How to properly bleed a 2t hydraulic jack

Hydraulic jacks have become quite widespread. They can be used to lift various heavy loads. The operating principle of the design determines that the required pressure is created by supplying special oil to the working chamber. Periodic maintenance includes changing the oil in the hydraulic jack, as over time it can lose its properties. That is why you need to pay attention to what characteristics oil for hydraulic jacks should have.

Hydraulic oil requirements

Almost all oils for lifting structures are made from base hydraulic fluids, which are obtained by processing petroleum fractions. Oil for hydraulic rolling jacks is characterized by the presence of various additives, which significantly improve performance characteristics. Among other features, we note the following points:

  1. The viscosity should be slightly above average. If a substance is too thin or viscous, it may impede the movement of major parts. Checking viscosity is quite difficult. As a rule, this parameter is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Over time, the viscosity of the oil decreases. That is why it has to be replaced periodically.
  2. The degree of filtration is another of the most important parameters. Filters are often installed in the design of the lifting mechanism, which reduce the likelihood of contaminants entering the working chamber. If the substance foams a lot, then a fairly large number of serious problems may arise. It is almost impossible to check the degree of filtration. That is why it is recommended to purchase products from well-known manufacturers that will have the required qualities.
  3. Don't forget about the anti-corrosion properties. The working chamber should be lubricated with oil to reduce the likelihood of rust. Even minor pieces of rust can seriously impede the movement of the rod. In addition, it is recommended to periodically pump the structure to eliminate the likelihood of corrosion during long periods of inactivity.
  4. The operating temperature range is also of great importance. Jack oil is manufactured to be suitable for low or high temperature applications. An example is the case when the device is used to service a vehicle on the road. Some substances change their basic properties when the temperature decreases or increases. Manufacturers indicate the recommended operating temperature range on the packaging.
  5. The viscosity index must be high.

Some of the above characteristics are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Hydraulic fluid in a jack - why is oil better?

The robust design and special weight distribution on the lever and inside the jack, as well as its hydraulic basis, make it much easier for a person to work with large and bulky loads.
With the help of such a jack, for example, you can lift an entire truck or container with cargo, as well as a small platform. As already mentioned, the main working element of the jack is hydraulic fluid, which is poured inside into a sealed container. It allows you to lift loads of almost any weight, depending on the properties. There are several types of fluid that are poured into a hydraulic jack, each of them has its own characteristics.

Typically, special oils are used as hydraulic fluid, which can be purchased at any automotive store:

  • Some engine lubricant manufacturers offer branded hydraulic fluids for truck and car hydraulic systems that can be used not only in the brake and lift systems, but also in the jack.
  • In addition, you can also use conventional industrial types of industrial oil (I12A, I20A, I30A, I40A, I50A). Although the last three types of oil should be used carefully, since they are too viscous and therefore may not be suitable for specific types of jacks. In addition, due to excessive hygroscopicity, they can cause damage to the jack, causing corrosion processes in metals.
  • It is also worth understanding that brake fluid is only partially suitable for a hydraulic jack, because it is also too hygroscopic. As a result, water will cause damage to the jack, also causing corrosion processes.

In extreme cases, a hydraulic jack should work even on water, but to avoid its breakdown it is better to use oil. You should consider the reasons for which oil to pour is better.

Material selection

Car enthusiasts often wonder what kind of oil is needed for a jack.

Advice: choose only high quality oil and never mix it with any other fluids, including brake or other types of lubricants. Mixing will cause breakage and risk of cargo loss during the working process.

It is necessary to fill the jack with high-quality oil that meets the following indicators:

  • the lubricating fluid must be well filtered;
  • the level of foaming is as low as possible;
  • the viscosity index and temperature maximum are selected extremely high;
  • high rate of anti-corrosion protection.

How to change the oil in a jack

A sign that the oil in the hydraulic jack needs to be changed is the slow rise and fall of the device. It is worth considering that liquid may leak if the device is transported incorrectly. In a horizontal position in a hydraulic device, liquid flows to the valves, after which it begins to flow out. The place of the working fluid is taken by air, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the structure.

When considering how to fill a bottle jack, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Before replacing the working fluid, it is recommended to disassemble the structure. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to thoroughly clean the piston from dirt and corrosion. Such substances can cause structural damage. On sale there are hydraulic jacks of collapsible or non-dismountable type. The first is characterized by the fact that all elements can be disassembled if desired. As a rule, it is enough to remove the rod with the piston
  2. In some cases, the gasket is replaced. It is worth considering the fact that damage to the sealing elements is not always noticeable. An example is a change in the stiffness index. You can find all seals on sale or restore the condition of old ones, provided there are no serious mechanical damages. To do this, you can use ammonia, in which the sealing elements are soaked. After a short treatment, the rubber regains its elasticity and provides the required level of insulation.
  3. Filling of oil into the hydraulic jack is carried out through a special connector. The plug is usually attached to a thread. When replacing the substance, the structure is pumped, since air can significantly reduce the efficiency of the lifting mechanism. It is recommended to pump several times, as air bubbles are difficult to remove.

