Welding machines Multiplaz 2500 and Multiplaz 2500m

Protect your eyes | 10/16/2016

Welding inverters, popular in everyday life, despite their efficiency, cannot weld cast iron, aluminum, and stainless steel without the use of special devices. The second problem of traditional welding technologies is intense oxidation of the weld metal, which is unacceptable in most cases. Back in 1998, specialists from Multiplaz LLC received a patent for a new welding method, which, according to the applicants, took into account all the shortcomings of its predecessors. Since then, the company has launched the production of a whole line of devices: from the most compact “Multiplaz-2500” to the stationary “Multiplaz-15000”.

Multiplaz devices for welding, cutting, soldering

Those who give it to us - tell yourself to buy the same ones. Guaranteed me multiplaz, saved questions that in such quantities it has better multiplaz instructions. That's the kind of mistake you learn from. Nightmare - I started with the fastest-acting one - in the instructions there is a Multiplaz instruction, if the anode is stuck and doesn’t have it - knock, if it doesn’t leave - heat up “with the entire power source, you can with another weight.” From which the conclusion is that the cruelty is too much. And the fact that you all continue to advertise Vanish is not at all multiplaz instructions, saying his face over which detergent powders, but this is what the ability is about, because if the active properties are the same - why pay more for this expensive Vanish is blaming the multiplaz instructions itself, after all, the CIA is in Moscow. After the theory using the university and alcohol on the stars exposed to happiness, a layer of meryl carbon Multiplaz instructions remains, this is a new phenomenon. It is impossible to melt the cathode without moving multiplaz instructions.. Website URL:.

Multiplaz 2500 Reviews

View full version: Plasma welding. Who used it, tell me your opinion.

eXeC001er24-05-2006, 22:18 Thank you.

Celofan24-05-2006, 23:46 2eXeC001er What does plasma welding mean? Decipher what you mean by this. Or give a specific model as an example. And to a question like you asked, there may not be an answer.

eXeC001er24-05-2006, 23:55 I assumed that this was known, well, if not, here it is: Multiplaz 2500 - www.svarka-rezka.ru Plazar - www.plazar.net

Celofan25-05-2006, 00:11 2eXeC001er All this has been known for a long time, I just wanted to clarify. On the “City of Masters” forum, I don’t think there are any topics discussing these devices, or at least not in recent ones. There is a topic for discussing plasma devices on this forum, although I read it a long time ago, but I think that the general opinion about these devices has not changed.

Desti25-05-2006, 00:17 This thing cannot cook with either water or vodka. All-Russian advertising distribution. It cuts - there is no debate here, it really can. It barely melts and solders glass. It is not suitable for welding steel on any side.

Serg25-05-2006, 03:08 This thing cannot cook with either water or vodka.

Yes, I also read about the same. There is no perfection in the world...

Viktorich25-05-2006, 08:50

Desti25-05-2006, 10:19 This is the opinion of a person I trust.

ARBORTECH25-05-2006, 13:08 This thing cannot cook with either water or vodka. All-Russian advertising distribution. It cuts - there is no debate here, it really can. It barely melts and solders glass. It is not suitable for welding steel on any side. You can solder chernukha and aluminum and stainless steel, but use appropriate solders - for example, such as HTS-2000 (aluminum) and HTS-528 (cast iron, stainless steel, chernukha).

Desti25-05-2006, 14:09 Arbortech

Yes, for God's sake... Just don't solder black metal and stainless steel and aluminum. They are boiled. And the machine is called “welding”. What does solder advertising have to do with it?

clalex2006-05-25 18:12 I support soldering and cutting quite conveniently (only soldering with electrolytic leagues) but not cooking.

SergeyE25-05-2006, 18:12 It’s strange - in their office they show everything for free - you bring your hardware - and they cook everything, etc. Plazar received a certificate for welding gas pipes; It seems that plumbers in Zelenograd regularly use them (they sell them at a discount or something). Water is used to cut, alcohol is used to cook - its vapors seem to oxidize the metal less. There are two real problems: price and 20-minute operating interval. To refill with water - it’s easier than a steamed turnip - you put the burner in water and that’s it, but with alcohol - it’s somehow scary - you put it in, and it flares up - the burner heats up to about 600 degrees - you need to open the cap, put it in water / cool it and only then pour alcohol through the filler neck.

Celofan. Yeah, but for this you don’t have to use an expensive plasma torch, an ordinary gas burner is enough. Yes, but you yourself know this very well. And your solder is a very good thing, at least judging by the video in which they skillfully demonstrate soldering with its help. I just wish the price could be lowered a little. But I think there is a separate topic about solder.

Yustos25-05-2006, 19:31 I didn’t understand something I used Multiplaz to cook nigella in water, I don’t know the quality, I’m not a welder myself, but it holds up well

Yustos25-05-2006, 19:32 In a week I will insert a photo

Desti25-05-2006, 19:43 I used Multiplaz to cook nigella in water myself, I don’t know the quality, I’m not a welder myself, but it holds up well

Urgently patent Even the developers recommend an alcohol solution for welding, but you managed to do it on water..

rumbled 05/25/2006, 20:21 So I’ll answer. We welded nuts to the licked studs on the cylinder head, the head is aluminum. Four of them were welded badly, they tore off, but after overcooking they unscrewed. One pin broke, it was cooked almost right at the head. In the end, I didn’t lose my mind, everything went well. Bottom line. I like it. But it's expensive.

Celofan 25-05-2006, 21:12 Quote: Message from Celofan I used Multiplaz to cook nigella in water, I don’t know the quality, I’m not a welder myself, but it holds up well

Urgently patent Even the developers recommend an alcohol solution for welding, but you managed to do it with water.. Funny. The nickname is mine, but the message is not mine. I have never used Multiplaz and probably never will use it. For welding chernukha, and not only, I have a welding machine.

Serg26-05-2006, 03:01 My nickname, but the message is not mine.

Desti simply highlighted the text in one message and pressed the button on another - that’s how it happened.

Viktorich26-05-2006, 07:38 2Serg No, the forum is buggy, however, I got the same effect.

Desti26-05-2006, 09:44 Celofan

Sorry, I was wrong

Old major26-05-2006, 09:59 I don’t understand... Why did you attack the device? I saw how our people work with it. They even gave me a couple of pieces of iron to weld... Stainless steel... I am no expert in welding, but it worked out... In short, the impression is that you are cooking with gas, while heating is like electric welding... At the same time, you can solder.... Like a gas burner. The equipment is small. The disadvantages that I noticed are that you have to drink VODKA, well, the price is exorbitant, I still think (32,000 rubles), and the “Burner” requires very careful handling - not like in gas welding. Those. You need to cook with a constant eye on how the burner feels. The device has been in use for a year and a half now. Those who use it with us are eager to buy the same ones for themselves...

ac_5226-05-2006, 12:05 Question: I don’t understand welding at all (yet), I’m only thinking about buying a machine next year. So what's the point of giving 32,000 rubles? for a _so_ condemned device, when a friend bought a super-duper inverter for 18,000? What is so wonderful about this plasma welding from the point of view of the operators?

