What is done on a milling machine, what is it intended for: types, characteristics

General information

When working with a tabletop milling machine, a standard set of cutting tools is used. The unit itself is compact in size and suitable for use in a home workshop. At the same time, in terms of functionality it may not be inferior to its large-sized counterparts.

There is no need to connect an electrical drive to such equipment and the unit occupies very little space during installation. The only limitation for the equipment in question is that the dimensions of the work table cannot be smaller than the dimensions of the workpiece.

How to choose a milling machine for your home workshop

Wood is a practical material of natural origin, used in construction, finishing and many other works. Craftsmen use different tools and equipment to process workpieces. A milling machine for working with wood in a home workshop is distinguished by its versatility and wide functionality, but how to choose it from the offered range?

Features of milling machines for the home workshop

Wood milling machines for the home differ from industrial ones in their reduced size and affordable price. There are devices with a CNC (computer numerical control) system that allow you to take work to a completely new level. By purchasing such a milling machine, you can start manufacturing:

  • pieces of furniture and facades;
  • doors and windows;
  • interior elements;
  • cornices, balusters, etc.;
  • parquet and mosaic floor coverings;
  • souvenirs and promotional products;
  • children's toys, etc.

For each type of activity, home craftsmen select a suitable milling machine.

Types of milling machines for home

Various milling machines are available for sale in specialized stores. They differ in design, set of functionality, principle of operation and cost.

  • Hand routers, often referred to as routers, are essentially compact power tools. It will not be possible to process large batches of workpieces using such milling cutters, but the tool is compact in size and inexpensive. This type of milling cutter has a small platform with a hole from which comes a spindle with a chuck for installing a cutter. An inexpensive hand router can be used to make a full-fledged milling machine. To do this, the tool is attached to the worktop from below.
  • CNC machines. For your home, you can also buy a CNC milling machine, which will allow you to perform a wide range of operations on processing wooden blanks and more. Using such units, it is possible to produce the smallest parts, and a special microprocessor and an operating system with software are responsible for the operation of the device.
  • Household desktop. Small milling machines for home workshops at an affordable price. Unlike manual milling cutters, they have a full working surface. Using the equipment, you can create small wooden parts, souvenirs and process blanks (cut tenons, grooves, etc.). The machines can even handle dense wooden workpieces.
  • Vertical milling. These home router tables are not as functional as tabletop or CNC routers, but they are indispensable for certain tasks. They work best with boring holes, grooving and countersinking. They are also convenient for processing edges and creating frames. Also suitable for solving production problems in workshops.
  • Copy-milling machines. Equipment for making exact copies of wooden parts, regardless of the complexity of the shapes. They work on the principle of copying a template. Such milling cutters can be manual or automatic, and are rarely installed at home. They are mainly bought by craftsmen involved in the production of souvenirs or promotional products.

How to choose the right equipment?

To avoid problems when purchasing a milling machine for your home workshop, you need to understand the main technical characteristics of these devices. Be sure to take them into account when you look for the desired model in the store catalog.

Work area dimensions

If you plan to work with small workpieces, creating cutting boards, souvenirs, furniture decorative overlays or toys, you can limit yourself to a medium-format home milling machine. A work table of 40x40 or 60x90 cm should be enough for you. If you have home door production, you will need a milling machine with a tabletop of increased dimensions - up to 130x130 cm or more.


The vibrations that occur during operation depend on its power and size. The more massive the equipment, the less it vibrates during the processing of workpieces. Frames are usually made of steel or aluminum, but there are models made of cast iron. You can choose any option for your home, but the lighter the machine, the more mobile it is.


The key element of a home milling machine is the spindle. Its rotation speed and engine power affect the dimensions of the processed parts and the service life of the equipment. This characteristic must be selected taking into account the volume of work:

  • For home craftsmen, a 1.5 kW machine is enough;
  • if you often use equipment for the production of various large parts, you need 3 kW;
  • for processing solid wood in the manufacture of cabinet furniture - from 5.5 kW.

engine's type

Motors are either stepper or servo. The former are installed in inexpensive machines, but are inferior in accuracy. They are characterized by slight twitching and lack of electronic control. Motors with servo drives greatly increase the cost of the design, but are characterized by maximum smoothness and accuracy.