Pouring oil into the jack

It is worth considering that when draining the oil, there is a possibility of losing the metal ball that acts as a valve. That is why the procedure in question must be carried out carefully.

In addition to special substances, industrial types can also be used, for example, I12A or I40A. It is worth considering that many of them are characterized by increased viscosity. That is why, before using industrial oils, you need to check whether they are suitable for a specific model of hydraulic jack.

In some cases, brake fluid is used. It is worth considering that it is only partially suitable as a working medium for lifting mechanisms. This is due to the high hygroscopicity rate. Some time after applying the brake fluid, the water contained in the composition leads to the beginning of the corrosion process. That is why experts do not recommend using such a liquid to operate a hydraulic jack.

The above information indicates that no special equipment is required to change the oil. The level is filled to the mark indicated by the manufacturer on the body. Levels that are too high or low will cause the lifting mechanism to not operate correctly.

In conclusion, we note that only by using special oil can a long service life of the device be ensured. A conventional substance or waste is much cheaper, but does not provide the required operating conditions.

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Main types and classifications

Classification according to application conditions:

  1. Aircraft
  2. Machines, machine tools and industrial equipment
  3. Shock absorbing and braking operating conditions
  4. Various surface vessels

Various combinations of additives and viscosity indicators have given rise to three more classifications of oils:

  • A – petroleum oils that do not contain various additives, the main purpose of such oils is low-load systems, pressure below 14 MPa and heating up to 80 degrees;
  • B – with special additives of anti-corrosion and antioxidant properties, used in medium-load systems at a temperature of 80 degrees and a pressure of 25 MPa;
  • C – cleaned, with anti-corrosion and antioxidant additives, operating temperature over 90 degrees and high pressure;

Special markings that determine which devices to use:

Oil markings

  1. “A” – used for gearboxes based on the automatic principle, as well as torque converters.
  2. “VMGZ” – used in hydraulic equipment operating outdoors (for equipment used in construction, logging, expensive construction);
  3. “P” - used in hydraulic power steering, as well as gearboxes.
  4. “MGE” – type for agricultural machinery;
  5. "AUP" - for equipment operating at sea and special ground equipment.
  6. “AU” - for working with a wide temperature range from -30 to +100 degrees.
  7. “GT” is used in the operation of trains powered by a diesel engine.
  8. "ESh" - used for hydraulic machines with high loads. (Excavators, various hydraulic motors)

Fundamental characteristics

What kind of oil to pour into a hydraulic jack is determined depending on the tasks assigned, taking into account the characteristics of the liquid.

The viscosity of hydraulic oil determines the ease of movement of individual parts of the mechanism; accordingly, it should not be too liquid or too dense.

The higher the viscosity index - this is a temperature indicator - the better, so the unit will be able to operate at low temperatures.

Filterability is also important: oil should pass through the filter easily, while simultaneously being cleaned of gases and foreign impurities.

What kind of oil should be poured into a hydraulic jack: something that will provide reliable protection of the unit from wear, something that is compatible with the materials from which the individual parts are made, and what is recommended by the manufacturer of the unit.

Good oil for hydraulic equipment does not oxidize and does not change its operating properties when the temperature or chemical composition of the environment changes, which increases the service life of both the technical fluid and the unit. Bad oil is harmful to your equipment and can result in your hydraulic equipment needing repairs.


Almost all oils intended for hydraulic equipment are produced by refining base oils produced during the refining of petroleum fractions. Modern technologies include hydrolytic and extraction purification. To improve the quality of oils, special functional additives are added, thanks to which the liquid does not form foam and protects parts from oxidation and corrosion.

What kind of oil should be poured into a hydraulic rolling jack in the summer season? Anything, but in winter it is better to use synthetics, which will retain all their properties even at sub-zero temperatures. However, during non-working hours it is better to send the unit to a warm room.

How to fill a hydraulic jack with oil is indicated in the instructions for it. Usually the procedure is repeated at least 2 times a year; with intensive use of the unit, more frequent maintenance is required, up to monthly. When changing the fluid, it is necessary to flush the system, and sometimes repair the hydraulic valves.

During vehicle repairs, in construction areas, and during unloading and loading, a device such as a hydraulic bottle jack may be useful. Due to their versatility, jacks are used everywhere. Without this thing at the service station, I can’t imagine what you were doing.

However, sometimes you have to tinker with the jack. Previously, I didn’t know how to fill it with lubricant and what substance would be the optimal solution for this. This is what my next review will be about.

Quality characteristics of oils

When choosing a service fluid for tools, you should always pay attention to its quality characteristics and compare them with the device model, since each of them may have its own requirements.