EgorP26-05-2006, 17:45 Plasma welding is needed where plasma welding is indispensable. This issue was discussed in great detail in the old forum. A lot of. In everyday life, plasma welding is nonsense. In production conditions, the use of plasma welding machines is very limited by its capabilities and especially by the ability to do the same in other, less exotic ways. You can heat it to the same temperatures in the simplest way - with hydrogen. When working with any fire, it is important not only to heat the metal, but also to remove the melt, and in the case of welding, to fuse materials and add additives, and above all, to do this in the most reliable and safe way. As for the specific design of welding with water, alcohol, etc. - all this looks extremely unconvincing.

AlexAlex31-07-2006, 12:15 I join the warm reviews about Multiplaza-2500M. I've been using it myself for a little over a year.

For EgorP “Multiplaz-2500M” seemed to me extremely convenient in all respects due to its versatility and compactness. And precisely in everyday life! And where do you live? If you are in Moscow or nearby, then your doubts about welding with alcohol (and in some cases also with water) can easily be dispelled in the Multiplaz showroom. All you have to do is drive up...

For Desti This thing cannot cook with either water or vodka...

Still cooking. Mainly in a water-alcohol solution. And copper is boiled in water with a higher quality.

You live in Moscow, right? God himself ordered you to come and see whether it’s a wiring connection or not.

EgorP02-08-2006, 14:46 I join the warm reviews about “Multiplaza-2500M”…. Warm reviews of Multiplase-2500M are usually joined by its manufacturers and sellers. Good luck to them in their difficult career.

AlexAlex02-08-2006, 16:54 Warm reviews of Multiplase-2500M are usually joined by its manufacturers and sellers.

And also me, since I do not belong to the categories you named.

EgorP02-08-2006, 17:58 And also me, since I do not belong to the categories you named. Okay, let’s correct the phrase: Warm reviews of Multiplase-2500M are usually joined by its manufacturers and sellers, and even by AlexAlex, who hides his motives (for obvious reasons). Good luck to them in their difficult career.

AlexAlex03-08-2006, 09:57 Okay, let's correct the phrase: ... and even AlexAlex, hiding his motives (for obvious reasons).

I do not hide my motives and outlined them in the old forum, here: .

If you, EgorP, have specific questions about the device, then ask. I will try to answer them.

Chukchi03-08-2006, 11:10 2AlexAlex, I’m not 2EgorP, but I have a specific question - is it possible to rename Multiplaz-2500 to Scam-2005, for semantic rhyme with related events, incl. in the showroom. And the model range will be updated on its own - there is already Scam-2006 and there will probably be Scam-2007, to the delight of scammers.

AlexAlex03-08-2006, 12:00 I have a specific question - is it possible to rename Multiplaz-2500 to Scam-2005, for semantic rhyme with related events, incl. in the showroom. And the model range will be updated on its own - there is already Scam-2006 and there will probably be Scam-2007, to the delight of scammers.

This question is not for me, but for the manufacturers. For me, the main thing is what you can do with this device, and not what it’s called.

For people like the Chukchi, you will have to make your proposal more specific.

I am ready, within the framework of my knowledge and work experience, to answer specific questions about the use of the Multiplaz device within the framework of its purpose described in the instruction manual.

EgorP03-08-2006, 12:24 ...If you, EgorP, have specific questions about the device, then ask... Well, they asked you a specific question, and you: ...This question is not for me, but for the manufacturers.... What questions might you have after this? I myself can answer you about this thing. It just won't make you happy. Such products are in demand among gullible people who believe that Vanish really removes stains better than anyone else, that Ritona does laundry, that sorcerers cure cancer, that MMM will pay off debts, etc., etc. etc., in general, among those who are popularly called suckers. Then these people create communities of their own kind and achieve miracles from everyone around them.

By advertising this “product” you are unlikely to succeed HERE.

AlexAlex03-08-2006, 12:45 Dear Chukchi, EgorP.

I don’t want to offend you at all, but let’s finish the flame on welding topics. You don’t like the Multiplaz device and everything connected with it - that’s your right. But judging by your posts, you not only have not seen this device, but also absolutely do not understand the principle of its operation. I urge you to speak out only about what you know, and not what “one woman said.”

AlexAlex03-08-2006, 13:00 What questions might you have after this?

Essentially using the Multiplaz device. But if you think that the name of the welding machine is directly related to its capabilities, then argue for this. I am ready to discuss this topic, but outside of this forum.

By advertising this “product” you are unlikely to succeed HERE.

You, EgorP, will laugh and most likely won’t believe me, but I earn my bread differently and in a different industry.

EgorP03-08-2006, 14:48 ...You, EgorP, will laugh and most likely won’t believe me, but I earn my bread differently and in a different industry. Already! And I will repeat the words of the great Stanislavsky: “I don’t believe it!”

Chukchi03-08-2006, 15:00 I urge you to speak out only about what you know, and not what “one woman said.” It's always like this. Welding is a metallurgical process, which requires that it be well studied and known in detail. Regarding welding, for example, nigella: to get the process, very good. similar to the Multiplazovsky one, you can, for example, beat off the coating from the electrode and try to cook it. With proper skill, you will even get a “seam” and the parts will not immediately fall off. But for some reason, the plasma generator suckers call this crackling welding.

o_e03-08-2006, 16:43 This is always the only way. Welding is a metallurgical process, which requires that it be well studied and known in detail. Regarding welding, for example, nigella: to get the process, very good. similar to the Multiplazovsky one, you can, for example, beat off the coating from the electrode and try to cook it. With proper skill, you will even get a “seam” and the parts will not immediately fall off. But for some reason, the plasma generator suckers call this crackling welding.

Isn’t it the same principle used to cook with acetylene? What difference does it make between heating the base metal and the rod to the melting point?

The process is metallurgical and there are even industrial-scale plasmatron melting plants. They only work on distilled water or purified with membrane filters...

Alessandro03-08-2006, 17:40 ...Such products are in demand among gullible people who believe that Vanish really removes stains...

Hm. In fact, Vanish really works and works well. I don’t sell it and I don’t produce it. My wife works in a store and somehow brought it home. We also thought that this was just advertising, but we were pleasantly surprised that Vanish did work as intended.. Buy it, try it, I think you won’t be disappointed. Of course, I can’t say that it removes all stains, somehow I didn’t happen to check... And about the multiplase. I saw how they cook it at the exhibition at NAVDNKh. I don’t know about the quality, but visually the pieces of iron were cut and welded. I haven't used it myself and don't plan to buy it. Nevertheless, what I saw is what I saw

Chukchi03-08-2006, 17:42 o_e, the point, of course, is not what to heat with, but the composition of the gas in the welding zone. Apparently multiplaz simply does not provide the necessary gas protection. Why? But this is what his posters should have sorted out, and before selling it to the masses of suckers. I saw samples of the ferrous metal he welded; they were brought to welding technologists for quality assessment. They laughed merrily. Microsections were not done. But acetylene probably protects better. But the seam, although not the same, is also loose, full of pores. It is well known that welding of critical structures with acetylene is strictly prohibited.

