10 Types of Wrenches from Aliexpress to Build Your Own Toolbox

An indispensable tool in the arsenal of every home craftsman is a wrench. The domestic industry produces them for every taste and budget: from the lightest and smallest (for working with electronics and household appliances) to large and heavy (these are often used when repairing machines and other equipment, as well as during the maintenance of ground transport). As a rule, they are made from high-quality solid metal or an alloy of several metals.

Recently, new models equipped with additional devices that greatly facilitate the work of the home craftsman have become very popular. Tools for tightening nuts, equipped with a so-called ratchet, are in great demand in specialized stores. However, it would be more correct to use the following name: “wrench with built-in ratchet .

Morphemic analysis of the word “ratchet”

Let’s perform a morphemic analysis of the word “ratchet” to understand in which part of it the dubious vowel is located:


  • “crack” – root;
  • “otk” – suffix;
  • “a” is the ending.

Let’s highlight the base – “ratchet”.

Example sentences

Let's read the contexts with the noun we are studying to consolidate its spelling:

  1. When the rattle stopped, other instruments began to sound.
  2. Catherine clicked her heels like a rattle as she ran down the stairs.
  3. This rattle will only finish talking in an hour.
  4. My younger sister liked the small toy ratchet.

Wrench assignments

As mentioned at the very beginning, there are several types of wrenches and they all have a specific purpose. First of all, wrenches are used for repairing automotive equipment, during construction work, as well as for work related to the restoration of various types of equipment. Without a doubt, it all depends on the type of key itself.

As a matter of fact, approximately 90 percent of people who at least sometimes do some kind of repair work on their own use 2-3 types of keys, while the rest have a strictly specific direction and are not used on a regular basis.

Next, we will talk in detail about the types of keys so that everyone understands what they are. I will try to convey everything, as they say, in simple human language.

Main selection criteria

There are a lot of shops that sell hand tools, but they have one thing in common: they won’t give you any, absolutely no useful information on keys! Therefore, you need to learn how to choose the keys with the maximum chances of a successful result. First we need to think: what do we expect from any set of this tool? There are few basic requirements here:

  • maximum service life;
  • transmit torque to the nut or bolt as best as possible;
  • safety and ease of use;
  • the most convenient access to hard-to-reach places.


This is a physical vector quantity that determines the rotational action on a rigid body.
The moment of force is determined by the formula: M = Fхd, where:

  • F is the force acting on the body;
  • d—power lever.

That is, in order to have the greatest torque, you need a maximum handle length d, to which you apply maximum force F - this directly depends on the physical strength of a person. In order to transmit this torque as much as possible, the key must fit tightly to the nut, without deforming itself and without deforming the nut. For this purpose, the working surface must have the greatest possible contact with the nut and sufficient hardness of the surfaces that interact with the nut.

The deviation of the working surface dimensions is standardized; for union nut sets there is a special table of possible deviations. Each wrench in the set must be marked and match the size of the bolt and nut heads. The instrument must be marked as follows:

  • indication of steel grade;
  • diameter of round spline nuts or throat size;
  • manufacturer's trademark.

As a rule, the surface is additionally treated with a special coating, which gives the product better corrosion properties and an attractive appearance.

Near each working part there should be a digital size designation. The number displays the size in millimeters between the inner edges of the hexagon for which a specific key is intended.

Two main indicators of the key: surface hardness and throat size can be determined independently. For this you will need a needle file and a caliper. Using a caliper you can determine the size with an accuracy of 0.05 mm, and then you need to use a needle file to try to grind off the ring of the spanner. If it slips along the ratchet ring, then the steel is hard enough; if chips appear, then the steel is soft and unsuitable for the tool. The question here is that sellers will not allow you to sharpen a set of tools that you have not yet purchased.

How to spell it correctly?

Spelling dictionaries give the only correct form - “ratchet”.

Doubt about the spelling arises due to the fact that “ш” is a soft hissing consonant. Let's classify the word we are interested in as an independent part of speech - a noun (inanimate, feminine, singular). The lexeme denotes an object and answers the question “what?”.

Let's find the word from which this noun was formed:

  • rattle - rattle.

Based on the spelling rule, in verbal nouns in the stressed position it is necessary to write the vowel “е”. Let's compare: spend the night - overnight, stew - stew, survey - survey, etc.

However, the spelling of the analyzed verbal noun cannot be explained using this rule. This lexical unit is an exception along with the word “vest”. Accordingly, it is recommended to memorize their spelling or check it in a dictionary.

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Rattles are a percussion instrument that replaces clapping. There is no written evidence whether this instrument was used in Ancient Rus' as a musical instrument. During archaeological excavations in Novgorod in 1992, 2 tablets were found, which, according to V.I. Povetkin, were part of a set of ancient Novgorod rattles in the 12th century.