Viscosity. It directly affects the power of the device, the movement of material through the device components and the lubrication conditions in general. If the viscosity is minimal, then the operation of the system is considered more reliable, but it wears out faster due to friction, and at low values, fluid leakage in the valves is still possible. Increased viscosity is also not always good for the operation of equipment, since in the case of low temperatures or with low power of the device, the entire functioning process becomes more complicated.

Anti-corrosion and oxidation resistance.

If the stability is not enough for oxidation, then the viscosity of the liquid begins to change and deposits appear. In addition, the material of the device, which can be made of metals and alloys, comes under the influence of oil. When the oil oxidizes, acids and water are released, therefore, sooner or later, corrosion of the material begins. And to prevent this from happening, anti-corrosion additives and special inhibitors are added to the lubricant to slow down the oxidation process.

General procedure for changing oil in a bottle jack - step-by-step instructions

Despite the fact that the procedure for replacing the working fluid in the equipment is quite simple, there is a certain procedure:

  1. First you need to remove the old substance, and the device must be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned. Check rubber elements for wear.
  2. Assemble the jack and lower the rod until it stops.
  3. Turn the valve head counterclockwise and press firmly on the stem.
  4. Remove the plug from the top of the cylinder and fill in lubricant using a grease gun (syringe). It is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles.
  5. The oil level should be just below the bottom edge of the filler hole.
  6. Place the plug in place and bleed the jack without load. If necessary, add lubricant to the required level and pump again.

Main requirements for hydraulic fluid

The use of hydraulic oil is a very important component in the operation of any machine - from a machine to a jack. Therefore, choosing oil requires responsibility and care. Each oil must meet certain characteristics.

First of all, this concerns the viscosity of the liquid. The freedom of movement of the moving parts of the machine depends on this indicator. The viscosity value must be optimal. The temperature indicator or viscosity index is also important. Usually this indicator should have large values.

This type of liquid does not undergo oxidation. It is not affected by temperature fluctuations and the chemical composition of the environment. All this ensures long-term and high-quality operation of the hydraulic fluid.

Such oils must have excellent anti-corrosion characteristics. If this does not happen, the hydraulic drive will very quickly fail.

Another important indicator of hydraulic fluid is “filterability”

That is, the liquid will pass through the filter and be cleared of dirty impurities, which is important when operating any device. Oxygen and other gases must be easily removed from the working environment

No foam should form.

Hydraulic fluid must protect the machine's hydraulic system from premature wear. It must be compatible with the materials used for the hydraulic system.

How to change the oil in a jack

A sign that the oil in the hydraulic jack needs to be changed is the slow rise and fall of the device. It is worth considering that liquid may leak if the device is transported incorrectly. In a horizontal position in a hydraulic device, liquid flows to the valves, after which it begins to flow out. The place of the working fluid is taken by air, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the structure.

When considering how to fill a bottle jack, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Before replacing the working fluid, it is recommended to disassemble the structure. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to thoroughly clean the piston from dirt and corrosion. Such substances can cause structural damage. On sale there are hydraulic jacks of collapsible or non-dismountable type. The first is characterized by the fact that all elements can be disassembled if desired. As a rule, it is enough to remove the rod with the piston
  2. In some cases, the gasket is replaced. It is worth considering the fact that damage to the sealing elements is not always noticeable. An example is a change in the stiffness index. You can find all seals on sale or restore the condition of old ones, provided there are no serious mechanical damages. To do this, you can use ammonia, in which the sealing elements are soaked. After a short treatment, the rubber regains its elasticity and provides the required level of insulation.
  3. Filling of oil into the hydraulic jack is carried out through a special connector. The plug is usually attached to a thread. When replacing the substance, the structure is pumped, since air can significantly reduce the efficiency of the lifting mechanism. It is recommended to pump several times, as air bubbles are difficult to remove.

Reasons for decreased efficiency

Due to its characteristics, the rolling jack is designed to work with liquids, which provide high lifting capacity.
Most often we are talking about oil. A special hydraulic version of this fluid is used here. In order for the jack to serve for a long time, it is necessary to monitor the presence of oil in it and the condition of the oil seal and valves.

Basically, this design is considered one of the most reliable. It is capable of working with a wide variety of weights. Sometimes the lifting capacity of such a jack can reach several tens of tons. The efficiency is the highest among all representatives of the class of similar equipment.

However, no one is immune from the fact that the rolling hydraulic jack fails. There may be several reasons for this. The main reason is often the accumulation of a large number of air bubbles in the work area. This is fatal for any hydraulic device. Very often this leads to the need to pump the hydraulics. Air bubbles can dramatically reduce the efficiency of a device of this type.