EgorP04-08-2006, 12:50 ...Such products are in demand among gullible people who believe that Vanish really removes stains... Not quite so. Don't play around with quotes. EgorP wrote: ...Such products are in demand among gullible people who believe that Vanish really removes stains better than anyone else...

Vanish, unfortunately, was TESTED by me, and proved to be an expensive drug that did not meet its price. I won’t say that he doesn’t wash at all, but he didn’t clean the stains on my shirt from ordinary HOME-MADE food at all. Everything else in your post is advertising. Well, the motivation for advertising is clear: ... My wife works in a store ...

By the way, in order to evaluate the performance of any welding machine, it is not at all necessary to look at the welding process. It's harmful to your eyesight.

EgorP04-08-2006, 13:01 Isn’t it the same principle used to cook with acetylene? What difference does it make than heating the base metal and the rod to the melting temperature?... Let's start with the fact that acetylene welding is an anachronism and promoting similar technological processes to it is a step backwards. ...The process is precisely metallurgical, and there are even plasmatron melting plants on an industrial scale. They only work on distilled water or purified with membrane filters... Apparently one should not compare different equipment and generalize conclusions. Yes, there is equipment and each one works for its intended purpose.

As for this particular device, which welds various metals using vodka and other solutions, this is not a tool, but an advertising gimmick.

Alessandro04-08-2006, 16:26 Not really. Don't play around with quotes. EgorP wrote:

Vanish, unfortunately, was TESTED by me, and proved to be an expensive drug that did not meet its price. I won’t say that he doesn’t wash at all, but he didn’t clean the stains on my shirt from ordinary HOME-MADE food at all. Everything else in your post is advertising. Well, the incentives for advertising are clear:

By the way, in order to evaluate the performance of any welding machine, it is not at all necessary to look at the welding process. It's harmful to your eyesight.

I'm not a businessman and neither is my wife. She doesn’t receive bonuses from sales of vanish, and besides, there is a lot of such products in the supermarket. Therefore, there are no incentives for advertising or advertising as such in my post. I am a user who liked Vanish. I wonder what you eat (regular food) that even Vanish couldn’t wash off. Maybe you got a fake Vanish? For example, he washed tomato stains from my T-shirt, and easily. True, before this I didn’t wash my T-shirt in “regular powder”, I didn’t even try

EgorP04-08-2006, 17:36 I’m not a businessman and neither is my wife. She doesn’t receive bonuses from Vanish sales... Everyone can say that. ...I am a user who liked Vanish... And I am one of the many who believe that the more advertising, the worse the product, which cannot be promoted without such advertising. And the fact that you stubbornly continue to advertise Vanish (without at all justifying its superiority over other washing powders, and this is exactly what we are talking about, because if the cleaning properties are the same, why pay more for this expensive Vanish) speaks for itself.

...I wonder what you eat (ordinary food) that even vanish couldn’t wash off... Are you really interested in my wife’s recipes? I assure you - nothing unusual, everything is natural and without frills. But if you really need it, I’ll ask? ... Maybe you got a fake vanish? May be. It's not written on it. We took it from Perekrestok. So, is it already in great demand and there are cases of counterfeits? ... For example, he washed tomato stains from my T-shirt, and easily. True, before this I didn’t wash my T-shirt in “regular powder”, I didn’t even try. My wife washes tomato stains with COLD WATER WITHOUT SOAP (especially without Vanish). And tomatoes themselves are sometimes used as detergents when washing hands. Very softens the skin. I'll give you the recipe. For free. Those. for free. You can save on Vanisha. However, all this has nothing to do with plasma welding. The Moderator will come and scold you.

Alessandro04-08-2006, 17:48 However, all this has nothing to do with plasma welding. The Moderator will come and scold you. And we’ll ask the moderator if Vanish helped him. However, perhaps he won’t scold him since plasma welding here is equated with “vanish” Hmm. I hope the vanish producers will pay me something, since my posts here are perceived as advertising

Celofan07-08-2006, 11:33 Excuse me, but where did I end up??? (I understand what the answer is....) Is this a forum where detergents are discussed???

SergeyE09-08-2006, 16:41 I’ll try to interrupt this swearing: here is some useful information:

List of forums AutoPlus MADI forums -> Tool ed Added: Sun, January 8, 2006, 2:36 Message title: Unsuccessful attempts at welding with Plazar

I'm trying to cook with Plazar. Unfortunately, out of several dozen welding attempts (about 30), only a few were more or less successful. The following is observed: After heating the metal and turning it into a liquid state, it begins to boil. After cooling of this fluidized layer, we obtain excellent scale, which crumbles under small mechanical influences. Naturally, scale prevents the mixing of metal, penetrates between drops of metal, in fact, it boils on top of the metal, trying to mix the metal - we stir this boiling slag. The seam, as ValVe said, is entirely made of scale - it breaks at the slightest blow. When welding I used both acetone and vodka. The SV08G2S wire did not improve the situation at all, and there is no less scale with the wire. The torch had a bright yellow tint. Only once, it was possible to achieve a violet torch, reducing the gap between the cathode and anode almost to the limit, while boiling did not occur so intensely, and there was much less scale. Perhaps this is the essence of success in welding? I have a request to the developers of Plazar. on the site pages:

  • Explain in more detail the essence of chemical processes during the interaction of the arc and the working fluid.
  • explain the features of welding technology in a water vapor environment (you will not find this in any textbook); it differs significantly from gas welding, where you can adjust the composition of the mixture and the welding flame in a wide range. There is no such option in Plaza.
  • Explain the features of adjusting the torch depending on the current modes. After welding using acetone and alcohol, a layer of soot (carbon) remains on the surface exposed to the flame - is this normal?

to come back to the beginning

Alexei Curious Added: Fri, 13 January 2006, 15:55

To answer this question accurately, you need to know the following information:

  1. The percentage of alcohol or acetone, or whatever you use for welding.
  2. The exact grade and thickness of the metal.
  3. Diameter of wire used SV08G2S.
  4. The mode used on the power source.
  5. Nozzle diameter used.
  6. How long does it take after startup before the welding process begins?
  7. Does the user have welding skills and if so, what kind.

Alexei Curious Added: Fri, 20 January 2006, 12:45

Because Thicknesses, brands and answers to other questions are not indicated - the answer is not accurate.

  1. The maximum welding thickness is 5 mm, but it depends on:
    • depending on the specific grade of metal: St3 – up to 5 mm, St10.20 – up to 3.5-4 mm, etc.
    • from a specific burner (since burners, unlike sources, are assembled manually, all numbers fluctuate ± 1.5 mm)

  2. on the user's skills.
  3. For welding steels, it is necessary to use welding wire SV08G2S with a diameter of 1.6-2 mm, or any other wire with a high silicon and manganese content of more than 2%.
  4. For welding you must use:
      solution of alcohol in water - 40-45% alcohol to 55-60% water. (according to instructions)
  5. a solution of acetone in water - 30% acetone to 70% water.
  6. You can also use vodka, but we don’t recommend it because... you cannot know the exact concentration of alcohol.
  7. The difference between gas welding (GS) and the Plasar device:
    • The GS has a large heating area and a low flame temperature (up to 2000°C), while the Plazar apparatus, on the contrary, has a small heating area and a high temperature (up to 6000-10000°C).
    • The GS in the torch has a maximum temperature at the tip, and a minimum temperature at the nozzle exit. The Plasar device, on the contrary, has a minimum temperature at the tip (100-500°C), and a maximum temperature at the nozzle exit (up to 6000-10000°C).