Kvitka was the first to describe rattles as a musical instrument. V. Dahl in his explanatory dictionary explains the word “ratchet” as a projectile designed to crack, rumble, or make noise.

Rattles were used in wedding ceremonies when singing songs of praise with dancing. The choral performance of the song of honor is often accompanied by the playing of an entire ensemble, sometimes numbering more than 10 people. During a wedding, the rattles are decorated with ribbons, flowers, and sometimes bells.

The use of rattles in wedding ceremonies suggests that in the past, in addition to being a musical instrument, this instrument also performed a mystical function of protecting young people from evil spirits. In a number of villages, not only the tradition of the game is still alive, but also the tradition of making rattles.

Ratchets consist of a set of 18 - 20 thin planks 16 - 18 cm long, usually made of oak and connected to each other with a thick rope threaded through the holes in the upper part of the planks. To ensure that the planks did not touch each other closely, small wooden plates approximately 2 cm wide were inserted between them at the top.

The ratchet is taken by the ends of the ropes in both hands. From a sharp or smooth movement, the plates hit each other, producing a dry, clicking sound. The ratchet is usually held at the level of the head or chest, and sometimes higher; After all, this instrument attracts attention not only with its sound, but also with its appearance.

Flat ratchet

A flat ratchet is like a set of wooden plates that, when shaken, hit each other and make cracking sounds. This fun and effective tool can be made with your own hands. Approximately 20 smooth, even plates measuring 200 x 60 mm are cut and planed from dry wood (preferably oak).

The same number of intermediate wooden spacers between them, 5 mm thick, are made. These spacers are necessary to separate the plates. Without them, the plates would hang together too tightly and the impacts against each other would be weak. The size and location of the gaskets are indicated in the dotted line in the figure. In the upper part of each plate, at a short distance from the edges (about 10 mm) and simultaneously in the attached spacer, two holes with a diameter of about 7 mm are drilled.

A dense, strong cord or insulated wire is threaded through all these holes, and all the plates, alternating with spacers, hang on it. To ensure that the plates are always tightly moved, 4 knots are tied on the cord when leaving them. The free ends are tied into a ring. It should not be wide, capable of allowing the player’s hands to fit into the resulting half-rings.

When performed, the ratchet stretches like an accordion, but fan-shaped, because at the top the plates are tightly fastened with knots. With a short push of the free part of both hands, the ratchet seems to instantly compress. The plates hit each other, making a cracking sound. By manipulating your hands, striking them either simultaneously or separately, you can produce a wide variety of rhythms on this instrument.

The ratchet is usually held at the level of the head or chest, and sometimes higher; After all, this instrument attracts attention not only with its sound, but also with its appearance. It is often decorated with colored ribbons, flowers, etc.

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How to choose a ratchet wrench

If a DIYer often uses wrenches, it is best to purchase a tool set. Typically, such a set includes 10-12 keys of various sizes. The larger the key, the larger the ratchet at the end, and vice versa. Very small instruments are not equipped with a ratchet, because this is not necessary. Unscrewing and tightening small nuts and bolts is easy and does not require physical effort to turn the key.

When purchasing a set of tools, you should pay special attention to the manufacturer. It is better to give preference to domestically produced tools, since in this case the diameter of the key will not diverge from the diameter of the fasteners. In addition, the factory packaging of domestic tools clearly indicates the main technical characteristics: the length of the key, its width and thickness, the diameter of the ratchet and working surface, the material from which the tool is made.

The surface of the wrench should be shiny. If there are signs of incipient corrosion on the surface (brown spots), it is better to refrain from purchasing. When turning, the ratchet wrench should not make squeaking or other extraneous sounds. A high-quality tool rotates around its axis quickly and calmly, and there is no need to apply additional physical effort to the rotation.

If a tool is made of high-quality metal, its service life is practically unlimited. However, recently a lot of Chinese products made from low-quality alloys have appeared on the domestic market. Typically, such sets are sold at low prices at stalls, on trains and in underground passages. Don't be tempted by the low price. Firstly, dubious metal alloys quickly rust, and the tool becomes unusable. Secondly, these alloys can be toxic.

A ratchet wrench is a very handy thing . Even a beginner or high school student can easily handle this tool. A ratchet is a device that makes work much easier and helps tighten nuts quickly, efficiently, and tightly. In order for the key to serve the household for many years, you should give preference to models from well-known companies and purchase the tool only in specialized, preferably branded, stores. You can also order this “magic wand” via the Internet, with delivery via courier or by mail.

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