It is imperative to regularly check the amount of oil in the hydraulic jack system. If its level decreases, this has a detrimental effect on the entire operation of the device. The free space is quickly filled with air bubbles. At the same time, work deteriorates sharply. This directly affects the load capacity. There are many methods that allow you to troubleshoot this type of problem. All of them have a right to exist. Below we will look at several options for how to do this. So, you can proceed directly to the instructions.

Hydraulic fluid in a jack - why is oil better?

The robust design and special weight distribution on the lever and inside the jack, as well as its hydraulic basis, make it much easier for a person to work with large and bulky loads. With the help of such a jack, for example, you can lift an entire truck or container with cargo, as well as a small platform.

As already mentioned, the main working element of the jack is hydraulic fluid, which is poured inside into a sealed container. It allows you to lift loads of almost any weight, depending on the properties. There are several types of fluid that are poured into a hydraulic jack, each of them has its own characteristics.

Types, properties and characteristics of hydraulic bottle jack

Jacks are divided into several types, the first division is based on the number of rods (half-rams):

  • Single-stem bottle, the most common type Fig. 2.
  • Double stem bottle Fig 3.

Fig. 2. Single-rod jack
There is also a division based on the operating principle of the pump pumping liquid:

  • Manual, activated by user pressure on the lever
  • Large pumps designed to lift enormous masses are driven by a separate drive, hydraulic pump or hydraulic station.

Fig. 3. Double-rod jack

Load capacity , an important parameter that determines the maximum lifted weight. The parameter depends on the volume of the working chamber and strength characteristics. Bottle-type devices have a load capacity from 2 to 100 tons.

Minimum lifting height , otherwise called minimum pick-up height. This is the height at which the load must already be in order to be able to place a jack under it. Please pay attention to the minimum height if you are selecting a device for a car. If you have low ground clearance, then a bottle-type device due to its high design will not suit you.

Maximum lift height. The height to which a load can be lifted. The bottle ones have a special feature: on the support platform there is a retractable screw that increases the minimum and maximum lifting height.

Design and principle of operation

The essence of the hydraulic mechanism is based on displacing the piston from a sealed chamber. Medium viscosity oil acts as a filler that pushes out the stop. Unlike air, liquid does not compress, ensuring strong fixation of loads at the required level. The movements of the pump lever gradually supply oil to the sealed cylinder block, where it begins to put pressure on the only moving element - the piston, forcing it to extend and make room for the incoming liquid. This is how hydraulic jacks function, lifting multi-ton loads by smoothly pumping liquid into a tank.

Oils recommended for use in hydraulic jacks

The standard fluid for filling into the mechanism is spindle oil I20A. This product is universal and can be used at any time of the year. The situation is somewhat different with industrial lubricants VMGZ, I12A, I30A, I40A or I50A. These compositions will be quite effective only in the warm season, but only for specific device models.

Such options are the most common due to their practicality and low cost. If possible, it is worth purchasing specific compounds, especially for hydraulics. The liquid has a low level of viscosity, and they also combine properties and capabilities that meet all requirements.

Scope of application of hydraulic jacks

hydraulic jack

Although jacks are most often used in everyday life to replace tires on cars, the range of their use is much wider:

  • lifting car bodies during repairs;
  • raising the bridge span;
  • tension of high voltage power lines;
  • laying water pipes directly through the ground without digging trenches;
  • spring compression;
  • movement of large building blocks, large parts and mechanisms.

The fundamental differences between jacks and other lifting mechanisms:

  • small size;
  • ease of operation;
  • reliability and durability;
  • During operation, the mechanism is located only under the load.

Refueling mechanisms

Next, we’ll look at how to properly fill the recommended oil into a jack. Sometimes, if transported incorrectly, hydraulic fluid can spill out and the voids can be filled with air. This will cause the jack to fail. In this case, an oil change is necessary.

The rack and pinion mechanism is quite large; it is used not only for lifting the body, but also for repairing old buildings. Before changing the lubricant, the mechanism must be completely lowered. To verify this, you can relieve residual stress by turning the exhaust valve counterclockwise.

The neck into which the filling is made is usually located on the tank body, usually in the lower part of the cylinder. It is necessary to free the neck from the bolt or plug that reliably protects the oil in the container. Then you will need an oil can, the nozzle of which must be inserted into the neck and filled.

There is enough hydraulic fluid when it starts to overflow. Now all that remains is to firmly tighten the bolt or insert the plug.

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Pouring lubricant into a bottle jack will have to be a little different. But first you also need to make sure that the mechanism is lowered all the way. You can secure yourself using the same method as in a rack and pinion mechanism.

In a bottle design, the plug should be found on the top of the master cylinder body. First, remove the plug and fill it using an oil can, which is first filled with hydraulic oil, removing air from it. In this case, the oil level should be 1/8 inch below the filler hole.