Method for replacing nozzles

Milling machines allow you to install cutters in different ways. If you don't plan on changing them often, almost any machine will do. If you often change cutters when processing workpieces, it is better to give preference to a device with a so-called magazine, in which several cutters are installed at once. The presence of a magazine is typical for professional or semi-professional class milling machines.

Number of axes

Many home milling machines process workpieces in three axes, but when you need to create a more complex relief on a workpiece, it is better to use equipment with four or five axes. In such milling machines, the working head has greater freedom of movement.

Other important parameters

To choose and buy a milling machine for home use, also be guided by other important parameters and features:

  • equipment brand and price;
  • drive type – belt or direct;
  • operating voltage – 220 or 380 volts;
  • spindle stroke;
  • weight and dimensions of equipment.

With proper use and compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations, even an inexpensive milling machine for the home will last for a long time without a single breakdown.

Types, structure and design features

Tabletop milling machines have several varieties, which differ in design features and functionality. Tabletop machines are compact, easy to operate, low noise, and affordable.

Compact models consist of the same basic components as industrial equipment: bed, spindle, guides and work table. Fastening elements, a control system, and wires are installed on the frame.


Console machines have a similar principle of operation with vertical milling equipment. The spindle in them moves along vertical guides.


In this case, movement occurs along three axes. The portal machine is mounted on a special guide, which is mounted transversely to the table.

Advantages of portable (desktop) equipment

Portable equipment has several distinct advantages:

  1. Takes up a small amount of space. Suitable for small rooms with little free space.
  2. It is possible to perform a variety of technological operations: engraving, milling, drilling and boring, end processing and grooving. The functionality is not much inferior to large industrial models.
  3. The compact model produces less noise and practically does not vibrate.
  4. To connect, a common 220V network is sufficient.
  5. Light weight equipment can be moved around the workshop as needed. The ease of transportation and mobility of the device allow it to be used in the most convenient places. If necessary, you can transport it from one workshop to another at minimal cost.

An important advantage of tabletop machines is their low cost. Now such equipment is used even in large industries. Its only disadvantage is the limited permissible size of processed workpieces, which is an order of magnitude smaller than that of industrial units.

How to choose

There are several main functional features that you should pay attention to when choosing a machine for working in your home workshop. It is important to consider what work will be performed on it, the required size of the work table, the power and speed of the spindle, and the permissible processing speed.


The direction of spindle travel directly depends on their location. Tabletop machines are mainly equipped with sliding guides or a polished shaft, as the most budget option.

Motor power

This parameter determines which metals the master can work with. For workpieces made of hard alloys and high-alloy steel, a more powerful electric motor is used than for working with soft alloys.

Noise level

If the workshop is located at home, then it is important that the noise level from the operating unit does not disturb the neighbors too much. Therefore, it is better to choose equipment with the lowest possible noise level.

Additional and protective devices

Despite the standard design of a tabletop metal milling machine, many models are equipped with additional devices and various safety features. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of protective shields and a system that catches chips.

Cooling system

During the working process, both the cutter itself and the surface of the workpiece are actively heated. Cooling systems can be water or air. If there is no cooling system, the technician will have to regularly stop the equipment to allow it to cool. Otherwise, you may break the tool or damage the workpiece.

Tips and recommendations when choosing machines for business in a garage with Aliexpress

Despite the fact that the machine is a complex piece of equipment, many people buy this product on Aliexpress. However, it is necessary to carefully study the product so that it fully meets its characteristics. Here are some recommendations to help you make the right choice:

  • it is necessary to carefully study the technical specifications to ensure that the machine is suitable;
  • you need to study the power of the device and what kind of plug is provided by the manufacturer, since changing it yourself may be a reason for refusing warranty service;
  • product rating, which must be at least 4.7 stars;
  • supplier reliability must be at least 96.5%;
  • studying the reviews will allow you to understand what difficulties arise when working with the machine and how well it corresponds to the script;
  • Communication with the seller will allow you to get answers to additional questions and evaluate the maintainability of the machine.

