposes are very popular today. In this regard, brazing copper, which uses a flux such as borax, has become a fairly common technological process. The use of this method of connecting copper products allows not only the installation of new pipelines, but also high-quality repairs of those that have already been in use for a certain time.

Borax removes the oxide film from the surface and promotes the spreading of liquid solder

The use of technical borax as a flux when soldering copper has the following advantages.

  • Metal parts in any combination can be subjected to high-quality soldering.
  • Metal products that need to be joined by soldering can have any initial temperature.
  • When using borax, high-quality and reliable connections can be obtained even between metal and non-metallic parts.
  • Soldered joints made using this flux can be unsoldered at any time if the need arises.
  • When soldering, the base metal does not melt, as happens during welding, which avoids such an undesirable process as warping (and, accordingly, changes in the geometric shape of the products being joined).
  • The use of borax allows for excellent adhesion of the solder and the surfaces of the parts to be joined.
  • Technical borax, used as a flux, provides high productivity for a process such as capillary soldering.
  • The solder joints obtained using this type of flux are characterized by high strength, reliability and durability.

Brazed copper pipes using borax as flux

To understand what factors influence the quality of soldering, you should know the stages of this technological process. The soldering algorithm is as follows.

  • The surfaces of parts that need to be connected by soldering must be carefully prepared.
  • Contaminants are removed using standard means - brushes, rags, etc. And to remove refractory oxide films from the surface of parts, a flux such as technical borax is used.
  • The surfaces of the products to be joined must be heated to a certain temperature, for which a blowtorch is used.
  • Liquid solder is introduced into the gap between the parts to be joined, which is also heated using a blowtorch or a regular gas torch.
  • The interaction of the heated base metal and liquid solder ensures a reliable solder joint.
  • The soldering process can be considered complete at the moment when complete crystallization of the solder occurs.

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Slime with tetraborate from PVA glue

In this recipe, artificial snow does not need to be previously combined with water for swelling; it is added to the slime in its pure form. Daiso clay can be replaced with light plasticine. But if you don’t use either one or the other, the slime will still turn out unusual and interesting.


  • 60 ml PVA glue,
  • 2 doses of liquid soap,
  • 2-3 drops of liquid paint,
  • 1-2 tsp. artificial snow,
  • 0.5 tsp. diluted sodium tetraborate,
  • 1 small piece of Daiso clay.

How to make

  1. The PVA must be transferred to a mixing cup.

  2. Liquid soap should be added to it.

  3. The components are immediately mixed.

  4. To give the mass a bright color, dye is added.

  5. It needs to be shaken until the shade is even.

  6. Next, artificial snow is poured into the liquid, stirred, and the mixture is allowed to stand for several minutes.

  7. Then an aqueous solution of sodium tetraborate is poured into the base in portions.

  8. The mixture must be stirred with a spoon until it stabilizes.

  9. It is kneaded a little in your hands.

  10. All that remains is to mix the slime with Daiso clay.


According to its appearance, borax is divided into 2 types:

  1. Solid in the form of a fine-grained white powder. Sold in sealed packaging to protect against moisture. It is convenient to apply the powder in the required quantity to the surfaces to be joined, since the flux does not spread.
  2. Diluted. This is borax dissolved in liquid, which can be used for soldering non-ferrous metals at low temperatures. Small parts are simply dipped into the solution, which is convenient when working with jewelry, wires, and electrical appliance terminals. In terms of efficiency, diluted flux is almost equal to solid flux.

Depending on the quality, the brand is designated by the letter:

  1. A - consists of 99.5% decahydrate and 0.5% impurities. Used for frit, earthenware, etc.
  2. B - impurity content up to 6%. Used for working with glaze, enamel, and plumbing equipment.

For soldering, it is better to use grade B, as it meets all requirements. And the price is less.

The shelf life of both brands is no more than 6 months.

Slime with tetraborate from glue stick

With this method, you do not need a microwave or steam bath, but the main component must be kneaded well. Very little activator is required, since there is little glue. Tetraborate can be diluted with water in advance so as not to over-thicken the slime.


  • 15 g glue stick,
  • 1-2 drops of sodium tetraborate,
  • 0.5 tsp. water,
  • 1.5 tsp. shampoo.

Cooking method

  1. The glue stick needs to be released from the packaging and squeezed in your hands until it softens.

  2. Sodium tetraborate is added to this mass.

  3. And you need to knead it again until it lags behind your hands.

  4. Next, water is added to the base.

  5. It also needs to be mixed into the slime.

  6. The last component is shampoo, which is added in 2 doses.

  7. Now the mass needs to be completely kneaded.

How to solder copper pipes

Before you start soldering, you need to prepare the following tools and consumables:

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of gas burners, which are presented in a large assortment on the modern market. Such a device, designed to ensure complete heating of the base metal and solder, can be equipped with automatic piezo ignition or manufactured in a classic design. You should only choose burners that use a piezoelectric element for ignition if such a device is manufactured under a well-known brand. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a regular high-quality burner that will provide you with uninterrupted operation for a long time.