Changing the oil in a hydraulic jack has its own characteristics. Before pouring, the mechanism should be disassembled and cleaned. Dirt deposits and rust may form on the piston. Next, you need to inspect the gaskets (they wear out quite quickly), and replace them if their integrity is damaged.

Do not open the valves yourself. This can lead to failure of the entire unit.

Before adding oil, you need to bleed the mechanism, thereby freeing it from air, and drain the old fluid. Then you can start pouring through a special hole. It closes tightly with a threaded plug.

The required level is indicated by a special mark located on the body. When the level has reached the mark, the plug is tightened and the mechanism is pumped to get rid of air voids. The piston should be raised to its maximum. Then unscrew the cap again and top up, and pump again. This is done several times until the liquid begins to pour out. This indicates correct refueling. The procedure is easier to do with an assistant.

As you can see, refilling and changing the oil in the jack is quite simple; you just need to follow the recommendations that you have read in this article and doing this operation yourself will not be difficult.

The most important tool for working with heavy massive structures is the jack. It is used for lifting loads when repairing equipment, cars or during various construction works.

To ensure high-quality and durable operation of the lift, it is necessary to use special oil for jacks. The correctly selected composition of this element will allow the mechanisms to operate with high efficiency and minimal wear.

Repair and service

In order to service the bottle jack, it must be disassembled. There is no need to worry about being splashed with oil from high pressure. It is quite possible to do this operation yourself. The first step is to drain the oil.

Draining is done through the filler hole, and if there is no drainage through the bypass valve, to do this, unscrew the upper hex nut and completely unscrew the lower valve. We remove the housing, check its tightness, and assess the condition of the lower rubber ring.

These parts do not carry a load, they are just a reservoir for liquid. Next, unscrew the working cylinder and remove the piston. We carefully inspect everything for rust. If it is found, we get rid of it as thoroughly as possible. We unscrew the plunger, check its functionality, and inspect the O-rings.

There should be no iron shavings inside, parts should not have dents. Seals that have become unusable should be replaced with new ones. Do not forget to thoroughly rinse all valves from dirt and various deposits. We carry out the assembly, and all the repairs have been made.

A hydraulic jack is a mechanism designed for lifting various and fairly large loads. The main feature of a hydraulic jack is that it can be used to lift a weight of up to 50 tons using only the efforts of one person.


It is well known that the key to long-term and full functioning of any mechanism, regardless of its purpose, is competent operation and timely, high-quality maintenance. That is why motorists are advised to know how to properly bleed a car hydraulic jack with their own hands. This will maximize the service life of the equipment and ensure the safety of work using it.

Operating rules for hydraulic jacks, including safety precautions, are developed taking into account the many years of experience of tool manufacturers

It is necessary to pay attention to the following important points:

  • Frequent overloads and lifting to maximum heights lead to inevitable equipment failure. Curvature of the rod inevitably leads to air penetration, and pumping in such cases will be useless.
  • The jack itself must be installed on a hard, as level surface as possible. Similar requirements apply to the point of emphasis on a lifted car or other load.
  • When lowering, it is necessary to smoothly unscrew the bypass valve exactly one turn, otherwise the working fluid will move too quickly between the compartments, which will cause the load to be lowered jerkily, and will also increase the risk of airing.
  • Proper transportation of the lift will help prevent the need for pumping. Bottle and rhombic hydraulic jacks should be transported in a vertical position, and with a rolling structure - in a horizontal position.
  • The care of the moving parts of the device deserves special attention. This means, first of all, eliminating the risk of corrosion on mirror surfaces, which negatively affects the performance of the equipment.

It is important to remember that pumping hydraulic jacks is also a preventative measure. Often it allows you to prevent serious damage, and, therefore, avoid expensive repairs or the purchase of a new lift.

This means that it is recommended to pump the jacks periodically. In this case, the frequency and number of pumpings is determined by the intensity of use of the jack.

So, at a service station, a similar procedure is repeated at least monthly. For garage, rare use, it will be enough to pump it several times a year. Unscheduled maintenance may be required in the following cases:

  • The presence of a large number of foreign particles in the liquid. Such impurities can significantly reduce the efficiency of jacks.
  • The formation of bubbles, indicating a violation of the tightness and airiness of the hydraulic system.
  • A sharp and significant reduction in working load capacity. As soon as the equipment stops lifting the loads declared by the manufacturer, the cylinders should be bled.

Many modern jacks are of one-piece construction. This means that it is not always possible to overhaul the device. In such situations, the optimal solution would be to pump the mechanism.

A more detailed overview of pumping a hydraulic jack is presented in the following video.