Video - TOP 10 machines for business in the garage

Important! If the machine does not work properly, it will need to be sent back for a refund. In this case, it is strongly recommended to discuss in advance with the seller how the return is carried out and at whose expense. Today it is practiced to conclude a bilateral agreement in Russian and English, which allows you to protect yourself from low-quality goods.

When choosing among the machines listed above, you can be sure of their quality; the products have been tested by many customers who left positive feedback. But in order not to depend on ratings, it is necessary to take into account the above recommendations. They will allow you to independently monitor offers and choose the machine that is most suitable for a particular case.

What can you do at home using a universal machine?

The equipment in question helps to perform a variety of technological processes. At home, using a tabletop milling machine, you can process vertical surfaces, stamps, horizontal planes and spiral-type surfaces.

Such equipment is designed to work with all main types of cutters:

  • cylindrical;
  • shaped;
  • end;
  • end

The machine can also carry out drilling with various types of drills and boring holes to the required diameter. Using desktop equipment, you can make gears, cut grooves, corners, and frame elements of various designs.

Voting for the best machine with Aliexpress

Which machine would you choose or recommend on Aliexpress?


22.22% ( 2 )

CNC 3018 Pro

11.11% ( 1 )


0.00% ( 0 )

Rabotec RT-1325BR-T1

11.11% ( 1 )

HL 1060

0.00% ( 0 )


0.00% ( 0 )

YunlinLi MJ10

11.11% ( 1 )

Rabotec TJ-1390Itvs

0.00% ( 0 )

GUYX G2-265

0.00% ( 0 )


0.00% ( 0 )


0.00% ( 0 )


0.00% ( 0 )

TwoWin 3000mw laser engraver

0.00% ( 0 )

CNC 3040

11.11% ( 1 )

NEJE Master 25 Max

22.22% ( 2 )

Recommendations for use in a home workshop

To operate a tabletop metal milling machine safely and efficiently, you must know all the features of the work process and follow safety regulations.

  1. The cutters should be changed only when the device is disconnected from the network.
  2. Check the wiring connections strictly before starting the unit.
  3. Regularly clean the guides of chips and the work table.
  4. Lubricate all moving structures with engine oil.
  5. When working, use safety glasses to avoid getting chips in your eyes.
  6. If there is no cooling system on the equipment, the cutter must be allowed to rest during intensive work.
  7. The workpiece or workpiece must be positioned before starting the engine. In this case, it is necessary to check the reliability of the clamps before starting to operate the spindle.

The use of blunt instruments is also prohibited. All cutters must be sharp and sharpened regularly. This will reduce the load on the equipment and help avoid equipment breakage and damage to the workpiece; find out in detail what types of cutters are available. If the device has low power, then it cannot process hard alloys. This may cause equipment damage. By following all the rules for operating the device, you can achieve maximum efficiency and productivity.

A tabletop metal milling machine is a versatile and economical piece of equipment that can be used both in a home workshop and on an industrial scale. When choosing, it is important to focus on the required performance, and during operation, follow all safety rules. The desktop type machine does not produce much noise, takes up little space and at the same time has a wide range of capabilities with minimal energy consumption.

Popular models

Aliexpress has a large number of different machines. They all differ in power, scope, quality, and so on. Before choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:

  • performance;
  • manufacturer;
  • duration of the warranty;
  • method of fulfilling warranty obligations;
  • delivery method and cost.

These are the main nuances that need to be taken into account when buying a machine on Aliexpress. Below are the most popular and reliable models that have proven themselves to be excellent. They are often used as a start to their own business and in existing enterprises.

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