  8. Due to the difference in the GS torch, it is convenient to work with thick metals, while thin metals lead and burn through. With the Plazar device, on the contrary, it is convenient to work with thin metals (up to 3 mm), but difficult to work with thick ones.
  9. After starting, the burner should return to operating mode in about 1-3 minutes. After this you can work.
  10. And the most important thing is to take into account that water is an oxidizing agent, so you need to pay attention, first of all, to the features of working in oxidizing and reducing gas environments.
  11. Recommended reading:
      Welder-Soldering Handbook
  12. Soldering Handbook

As you correctly noted, the section “features of welding technology in a water vapor environment” is not in any textbook, but each one has a section “peculiarities of working in oxidizing and reducing gas environments,” which is exactly what you need, especially in “oxidizing” ones!

Welding machines Multiplaz 2500 and Multiplaz 2500m: review

The Multiplaz series of devices are high-quality multifunctional devices capable of cutting any hard (and non-flammable!) material. The advantage of a plasma cutting device is that it does not require massive equipment in the form of cylinders, transformers and other kilowatt power sources.

The entire Multiplaz plasma cutter fits perfectly in a small bag, and the cutter will not get tired, even if he carries it from place to place all day. As a working fluid, you can use distilled water or a 40% alcohol solution, depending on what material needs to be cut.

The energy consumption of such devices does not exceed 2 kilowatts, which means that the payback will come very quickly, within 2-3 months.

You can master the Multiplaz device very quickly and you do not need any special skills or abilities. You just need to work with the device for a few hours to understand all the basic control features and cutting techniques.

Of course, the plasma flow generator, like any other device, has some disadvantages, and this somewhat limits the scope of its application.

What are the differences?

Multiplaz 2500M is a more powerful version of the Multiplaz 2500 device (letter M - modernized). The main difference is the larger amount of energy consumed, the modified burner. As a result, it is possible to work with thicker metals.

Technical characteristics of plasma cutters Multiplaz 2500 and Multiplaz 2500m

For greater clarity, all the main technical characteristics of these devices will be summarized in a single table

Multiplaz 2500Multiplaz 2500M
Supply voltage, V220220
Network frequency, Hz50-6050-60
Power consumption, kWPeak up to 2.5Peak up to 2.8
Overall dimensions, m11.6x17.2x32.511.5x17x32.5
Burner weight, kg0,7About a kilogram
Power source weight, kgAbout 65,5
Maximum flame temperature, s8 0008 000
Maximum cut thickness, mmTo 10To 10
Maximum thickness of welded material, mmfrom 0.2from 0.3
Metal cutting speed (measured with a metal thickness of 2 millimeters), secUp to 7Up to 7
The size of the resulting cut, mmNo more than 1.5No more than 1.5
Consumption of liquid used, lAbout 0.2About 0.25
Allowable operating time, min3030


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SpainZaragoza, ORPI, SL C/Juan de la Cierva, 23, 50014 Zaragoza, Spain Phone: 0034-976-471440 Fax: 0034-976-472669 E-mail www.orpi-sl.com/productos/soldadura-plasma Person: Mr. Alfredo Guarga ThailandBangkok RPSSupply Co., Ltd. 17 Soi Thedthai 16, Taladplue Road, Taladplue, Thonburi District, Bangkok 10600 THAILAND Phone: +66(02) 8913114-5 Fax: +66(02) 891 3128 Mobile: +66(81) 581 0333 Email Contact: Sukanya PongsagornwanichUkraineKyiv, LLC "Multiplaz-Ukraine" Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Frunze 160, building Yu, 4th floor Tel. Fax E-mail www.multiplaz.com.ua Contact person: Romanov Oleg ValentinovichBelarusMinsk, LLC "ALVI-WELDING", 220024, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, lane. Stebeneva, 9a Tel: +375 17 201-90-37 Tel: +375 17 388-18-18 Fax: +375 17 388-12-34 E-mail WWW: www.svarka.by BelgiumAntwerp, ONE-WELDING BVBA 2222 Wiekevorst Antwerp (province) Belgium Phone: 0032477/608080 E-mail Person: Wannes VandenbusscheKoreaGimpo-si, Kangwon International Co.,LTD 485-9, Punggok-ri, Gochon-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, (415-813) Korea Tel: +82-2-2675-7475 Fax: +82-2-2675-8952 Cell: +82 -(0)10-6260-7477 E-mail Contact: CEO: Kim Eui TeckNew ZealandAuckland, Advanced Plasma Technology Limited Unit A2, 39 Arrenway Drive, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand Phone: +64 9 280 3010 E-mail WWW: www.multiplaz.co.nz Person: Vladimir VoronkovAustraliaFyshwick, Fisher Discount Workshop Machinery 68 Barrier St, PO Box 367 Fyshwick ACT 2609 Phone: 02 6280 4277 Fax: 02 6280 7983 Email Person: Korina MatthewsTaiwanMiaoli County, Rueiliang International Co., Ltd. 8F., No.29, Wuchang St., Toufen Township, Miaoli County 351, Taiwan (ROC) Phone: 886-37-692297 Fax: 886-37-692300 Mobile: 886-933-404027 E-mail WWW: www. multiplaz.com.tw Person: Lita Chiang 瑞良國際有限公司 苗栗縣頭份鎮武昌街29號8樓聯絡人 江立達IndiaYamunanagar, Kalyan Industries Jagadhri Road, Yamunanagar, Haryana - 135 001, India Phone: +91-1732-223694, 260682 Fax: +91-1732-260203 Email WWW: www.kalyanindustries.in Person: Gurvinder SinghMartiniqueFort de France, 100% ENERGIE VERTE SARL 34 b 2 rue Roy-Camille cite Dillon 97200 Fort de France Martinique Phone: 0696968980 Email Person: Mr. Marius Perion SingaporeSingapore, T&T INDUSTRIES PTE LTD Blk 3016 Bedok North Ave 4 EASTech #04-10 Singapore 489947 Tel: 65-64490213 Fax: 65-64498241 Mobile: +65 9178 1684 Email Contact: Winston HanTahitiPAPEETE, SODIMEC (LMI) ZI de TIPAERUI BP159 98713 PAPEETE Tahiti Phone: (689) 501 900 Fax: (689) 501 905 E-mail Contact: Laurent BerthoudVanuatuNoumea Cedex, LMI 1 rue descarte ZI Ducos, BP 14662 98804 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia Phone: (687) 797396 Fax: (687) 271906 E-mail Contact: Ronald LAVISSEFranceFrance, Sté CNO direct Mr Mourain 118 chemin du castellas, 30340 Rousson, Marseilles, France Phone: Mobile: E-mail WWW: multiplaz.cnodirect.comCanadaWhitecourt, Kammec Mechanical Consultants Ltd. 3739 39 Street, Whitecourt, AB T7S0C3 Toll Free: 800-665-0864 (AB&SK) Tel: 780-778-3184 Fax: 780-778-2988 Email Email Onoway, Plazman 514-1414 Highway 37, Onoway, AB T0E1V0 Tel: 780-967-3526 Tel: 587-335-4756 Fax: 780-967-0585 EmailMexicoMexico, Industrial Connect Mexico S. de RL de CV Vasco de Quiroga 1225 A. Santa Fe. Mexico DF Mexico 01210. Phone: (52-55) 52575837 DF (52-81) 84210206 Monterrey, NL (52-33) 84213448 Guadalajara, Jal. Cell: (04455) 28934026 Skype: tradeintl1 E-mail WWW: www.industrialconnect.com.mx Contact: Samuel DiazTürkiyeZonguldak, Deka Enerji ve Plazmatron Teknolojileri Sanayi Ticaret Limited Şirketi Acılık cad. Belediye Bulvarı No:23 Zonguldak, Turkey Phone: 0 90 372 252 1968 Fax: 0 90 372 253 4036 E-mail WWW: www.plazmatronturkiye.com Contact: Tülay SUİÇMEZSwedenSkara, Multiw AB Stenum Gamla Mejeriet SE-532 94, Skara, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)510 20 000 E-mail WWW: www.multiplaz.nuSloveniaLjubljana-Črnuče, RIRO, doo Strniseva cesta 30, 1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče, Slovenia Phone/Fax: +386 (0)1 563-54-52 WWW: www.riro.siMacedoniaSkopje, ELING Ognjan Prica 41a, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia Phone: +389 72 255880 WWW: www.multiplaz.mk Contact: Goran Todoroski EmailLebanonBeirut, Direct Access Beirut - Lebanon Haret Hereik - Dakkash road Budier Building - Ground Floor Mobile: +963 3 88 7 44 2 Tel: +961 1 55 44 82 Fax: +961 1 55 44 72 WWW: www.directlb.com Contact: Youssef FaourEgyptCairo, Panorama for Supplying & Petroleum Service Co. A Member of Panorama Groups 13-3 Moawad Shafik, st, New Maadi - Cairo - Egypt Tel & Fax: (+202) 25173301 Mobil: (+2) 01281088466 - 01280869333 E-mail Contact: Ahmed SwilamSouth AfricaRustenburg, Precise Trade and Invest 04 Shylock 30 N4 Bakwena Hwy. Rustenburg 0300 Tel.: 079 849 4465 /087808 2584/ 079 024 5558 E-mail Contact: Mr. Gert Blom Cell: 086 684 1933 E-mail