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Purpose: imported equipment operating in arctic conditions Pour point: up to -53°C

LUKOIL historically has a strong tradition in the production of oils with low-temperature characteristics. For example, for many years the company’s plants in Volgograd have been the only ones in Russia producing VMGZ hydraulic oil with a pour point of -67°C, capable of operating in the Far North. At the same time, especially for modern imported equipment operating in Arctic conditions, the company has created a new effective product - LUKOIL GEYSER XLT 32 - “hydraulics” with an extremely high viscosity index (VI > 300) and a pour point of -53°C. The oil was created for hydraulic systems of mobile, logging, special equipment, as well as industrial equipment. LUKOIL GEYSER XLT is suitable for equipment that needs to be started in severe frost without heating. The new product, certified in accordance with the requirements of DIN 51524-3 HVLP, is already being supplied to Russian mining enterprises.

Features of the hydraulic jack device

To understand what kind of oil to pour into a hydraulic jack, it is worth considering the operating principle of the tool. This is necessary to determine the minimum requirements that the fluids must meet for the jack. The operation of the equipment is based on the principle of a mechanical lever. When moving the handle, significant pressure is generated and lifting occurs.

The simplest type of hydraulic jack is a bottle-type device. There are also other options - rolling jacks, toe jacks, diamond jacks and hybrid jacks. In bottled ones, the working fluid plays an important role. The composition lubricates all internal components and protects the device from the negative effects of corrosion. When the jack handle moves upward, lubricant is supplied to the pump cavity by means of a pump. A special valve is activated, after which the oil remains in the closed capsule. The advantages of working with the equipment include:

  • high load capacity and use with minimal physical effort from the user;
  • high efficiency and smooth running;
  • ease of maintenance.

Characteristics of types of jacks

Lifts come in various types, each of which has its own distinctive features and characteristics:

  1. Mechanical jack is the most famous equipment, characterized by light weight, fast working stroke, high lifting level and low cost. Its disadvantages include low stability, since mechanical equipment has a small support area.
  2. An electric lift is equipment that is controlled by a special small unit and operates from the electrical wiring of the machine. Such a jack can lift up to two tons of weight. Among the disadvantages are its large mass and manual lowering, which requires a lot of time.
  3. A pneumatic jack is powered by a compressor or compressed air, is lightweight and has a large support area.
  4. Hydraulic equipment is the most popular and is used both in car repairs and during construction work to lift various heavy structures. The lifting capacity of hydraulic jacks is up to 200 tons, and the efficiency reaches 80%. However, this lift also has a drawback - it cannot be transported in a lying position, since the equipment mechanism may fail.

For high-quality operation of the equipment, it is necessary to use special oils. Such compositions are divided into several groups and have their own purpose.

Main types of oils:

  • flushing;
  • transmission;
  • motor;
  • hydraulic.

Hydraulic compounds are used to service jacks, the selection of which requires care and responsibility.

General procedure for changing oil in a bottle jack - step-by-step instructions

Despite the fact that the procedure for replacing the working fluid in the equipment is quite simple, there is a certain procedure:

  1. First you need to remove the old substance, and the device must be disassembled and thoroughly cleaned. Check rubber elements for wear.
  2. Assemble the jack and lower the rod until it stops.
  3. Turn the valve head counterclockwise and press firmly on the stem.
  4. Remove the plug from the top of the cylinder and fill in lubricant using a grease gun (syringe). It is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles.
  5. The oil level should be just below the bottom edge of the filler hole.
  6. Place the plug in place and bleed the jack without load. If necessary, add lubricant to the required level and pump again.

Oil quality

Most hydraulic fluids are measured at a typical ISO grade. However, there are some hydraulic fluids with anti-wear properties. You might come across AW 46 oil. What does this mean? AW oils will perform the same as their ISO counterparts. The main difference is that anti-wear hydraulic fluids contain different additives to reduce corrosion. Anti-wear oils ensure there is no metal-to-metal contact in the system.

Zinc is a widely used additive in anti-wear oils because it extends equipment life. Another reason to use zinc supplements is that they have both anti-wear and antioxidant properties. Anti-wear hydraulic oils are recommended for use in harsh conditions.

If you use fluid that is too thick, the machine may not be able to pump the oil out of the reservoir effectively. This may lead to cavitation. On the other hand, using thinner oil may cause internal slipping inside the jack, reducing its effectiveness.

A hydraulic jack operating in a cold zone will perform best with a low hydraulic jack oil level of 32. If the hydraulic system manufacturer has specified the grade of oil to be used, it is advisable to use that grade. The manufacturer tested the system to determine which grade was best for the jack.

In addition to reliable control of all types of contaminants, the behavior of hydraulic fluids in flow plays a decisive role in operation and especially at extreme temperatures. These properties are described by the viscosity index (VI) and affect the reliable lubrication of all components. VI is calculated from kinematic viscosity at 40 and 100 degrees. A low VI value means poor lubrication in the cold and a sharp drop in viscosity in the heat.