Cleaning the joint before soldering

The soldering process itself using borax, including preparatory procedures before its implementation, is most conveniently considered using the example of connecting two pipes made of copper. This process is performed in the following sequence.

  • The internal surfaces of the connected pipes are thoroughly cleaned, for which a jaw with metal bristles is used.
  • External cleaning of copper pipes, carried out until their surfaces have a metallic shine, is carried out using emery cloth.
  • After thorough cleaning, borax is applied to the internal and external surfaces using a special brush.
  • Copper pipes coated with flux at the future connection must be joined together. After this you can start soldering.
  • Before starting the process, the pipe surfaces must be heated to the required temperature, for which a gas burner is used. The surfaces of the products to be joined should be exposed to flame for at least 15–20 seconds.
  • After the surfaces of the pipes are heated to the required temperature, solder is introduced into the soldering area, which also melts under the influence of the flame of a gas burner. Molten solder should be applied evenly to the surfaces of the parts to be joined to ensure the quality and reliability of the joint being formed.

Applying flux to the soldering area

After soldering using borax, the resulting connection should be inspected, for which destructive and non-destructive methods can be used. Most often, such control is performed when inspecting the resulting connection for the presence of external defects. A magnifying glass can be used to perform this inspection, which reveals many joint imperfections.

Lizun with tetraborate analogue - Naphthyzin

Naphthyzine as a thickener is much weaker than tetraborate, but it still needs to be used carefully and little by little. In this recipe, it is especially important to mix the base well at each stage. Then the slime will be soft, smooth and shiny.


  • 40 ml PVA glue,
  • 2 tsp. water,
  • 0.5 tsp. body lotion,
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch,
  • 6 tbsp. l. shower mousse,
  • 5-6 drops of liquid pigment,
  • 1 pinch of soda,
  • 1-1.5 tsp. Naphthyzin drops.

How to make slime with your own hands

  1. In a clean bowl, combine PVA glue and water.

  2. The next component is body lotion.

  3. It needs to be mixed into the mixture with a spoon.

  4. Then starch is added.

  5. After this, you also need to mix the base with a spatula.

  6. To add airiness, add shower mousse.

  7. After another stirring, you need to pour in the dye.

  8. When the base acquires color, soda is poured into it.

  9. The mass must be stirred again.

  10. Then Naphthyzin is poured into it in portions.

  11. The base must be stirred with a spatula until the glue stabilizes.

  12. At the end, be sure to knead it with your hands to rid the slime of excess moisture.

Slime with tetraborate analogue - washing gel

The recipe uses concentrated Persil gel, but Perwoll or Laska are suitable for the same purpose. You will need a lot of activator. Still, it should be poured in little by little, and the base should be thoroughly stirred, first with a spatula and then with your hands.

What do you need

  • 100 ml PVA glue,
  • 1 pinch of powder dye,
  • 6 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Persil liquid washing gel.

Cooking method

  1. The glue is placed in a bowl and dye is immediately added to it.

  2. You need to mix everything so that the color of the future slime appears.

  3. Next, shaving foam is squeezed into the composition.

  4. The base must be mixed again.

  5. Then Persil gel is poured in parts.

  6. Stir the mixture with a spoon until it thickens.

  7. Then it is kneaded manually until it comes away from the skin.

Slime with tetraborate analogue - liquid for lenses

With this method of making slime, the more homemade foam, the more voluminous the toy will be. Therefore, it is better to use thick shampoo. A liquid glue, like Lucha, will do, but it works. You can also replace PVA with stationery.

What to make from

  • 1 tsp. shampoo,
  • 1 tsp. water,
  • 85 ml PVA glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. acrylic paint,
  • 1 pinch of soda,
  • 1.5-2 tsp. liquids for lenses.

How to cook

  1. Shampoo is poured into a plastic bottle.

  2. Water should also be sent there.

  3. Close the bottle and shake until foam appears in it, and put it aside for a while.

  4. Glue is poured into the working container.

  5. You need to attach foam from the bottle to it.

  6. The composition must be mixed.

  7. Then it is tinted by adding and stirring pigment.

  8. Soda goes into the liquid next.

  9. After using it, the base is stirred again.

  10. All that remains is to pour in the lens solution.

  11. Now you need to stir with a spoon until the glue curls.

  12. The collected mass is crushed by hand.

We recommend reading about how to make slime from sodium tetraborate. From the article you will learn about slime recipes made from shaving foam, corn starch, toothpaste, film mask, glycerin and other ingredients. And here is more information about how to make slime from glycerin.

Using sodium tetraborate is the easiest way to thicken slime, but you can do without the finished product. After all, with Teymurov’s spray, boric acid, solutions for lenses, Naphthyzin, Levomycetin, the toy turns out no worse. And, of course, even tetraborate substitutes should be used carefully and little by little.

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