Multiplaz welding machine: principle of operation, actions

Multiplaz devices use plasmatrons to generate thermal energy.

Water vapor or vapor of a water-alcohol mixture (40% water and 60% ethanol) is used as a working gas for plasma in younger models of Multiplaz devices. This gas, heated to the required temperature, performs cutting, welding and soldering. In older models, the working gas is compressed air obtained from external sources. Devices up to brand 7500 are powered from a single-phase 220 V network, and 7500 from a three-phase 380 V network.

The Multiplaz plasma cutter and welding machine consists of an inverter power source with microprocessor control, a cable hose and a plasma torch. In younger models, two burners are used for ease of use: one with water, the other with a water-alcohol mixture.

Welding is a complex physical process, the implementation of which very much depends on the magnitude and even the shape of the welding current.

Soldering also requires maintaining a stable temperature and a reducing atmosphere.

Cutting is the easiest way - it only requires high temperature, the more energy, the faster the material melts and is blown out of the slot, and this is what high-temperature cutting is all about.

For each of these processes, the power source in any of the Multiplaza models supports the required mode.

In addition to the device, the kit also includes a plasma head with a cable, as well as a second cable with an alligator clip and a special key for adjusting the torch and replacing nozzles. Cathodes and nozzles are consumables and are also included in the kit.

Of course, all consumables can be purchased separately.

Cutting thickness

The thickness of the cut depends on the power of the machine and the material being processed. When the device operates in the first mode, it can cut non-conductive, refractory materials. At the same time, the power of the plasma torch is less. But due to the low thermal conductivity of such materials (compared to metal), the cut thickness remains approximately the same as for metals.

The cutting thickness for metals (steel) is listed below:

  • Multiplaz 3500: 10mm,
  • Multiplaz 4000: 15mm,
  • Multiplaz 7500: 25mm,
  • Multiplaz 15000: 50mm.

Equipment for air plasma cutting Multiplaz-3500

table 2

Name quantity, pcs.
power supply Multiplaz-3500 1
plasma torch (plasma cutter) M-3500 2
protective nozzle 1
combination wrench 1
additive holder 1
filling syringe 1
burner stand 2
pusher 1
wire with MODE II clamp 1
graphite lubricant 1
ball stop 2
emphasis 1
compass 1
set of spare equipment 1
clamp bracket 1
bag 1
manual 1
service certificate 1

Multiplaz plasma devices: application

The main purpose of the devices is high-temperature plasma cutting of refractory materials. In addition to metals, the device can cut glass, concrete, and ceramics of any kind. To cut round holes, you can use a special compass, which is mounted on a clamp near the nozzle. In order to maintain the same distance between the nozzle and the workpiece, a ball stop (or rollers for powerful burners) is used.

Working with the device requires certain skills that welders who are starting to work with a plasma torch for the first time do not possess. (Although it is experienced welders who manage to master these devices the fastest.) The user should forget about his self-confidence and carefully study the instructions, which for older models becomes quite chubby.

DANGEROUS! When starting the burner, to check the appearance of the torch, do not look into the nozzle under any circumstances. Otherwise, you may be left without eyes. As a last resort, you can point the nozzle towards the mirror at a distance of half a meter.


Soldering is carried out in the first mode, when a plasma arc burns between the cathode and the nozzle and is blown outward by pressure. A water-alcohol mixture is poured into the tank to create a reducing atmosphere in the soldering area and reduce flux consumption. Stainless steel is also welded using a water-alcohol mixture. Soldering can be done with machines 2500, 3500 and 4000.


Watch a short video about soldering dissimilar metals from the manufacturer:

Can cut glass

Glass, ceramic, stone materials, for example, tiles, are cut in the first mode, with an indirect arc, since these materials do not conduct current. The distance between the nozzle and the surface of the workpiece is maintained at 1-3 mm. For cutting, water is used (or air, for machines 7000 and 15000). Cutting can be done with all devices.


A small roller of cutting a round hole using a compass in a ceramic tile:


Surfacing is carried out using a water-alcohol mixture. The filler wire or tape is inserted into the holder and connected to the anode terminal. Everything else depends on the nature of the deposited and base materials.

Aluminum parts are cooked in a water-alcohol mixture, since in this case a reducing environment is required. The welding area is mechanically cleaned with a file or emery cloth, and also degreased. The parts are heated to the melting temperature of the flux, and F34-A flux is applied to the welding site. The filler wire is also coated with flux (with fusion). Welding is carried out with an arc of the first mode (in the 3500 machine), in the Multiplaz 4000 everything is a little more complicated: alternating current, balancing for the thickness of the oxides and argon to protect the seam.