If the fluidity of the lubricant used is insufficient, that is, too viscous, fatigue reactions and wear occur. The result is slow response times and increased power consumption. A stable lubricant should perform well even at high temperatures. If the hydraulic oil becomes too thin, there is a risk of wear and cavitation. High quality base oils used with naturally high VI and additives ensure the best response and maximum performance at all temperatures.

Types of Hydraulic Jack Fluid

There are three main types of hydraulic fluids:

  • petroleum or mineral;
  • synthetic;
  • Glycolic

The cheapest option for hydraulic fluid should be considered the petroleum or mineral type. For artisanal conditions, it is perfect, although it does not guarantee good and long-lasting operation of the jack. For those who prefer cheaper options, using it in a jack would be a good use for waste engine oil that was replaced in the engine. But before you fill in oil that has been processed, you should make sure that it is clean.

Hydraulic jacks have become quite widespread. They can be used to lift various heavy loads. The operating principle of the design determines that the required pressure is created by supplying special oil to the working chamber. Periodic maintenance involves changing the oil in the hydraulic jack, as over time it can lose its properties

That is why you need to pay attention to what characteristics oil for hydraulic jacks should have

Hydraulic oil requirements

Almost all oils for lifting structures are made from base hydraulic fluids, which are obtained by processing petroleum fractions. Oil for hydraulic rolling jacks is characterized by the presence of various additives, which significantly improve performance characteristics. Among other features, we note the following points:

  1. The viscosity should be slightly above average. If a substance is too thin or viscous, it may impede the movement of major parts. Checking viscosity is quite difficult. As a rule, this parameter is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Over time, the viscosity of the oil decreases. That is why it has to be replaced periodically.
  2. The degree of filtration is another of the most important parameters. Filters are often installed in the design of the lifting mechanism, which reduce the likelihood of contaminants entering the working chamber. If the substance foams a lot, then a fairly large number of serious problems may arise. It is almost impossible to check the degree of filtration. That is why it is recommended to purchase products from well-known manufacturers that will have the required qualities.
  3. Don't forget about the anti-corrosion properties. The working chamber should be lubricated with oil to reduce the likelihood of rust. Even minor pieces of rust can seriously impede the movement of the rod. In addition, it is recommended to periodically pump the structure to eliminate the likelihood of corrosion during long periods of inactivity.
  4. The operating temperature range is also of great importance. Jack oil is manufactured to be suitable for low or high temperature applications. An example is the case when the device is used to service a vehicle on the road. Some substances change their basic properties when the temperature decreases or increases. Manufacturers indicate the recommended operating temperature range on the packaging.
  5. The viscosity index must be high.

Some of the above characteristics are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.


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Purpose: year-round use with significant temperature changes Pour point: from -35°C (ISO 100) to -57°C (ISO 10, 15)

In hydraulic systems where only small changes in oil viscosity are allowed under significant temperature changes, it is optimal to use the LUKOIL GEYSER LT series (ISO viscosities 10, 15, 32, 46, 68 and 100).

It should be noted that the majority of hydraulic equipment used in special equipment operates on thickened oils of the ISO VG 32 category. In this class, LUKOIL offers all-season oil GEYSER LT 32, which in terms of anti-oxidation characteristics exceeds the requirements of the Bosch Rexroth specification by 2 times. Its pour point is -49°C. The low-temperature characteristics of the series make it possible to avoid sudden system shutdowns caused by blocked filters or breaks in high-pressure hoses. It is important that these oils do not lose their properties even in the summer, maintaining a stable viscosity.

Also in recent years, there has been a tendency to switch to new generation products recommended by equipment manufacturers with viscosity 10 and 15 (ISO VG). In 2022, LUKOIL developed GEYSER LT 10, 15 - thickened hydraulic oils with improved viscosity characteristics. The products are designed for use in tail lifts and hydraulic systems of mobile equipment (handling and transport, agricultural, quarry, construction, etc.) operated at ultra-low temperatures. The pour point of GEYSER LT 10 and 15 is -57°C. Such low temperatures, which require such a viscosity of the product, are not so common even in Russian conditions - these are the northernmost territories, the Arctic.

Why doesn't the bottle jack work?

There is little oil in the tank, the rod does not rise to the height specified in the technical documentation. To repair it yourself, we just need to add oil. Open the oil filler cap, fill it, then pump the jack, as described at the end of the article.

Oil is leaking. It happens that oil leaks in places, rubber bands and seals, this is the first sign that a major repair needs to be made, all gaskets and seals need to be replaced, and a flush must be carried out. To repair a hydraulic bottle jack yourself, you will need a repair kit.

It sags under load. Occurs due to the air inside; one of the rubber bands or gaskets allows oil to pass through and instead air enters the working chamber, which tends to compress strongly under load. To eliminate the problem, it is recommended to repair the jack, change all gaskets and fill in new oil.

Is it really time to change the oil?

