Making a box from plywood: step-by-step instructions on how to put together a box from boards and plywood with your own hands (with or without a lid)

If you absolutely do not have enough space to store various home kitsch, or you just want to make functional furniture for your home yourself, then we have an excellent solution: a plywood box.

This multifunctional and stylish piece of furniture can help you organize the space in your own apartment much more functionally, while creating a unique atmosphere of comfort.

It is also very important to note that there are a lot of options for making such boxes, and none of them will require serious financial, time or physical expenditure from you. We'll talk about how to make a box out of plywood with your own hands in the material presented.

How to make a box from plywood with your own hands

Features of making a tool box

Things often get lost. It's better if they have their own place. Then they won't get lost. And all the necessary things will always be at hand.

  • The boxes can be made in different ways. They can have different shapes and colors.
  • It's easy to do. Almost everyone can do it themselves if they wish.
  • It doesn't require a lot of money to make.
  • Plywood is easy to process.
  • You can put heavy things. After all, it can withstand a heavy load.
  • Thickness may vary.
  • You can store both small and large things.
  • Boxes can be of different sizes.

You can decorate them as you wish. They can be of different colors. Suitable for any interior.


There are many different types of blocks. The most common foam blocks and gas blocks. Gas blocks and foam blocks have gained great popularity in the construction of private houses in a short time. They have a number of advantages, good heat resistance, sound insulation, lightweight in size compared to other materials, due to this, lower costs for the foundation. Disadvantages: quite fragile, they need to be lined as they quickly absorb moisture due to their porous structure. The cost of a house made of foam blocks will be 11,000 - 20,000 rubles. m2.

Box making process

You need to understand what size the box will be. The drawer will have sides measuring 19.5 cm by 13 cm. The bottom of the drawer will measure 19.5 cm by 31.5 cm.

  • Then they draw a drawing of the box.
  • Draw patterns for the components of the box on sheets of plywood. The bottom of the box will be six millimeters thick. And to make the sides you will need plywood eight millimeters thick.
  • The elements are cut out using an electric jigsaw or a hand router. There should be five parts in total. Four side walls and a bottom. If necessary, also cut out the lid. The walls can be in the shape of a cone if the box has a lid.
  • Once the parts are prepared, the box is assembled. The walls are placed at the bottom of the box.
  • The seams are glued with a special glue for wooden products. Excess glue is then removed with a regular rag. After gluing the box, place it under a press so that the parts stick together better.
  • Then connect the parts with self-tapping screws.
  • Then they make holes for the handle of the plywood box lid.
  • You can make internal partitions in the box. But a box with partitions is suitable for experienced craftsmen. For novice craftsmen, it is better to make the box simple, without internal partitions.

If the box is large, then special wheels can be attached to the bottom. This will make the drawers easier to move around the room.

Plywood box finishing

  • After making the plywood box, we begin to decorate it.
  • You can paint it with varnish. The entire box is varnished. This not only adds beauty, but also extends the life of the plywood box.
  • The box can also be decorated with special overlays.
  • It is also better to cover the outside of the box with color. This will give a beautiful appearance to the box.
  • Before decorating the box, all holes must be filled with a special product for wooden products. The putty is applied very easily. Dries within three hours. After puttying, the box can be varnished.
  • Afterwards, the plywood box is sanded using sandpaper. You can also putty a plywood box using a sanding machine.

Log houses

Dwellings have been built with logs since ancient times; they also remain a popular material now. Log houses have good heat resistance in winter and coolness in hot weather, environmental friendliness, and sound insulation.

Disadvantages: flammability, shrinkage, various types of destruction by external environmental factors, for this it needs to be treated every year from rotting and various kinds of rodents. The cost of log house housing will be 18,000 - 80,000 per m2, depending on the type of wood.

Plywood box with sliding lid

  • You will need plywood 0.5 cm and 1.5 cm thick.
  • Parts are cut out. The back wall should be 20 by 15 cm. The front wall should be 18 by 35 cm. The lid should be 34.3 by 33.3 cm. The bottom of the drawer should be 33.8 by 33.4 cm. The handle of the drawer will be 5 by 2 cm. These parts are cut from plywood with a smaller thickness. The side parts of the box are cut from other plywood. Their size will be 33.8 by 33.4 cm. There will be two such parts.
  • Using a saw, the parts of the future box are cut out.
  • Then the parts must be sanded using fine paper.
  • Grooves measuring 0.6 cm are made on the sides of the box.
  • It is necessary to make holes 0.4 cm in size on the walls of the box. This is necessary so that they can then be connected to the side walls of the future box using self-tapping screws.
  • First, the parts are connected using a special glue. You can use both wood glue and PVA glue.
  • Remains of glue are removed with a regular rag.
  • View the edges whether they are suitable or not.
  • Check whether the cover moves along the grooves. If necessary, process using sandpaper.
  • The handle is glued to the lid using glue. You can also attach it to the lid using a special stapler.
  • After everything is dry, it is better to sand the box again on all sides.

The top can be coated with special paint or varnish. The color of the box may vary.

Tips for making a plywood box

The thickness of plywood may vary. When making a plywood box where toys, clothes, and food will be stored, plywood with a thickness of 0.5 cm is suitable. And, if the box is to be stored outdoors, then the thickness of the plywood should be more than one centimeter.

  • Before you start work, you need to understand whether the drawing is made correctly.
  • You need to buy or rent the necessary tools to make the box.
  • When purchasing plywood, you need to carefully examine the appearance of the material. There should be no chipped pieces or other defects on it.
  • To ensure that the place where the plywood is cut is clear. You need to use tape to glue the place where the plywood will be cut.
  • It is necessary to apply varnish to the plywood box. It gives not only a beautiful appearance, but also protects from various external influences.
  • It is better to choose fine sandpaper for sanding a plywood box.
  • If you need to make several identical boxes, you can make a template for the side walls.
  • It is better to paint boxes in neutral colors.
  • If the boxes will be located outdoors, it is prohibited to paint them with bright colors. After all, in the sun the color of the box will quickly fade.
  • It is better to remove excess glue with a wet cloth.


To summarize, let's say that for successful work, we will need:

  • A simple but accurate drawing.
  • Availability of tools.
  • A little imagination.

The price of plywood is quite low, so even if we don’t succeed in assembling a cool “chest of drawers” ​​the first time, it’s not a big deal. With a little practice, you can proudly display your creations, in the form of mailboxes and bird feeders, or go fishing! In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic (also find out what is better for the floor - OSB or plywood).

Photo of a homemade plywood box

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