Multiplaz – 3500 Operating manual

Due to the increase in the production of refractory metals and materials resistant to high temperatures, the first plasmatrons appeared in the mid-twentieth century. Another reason was that an even more powerful heat source became necessary.

Using the latest technologies for producing plasma, for the first time in the history of metalworking, a completely environmentally friendly, safe and multifunctional method of metal processing has been obtained.

The ease of starting and stopping, as well as power regulation, make this device very popular not only among professionals, but also among craftsmen who do not have much experience in welding and cutting metals. The multiplase welding machine is designed not only for cutting materials, but also for welding and soldering them. What is called welding - soldering of various types of materials and brazing - welding of unalloyed and alloyed steel, non-ferrous metals and ferrous metals, cast iron, stainless steel.

In addition to the many operations performed with its help, it is a portable and completely self-sufficient device that does not require transformers, compressors or any other bulky equipment.

Depending on the required operation, the working fluid is water or solutions of acetone and alcohol. It can easily operate from the network in W, while consuming several times less electricity than the same transformer. The light weight of the plasma torch, only about 9 kg, allows you to carry it on a shoulder strap and move freely around the area.

I would like to note the high precision of metal cutting with the multiplaz machine, accuracy and precision, incomparable with any other tool, which allows you to cut according to patterns and even figured, artistic cutting.

This model of plasma torch is capable of replacing a lot of various tools required in everyday life, from an angle grinder to a welding machine. Finishing of restaurants Finishing of apartments Finishing of offices.

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CJSC "Department of Mechanized Works No. 8"

The Multiplaz 7500 device was purchased by our company on April 21, 2016. It was used to cut metal with a thickness of 3 to 18 millimeters. We would like to note the excellent performance and operator comfort. No special training was required, and our welder began cutting metals from day one.


Our organization has been working with Multiplaz products for more than five years and during this time no shortcomings have been identified. Two of the Multiplaz 7500 devices operate almost every day and only require replacement of consumables.

The only time, due to the negligence of the welder, the current control handle cracked, which was purchased on the same day and put into place without any effort.


Select the speed of movement of the torch along the cutting line at which the arc is constantly held on the material being cut and the molten metal is blown through. When the torch moves at a very high speed, the material will not be cut, but when the torch moves at a very low speed or when it stops, the direct arc may be interrupted due to the lack of metal in the cutting zone. You can improve the quality of the cut by using various stops and compasses from the delivery set, installed on the torch using a clamp-bracket, see. To cut round holes instead of a ball stop, use the compass included in the delivery set. When carrying out cutting, it should be borne in mind that the device, with its plasma jet, must blow the molten metal right through, through the cut hole.

Device overview

"Multiplaz 15000" structurally consists of a power supply and a plasma-water torch; its operation does not require additional gas cylinders or compressors. The burner is made in the form of a pistol and has a discharge chamber combined with a steam generation source.

Cooling of the burner electrodes is carried out by using the generated thermal energy of water vapor, which at the same time becomes an effective plasma-forming medium, which is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. At the same time, these gases are environmentally friendly, waste-free and non-explosive compounds.

An air plasma cutter differs from standard welding equipment in its compactness, mobility and versatility: cutting is carried out with a direct and indirect arc; The device has the ability to solder soft or hard solder, ferrous or non-ferrous metals. You can switch from cutting ferrous metal to stainless steel and then to copper only by changing the current mode of the device - with one turn of the adjustment knob.

Due to the small area of ​​the arc and its high temperature, the metal is heated exclusively in a very narrow, minimal cut zone, which significantly improves the quality of the cut compared to analogue gas devices. At the same time, this guarantees the absence of temperature deformation of the metal. When using such devices, subsequent welding will be carried out without additional processing of the edges.

But the main advantage of plasma cutting is a significant increase in the speed of operations, which no other cutting methods can provide. This feature allows you to significantly increase speed and, accordingly, efficiency.

The advantages of plasma cutters also include electrical, explosion and fire safety, the ability to weld pipelines filled with water, and the absence of metal splashing during cutting or welding. An undoubted advantage of plasma cutters is their environmental friendliness.

Review of the Multiplaz 7500 model

Multiplaz 7500 is a high-performance air plasma welding machine. Its key features are high versatility, decent efficiency and ideal price-quality ratio.

First of all, it is worth noting the variety of jobs that can be done using this device. You can cut or weld non-ferrous and ferrous metals within a few minutes by changing only the current supplied to the arc. And there is no need to think about using additives, they are not used at all.

Even without using filler powders, the cut line turns out to be perfectly thin and even (especially when compared with gas cutting). There will be no sagging or flash, no additional processing of the cut will be required.

There is no need to preheat the alloy or metal before soldering, cutting or welding. The product will not be deformed, since the welding (or cutting) line is very precise, actually point-like.

And despite this, the cutting and welding speed increases at least twice, and such speed cannot be achieved with similar plasma cutters. Examples include gas cutting (0.4-0.5 millimeters per minute) and plasma cutting, the speed of which is about 1 millimeter per minute.

Naturally, an important advantage is that there is no need to use bulky and heavy cylinders with oxygen or acetylene. This increases the mobility of the welder and allows you to perform all types of work, even in hard-to-reach places. The cost of cutting and welding work using the Multiplaz 7500 machine is 2-2.5 times lower than with classical gas welding.

Interesting: Multifunctional welding machine Multiplaz 4000

Multiplaz. The whole truth about the instrument

Topic in the “Welding machines” section, created by user sarmatt, Search in titles only User messages: Separate participant names with a comma. Newer than: Search this topic only Search this section only Display results as topics. Quick search. Welding inverter or plasma: Gorynych or Multiplaz and cuts and cooks Topic in the section “Welding machines”, created by the user sarmatt, Registration: Welding inverter or plasma: Gorynych or Multiplaz both cuts and cooks.

9 reviews about Multiplaz: To improve the quality of the work performed, we purchased 3 Multiplaz from this company.

I want to buy multiplaz, I’m interested in reviews

For the first time in the history of the metalworking industry, using the technology of producing plasma from a special mixture, an absolutely safe, portable, powerful, multifunctional and environmentally friendly method of heat treatment of metals with a thickness of 0.3 mm has been found: cutting, welding, soldering, hardening, spraying, etc. Plasmatron “Multiplaz” ”consists of a plasma torch and an electronic power supply with a total weight of 9 kg!!! The essence of the process occurring in the plasmatron is as follows. An electric arc is ignited inside the burner barrel, between the anode nozzle and the cathode, which turns the liquid there first into a vapor state and then into a plasma state. Warranty period – 24 months. Price – RUR Among the devices produced by the Multiplaz company, this welding machine occupies a special place. Every task, including welding, can be brought to perfection. In order to make it this way, a person needs not only skill, but also a corresponding perfect tool. Multiplaz is just such a device.


In order to highlight the technical characteristics of this device as accurately and objectively as possible, they will be placed in the following table.