Everyone knows how to use a jack. But how and with what regularity to service it is a mystery to many. To understand why and how often to refill equipment with oil, let’s figure out how it works.

What is the structure of a hydraulic jack?

It is based on the principle of operation of communicating vessels. You press the handle, the fluid from the injection pump is pushed into the cylinder, the piston begins to move, lifting the load. Compared to a mechanical jack, a hydraulic one requires less physical effort and time. Working with him is easier and faster. But this jack design also has its drawbacks. Often, liquid leaks from the housing, for example, due to improper storage or simply over time.

How often should you change the oil in your jack?

If used infrequently, the oil in the jack should be changed 2 times a year . But if you work with this equipment regularly, then it is better to replace it every month .

Why do you need to change the oil?

If the oil has leaked out or lost its original properties, the jack may, firstly, stop working - the piston simply will not rise, and secondly, break - the mechanisms inside may rust, excess air may accumulate in the structure, etc. Even the best jack, without proper maintenance, can suddenly drop a load at the wrong time. Because of this, the car, for example, can fall directly onto the underbody. At such moments, even a car mechanic can suffer. Timely change of oil in the jack is a guarantee of the safety of the cargo and your safety.

What kind of oil is poured into a hydraulic jack?

As of today, either rack jacks or bottle jacks are used to a greater extent.

Their use is very common, so it is important to understand what kind of oil can be poured into the jack, and how refueling is generally carried out. The safest option is a synthetic lubricant, which is produced through a technologically complex process.

Filling with glycol fluid is also approved for jacks, since its composition is not harmful to the metal and does not affect the working surfaces. However, both options are expensive. The cheapest in this case is petroleum (or mineral) type of oil. If there is no choice, it will do, but will not guarantee long and good operation of the equipment.

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Hydraulic oil


Under no circumstances, when it is time to change the fluid, should you add material from another manufacturer to the old oil. Many people mistakenly assume that if the basic properties and viscosity are the same, then everything will be fine, but this is not the case. For safe long-term operation of the jack, it is better to give preference to one manufacturer.

Tips for choosing oil

A fairly common question is what kind of oil is poured into a hydraulic jack. There are several varieties on sale:

  1. Glycolic.
  2. Petroleum or mineral.
  3. Synthetic.

Synthetic fluids are most widespread. They are characterized by increased safety, since production involves a complex technological process. Glycol versions are also common, the chemical composition of which determines high performance characteristics. In terms of price and quality, glycols outperform almost all others.

The cheapest option is petroleum or mineral oils. However, before pouring them into a rolling jack, it is worth taking into account the relatively low performance characteristics.

In some cases, used engine oil is refilled. It is necessary to use special oil, as it ensures long-term operation of the device. The lubricant should be changed at the moment when the device begins to work incorrectly.

Useful tips

If a complete change of hydraulic fluid has been made, it is necessary to bleed the air. Simply raise the jack to its maximum height and lower it. It is advisable to repeat the operation several times.

Do not pour brake fluid into the system. Check valves must not be opened. If you don’t know how to do this, you can damage the device’s bearings and springs.

Before using the equipment, be sure to read its technical description. If you follow the operating rules and fill only high-quality lubricant, you can extend the service life of the hydraulic jack.

You don’t have to be a driver to be interested in the question of how to bleed and repair a hydraulic jack and what kind of oil to fill it with. Such devices find their use not only in car repair or maintenance. They are widely used in construction and other sectors of the national economy. However, they also require periodic maintenance and care, which consists of pumping and filling oil into the working cavity of the cylinder.

How to bleed and repair a hydraulic jack and what kind of oil to pour into it,

We’ll give you a hint, but you should take into account some design features of jacks, which have several varieties and differ in their load-carrying capacity. It is necessary to understand the principle of carrying out such work and adapt it to the existing design of the lifting mechanism. Today there are mainly two types of such devices: rack-mount or retractable jacks, as well as rolling jacks.

Oil change recommendations

Before replacing or adding working fluid, carefully read the jack operating manual and follow the recommendations contained therein.

It is not recommended to pour brake fluid or alcohol-containing compounds into hydraulic jacks - they can destroy the material of the rubber gaskets and seals used in the structure of the device.

Pour oil into the jack in small portions, making sure that no air bubbles form in the liquid. After refueling, it is necessary to bleed off the air that did get inside along with the oil. To do this, you need to fully inflate several times (raise to maximum and then lower). After this, the plug is tightly installed in the filler hole.

Do not disassemble check valves or blocking valves unless absolutely necessary. Valve springs and balls require special care.

Use only special high-quality compounds to fill the jack. Saving on quality will not only significantly reduce the service life of tools. Fluids not intended for hydraulic jacks reduce the safety of operation of these devices and cause accidents.

Timely maintenance and the use of high-quality oil for a hydraulic jack will ensure a long service life of its operation.

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