Supply voltageThree-phase 380+/-10 V
Network frequency50-60 Hz
Power consumptionPeak up to 7.5 kW
Current consumption20-50 A
dimensions56x21x37 cm
Rated output voltage120 V
Efficiency85 %
Load factor100 %
Loss ratio0,93
Arc initiation methodContactless
Insulation classIN
Maximum thickness of cut sheet25 mm
Weight of burner with hose4.8 kg
Power supply weight21 kg
Allowable operating time30 min
Cable length (power supply/torch)9 meters
Power cable length5 meters

The given technical parameters indicate that this welding machine is quite competitive in its class.

Disadvantages of technology and ways to overcome them

Most users note the poor ergonomics of the installation. The gun itself in the plasma emitter is compact and quite lightweight (in particular, for the Multiplaz-2500 model), but does not provide the ability to weld or cut in hard-to-reach places.

The price of the devices is quite high. For Multiplaz-2500 it starts at 30,000 rubles, which is significantly more expensive than welding inverters, oxygen gas cutters, etc. For “Multiplaz-4000” you will have to pay 140 thousand rubles.

The main thing is that to effectively use multiplases in everyday life, you will need to acquire dexterity and experience. Domestic craftsmen offer various ways to refine the technology in question, which can be implemented at home. These include:

Equipping devices with additional containers with working fluid, which could quickly be connected to the device through flexible pipelines. Due to this, it is possible to double the volume of the supplied working medium without the device losing its compactness. Moving the power button to the pistol handle, which makes it easier to control the equipment. Changes in the shape of the nozzle from straight to curved (alternatively, its manufacturers could have equipped the device with such a nozzle, but instead they offer only two options for the torch - for cutting and welding, respectively). Methods for cleaning the cathode and anode. It is assumed that the working fluid itself will do this, but its intense evaporation (especially towards the end of filling) contributes to the formation of carbon deposits on the surfaces of the tool, which worsens the energy parameters of the plasma and reduces the durability of the electrodes (in practice it does not exceed 40...50 hours). Therefore, some inventors make small holes in the lower part of multiplase burners, into which the working fluid is pumped with a syringe. It is believed that in this case the chemical composition of the liquid mixture will be more uniform, and the thermal parameters of the plasma column will become more stable.

Summarizing all of the above, it is necessary to note:

  • Multiplases can be used at home: they do not require high energy consumption, are easy to store, environmentally friendly, and do not require scarce components (gas, respectively - cylinders, hoses, etc.);
  • These devices can join and cut all materials that are difficult to use with conventional welding and cutting methods;
  • Household versions of the equipment cannot work with complex and voluminous workpieces, or cut thick sheet metal, but they are quite acceptable for precise contour cutting and welding;
  • The seam is of better quality due to the absence of splashes. You can also save on subsequent cleaning of the connected surfaces, since there are practically no visible defects.

The main thing is that the units of the Multiplaz series are not universal, and therefore have their own optimal niche of use.

Difference from models 3500, 2500, 4000 and 15000

The main difference between all these devices is their power. Numbers “2500”, “3500”, etc. denotes peak power in watts. Naturally, the more powerful the device, the thicker the metal and alloy it can weld and cut.

Currently, the most compact and low-power is the Multiplaz 2500 (peak power 2.5 kilowatts), and the most powerful can be called the Multiplaz 15000 with a peak power of 15 kilowatts. The closest model in terms of power is 4000 kW.

Scope of application

Today, Multiplaz-15000 devices are successfully used in the installation and repair of pipelines, sewerage systems, heating, power supply, when performing roofing work, repairing refrigeration and ventilation units, air conditioners, when carrying out construction, installation and underground work, when carrying out ship repairs , at service stations, etc.


Watch the video where a cutter is used to quickly cut off a strip of metal 8mm thick:

Useful links on the topic of plasma cutting and welding machines:

  • Other current models of plasma devices,
  • Where to repair plasma devices,


This device is truly universal. With its help you can use several expensive devices at once. In particular, it can be used as:

  1. Classic metal saw.
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. Sheet shears for cutting metals.
  4. Jigsaw.
  5. Blowtorch.
  6. Gas burner.
  7. Welding machine.
  8. Hair dryer.

For your information! Once you buy a plasma cutter, you can save yourself from the need to buy a whole bunch of expensive devices. This is what the device manufacturers say, we do not share such enthusiastic characteristics. Still, everything special is better than universal.

Multiplaz. the whole truth about the instrument

VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Multiplaz 2500M, refueling, starting, operation

Help – Search – Users – Calendar. Go to the full version of this page on the Electrician website forums: Microplasma welding. I don’t feel sorry for the money, I feel sorry for the lack of results. Does anyone have documentation for this device? Share with me by email, for my part I promise to share the intricacies of manufacturing and tell you about the final result of this device. If anyone is not interested in the result, then I can simply buy the documentation, if only with a guarantee of receipt and quickly.

This article will discuss the Multiplaz and Multiplaz M plasma cutting machines. A detailed overview of the devices will be given, their differences will be named, and detailed technical specifications will be published.

The device corresponds to the first class of protection against electric shock in accordance with GOST. The device is subject to mandatory certification for compliance with GOST requirements. Warranty repairs are carried out by service centers upon presentation of a warranty card. The portable device “MultiplazM” is intended for manual plasma cutting, welding, soldering and brazing of dissimilar materials and brazing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including alloyed and non-alloyed steels, stainless steels, cast iron, copper group metals, aluminum and its alloys. The circuit breaker installed in the socket circuit must be rated for a current of at least 16 A.

For the first time in the history of the metalworking industry, using the technology of producing plasma from water vapor, an absolutely safe, portable, powerful, multifunctional and environmentally friendly method of heat treatment of metals with a thickness of 0.5 mm to mm has been found: cutting, welding, soldering, hardening, spraying, etc. Plasmatron “MultiplazM” consists of a plasma torch and an electronic power supply with a total weight of 6 six kg!!! The essence of the process occurring in the plasmatron is as follows.

Are multiplases an alternative to existing technologies?

It should be noted that the main disadvantage of traditional welding is overcome by the technique under consideration: plasma with such thermal characteristics really effectively welds cast iron, high-carbon and alloy steel, as well as aluminum. In this case, no special changes need to be made to the welding technology (or cutting of such metals and alloys). Moreover, the method of plasma conversion of arc energy into plasma energy has a significant advantage - productivity. As is known, in conventional welding, the discharge is excited by pulses, so continuous welding/cutting is impossible. In devices of the Multiplaz series, the arc will burn as long as there is a steam jacket around the plasma column.

And here the first problem arises. The capacity of the flask with the working fluid for household plasma emitters (and, accordingly, the continuous operation time of the device) is:

  • For Multiplaz-2500: hourly flow rate of the working medium is 0.15...0.20 l/h, with continuous operation time - within 20...25 minutes;
  • For "Multiplaz-3500": hourly flow rate of the working medium - 0.25...0.30 l/h, with continuous operation time - within 10...15 minutes;
  • For Multiplaz-4000: hourly flow rate of the working medium is 0.40...0.50 l/h, with continuous operation time - within 8...12 minutes.

Not very much, especially if a surface of large volume or thickness is being cut or welded. Therefore, work has to be stopped and the container refilled. In this case, the freshly applied seam cools quickly, and its final parameters as welding continues may differ significantly from the first section. Let us remind you that welding with units of the Multiplaz series is advisable to use for connections with increased strength and durability.

The second feature of working with this technique is the presence of experience and mastery of operating techniques that are not typical for traditional welding. This often explains the majority of negative reviews about multiplases of all the described series. The specifics of the work are as follows:

The arc is ignited using the oscillation method. This method is quite lengthy, and is inferior in ease of implementation to the traditional contact method. Immediately after refueling, it is impossible to operate the burner, because it must be brought into operating mode: warm up for 3...4 minutes. It is also impossible to work during short breaks: the steam jacket is destroyed. True, in this case a shorter warm-up will be required - no more than 1.5...2 minutes. The parameters of the plasma column depend on the flow rate and quality of the liquid that is supplied to the treatment zone for subsequent evaporation. In particular, if the water-alcohol mixture runs out, then the temperature in the column drops (judging by the color of the torch - by no less than 10,000C). Accordingly, the quality of the seam will decrease. Features of controlling plasma parameters, in particular, the threshold value of the initial voltage, which should not exceed 160...170 V. At the same time, the change in ignition voltage over time is not noted in any way in the instructions, and it should be set individually.

What is the difference between the method?

In units from Multiplaz LLC (many experts call them plasma emitters - not very easy to pronounce, but more accurately) instead of gas - argon, nitrogen, or - most often - air, water vapor is used. It is generated when an electric arc is ignited in a liquid medium. The composition of this medium has often been changed by manufacturers, but now all multiplases work on a mixture that consists of water (~ 49%), alcohol (~ 49%) and an aqueous solution of ammonia.

The process of formation of welding plasma in all devices of the series under consideration is approximately the same, and occurs as follows. When an arc is ignited in a closed volume of higher density, the cross-sectional area of ​​the discharge is noticeably compressed, which causes a sharp increase in temperature in this volume. The mixture begins to quickly evaporate, enveloping the welding zone in a dense steam cloud. This, on the one hand, prevents the temperature drop that is inevitable during conventional welding, for example, at low ambient temperatures, and, on the other hand, reduces emissions of environmentally hazardous gases, in particular carbon dioxide. As a result, an ionized gas flow is formed, the temperature in the column of which reaches 6000...7000 °C. This is quite enough to melt any refractory metal.

Based on the results of their action, multiplazas resemble the well-known TIG technology - welding with a non-consumable electrode, only the process does not occur in a column of inert gas, which is supplied under high pressure to the welding zone, but as a result of the evaporation of the working fluid.

The authors of the method position it as a means of reliable permanent connection, as well as cutting refractory and difficult-to-weld metals using non-scarce components, noting, as a special advantage, the high environmental friendliness of the technology and its complete safety for others.

The devices are certified both according to domestic standards and North American standards. At the same time, for the models “Multiplaz-2500”, “Multiplaz-3500” and “Multiplaz-4000”, an ordinary household network with a voltage of 220 V can be used to power the arc discharge, and only for the much more powerful “Multiplaz-15000” a voltage of 380 V will be required .

However, “Multiplaz-4000” and “Multiplaz-15000” are purely stationary welding units.

Plasma cutting and welding machine Multiplaz 2500m

These include steel, cast iron, bronze, copper, aluminum, various alloys, as well as ceramic tiles, brick, quartz glass, concrete and similar non-metallic materials. The compactness of the unit is a very significant advantage. Thanks to this, the user can easily get to the right place and quickly perform all the required actions. A three-phase power supply is also not needed - an ordinary household power supply is sufficient.

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The Multiplaz company is the only one in the world who owns a patent for the technology of welding with a water-alcohol mixture and the only one who has achieved flawless operation of products of this type. The Multiplaz company continues to improve the design of the new tool and in the year a more powerful Multiplaz model was released, which becomes a new standard in metalworking. Increased power up to W made it possible to cut metals already 8 mm thick. This year the Multiplaz model was released. This tool has become much more reliable, more convenient and even more powerful.

This feature article is dedicated to the powerful air-plasma cutting and welding device Multiplaz

Spare parts, spare parts, consumables

These devices for cutting and welding have a complete list of consumables and parts, which allows you to carry out repairs with your own hands.

The most common consumables are electrodes, and the list of the most popular parts is as follows:

  • Torch with extension cable.
  • Rear burner cover.
  • Ceramic nozzle.
  • Burner start button.
  • Collet clamp.
  • Threaded bushing assembly.

All spare parts are affordable, and the part can be installed in a matter of minutes.

Multiplaz – 3500 Operating manual

Multiplaz is a compact modern device for cutting, welding and soldering metals using plasma. It has, without exaggeration, enormous advantages over already long-known devices for gas and electric arc welding. The device uses plasma - ionized gas. Such a gas, consisting of excited atoms, ions of different signs and charges, electrons and radiation, can be heated to a very high temperature and used for technical purposes. The usual arc that welders deal with, from the point of view of physics, is also plasma. If gas welding, then the source of energy for such plasma is the chemical combustion reaction of, for example, acetylene in oxygen. If this is electric welding, then the ion gas is formed by metal ions of the electrode and the workpiece.

Device structure

When operating a plasma cutter (plasma head), a stable direct or alternating current is required. It is provided by a powerful pulse converter with a rectifier based on IGBT transistors with a current stabilizer.

For example, model 15000

The converter is controlled by a controller built into the device, which continuously maintains the selected operating mode and overload protection. All power and control electronics are located in the device housing. There are fans inside the case to cool the radiators of the power switches. On the front panel there is a control panel and terminals for connecting the torch cables and an additional anode.

For more details about the design of each model, see the articles, links to which are given at the bottom of this page.

Burner Multiplaz

The main part of the torch is a tungsten cathode, alloyed with metals that increase emissivity and resistance to high temperatures. The anode is the copper nozzle or part that is being processed. That is, the plasmatron can operate in two modes. Plasma gas is blown through a nozzle in the form of a thin torch.

In younger models of Multiplaz devices, the burner contains a built-in reservoir for water or a water-alcohol mixture. These fluids are heated by the heat of the arc using heat transfer from the nozzle. The arc is ignited by short-circuiting the cathode to the nozzle; for this there is a button on the back. The same button, when rotated, adjusts the gap between the cathode and the nozzle.

In older Multiplaz models, the arc is ignited by a high voltage pulse.

Gas (or an alcohol-water mixture in a vapor state) is blown past the cathode and exits through the nozzle. After a high voltage pulse ignites an arc between the cathode and anode, the power source raises and holds the current set by the welder. In small Multiplaz devices, the operating voltage of the arc in the plasma can reach 160-170 V, and the current 20-30 A.

The plasma is blown out by gas pressure, and a balance is established between plasma formation and gas consumption. This mode is relatively low power.

If the part serves as the anode, then the plasma is additionally accelerated by the electric field between the cathode and the anode, acquires additional energy and becomes more powerful. This mode is the most powerful and is used mainly for cutting thick sheets of metal.

In powerful Multiplaz devices (over 4000), gas is supplied from an external source (air is used), and in younger models there is a reservoir on the burner, which is filled with water or a water-alcohol mixture.

The burners of younger models are made so that they can be placed on a horizontal surface to free your hands.

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